path: root/doc/tutorial/buildingthebinding.rst
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1 files changed, 133 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/tutorial/buildingthebinding.rst b/doc/tutorial/buildingthebinding.rst
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index 000000000..bc60fe284
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/tutorial/buildingthebinding.rst
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+.. _gentut-buildingthebinding:
+Building The Binding
+As mentioned before the build system used must perform the following tasks
+in the correct order:
+ + Gather data about locations of headers and external needed typesystems.
+ + Run the generator with the correct parameters.
+ + Compile and link the binding.
+The first and last are the usual, being the second the only novelty in the
+Running the Generator
+The generator is called with the following parameters and options:
+ $ boostgenerator global_headers.h \
+ --include-paths=$(PATHS_TO_HEADERS)) \
+ --typesystem-paths=$(PATHS_TO_TYPESYSTEMS) \
+ --output-directory=. \
+ typesystem.xml
+Notice that the variables for include and typesystem paths could be determined
+at build time with the pkg-config tool.
+Collecting information with pkg-config
+The Qt4 bindings include compile and build information through the pkg-config
+mechanism. The pkg-config name for Qt4 Python bindings is **qt4python** and a
+simple ``pkg-config qt4python --cflags --libs`` will retrieve the information
+needed to build the new binding.
+The Qt4 bindings file ``qt4python.pc`` for the use of pkg-config requires
+the ``.pc`` files from Qt4 to be installed. If the library is in an unusual
+location, e.g. ``/opt/qt45``, remember to export it to the ``PKG_CONFIG_PATH``
+environment variable.
+For example: ``export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:/opt/qt45/lib/pkgconfig``
+There is a vital information also available through pkg-config:
+the **typesystemdir** variable. It is used like this:
+``pkg-config qt4python --variable=typesystemdir`` This provides information
+where to find the typesystem files used to create the Qt4 bindings, and as said
+before the binding being created needs this to complement its own binding
+information for the generation proccess.
+Below is a plain Makefile for the binding project.
+ LIBTEST_DIR = ../../libfoo
+ LIBS = -lboost_python-gcc43-1_38-py25 -lpython2.5 \
+ `pkg-config qt4python --libs` \
+ -lfoo -L$(LIBTEST_DIR) \
+ -lpthread -ldl -lutil
+ CFLAGS = -I/usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/linux-g++ -I. \
+ `pkg-config qt4python --cflags` \
+ -I/usr/include/python2.5\
+ -I/usr/include/boost/python
+ QT4TYPESYSTEM_DIR = `pkg-config --variable=typesystemdir qt4python`
+ QT4HEADER_DIRS = `pkg-config --variable=includedir QtCore`:`pkg-config --variable=includedir QtCore`/..
+ SOURCES = math_wrapper.cpp foo_module_wrapper.cpp foo_global_functions_wrapper.cpp
+ OBJECTS = math_wrapper.o foo_module_wrapper.o foo_global_functions_wrapper.o
+ all: generate compile link
+ generate:
+ boostgenerator ../data/global.h \
+ --include-paths=$(LIBTEST_DIR):$(QT4HEADER_DIRS):/usr/include \
+ --typesystem-paths=../data:$(QT4TYPESYSTEM_DIR) \
+ --output-directory=.. \
+ ../data/typesystem_foo.xml
+ compile: $(SOURCES)
+ g++ -fPIC -DPIC $(CFLAGS) math_wrapper.cpp -c
+ g++ -fPIC -DPIC $(CFLAGS) foo_global_functions_wrapper.cpp -c
+ g++ -fPIC -DPIC $(CFLAGS) foo_module_wrapper.cpp -c
+ link:
+ g++ -shared -Wl,-soname,foo.so -o foo.so $(LIBS) $(OBJECTS)
+ test:
+ "import foo; print dir(foo); m = foo.Math(); print m.squared(5)"
+ clean:
+ rm -rf *.o *.so *.?pp *.log
+Keepe in mind that the Makefile above expects the ``libfoo`` and
+``foobinding`` directories to be in the same level in the directory
+hierarchy, remember to change any path references accordingly if
+you choose to change things.
+ The order in which the link flags are passed matters.
+ **libboost_python** must come first, otherwise weeping
+ and gnashing of teeth will follow.
+Testing the Binding
+Now compile the binding with ``make``:
+ $ cd foobinding/foo
+ $ make
+To test if the new binding is working (it can pass the build phase but still
+blow up at runtime) start up a Python terminal and import it by the name.
+ $ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/path/to/libfoo/shared/object/dir
+ $ export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/path/to/foo/python/module/file/dir
+ $ python
+ >> import foo
+ >> print dir(foo)
+ >> m = foo.Math()
+ >> print m.squared(5)