path: root/examples/widgets/graphicsview/elasticnodes/elasticnodes.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'examples/widgets/graphicsview/elasticnodes/elasticnodes.py')
1 files changed, 391 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/examples/widgets/graphicsview/elasticnodes/elasticnodes.py b/examples/widgets/graphicsview/elasticnodes/elasticnodes.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..90cb49626
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/widgets/graphicsview/elasticnodes/elasticnodes.py
@@ -0,0 +1,391 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2013 Riverbank Computing Limited.
+# Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import sys
+import weakref
+import math
+from PySide6.QtCore import (QLineF, QPointF, QRandomGenerator, QRectF, QSizeF,
+ Qt, qAbs)
+from PySide6.QtGui import (QColor, QBrush, QLinearGradient, QPainter, QPainterPath, QPen,
+ QPolygonF, QRadialGradient)
+from PySide6.QtWidgets import (QApplication, QGraphicsItem, QGraphicsScene,
+ QGraphicsView, QStyle)
+def random(boundary):
+ return QRandomGenerator.global_().bounded(boundary)
+class Edge(QGraphicsItem):
+ def __init__(self, sourceNode, destNode):
+ super().__init__()
+ self._arrow_size = 10.0
+ self._source_point = QPointF()
+ self._dest_point = QPointF()
+ self.setAcceptedMouseButtons(Qt.NoButton)
+ self.source = weakref.ref(sourceNode)
+ self.dest = weakref.ref(destNode)
+ self.source().add_edge(self)
+ self.dest().add_edge(self)
+ self.adjust()
+ def item_type(self):
+ return QGraphicsItem.UserType + 2
+ def source_node(self):
+ return self.source()
+ def set_source_node(self, node):
+ self.source = weakref.ref(node)
+ self.adjust()
+ def dest_node(self):
+ return self.dest()
+ def set_dest_node(self, node):
+ self.dest = weakref.ref(node)
+ self.adjust()
+ def adjust(self):
+ if not self.source() or not self.dest():
+ return
+ line = QLineF(self.mapFromItem(self.source(), 0, 0),
+ self.mapFromItem(self.dest(), 0, 0))
+ length = line.length()
+ if length == 0.0:
+ return
+ edge_offset = QPointF((line.dx() * 10) / length, (line.dy() * 10) / length)
+ self.prepareGeometryChange()
+ self._source_point = line.p1() + edge_offset
+ self._dest_point = line.p2() - edge_offset
+ def boundingRect(self):
+ if not self.source() or not self.dest():
+ return QRectF()
+ pen_width = 1
+ extra = (pen_width + self._arrow_size) / 2.0
+ width = self._dest_point.x() - self._source_point.x()
+ height = self._dest_point.y() - self._source_point.y()
+ rect = QRectF(self._source_point, QSizeF(width, height))
+ return rect.normalized().adjusted(-extra, -extra, extra, extra)
+ def paint(self, painter, option, widget):
+ if not self.source() or not self.dest():
+ return
+ # Draw the line itself.
+ line = QLineF(self._source_point, self._dest_point)
+ if line.length() == 0.0:
+ return
+ painter.setPen(QPen(Qt.black, 1, Qt.SolidLine, Qt.RoundCap, Qt.RoundJoin))
+ painter.drawLine(line)
+ # Draw the arrows if there's enough room.
+ angle = math.acos(line.dx() / line.length())
+ if line.dy() >= 0:
+ angle = 2 * math.pi - angle
+ arrow_head1 = QPointF(math.sin(angle + math.pi / 3) * self._arrow_size,
+ math.cos(angle + math.pi / 3) * self._arrow_size)
+ source_arrow_p1 = self._source_point + arrow_head1
+ arrow_head2 = QPointF(math.sin(angle + math.pi - math.pi / 3) * self._arrow_size,
+ math.cos(angle + math.pi - math.pi / 3) * self._arrow_size)
+ source_arrow_p2 = self._source_point + arrow_head2
+ arrow_head1 = QPointF(math.sin(angle - math.pi / 3) * self._arrow_size,
+ math.cos(angle - math.pi / 3) * self._arrow_size)
+ dest_arrow_p1 = self._dest_point + arrow_head1
+ arrow_head2 = QPointF(math.sin(angle - math.pi + math.pi / 3) * self._arrow_size,
+ math.cos(angle - math.pi + math.pi / 3) * self._arrow_size)
+ dest_arrow_p2 = self._dest_point + arrow_head2
+ painter.setBrush(Qt.black)
+ painter.drawPolygon(QPolygonF([line.p1(), source_arrow_p1, source_arrow_p2]))
+ painter.drawPolygon(QPolygonF([line.p2(), dest_arrow_p1, dest_arrow_p2]))
+class Node(QGraphicsItem):
+ def __init__(self, graphWidget):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.graph = weakref.ref(graphWidget)
+ self._edge_list = []
+ self._new_pos = QPointF()
+ self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemIsMovable)
+ self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemSendsGeometryChanges)
+ self.setCacheMode(QGraphicsItem.DeviceCoordinateCache)
+ self.setZValue(-1)
+ def item_type(self):
+ return QGraphicsItem.UserType + 1
+ def add_edge(self, edge):
+ self._edge_list.append(weakref.ref(edge))
+ edge.adjust()
+ def edges(self):
+ return self._edge_list
+ def calculate_forces(self):
+ if not self.scene() or self.scene().mouseGrabberItem() is self:
+ self._new_pos = self.pos()
+ return
+ # Sum up all forces pushing this item away.
+ xvel = 0.0
+ yvel = 0.0
+ for item in self.scene().items():
+ if not isinstance(item, Node):
+ continue
+ line = QLineF(self.mapFromItem(item, 0, 0), QPointF(0, 0))
+ dx = line.dx()
+ dy = line.dy()
+ l = 2.0 * (dx * dx + dy * dy) # noqa: E741
+ if l > 0:
+ xvel += (dx * 150.0) / l
+ yvel += (dy * 150.0) / l
+ # Now subtract all forces pulling items together.
+ weight = (len(self._edge_list) + 1) * 10.0
+ for edge in self._edge_list:
+ if edge().source_node() is self:
+ pos = self.mapFromItem(edge().dest_node(), 0, 0)
+ else:
+ pos = self.mapFromItem(edge().source_node(), 0, 0)
+ xvel += pos.x() / weight
+ yvel += pos.y() / weight
+ if qAbs(xvel) < 0.1 and qAbs(yvel) < 0.1:
+ xvel = yvel = 0.0
+ scene_rect = self.scene().sceneRect()
+ self._new_pos = self.pos() + QPointF(xvel, yvel)
+ self._new_pos.setX(min(max(self._new_pos.x(), scene_rect.left() + 10),
+ scene_rect.right() - 10))
+ self._new_pos.setY(min(max(self._new_pos.y(), scene_rect.top() + 10),
+ scene_rect.bottom() - 10))
+ def advance(self):
+ if self._new_pos == self.pos():
+ return False
+ self.setPos(self._new_pos)
+ return True
+ def boundingRect(self):
+ adjust = 2.0
+ return QRectF(-10 - adjust, -10 - adjust,
+ 23 + adjust, 23 + adjust)
+ def shape(self):
+ path = QPainterPath()
+ path.addEllipse(-10, -10, 20, 20)
+ return path
+ def paint(self, painter, option, widget):
+ painter.setPen(Qt.NoPen)
+ painter.setBrush(Qt.darkGray)
+ painter.drawEllipse(-7, -7, 20, 20)
+ gradient = QRadialGradient(-3, -3, 10)
+ if option.state & QStyle.State_Sunken:
+ gradient.setCenter(3, 3)
+ gradient.setFocalPoint(3, 3)
+ gradient.setColorAt(1, QColor(Qt.yellow).lighter(120))
+ gradient.setColorAt(0, QColor(Qt.darkYellow).lighter(120))
+ else:
+ gradient.setColorAt(0, Qt.yellow)
+ gradient.setColorAt(1, Qt.darkYellow)
+ painter.setBrush(QBrush(gradient))
+ painter.setPen(QPen(Qt.black, 0))
+ painter.drawEllipse(-10, -10, 20, 20)
+ def itemChange(self, change, value):
+ if change == QGraphicsItem.ItemPositionChange:
+ for edge in self._edge_list:
+ edge().adjust()
+ self.graph().item_moved()
+ return QGraphicsItem.itemChange(self, change, value)
+ def mousePressEvent(self, event):
+ self.update()
+ QGraphicsItem.mousePressEvent(self, event)
+ def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event):
+ self.update()
+ QGraphicsItem.mouseReleaseEvent(self, event)
+class GraphWidget(QGraphicsView):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super().__init__()
+ self._timer_id = 0
+ scene = QGraphicsScene(self)
+ scene.setItemIndexMethod(QGraphicsScene.NoIndex)
+ scene.setSceneRect(-200, -200, 400, 400)
+ self.setScene(scene)
+ self.setCacheMode(QGraphicsView.CacheBackground)
+ self.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing)
+ self.setTransformationAnchor(QGraphicsView.AnchorUnderMouse)
+ self.setResizeAnchor(QGraphicsView.AnchorViewCenter)
+ node1 = Node(self)
+ node2 = Node(self)
+ node3 = Node(self)
+ node4 = Node(self)
+ self._center_node = Node(self)
+ node6 = Node(self)
+ node7 = Node(self)
+ node8 = Node(self)
+ node9 = Node(self)
+ scene.addItem(node1)
+ scene.addItem(node2)
+ scene.addItem(node3)
+ scene.addItem(node4)
+ scene.addItem(self._center_node)
+ scene.addItem(node6)
+ scene.addItem(node7)
+ scene.addItem(node8)
+ scene.addItem(node9)
+ scene.addItem(Edge(node1, node2))
+ scene.addItem(Edge(node2, node3))
+ scene.addItem(Edge(node2, self._center_node))
+ scene.addItem(Edge(node3, node6))
+ scene.addItem(Edge(node4, node1))
+ scene.addItem(Edge(node4, self._center_node))
+ scene.addItem(Edge(self._center_node, node6))
+ scene.addItem(Edge(self._center_node, node8))
+ scene.addItem(Edge(node6, node9))
+ scene.addItem(Edge(node7, node4))
+ scene.addItem(Edge(node8, node7))
+ scene.addItem(Edge(node9, node8))
+ node1.setPos(-50, -50)
+ node2.setPos(0, -50)
+ node3.setPos(50, -50)
+ node4.setPos(-50, 0)
+ self._center_node.setPos(0, 0)
+ node6.setPos(50, 0)
+ node7.setPos(-50, 50)
+ node8.setPos(0, 50)
+ node9.setPos(50, 50)
+ self.scale(0.8, 0.8)
+ self.setMinimumSize(400, 400)
+ self.setWindowTitle(self.tr("Elastic Nodes"))
+ def item_moved(self):
+ if not self._timer_id:
+ self._timer_id = self.startTimer(1000 / 25)
+ def keyPressEvent(self, event):
+ key = event.key()
+ if key == Qt.Key_Up:
+ self._center_node.moveBy(0, -20)
+ elif key == Qt.Key_Down:
+ self._center_node.moveBy(0, 20)
+ elif key == Qt.Key_Left:
+ self._center_node.moveBy(-20, 0)
+ elif key == Qt.Key_Right:
+ self._center_node.moveBy(20, 0)
+ elif key == Qt.Key_Plus:
+ self.scale_view(1.2)
+ elif key == Qt.Key_Minus:
+ self.scale_view(1 / 1.2)
+ elif key == Qt.Key_Space or key == Qt.Key_Enter:
+ for item in self.scene().items():
+ if isinstance(item, Node):
+ item.setPos(-150 + random(300), -150 + random(300))
+ else:
+ QGraphicsView.keyPressEvent(self, event)
+ def timerEvent(self, event):
+ nodes = [item for item in self.scene().items() if isinstance(item, Node)]
+ for node in nodes:
+ node.calculate_forces()
+ items_moved = False
+ for node in nodes:
+ if node.advance():
+ items_moved = True
+ if not items_moved:
+ self.killTimer(self._timer_id)
+ self._timer_id = 0
+ def wheelEvent(self, event):
+ delta = event.angleDelta().y()
+ self.scale_view(math.pow(2.0, -delta / 240.0))
+ def draw_background(self, painter, rect):
+ # Shadow.
+ scene_rect = self.sceneRect()
+ right_shadow = QRectF(scene_rect.right(), scene_rect.top() + 5,
+ 5, scene_rect.height())
+ bottom_shadow = QRectF(scene_rect.left() + 5, scene_rect.bottom(),
+ scene_rect.width(), 5)
+ if right_shadow.intersects(rect) or right_shadow.contains(rect):
+ painter.fillRect(right_shadow, Qt.darkGray)
+ if bottom_shadow.intersects(rect) or bottom_shadow.contains(rect):
+ painter.fillRect(bottom_shadow, Qt.darkGray)
+ # Fill.
+ gradient = QLinearGradient(scene_rect.topLeft(), scene_rect.bottomRight())
+ gradient.setColorAt(0, Qt.white)
+ gradient.setColorAt(1, Qt.lightGray)
+ painter.fillRect(rect.intersected(scene_rect), QBrush(gradient))
+ painter.setBrush(Qt.NoBrush)
+ painter.drawRect(scene_rect)
+ # Text.
+ text_rect = QRectF(scene_rect.left() + 4, scene_rect.top() + 4,
+ scene_rect.width() - 4, scene_rect.height() - 4)
+ message = self.tr("Click and drag the nodes around, and zoom with the "
+ "mouse wheel or the '+' and '-' keys")
+ font = painter.font()
+ font.setBold(True)
+ font.setPointSize(14)
+ painter.setFont(font)
+ painter.setPen(Qt.lightGray)
+ painter.drawText(text_rect.translated(2, 2), message)
+ painter.setPen(Qt.black)
+ painter.drawText(text_rect, message)
+ def scale_view(self, scaleFactor):
+ factor = self.transform().scale(scaleFactor, scaleFactor).mapRect(
+ QRectF(0, 0, 1, 1)).width()
+ if factor < 0.07 or factor > 100:
+ return
+ self.scale(scaleFactor, scaleFactor)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ app = QApplication(sys.argv)
+ widget = GraphWidget()
+ widget.show()
+ sys.exit(app.exec())