path: root/src/plugins/qmlpreview/qmlpreviewplugin.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/plugins/qmlpreview/qmlpreviewplugin.cpp')
1 files changed, 455 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/plugins/qmlpreview/qmlpreviewplugin.cpp b/src/plugins/qmlpreview/qmlpreviewplugin.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b60996ae1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/qmlpreview/qmlpreviewplugin.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,455 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2019 The Qt Company Ltd.
+** Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/
+** This file is part of Qt Creator.
+** Commercial License Usage
+** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
+** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
+** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
+** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
+** and conditions see https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further
+** information use the contact form at https://www.qt.io/contact-us.
+** GNU General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
+** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT
+** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
+** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
+** be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html.
+#include "qmlpreviewplugin.h"
+#include "qmlpreviewruncontrol.h"
+#ifdef WITH_TESTS
+#include "tests/qmlpreviewclient_test.h"
+#include "tests/qmlpreviewplugin_test.h"
+#include <coreplugin/actionmanager/actionmanager.h>
+#include <coreplugin/actionmanager/actioncontainer.h>
+#include <coreplugin/editormanager/editormanager.h>
+#include <coreplugin/editormanager/ieditor.h>
+#include <coreplugin/messagemanager.h>
+#include <extensionsystem/pluginmanager.h>
+#include <projectexplorer/kit.h>
+#include <projectexplorer/kitinformation.h>
+#include <projectexplorer/project.h>
+#include <projectexplorer/projectexplorer.h>
+#include <projectexplorer/projectnodes.h>
+#include <projectexplorer/projecttree.h>
+#include <projectexplorer/runconfiguration.h>
+#include <projectexplorer/session.h>
+#include <projectexplorer/target.h>
+#include <qmljs/qmljsdocument.h>
+#include <qmljs/qmljsmodelmanagerinterface.h>
+#include <qmljstools/qmljstoolsconstants.h>
+#include <QAction>
+using namespace ProjectExplorer;
+namespace QmlPreview {
+namespace Internal {
+class QmlPreviewParser : public QObject
+ QmlPreviewParser();
+ void parse(const QString &name, const QByteArray &contents,
+ QmlJS::Dialect::Enum dialect);
+ void success(const QString &changedFile, const QByteArray &contents);
+ void failure();
+static QByteArray defaultFileLoader(const QString &filename, bool *success)
+ if (Core::DocumentModel::Entry *entry
+ = Core::DocumentModel::entryForFilePath(Utils::FileName::fromString(filename))) {
+ if (!entry->isSuspended) {
+ *success = true;
+ return entry->document->contents();
+ }
+ }
+ QFile file(filename);
+ *success = file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly);
+ return (*success) ? file.readAll() : QByteArray();
+static bool defaultFileClassifier(const QString &filename)
+ // We cannot dynamically load changes in qtquickcontrols2.conf
+ return !filename.endsWith("qtquickcontrols2.conf");
+static void defaultFpsHandler(quint16 frames[8])
+ Core::MessageManager::write(QString::fromLatin1("QML preview: %1 fps").arg(frames[0]));
+bool QmlPreviewPlugin::initialize(const QStringList &arguments, QString *errorString)
+ Q_UNUSED(arguments);
+ Q_UNUSED(errorString);
+ setFileLoader(&defaultFileLoader);
+ setFileClassifier(&defaultFileClassifier);
+ setFpsHandler(&defaultFpsHandler);
+ auto constraint = [](RunConfiguration *runConfiguration) {
+ Target *target = runConfiguration ? runConfiguration->target() : nullptr;
+ Kit *kit = target ? target->kit() : nullptr;
+ return DeviceTypeKitInformation::deviceTypeId(kit) == Constants::DESKTOP_DEVICE_TYPE;
+ };
+ RunControl::registerWorker<LocalQmlPreviewSupport>(Constants::QML_PREVIEW_RUN_MODE, constraint);
+ Core::ActionContainer *menu = Core::ActionManager::actionContainer(
+ Constants::M_BUILDPROJECT);
+ QAction *action = new QAction(tr("QML Preview"), this);
+ action->setToolTip(QLatin1String("Preview changes to QML code live in your application."));
+ action->setEnabled(SessionManager::startupProject() != nullptr);
+ connect(SessionManager::instance(), &SessionManager::startupProjectChanged, action,
+ &QAction::setEnabled);
+ connect(action, &QAction::triggered, this, []() {
+ ProjectExplorerPlugin::runStartupProject(Constants::QML_PREVIEW_RUN_MODE);
+ });
+ menu->addAction(Core::ActionManager::registerAction(action, "QmlPreview.Internal"),
+ Constants::G_BUILD_RUN);
+ Core::Context projectTreeContext(Constants::C_PROJECT_TREE);
+ menu = Core::ActionManager::actionContainer(Constants::M_FILECONTEXT);
+ action = new QAction(tr("Preview File"), this);
+ action->setEnabled(false);
+ connect(this, &QmlPreviewPlugin::runningPreviewsChanged,
+ action, [action](const QmlPreviewRunControlList &previews) {
+ action->setEnabled(!previews.isEmpty());
+ });
+ connect(action, &QAction::triggered, this, &QmlPreviewPlugin::previewCurrentFile);
+ menu->addAction(Core::ActionManager::registerAction(action, "QmlPreview.Preview",
+ projectTreeContext),
+ Constants::G_FILE_OTHER);
+ action->setVisible(false);
+ connect(ProjectTree::instance(), &ProjectTree::currentNodeChanged, action, [action]() {
+ const Node *node = ProjectTree::findCurrentNode();
+ const FileNode *fileNode = node ? node->asFileNode() : nullptr;
+ action->setVisible(fileNode ? fileNode->fileType() == FileType::QML : false);
+ });
+ m_parseThread.start();
+ QmlPreviewParser *parser = new QmlPreviewParser;
+ parser->moveToThread(&m_parseThread);
+ connect(this, &QObject::destroyed, parser, &QObject::deleteLater);
+ connect(this, &QmlPreviewPlugin::checkDocument, parser, &QmlPreviewParser::parse);
+ connect(this, &QmlPreviewPlugin::previewedFileChanged, this, &QmlPreviewPlugin::checkFile);
+ connect(parser, &QmlPreviewParser::success, this, &QmlPreviewPlugin::triggerPreview);
+ RunControl::registerWorkerCreator(Constants::QML_PREVIEW_RUN_MODE,
+ [this](RunControl *runControl) {
+ QmlPreviewRunner *runner = new QmlPreviewRunner(runControl, m_fileLoader, m_fileClassifer,
+ m_fpsHandler, m_zoomFactor, m_locale);
+ QObject::connect(this, &QmlPreviewPlugin::updatePreviews,
+ runner, &QmlPreviewRunner::loadFile);
+ QObject::connect(this, &QmlPreviewPlugin::rerunPreviews,
+ runner, &QmlPreviewRunner::rerun);
+ QObject::connect(runner, &QmlPreviewRunner::ready,
+ this, &QmlPreviewPlugin::previewCurrentFile);
+ QObject::connect(this, &QmlPreviewPlugin::zoomFactorChanged,
+ runner, &QmlPreviewRunner::zoom);
+ QObject::connect(this, &QmlPreviewPlugin::localeChanged,
+ runner, &QmlPreviewRunner::language);
+ QObject::connect(runner, &RunWorker::started, this, [this, runControl]() {
+ addPreview(runControl);
+ });
+ QObject::connect(runner, &RunWorker::stopped, this, [this, runControl]() {
+ removePreview(runControl);
+ });
+ return runner;
+ });
+ attachToEditor();
+ return true;
+void QmlPreviewPlugin::extensionsInitialized()
+ExtensionSystem::IPlugin::ShutdownFlag QmlPreviewPlugin::aboutToShutdown()
+ m_parseThread.quit();
+ m_parseThread.wait();
+ return SynchronousShutdown;
+QList<QObject *> QmlPreviewPlugin::createTestObjects() const
+ QList<QObject *> tests;
+#ifdef WITH_TESTS
+ tests.append(new QmlPreviewClientTest);
+ tests.append(new QmlPreviewPluginTest);
+ return tests;
+QString QmlPreviewPlugin::previewedFile() const
+ return m_previewedFile;
+void QmlPreviewPlugin::setPreviewedFile(const QString &previewedFile)
+ if (m_previewedFile == previewedFile)
+ return;
+ m_previewedFile = previewedFile;
+ emit previewedFileChanged(m_previewedFile);
+QmlPreviewRunControlList QmlPreviewPlugin::runningPreviews() const
+ return m_runningPreviews;
+QmlPreviewFileLoader QmlPreviewPlugin::fileLoader() const
+ return m_fileLoader;
+QmlPreviewFileClassifier QmlPreviewPlugin::fileClassifier() const
+ return m_fileClassifer;
+void QmlPreviewPlugin::setFileClassifier(QmlPreviewFileClassifier fileClassifer)
+ if (m_fileClassifer == fileClassifer)
+ return;
+ m_fileClassifer = fileClassifer;
+ emit fileClassifierChanged(m_fileClassifer);
+float QmlPreviewPlugin::zoomFactor() const
+ return m_zoomFactor;
+void QmlPreviewPlugin::setZoomFactor(float zoomFactor)
+ if (m_zoomFactor == zoomFactor)
+ return;
+ m_zoomFactor = zoomFactor;
+ emit zoomFactorChanged(m_zoomFactor);
+QmlPreviewFpsHandler QmlPreviewPlugin::fpsHandler() const
+ return m_fpsHandler;
+void QmlPreviewPlugin::setFpsHandler(QmlPreviewFpsHandler fpsHandler)
+ if (m_fpsHandler == fpsHandler)
+ return;
+ m_fpsHandler = fpsHandler;
+ emit fpsHandlerChanged(m_fpsHandler);
+QString QmlPreviewPlugin::locale() const
+ return m_locale;
+void QmlPreviewPlugin::setLocale(const QString &locale)
+ if (m_locale == locale)
+ return;
+ m_locale = locale;
+ emit localeChanged(m_locale);
+void QmlPreviewPlugin::setFileLoader(QmlPreviewFileLoader fileLoader)
+ if (m_fileLoader == fileLoader)
+ return;
+ m_fileLoader = fileLoader;
+ emit fileLoaderChanged(m_fileLoader);
+void QmlPreviewPlugin::previewCurrentFile()
+ const Node *currentNode = ProjectTree::findCurrentNode();
+ if (!currentNode || currentNode->nodeType() != NodeType::File
+ || currentNode->asFileNode()->fileType() != FileType::QML)
+ return;
+ const QString file = currentNode->filePath().toString();
+ if (file != m_previewedFile)
+ setPreviewedFile(file);
+ else
+ checkFile(file);
+void QmlPreviewPlugin::onEditorChanged(Core::IEditor *editor)
+ if (m_lastEditor) {
+ Core::IDocument *doc = m_lastEditor->document();
+ disconnect(doc, &Core::IDocument::contentsChanged, this, &QmlPreviewPlugin::setDirty);
+ if (m_dirty) {
+ m_dirty = false;
+ checkEditor();
+ }
+ }
+ m_lastEditor = editor;
+ if (m_lastEditor) {
+ // Handle new editor
+ connect(m_lastEditor->document(), &Core::IDocument::contentsChanged,
+ this, &QmlPreviewPlugin::setDirty);
+ }
+void QmlPreviewPlugin::onEditorAboutToClose(Core::IEditor *editor)
+ if (m_lastEditor != editor)
+ return;
+ // Oh no our editor is going to be closed
+ // get the content first
+ Core::IDocument *doc = m_lastEditor->document();
+ disconnect(doc, &Core::IDocument::contentsChanged, this, &QmlPreviewPlugin::setDirty);
+ if (m_dirty) {
+ m_dirty = false;
+ checkEditor();
+ }
+ m_lastEditor = nullptr;
+void QmlPreviewPlugin::setDirty()
+ m_dirty = true;
+ QTimer::singleShot(1000, this, [this](){
+ if (m_dirty && m_lastEditor) {
+ m_dirty = false;
+ checkEditor();
+ }
+ });
+void QmlPreviewPlugin::addPreview(ProjectExplorer::RunControl *preview)
+ m_runningPreviews.append(preview);
+ emit runningPreviewsChanged(m_runningPreviews);
+void QmlPreviewPlugin::removePreview(ProjectExplorer::RunControl *preview)
+ m_runningPreviews.removeOne(preview);
+ emit runningPreviewsChanged(m_runningPreviews);
+void QmlPreviewPlugin::attachToEditor()
+ Core::EditorManager *editorManager = Core::EditorManager::instance();
+ connect(editorManager, &Core::EditorManager::currentEditorChanged,
+ this, &QmlPreviewPlugin::onEditorChanged);
+ connect(editorManager, &Core::EditorManager::editorAboutToClose,
+ this, &QmlPreviewPlugin::onEditorAboutToClose);
+void QmlPreviewPlugin::checkEditor()
+ QmlJS::Dialect::Enum dialect = QmlJS::Dialect::AnyLanguage;
+ Core::IDocument *doc = m_lastEditor->document();
+ const QString mimeType = doc->mimeType();
+ if (mimeType == QmlJSTools::Constants::JS_MIMETYPE)
+ dialect = QmlJS::Dialect::JavaScript;
+ else if (mimeType == QmlJSTools::Constants::JSON_MIMETYPE)
+ dialect = QmlJS::Dialect::Json;
+ else if (mimeType == QmlJSTools::Constants::QML_MIMETYPE)
+ dialect = QmlJS::Dialect::Qml;
+// --- Can we detect those via mime types?
+// else if (mimeType == ???)
+// dialect = QmlJS::Dialect::QmlQtQuick1;
+// else if (mimeType == ???)
+// dialect = QmlJS::Dialect::QmlQtQuick2;
+ else if (mimeType == QmlJSTools::Constants::QBS_MIMETYPE)
+ dialect = QmlJS::Dialect::QmlQbs;
+ else if (mimeType == QmlJSTools::Constants::QMLPROJECT_MIMETYPE)
+ dialect = QmlJS::Dialect::QmlProject;
+ else if (mimeType == QmlJSTools::Constants::QMLTYPES_MIMETYPE)
+ dialect = QmlJS::Dialect::QmlTypeInfo;
+ else if (mimeType == QmlJSTools::Constants::QMLUI_MIMETYPE)
+ dialect = QmlJS::Dialect::QmlQtQuick2Ui;
+ else
+ dialect = QmlJS::Dialect::NoLanguage;
+ emit checkDocument(doc->filePath().toString(), doc->contents(), dialect);
+void QmlPreviewPlugin::checkFile(const QString &fileName)
+ if (!m_fileLoader)
+ return;
+ bool success = false;
+ const QByteArray contents = m_fileLoader(fileName, &success);
+ if (success) {
+ emit checkDocument(fileName, contents,
+ QmlJS::ModelManagerInterface::guessLanguageOfFile(fileName).dialect());
+ }
+void QmlPreviewPlugin::triggerPreview(const QString &changedFile, const QByteArray &contents)
+ if (m_previewedFile.isEmpty())
+ previewCurrentFile();
+ else
+ emit updatePreviews(m_previewedFile, changedFile, contents);
+ static const int dialectMeta = qRegisterMetaType<QmlJS::Dialect::Enum>();
+ Q_UNUSED(dialectMeta);
+void QmlPreviewParser::parse(const QString &name, const QByteArray &contents,
+ QmlJS::Dialect::Enum dialect)
+ if (!QmlJS::Dialect(dialect).isQmlLikeOrJsLanguage()) {
+ emit success(name, contents);
+ return;
+ }
+ QmlJS::Document::MutablePtr qmljsDoc = QmlJS::Document::create(name, dialect);
+ qmljsDoc->setSource(QString::fromUtf8(contents));
+ if (qmljsDoc->parse())
+ emit success(name, contents);
+ else
+ emit failure();
+} // namespace Internal
+} // namespace QmlPreview
+#include <qmlpreviewplugin.moc>