path: root/sources/pyside-tools/deploy_lib/config.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sources/pyside-tools/deploy_lib/config.py')
1 files changed, 459 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sources/pyside-tools/deploy_lib/config.py b/sources/pyside-tools/deploy_lib/config.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d59dd92ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/pyside-tools/deploy_lib/config.py
@@ -0,0 +1,459 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only
+import sys
+import configparser
+import logging
+import warnings
+from configparser import ConfigParser
+from typing import List
+from pathlib import Path
+from project import ProjectData
+from . import (DEFAULT_APP_ICON, find_pyside_modules, find_permission_categories,
+ QtDependencyReader, run_qmlimportscanner)
+# Some QML plugins like QtCore are excluded from this list as they don't contribute much to
+# executable size. Excluding them saves the extra processing of checking for them in files
+EXCLUDED_QML_PLUGINS = {"QtQuick", "QtQuick3D", "QtCharts", "QtWebEngine", "QtTest", "QtSensors"}
+PERMISSION_MAP = {"Bluetooth": "NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription:BluetoothAccess",
+ "Camera": "NSCameraUsageDescription:CameraAccess",
+ "Microphone": "NSMicrophoneUsageDescription:MicrophoneAccess",
+ "Contacts": "NSContactsUsageDescription:ContactsAccess",
+ "Calendar": "NSCalendarsUsageDescription:CalendarAccess",
+ # for iOS NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription and
+ # NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription are also required.
+ "Location": "NSLocationUsageDescription:LocationAccess",
+ }
+class BaseConfig:
+ """Wrapper class around any .spec file with function to read and set values for the .spec file
+ """
+ def __init__(self, config_file: Path, comment_prefixes: str = "/",
+ existing_config_file: bool = False) -> None:
+ self.config_file = config_file
+ self.existing_config_file = existing_config_file
+ self.parser = ConfigParser(comment_prefixes=comment_prefixes, strict=False,
+ allow_no_value=True)
+ self.parser.read(self.config_file)
+ def update_config(self):
+ logging.info(f"[DEPLOY] Creating {self.config_file}")
+ with open(self.config_file, "w+") as config_file:
+ self.parser.write(config_file, space_around_delimiters=True)
+ def set_value(self, section: str, key: str, new_value: str, raise_warning: bool = True):
+ try:
+ current_value = self.get_value(section, key, ignore_fail=True)
+ if current_value != new_value:
+ self.parser.set(section, key, new_value)
+ except configparser.NoOptionError:
+ if raise_warning:
+ logging.warning(f"[DEPLOY] Key {key} does not exist")
+ except configparser.NoSectionError:
+ if raise_warning:
+ logging.warning(f"[DEPLOY] Section {section} does not exist")
+ def get_value(self, section: str, key: str, ignore_fail: bool = False):
+ try:
+ return self.parser.get(section, key)
+ except configparser.NoOptionError:
+ if not ignore_fail:
+ logging.warning(f"[DEPLOY] Key {key} does not exist")
+ except configparser.NoSectionError:
+ if not ignore_fail:
+ logging.warning(f"[DEPLOY] Section {section} does not exist")
+class Config(BaseConfig):
+ """
+ Wrapper class around pysidedeploy.spec file, whose options are used to control the executable
+ creation
+ """
+ def __init__(self, config_file: Path, source_file: Path, python_exe: Path, dry_run: bool,
+ existing_config_file: bool = False, extra_ignore_dirs: List[str] = None):
+ super().__init__(config_file=config_file, existing_config_file=existing_config_file)
+ self.extra_ignore_dirs = extra_ignore_dirs
+ self._dry_run = dry_run
+ self.qml_modules = set()
+ # set source_file
+ self.source_file = Path(
+ self.set_or_fetch(config_property_val=source_file, config_property_key="input_file")
+ ).resolve()
+ # set python path
+ self.python_path = Path(
+ self.set_or_fetch(
+ config_property_val=python_exe,
+ config_property_key="python_path",
+ config_property_group="python",
+ )
+ )
+ self.title = self.get_value("app", "title")
+ # set application icon
+ config_icon = self.get_value("app", "icon")
+ if config_icon:
+ self.icon = str(Path(config_icon).resolve())
+ else:
+ self.icon = DEFAULT_APP_ICON
+ self.project_dir = None
+ if self.get_value("app", "project_dir"):
+ self.project_dir = Path(self.get_value("app", "project_dir")).absolute()
+ else:
+ self._find_and_set_project_dir()
+ self.exe_dir = None
+ if self.get_value("app", "exec_directory"):
+ self.exe_dir = Path(self.get_value("app", "exec_directory")).absolute()
+ else:
+ self._find_and_set_exe_dir()
+ self.project_data: ProjectData = None
+ if self.get_value("app", "project_file"):
+ project_file = Path(self.get_value("app", "project_file")).absolute()
+ self.project_data = ProjectData(project_file=project_file)
+ else:
+ self._find_and_set_project_file()
+ self.qml_files = []
+ config_qml_files = self.get_value("qt", "qml_files")
+ if config_qml_files and self.project_dir and self.existing_config_file:
+ self.qml_files = [Path(self.project_dir) / file for file in config_qml_files.split(",")]
+ else:
+ self._find_and_set_qml_files()
+ self.excluded_qml_plugins = []
+ if self.get_value("qt", "excluded_qml_plugins") and self.existing_config_file:
+ self.excluded_qml_plugins = self.get_value("qt", "excluded_qml_plugins").split(",")
+ else:
+ self._find_and_set_excluded_qml_plugins()
+ self._generated_files_path = self.project_dir / "deployment"
+ self.modules = []
+ def set_or_fetch(self, config_property_val, config_property_key, config_property_group="app"):
+ """
+ Write to config_file if 'config_property_key' is known without config_file
+ Fetch and return from config_file if 'config_property_key' is unknown, but
+ config_file exists
+ Otherwise, raise an exception
+ """
+ if config_property_val:
+ self.set_value(config_property_group, config_property_key, str(config_property_val))
+ return config_property_val
+ elif self.get_value(config_property_group, config_property_key):
+ return self.get_value(config_property_group, config_property_key)
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ f"[DEPLOY] No {config_property_key} specified in config file or as cli option"
+ )
+ @property
+ def dry_run(self):
+ return self._dry_run
+ @property
+ def generated_files_path(self):
+ return self._generated_files_path
+ @property
+ def qml_files(self):
+ return self._qml_files
+ @qml_files.setter
+ def qml_files(self, qml_files):
+ self._qml_files = qml_files
+ @property
+ def project_dir(self):
+ return self._project_dir
+ @project_dir.setter
+ def project_dir(self, project_dir):
+ self._project_dir = project_dir
+ @property
+ def title(self):
+ return self._title
+ @title.setter
+ def title(self, title):
+ self._title = title
+ self.set_value("app", "title", title)
+ @property
+ def icon(self):
+ return self._icon
+ @icon.setter
+ def icon(self, icon):
+ self._icon = icon
+ self.set_value("app", "icon", icon)
+ @property
+ def source_file(self):
+ return self._source_file
+ @source_file.setter
+ def source_file(self, source_file: Path):
+ self._source_file = source_file
+ @property
+ def python_path(self):
+ return self._python_path
+ @python_path.setter
+ def python_path(self, python_path: Path):
+ self._python_path = python_path
+ @property
+ def extra_args(self):
+ return self.get_value("nuitka", "extra_args")
+ @extra_args.setter
+ def extra_args(self, extra_args):
+ self.set_value("nuitka", "extra_args", extra_args)
+ @property
+ def excluded_qml_plugins(self):
+ return self._excluded_qml_plugins
+ @excluded_qml_plugins.setter
+ def excluded_qml_plugins(self, excluded_qml_plugins):
+ self._excluded_qml_plugins = excluded_qml_plugins
+ @property
+ def exe_dir(self):
+ return self._exe_dir
+ @exe_dir.setter
+ def exe_dir(self, exe_dir: Path):
+ self._exe_dir = exe_dir
+ @property
+ def modules(self):
+ return self._modules
+ @modules.setter
+ def modules(self, modules):
+ self._modules = modules
+ self.set_value("qt", "modules", ",".join(modules))
+ def _find_and_set_qml_files(self):
+ """Fetches all the qml_files in the folder and sets them if the
+ field qml_files is empty in the config_dir"""
+ if self.project_data:
+ qml_files = self.project_data.qml_files
+ for sub_project_file in self.project_data.sub_projects_files:
+ qml_files.extend(ProjectData(project_file=sub_project_file).qml_files)
+ self.qml_files = qml_files
+ else:
+ qml_files_temp = None
+ if self.source_file and self.python_path:
+ if not self.qml_files:
+ qml_files_temp = list(self.source_file.parent.glob("**/*.qml"))
+ # add all QML files, excluding the ones shipped with installed PySide6
+ # The QML files shipped with PySide6 gets added if venv is used,
+ # because of recursive glob
+ if self.python_path.parent.parent == self.source_file.parent:
+ # python venv path is inside the main source dir
+ qml_files_temp = list(
+ set(qml_files_temp) - set(self.python_path.parent.parent.rglob("*.qml"))
+ )
+ if len(qml_files_temp) > 500:
+ if "site-packages" in str(qml_files_temp[-1]):
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "You are including a lot of QML files from a local virtual env."
+ " This can lead to errors in deployment."
+ )
+ else:
+ warnings.warn(
+ "You seem to include a lot of QML files. This can lead to errors in "
+ "deployment."
+ )
+ if qml_files_temp:
+ extra_qml_files = [Path(file) for file in qml_files_temp]
+ self.qml_files.extend(extra_qml_files)
+ if self.qml_files:
+ self.set_value(
+ "qt",
+ "qml_files",
+ ",".join([str(file.absolute().relative_to(self.project_dir))
+ for file in self.qml_files]),
+ )
+ logging.info("[DEPLOY] QML files identified and set in config_file")
+ def _find_and_set_project_dir(self):
+ # there is no other way to find the project_dir than assume it is the parent directory
+ # of source_file
+ self.project_dir = self.source_file.parent
+ # update input_file path
+ self.set_value("app", "input_file", str(self.source_file.relative_to(self.project_dir)))
+ if self.project_dir != Path.cwd():
+ self.set_value("app", "project_dir", str(self.project_dir))
+ else:
+ self.set_value("app", "project_dir", str(self.project_dir.relative_to(Path.cwd())))
+ def _find_and_set_project_file(self):
+ if self.project_dir:
+ files = list(self.project_dir.glob("*.pyproject"))
+ else:
+ logging.exception("[DEPLOY] Project directory not set in config file")
+ raise
+ if not files:
+ logging.info("[DEPLOY] No .pyproject file found. Project file not set")
+ elif len(files) > 1:
+ logging.warning("DEPLOY: More that one .pyproject files found. Project file not set")
+ raise
+ else:
+ self.project_data = ProjectData(files[0])
+ self.set_value("app", "project_file", str(files[0].relative_to(self.project_dir)))
+ logging.info(f"[DEPLOY] Project file {files[0]} found and set in config file")
+ def _find_and_set_excluded_qml_plugins(self):
+ if self.qml_files:
+ self.qml_modules = set(run_qmlimportscanner(qml_files=self.qml_files,
+ dry_run=self.dry_run))
+ self.excluded_qml_plugins = EXCLUDED_QML_PLUGINS.difference(self.qml_modules)
+ # needed for dry_run testing
+ self.excluded_qml_plugins = sorted(self.excluded_qml_plugins)
+ if self.excluded_qml_plugins:
+ self.set_value("qt", "excluded_qml_plugins", ",".join(self.excluded_qml_plugins))
+ def _find_and_set_exe_dir(self):
+ if self.project_dir == Path.cwd():
+ self.exe_dir = self.project_dir.relative_to(Path.cwd())
+ else:
+ self.exe_dir = self.project_dir
+ self.exe_dir = Path(
+ self.set_or_fetch(
+ config_property_val=self.exe_dir, config_property_key="exec_directory"
+ )
+ ).absolute()
+ def _find_and_set_pysidemodules(self):
+ self.modules = find_pyside_modules(project_dir=self.project_dir,
+ extra_ignore_dirs=self.extra_ignore_dirs,
+ project_data=self.project_data)
+ logging.info("The following PySide modules were found from the Python files of "
+ f"the project {self.modules}")
+ def _find_and_set_qtquick_modules(self):
+ """Identify if QtQuick is used in QML files and add them as dependency
+ """
+ extra_modules = []
+ if not self.qml_modules:
+ self.qml_modules = set(run_qmlimportscanner(qml_files=self.qml_files,
+ dry_run=self.dry_run))
+ if "QtQuick" in self.qml_modules:
+ extra_modules.append("Quick")
+ if "QtQuick.Controls" in self.qml_modules:
+ extra_modules.append("QuickControls2")
+ self.modules += extra_modules
+class DesktopConfig(Config):
+ """Wrapper class around pysidedeploy.spec, but specific to Desktop deployment
+ """
+ def __init__(self, config_file: Path, source_file: Path, python_exe: Path, dry_run: bool,
+ existing_config_file: bool = False, extra_ignore_dirs: List[str] = None):
+ super().__init__(config_file, source_file, python_exe, dry_run, existing_config_file,
+ extra_ignore_dirs)
+ self.dependency_reader = QtDependencyReader(dry_run=self.dry_run)
+ if self.get_value("qt", "modules"):
+ self.modules = self.get_value("qt", "modules").split(",")
+ else:
+ self._find_and_set_pysidemodules()
+ self._find_and_set_qtquick_modules()
+ self._find_dependent_qt_modules()
+ self._qt_plugins = []
+ if self.get_value("qt", "plugins"):
+ self._qt_plugins = self.get_value("qt", "plugins").split(",")
+ else:
+ self.qt_plugins = self.dependency_reader.find_plugin_dependencies(self.modules,
+ python_exe)
+ self._permissions = []
+ if sys.platform == "darwin":
+ nuitka_macos_permissions = self.get_value("nuitka", "macos.permissions")
+ if nuitka_macos_permissions:
+ self._permissions = nuitka_macos_permissions.split(",")
+ else:
+ self._find_and_set_permissions()
+ @property
+ def qt_plugins(self):
+ return self._qt_plugins
+ @qt_plugins.setter
+ def qt_plugins(self, qt_plugins):
+ self._qt_plugins = qt_plugins
+ self.set_value("qt", "plugins", ",".join(qt_plugins))
+ @property
+ def permissions(self):
+ return self._permissions
+ @permissions.setter
+ def permissions(self, permissions):
+ self._permissions = permissions
+ self.set_value("nuitka", "macos.permissions", ",".join(permissions))
+ def _find_dependent_qt_modules(self):
+ """
+ Given pysidedeploy_config.modules, find all the other dependent Qt modules.
+ """
+ all_modules = set(self.modules)
+ if not self.dependency_reader.lib_reader:
+ warnings.warn(f"[DEPLOY] Unable to find {self.dependency_reader.lib_reader_name}. This "
+ "tool helps to find the Qt module dependencies of the application. "
+ "Skipping checking for dependencies.", category=RuntimeWarning)
+ return
+ for module_name in self.modules:
+ self.dependency_reader.find_dependencies(module=module_name, used_modules=all_modules)
+ self.modules = list(all_modules)
+ def _find_and_set_permissions(self):
+ """
+ Finds and sets the usage description string required for each permission requested by the
+ macOS application.
+ """
+ permissions = []
+ perm_categories = find_permission_categories(project_dir=self.project_dir,
+ extra_ignore_dirs=self.extra_ignore_dirs,
+ project_data=self.project_data)
+ perm_categories_str = ",".join(perm_categories)
+ logging.info(f"[DEPLOY] Usage descriptions for the {perm_categories_str} will be added to "
+ "the Info.plist file of the macOS application bundle")
+ # handling permissions
+ for perm_category in perm_categories:
+ if perm_category in PERMISSION_MAP:
+ permissions.append(PERMISSION_MAP[perm_category])
+ self.permissions = permissions