
Qt Project

Dash application behind the qt-project.org website.

Currently there are two main goals that this page wants to achieve:

  1. Help people contribute to Qt,
  2. Show statistics about the project.


Create a new Python virtual environment and install the requirements:

python -m venv env        # might be 'python3' depending on your system

source env/bin/activate   # macOS/Linux
env\Scripts\activate.bat  # windows

pip install -r requirements.txt

Getting and processing the data

The data/ directory contains a script to get the information from a local qt5.git repository, and you can use it like this:

python get_data.py --qt /path/to/my/qt5.git

this will generate many <module>.csv files with the following columns


Currently, there are also two external repositories being cloned, and used inside the qt5.git, the Qt Creator and PySide repositories.

The difference between original_email and email is because many old Nokia, Digia, theqtcompany emails were transformed into @qt.io.

Starting the application

The website is based on a framework called Dash, which enables the creation of Dashboard.

We also rely on text-based information. There are markdown files which contains the information displayed on the left-columns, like guidelines.md and contribute.md.

To start the application, run:

python app.py

which you can verify on http://localhost:8050.

Additionally, there is a Procfile to enable the site to be deployed on servers compatible with gunicorn.