path: root/packaging-tools/libclang_training/run_batch_files.py
diff options
authorPatrik Teivonen <patrik.teivonen@qt.io>2022-07-04 17:23:23 +0300
committerPatrik Teivonen <patrik.teivonen@qt.io>2022-09-08 22:10:37 +0000
commitdce4c6f68c8753d634a7f9ab55426b560bc0763d (patch)
tree39fa2fca3f65916a34e0e03fb685bc1b7227d8ac /packaging-tools/libclang_training/run_batch_files.py
parentf3a0c80282116f5bdb85865a4db057403faa2245 (diff)
pylint: Add checking for PEP8 naming style conventions (C0103)
Enable checking for invalid-name C0103 in pylint. Change all remaining names to be PEP8 compliant. Ignore false positive constants. Note: patch renames some python modules Change-Id: I6ddd338e3ed260280e5fd9b356406603b8cc3ccc Reviewed-by: Iikka Eklund <iikka.eklund@qt.io>
Diffstat (limited to 'packaging-tools/libclang_training/run_batch_files.py')
1 files changed, 339 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/packaging-tools/libclang_training/run_batch_files.py b/packaging-tools/libclang_training/run_batch_files.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d0a3bfe18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packaging-tools/libclang_training/run_batch_files.py
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
+# Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/
+# This file is part of Qt Creator.
+# Commercial License Usage
+# Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
+# accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
+# Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
+# a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
+# and conditions see https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further
+# information use the contact form at https://www.qt.io/contact-us.
+# GNU General Public License Usage
+# Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
+# General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
+# Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT
+# included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
+# information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
+# be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html.
+Run Qt Creator in 'clang batch file' mode and produce csv data of resulting
+libclang operations (e.g. parse, reparse, completion, preamble generation).
+Multiple batch files and libclang binaries can be specified for the runs, thus
+producing data for an overview of libclang's performance in certain use cases
+over multiple libclang binaries/versions.
+The process environment configures this script. The relevant variables and their
+meaning are shown in this pseudo code of the main algorithm:
+ run qtcreator with batchfile
+ write log/csv data files into QTC_CLANG_BATCH_CONFIG_LOG_DIR
+ merge csv data files per batch file.
+The PATH must contain:
+ * qtcreator executable and everything needed to run it.
+ * qmake is in PATH for proper set up of an automatically created kit.
+ * dbgview.exe on Windows since this is used to capture the output.
+ * For convenience, create a *.sh/*.bat file setting up and running this script.
+ * Ensure that the specified libclang binaries expect the same intrinsics
+ (<libclang install dir>/lib/clang/x.y.z/include) since these are not copied!
+import os
+import sys
+from shutil import copyfile
+from subprocess import STDOUT, Popen
+from time import sleep, time
+from typing import List
+import libclangtimings2csv
+import merge_csv_files
+def verbose_start(args):
+ if Config.Verbose:
+ print(f"info: starting {args}")
+def check_existence_or_die(file_path):
+ if not os.path.exists(file_path):
+ print(f"error: file path does not exist: {file_path}", file=sys.stderr)
+ sys.exit(1)
+def check_exit_code_or_die(exit_code, args):
+ if exit_code != 0:
+ print(f"error: exit code is, {exit_code} for", ' '.join(args), file=sys.stderr)
+ sys.exit(1)
+class Config:
+ Verbose = False
+ # Verbose = True
+ LogDir = None
+ QtCreatorSettingsDir = None
+ TargetLibClangDll = None
+ LibClangDlls: List[str] = []
+ BatchFiles: List[str] = []
+ @staticmethod
+ def initialize_from_environment():
+ Config.LogDir = os.environ['QTC_CLANG_BATCH_CONFIG_LOG_DIR']
+ check_existence_or_die(Config.LogDir)
+ Config.QtCreatorSettingsDir = os.environ['QTC_CLANG_BATCH_CONFIG_SETTINGS_DIR']
+ check_existence_or_die(Config.QtCreatorSettingsDir)
+ Config.TargetLibClangDll = os.environ['QTC_CLANG_BATCH_CONFIG_TARGET_LIBCLANG']
+ libclang_dlls = os.environ['QTC_CLANG_BATCH_CONFIG_LIBCLANGS']
+ Config.LibClangDlls = libclang_dlls.split(os.pathsep)
+ assert len(Config.LibClangDlls) >= 1
+ for dll in Config.LibClangDlls:
+ check_existence_or_die(dll)
+ batch_files = os.environ['QTC_CLANG_BATCH_CONFIG_FILES']
+ Config.BatchFiles = batch_files.split(os.pathsep)
+ assert len(Config.BatchFiles) >= 1
+ for batch_file in Config.BatchFiles:
+ check_existence_or_die(batch_file)
+ # TODO: Check for format
+ @staticmethod
+ def dump():
+ print("log dir:")
+ print(f" {Config.LogDir}")
+ print("qt creator settings dir:")
+ print(f" {Config.QtCreatorSettingsDir}")
+ print("target libclang:")
+ print(f" {Config.TargetLibClangDll}")
+ print("libclangs:")
+ for dll in Config.LibClangDlls:
+ print(f" {dll}")
+ print("batch files:")
+ for batch_file in Config.BatchFiles:
+ print(f" {batch_file}")
+class RunRecord:
+ def __init__(self, libclang_id, batch_file_path):
+ self.libclang_id = libclang_id
+ parts = os.path.basename(batch_file_path).split('.')
+ self.batch_file_id = '.'.join(parts[0:-1]) # Remove suffix
+ self.log_file_path = self.batch_file_id + '___' + libclang_id + '.log'
+ self.csv_file_path = None
+class DebugView:
+ def __init__(self, log_file_path):
+ self.log_file_path = log_file_path
+ self.executable = 'dbgview.exe'
+ def start_async(self):
+ args = [self.executable, '/accepteula', '/l', self.log_file_path]
+ verbose_start(args)
+ self.proc = Popen(args, shell=False) # pylint: disable=R1732
+ sleep(2)
+ def stop(self):
+ if self.proc:
+ if Config.Verbose:
+ print(f"info: stopping {self.executable}")
+ self.proc.terminate()
+ self.proc.wait()
+def create_environment(batch_file_path):
+ env = os.environ.copy()
+ env['LIBCLANG_TIMING'] = '1'
+ env['QT_LOGGING_RULES'] = 'qtc.clangcodemodel.batch=true'
+ env['QTC_NO_CODE_INDEXER'] = '1'
+ env['QTC_CLANG_BATCH_TIMEOUT'] = '3000000'
+ env['QTC_CLANG_BATCH'] = batch_file_path
+ return env
+def run_sync_and_log_output_windows(args, batch_file_path, log_file_path):
+ debug_view = DebugView(log_file_path)
+ debug_view.start_async()
+ verbose_start(args)
+ with Popen(args, env=create_environment(batch_file_path)) as proc:
+ proc.communicate()
+ debug_view.stop()
+ check_exit_code_or_die(proc.returncode, args)
+def run_sync_and_log_output_unix(args, batch_file_path, log_file_path):
+ with open(log_file_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as log_file:
+ verbose_start(args)
+ with Popen(args, stdout=log_file, stderr=STDOUT, env=create_environment(batch_file_path)) as proc:
+ proc.communicate()
+ check_exit_code_or_die(proc.returncode, args)
+def run_qtcreator_with_batch_file(batch_file_path, log_file_path):
+ args = [
+ 'qtcreator',
+ '-noload', 'all',
+ '-load', 'CppEditor',
+ '-load', 'QmakeProjectManager',
+ '-load', 'ClangCodeModel',
+ '-load', 'Designer',
+ '-settingspath',
+ Config.QtCreatorSettingsDir,
+ ]
+ if sys.platform == "win32":
+ run_sync_and_log_output_windows(args, batch_file_path, log_file_path)
+ else:
+ run_sync_and_log_output_unix(args, batch_file_path, log_file_path)
+def convert_log_file_to_csv_file(log_file_path, column_label):
+ output = libclangtimings2csv.convert(log_file_path, column_label)
+ csv_file_path = log_file_path + '.csv'
+ with open(csv_file_path, 'w', encoding="utf-8") as handle:
+ handle.write(output)
+ return csv_file_path
+def log_file_from_id(log_file_id):
+ return log_file_id + ".log"
+def create_dir(dir_path):
+ if not os.path.exists(dir_path):
+ if Config.Verbose:
+ print(f"info: creating not existent {dir_path}")
+ os.makedirs(dir_path)
+def create_backup_file(file_path):
+ if os.path.exists(file_path):
+ backup_path = file_path[:-4] + ".backup_" + str(time()) + ".log"
+ if Config.Verbose:
+ print(f"info: creating backup of already existing '{file_path}'")
+ copyfile(file_path, backup_path)
+def print_duration(seconds):
+ hours, remainder = divmod(seconds, 3600)
+ minutes, seconds = divmod(remainder, 60)
+ print(f"...needed {hours}:{minutes}:{seconds}")
+def process_batch_file_timed(libclang_id, batch_file_path):
+ time_started = time()
+ print(f"processing {batch_file_path}", end=' ')
+ run_record = process_batch_file(libclang_id, batch_file_path)
+ print_duration(time() - time_started)
+ return run_record
+def process_batch_file(libclang_id, batch_file_path):
+ run_record = RunRecord(libclang_id, batch_file_path)
+ log_file_path = os.path.join(Config.LogDir, run_record.log_file_path)
+ create_dir(Config.LogDir)
+ create_backup_file(log_file_path)
+ run_qtcreator_with_batch_file(batch_file_path, log_file_path)
+ csv_file_path = convert_log_file_to_csv_file(log_file_path, run_record.libclang_id)
+ run_record.csv_file_path = csv_file_path
+ return run_record
+def get_libclang_id(libclang_dll):
+ file_name = os.path.basename(libclang_dll)
+ parts = file_name.split('.')
+ identifier = '.'.join(parts[0:-1])
+ return identifier
+def switch_libclang(libclang_dll):
+ print(f"copying '{libclang_dll}' -> '{Config.TargetLibClangDll}'")
+ copyfile(libclang_dll, Config.TargetLibClangDll)
+def run_qtcreator_with_libclang(libclang_dll):
+ print("")
+ switch_libclang(libclang_dll)
+ run_records = []
+ libclang_id = get_libclang_id(libclang_dll)
+ for batch_file in Config.BatchFiles:
+ run_record = process_batch_file_timed(libclang_id, batch_file)
+ run_records.append(run_record)
+ return run_records
+def log_id_part_from_libclang_dll(libclang_dll):
+ file_name = os.path.basename(libclang_dll)
+ parts = file_name.split('.')
+ file_name = '.'.join(parts[1:-1])
+ return file_name
+def merge_generated_csv_files(run_records):
+ batch_file_id_2_run_record = {}
+ for run_record in run_records:
+ new_value = [run_record]
+ if run_record.batch_file_id in batch_file_id_2_run_record:
+ new_value = batch_file_id_2_run_record[run_record.batch_file_id]
+ new_value.append(run_record)
+ batch_file_id_2_run_record[run_record.batch_file_id] = new_value
+ for batch_file_id in batch_file_id_2_run_record:
+ csv_file_paths = [run_record.csv_file_path for run_record in batch_file_id_2_run_record[batch_file_id]]
+ merge_file_path = os.path.join(Config.LogDir, batch_file_id + ".csv")
+ merge_csv_files.merge_files(merge_file_path, csv_file_paths)
+ print(f"generated: {merge_file_path}")
+def main():
+ Config.initialize_from_environment()
+ Config.dump()
+ run_records = []
+ for libclang_dll in Config.LibClangDlls:
+ run_records += run_qtcreator_with_libclang(libclang_dll)
+ print()
+ merge_generated_csv_files(run_records)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()