path: root/setup.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'setup.py')
1 files changed, 609 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..94d74fb3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -0,0 +1,609 @@
+"""This is a distutils setup-script for the PySide project
+To build the PySide, simply execute:
+ python setup.py build --qmake=</path/to/qt/bin/qmake> [--cmake=</path/to/cmake>] [--opnessl=</path/to/openssl/bin>]
+ python setup.py install --qmake=</path/to/qt/bin/qmake> [--cmake=</path/to/cmake>] [--opnessl=</path/to/openssl/bin>]
+to build and install into your current Python installation.
+You can use special option --only-package, if you want to create more binary packages (bdist_egg, bdist_wininst, ...)
+without rebuilding entire PySide every time.
+ # First time we create bdist_winist with full PySide build
+ python setup.py bdist_winist --qmake=c:\Qt\4.7.4\bin\qmake.exe --cmake=c:\tools\cmake\bin\cmake.exe --opnessl=c:\libs\OpenSSL32bit\bin
+ # Then we crate bdist_egg reusing PySide build with option --only-package
+ python setup.py bdist_egg --only-package --qmake=c:\Qt\4.7.4\bin\qmake.exe --cmake=c:\tools\cmake\bin\cmake.exe --opnessl=c:\libs\OpenSSL32bit\bin
+- Python: 2.6, 2.7 and 3.2 is supported
+- Distribute: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/distribute
+- Cmake: Specify the path to cmake with --cmake option or add cmake to the system path.
+OpenSSL: You can specify the location of OpenSSL DLLs with option --opnessl=</path/to/openssl/bin>.
+ You can download OpenSSL for windows here: http://slproweb.com/products/Win32OpenSSL.html
+On Windows You need to execute this script from Visual Studio 2008 Command Prompt.
+Building 64bit version is not supported with Visual Studio 2008 Express Edition.
+__version__ = "1.1.1"
+import os
+import sys
+import platform
+from distutils import log
+from distutils.errors import DistutilsOptionError
+from distutils.errors import DistutilsSetupError
+from distutils.sysconfig import get_config_var
+from distutils.spawn import find_executable
+from distutils.command.build import build as _build
+from setuptools import setup
+from setuptools import find_packages
+from setuptools.command.install import install as _install
+from setuptools.command.bdist_egg import bdist_egg as _bdist_egg
+from qtinfo import QtInfo
+from utils import rmtree
+from utils import makefile
+from utils import copyfile
+from utils import copydir
+from utils import run_process
+# Change the cwd to our source dir
+ this_file = __file__
+except NameError:
+ this_file = sys.argv[0]
+this_file = os.path.abspath(this_file)
+if os.path.dirname(this_file):
+ os.chdir(os.path.dirname(this_file))
+# Clean temp build folders
+script_dir = os.getcwd()
+for n in ["build", "PySide.egg-info", "PySide-%s" % __version__,
+ "PySide", "pysideuic"]:
+ d = os.path.join(script_dir, n)
+ if os.path.isdir(d):
+ print("Removing %s" % d)
+ rmtree(d)
+# Create empty package folders
+for pkg in ["PySide", "pysideuic"]:
+ pkg_dir = os.path.join(script_dir, pkg)
+ os.makedirs(pkg_dir)
+def has_option(name):
+ try:
+ sys.argv.remove('--%s' % name)
+ return True
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ # allow passing all cmd line options also as environment variables
+ env_val = os.getenv(name.upper().replace('-', '_'), 'false').lower()
+ if env_val == "true":
+ return True
+ return False
+def option_value(name):
+ for index, option in enumerate(sys.argv):
+ if option == '--' + name:
+ if index+1 >= len(sys.argv):
+ raise DistutilsOptionError(
+ 'The option %s requires a value' % option)
+ value = sys.argv[index+1]
+ sys.argv[index:index+2] = []
+ return value
+ if option.startswith('--' + name + '='):
+ value = option[len(name)+3:]
+ sys.argv[index:index+1] = []
+ return value
+ env_val = os.getenv(name.upper().replace('-', '_'))
+ return env_val
+OPTION_DEBUG = has_option("debug")
+OPTION_QMAKE = option_value("qmake")
+OPTION_CMAKE = option_value("cmake")
+OPTION_OPENSSL = option_value("openssl")
+OPTION_ONLYPACKAGE = has_option("only-package")
+if OPTION_QMAKE is None:
+ OPTION_QMAKE = find_executable("qmake")
+if OPTION_CMAKE is None:
+ OPTION_CMAKE = find_executable("cmake")
+class pyside_install(_install):
+ def run(self):
+ _install.run(self)
+ # Custom script we run at the end of installing - this is the same script
+ # run by bdist_wininst
+ # If self.root has a value, it means we are being "installed" into
+ # some other directory than Python itself (eg, into a temp directory
+ # for bdist_wininst to use) - in which case we must *not* run our
+ # installer
+ if not self.dry_run and not self.root:
+ if sys.platform == "win32":
+ filename = os.path.join(self.prefix, "Scripts", "pyside_postinstall.py")
+ else:
+ filename = os.path.join(self.prefix, "bin", "pyside_postinstall.py")
+ if not os.path.isfile(filename):
+ raise RuntimeError("Can't find '%s'" % (filename,))
+ print("Executing post install script '%s'..." % filename)
+ cmd = [
+ os.path.abspath(sys.executable),
+ filename,
+ "-install"
+ ]
+ run_process(cmd)
+class pyside_bdist_egg(_bdist_egg):
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ _bdist_egg.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ def run(self):
+ self.run_command("build")
+ _bdist_egg.run(self)
+class pyside_build(_build):
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ _build.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ def initialize_options(self):
+ _build.initialize_options(self)
+ self.debug = False
+ self.script_dir = None
+ self.sources_dir = None
+ self.build_dir = None
+ self.install_dir = None
+ self.qmake_path = None
+ self.py_executable = None
+ self.py_include_dir = None
+ self.py_library = None
+ self.py_version = None
+ self.build_type = "Release"
+ self.qtinfo = None
+ def run(self):
+ # Check env
+ make_name = sys.platform == "win32" and "nmake" or "make"
+ make_path = find_executable(make_name)
+ if make_path is None or not os.path.exists(make_path):
+ raise DistutilsSetupError(
+ "You need the program \"%s\" on your system path to compile PySide." \
+ % make_name)
+ if OPTION_CMAKE is None or not os.path.exists(OPTION_CMAKE):
+ raise DistutilsSetupError(
+ "Failed to find cmake."
+ " Please specify the path to cmake with --cmake parameter.")
+ if OPTION_QMAKE is None or not os.path.exists(OPTION_QMAKE):
+ raise DistutilsSetupError(
+ "Failed to find qmake."
+ " Please specify the path to qmake with --qmake parameter.")
+ # Prepare parameters
+ build_type = OPTION_DEBUG and "Debug" or "Release"
+ py_version = "%s.%s" % (sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1])
+ py_include_dir = get_config_var("INCLUDEPY")
+ py_libdir = get_config_var("LIBDIR")
+ py_executable = sys.executable
+ dbgPostfix = ""
+ if build_type == "Debug":
+ dbgPostfix = "_d"
+ py_executable = py_executable[:-4] + "_d.exe"
+ if sys.platform == "win32":
+ py_library = os.path.join(py_libdir, "python%s%s.lib" % \
+ (py_version.replace(".", ""), dbgPostfix))
+ else:
+ py_library = os.path.join(py_libdir, "libpython%s%s.so" % \
+ (py_version, dbgPostfix))
+ if not os.path.exists(py_library):
+ raise DistutilsSetupError(
+ "Failed to locate the Python library %s" % py_library)
+ qtinfo = QtInfo(OPTION_QMAKE)
+ # Update os.path
+ paths = os.environ['PATH'].lower().split(os.pathsep)
+ def updatepath(path):
+ if not path.lower() in paths:
+ log.info("Adding path \"%s\" to environment" % path)
+ paths.append(path)
+ qt_dir = os.path.dirname(OPTION_QMAKE)
+ updatepath(qt_dir)
+ os.environ['PATH'] = os.pathsep.join(paths)
+ qt_version = qtinfo.version
+ if not qt_version:
+ log.error("Failed to query the Qt version with qmake %s" % qtinfo.qmake_path)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ build_name = "py%s-qt%s-%s-%s" % \
+ (py_version, qt_version, platform.architecture()[0], build_type.lower())
+ script_dir = os.getcwd()
+ sources_dir = os.path.join(script_dir, "sources")
+ build_dir = os.path.join(script_dir, os.path.join("pyside_build", "%s" % build_name))
+ install_dir = os.path.join(script_dir, os.path.join("pyside_install", "%s" % build_name))
+ self.debug = OPTION_DEBUG
+ self.script_dir = script_dir
+ self.sources_dir = sources_dir
+ self.build_dir = build_dir
+ self.install_dir = install_dir
+ self.qmake_path = OPTION_QMAKE
+ self.py_executable = py_executable
+ self.py_include_dir = py_include_dir
+ self.py_library = py_library
+ self.py_version = py_version
+ self.build_type = build_type
+ self.qtinfo = qtinfo
+ log.info("=" * 30)
+ log.info("Build type: %s" % self.build_type)
+ log.info("Package version: %s" % __version__)
+ log.info("-" * 3)
+ log.info("Script directory: %s" % self.script_dir)
+ log.info("Sources directory: %s" % self.sources_dir)
+ log.info("Build directory: %s" % self.build_dir)
+ log.info("Install directory: %s" % self.install_dir)
+ log.info("-" * 3)
+ log.info("Python executable: %s" % self.py_executable)
+ log.info("Python includes: %s" % self.py_include_dir)
+ log.info("Python library: %s" % self.py_library)
+ log.info("-" * 3)
+ log.info("Qt qmake: %s" % self.qmake_path)
+ log.info("Qt bins: %s" % qtinfo.bins_dir)
+ log.info("Qt plugins: %s" % qtinfo.plugins_dir)
+ log.info("-" * 3)
+ log.info("OpenSSL libs: %s" % OPTION_OPENSSL)
+ log.info("=" * 30)
+ # Prepare folders
+ if not os.path.exists(self.sources_dir):
+ log.info("Creating sources folder %s..." % self.sources_dir)
+ os.makedirs(self.sources_dir)
+ if not os.path.exists(self.build_dir):
+ log.info("Creating build folder %s..." % self.build_dir)
+ os.makedirs(self.build_dir)
+ if not os.path.exists(self.install_dir):
+ log.info("Creating install folder %s..." % self.install_dir)
+ os.makedirs(self.install_dir)
+ # Build extensions
+ for ext in ['shiboken', 'pyside', 'pyside-tools']:
+ self.build_extension(ext)
+ # Build patchelf
+ self.build_patchelf()
+ # Prepare packages
+ self.prepare_packages()
+ # Build packages
+ _build.run(self)
+ def build_patchelf(self):
+ if sys.platform != "linux2":
+ return
+ log.info("Building patchelf...")
+ module_src_dir = os.path.join(self.sources_dir, "patchelf")
+ build_cmd = [
+ "g++",
+ "%s/patchelf.cc" % (module_src_dir),
+ "-o",
+ "patchelf",
+ ]
+ if run_process(build_cmd, log) != 0:
+ raise DistutilsSetupError("Error building patchelf")
+ def build_extension(self, extension):
+ log.info("Building module %s..." % extension)
+ # Prepare folders
+ os.chdir(self.build_dir)
+ module_build_dir = os.path.join(self.build_dir, extension)
+ if os.path.exists(module_build_dir):
+ log.info("Deleting module build folder %s..." % module_build_dir)
+ rmtree(module_build_dir)
+ log.info("Creating module build folder %s..." % module_build_dir)
+ os.mkdir(module_build_dir)
+ os.chdir(module_build_dir)
+ module_src_dir = os.path.join(self.sources_dir, extension)
+ # Build module
+ if sys.platform == "win32":
+ cmake_generator = "NMake Makefiles"
+ make_cmd = "nmake"
+ else:
+ cmake_generator = "Unix Makefiles"
+ make_cmd = "make"
+ cmake_cmd = [
+ "cmake",
+ "-G", cmake_generator,
+ "-DQT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE=%s" % self.qmake_path,
+ "-DBUILD_TESTS=False",
+ "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=%s" % self.build_type,
+ "-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%s" % self.install_dir,
+ module_src_dir
+ ]
+ if sys.version_info[0] > 2:
+ cmake_cmd.append("-DPYTHON3_EXECUTABLE=%s" % self.py_executable)
+ cmake_cmd.append("-DPYTHON3_INCLUDE_DIR=%s" % self.py_include_dir)
+ cmake_cmd.append("-DPYTHON3_LIBRARY=%s" % self.py_library)
+ if self.build_type.lower() == 'debug':
+ cmake_cmd.append("-DPYTHON3_DBG_EXECUTABLE=%s" % self.py_executable)
+ cmake_cmd.append("-DPYTHON3_DEBUG_LIBRARY=%s" % self.py_library)
+ else:
+ cmake_cmd.append("-DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=%s" % self.py_executable)
+ cmake_cmd.append("-DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR=%s" % self.py_include_dir)
+ cmake_cmd.append("-DPYTHON_LIBRARIES=%s" % self.py_library)
+ if self.build_type.lower() == 'debug':
+ cmake_cmd.append("-DPYTHON_DEBUG_LIBRARY=%s" % self.py_library)
+ if extension.lower() == "shiboken":
+ cmake_cmd.append("-DCMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH_USE_LINK_PATH=yes")
+ if sys.version_info[0] > 2:
+ cmake_cmd.append("-DUSE_PYTHON3=ON")
+ log.info("Configuring module %s (%s)..." % (extension, module_src_dir))
+ if run_process(cmake_cmd, log) != 0:
+ raise DistutilsSetupError("Error configuring " + extension)
+ log.info("Compiling module %s..." % extension)
+ if run_process(make_cmd, log) != 0:
+ raise DistutilsSetupError("Error compiling " + extension)
+ log.info("Installing module %s..." % extension)
+ if run_process([make_cmd, "install/fast"], log) != 0:
+ raise DistutilsSetupError("Error pseudo installing " + extension)
+ os.chdir(self.script_dir)
+ def prepare_packages(self):
+ log.info("Preparing packages...")
+ version_str = "%sqt%s%s" % (__version__, self.qtinfo.version.replace(".", "")[0:3],
+ self.debug and "dbg" or "")
+ vars = {
+ "sources_dir": self.sources_dir,
+ "install_dir": self.install_dir,
+ "build_dir": self.build_dir,
+ "setup_dir": self.script_dir,
+ "ssl_libs_dir": OPTION_OPENSSL,
+ "py_version": self.py_version,
+ "qt_bin_dir": self.qtinfo.bins_dir,
+ "qt_plugins_dir": self.qtinfo.plugins_dir,
+ "qt_imports_dir": self.qtinfo.imports_dir,
+ "qt_translations_dir": self.qtinfo.translations_dir,
+ "version": version_str,
+ }
+ os.chdir(self.script_dir)
+ if sys.platform == "win32":
+ return self.prepare_packages_win32(vars)
+ return self.prepare_packages_linux(vars)
+ def prepare_packages_linux(self, vars):
+ # patchelf -> PySide/patchelf
+ copyfile(
+ "${setup_dir}/patchelf",
+ "${setup_dir}/PySide/patchelf",
+ logger=log, vars=vars)
+ # <install>/lib/site-packages/PySide/* -> <setup>/PySide
+ copydir(
+ "${install_dir}/lib/python${py_version}/site-packages/PySide",
+ "${setup_dir}/PySide",
+ logger=log, vars=vars)
+ # <install>/lib/site-packages/pysideuic/* -> <setup>/pysideuic
+ copydir(
+ "${install_dir}/lib/python${py_version}/site-packages/pysideuic",
+ "${setup_dir}/pysideuic",
+ force=False, logger=log, vars=vars)
+ # <install>/bin/pyside-uic -> PySide/scripts/uic.py
+ makefile(
+ "${setup_dir}/PySide/scripts/__init__.py",
+ logger=log, vars=vars)
+ copyfile(
+ "${install_dir}/bin/pyside-uic",
+ "${setup_dir}/PySide/scripts/uic.py",
+ force=False, logger=log, vars=vars)
+ # <install>/bin/* -> PySide/
+ copydir(
+ "${install_dir}/bin/",
+ "${setup_dir}/PySide",
+ filter=[
+ "pyside-lupdate",
+ "pyside-rcc",
+ "shiboken",
+ ],
+ recursive=False, logger=log, vars=vars)
+ # <install>/lib/lib* -> PySide/
+ copydir(
+ "${install_dir}/lib/",
+ "${setup_dir}/PySide",
+ filter=[
+ "libpyside*",
+ "libshiboken*",
+ ],
+ recursive=False, logger=log, vars=vars)
+ # <install>/share/PySide/typesystems/* -> <setup>/PySide/typesystems
+ copydir(
+ "${install_dir}/share/PySide/typesystems",
+ "${setup_dir}/PySide/typesystems",
+ logger=log, vars=vars)
+ # <install>/include/* -> <setup>/PySide/include
+ copydir(
+ "${install_dir}/include",
+ "${setup_dir}/PySide/include",
+ logger=log, vars=vars)
+ # <sources>/pyside-examples/examples/* -> <setup>/PySide/examples
+ copydir(
+ "${sources_dir}/pyside-examples/examples",
+ "${setup_dir}/PySide/examples",
+ force=False, logger=log, vars=vars)
+ def prepare_packages_win32(self, vars):
+ # <install>/lib/site-packages/PySide/* -> <setup>/PySide
+ copydir(
+ "${install_dir}/lib/site-packages/PySide",
+ "${setup_dir}/PySide",
+ logger=log, vars=vars)
+ if self.debug:
+ # <build>/pyside/PySide/*.pdb -> <setup>/PySide
+ copydir(
+ "${build_dir}/pyside/PySide",
+ "${setup_dir}/PySide",
+ filter=["*.pdb"],
+ recursive=False, logger=log, vars=vars)
+ # <install>/lib/site-packages/pysideuic/* -> <setup>/pysideuic
+ copydir(
+ "${install_dir}/lib/site-packages/pysideuic",
+ "${setup_dir}/pysideuic",
+ force=False, logger=log, vars=vars)
+ # <install>/bin/pyside-uic -> PySide/scripts/uic.py
+ makefile(
+ "${setup_dir}/PySide/scripts/__init__.py",
+ logger=log, vars=vars)
+ copyfile(
+ "${install_dir}/bin/pyside-uic",
+ "${setup_dir}/PySide/scripts/uic.py",
+ force=False, logger=log, vars=vars)
+ # <install>/bin/*.exe,*.dll -> PySide/
+ copydir(
+ "${install_dir}/bin/",
+ "${setup_dir}/PySide",
+ filter=["*.exe", "*.dll"],
+ recursive=False, logger=log, vars=vars)
+ # <install>/lib/*.lib -> PySide/
+ copydir(
+ "${install_dir}/lib/",
+ "${setup_dir}/PySide",
+ filter=["*.lib"],
+ recursive=False, logger=log, vars=vars)
+ # <install>/share/PySide/typesystems/* -> <setup>/PySide/typesystems
+ copydir(
+ "${install_dir}/share/PySide/typesystems",
+ "${setup_dir}/PySide/typesystems",
+ logger=log, vars=vars)
+ # <install>/include/* -> <setup>/PySide/include
+ copydir(
+ "${install_dir}/include",
+ "${setup_dir}/PySide/include",
+ logger=log, vars=vars)
+ # <ssl_libs>/* -> <setup>/PySide/
+ copydir("${ssl_libs_dir}", "${setup_dir}/PySide",
+ filter=[
+ "libeay32.dll",
+ "ssleay32.dll"],
+ force=False, logger=log, vars=vars)
+ # <qt>/bin/*.dll -> <setup>/PySide
+ copydir("${qt_bin_dir}", "${setup_dir}/PySide",
+ filter=[
+ "*.dll",
+ "designer.exe",
+ "linguist.exe",
+ "lrelease.exe",
+ "lupdate.exe",
+ "lconvert.exe"],
+ ignore=["*d4.dll"],
+ recursive=False, logger=log, vars=vars)
+ if self.debug:
+ # <qt>/bin/*d4.dll -> <setup>/PySide
+ copydir("${qt_bin_dir}", "${setup_dir}/PySide",
+ filter=["*d4.dll"],
+ recursive=False, logger=log, vars=vars)
+ # <qt>/plugins/* -> <setup>/PySide/plugins
+ copydir("${qt_plugins_dir}", "${setup_dir}/PySide/plugins",
+ filter=["*.dll"],
+ logger=log, vars=vars)
+ # <qt>/imports/* -> <setup>/PySide/imports
+ copydir("${qt_imports_dir}", "${setup_dir}/PySide/imports",
+ filter=["qmldir", "*.dll"],
+ logger=log, vars=vars)
+ # <qt>/translations/* -> <setup>/PySide/translations
+ copydir("${qt_translations_dir}", "${setup_dir}/PySide/translations",
+ filter=["*.ts"],
+ logger=log, vars=vars)
+ # <sources>/pyside-examples/examples/* -> <setup>/PySide/examples
+ copydir(
+ "${sources_dir}/pyside-examples/examples",
+ "${setup_dir}/PySide/examples",
+ force=False, logger=log, vars=vars)
+def read(fname):
+ return open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname)).read()
+ name = "PySide",
+ version = __version__,
+ description = ("Python bindings for the Qt cross-platform application and UI framework"),
+ long_description = read('README.txt'),
+ options = {
+ "bdist_wininst": {
+ "install_script": "pyside_postinstall.py",
+ },
+ "bdist_msi": {
+ "install_script": "pyside_postinstall.py",
+ },
+ },
+ scripts = [
+ "pyside_postinstall.py"
+ ],
+ classifiers = [
+ 'Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable',
+ 'Environment :: Console',
+ 'Environment :: MacOS X',
+ 'Environment :: X11 Applications :: Qt',
+ 'Intended Audience :: Developers',
+ 'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Library or Lesser General Public License (LGPL)',
+ 'Operating System :: MacOS :: MacOS X',
+ 'Operating System :: POSIX',
+ 'Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux',
+ 'Programming Language :: C++',
+ 'Programming Language :: Python',
+ 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2',
+ 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.6',
+ 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7',
+ 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3',
+ 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.2',
+ 'Topic :: Database',
+ 'Topic :: Software Development',
+ 'Topic :: Software Development :: Code Generators',
+ 'Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks',
+ 'Topic :: Software Development :: User Interfaces',
+ 'Topic :: Software Development :: Widget Sets',
+ ],
+ keywords = 'Qt',
+ author = 'PySide Team',
+ author_email = 'contact@pyside.org',
+ url = 'http://www.pyside.org',
+ license = 'LGPL',
+ packages = ['PySide', 'pysideuic'],
+ include_package_data = True,
+ zip_safe = False,
+ entry_points = {
+ 'console_scripts': [
+ 'pyside-uic = PySide.scripts.uic:main',
+ ]
+ },
+ cmdclass = {
+ 'build': pyside_build,
+ 'bdist_egg': pyside_bdist_egg,
+ 'install': pyside_install,
+ },