path: root/sources/pyside-tools/qtpy2cpp_lib/visitor.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'sources/pyside-tools/qtpy2cpp_lib/visitor.py')
1 files changed, 443 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sources/pyside-tools/qtpy2cpp_lib/visitor.py b/sources/pyside-tools/qtpy2cpp_lib/visitor.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e3f39e997
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/pyside-tools/qtpy2cpp_lib/visitor.py
@@ -0,0 +1,443 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only
+from __future__ import annotations
+"""AST visitor printing out C++"""
+import ast
+import sys
+import tokenize
+import warnings
+from .formatter import (CppFormatter, format_for_loop, format_literal,
+ format_name_constant,
+ format_reference, write_import, write_import_from)
+from .nodedump import debug_format_node
+from .qt import ClassFlag, qt_class_flags
+def _is_qt_constructor(assign_node):
+ """Is this assignment node a plain construction of a Qt class?
+ 'f = QFile(name)'. Returns the class_name."""
+ call = assign_node.value
+ if (isinstance(call, ast.Call) and isinstance(call.func, ast.Name)):
+ func = call.func.id
+ if func.startswith("Q"):
+ return func
+ return None
+def _is_if_main(if_node):
+ """Return whether an if statement is: if __name__ == '__main__' """
+ test = if_node.test
+ return (isinstance(test, ast.Compare)
+ and len(test.ops) == 1
+ and isinstance(test.ops[0], ast.Eq)
+ and isinstance(test.left, ast.Name)
+ and test.left.id == "__name__"
+ and len(test.comparators) == 1
+ and isinstance(test.comparators[0], ast.Constant)
+ and test.comparators[0].value == "__main__")
+class ConvertVisitor(ast.NodeVisitor, CppFormatter):
+ """AST visitor printing out C++
+ Note on implementation:
+ - Any visit_XXX() overridden function should call self.generic_visit(node)
+ to continue visiting
+ - When controlling the visiting manually (cf visit_Call()),
+ self.visit(child) needs to be called since that dispatches to
+ visit_XXX(). This is usually done to prevent undesired output
+ for example from references of calls, etc.
+ """
+ debug = False
+ def __init__(self, file_name, output_file):
+ ast.NodeVisitor.__init__(self)
+ CppFormatter.__init__(self, output_file)
+ self._file_name = file_name
+ self._class_scope = [] # List of class names
+ self._stack = [] # nodes
+ self._stack_variables = [] # variables instantiated on stack
+ self._debug_indent = 0
+ @staticmethod
+ def create_ast(filename):
+ """Create an Abstract Syntax Tree on which a visitor can be run"""
+ node = None
+ with tokenize.open(filename) as file:
+ node = ast.parse(file.read(), mode="exec")
+ return node
+ def generic_visit(self, node):
+ parent = self._stack[-1] if self._stack else None
+ if self.debug:
+ self._debug_enter(node, parent)
+ self._stack.append(node)
+ try:
+ super().generic_visit(node)
+ except Exception as e:
+ line_no = node.lineno if hasattr(node, 'lineno') else -1
+ error_message = str(e)
+ message = f'{self._file_name}:{line_no}: Error "{error_message}"'
+ warnings.warn(message)
+ self._output_file.write(f'\n// {error_message}\n')
+ del self._stack[-1]
+ if self.debug:
+ self._debug_leave(node)
+ def visit_Add(self, node):
+ self._handle_bin_op(node, "+")
+ def _is_augmented_assign(self):
+ """Is it 'Augmented_assign' (operators +=/-=, etc)?"""
+ return self._stack and isinstance(self._stack[-1], ast.AugAssign)
+ def visit_AugAssign(self, node):
+ """'Augmented_assign', Operators +=/-=, etc."""
+ self.INDENT()
+ self.generic_visit(node)
+ self._output_file.write("\n")
+ def visit_Assign(self, node):
+ self.INDENT()
+ qt_class = _is_qt_constructor(node)
+ on_stack = qt_class and qt_class_flags(qt_class) & ClassFlag.INSTANTIATE_ON_STACK
+ # Is this a free variable and not a member assignment? Instantiate
+ # on stack or give a type
+ if len(node.targets) == 1 and isinstance(node.targets[0], ast.Name):
+ if qt_class:
+ if on_stack:
+ # "QFile f(args)"
+ var = node.targets[0].id
+ self._stack_variables.append(var)
+ self._output_file.write(f"{qt_class} {var}(")
+ self._write_function_args(node.value.args)
+ self._output_file.write(");\n")
+ return
+ self._output_file.write("auto *")
+ line_no = node.lineno if hasattr(node, 'lineno') else -1
+ for target in node.targets:
+ if isinstance(target, ast.Tuple):
+ w = f"{self._file_name}:{line_no}: List assignment not handled."
+ warnings.warn(w)
+ elif isinstance(target, ast.Subscript):
+ w = f"{self._file_name}:{line_no}: Subscript assignment not handled."
+ warnings.warn(w)
+ else:
+ self._output_file.write(format_reference(target))
+ self._output_file.write(' = ')
+ if qt_class and not on_stack:
+ self._output_file.write("new ")
+ self.visit(node.value)
+ self._output_file.write(';\n')
+ def visit_Attribute(self, node):
+ """Format a variable reference (cf visit_Name)"""
+ # Default parameter (like Qt::black)?
+ if self._ignore_function_def_node(node):
+ return
+ self._output_file.write(format_reference(node))
+ def visit_BinOp(self, node):
+ # Parentheses are not exposed, so, every binary operation needs to
+ # be enclosed by ().
+ self._output_file.write('(')
+ self.generic_visit(node)
+ self._output_file.write(')')
+ def _handle_bin_op(self, node, op):
+ """Handle a binary operator which can appear as 'Augmented Assign'."""
+ self.generic_visit(node)
+ full_op = f" {op}= " if self._is_augmented_assign() else f" {op} "
+ self._output_file.write(full_op)
+ def visit_BitAnd(self, node):
+ self._handle_bin_op(node, "&")
+ def visit_BitOr(self, node):
+ self._handle_bin_op(node, "|")
+ def _format_call(self, node):
+ # Decorator list?
+ if self._ignore_function_def_node(node):
+ return
+ f = node.func
+ if isinstance(f, ast.Name):
+ self._output_file.write(f.id)
+ else:
+ # Attributes denoting chained calls "a->b()->c()". Walk along in
+ # reverse order, recursing for other calls.
+ names = []
+ n = f
+ while isinstance(n, ast.Attribute):
+ names.insert(0, n.attr)
+ n = n.value
+ if isinstance(n, ast.Name): # Member or variable reference
+ if n.id != "self":
+ sep = "->"
+ if n.id in self._stack_variables:
+ sep = "."
+ elif n.id[0:1].isupper(): # Heuristics for static
+ sep = "::"
+ self._output_file.write(n.id)
+ self._output_file.write(sep)
+ elif isinstance(n, ast.Call): # A preceding call
+ self._format_call(n)
+ self._output_file.write("->")
+ self._output_file.write("->".join(names))
+ self._output_file.write('(')
+ self._write_function_args(node.args)
+ self._output_file.write(')')
+ def visit_Call(self, node):
+ self._format_call(node)
+ # Context manager expression?
+ if self._within_context_manager():
+ self._output_file.write(";\n")
+ def _write_function_args(self, args_node):
+ # Manually do visit(), skip the children of func
+ for i, arg in enumerate(args_node):
+ if i > 0:
+ self._output_file.write(', ')
+ self.visit(arg)
+ def visit_ClassDef(self, node):
+ # Manually do visit() to skip over base classes
+ # and annotations
+ self._class_scope.append(node.name)
+ self.write_class_def(node)
+ self.indent()
+ for b in node.body:
+ self.visit(b)
+ self.dedent()
+ self.indent_line('};')
+ del self._class_scope[-1]
+ def visit_Div(self, node):
+ self._handle_bin_op(node, "/")
+ def visit_Eq(self, node):
+ self.generic_visit(node)
+ self._output_file.write(" == ")
+ def visit_Expr(self, node):
+ self.INDENT()
+ self.generic_visit(node)
+ self._output_file.write(';\n')
+ def visit_Gt(self, node):
+ self.generic_visit(node)
+ self._output_file.write(" > ")
+ def visit_GtE(self, node):
+ self.generic_visit(node)
+ self._output_file.write(" >= ")
+ def visit_For(self, node):
+ # Manually do visit() to get the indentation right.
+ # TODO: what about orelse?
+ self.indent_line(format_for_loop(node))
+ self.indent()
+ for b in node.body:
+ self.visit(b)
+ self.dedent()
+ self.indent_line('}')
+ def visit_FunctionDef(self, node):
+ class_context = self._class_scope[-1] if self._class_scope else None
+ for decorator in node.decorator_list:
+ func = decorator.func # (Call)
+ if isinstance(func, ast.Name) and func.id == "Slot":
+ self._output_file.write("\npublic slots:")
+ self.write_function_def(node, class_context)
+ # Find stack variables
+ for arg in node.args.args:
+ if arg.annotation and isinstance(arg.annotation, ast.Name):
+ type_name = arg.annotation.id
+ flags = qt_class_flags(type_name)
+ if flags & ClassFlag.PASS_ON_STACK_MASK:
+ self._stack_variables.append(arg.arg)
+ self.indent()
+ self.generic_visit(node)
+ self.dedent()
+ self.indent_line('}')
+ self._stack_variables.clear()
+ def visit_If(self, node):
+ # Manually do visit() to get the indentation right. Note:
+ # elsif() is modelled as nested if.
+ # Check for the main function
+ if _is_if_main(node):
+ self._output_file.write("\nint main(int argc, char *argv[])\n{\n")
+ self.indent()
+ for b in node.body:
+ self.visit(b)
+ self.indent_string("return 0;\n")
+ self.dedent()
+ self._output_file.write("}\n")
+ return
+ self.indent_string('if (')
+ self.visit(node.test)
+ self._output_file.write(') {\n')
+ self.indent()
+ for b in node.body:
+ self.visit(b)
+ self.dedent()
+ self.indent_string('}')
+ if node.orelse:
+ self._output_file.write(' else {\n')
+ self.indent()
+ for b in node.orelse:
+ self.visit(b)
+ self.dedent()
+ self.indent_string('}')
+ self._output_file.write('\n')
+ def visit_Import(self, node):
+ write_import(self._output_file, node)
+ def visit_ImportFrom(self, node):
+ write_import_from(self._output_file, node)
+ def visit_List(self, node):
+ # Manually do visit() to get separators right
+ self._output_file.write('{')
+ for i, el in enumerate(node.elts):
+ if i > 0:
+ self._output_file.write(', ')
+ self.visit(el)
+ self._output_file.write('}')
+ def visit_LShift(self, node):
+ self.generic_visit(node)
+ self._output_file.write(" << ")
+ def visit_Lt(self, node):
+ self.generic_visit(node)
+ self._output_file.write(" < ")
+ def visit_LtE(self, node):
+ self.generic_visit(node)
+ self._output_file.write(" <= ")
+ def visit_Mult(self, node):
+ self._handle_bin_op(node, "*")
+ def _within_context_manager(self):
+ """Return whether we are within a context manager (with)."""
+ parent = self._stack[-1] if self._stack else None
+ return parent and isinstance(parent, ast.withitem)
+ def _ignore_function_def_node(self, node):
+ """Should this node be ignored within a FunctionDef."""
+ if not self._stack:
+ return False
+ parent = self._stack[-1]
+ # A type annotation or default value of an argument?
+ if isinstance(parent, (ast.arguments, ast.arg)):
+ return True
+ if not isinstance(parent, ast.FunctionDef):
+ return False
+ # Return type annotation or decorator call
+ return node == parent.returns or node in parent.decorator_list
+ def visit_Index(self, node):
+ self._output_file.write("[")
+ self.generic_visit(node)
+ self._output_file.write("]")
+ def visit_Name(self, node):
+ """Format a variable reference (cf visit_Attribute)"""
+ # Skip Context manager variables, return or argument type annotation
+ if self._within_context_manager() or self._ignore_function_def_node(node):
+ return
+ self._output_file.write(format_reference(node))
+ def visit_NameConstant(self, node):
+ # Default parameter?
+ if self._ignore_function_def_node(node):
+ return
+ self.generic_visit(node)
+ self._output_file.write(format_name_constant(node))
+ def visit_Not(self, node):
+ self.generic_visit(node)
+ self._output_file.write("!")
+ def visit_NotEq(self, node):
+ self.generic_visit(node)
+ self._output_file.write(" != ")
+ def visit_Num(self, node):
+ self.generic_visit(node)
+ self._output_file.write(format_literal(node))
+ def visit_RShift(self, node):
+ self.generic_visit(node)
+ self._output_file.write(" >> ")
+ def visit_Return(self, node):
+ self.indent_string("return")
+ if node.value:
+ self._output_file.write(" ")
+ self.generic_visit(node)
+ self._output_file.write(";\n")
+ def visit_Slice(self, node):
+ self._output_file.write("[")
+ if node.lower:
+ self.visit(node.lower)
+ self._output_file.write(":")
+ if node.upper:
+ self.visit(node.upper)
+ self._output_file.write("]")
+ def visit_Str(self, node):
+ self.generic_visit(node)
+ self._output_file.write(format_literal(node))
+ def visit_Sub(self, node):
+ self._handle_bin_op(node, "-")
+ def visit_UnOp(self, node):
+ self.generic_visit(node)
+ def visit_With(self, node):
+ self.INDENT()
+ self._output_file.write("{ // Converted from context manager\n")
+ self.indent()
+ for item in node.items:
+ self.INDENT()
+ if item.optional_vars:
+ self._output_file.write(format_reference(item.optional_vars))
+ self._output_file.write(" = ")
+ self.generic_visit(node)
+ self.dedent()
+ self.INDENT()
+ self._output_file.write("}\n")
+ def _debug_enter(self, node, parent=None):
+ message = '{}>generic_visit({})'.format(' ' * self ._debug_indent,
+ debug_format_node(node))
+ if parent:
+ message += ', parent={}'.format(debug_format_node(parent))
+ message += '\n'
+ sys.stderr.write(message)
+ self._debug_indent += 1
+ def _debug_leave(self, node):
+ self._debug_indent -= 1
+ message = '{}<generic_visit({})\n'.format(' ' * self ._debug_indent,
+ type(node).__name__)
+ sys.stderr.write(message)