path: root/examples/datavisualization/graphgallery/graphmodifier.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/datavisualization/graphgallery/graphmodifier.py')
1 files changed, 396 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/examples/datavisualization/graphgallery/graphmodifier.py b/examples/datavisualization/graphgallery/graphmodifier.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f79e3d2b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/datavisualization/graphgallery/graphmodifier.py
@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2023 The Qt Company Ltd.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+from __future__ import annotations
+from math import atan, degrees
+import numpy as np
+from PySide6.QtCore import QObject, QPropertyAnimation, Signal, Slot
+from PySide6.QtGui import QFont, QVector3D
+from PySide6.QtDataVisualization import (QAbstract3DGraph, QAbstract3DSeries,
+ QBarDataItem, QBar3DSeries,
+ QCategory3DAxis, QValue3DAxis,
+ Q3DCamera, Q3DTheme)
+from rainfalldata import RainfallData
+# Set up data
+TEMP_OULU = np.array([
+ [-7.4, -2.4, 0.0, 3.0, 8.2, 11.6, 14.7, 15.4, 11.4, 4.2, 2.1, -2.3], # 2015
+ [-13.4, -3.9, -1.8, 3.1, 10.6, 13.7, 17.8, 13.6, 10.7, 3.5, -3.1, -4.2], # 2016
+ [-5.7, -6.7, -3.0, -0.1, 4.7, 12.4, 16.1, 14.1, 9.4, 3.0, -0.3, -3.2], # 2017
+ [-6.4, -11.9, -7.4, 1.9, 11.4, 12.4, 21.5, 16.1, 11.0, 4.4, 2.1, -4.1], # 2018
+ [-11.7, -6.1, -2.4, 3.9, 7.2, 14.5, 15.6, 14.4, 8.5, 2.0, -3.0, -1.5], # 2019
+ [-2.1, -3.4, -1.8, 0.6, 7.0, 17.1, 15.6, 15.4, 11.1, 5.6, 1.9, -1.7], # 2020
+ [-9.6, -11.6, -3.2, 2.4, 7.8, 17.3, 19.4, 14.2, 8.0, 5.2, -2.2, -8.6], # 2021
+ [-7.3, -6.4, -1.8, 1.3, 8.1, 15.5, 17.6, 17.6, 9.1, 5.4, -1.5, -4.4]], # 2022
+ np.float64)
+TEMP_HELSINKI = np.array([
+ [-2.0, -0.1, 1.8, 5.1, 9.7, 13.7, 16.3, 17.3, 12.7, 5.4, 4.6, 2.1], # 2015
+ [-10.3, -0.6, 0.0, 4.9, 14.3, 15.7, 17.7, 16.0, 12.7, 4.6, -1.0, -0.9], # 2016
+ [-2.9, -3.3, 0.7, 2.3, 9.9, 13.8, 16.1, 15.9, 11.4, 5.0, 2.7, 0.7], # 2017
+ [-2.2, -8.4, -4.7, 5.0, 15.3, 15.8, 21.2, 18.2, 13.3, 6.7, 2.8, -2.0], # 2018
+ [-6.2, -0.5, -0.3, 6.8, 10.6, 17.9, 17.5, 16.8, 11.3, 5.2, 1.8, 1.4], # 2019
+ [1.9, 0.5, 1.7, 4.5, 9.5, 18.4, 16.5, 16.8, 13.0, 8.2, 4.4, 0.9], # 2020
+ [-4.7, -8.1, -0.9, 4.5, 10.4, 19.2, 20.9, 15.4, 9.5, 8.0, 1.5, -6.7], # 2021
+ [-3.3, -2.2, -0.2, 3.3, 9.6, 16.9, 18.1, 18.9, 9.2, 7.6, 2.3, -3.4]], # 2022
+ np.float64)
+class GraphModifier(QObject):
+ shadowQualityChanged = Signal(int)
+ backgroundEnabledChanged = Signal(bool)
+ gridEnabledChanged = Signal(bool)
+ fontChanged = Signal(QFont)
+ fontSizeChanged = Signal(int)
+ def __init__(self, bargraph, parent):
+ super().__init__(parent)
+ self._graph = bargraph
+ self._temperatureAxis = QValue3DAxis()
+ self._yearAxis = QCategory3DAxis()
+ self._monthAxis = QCategory3DAxis()
+ self._primarySeries = QBar3DSeries()
+ self._secondarySeries = QBar3DSeries()
+ self._celsiusString = "°C"
+ self._xRotation = float(0)
+ self._yRotation = float(0)
+ self._fontSize = 30
+ self._segments = 4
+ self._subSegments = 3
+ self._minval = float(-20)
+ self._maxval = float(20)
+ self._barMesh = QAbstract3DSeries.MeshBevelBar
+ self._smooth = False
+ self._animationCameraX = QPropertyAnimation()
+ self._animationCameraY = QPropertyAnimation()
+ self._animationCameraZoom = QPropertyAnimation()
+ self._animationCameraTarget = QPropertyAnimation()
+ self._defaultAngleX = float(0)
+ self._defaultAngleY = float(0)
+ self._defaultZoom = float(0)
+ self._defaultTarget = []
+ self._customData = None
+ self._graph.setShadowQuality(QAbstract3DGraph.ShadowQualitySoftMedium)
+ theme = self._graph.activeTheme()
+ theme.setBackgroundEnabled(False)
+ theme.setFont(QFont("Times New Roman", self._fontSize))
+ theme.setLabelBackgroundEnabled(True)
+ self._graph.setMultiSeriesUniform(True)
+ self._months = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June",
+ "July", "August", "September", "October", "November",
+ "December"]
+ self._years = ["2015", "2016", "2017", "2018", "2019", "2020",
+ "2021", "2022"]
+ self._temperatureAxis.setTitle("Average temperature")
+ self._temperatureAxis.setSegmentCount(self._segments)
+ self._temperatureAxis.setSubSegmentCount(self._subSegments)
+ self._temperatureAxis.setRange(self._minval, self._maxval)
+ self._temperatureAxis.setLabelFormat("%.1f " + self._celsiusString)
+ self._temperatureAxis.setLabelAutoRotation(30.0)
+ self._temperatureAxis.setTitleVisible(True)
+ self._yearAxis.setTitle("Year")
+ self._yearAxis.setLabelAutoRotation(30.0)
+ self._yearAxis.setTitleVisible(True)
+ self._monthAxis.setTitle("Month")
+ self._monthAxis.setLabelAutoRotation(30.0)
+ self._monthAxis.setTitleVisible(True)
+ self._graph.setValueAxis(self._temperatureAxis)
+ self._graph.setRowAxis(self._yearAxis)
+ self._graph.setColumnAxis(self._monthAxis)
+ format = "Oulu - @colLabel @rowLabel: @valueLabel"
+ self._primarySeries.setItemLabelFormat(format)
+ self._primarySeries.setMesh(QAbstract3DSeries.MeshBevelBar)
+ self._primarySeries.setMeshSmooth(False)
+ format = "Helsinki - @colLabel @rowLabel: @valueLabel"
+ self._secondarySeries.setItemLabelFormat(format)
+ self._secondarySeries.setMesh(QAbstract3DSeries.MeshBevelBar)
+ self._secondarySeries.setMeshSmooth(False)
+ self._secondarySeries.setVisible(False)
+ self._graph.addSeries(self._primarySeries)
+ self._graph.addSeries(self._secondarySeries)
+ self.changePresetCamera()
+ self.resetTemperatureData()
+ # Set up property animations for zooming to the selected bar
+ camera = self._graph.scene().activeCamera()
+ self._defaultAngleX = camera.xRotation()
+ self._defaultAngleY = camera.yRotation()
+ self._defaultZoom = camera.zoomLevel()
+ self._defaultTarget = camera.target()
+ self._animationCameraX.setTargetObject(camera)
+ self._animationCameraY.setTargetObject(camera)
+ self._animationCameraZoom.setTargetObject(camera)
+ self._animationCameraTarget.setTargetObject(camera)
+ self._animationCameraX.setPropertyName(b"xRotation")
+ self._animationCameraY.setPropertyName(b"yRotation")
+ self._animationCameraZoom.setPropertyName(b"zoomLevel")
+ self._animationCameraTarget.setPropertyName(b"target")
+ duration = 1700
+ self._animationCameraX.setDuration(duration)
+ self._animationCameraY.setDuration(duration)
+ self._animationCameraZoom.setDuration(duration)
+ self._animationCameraTarget.setDuration(duration)
+ # The zoom always first zooms out above the graph and then zooms in
+ zoomOutFraction = 0.3
+ self._animationCameraX.setKeyValueAt(zoomOutFraction, 0.0)
+ self._animationCameraY.setKeyValueAt(zoomOutFraction, 90.0)
+ self._animationCameraZoom.setKeyValueAt(zoomOutFraction, 50.0)
+ self._animationCameraTarget.setKeyValueAt(zoomOutFraction,
+ QVector3D(0, 0, 0))
+ self._customData = RainfallData()
+ def resetTemperatureData(self):
+ # Create data arrays
+ dataSet = []
+ dataSet2 = []
+ for year in range(0, len(self._years)):
+ # Create a data row
+ dataRow = []
+ dataRow2 = []
+ for month in range(0, len(self._months)):
+ # Add data to the row
+ item = QBarDataItem()
+ item.setValue(TEMP_OULU[year][month])
+ dataRow.append(item)
+ item = QBarDataItem()
+ item.setValue(TEMP_HELSINKI[year][month])
+ dataRow2.append(item)
+ # Add the row to the set
+ dataSet.append(dataRow)
+ dataSet2.append(dataRow2)
+ # Add data to the data proxy (the data proxy assumes ownership of it)
+ self._primarySeries.dataProxy().resetArray(dataSet, self._years, self._months)
+ self._secondarySeries.dataProxy().resetArray(dataSet2, self._years, self._months)
+ @Slot(int)
+ def changeRange(self, range):
+ if range >= len(self._years):
+ self._yearAxis.setRange(0, len(self._years) - 1)
+ else:
+ self._yearAxis.setRange(range, range)
+ @Slot(int)
+ def changeStyle(self, style):
+ comboBox = self.sender()
+ if comboBox:
+ self._barMesh = comboBox.itemData(style)
+ self._primarySeries.setMesh(self._barMesh)
+ self._secondarySeries.setMesh(self._barMesh)
+ self._customData.customSeries().setMesh(self._barMesh)
+ def changePresetCamera(self):
+ self._animationCameraX.stop()
+ self._animationCameraY.stop()
+ self._animationCameraZoom.stop()
+ self._animationCameraTarget.stop()
+ # Restore camera target in case animation has changed it
+ self._graph.scene().activeCamera().setTarget(QVector3D(0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
+ self._preset = Q3DCamera.CameraPresetFront.value
+ camera = self._graph.scene().activeCamera()
+ camera.setCameraPreset(Q3DCamera.CameraPreset(self._preset))
+ self._preset += 1
+ if self._preset > Q3DCamera.CameraPresetDirectlyBelow.value:
+ self._preset = Q3DCamera.CameraPresetFrontLow.value
+ @Slot(int)
+ def changeTheme(self, theme):
+ currentTheme = self._graph.activeTheme()
+ currentTheme.setType(Q3DTheme.Theme(theme))
+ self.backgroundEnabledChanged.emit(currentTheme.isBackgroundEnabled())
+ self.gridEnabledChanged.emit(currentTheme.isGridEnabled())
+ self.fontChanged.emit(currentTheme.font())
+ self.fontSizeChanged.emit(currentTheme.font().pointSize())
+ def changeLabelBackground(self):
+ theme = self._graph.activeTheme()
+ theme.setLabelBackgroundEnabled(not theme.isLabelBackgroundEnabled())
+ @Slot(int)
+ def changeSelectionMode(self, selectionMode):
+ comboBox = self.sender()
+ if comboBox:
+ flags = comboBox.itemData(selectionMode)
+ self._graph.setSelectionMode(QAbstract3DGraph.SelectionFlags(flags))
+ def changeFont(self, font):
+ newFont = font
+ self._graph.activeTheme().setFont(newFont)
+ def changeFontSize(self, fontsize):
+ self._fontSize = fontsize
+ font = self._graph.activeTheme().font()
+ font.setPointSize(self._fontSize)
+ self._graph.activeTheme().setFont(font)
+ @Slot(QAbstract3DGraph.ShadowQuality)
+ def shadowQualityUpdatedByVisual(self, sq):
+ # Updates the UI component to show correct shadow quality
+ self.shadowQualityChanged.emit(sq.value)
+ @Slot(int)
+ def changeLabelRotation(self, rotation):
+ self._temperatureAxis.setLabelAutoRotation(float(rotation))
+ self._monthAxis.setLabelAutoRotation(float(rotation))
+ self._yearAxis.setLabelAutoRotation(float(rotation))
+ @Slot(bool)
+ def setAxisTitleVisibility(self, enabled):
+ self._temperatureAxis.setTitleVisible(enabled)
+ self._monthAxis.setTitleVisible(enabled)
+ self._yearAxis.setTitleVisible(enabled)
+ @Slot(bool)
+ def setAxisTitleFixed(self, enabled):
+ self._temperatureAxis.setTitleFixed(enabled)
+ self._monthAxis.setTitleFixed(enabled)
+ self._yearAxis.setTitleFixed(enabled)
+ @Slot()
+ def zoomToSelectedBar(self):
+ self._animationCameraX.stop()
+ self._animationCameraY.stop()
+ self._animationCameraZoom.stop()
+ self._animationCameraTarget.stop()
+ camera = self._graph.scene().activeCamera()
+ currentX = camera.xRotation()
+ currentY = camera.yRotation()
+ currentZoom = camera.zoomLevel()
+ currentTarget = camera.target()
+ self._animationCameraX.setStartValue(currentX)
+ self._animationCameraY.setStartValue(currentY)
+ self._animationCameraZoom.setStartValue(currentZoom)
+ self._animationCameraTarget.setStartValue(currentTarget)
+ selectedBar = (self._graph.selectedSeries().selectedBar()
+ if self._graph.selectedSeries()
+ else QBar3DSeries.invalidSelectionPosition())
+ if selectedBar != QBar3DSeries.invalidSelectionPosition():
+ # Normalize selected bar position within axis range to determine
+ # target coordinates
+ endTarget = QVector3D()
+ xMin = self._graph.columnAxis().min()
+ xRange = self._graph.columnAxis().max() - xMin
+ zMin = self._graph.rowAxis().min()
+ zRange = self._graph.rowAxis().max() - zMin
+ endTarget.setX((selectedBar.y() - xMin) / xRange * 2.0 - 1.0)
+ endTarget.setZ((selectedBar.x() - zMin) / zRange * 2.0 - 1.0)
+ # Rotate the camera so that it always points approximately to the
+ # graph center
+ endAngleX = 90.0 - degrees(atan(float(endTarget.z() / endTarget.x())))
+ if endTarget.x() > 0.0:
+ endAngleX -= 180.0
+ proxy = self._graph.selectedSeries().dataProxy()
+ barValue = proxy.itemAt(selectedBar.x(), selectedBar.y()).value()
+ endAngleY = 30.0 if barValue >= 0.0 else -30.0
+ if self._graph.valueAxis().reversed():
+ endAngleY *= -1.0
+ self._animationCameraX.setEndValue(float(endAngleX))
+ self._animationCameraY.setEndValue(endAngleY)
+ self._animationCameraZoom.setEndValue(250)
+ self._animationCameraTarget.setEndValue(endTarget)
+ else:
+ # No selected bar, so return to the default view
+ self._animationCameraX.setEndValue(self._defaultAngleX)
+ self._animationCameraY.setEndValue(self._defaultAngleY)
+ self._animationCameraZoom.setEndValue(self._defaultZoom)
+ self._animationCameraTarget.setEndValue(self._defaultTarget)
+ self._animationCameraX.start()
+ self._animationCameraY.start()
+ self._animationCameraZoom.start()
+ self._animationCameraTarget.start()
+ @Slot(bool)
+ def setDataModeToWeather(self, enabled):
+ if enabled:
+ self.changeDataMode(False)
+ @Slot(bool)
+ def setDataModeToCustom(self, enabled):
+ if enabled:
+ self.changeDataMode(True)
+ def changeShadowQuality(self, quality):
+ sq = QAbstract3DGraph.ShadowQuality(quality)
+ self._graph.setShadowQuality(sq)
+ self.shadowQualityChanged.emit(quality)
+ def rotateX(self, rotation):
+ self._xRotation = rotation
+ camera = self._graph.scene().activeCamera()
+ camera.setCameraPosition(self._xRotation, self._yRotation)
+ def rotateY(self, rotation):
+ self._yRotation = rotation
+ camera = self._graph.scene().activeCamera()
+ camera.setCameraPosition(self._xRotation, self._yRotation)
+ def setBackgroundEnabled(self, enabled):
+ self._graph.activeTheme().setBackgroundEnabled(bool(enabled))
+ def setGridEnabled(self, enabled):
+ self._graph.activeTheme().setGridEnabled(bool(enabled))
+ def setSmoothBars(self, smooth):
+ self._smooth = bool(smooth)
+ self._primarySeries.setMeshSmooth(self._smooth)
+ self._secondarySeries.setMeshSmooth(self._smooth)
+ self._customData.customSeries().setMeshSmooth(self._smooth)
+ def setSeriesVisibility(self, enabled):
+ self._secondarySeries.setVisible(bool(enabled))
+ def setReverseValueAxis(self, enabled):
+ self._graph.valueAxis().setReversed(enabled)
+ def setReflection(self, enabled):
+ self._graph.setReflection(enabled)
+ def changeDataMode(self, customData):
+ # Change between weather data and data from custom proxy
+ if customData:
+ self._graph.removeSeries(self._primarySeries)
+ self._graph.removeSeries(self._secondarySeries)
+ self._graph.addSeries(self._customData.customSeries())
+ self._graph.setValueAxis(self._customData.valueAxis())
+ self._graph.setRowAxis(self._customData.rowAxis())
+ self._graph.setColumnAxis(self._customData.colAxis())
+ else:
+ self._graph.removeSeries(self._customData.customSeries())
+ self._graph.addSeries(self._primarySeries)
+ self._graph.addSeries(self._secondarySeries)
+ self._graph.setValueAxis(self._temperatureAxis)
+ self._graph.setRowAxis(self._yearAxis)
+ self._graph.setColumnAxis(self._monthAxis)