path: root/packaging-tools/README
diff options
authorIikka Eklund <iikka.eklund@theqtcompany.com>2016-05-04 15:13:01 +0300
committerIikka Eklund <iikka.eklund@qt.io>2016-08-24 10:48:03 +0000
commit9bd631343a3029371bb243f310b65c11e72c1eae (patch)
tree2b54fb0abd844e6bdcfd9edf481429ebb52d3ed4 /packaging-tools/README
parentd867b25fcf114d8711fb9927413984e6344542a3 (diff)
Add documentation how to create online installer and repositories
Task-number: QTAUTO-138 Change-Id: I0b5c9e53a99e408332b23e2c46bd76caa36e5597 Reviewed-by: Dominik Holland <dominik.holland@pelagicore.com> Reviewed-by: Katja Marttila <katja.marttila@qt.io> Reviewed-by: Antti Kokko <antti.kokko@qt.io>
Diffstat (limited to 'packaging-tools/README')
1 files changed, 821 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/packaging-tools/README b/packaging-tools/README
index 9eb5eff3f..92d35edce 100644
--- a/packaging-tools/README
+++ b/packaging-tools/README
@@ -543,3 +543,824 @@
- configuration file for building Qt Installer-Framework
+6. Examples for creating installers and online repositories
+ For a complete online setup the following is needed:
+ 1) A server hosting the online repositories
+ Https protocol support is optional but preferred.
+ 2) Online installer
+ - See 6.1.1 and 6.1.2 how to create online installer
+ 3) Create online repositories
+ - See 6.1.3 and examples below
+ - Preferably automatise the online repository upload to testing/production
+ environments
+6.1 Build online installer and online repositories with given content
+6.1.1 Build IFW tool package
+ > python bld_ifw_tools.py
+ It uses the default options. To customize e.g. used Qt src package or Qt configure options
+ run the script with "--help".
+ This will create an archive containing all the tools required for the rest of the steps.
+ packaging-tools/ifw_build_artifacts/installer-framework-build-linux-x64.7z
+ packaging-tools/ifw_build_artifacts/installerbase-linux-x64.7z
+6.1.2 Create online installer
+ To create customized online installer you need:
+ 1) Address where your online repository is hosted
+ 2) Customized graphics (E.g. company logo)
+ This is defined in the config.xml file.
+ The qtsdk provides some templates which can be used as an example.
+ Open: packaging-tools/configurations/linux/config.xml.template.linux-x64.qt5-sdk
+ Documentation for all settings there can be found here: https://doc.qt.io/qtinstallerframework/ifw-globalconfig.html
+ The important part here is to define the correct remote repository where your online repository resides.
+ Flexible approach is the define only one remote root respository here. E.g.
+ https://my.company.com/online/qtsdkrepository/linux_x64/root/
+ Then under this path Updates.xml should exist. In this Updates.xml you can add the actual payload repositories.
+ For example see:
+ http://download.qt.io/online/qtsdkrepository/linux_x64/root/qt/Updates.xml
+ When all the settings in your config.xml are in place:
+ > python create_installer.py <options>
+ --online (will create online installer instance)
+ --ifw-tools=/home/foobar/dev/qtsdk/packaging-tools/ifw_build_artifacts/installer-framework-build-linux-x64.7z (this is the one you built in step 6.1.1)
+ -c /home/foobar/qtsdk/packaging-tools/configurations (base path for all configuration files)
+ -f /home/foobar/qtsdk/packaging-tools/configurations/online_installer_jobs/unifiedqt/linux_x64_online (main configuration file)
+ --preferred-installer-name=my-installer-name
+ --add-substitution=@SRC_ARCHIVE_TYPE@=tar.gz (search and substitute this in configuration files)
+ --add-substitution=@SOME_VERSION_NUMBER_IN_CONF_FILES@=1.2.3 (search and substitute this in configuration files)
+ -u http://<my_network_drive>/some/base/path/ (base path where the script will look for payload if needed)
+ For custom projects you can crete dedicated directory (repository) where you put your own configuration files. Use the same structure as used in qtsdk.git.
+ The configuration files in the qtsdk.git point into payload using relative paths. For example see:
+ packaging-tools/configurations/linux/x64/56/x86_64-qt56-gcc-conf
+ See "archive_uri:" part. The script will first check if that is an absolute path e.g. is the file residing on file system. If not then it will pre-pend the value of "-u" (see above)
+ to the path. The configuration files in qtsdk.git mostly use relative paths and by "-u" the installer is able to locate the files from the network disk where all build artifacts
+ are saved.
+ Note! If you rebuild the IFW meanwhile and want to use the new version, delete "packaging-tools/ifwt" directory, the script unpacks the archive given by "--ifw-tools" into this directory
+ and uses it from there if the directory exists.
+6.1.3 Create online repository
+ Easiest way to start is to open for example: "packaging-tools/configurations/repository_configs/desktop_qt5/linux_x64_repository_56" and edit for your needs.
+ The important parts:
+ "file_list:" comma separated list of additional configuration files residing under "-c" (see example above)
+ "template_dirs:" comma separated list where to search for actual installer-framework pkg templates (these contain the package.xml and installscript.qs files)
+ When you have the configuration files and pkg templates set:
+ > python create_installer.py <options>
+ --create-repo
+ --ifw-tools=/home/foobar/dev/qtsdk/packaging-tools/ifw_build_artifacts/installer-framework-build-linux-x64.7z (this is the one you built in step 6.1.1)
+ -c /home/foobar/qtsdk/packaging-tools/configurations
+ -f /home/foobar/qtsdk/packaging-tools/configurations/repository_configs/desktop_qt5/linux_x64_repository_56
+ -u http://<my_network_drive>/some/base/path/
+ --add-substitution=@SRC_ARCHIVE_TYPE@=tar.gz (search and substitute this in configuration files)
+ --add-substitution=@SOME_VERSION_NUMBER_IN_CONF_FILES@=1.2.3 (search and substitute this in configuration files)
+ The generated online repository will end up into:
+ /packaging-tools/repository
+ To make this available to online users you need to:
+ 1) Upload this somewhere under your domain, e.g.: https://my.company.com/online/qtsdkrepository/linux_x64/<my_repo_name>
+ 2) Add this repo into root Updates.xml, e.g.: https://my.company.com/online/qtsdkrepository/linux_x64/root/Updates.xml (see http://download.qt.io/online/qtsdkrepository/linux_x64/root/qt/Updates.xml)
+6.1.4 Simplified example
+ 1) Create network drive where to put all binary content (payload for the online repositories)
+ http://mycompany.intranet/packaging
+ 2) Establish public(?) domain for the releasable online content
+ http(s)://mycompany.com/online/repository/linux_x64
+ 3) Create IFW tools
+ > python bld_ifw_tools.py
+ 4) Create root online repository
+ > python create_installer.py
+ --create-repo
+ --ifw-tools=/home/foobar/qtsdk/packaging-tools/ifw_build_artifacts/installer-framework-build-linux-x64.7z
+ -c /home/foobar/qtsdk/packaging-tools/configurations
+ -f /home/foobar/qtsdk/packaging-tools/configurations/repository_configs/tools_desktop/mycompany_example_root_repository
+ -u http://mycompany.intranet/packaging (Usually theroot component does not require any payload but the script requires this parameter)
+ -> Upload the root repository from packaging-tools/repository e.g. into:
+ http(s)://mycompany.com/online/repository/linux_x64/root/
+ 5) Build binary artifacts for product "foobar 1.2.3"
+ Upload the binary artifacts into:
+ http://mycompany.intranet/packaging/foobar/123/
+ 6) Create online repository for product "foobar" with version 1.2.3
+ > python create_installer.py
+ --create-repo
+ --ifw-tools=/home/foobar/qtsdk/packaging-tools/ifw_build_artifacts/installer-framework-build-linux-x64.7z
+ -c /home/foobar/qtsdk/packaging-tools/configurations
+ -f /home/foobar/qtsdk/packaging-tools/configurations/repository_configs/desktop_qt5/linux_x64_repository_mycompany_foobar_123
+ -u http://mycompany.intranet/packaging (Usually theroot component does not require any payload but the script requires this parameter)
+ Note! Edit the "linux_x64_repository_mycompany_foobar_123" file so that the relative paths point into correct
+ files under: http://mycompany.intranet/packaging/foobar/123/
+ -> Upload the online repository into e.g.
+ http(s)://mycompany.com/online/repository/linux_x64/foobar_123
+ -> Edit http(s)://mycompany.com/online/repository/linux_x64/root/Updates.xml
+ <RepositoryUpdate>
+ <Repository action="add" url="http(s)://mycompany.com/online/repository/linux_x64/foobar_123" displayname="FooBar 1.2.3 online repository"/>
+ </RepositoryUpdate>
+ 7) Further notes
+ - When updating online content make sure the payload (.7z files) is in sync before updating metadata (Updates.xml) files.
+ If you upload them both at the same time the metadata may be in sync (visible to users) before the actual payload. This will
+ result in an error when using the installer when it verifies the content.
+ If you update existing online content the above becomes even more important.
+6.2.0 Qt 5.6 Linux examples
+ Below an example how to produce all Qt5.6 related online repositories for Linux x64.
+ This example assumes that the actual binary content is availbale under $PAYLOAD_SERVER_HTTP_BASE (see below).
+ 1) Run step 6.1.1 (Build IFW tool package)
+ 2) Create repositories
+ export IFW_TOOLS=/home/qtsdk/packaging-tools/ifw_build_artifacts/installer-framework-build-linux-x64.7z
+ export CONF_BASE_DIR=/home/qtsdk/packaging-tools/configurations
+ export PAYLOAD_SERVER_HTTP_BASE=http://mycompany.intranet/packaging
+ > python --create-repo -u $PAYLOAD_SERVER_HTTP_BASE --ifw-tools=$IFW_TOOLS -c $CONF_BASE_DIR -f $CONF_BASE_DIR/repository_configs/desktop_qt5/linux_x64_repository_56
+ > python --create-repo -u $PAYLOAD_SERVER_HTTP_BASE --ifw-tools=$IFW_TOOLS -c $CONF_BASE_DIR -f $CONF_BASE_DIR/repository_configs/desktop_qt5/repository_56_src_doc_examples
+ > python --create-repo -u $PAYLOAD_SERVER_HTTP_BASE --ifw-tools=$IFW_TOOLS -c $CONF_BASE_DIR -f $CONF_BASE_DIR/repository_configs/android_qt5/linux_x64_android_repository_56
+ After creating each invidual repository one needs to copy it into production or testing environment so that the content is visible under some http(s) address.
+ For example:
+ http(s)://mycompany.com/online/repository/linux_x64/desktop/qt5_56
+ http(s)://mycompany.com/online/repository/linux_x64/desktop/qt5_src_doc_examples
+ http(s)://mycompany.com/online/repository/linux_x64/android/qt5_56
+7 Building binary packages i.e. payload for the installers/online repositories
+7.1 Create qt source package(s)
+ 1) Check out the qt source code from preferred branch/tag
+ /home/builder/work/qt5
+ 2) Create source packages
+ > packaging-tools/mksrc.sh -u /home/builder/work/qt5 -v 5.5.2 -m -N -l opensource -i qtdocgallery -i qtfeedback -i qtjsondb -i qtpim -i qtqa -i qtrepotools -i qtsystems
+ (see mksrc.sh -h for details)
+ In the online repository example 6.2.0 above it was expected that the src packages reside on the network disk ($PAYLOAD_SERVER_HTTP_BASE).
+ So after this step the source packages would be uploaded to the network disk.
+ 3) Build binary package
+ Note! Building the various targets requires to set up the build machine environment properly for each target (RHEL, MinGW, MSVC_XXXX, OSX, Android, IOS, WINRT, ...).
+ > python mkqt5bld.py <options>
+ --src-url=
+ --make_cmd=make # e.g. "jom" or "mingw-make" can be used on windows
+ --jobs=<cpu count>
+ --ignore=<qt module name which you want to ignore> # use for each excluded module separately
+ --configure=<configure options used for the build>
+ --prefix=<prefix for the qt build>
+ --module-separate-install-list=<comma separated list> # E.g. if you want to split qt3d as a separate binary package from the main qt binary package
+ Upload the binary archive into network drive.
+ 4) Example layout of the network disk how binary packages are structured. Note that the installer configuration files refer to this directory/filename structure.
+ <network storage base path>/qt/5.5.1/latest
+ .
+ ├── android_armv5
+ │   ├── linux_x64
+ │   │   ├── qt5_addons.7z
+ │   │   ├── qt5_essentials.7z
+ │   │   ├── qt5_qt3d.7z
+ │   │   ├── qt5_qtcanvas3d.7z
+ │   │   ├── qt5_qtlocation.7z
+ │   │   ├── qt5_qtpositioning.7z
+ │   │   ├── qt5_qtquick1.7z
+ │   │   ├── qt5_qtquickcontrols.7z
+ │   │   └── qt5_qtscript.7z
+ │   ├── linux_x86
+ │   │   ├── qt5_addons.7z
+ │   │   ├── qt5_essentials.7z
+ │   │   ├── qt5_qt3d.7z
+ │   │   ├── qt5_qtcanvas3d.7z
+ │   │   ├── qt5_qtlocation.7z
+ │   │   ├── qt5_qtpositioning.7z
+ │   │   ├── qt5_qtquick1.7z
+ │   │   ├── qt5_qtquickcontrols.7z
+ │   │   └── qt5_qtscript.7z
+ │   ├── mac_x64
+ │   │   ├── qt5_addons.7z
+ │   │   ├── qt5_essentials.7z
+ │   │   ├── qt5_qt3d.7z
+ │   │   ├── qt5_qtcanvas3d.7z
+ │   │   ├── qt5_qtlocation.7z
+ │   │   ├── qt5_qtpositioning.7z
+ │   │   ├── qt5_qtquick1.7z
+ │   │   ├── qt5_qtquickcontrols.7z
+ │   │   └── qt5_qtscript.7z
+ │   └── mingw_x86
+ │   ├── qt5_addons.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_essentials.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qt3d.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qtcanvas3d.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qtlocation.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qtpositioning.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qtquick1.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qtquickcontrols.7z
+ │   └── qt5_qtscript.7z
+ ├── android_armv7
+ │   ├── linux_x64
+ │   │   ├── qt5_addons.7z
+ │   │   ├── qt5_essentials.7z
+ │   │   ├── qt5_qt3d.7z
+ │   │   ├── qt5_qtcanvas3d.7z
+ │   │   ├── qt5_qtlocation.7z
+ │   │   ├── qt5_qtpositioning.7z
+ │   │   ├── qt5_qtquick1.7z
+ │   │   ├── qt5_qtquickcontrols.7z
+ │   │   └── qt5_qtscript.7z
+ │   ├── linux_x86
+ │   │   ├── qt5_addons.7z
+ │   │   ├── qt5_essentials.7z
+ │   │   ├── qt5_qt3d.7z
+ │   │   ├── qt5_qtcanvas3d.7z
+ │   │   ├── qt5_qtlocation.7z
+ │   │   ├── qt5_qtpositioning.7z
+ │   │   ├── qt5_qtquick1.7z
+ │   │   ├── qt5_qtquickcontrols.7z
+ │   │   └── qt5_qtscript.7z
+ │   ├── mac_x64
+ │   │   ├── qt5_addons.7z
+ │   │   ├── qt5_essentials.7z
+ │   │   ├── qt5_qt3d.7z
+ │   │   ├── qt5_qtcanvas3d.7z
+ │   │   ├── qt5_qtlocation.7z
+ │   │   ├── qt5_qtpositioning.7z
+ │   │   ├── qt5_qtquick1.7z
+ │   │   ├── qt5_qtquickcontrols.7z
+ │   │   └── qt5_qtscript.7z
+ │   └── mingw_x86
+ │   ├── qt5_addons.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_essentials.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qt3d.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qtcanvas3d.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qtlocation.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qtpositioning.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qtquick1.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qtquickcontrols.7z
+ │   └── qt5_qtscript.7z
+ ├── android_x86
+ │   ├── linux_x64
+ │   │   ├── qt5_addons.7z
+ │   │   ├── qt5_essentials.7z
+ │   │   ├── qt5_qt3d.7z
+ │   │   ├── qt5_qtcanvas3d.7z
+ │   │   ├── qt5_qtlocation.7z
+ │   │   ├── qt5_qtpositioning.7z
+ │   │   ├── qt5_qtquick1.7z
+ │   │   ├── qt5_qtquickcontrols.7z
+ │   │   └── qt5_qtscript.7z
+ │   ├── linux_x86
+ │   │   ├── qt5_addons.7z
+ │   │   ├── qt5_essentials.7z
+ │   │   ├── qt5_qt3d.7z
+ │   │   ├── qt5_qtcanvas3d.7z
+ │   │   ├── qt5_qtlocation.7z
+ │   │   ├── qt5_qtpositioning.7z
+ │   │   ├── qt5_qtquick1.7z
+ │   │   ├── qt5_qtquickcontrols.7z
+ │   │   └── qt5_qtscript.7z
+ │   ├── mac_x64
+ │   │   ├── qt5_addons.7z
+ │   │   ├── qt5_essentials.7z
+ │   │   ├── qt5_qt3d.7z
+ │   │   ├── qt5_qtcanvas3d.7z
+ │   │   ├── qt5_qtlocation.7z
+ │   │   ├── qt5_qtpositioning.7z
+ │   │   ├── qt5_qtquick1.7z
+ │   │   ├── qt5_qtquickcontrols.7z
+ │   │   └── qt5_qtscript.7z
+ │   └── mingw_x86
+ │   ├── qt5_addons.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_essentials.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qt3d.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qtcanvas3d.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qtlocation.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qtpositioning.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qtquick1.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qtquickcontrols.7z
+ │   └── qt5_qtscript.7z
+ ├── ios
+ │   └── mac_x64
+ │   ├── qt5_addons.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_docs.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_essentials.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qt3d.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qtcanvas3d.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qtlocation.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qtpositioning.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qtquick1.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qtquickcontrols.7z
+ │   └── qt5_qtscript.7z
+ ├── linux_gcc_32_rhel66
+ │   ├── qt5_addons.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_docs.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_essentials.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qt3d.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qtcanvas3d.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qtlocation.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qtpositioning.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qtquick1.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qtquickcontrols.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qtscript.7z
+ │   └── qt5_qtwebengine.7z
+ ├── linux_gcc_64_rhel66
+ │   ├── qt5_addons.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_docs.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_essentials.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qt3d.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qtcanvas3d.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qtlocation.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qtpositioning.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qtquick1.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qtquickcontrols.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qtscript.7z
+ │   └── qt5_qtwebengine.7z
+ ├── mac_x64
+ │   ├── qt5_addons.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_docs.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_essentials.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qt3d.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qtcanvas3d.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qtlocation.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qtpositioning.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qtquick1.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qtquickcontrols.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qtscript.7z
+ │   └── qt5_qtwebengine.7z
+ ├── src
+ │   ├── doc
+ │   │   └── qt5_docs.7z
+ │   ├── examples_injection
+ │   │   └── qt5_examples.7z
+ │   ├── single
+ │   │   ├── qt-everywhere-opensource-src-
+ │   │   ├── qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.gz
+ │   │   ├── qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.xz
+ │   │   └── qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.5.1.zip
+ │   └── submodules
+ │   ├── qt3d-opensource-src-
+ │   ├── qt3d-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.gz
+ │   ├── qt3d-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.xz
+ │   ├── qt3d-opensource-src-5.5.1.zip
+ │   ├── qt5-opensource-src-
+ │   ├── qt5-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.gz
+ │   ├── qt5-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.xz
+ │   ├── qt5-opensource-src-5.5.1.zip
+ │   ├── qtactiveqt-opensource-src-
+ │   ├── qtactiveqt-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.gz
+ │   ├── qtactiveqt-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.xz
+ │   ├── qtactiveqt-opensource-src-5.5.1.zip
+ │   ├── qtandroidextras-opensource-src-
+ │   ├── qtandroidextras-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.gz
+ │   ├── qtandroidextras-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.xz
+ │   ├── qtandroidextras-opensource-src-5.5.1.zip
+ │   ├── qtbase-opensource-src-
+ │   ├── qtbase-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.gz
+ │   ├── qtbase-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.xz
+ │   ├── qtbase-opensource-src-5.5.1.zip
+ │   ├── qtcanvas3d-opensource-src-
+ │   ├── qtcanvas3d-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.gz
+ │   ├── qtcanvas3d-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.xz
+ │   ├── qtcanvas3d-opensource-src-5.5.1.zip
+ │   ├── qtconnectivity-opensource-src-
+ │   ├── qtconnectivity-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.gz
+ │   ├── qtconnectivity-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.xz
+ │   ├── qtconnectivity-opensource-src-5.5.1.zip
+ │   ├── qtdeclarative-opensource-src-
+ │   ├── qtdeclarative-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.gz
+ │   ├── qtdeclarative-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.xz
+ │   ├── qtdeclarative-opensource-src-5.5.1.zip
+ │   ├── qtdoc-opensource-src-
+ │   ├── qtdoc-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.gz
+ │   ├── qtdoc-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.xz
+ │   ├── qtdoc-opensource-src-5.5.1.zip
+ │   ├── qtenginio-opensource-src-
+ │   ├── qtenginio-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.gz
+ │   ├── qtenginio-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.xz
+ │   ├── qtenginio-opensource-src-5.5.1.zip
+ │   ├── qtgraphicaleffects-opensource-src-
+ │   ├── qtgraphicaleffects-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.gz
+ │   ├── qtgraphicaleffects-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.xz
+ │   ├── qtgraphicaleffects-opensource-src-5.5.1.zip
+ │   ├── qtimageformats-opensource-src-
+ │   ├── qtimageformats-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.gz
+ │   ├── qtimageformats-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.xz
+ │   ├── qtimageformats-opensource-src-5.5.1.zip
+ │   ├── qtlocation-opensource-src-
+ │   ├── qtlocation-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.gz
+ │   ├── qtlocation-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.xz
+ │   ├── qtlocation-opensource-src-5.5.1.zip
+ │   ├── qtmacextras-opensource-src-
+ │   ├── qtmacextras-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.gz
+ │   ├── qtmacextras-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.xz
+ │   ├── qtmacextras-opensource-src-5.5.1.zip
+ │   ├── qtmultimedia-opensource-src-
+ │   ├── qtmultimedia-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.gz
+ │   ├── qtmultimedia-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.xz
+ │   ├── qtmultimedia-opensource-src-5.5.1.zip
+ │   ├── qtquick1-opensource-src-
+ │   ├── qtquick1-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.gz
+ │   ├── qtquick1-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.xz
+ │   ├── qtquick1-opensource-src-5.5.1.zip
+ │   ├── qtquickcontrols-opensource-src-
+ │   ├── qtquickcontrols-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.gz
+ │   ├── qtquickcontrols-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.xz
+ │   ├── qtquickcontrols-opensource-src-5.5.1.zip
+ │   ├── qtscript-opensource-src-
+ │   ├── qtscript-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.gz
+ │   ├── qtscript-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.xz
+ │   ├── qtscript-opensource-src-5.5.1.zip
+ │   ├── qtsensors-opensource-src-
+ │   ├── qtsensors-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.gz
+ │   ├── qtsensors-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.xz
+ │   ├── qtsensors-opensource-src-5.5.1.zip
+ │   ├── qtserialport-opensource-src-
+ │   ├── qtserialport-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.gz
+ │   ├── qtserialport-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.xz
+ │   ├── qtserialport-opensource-src-5.5.1.zip
+ │   ├── qtsvg-opensource-src-
+ │   ├── qtsvg-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.gz
+ │   ├── qtsvg-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.xz
+ │   ├── qtsvg-opensource-src-5.5.1.zip
+ │   ├── qttools-opensource-src-
+ │   ├── qttools-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.gz
+ │   ├── qttools-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.xz
+ │   ├── qttools-opensource-src-5.5.1.zip
+ │   ├── qttranslations-opensource-src-
+ │   ├── qttranslations-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.gz
+ │   ├── qttranslations-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.xz
+ │   ├── qttranslations-opensource-src-5.5.1.zip
+ │   ├── qtwayland-opensource-src-
+ │   ├── qtwayland-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.gz
+ │   ├── qtwayland-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.xz
+ │   ├── qtwayland-opensource-src-5.5.1.zip
+ │   ├── qtwebchannel-opensource-src-
+ │   ├── qtwebchannel-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.gz
+ │   ├── qtwebchannel-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.xz
+ │   ├── qtwebchannel-opensource-src-5.5.1.zip
+ │   ├── qtwebengine-opensource-src-
+ │   ├── qtwebengine-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.gz
+ │   ├── qtwebengine-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.xz
+ │   ├── qtwebengine-opensource-src-5.5.1.zip
+ │   ├── qtwebkit-examples-opensource-src-
+ │   ├── qtwebkit-examples-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.gz
+ │   ├── qtwebkit-examples-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.xz
+ │   ├── qtwebkit-examples-opensource-src-5.5.1.zip
+ │   ├── qtwebkit-opensource-src-
+ │   ├── qtwebkit-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.gz
+ │   ├── qtwebkit-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.xz
+ │   ├── qtwebkit-opensource-src-5.5.1.zip
+ │   ├── qtwebsockets-opensource-src-
+ │   ├── qtwebsockets-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.gz
+ │   ├── qtwebsockets-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.xz
+ │   ├── qtwebsockets-opensource-src-5.5.1.zip
+ │   ├── qtwinextras-opensource-src-
+ │   ├── qtwinextras-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.gz
+ │   ├── qtwinextras-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.xz
+ │   ├── qtwinextras-opensource-src-5.5.1.zip
+ │   ├── qtx11extras-opensource-src-
+ │   ├── qtx11extras-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.gz
+ │   ├── qtx11extras-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.xz
+ │   ├── qtx11extras-opensource-src-5.5.1.zip
+ │   ├── qtxmlpatterns-opensource-src-
+ │   ├── qtxmlpatterns-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.gz
+ │   ├── qtxmlpatterns-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.xz
+ │   └── qtxmlpatterns-opensource-src-5.5.1.zip
+ ├── windows_mingw492_x86
+ │   ├── qt5_addons.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_docs.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_essentials.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qt3d.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qtcanvas3d.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qtlocation.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qtpositioning.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qtquick1.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qtquickcontrols.7z
+ │   └── qt5_qtscript.7z
+ ├── windows_vs2010_32
+ │   ├── qt5_addons.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_docs.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_essentials.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qt3d.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qtcanvas3d.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qtlocation.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qtpositioning.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qtquick1.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qtquickcontrols.7z
+ │   └── qt5_qtscript.7z
+ ├── windows_vs2012_32
+ │   ├── qt5_addons.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_docs.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_essentials.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qt3d.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qtcanvas3d.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qtlocation.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qtpositioning.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qtquick1.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qtquickcontrols.7z
+ │   └── qt5_qtscript.7z
+ ├── windows_vs2013_32
+ │   ├── qt5_addons.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_docs.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_essentials.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qt3d.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qtcanvas3d.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qtlocation.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qtpositioning.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qtquick1.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qtquickcontrols.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qtscript.7z
+ │   └── qt5_qtwebengine.7z
+ ├── windows_vs2013_64
+ │   ├── qt5_addons.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_docs.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_essentials.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qt3d.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qtcanvas3d.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qtlocation.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qtpositioning.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qtquick1.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qtquickcontrols.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qtscript.7z
+ │   └── qt5_qtwebengine.7z
+ ├── windows_vs2013_winrt_x64
+ │   ├── qt5_addons.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_docs.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_essentials.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qt3d.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qtcanvas3d.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qtlocation.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qtpositioning.7z
+ │   └── qt5_qtquickcontrols.7z
+ └── winphone81
+ ├── arm
+ │   ├── qt5_addons.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_docs.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_essentials.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qt3d.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qtcanvas3d.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qtlocation.7z
+ │   ├── qt5_qtpositioning.7z
+ │   └── qt5_qtquickcontrols.7z
+ └── x86
+ ├── qt5_addons.7z
+ ├── qt5_docs.7z
+ ├── qt5_essentials.7z
+ ├── qt5_qt3d.7z
+ ├── qt5_qtcanvas3d.7z
+ ├── qt5_qtlocation.7z
+ ├── qt5_qtpositioning.7z
+ └── qt5_qtquickcontrols.7z
+8 build_wrapper.py
+ For more complete build management there exists 'build_wrapper.py' which takes care of most of the build steps.
+ Note that this script is used in conjunction with Jenkins (https://jenkins.io/) but should work with other systems as well with minor modifications.
+ The 'build_wrapper.py' handles the overall build flow in steps:
+ 1) Init step
+ - Creates directory structure on network disk (or local host if chosen)
+ 2) Src package creation step
+ - Creates src packages and uploads them to the network drive
+ 3) Binary build step
+ - Builds the binary package and uploads them to the network drive
+ 4) Offline installer build step
+ - Creates offline installers and uploads them to the network drive
+ 5) Online repository build step
+ - Creates online repositories and triggers online repository update (usually staging/test server)
+ In Jenkins each step is a separate job and after successful execution of the step it triggers the next step.
+ Failed step can be re-run without the needs starting from the beginning.
+ If building multiple targets then the steps 3-5 can be executed in parallel in Jenkins.
+ Simplified example flow:
+ 1-->2-->3 (Linux gcc_64 binaries) --> 4 (Linux gcc_64 offline installer)
+ | L-> 5 (Linux gcc_64 online repository)
+ |->3 (OSX clang binaries) --> 4 (OSX clang offline installer)
+ | L-> 5 (OSX clang online repository)
+ |->3 (Win 7 binaries) --> 4 (Win 7 offline installer)
+ | L-> 5 (Win 7 online repository)
+ 8.1 Environment
+ Package storage server / network drive where the build artifacts are to be uploaded by the 'build_wrapper.py'
+ - ssh access (no passwd prompt) from build slaves to the server
+ - http(s) access into network drive for the build artifacts
+ Online repository test/staging server
+ - ssh access (no passwd prompt) from build slaves to the server
+ - http(s) access into network drive -> accessible by the (test) online installers
+ Each build agent should have the following environment setup:
+ LICENSE opensource|enterprise
+ PACKAGE_STORAGE_SERVER Name of the packaging server
+ PACKAGE_STORAGE_SERVER_USER Username for accessing the packaging server
+ PACKAGE_STORAGE_SERVER_BASE_DIR Base path on the package storage under which all build artifacts reside
+ PKG_NODE_ROOT Base working directory, qtsdk.git and the rest should be under this base directory
+ For each Qt version a top level configuration file
+ 8.2 Build
+ 1) Init step
+ export RELEASE_DESCRIPTION_FILE=<your_qtsdk_checkout_dir>/packaging-tools/releases/release-55
+ Output:
+ $PACKAGE_STORAGE_SERVER:$PACKAGE_STORAGE_SERVER_BASE_DIR/qt/5.5/latest # symlink to above directory, installer configs always point into "latest" snapshot dir
+ mycompany-file-server:/some_base_path_here/qt/5.5/90837356
+ mycompany-file-server:/some_base_path_here/qt/5.5/latest
+ 2) Create Qt src package
+ export RELEASE_DESCRIPTION_FILE=<your_qtsdk_checkout_dir>/packaging-tools/releases/release-55
+ export QT5_GIT_MIRROR=<where to pull qt5 sources>
+ export cfg=linux-g++-Rhel6.6-x64 # Note! See 8.3 about build node labels
+ Output:
+ mycompany-file-server:/some_base_path_here/qt/5.5/90837356/src/single/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.gz (+ .7z, .tar.gz, .zip)
+ mycompany-file-server:/some_base_path_here/qt/5.5/90837356/src/submodules/...
+ 3) Create Qt binary packages
+ export RELEASE_BUILD_QT_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS_FILE=<your_qtsdk_checkout_dir>/packaging-tools/releases/release-55
+ export RELEASE_DESCRIPTION_FILE=<your_qtsdk_checkout_dir>/packaging-tools/releases/release-55
+ export cfg=linux-g++-Rhel6.6-x64 # Note! See 8.3 about build node labels
+ Output:
+ mycompany-file-server:/some_base_path_here/qt/5.5/90837356/linux_gcc_64_rhel66/qt5_addons.7z
+ qt5_docs.7z
+ qt5_essentials.7z
+ qt5_qtquick1.7z
+ qt5_qtscript.7z
+ qt5_qtwebengine.7z
+ qt5_qtwebkit.7z
+ 4) Create Qt offline installer
+ export RELEASE_DESCRIPTION_FILE=<your_qtsdk_checkout_dir>/packaging-tools/releases/release-55
+ export cfg=linux-g++-Rhel6.6-x64 # Note! See 8.3 about build node labels
+ Output:
+ mycompany-file-server:/some_base_path_here/qt/5.5.1/installers/latest_available/qt-opensource-linux-x64-5.6.1_<running_snapshot_number>.run
+ 5) Create online repositories
+ For online repository test server:
+ PKG_STAGING_SERVER # E.g. "mycompany.online.test.server"
+ PKG_STAGING_SERVER_UNAME # E.g. "qt-builder"
+ STAGING_SRV_ONLINE_REPO_BASE_PATH # E.g. "/data/online/mycompany_sdk"
+ REPO_STAGING_SERVER_HOME # Home directory under which it expects to find qtsdk.git clone. To perform online repository
+ updates remotely it needs additional scripts
+ E.g. "/home/qt-builder/qtsdk"
+ For production online server 'pending area'
+ PROD_ADDR # E.g. master.mycompany.com
+ PROD_USER # E.g. "qt-builder"
+ PROD_SRV_REPO_BASE_PATH # E.g. /data/production/online/mycompany_qtsdk
+ PROD_SRV_REPO_PENDING_AREA_DIR # E.g. /data/pending_content_for_online_production_updates
+ PACKAGE_STORAGE_SERVER_PATH_HTTP # E.g. "http://mycompany.intranet/packaging" <- under this the Qt binary artifacts are downloaded for the installers
+ IFW_TOOLS_BASE_URL # E.g. "http://mycompany.intranet/packaging/installer-framework/" <- expects to find 'installer-framework-build-linux-x64.7z' here
+ CONFIGURATIONS_FILE_BASE_DIR # "/work/build/qtsdk/packaging-tools/configurations" <- depending where it is cloned on the build slave
+ export RELEASE_DESCRIPTION_FILE=<your_qtsdk_checkout_dir>/packaging-tools/releases/release-55
+ export cfg=linux-g++-Rhel6.6-x64 # Note! See 8.3 about build node labels
+ python build_wrapper.py -c repo_build -l $LICENSE -e $cfg
+ Output:
+ Staging/test server:
+ http://mycompany.online.test.server/mycompany_sdk/linux_x64/desktop/qt5_55/<REPO CONTENT>
+ http://mycompany.online.test.server/mycompany_sdk/linux_x64/desktop/qt5_55_src_doc_examples/<REPO CONTENT>
+ Production server:
+ master.mycompany.com:/data/pending_content_for_online_production_updates/mycompany_sdk/linux_x64/desktop/qt5_55/<REPO CONTENT>
+ master.mycompany.com:/data/pending_content_for_online_production_updates/mycompany_sdk/linux_x64/desktop/qt5_55_src_doc_examples/<REPO CONTENT>
+ 8.3 Build node labels
+ The release description file, e.g. packaging-tools/releases/release-55, has all Qt configure options defined for all targets.
+ Let's see an example from the above file:
+ [release.qt.configure_options.linux]
+ build_node_labels: linux-g++-Rhel6.6-x86, linux-g++-Rhel6.6-x64
+ configure_options: -opensource -confirm-license -debug-and-release -release -nomake tests -nomake examples -qt-zlib
+ -qt-libjpeg -qt-libpng -qt-xcb -sysconfdir /etc/xdg -plugin-sql-mysql -plugin-sql-psql -plugin-sql-sqlite
+ -openssl -no-libudev -icu -no-egl
+ The section name 'release.qt.configure_options.linux' can be anything as long it:
+ - is unique
+ - starts with "release.qt.configure_options" keyword
+ The "build_node_labels" matches the the agent labels in Jenkins based build system.
+ Each build slave has a label and that label is set into environment variable called "cfg". In the above examples you could see the "$cfg" being used.
+ By this we tell the 'build_wrapper.py' to pick correct Qt configure options when it is running on a particular build slave.
+ The "configure_options" defines the Qt configure options used when making the particular build on the listed slaves (linux-g++-Rhel6.6-x86 and linux-g++-Rhel6.6-x64
+ in the above example)