path: root/examples/widgets/mainwindows/application
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Diffstat (limited to 'examples/widgets/mainwindows/application')
2 files changed, 49 insertions, 42 deletions
diff --git a/examples/widgets/mainwindows/application/application.py b/examples/widgets/mainwindows/application/application.py
index 79c3b0f03..f69eade2e 100644
--- a/examples/widgets/mainwindows/application/application.py
+++ b/examples/widgets/mainwindows/application/application.py
@@ -6,12 +6,12 @@ from argparse import ArgumentParser, RawTextHelpFormatter
import sys
from PySide6.QtCore import (QByteArray, QFile, QFileInfo, QSaveFile, QSettings,
- QTextStream, Qt)
+ QTextStream, Qt, Slot)
from PySide6.QtGui import QAction, QIcon, QKeySequence
from PySide6.QtWidgets import (QApplication, QFileDialog, QMainWindow,
- QMessageBox, QTextEdit, QWidget)
+ QMessageBox, QTextEdit)
-import application_rc
+import application_rc # noqa: F401
class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
@@ -42,23 +42,27 @@ class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
+ @Slot()
def new_file(self):
if self.maybe_save():
+ @Slot()
def open(self):
if self.maybe_save():
fileName, filtr = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self)
if fileName:
+ @Slot()
def save(self):
if self._cur_file:
return self.save_file(self._cur_file)
return self.save_as()
+ @Slot()
def save_as(self):
fileName, filtr = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self)
if fileName:
@@ -66,62 +70,67 @@ class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
return False
+ @Slot()
def about(self):
QMessageBox.about(self, "About Application",
- "The <b>Application</b> example demonstrates how to write "
- "modern GUI applications using Qt, with a menu bar, "
- "toolbars, and a status bar.")
+ "The <b>Application</b> example demonstrates how to write "
+ "modern GUI applications using Qt, with a menu bar, "
+ "toolbars, and a status bar.")
+ @Slot()
def document_was_modified(self):
def create_actions(self):
- icon = QIcon.fromTheme("document-new", QIcon(':/images/new.png'))
+ icon = QIcon.fromTheme(QIcon.ThemeIcon.DocumentNew, QIcon(':/images/new.png'))
self._new_act = QAction(icon, "&New", self, shortcut=QKeySequence.New,
- statusTip="Create a new file", triggered=self.new_file)
+ statusTip="Create a new file", triggered=self.new_file)
- icon = QIcon.fromTheme("document-open", QIcon(':/images/open.png'))
+ icon = QIcon.fromTheme(QIcon.ThemeIcon.DocumentOpen, QIcon(':/images/open.png'))
self._open_act = QAction(icon, "&Open...", self,
- shortcut=QKeySequence.Open, statusTip="Open an existing file",
- triggered=self.open)
+ shortcut=QKeySequence.Open, statusTip="Open an existing file",
+ triggered=self.open)
- icon = QIcon.fromTheme("document-save", QIcon(':/images/save.png'))
+ icon = QIcon.fromTheme(QIcon.ThemeIcon.DocumentSave, QIcon(':/images/save.png'))
self._save_act = QAction(icon, "&Save", self,
- shortcut=QKeySequence.Save,
- statusTip="Save the document to disk", triggered=self.save)
+ shortcut=QKeySequence.Save,
+ statusTip="Save the document to disk", triggered=self.save)
self._save_as_act = QAction("Save &As...", self,
- shortcut=QKeySequence.SaveAs,
- statusTip="Save the document under a new name",
- triggered=self.save_as)
+ shortcut=QKeySequence.SaveAs,
+ statusTip="Save the document under a new name",
+ triggered=self.save_as)
- self._exit_act = QAction("E&xit", self, shortcut="Ctrl+Q",
- statusTip="Exit the application", triggered=self.close)
+ icon = QIcon.fromTheme(QIcon.ThemeIcon.ApplicationExit)
+ self._exit_act = QAction(icon, "E&xit", self, shortcut="Ctrl+Q",
+ statusTip="Exit the application", triggered=self.close)
- icon = QIcon.fromTheme("edit-cut", QIcon(':/images/cut.png'))
+ icon = QIcon.fromTheme(QIcon.ThemeIcon.EditCut, QIcon(':/images/cut.png'))
self._cut_act = QAction(icon, "Cu&t", self, shortcut=QKeySequence.Cut,
- statusTip="Cut the current selection's contents to the clipboard",
- triggered=self._text_edit.cut)
+ statusTip="Cut the current selection's contents to the clipboard",
+ triggered=self._text_edit.cut)
- icon = QIcon.fromTheme("edit-copy", QIcon(':/images/copy.png'))
+ icon = QIcon.fromTheme(QIcon.ThemeIcon.EditCopy, QIcon(':/images/copy.png'))
self._copy_act = QAction(icon, "&Copy",
- self, shortcut=QKeySequence.Copy,
- statusTip="Copy the current selection's contents to the clipboard",
- triggered=self._text_edit.copy)
+ self, shortcut=QKeySequence.Copy,
+ statusTip="Copy the current selection's contents to the clipboard",
+ triggered=self._text_edit.copy)
- icon = QIcon.fromTheme("edit-paste", QIcon(':/images/paste.png'))
+ icon = QIcon.fromTheme(QIcon.ThemeIcon.EditPaste, QIcon(':/images/paste.png'))
self._paste_act = QAction(icon, "&Paste",
- self, shortcut=QKeySequence.Paste,
- statusTip="Paste the clipboard's contents into the current selection",
- triggered=self._text_edit.paste)
+ self, shortcut=QKeySequence.Paste,
+ statusTip="Paste the clipboard's contents into the current "
+ "selection",
+ triggered=self._text_edit.paste)
- self._about_act = QAction("&About", self,
- statusTip="Show the application's About box",
- triggered=self.about)
+ icon = QIcon.fromTheme(QIcon.ThemeIcon.HelpAbout)
+ self._about_act = QAction(icon, "&About", self,
+ statusTip="Show the application's About box",
+ triggered=self.about)
self._about_qt_act = QAction("About &Qt", self,
- statusTip="Show the Qt library's About box",
- triggered=qApp.aboutQt)
+ statusTip="Show the Qt library's About box",
+ triggered=qApp.aboutQt) # noqa: F821
@@ -175,10 +184,9 @@ class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
def maybe_save(self):
if self._text_edit.document().isModified():
ret = QMessageBox.warning(self, "Application",
- "The document has been modified.\nDo you want to save "
- "your changes?",
- QMessageBox.Save | QMessageBox.Discard |
- QMessageBox.Cancel)
+ "The document has been modified.\nDo you want to save "
+ "your changes?",
+ QMessageBox.Save | QMessageBox.Discard | QMessageBox.Cancel)
if ret == QMessageBox.Save:
return self.save()
elif ret == QMessageBox.Cancel:
@@ -189,8 +197,7 @@ class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
file = QFile(fileName)
if not file.open(QFile.ReadOnly | QFile.Text):
reason = file.errorString()
- QMessageBox.warning(self, "Application",
- f"Cannot read file {fileName}:\n{reason}.")
+ QMessageBox.warning(self, "Application", f"Cannot read file {fileName}:\n{reason}.")
inf = QTextStream(file)
diff --git a/examples/widgets/mainwindows/application/application.pyproject b/examples/widgets/mainwindows/application/application.pyproject
index 0e0413982..a9365ed1a 100644
--- a/examples/widgets/mainwindows/application/application.pyproject
+++ b/examples/widgets/mainwindows/application/application.pyproject
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
- "files": ["application.qrc", "application.py", "application_rc.py"]
+ "files": ["application.qrc", "application.py"]