path: root/sources/pyside6/PySide6/doc
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3 files changed, 282 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sources/pyside6/PySide6/doc/qtqml_functions.rst b/sources/pyside6/PySide6/doc/qtqml_functions.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..31801b245
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+++ b/sources/pyside6/PySide6/doc/qtqml_functions.rst
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+// @snippet qmlregistersingletoninstance
+.. py:function:: qmlRegisterSingletonInstance(pytype: type,\
+ uri: str,\
+ versionMajor: int,\
+ versionMinor: int,\
+ typeName: str,\
+ instanceObject: object) -> int
+ :param type pytype: Python class
+ :param str uri: uri to use while importing the component in QML
+ :param int versionMajor: major version
+ :param int versionMinor: minor version
+ :param str typeName: name exposed to QML
+ :param object instanceObject: singleton object to be registered
+ :return: int (the QML type id)
+This function registers a singleton Python object *instanceObject*, with a
+particular *uri* and *typeName*. Its version is a combination of *versionMajor*
+and *versionMinor*. Use this function to register an object of the given type
+*pytype* as a singleton type.
+// @snippet qmlregistersingletoninstance
+// @snippet qmlregistersingletontype_qobject_nocallback
+.. py:function:: qmlRegisterSingletonType(pytype: type, uri: str, versionMajor: int, versionMinor: int, typeName: str) -> int
+ :param type pytype: Python class
+ :param str uri: uri to use while importing the component in QML
+ :param int versionMajor: major version
+ :param int versionMinor: minor version
+ :param str typeName: name exposed to QML
+ :return: int (the QML type id)
+This function registers a Python type as a singleton in the QML system.
+Alternatively, the :ref:`QmlSingleton` decorator can be used.
+// @snippet qmlregistersingletontype_qobject_nocallback
+// @snippet qmlregistersingletontype_qobject_callback
+.. py:function:: qmlRegisterSingletonType(pytype: type, uri: str, versionMajor: int, versionMinor: int, typeName: str, callback: object) -> int
+ :param type pytype: Python class
+ :param str uri: uri to use while importing the component in QML
+ :param int versionMajor: major version
+ :param int versionMinor: minor version
+ :param str typeName: name exposed to QML
+ :param object callback: Python callable (to handle Python type)
+ :return: int (the QML type id)
+This function registers a Python type as a singleton in the QML system using
+the provided callback (which gets a QQmlEngine as a parameter) to generate the
+// @snippet qmlregistersingletontype_qobject_callback
+// @snippet qmlregistersingletontype_qjsvalue
+.. py:function:: qmlRegisterSingletonType(uri: str, versionMajor: int, versionMinor: int, typeName: str, callback: object) -> int
+ :param str uri: uri to use while importing the component in QML
+ :param int versionMajor: major version
+ :param int versionMinor: minor version
+ :param str typeName: name exposed to QML
+ :param object callback: Python callable (to handle QJSValue)
+ :return: int (the QML type id)
+This function registers a QJSValue as a singleton in the QML system using the
+provided callback (which gets a QQmlEngine as a parameter) to generate the
+// @snippet qmlregistersingletontype_qjsvalue
+// @snippet qmlregistertype
+.. py:function:: qmlRegisterType(pytype: type, uri: str, versionMajor: int, versionMinor: int, qmlName: str) -> int
+ :param type pytype: Python class
+ :param str uri: uri to use while importing the component in QML
+ :param int versionMajor: major version
+ :param int versionMinor: minor version
+ :param str qmlName: name exposed to QML
+ :return: int (the QML type id)
+This function registers the Python *type* in the QML system with the name
+*qmlName*, in the library imported from *uri* having the version number
+composed from *versionMajor* and *versionMinor*. For example, this registers a
+Python class 'MySliderItem' as a QML type named 'Slider' for version '1.0' of a
+module called 'com.mycompany.qmlcomponents':
+ ::
+ qmlRegisterType(MySliderItem, "com.mycompany.qmlcomponents", 1, 0, "Slider")
+Once this is registered, the type can be used in QML by importing the specified
+module name and version number:
+ ::
+ import com.mycompany.qmlcomponents 1.0
+ Slider { ... }
+Note that it's perfectly reasonable for a library to register types to older
+versions than the actual version of the library. Indeed, it is normal for the
+new library to allow QML written to previous versions to continue to work, even
+if more advanced versions of some of its types are available.
+// @snippet qmlregistertype
+// @snippet qmlregisteruncreatabletype
+.. py:function:: qmlRegisterUncreatableType(pytype: type, uri: str, versionMajor: int, versionMinor: int, qmlName: str, noCreationReason: str) -> int
+ :param type pytype: Python class
+ :param str uri: uri to use while importing the component in QML
+ :param int versionMajor: major version
+ :param int versionMinor: minor version
+ :param str qmlName: name exposed to QML
+ :param str noCreationReason: Error message shown when trying to create the QML type
+ :return: int (the QML type id)
+This function registers the Python *type* in the QML system as an uncreatable
+type with the name *qmlName*, in the library imported from *uri* having the
+version number composed from *versionMajor* and *versionMinor*, showing
+*noCreationReason* as an error message when creating the type is attempted. For
+example, this registers a Python class 'MySliderItem' as a QML type named
+'Slider' for version '1.0' of a module called 'com.mycompany.qmlcomponents':
+ ::
+ qmlRegisterUncreatableType(MySliderItem, "com.mycompany.qmlcomponents", 1, 0, "Slider", "Slider cannot be created.")
+Note that it's perfectly reasonable for a library to register types to older
+versions than the actual version of the library. Indeed, it is normal for the
+new library to allow QML written to previous versions to continue to work, even
+if more advanced versions of some of its types are available.
+Alternatively, the :ref:`QmlUncreatable` decorator can be used.
+// @snippet qmlregisteruncreatabletype
+// @snippet qqmlengine-singletoninstance-qmltypeid
+Returns the instance of a singleton type that was registered under qmlTypeId.
+For ``QObject``-derived singleton types, the ``QObject`` instance is returned,
+otherwise a ``QJSValue`` or ``None``.
+It is recommended to store the QML type id, e.g. as a static member in the
+singleton class. The lookup via qmlTypeId() is costly.
+// @snippet qqmlengine-singletoninstance-qmltypeid
+// @snippet qqmlengine-singletoninstance-typename Returns the instance of a
+singleton type named typeName from the module specified by uri.
+For ``QObject``-derived singleton types, the ``QObject`` instance is returned,
+otherwise a ``QJSValue`` or ``None``.
+This method can be used as an alternative to calling qmlTypeId followed by the
+id based overload of singletonInstance. This is convenient when one only needs
+to do a one time setup of a singleton; if repeated access to the singleton is
+required, caching its typeId will allow faster subsequent access via the
+type-id based overload.
+// @snippet qqmlengine-singletoninstance-typename
diff --git a/sources/pyside6/PySide6/doc/qtquicktest.rst b/sources/pyside6/PySide6/doc/qtquicktest.rst
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index 000000000..9df2af071
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+++ b/sources/pyside6/PySide6/doc/qtquicktest.rst
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+// @snippet quick_test_main_documentation
+Sets up the entry point for a Qt Quick Test application.
+The ``name`` argument uniquely identifies this set of tests.
+``sys.argv`` should be passed to the ``argv`` argument to ensure
+propagation of the command line arguments.
+.. note:: The function assumes that your test sources are in the current
+ directory, unless the ``QUICK_TEST_SOURCE_DIR`` environment
+ variable is set or a directory is passed in ``dir``.
+The following snippet demonstrates the use of this function:
+.. code-block:: Python
+ import sys
+ from PySide6.QtQuickTest import QUICK_TEST_MAIN
+ ex = QUICK_TEST_MAIN("example", sys.argv)
+ sys.exit(ex)
+// @snippet quick_test_main_documentation
+// @snippet quick_test_main_with_setup_documentation
+Sets up the entry point for a Qt Quick Test application.
+The ``name`` argument uniquely identifies this set of tests.
+``sys.argv`` should be passed to the ``argv`` argument to ensure
+propagation of the command line arguments.
+This function is identical to ``QUICK_TEST_MAIN()``, except that it takes an
+additional argument ``setup``, the type of a ``QObject``-derived
+class which will be instantiated. With this class, it is possible to define
+additional setup code to execute before running the QML test.
+The following snippet demonstrates the use of this function:
+.. code-block:: Python
+ import sys
+ from PySide6.QtQuickTest import QUICK_TEST_MAIN_WITH_SETUP
+ class CustomTestSetup(QObject):
+ def __init__(self, parent=None):
+ super().__init__(parent)
+ @Slot(QQmlEngine)
+ def qmlEngineAvailable(self, qmlEngine):
+ pass
+ ex = QUICK_TEST_MAIN_WITH_SETUP("qquicktestsetup", CustomTestSetup, sys.argv)
+ sys.exit(ex)
+.. note:: The function assumes that your test sources are in the current
+ directory, unless the ``QUICK_TEST_SOURCE_DIR`` environment
+ variable is set or a directory is passed in ``dir``.
+// @snippet quick_test_main_with_setup_documentation
diff --git a/sources/pyside6/PySide6/doc/qtuitools.rst b/sources/pyside6/PySide6/doc/qtuitools.rst
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index 000000000..a8856f1af
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+++ b/sources/pyside6/PySide6/doc/qtuitools.rst
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+// @snippet quiloader-registercustomwidget
+Registers a Python created custom widget to QUiLoader, so it can be recognized
+when loading a `.ui` file. The custom widget type is passed via the
+``customWidgetType`` argument. This is needed when you want to override a
+virtual method of some widget in the interface, since duck punching will not
+work with widgets created by QUiLoader based on the contents of the `.ui` file.
+(Remember that
+`duck punching virtual methods is an invitation for your own demise! <https://doc.qt.io/qtforpython/shiboken6/wordsofadvice.html#duck-punching-and-virtual-methods>`_)
+Let's see an obvious example. If you want to create a new widget it's probable you'll end up
+overriding :class:`~PySide6.QtGui.QWidget`'s :meth:`~PySide6.QtGui.QWidget.paintEvent` method.
+.. code-block:: python
+ class Circle(QWidget):
+ def paintEvent(self, event):
+ with QPainter(self) as painter:
+ painter.setPen(self.pen)
+ painter.setBrush(QBrush(self.color))
+ painter.drawEllipse(event.rect().center(), 20, 20)
+ # ...
+ loader = QUiLoader()
+ loader.registerCustomWidget(Circle)
+ circle = loader.load('circle.ui')
+ circle.show()
+ # ...
+// @snippet quiloader-registercustomwidget
+// @snippet loaduitype
+.. currentmodule:: PySide6.QtUiTools
+.. py:function:: loadUiType(uifile: str) -> tuple(object, object)
+ :param str uifile: The name of the `.ui` file
+ :return: tuple(object, object)
+This function generates and loads a `.ui` file at runtime, and it returns
+a `tuple` containing the reference to the Python class, and the base class.
+We recommend not to use this approach as the workflow should be to generate a Python file
+from the `.ui` file, and then import and load it to use it, but we do understand that
+there are some corner cases when such functionality is required.
+The internal process relies on `uic` being in the PATH.
+The `pyside6-uic` wrapper uses a shipped `uic` that is located in the
+`site-packages/PySide6/uic`, so PATH needs to be updated to use that if there
+is no `uic` in the system.
+A simple use case is::
+ from PySide6.QtUiTools import loadUiType
+ generated_class, base_class = loadUiType("themewidget.ui")
+ # the values will be:
+ # (<class '__main__.Ui_ThemeWidgetForm'>, <class 'PySide6.QtWidgets.QWidget'>)
+ widget = base_class()
+ form = generated_class()
+ form.setupUi(widget)
+ # form.a_widget_member.a_method_of_member()
+ widget.show()
+// @snippet loaduitype