path: root/sources/pyside2/doc/tutorials/portingguide/chapter3/chapter3.rst
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Diffstat (limited to 'sources/pyside2/doc/tutorials/portingguide/chapter3/chapter3.rst')
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diff --git a/sources/pyside2/doc/tutorials/portingguide/chapter3/chapter3.rst b/sources/pyside2/doc/tutorials/portingguide/chapter3/chapter3.rst
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+Chapter 3: Port ``bookdwindow.cpp`` to ``bookwindow.py``
+After the bookdelegate, port the C++ code for the
+``BookWindow`` class. It offers a QMainWindow, containing a
+``QTableView`` to present the books data, and a **Details**
+section with a set of input fields to edit the selected row
+in the table. To begin with, create the ``bookwindow.py``
+and add the following imports to it:
+.. literalinclude:: bookwindow.py
+ :language: python
+ :linenos:
+ :lines: 40-53
+.. note:: The imports include the ``BookDelegate`` you
+ ported earlier and the ``Ui_BookWindow``. The pyside-uic
+ tool generates the ``ui_bookwindow`` Python code based
+ on the ``bookwindow.ui`` XML file.
+To generate this Python code, run the following command on the
+.. code-block::
+ pyside2-uic bookwindow.ui > ui_bookwindow.py
+Try porting the remaining code now. To begin with, here is
+how both the versions of the constructor code looks:
+C++ version
+.. literalinclude:: bookwindow.cpp
+ :language: c++
+ :linenos:
+ :lines: 47-115
+Python version
+.. literalinclude:: bookwindow.py
+ :language: python
+ :linenos:
+ :lines: 53-116
+.. note:: The Python version of the ``BookWindow`` class
+ definition inherits from both ``QMainWindow`` and
+ ``Ui_BookWindow``, which is defined in the
+ ``ui_bookwindow.py`` file that you generated earlier.
+Here is how the rest of the code looks like:
+C++ version
+.. literalinclude:: bookwindow.cpp
+ :language: c++
+ :linenos:
+ :lines: 115-
+Python version
+.. literalinclude:: bookwindow.py
+ :language: python
+ :linenos:
+ :lines: 117-
+Now that all the necessary pieces are in place, try to put
+them together in ``main.py``.
+.. literalinclude:: main.py
+ :language: python
+ :linenos:
+ :lines: 40-
+Try running this to see if you get the following output:
+.. image:: images/chapter3-books.png
+ :alt: BookWindow with a QTableView and a few input fields
+Now, if you look back at :doc:`chapter2 <../chapter2/chapter2>`,
+you'll notice that the ``bookdelegate.py`` loads the
+``star.png`` from the filesytem. Instead, you could add it
+to a ``qrc`` file, and load from it. The later approach is
+rececommended if your application is targeted for
+different platforms, as most of the popular platforms
+employ stricter file access policy these days.
+To add the ``star.png`` to a ``.qrc``, create a file called
+``books.qrc`` and the following XML content to it:
+.. literalinclude:: books.qrc
+ :linenos:
+This is a simple XML file defining a list all resources that
+your application needs. In this case, it is the ``star.png``
+image only.
+Now, run the ``pyside2-rcc`` tool on the ``books.qrc`` file
+to generate ``rc_books.py``.
+.. code-block::
+ pyside2-rcc books.qrc > rc_books.py
+Once you have the Python script generated, make the
+following changes to ``bookdelegate.py`` and ``main.py``:
+.. literalinclude:: bookdelegate.py
+ :diff: ../chapter2/bookdelegate.py
+.. literalinclude:: main.py
+ :diff: main-old.py
+Although there will be no noticeable difference in the UI
+after these changes, using a ``.qrc`` is a better approach.
+Now that you have successfully ported the SQL Books example,
+you know how easy it is. Try porting another C++ application.