diff options
3 files changed, 129 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/sources/pyside6/libpysideqml/pysideqmllistproperty.cpp b/sources/pyside6/libpysideqml/pysideqmllistproperty.cpp
index 97d6ce91b..75bb5af96 100644
--- a/sources/pyside6/libpysideqml/pysideqmllistproperty.cpp
+++ b/sources/pyside6/libpysideqml/pysideqmllistproperty.cpp
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ qsizetype propListCount(QQmlListProperty<QObject> *propList)
return 0;
- int cppResult = 0;
+ qsizetype cppResult = 0;
auto *converter = Shiboken::Conversions::PrimitiveTypeConverter<qsizetype>();
if (auto *pythonToCpp = Shiboken::Conversions::isPythonToCppConvertible(converter, retVal))
pythonToCpp(retVal, &cppResult);
diff --git a/sources/pyside6/tests/QtQml/listproperty.py b/sources/pyside6/tests/QtQml/listproperty.py
index 8916aefe5..884600d29 100644
--- a/sources/pyside6/tests/QtQml/listproperty.py
+++ b/sources/pyside6/tests/QtQml/listproperty.py
@@ -7,11 +7,25 @@ import unittest
from pathlib import Path
-from init_paths import init_test_paths
+from init_paths import init_test_paths # noqa: E402
-from PySide6.QtCore import QObject
-from PySide6.QtQml import ListProperty
+from helper.usesqapplication import UsesQApplication # noqa: E402, F401
+from PySide6.QtCore import QObject, QUrl, Property, qInstallMessageHandler # noqa: E402
+from PySide6.QtQml import ListProperty, QmlElement # noqa: E402
+from PySide6.QtQuick import QQuickView # noqa: E402
+QML_IMPORT_NAME = "test.ListPropertyTest"
+output_messages = []
+def message_handler(mode, context, message):
+ global output_messages
+ output_messages.append(f"{message}")
class InheritsQObject(QObject):
@@ -22,7 +36,46 @@ def dummyFunc():
-class TestListProperty(unittest.TestCase):
+class Person(QObject):
+ def __init__(self, parent=None):
+ super().__init__(parent=None)
+ self._name = ''
+ self._friends = []
+ def appendFriend(self, friend):
+ self._friends.append(friend)
+ def friendCount(self):
+ return len(self._friends)
+ def friend(self, index):
+ return self._friends[index]
+ def removeLastItem(self):
+ if len(self._friends) > 0:
+ self._friends.pop()
+ def replace(self, index, friend):
+ if 0 <= index < len(self._friends):
+ self._friends[index] = friend
+ def clear(self):
+ self._friends.clear()
+ @Property(str, final=True)
+ def name(self):
+ return self._name
+ @name.setter
+ def name(self, value):
+ self._name = value
+ friends = ListProperty(QObject, append=appendFriend, count=friendCount, at=friend,
+ removeLast=removeLastItem, replace=replace, clear=clear)
+class TestListProperty(UsesQApplication):
def testIt(self):
# Verify that type checking works properly
@@ -31,7 +84,7 @@ class TestListProperty(unittest.TestCase):
- except:
+ except Exception:
type_check_error = True
@@ -47,21 +100,37 @@ class TestListProperty(unittest.TestCase):
method_check_error = False
- ListProperty(QObject, append=None, at=None, count=None, replace=None, clear=None, removeLast=None) # Explicitly setting None
+ ListProperty(QObject, append=None, at=None, count=None, replace=None, clear=None,
+ removeLast=None) # Explicitly setting None
ListProperty(QObject, append=dummyFunc)
ListProperty(QObject, count=dummyFunc, at=dummyFunc)
- except:
+ except Exception:
method_check_error = True
- ListPropery(QObject, append=QObject())
- except:
+ ListProperty(QObject, append=QObject())
+ except Exception:
method_check_error = True
+ def testListPropParameters(self):
+ global output_messages
+ qInstallMessageHandler(message_handler)
+ view = QQuickView()
+ file = Path(__file__).resolve().parent / 'listproperty.qml'
+ self.assertTrue(file.is_file())
+ view.setSource(QUrl.fromLocalFile(file))
+ view.show()
+ self.assertEqual(output_messages[0], "List length: 3")
+ self.assertEqual(output_messages[1], "First element: Alice")
+ self.assertEqual(output_messages[2], "Removing last item: Charlie")
+ self.assertEqual(output_messages[3], "Replacing last item: Bob")
+ self.assertEqual(output_messages[4], "Replaced last item: David")
+ self.assertEqual(output_messages[5], "List length after clearing: 0")
if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/sources/pyside6/tests/QtQml/listproperty.qml b/sources/pyside6/tests/QtQml/listproperty.qml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7b71e30ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/pyside6/tests/QtQml/listproperty.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2024 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import QtQuick 2.0
+import test.ListPropertyTest
+Rectangle {
+ width: 360
+ height: 360
+ Person {
+ id: person
+ friends: [
+ Person{
+ name: "Alice"
+ },
+ Person{
+ name: "Bob"
+ },
+ Person{
+ name: "Charlie"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ Person{
+ id: david
+ name: "David"
+ }
+ Component.onCompleted: {
+ // Access the length of the list
+ console.log("List length: " + person.friends.length);
+ // Access the first element of the list
+ console.log("First element: " + person.friends[0].name);
+ // Remove the last item of the list
+ console.log("Removing last item: " + person.friends.pop().name);
+ // Repalce the last item of the list
+ console.log("Replacing last item: " + person.friends[person.friends.length - 1].name);
+ person.friends[person.friends.length - 1] = david;
+ console.log("Replaced last item: " + person.friends[person.friends.length - 1].name);
+ // Clear the list
+ person.friends = [];
+ console.log("List length after clearing: " + person.friends.length);
+ }