path: root/build_scripts/wheel_utils.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'build_scripts/wheel_utils.py')
1 files changed, 124 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/build_scripts/wheel_utils.py b/build_scripts/wheel_utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5ec26c742
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build_scripts/wheel_utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only
+import time
+from pathlib import Path
+from sysconfig import get_config_var, get_platform
+from packaging.version import parse as parse_version
+from setuptools.errors import SetupError
+from .options import OPTION
+from .qtinfo import QtInfo
+from .utils import memoize, parse_cmake_conf_assignments_by_key
+from . import PYSIDE
+def get_package_timestamp():
+ """ In a Coin CI build the returned timestamp will be the
+ Coin integration id timestamp. For regular builds it's
+ just the current timestamp or a user provided one."""
+ option_value = OPTION["PACKAGE_TIMESTAMP"]
+ return option_value if option_value else int(time.time())
+def get_qt_version():
+ qtinfo = QtInfo()
+ qt_version = qtinfo.version
+ if not qt_version:
+ raise SetupError("Failed to query the Qt version with qmake {qtinfo.qmake_command}")
+ if parse_version(qtinfo.version) < parse_version("5.7"):
+ raise SetupError(f"Incompatible Qt version detected: {qt_version}. "
+ "A Qt version >= 5.7 is required.")
+ return qt_version
+def get_package_version():
+ """ Returns the version string for the PySide6 package. """
+ setup_script_dir = Path.cwd()
+ pyside_project_dir = setup_script_dir / "sources" / PYSIDE
+ d = parse_cmake_conf_assignments_by_key(pyside_project_dir)
+ major_version = d['pyside_MAJOR_VERSION']
+ minor_version = d['pyside_MINOR_VERSION']
+ patch_version = d['pyside_MICRO_VERSION']
+ final_version = f"{major_version}.{minor_version}.{patch_version}"
+ release_version_type = d.get('pyside_PRE_RELEASE_VERSION_TYPE')
+ pre_release_version = d.get('pyside_PRE_RELEASE_VERSION')
+ if release_version_type and not release_version_type.startswith("comm") and pre_release_version:
+ final_version = f"{final_version}{release_version_type}{pre_release_version}"
+ if release_version_type and release_version_type.startswith("comm"):
+ final_version = f"{final_version}+{release_version_type}"
+ # Add the current timestamp to the version number, to suggest it
+ # is a development snapshot build.
+ final_version = f"{final_version}.dev{get_package_timestamp()}"
+ return final_version
+def macos_qt_min_deployment_target():
+ target = QtInfo().macos_min_deployment_target
+ if not target:
+ raise SetupError("Failed to query for Qt's QMAKE_MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET.")
+ return target
+def macos_pyside_min_deployment_target():
+ """
+ Compute and validate PySide6 MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET value.
+ Candidate sources that are considered:
+ - setup.py provided value
+ - maximum value between minimum deployment target of the
+ Python interpreter and the minimum deployment target of
+ the Qt libraries.
+ If setup.py value is provided, that takes precedence.
+ Otherwise use the maximum of the above mentioned two values.
+ """
+ python_target = get_config_var('MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET') or None
+ qt_target = macos_qt_min_deployment_target()
+ qt_target_split = [int(x) for x in qt_target.split('.')]
+ if python_target:
+ # macOS Big Sur returns a number not a string
+ python_target_split = [int(x) for x in str(python_target).split('.')]
+ if setup_target:
+ setup_target_split = [int(x) for x in setup_target.split('.')]
+ message = ("Can't set MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET value to {} because "
+ "{} was built with minimum deployment target set to {}.")
+ # setup.py provided OPTION["MACOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET"] value takes
+ # precedence.
+ if setup_target:
+ if python_target and setup_target_split < python_target_split:
+ raise SetupError(message.format(setup_target, "Python", python_target))
+ if setup_target_split < qt_target_split:
+ raise SetupError(message.format(setup_target, "Qt", qt_target))
+ # All checks clear, use setup.py provided value.
+ return setup_target
+ # Setup.py value not provided,
+ # use same value as provided by Qt.
+ if python_target:
+ maximum_target = '.'.join([str(e) for e in max(python_target_split, qt_target_split)])
+ else:
+ maximum_target = qt_target
+ return maximum_target
+def macos_plat_name():
+ deployment_target = macos_pyside_min_deployment_target()
+ # Example triple "macosx-10.12-x86_64".
+ plat = get_platform().split("-")
+ plat_name = f"{plat[0]}-{deployment_target}-{plat[2]}"
+ return plat_name