path: root/examples/gui/rhiwindow/rhiwindow.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'examples/gui/rhiwindow/rhiwindow.py')
1 files changed, 420 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/examples/gui/rhiwindow/rhiwindow.py b/examples/gui/rhiwindow/rhiwindow.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fe054af48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/gui/rhiwindow/rhiwindow.py
@@ -0,0 +1,420 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2023 The Qt Company Ltd.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import numpy
+import sys
+from PySide6.QtCore import (QEvent, QFile, QIODevice, QPointF, QRectF, QSize,
+ qFatal, qWarning, Qt)
+from PySide6.QtGui import (QColor, QFont, QGradient, QImage, QMatrix4x4,
+ QPainter, QPlatformSurfaceEvent, QSurface, QWindow)
+from PySide6.QtGui import (QRhi, QRhiBuffer,
+ QRhiDepthStencilClearValue,
+ QRhiGraphicsPipeline, QRhiNullInitParams,
+ QRhiGles2InitParams, QRhiRenderBuffer,
+ QRhiSampler, QRhiShaderResourceBinding,
+ QRhiShaderStage, QRhiTexture,
+ QRhiVertexInputAttribute, QRhiVertexInputBinding,
+ QRhiVertexInputLayout, QRhiViewport,
+ QShader)
+from PySide6.support import VoidPtr
+if sys.platform == "win32":
+ from PySide6.QtGui import QRhiD3D11InitParams, QRhiD3D12InitParams
+elif sys.platform == "darwin":
+ from PySide6.QtGui import QRhiMetalInitParams
+# Y up (note clipSpaceCorrMatrix in m_viewProjection), CCW
+VERTEX_DATA = numpy.array([
+ 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0,
+ -0.5, -0.5, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0,
+ 0.5, -0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0], dtype=numpy.float32)
+def getShader(name):
+ f = QFile(name)
+ if f.open(QIODevice.ReadOnly):
+ result = QShader.fromSerialized(f.readAll())
+ f.close()
+ return result
+ return QShader()
+class RhiWindow(QWindow):
+ def __init__(self, graphicsApi):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.m_graphicsApi = QRhi.Null
+ self.m_initialized = False
+ self.m_notExposed = False
+ self.m_newlyExposed = False
+ self.m_fallbackSurface = None
+ self.m_rhi = None
+ self.m_sc = None
+ self.m_ds = None
+ self.m_rp = None
+ self.m_hasSwapChain = False
+ self.m_viewProjection = QMatrix4x4()
+ self.m_graphicsApi = graphicsApi
+ if graphicsApi == QRhi.OpenGLES2:
+ self.setSurfaceType(QSurface.SurfaceType.OpenGLSurface)
+ elif graphicsApi == QRhi.Vulkan:
+ self.setSurfaceType(QSurface.SurfaceType.VulkanSurface)
+ elif graphicsApi == QRhi.D3D11 or graphicsApi == QRhi.D3D12:
+ self.setSurfaceType(QSurface.SurfaceType.Direct3DSurface)
+ elif graphicsApi == QRhi.Metal:
+ self.setSurfaceType(QSurface.SurfaceType.MetalSurface)
+ elif graphicsApi == QRhi.Null:
+ pass # RasterSurface
+ def __del__(self):
+ # destruction order matters to a certain degree: the fallbackSurface
+ # must outlive the rhi, the rhi must outlive all other resources.
+ # The resources need no special order when destroying.
+ del self.m_rp
+ self.m_rp = None
+ del self.m_ds
+ self.m_ds = None
+ del self.m_sc
+ self.m_sc = None
+ del self.m_rhi
+ self.m_rhi = None
+ if self.m_fallbackSurface:
+ del self.m_fallbackSurface
+ self.m_fallbackSurface = None
+ def graphicsApiName(self):
+ if self.m_graphicsApi == QRhi.Null:
+ return "Null (no output)"
+ if self.m_graphicsApi == QRhi.OpenGLES2:
+ return "OpenGL"
+ if self.m_graphicsApi == QRhi.Vulkan:
+ return "Vulkan"
+ if self.m_graphicsApi == QRhi.D3D11:
+ return "Direct3D 11"
+ if self.m_graphicsApi == QRhi.D3D12:
+ return "Direct3D 12"
+ if self.m_graphicsApi == QRhi.Metal:
+ return "Metal"
+ return ""
+ def customInit(self):
+ pass
+ def customRender(self):
+ pass
+ def exposeEvent(self, e):
+ # initialize and start rendering when the window becomes usable
+ # for graphics purposes
+ is_exposed = self.isExposed()
+ if is_exposed and not self.m_initialized:
+ self.init()
+ self.resizeSwapChain()
+ self.m_initialized = True
+ surfaceSize = self.m_sc.surfacePixelSize() if self.m_hasSwapChain else QSize()
+ # stop pushing frames when not exposed (or size is 0)
+ if ((not is_exposed or (self.m_hasSwapChain and surfaceSize.isEmpty()))
+ and self.m_initialized and not self.m_notExposed):
+ self.m_notExposed = True
+ # Continue when exposed again and the surface has a valid size. Note
+ # that surfaceSize can be (0, 0) even though size() reports a valid
+ # one, hence trusting surfacePixelSize() and not QWindow.
+ if is_exposed and self.m_initialized and self.m_notExposed and not surfaceSize.isEmpty():
+ self.m_notExposed = False
+ self.m_newlyExposed = True
+ # always render a frame on exposeEvent() (when exposed) in order to
+ # update immediately on window resize.
+ if is_exposed and not surfaceSize.isEmpty():
+ self.render()
+ def event(self, e):
+ if e.type() == QEvent.UpdateRequest:
+ self.render()
+ elif e.type() == QEvent.PlatformSurface:
+ # this is the proper time to tear down the swapchain (while
+ # the native window and surface are still around)
+ if e.surfaceEventType() == QPlatformSurfaceEvent.SurfaceAboutToBeDestroyed:
+ self.releaseSwapChain()
+ return super().event(e)
+ def init(self):
+ if self.m_graphicsApi == QRhi.Null:
+ params = QRhiNullInitParams()
+ self.m_rhi = QRhi.create(QRhi.Null, params)
+ if self.m_graphicsApi == QRhi.OpenGLES2:
+ self.m_fallbackSurface = QRhiGles2InitParams.newFallbackSurface()
+ params = QRhiGles2InitParams()
+ params.fallbackSurface = self.m_fallbackSurface
+ params.window = self
+ self.m_rhi = QRhi.create(QRhi.OpenGLES2, params)
+ elif self.m_graphicsApi == QRhi.D3D11:
+ params = QRhiD3D11InitParams()
+ # Enable the debug layer, if available. This is optional
+ # and should be avoided in production builds.
+ params.enableDebugLayer = True
+ self.m_rhi = QRhi.create(QRhi.D3D11, params)
+ elif self.m_graphicsApi == QRhi.D3D12:
+ params = QRhiD3D12InitParams()
+ # Enable the debug layer, if available. This is optional
+ # and should be avoided in production builds.
+ params.enableDebugLayer = True
+ self.m_rhi = QRhi.create(QRhi.D3D12, params)
+ elif self.m_graphicsApi == QRhi.Metal:
+ params = QRhiMetalInitParams()
+ self.m_rhi.reset(QRhi.create(QRhi.Metal, params))
+ if not self.m_rhi:
+ qFatal("Failed to create RHI backend")
+ self.m_sc = self.m_rhi.newSwapChain()
+ # no need to set the size here, due to UsedWithSwapChainOnly
+ self.m_ds = self.m_rhi.newRenderBuffer(QRhiRenderBuffer.DepthStencil,
+ QSize(), 1,
+ QRhiRenderBuffer.UsedWithSwapChainOnly)
+ self.m_sc.setWindow(self)
+ self.m_sc.setDepthStencil(self.m_ds)
+ self.m_rp = self.m_sc.newCompatibleRenderPassDescriptor()
+ self.m_sc.setRenderPassDescriptor(self.m_rp)
+ self.customInit()
+ def resizeSwapChain(self):
+ self.m_hasSwapChain = self.m_sc.createOrResize() # also handles self.m_ds
+ outputSize = self.m_sc.currentPixelSize()
+ self.m_viewProjection = self.m_rhi.clipSpaceCorrMatrix()
+ r = float(outputSize.width()) / float(outputSize.height())
+ self.m_viewProjection.perspective(45.0, r, 0.01, 1000.0)
+ self.m_viewProjection.translate(0, 0, -4)
+ def releaseSwapChain(self):
+ if self.m_hasSwapChain:
+ self.m_hasSwapChain = False
+ self.m_sc.destroy()
+ def render(self):
+ if not self.m_hasSwapChain or self.m_notExposed:
+ return
+ # If the window got resized or newly exposed, resize the swapchain.
+ # (the newly-exposed case is not actually required by some platforms,
+ # but is here for robustness and portability)
+ #
+ # This (exposeEvent + the logic here) is the only safe way to perform
+ # resize handling. Note the usage of the RHI's surfacePixelSize(), and
+ # never QWindow::size(). (the two may or may not be the same under the
+ # hood, # depending on the backend and platform)
+ if self.m_sc.currentPixelSize() != self.m_sc.surfacePixelSize() or self.m_newlyExposed:
+ self.resizeSwapChain()
+ if not self.m_hasSwapChain:
+ return
+ self.m_newlyExposed = False
+ result = self.m_rhi.beginFrame(self.m_sc)
+ if result == QRhi.FrameOpSwapChainOutOfDate:
+ self.resizeSwapChain()
+ if not self.m_hasSwapChain:
+ return
+ result = self.m_rhi.beginFrame(self.m_sc)
+ if result != QRhi.FrameOpSuccess:
+ qWarning(f"beginFrame failed with {result}, will retry")
+ self.requestUpdate()
+ return
+ self.customRender()
+ self.m_rhi.endFrame(self.m_sc)
+ # Always request the next frame via requestUpdate(). On some platforms
+ # this is backed by a platform-specific solution, e.g. CVDisplayLink
+ # on macOS, which is potentially more efficient than a timer,
+ # queued metacalls, etc.
+ self.requestUpdate()
+class HelloWindow(RhiWindow):
+ def __init__(self, graphicsApi):
+ super().__init__(graphicsApi)
+ self.m_vbuf = None
+ self.m_ubuf = None
+ self.m_texture = None
+ self.m_sampler = None
+ self.m_colorTriSrb = None
+ self.m_colorPipeline = None
+ self.m_fullscreenQuadSrb = None
+ self.m_fullscreenQuadPipeline = None
+ self.m_initialUpdates = None
+ self.m_rotation = 0
+ self.m_opacity = 1
+ self.m_opacityDir = -1
+ def ensureFullscreenTexture(self, pixelSize, u):
+ if self.m_texture and self.m_texture.pixelSize() == pixelSize:
+ return
+ if not self.m_texture:
+ self.m_texture = self.m_rhi.newTexture(QRhiTexture.RGBA8, pixelSize)
+ else:
+ self.m_texture.setPixelSize(pixelSize)
+ self.m_texture.create()
+ image = QImage(pixelSize, QImage.Format_RGBA8888_Premultiplied)
+ with QPainter(image) as painter:
+ painter.fillRect(QRectF(QPointF(0, 0), pixelSize),
+ QColor.fromRgbF(0.4, 0.7, 0.0, 1.0))
+ painter.setPen(Qt.transparent)
+ painter.setBrush(QGradient(QGradient.DeepBlue))
+ painter.drawRoundedRect(QRectF(QPointF(20, 20), pixelSize - QSize(40, 40)),
+ 16, 16)
+ painter.setPen(Qt.black)
+ font = QFont()
+ font.setPixelSize(0.05 * min(pixelSize.width(), pixelSize.height()))
+ painter.setFont(font)
+ name = self.graphicsApiName()
+ t = (f"Rendering with QRhi to a resizable QWindow.\nThe 3D API is {name}."
+ "\nUse the command-line options to choose a different API.")
+ painter.drawText(QRectF(QPointF(60, 60), pixelSize - QSize(120, 120)), 0, t)
+ if self.m_rhi.isYUpInNDC():
+ image = image.mirrored()
+ u.uploadTexture(self.m_texture, image)
+ def customInit(self):
+ self.m_initialUpdates = self.m_rhi.nextResourceUpdateBatch()
+ vertex_size = 4 * VERTEX_DATA.size
+ self.m_vbuf = self.m_rhi.newBuffer(QRhiBuffer.Immutable, QRhiBuffer.VertexBuffer,
+ vertex_size)
+ self.m_vbuf.create()
+ self.m_initialUpdates.uploadStaticBuffer(self.m_vbuf,
+ VoidPtr(VERTEX_DATA.tobytes(), vertex_size))
+ self.m_ubuf = self.m_rhi.newBuffer(QRhiBuffer.Dynamic,
+ QRhiBuffer.UniformBuffer, UBUF_SIZE)
+ self.m_ubuf.create()
+ self.ensureFullscreenTexture(self.m_sc.surfacePixelSize(), self.m_initialUpdates)
+ self.m_sampler = self.m_rhi.newSampler(QRhiSampler.Linear, QRhiSampler.Linear,
+ QRhiSampler.None_,
+ QRhiSampler.ClampToEdge, QRhiSampler.ClampToEdge)
+ self.m_sampler.create()
+ self.m_colorTriSrb = self.m_rhi.newShaderResourceBindings()
+ visibility = (QRhiShaderResourceBinding.VertexStage
+ | QRhiShaderResourceBinding.FragmentStage)
+ bindings = [
+ QRhiShaderResourceBinding.uniformBuffer(0, visibility, self.m_ubuf)
+ ]
+ self.m_colorTriSrb.setBindings(bindings)
+ self.m_colorTriSrb.create()
+ self.m_colorPipeline = self.m_rhi.newGraphicsPipeline()
+ # Enable depth testing; not quite needed for a simple triangle, but we
+ # have a depth-stencil buffer so why not.
+ self.m_colorPipeline.setDepthTest(True)
+ self.m_colorPipeline.setDepthWrite(True)
+ # Blend factors default to One, OneOneMinusSrcAlpha, which is convenient.
+ premulAlphaBlend = QRhiGraphicsPipeline.TargetBlend()
+ premulAlphaBlend.enable = True
+ self.m_colorPipeline.setTargetBlends([premulAlphaBlend])
+ stages = [
+ QRhiShaderStage(QRhiShaderStage.Vertex, getShader(":/color.vert.qsb")),
+ QRhiShaderStage(QRhiShaderStage.Fragment, getShader(":/color.frag.qsb"))
+ ]
+ self.m_colorPipeline.setShaderStages(stages)
+ inputLayout = QRhiVertexInputLayout()
+ input_bindings = [QRhiVertexInputBinding(5 * 4)] # sizeof(float)
+ inputLayout.setBindings(input_bindings)
+ attributes = [
+ QRhiVertexInputAttribute(0, 0, QRhiVertexInputAttribute.Float2, 0),
+ QRhiVertexInputAttribute(0, 1, QRhiVertexInputAttribute.Float3, 2 * 4)] # sizeof(float)
+ inputLayout.setAttributes(attributes)
+ self.m_colorPipeline.setVertexInputLayout(inputLayout)
+ self.m_colorPipeline.setShaderResourceBindings(self.m_colorTriSrb)
+ self.m_colorPipeline.setRenderPassDescriptor(self.m_rp)
+ self.m_colorPipeline.create()
+ self.m_fullscreenQuadSrb = self.m_rhi.newShaderResourceBindings()
+ bindings = [
+ QRhiShaderResourceBinding.sampledTexture(0, QRhiShaderResourceBinding.FragmentStage,
+ self.m_texture, self.m_sampler)
+ ]
+ self.m_fullscreenQuadSrb.setBindings(bindings)
+ self.m_fullscreenQuadSrb.create()
+ self.m_fullscreenQuadPipeline = self.m_rhi.newGraphicsPipeline()
+ stages = [
+ QRhiShaderStage(QRhiShaderStage.Vertex, getShader(":/quad.vert.qsb")),
+ QRhiShaderStage(QRhiShaderStage.Fragment, getShader(":/quad.frag.qsb"))
+ ]
+ self.m_fullscreenQuadPipeline.setShaderStages(stages)
+ layout = QRhiVertexInputLayout()
+ self.m_fullscreenQuadPipeline.setVertexInputLayout(layout)
+ self.m_fullscreenQuadPipeline.setShaderResourceBindings(self.m_fullscreenQuadSrb)
+ self.m_fullscreenQuadPipeline.setRenderPassDescriptor(self.m_rp)
+ self.m_fullscreenQuadPipeline.create()
+ def customRender(self):
+ resourceUpdates = self.m_rhi.nextResourceUpdateBatch()
+ if self.m_initialUpdates:
+ resourceUpdates.merge(self.m_initialUpdates)
+ self.m_initialUpdates = None
+ self.m_rotation += 1.0
+ modelViewProjection = self.m_viewProjection
+ modelViewProjection.rotate(self.m_rotation, 0, 1, 0)
+ projection = numpy.array(modelViewProjection.data(),
+ dtype=numpy.float32)
+ resourceUpdates.updateDynamicBuffer(self.m_ubuf, 0, 64,
+ projection.tobytes())
+ self.m_opacity += self.m_opacityDir * 0.005
+ if self.m_opacity < 0.0 or self.m_opacity > 1.0:
+ self.m_opacityDir *= -1
+ self.m_opacity = max(0.0, min(1.0, self.m_opacity))
+ opacity = numpy.array([self.m_opacity], dtype=numpy.float32)
+ resourceUpdates.updateDynamicBuffer(self.m_ubuf, 64, 4,
+ opacity.tobytes())
+ cb = self.m_sc.currentFrameCommandBuffer()
+ outputSizeInPixels = self.m_sc.currentPixelSize()
+ # (re)create the texture with a size matching the output surface size,
+ # when necessary.
+ self.ensureFullscreenTexture(outputSizeInPixels, resourceUpdates)
+ cv = QRhiDepthStencilClearValue(1.0, 0)
+ cb.beginPass(self.m_sc.currentFrameRenderTarget(), Qt.black,
+ cv, resourceUpdates)
+ cb.setGraphicsPipeline(self.m_fullscreenQuadPipeline)
+ viewport = QRhiViewport(0, 0, outputSizeInPixels.width(),
+ outputSizeInPixels.height())
+ cb.setViewport(viewport)
+ cb.setShaderResources()
+ cb.draw(3)
+ cb.setGraphicsPipeline(self.m_colorPipeline)
+ cb.setShaderResources()
+ vbufBinding = (self.m_vbuf, 0)
+ cb.setVertexInput(0, [vbufBinding])
+ cb.draw(3)
+ cb.endPass()