path: root/examples/widgets/effects/lighting/lighting.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/widgets/effects/lighting/lighting.py')
1 files changed, 107 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/examples/widgets/effects/lighting/lighting.py b/examples/widgets/effects/lighting/lighting.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f074813c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/widgets/effects/lighting/lighting.py
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2013 Riverbank Computing Limited.
+# Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import math
+import sys
+from PySide6.QtCore import QPointF, QTimer, Qt
+from PySide6.QtGui import (QBrush, QColor, QLinearGradient, QPainter, QPen,
+ QPixmap, QRadialGradient)
+from PySide6.QtWidgets import (QApplication, QFrame, QGraphicsDropShadowEffect,
+ QGraphicsEllipseItem, QGraphicsRectItem,
+ QGraphicsScene, QGraphicsView)
+class Lighting(QGraphicsView):
+ def __init__(self, parent=None):
+ super().__init__(parent)
+ self.angle = 0.0
+ self.m_scene = QGraphicsScene()
+ self.m_lightSource = None
+ self.m_items = []
+ self.setScene(self.m_scene)
+ self.setup_scene()
+ timer = QTimer(self)
+ timer.timeout.connect(self.animate)
+ timer.setInterval(30)
+ timer.start()
+ self.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing)
+ self.setFrameStyle(QFrame.NoFrame)
+ def setup_scene(self):
+ self.m_scene.setSceneRect(-300, -200, 600, 460)
+ linear_grad = QLinearGradient(QPointF(-100, -100), QPointF(100, 100))
+ linear_grad.setColorAt(0, QColor(255, 255, 255))
+ linear_grad.setColorAt(1, QColor(192, 192, 255))
+ self.setBackgroundBrush(linear_grad)
+ radial_grad = QRadialGradient(30, 30, 30)
+ radial_grad.setColorAt(0, Qt.yellow)
+ radial_grad.setColorAt(0.2, Qt.yellow)
+ radial_grad.setColorAt(1, Qt.transparent)
+ pixmap = QPixmap(60, 60)
+ pixmap.fill(Qt.transparent)
+ with QPainter(pixmap) as painter:
+ painter.setPen(Qt.NoPen)
+ painter.setBrush(radial_grad)
+ painter.drawEllipse(0, 0, 60, 60)
+ self.m_lightSource = self.m_scene.addPixmap(pixmap)
+ self.m_lightSource.setZValue(2)
+ for i in range(-2, 3):
+ for j in range(-2, 3):
+ if (i + j) & 1:
+ item = QGraphicsEllipseItem(0, 0, 50, 50)
+ else:
+ item = QGraphicsRectItem(0, 0, 50, 50)
+ item.setPen(QPen(Qt.black, 1))
+ item.setBrush(QBrush(Qt.white))
+ effect = QGraphicsDropShadowEffect(self)
+ effect.setBlurRadius(8)
+ item.setGraphicsEffect(effect)
+ item.setZValue(1)
+ item.setPos(i * 80, j * 80)
+ self.m_scene.addItem(item)
+ self.m_items.append(item)
+ def animate(self):
+ self.angle += (math.pi / 30)
+ xs = 200 * math.sin(self.angle) - 40 + 25
+ ys = 200 * math.cos(self.angle) - 40 + 25
+ self.m_lightSource.setPos(xs, ys)
+ for item in self.m_items:
+ effect = item.graphicsEffect()
+ delta = QPointF(item.x() - xs, item.y() - ys)
+ effect.setOffset(QPointF(delta.toPoint() / 30))
+ dd = math.hypot(delta.x(), delta.y())
+ color = effect.color()
+ color.setAlphaF(max(0.4, min(1 - dd / 200.0, 0.7)))
+ effect.setColor(color)
+ self.m_scene.update()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ app = QApplication(sys.argv)
+ lighting = Lighting()
+ lighting.setWindowTitle("Lighting and Shadows")
+ lighting.resize(640, 480)
+ lighting.show()
+ sys.exit(app.exec())