path: root/.pre-commit-config.yaml
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Pylint: Enable R0911, R0916, R1702, reduce number of nested blocksPatrik Teivonen2023-02-221-2/+2
* PL103: os.makedirs(path) should be replaced by path.mkdir(parents=True)v6.5.0-beta2-packagingPatrik Teivonen2023-01-241-1/+1
* PL102: os.mkdir("foo") should be replaced by foo_path.mkdir()Patrik Teivonen2023-01-241-1/+1
* PL122: os.path.splitext("foo.bar") should be replaced by path.suffixPatrik Teivonen2023-01-241-1/+1
* PL119: os.path.basename("foo/bar") should be replaced by bar_path.namePatrik Teivonen2023-01-131-1/+1
* PL101: os.chmod("foo", perm) should be replaced by Path.chmod(perm)Patrik Teivonen2023-01-131-1/+1
* PL111: os.path.expanduser("~") should be replaced by Path.home()Patrik Teivonen2023-01-131-1/+1
* PL109 os.getcwd() should be replaced by Path.cwd()Patrik Teivonen2023-01-101-1/+2
* Run unit tests with pytest in git hook and enable concurrencyPatrik Teivonen2022-10-281-3/+4
* Pre-commit hooks: adjust order and settings, remove unnecessary loopingPatrik Teivonen2022-10-101-13/+13
* Add missing type hints, enable strict mypy checkingPatrik Teivonen2022-09-221-1/+1
* pylint: Add miscellaneous checksv6.4.0-rc1-packagingPatrik Teivonen2022-09-111-1/+9
* pylint: Add checking for PEP8 naming style conventions (C0103)Patrik Teivonen2022-09-081-1/+1
* pep8-naming: N806 variable in function should be lowercasePatrik Teivonen2022-09-081-3/+1
* pep8-naming: N803 argument name should be lowercase (function arguments)Patrik Teivonen2022-09-071-2/+1
* pep8-naming: N802 function name should be lowercase (function names)Patrik Teivonen2022-09-071-2/+1
* Add pep8-naming to flake8, enable only limited checksPatrik Teivonen2022-09-071-1/+5
* pylint: Avoid redefining built-in or outer functions and variablesPatrik Teivonen2022-09-061-1/+1
* pylint: Use 'with' for resource allocation operations (R1732)Patrik Teivonen2022-09-041-1/+1
* pylint: Add missing UTF-8 encoding parameter when opening filesPatrik Teivonen2022-09-011-1/+1
* Replace find_executable from distutils with shutil.whichPatrik Teivonen2022-08-301-1/+1
* pylint: Remove unnecessary bits of codePatrik Teivonen2022-08-231-1/+1
* pylint: Add string formatting checks, use f-string and lazy % formattingPatrik Teivonen2022-08-161-1/+1
* Add pylint hook in errors only mode, resolve errorsPatrik Teivonen2022-08-161-0/+6
* Add hook for mypy static type checkerPatrik Teivonen2022-08-161-0/+6
* Make imports consistent across Python scripts, isort hookv6.4.0-beta3-packagingPatrik Teivonen2022-08-051-1/+9
* PEP8: Fix indentationv6.2.5-lts-packagingPatrik Teivonen2022-07-111-1/+1
* PEP8: Fix whitespacePatrik Teivonen2022-07-111-1/+1
* PEP8: Blank lines in function and class definitions, file endPatrik Teivonen2022-07-111-1/+1
* PEP8: Fix anti-patternsPatrik Teivonen2022-07-111-1/+1
* PEP8: Fix miscellaneous code syntax errorsPatrik Teivonen2022-07-111-1/+1
* PEP8: Remove unused vars, modules, and string formattingPatrik Teivonen2022-07-111-1/+1
* Add pre-commit hook for flake8, PEP8 compliant commentsPatrik Teivonen2022-07-111-0/+8
* Add README, hooks for pipenv setup and unit tests in pre-commit configPatrik Teivonen2022-07-111-0/+19