path: root/sources/pyside-tools/deploy_lib/dependency_util.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sources/pyside-tools/deploy_lib/dependency_util.py')
1 files changed, 319 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sources/pyside-tools/deploy_lib/dependency_util.py b/sources/pyside-tools/deploy_lib/dependency_util.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2d5b188d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/pyside-tools/deploy_lib/dependency_util.py
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2024 The Qt Company Ltd.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only
+import ast
+import re
+import os
+import site
+import json
+import warnings
+import logging
+import shutil
+import sys
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import List, Set
+from functools import lru_cache
+from . import IMPORT_WARNING_PYSIDE, run_command
+def get_py_files(project_dir: Path, extra_ignore_dirs: List[Path] = None, project_data=None):
+ """Finds and returns all the Python files in the project
+ """
+ py_candidates = []
+ ignore_dirs = ["__pycache__", "env", "venv", "deployment"]
+ if project_data:
+ py_candidates = project_data.python_files
+ ui_candidates = project_data.ui_files
+ qrc_candidates = project_data.qrc_files
+ def add_uic_qrc_candidates(candidates, candidate_type):
+ possible_py_candidates = [(file.parent / f"{candidate_type}_{file.stem}.py")
+ for file in candidates
+ if (file.parent / f"{candidate_type}_{file.stem}.py").exists()
+ ]
+ if len(possible_py_candidates) != len(candidates):
+ warnings.warn(f"[DEPLOY] The number of {candidate_type} files and their "
+ "corresponding Python files don't match.",
+ category=RuntimeWarning)
+ py_candidates.extend(possible_py_candidates)
+ if ui_candidates:
+ add_uic_qrc_candidates(ui_candidates, "ui")
+ if qrc_candidates:
+ add_uic_qrc_candidates(qrc_candidates, "qrc")
+ return py_candidates
+ # incase there is not .pyproject file, search all python files in project_dir, except
+ # ignore_dirs
+ if extra_ignore_dirs:
+ ignore_dirs.extend(extra_ignore_dirs)
+ # find relevant .py files
+ _walk = os.walk(project_dir)
+ for root, dirs, files in _walk:
+ dirs[:] = [d for d in dirs if d not in ignore_dirs and not d.startswith(".")]
+ for py_file in files:
+ if py_file.endswith(".py"):
+ py_candidates.append(Path(root) / py_file)
+ return py_candidates
+def get_ast(py_file: Path):
+ """Given a Python file returns the abstract syntax tree
+ """
+ contents = py_file.read_text(encoding="utf-8")
+ try:
+ tree = ast.parse(contents)
+ except SyntaxError:
+ print(f"[DEPLOY] Unable to parse {py_file}")
+ return tree
+def find_permission_categories(project_dir: Path, extra_ignore_dirs: List[Path] = None,
+ project_data=None):
+ """Given the project directory, finds all the permission categories required by the
+ project. eg: Camera, Bluetooth, Contacts etc.
+ Note: This function is only relevant for mac0S deployment.
+ """
+ all_perm_categories = set()
+ mod_pattern = re.compile("Q(?P<mod_name>.*)Permission")
+ def pyside_permission_imports(py_file: Path):
+ perm_categories = []
+ try:
+ tree = get_ast(py_file)
+ for node in ast.walk(tree):
+ if isinstance(node, ast.ImportFrom):
+ main_mod_name = node.module
+ if main_mod_name == "PySide6.QtCore":
+ # considers 'from PySide6.QtCore import QtMicrophonePermission'
+ for imported_module in node.names:
+ full_mod_name = imported_module.name
+ match = mod_pattern.search(full_mod_name)
+ if match:
+ mod_name = match.group("mod_name")
+ perm_categories.append(mod_name)
+ continue
+ if isinstance(node, ast.Import):
+ for imported_module in node.names:
+ full_mod_name = imported_module.name
+ if full_mod_name == "PySide6":
+ logging.warning(IMPORT_WARNING_PYSIDE.format(str(py_file)))
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise RuntimeError(f"[DEPLOY] Finding permission categories failed on file "
+ f"{str(py_file)} with error {e}")
+ return set(perm_categories)
+ py_candidates = get_py_files(project_dir, extra_ignore_dirs, project_data)
+ for py_candidate in py_candidates:
+ all_perm_categories = all_perm_categories.union(pyside_permission_imports(py_candidate))
+ if not all_perm_categories:
+ ValueError("[DEPLOY] No permission categories were found for macOS app bundle creation.")
+ return all_perm_categories
+def find_pyside_modules(project_dir: Path, extra_ignore_dirs: List[Path] = None,
+ project_data=None):
+ """
+ Searches all the python files in the project to find all the PySide modules used by
+ the application.
+ """
+ all_modules = set()
+ mod_pattern = re.compile("PySide6.Qt(?P<mod_name>.*)")
+ def pyside_module_imports(py_file: Path):
+ modules = []
+ try:
+ tree = get_ast(py_file)
+ for node in ast.walk(tree):
+ if isinstance(node, ast.ImportFrom):
+ main_mod_name = node.module
+ if main_mod_name.startswith("PySide6"):
+ if main_mod_name == "PySide6":
+ # considers 'from PySide6 import QtCore'
+ for imported_module in node.names:
+ full_mod_name = imported_module.name
+ if full_mod_name.startswith("Qt"):
+ modules.append(full_mod_name[2:])
+ continue
+ # considers 'from PySide6.QtCore import Qt'
+ match = mod_pattern.search(main_mod_name)
+ if match:
+ mod_name = match.group("mod_name")
+ modules.append(mod_name)
+ else:
+ logging.warning((
+ f"[DEPLOY] Unable to find module name from {ast.dump(node)}"))
+ if isinstance(node, ast.Import):
+ for imported_module in node.names:
+ full_mod_name = imported_module.name
+ if full_mod_name == "PySide6":
+ logging.warning(IMPORT_WARNING_PYSIDE.format(str(py_file)))
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise RuntimeError(f"[DEPLOY] Finding module import failed on file {str(py_file)} with "
+ f"error {e}")
+ return set(modules)
+ py_candidates = get_py_files(project_dir, extra_ignore_dirs, project_data)
+ for py_candidate in py_candidates:
+ all_modules = all_modules.union(pyside_module_imports(py_candidate))
+ if not all_modules:
+ ValueError("[DEPLOY] No PySide6 modules were found")
+ return list(all_modules)
+class QtDependencyReader:
+ def __init__(self, dry_run: bool = False) -> None:
+ self.dry_run = dry_run
+ self.lib_reader_name = None
+ self.qt_module_path_pattern = None
+ self.lib_pattern = None
+ self.command = None
+ self.qt_libs_dir = None
+ if sys.platform == "linux":
+ self.lib_reader_name = "readelf"
+ self.qt_module_path_pattern = "libQt6{module}.so.6"
+ self.lib_pattern = re.compile("libQt6(?P<mod_name>.*).so.6")
+ self.command_args = "-d"
+ elif sys.platform == "darwin":
+ self.lib_reader_name = "dyld_info"
+ self.qt_module_path_pattern = "Qt{module}.framework/Versions/A/Qt{module}"
+ self.lib_pattern = re.compile("@rpath/Qt(?P<mod_name>.*).framework/Versions/A/")
+ self.command_args = "-dependents"
+ elif sys.platform == "win32":
+ self.lib_reader_name = "dumpbin"
+ self.qt_module_path_pattern = "Qt6{module}.dll"
+ self.lib_pattern = re.compile("Qt6(?P<mod_name>.*).dll")
+ self.command_args = "/dependents"
+ else:
+ print(f"[DEPLOY] Deployment on unsupported platfrom {sys.platform}")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ self.pyside_install_dir = None
+ self.qt_libs_dir = self.get_qt_libs_dir()
+ self._lib_reader = shutil.which(self.lib_reader_name)
+ def get_qt_libs_dir(self):
+ """
+ Finds the path to the Qt libs directory inside PySide6 package installation
+ """
+ for possible_site_package in site.getsitepackages():
+ if possible_site_package.endswith("site-packages"):
+ self.pyside_install_dir = Path(possible_site_package) / "PySide6"
+ if not self.pyside_install_dir:
+ print("Unable to find site-packages. Exiting ...")
+ sys.exit(-1)
+ if sys.platform == "win32":
+ return self.pyside_install_dir
+ return self.pyside_install_dir / "Qt" / "lib" # for linux and macOS
+ @property
+ def lib_reader(self):
+ return self._lib_reader
+ def find_dependencies(self, module: str, used_modules: Set[str] = None):
+ """
+ Given a Qt module, find all the other Qt modules it is dependent on and add it to the
+ 'used_modules' set
+ """
+ qt_module_path = self.qt_libs_dir / self.qt_module_path_pattern.format(module=module)
+ if not qt_module_path.exists():
+ warnings.warn(f"[DEPLOY] {qt_module_path.name} not found in {str(qt_module_path)}."
+ "Skipping finding its dependencies.", category=RuntimeWarning)
+ return
+ lib_pattern = re.compile(self.lib_pattern)
+ command = [self.lib_reader, self.command_args, str(qt_module_path)]
+ # print the command if dry_run is True.
+ # Normally run_command is going to print the command in dry_run mode. But, this is a
+ # special case where we need to print the command as well as to run it.
+ if self.dry_run:
+ command_str = " ".join(command)
+ print(command_str + "\n")
+ # We need to run this even for dry run, to see the full Nuitka command being executed
+ _, output = run_command(command=command, dry_run=False, fetch_output=True)
+ dependent_modules = set()
+ for line in output.splitlines():
+ line = line.decode("utf-8").lstrip()
+ if sys.platform == "darwin":
+ if line.endswith(f"Qt{module} [arm64]:"):
+ # macOS Qt frameworks bundles have both x86_64 and arm64 architectures
+ # We only need to consider one as the dependencies are redundant
+ break
+ elif line.endswith(f"Qt{module} [X86_64]:"):
+ # this line needs to be skipped because it matches with the pattern
+ # and is related to the module itself, not the dependencies of the module
+ continue
+ elif sys.platform == "win32" and line.startswith("Summary"):
+ # the dependencies would be found before the `Summary` line
+ break
+ match = lib_pattern.search(line)
+ if match:
+ dep_module = match.group("mod_name")
+ dependent_modules.add(dep_module)
+ if dep_module not in used_modules:
+ used_modules.add(dep_module)
+ self.find_dependencies(module=dep_module, used_modules=used_modules)
+ if dependent_modules:
+ logging.info(f"[DEPLOY] Following dependencies found for {module}: {dependent_modules}")
+ else:
+ logging.info(f"[DEPLOY] No Qt dependencies found for {module}")
+ def find_plugin_dependencies(self, used_modules: List[str], python_exe: Path) -> List[str]:
+ """
+ Given the modules used by the application, returns all the required plugins
+ """
+ plugins = set()
+ pyside_wheels = ["PySide6_Essentials", "PySide6_Addons"]
+ # TODO from 3.12 use list(dist.name for dist in importlib.metadata.distributions())
+ _, installed_packages = run_command(command=[str(python_exe), "-m", "pip", "freeze"],
+ dry_run=False, fetch_output=True)
+ installed_packages = [p.decode().split('==')[0] for p in installed_packages.split()]
+ for pyside_wheel in pyside_wheels:
+ if pyside_wheel not in installed_packages:
+ # the wheel is not installed and hence no plugins are checked for its modules
+ logging.warning((f"[DEPLOY] The package {pyside_wheel} is not installed. "))
+ continue
+ pyside_mod_plugin_json_name = f"{pyside_wheel}.json"
+ pyside_mod_plugin_json_file = self.pyside_install_dir / pyside_mod_plugin_json_name
+ if not pyside_mod_plugin_json_file.exists():
+ warnings.warn(f"[DEPLOY] Unable to find {pyside_mod_plugin_json_file}.",
+ category=RuntimeWarning)
+ continue
+ # convert the json to dict
+ pyside_mod_dict = {}
+ with open(pyside_mod_plugin_json_file) as pyside_json:
+ pyside_mod_dict = json.load(pyside_json)
+ # find all the plugins in the modules
+ for module in used_modules:
+ plugins.update(pyside_mod_dict.get(module, []))
+ return list(plugins)