path: root/sources/pyside-tools/project.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sources/pyside-tools/project.py')
1 files changed, 300 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sources/pyside-tools/project.py b/sources/pyside-tools/project.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3706a2985
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/pyside-tools/project.py
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only
+Builds a '.pyproject' file
+Builds Qt Designer forms, resource files and QML type files
+Deploys the application by creating an executable for the corresponding platform
+For each entry in a '.pyproject' file:
+- <name>.pyproject: Recurse to handle subproject
+- <name>.qrc : Runs the resource compiler to create a file rc_<name>.py
+- <name>.ui : Runs the user interface compiler to create a file ui_<name>.py
+For a Python file declaring a QML module, a directory matching the URI is
+created and populated with .qmltypes and qmldir files for use by code analysis
+tools. Currently, only one QML module consisting of several classes can be
+handled per project file.
+import sys
+import os
+from typing import List, Tuple, Optional
+from pathlib import Path
+from argparse import ArgumentParser, RawTextHelpFormatter
+from project import (QmlProjectData, check_qml_decorators, is_python_file,
+ requires_rebuild, run_command, remove_path,
+ ProjectData, resolve_project_file, new_project,
+ ProjectType, ClOptions)
+MODE_HELP = """build Builds the project
+run Builds the project and runs the first file")
+clean Cleans the build artifacts")
+qmllint Runs the qmllint tool
+deploy Deploys the application
+lupdate Updates translation (.ts) files
+new-ui Creates a new QtWidgets project with a Qt Designer-based main window
+new-widget Creates a new QtWidgets project with a main window
+new-quick Creates a new QtQuick project
+UIC_CMD = "pyside6-uic"
+RCC_CMD = "pyside6-rcc"
+LRELEASE_CMD = "pyside6-lrelease"
+LUPDATE_CMD = "pyside6-lupdate"
+QMLTYPEREGISTRAR_CMD = "pyside6-qmltyperegistrar"
+QMLLINT_CMD = "pyside6-qmllint"
+QSB_CMD = "pyside6-qsb"
+DEPLOY_CMD = "pyside6-deploy"
+NEW_PROJECT_TYPES = {"new-quick": ProjectType.QUICK,
+ "new-ui": ProjectType.WIDGET_FORM,
+ "new-widget": ProjectType.WIDGET}
+def _sort_sources(files: List[Path]) -> List[Path]:
+ """Sort the sources for building, ensure .qrc is last since it might depend
+ on generated files."""
+ def key_func(p: Path):
+ return p.suffix if p.suffix != ".qrc" else ".zzzz"
+ return sorted(files, key=key_func)
+class Project:
+ """
+ Class to wrap the various operations on Project
+ """
+ def __init__(self, project_file: Path):
+ self.project = ProjectData(project_file=project_file)
+ self.cl_options = ClOptions()
+ # Files for QML modules using the QmlElement decorators
+ self._qml_module_sources: List[Path] = []
+ self._qml_module_dir: Optional[Path] = None
+ self._qml_dir_file: Optional[Path] = None
+ self._qml_project_data = QmlProjectData()
+ self._qml_module_check()
+ def _qml_module_check(self):
+ """Run a pre-check on Python source files and find the ones with QML
+ decorators (representing a QML module)."""
+ # Quick check for any QML files (to avoid running moc for no reason).
+ if not self.cl_options.qml_module and not self.project.qml_files:
+ return
+ for file in self.project.files:
+ if is_python_file(file):
+ has_class, data = check_qml_decorators(file)
+ if has_class:
+ self._qml_module_sources.append(file)
+ if data:
+ self._qml_project_data = data
+ if not self._qml_module_sources:
+ return
+ if not self._qml_project_data:
+ print("Detected QML-decorated files, " "but was unable to detect QML_IMPORT_NAME")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ self._qml_module_dir = self.project.project_file.parent
+ for uri_dir in self._qml_project_data.import_name.split("."):
+ self._qml_module_dir /= uri_dir
+ print(self._qml_module_dir)
+ self._qml_dir_file = self._qml_module_dir / QMLDIR_FILE
+ if not self.cl_options.quiet:
+ count = len(self._qml_module_sources)
+ print(f"{self.project.project_file.name}, {count} QML file(s),"
+ f" {self._qml_project_data}")
+ def _get_artifacts(self, file: Path) -> Tuple[List[Path], Optional[List[str]]]:
+ """Return path and command for a file's artifact"""
+ if file.suffix == ".ui": # Qt form files
+ py_file = f"{file.parent}/ui_{file.stem}.py"
+ return ([Path(py_file)], [UIC_CMD, os.fspath(file), "--rc-prefix", "-o", py_file])
+ if file.suffix == ".qrc": # Qt resources
+ py_file = f"{file.parent}/rc_{file.stem}.py"
+ return ([Path(py_file)], [RCC_CMD, os.fspath(file), "-o", py_file])
+ # generate .qmltypes from sources with Qml decorators
+ if file.suffix == ".py" and file in self._qml_module_sources:
+ assert self._qml_module_dir
+ qml_module_dir = os.fspath(self._qml_module_dir)
+ json_file = f"{qml_module_dir}/{file.stem}{METATYPES_JSON_SUFFIX}"
+ return ([Path(json_file)], [MOD_CMD, "-o", json_file, os.fspath(file)])
+ # Run qmltyperegistrar
+ if file.name.endswith(METATYPES_JSON_SUFFIX):
+ assert self._qml_module_dir
+ stem = file.name[: len(file.name) - len(METATYPES_JSON_SUFFIX)]
+ qmltypes_file = self._qml_module_dir / f"{stem}.qmltypes"
+ cpp_file = self._qml_module_dir / f"{stem}_qmltyperegistrations.cpp"
+ cmd = [QMLTYPEREGISTRAR_CMD, "--generate-qmltypes",
+ os.fspath(qmltypes_file), "-o", os.fspath(cpp_file),
+ os.fspath(file)]
+ cmd.extend(self._qml_project_data.registrar_options())
+ return ([qmltypes_file, cpp_file], cmd)
+ if file.name.endswith(TRANSLATION_SUFFIX):
+ qm_file = f"{file.parent}/{file.stem}.qm"
+ cmd = [LRELEASE_CMD, os.fspath(file), "-qm", qm_file]
+ return ([Path(qm_file)], cmd)
+ if file.suffix in SHADER_SUFFIXES:
+ qsb_file = f"{file.parent}/{file.stem}.qsb"
+ cmd = [QSB_CMD, "-o", qsb_file, os.fspath(file)]
+ return ([Path(qsb_file)], cmd)
+ return ([], None)
+ def _regenerate_qmldir(self):
+ """Regenerate the 'qmldir' file."""
+ if self.cl_options.dry_run or not self._qml_dir_file:
+ return
+ if self.cl_options.force or requires_rebuild(self._qml_module_sources, self._qml_dir_file):
+ with self._qml_dir_file.open("w") as qf:
+ qf.write(f"module {self._qml_project_data.import_name}\n")
+ for f in self._qml_module_dir.glob("*.qmltypes"):
+ qf.write(f"typeinfo {f.name}\n")
+ def _build_file(self, source: Path):
+ """Build an artifact."""
+ artifacts, command = self._get_artifacts(source)
+ for artifact in artifacts:
+ if self.cl_options.force or requires_rebuild([source], artifact):
+ run_command(command, cwd=self.project.project_file.parent)
+ self._build_file(artifact) # Recurse for QML (json->qmltypes)
+ def build(self):
+ """Build."""
+ for sub_project_file in self.project.sub_projects_files:
+ Project(project_file=sub_project_file).build()
+ if self._qml_module_dir:
+ self._qml_module_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
+ for file in _sort_sources(self.project.files):
+ self._build_file(file)
+ self._regenerate_qmldir()
+ def run(self):
+ """Runs the project"""
+ self.build()
+ cmd = [sys.executable, str(self.project.main_file)]
+ run_command(cmd, cwd=self.project.project_file.parent)
+ def _clean_file(self, source: Path):
+ """Clean an artifact."""
+ artifacts, command = self._get_artifacts(source)
+ for artifact in artifacts:
+ remove_path(artifact)
+ self._clean_file(artifact) # Recurse for QML (json->qmltypes)
+ def clean(self):
+ """Clean build artifacts."""
+ for sub_project_file in self.project.sub_projects_files:
+ Project(project_file=sub_project_file).clean()
+ for file in self.project.files:
+ self._clean_file(file)
+ if self._qml_module_dir and self._qml_module_dir.is_dir():
+ remove_path(self._qml_module_dir)
+ # In case of a dir hierarchy ("a.b" -> a/b), determine and delete
+ # the root directory
+ if self._qml_module_dir.parent != self.project.project_file.parent:
+ project_dir_parts = len(self.project.project_file.parent.parts)
+ first_module_dir = self._qml_module_dir.parts[project_dir_parts]
+ remove_path(self.project.project_file.parent / first_module_dir)
+ def _qmllint(self):
+ """Helper for running qmllint on .qml files (non-recursive)."""
+ if not self.project.qml_files:
+ print(f"{self.project.project_file.name}: No QML files found", file=sys.stderr)
+ return
+ cmd = [QMLLINT_CMD]
+ if self._qml_dir_file:
+ cmd.extend(["-i", os.fspath(self._qml_dir_file)])
+ for f in self.project.qml_files:
+ cmd.append(os.fspath(f))
+ run_command(cmd, cwd=self.project.project_file.parent, ignore_fail=True)
+ def qmllint(self):
+ """Run qmllint on .qml files."""
+ self.build()
+ for sub_project_file in self.project.sub_projects_files:
+ Project(project_file=sub_project_file)._qmllint()
+ self._qmllint()
+ def deploy(self):
+ """Deploys the application"""
+ cmd = [DEPLOY_CMD]
+ cmd.extend([str(self.project.main_file), "-f"])
+ run_command(cmd, cwd=self.project.project_file.parent)
+ def lupdate(self):
+ for sub_project_file in self.project.sub_projects_files:
+ Project(project_file=sub_project_file).lupdate()
+ if not self.project.ts_files:
+ print(f"{self.project.project_file.name}: No .ts file found.",
+ file=sys.stderr)
+ return
+ source_files = self.project.python_files + self.project.ui_files
+ cmd_prefix = [LUPDATE_CMD] + [p.name for p in source_files]
+ cmd_prefix.append("-ts")
+ for ts_file in self.project.ts_files:
+ if requires_rebuild(source_files, ts_file):
+ cmd = cmd_prefix
+ cmd.append(ts_file.name)
+ run_command(cmd, cwd=self.project.project_file.parent)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ parser = ArgumentParser(description=__doc__, formatter_class=RawTextHelpFormatter)
+ parser.add_argument("--quiet", "-q", action="store_true", help="Quiet")
+ parser.add_argument("--dry-run", "-n", action="store_true", help="Only print commands")
+ parser.add_argument("--force", "-f", action="store_true", help="Force rebuild")
+ parser.add_argument("--qml-module", "-Q", action="store_true",
+ help="Perform check for QML module")
+ mode_choices = ["build", "run", "clean", "qmllint", "deploy", "lupdate"]
+ mode_choices.extend(NEW_PROJECT_TYPES.keys())
+ parser.add_argument("mode", choices=mode_choices, default="build",
+ type=str, help=MODE_HELP)
+ parser.add_argument("file", help="Project file", nargs="?", type=str)
+ options = parser.parse_args()
+ cl_options = ClOptions(dry_run=options.dry_run, quiet=options.quiet, force=options.force,
+ qml_module=options.qml_module)
+ mode = options.mode
+ new_project_type = NEW_PROJECT_TYPES.get(mode)
+ if new_project_type:
+ if not options.file:
+ print(f"{mode} requires a directory name.", file=sys.stderr)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ sys.exit(new_project(options.file, new_project_type))
+ project_file = resolve_project_file(options.file)
+ if not project_file:
+ print(f"Cannot determine project_file {options.file}", file=sys.stderr)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ project = Project(project_file)
+ if mode == "build":
+ project.build()
+ elif mode == "run":
+ project.run()
+ elif mode == "clean":
+ project.clean()
+ elif mode == "qmllint":
+ project.qmllint()
+ elif mode == "deploy":
+ project.deploy()
+ elif mode == "lupdate":
+ project.lupdate()
+ else:
+ print(f"Invalid mode {mode}", file=sys.stderr)
+ sys.exit(1)