path: root/sources/pyside6/PySide6/glue/qtuitools.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'sources/pyside6/PySide6/glue/qtuitools.cpp')
1 files changed, 212 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sources/pyside6/PySide6/glue/qtuitools.cpp b/sources/pyside6/PySide6/glue/qtuitools.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1835ed096
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/pyside6/PySide6/glue/qtuitools.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2018 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only
+// @snippet uitools-loadui
+ * Based on code provided by:
+ * Antonio Valentino <antonio.valentino at tiscali.it>
+ * Frédéric <frederic.mantegazza at gbiloba.org>
+ */
+#include <shiboken.h>
+#include <QtUiTools/QUiLoader>
+#include <QtWidgets/QWidget>
+#include <QtCore/QFile>
+static void createChildrenNameAttributes(PyObject *root, QObject *object)
+ for (auto *child : object->children()) {
+ const QByteArray name = child->objectName().toLocal8Bit();
+ if (!name.isEmpty() && !name.startsWith("_") && !name.startsWith("qt_")) {
+ Shiboken::AutoDecRef attrName(Py_BuildValue("s", name.constData()));
+ if (!PyObject_HasAttr(root, attrName)) {
+ Shiboken::AutoDecRef pyChild(%CONVERTTOPYTHON[QObject *](child));
+ PyObject_SetAttr(root, attrName, pyChild);
+ }
+ createChildrenNameAttributes(root, child);
+ }
+ createChildrenNameAttributes(root, child);
+ }
+static PyObject *QUiLoadedLoadUiFromDevice(QUiLoader *self, QIODevice *dev, QWidget *parent)
+ QWidget *wdg = self->load(dev, parent);
+ if (wdg) {
+ PyObject *pyWdg = %CONVERTTOPYTHON[QWidget *](wdg);
+ createChildrenNameAttributes(pyWdg, wdg);
+ if (parent) {
+ Shiboken::AutoDecRef pyParent(%CONVERTTOPYTHON[QWidget *](parent));
+ Shiboken::Object::setParent(pyParent, pyWdg);
+ }
+ return pyWdg;
+ }
+ if (!PyErr_Occurred())
+ PyErr_Format(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Unable to open/read ui device");
+ return nullptr;
+static PyObject *QUiLoaderLoadUiFromFileName(QUiLoader *self, const QString &uiFile, QWidget *parent)
+ QFile fd(uiFile);
+ return QUiLoadedLoadUiFromDevice(self, &fd, parent);
+// @snippet uitools-loadui
+// @snippet quiloader
+// @snippet quiloader
+// @snippet quiloader-registercustomwidget
+%CPPSELF.addPluginPath(QString{}); // force reload widgets
+// @snippet quiloader-registercustomwidget
+// @snippet quiloader-load-1
+// Avoid calling the original function: %CPPSELF.%FUNCTION_NAME()
+%PYARG_0 = QUiLoadedLoadUiFromDevice(%CPPSELF, %1, %2);
+// @snippet quiloader-load-1
+// @snippet quiloader-load-2
+// Avoid calling the original function: %CPPSELF.%FUNCTION_NAME()
+auto str = PySide::pyPathToQString(%1);
+%PYARG_0 = QUiLoaderLoadUiFromFileName(%CPPSELF, str, %2);
+// @snippet quiloader-load-2
+// @snippet loaduitype
+ %PYARG_1 (uifile)
+// 1. Generate the Python code from the UI file
+PyObject *strObj = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(%PYARG_1);
+char *arg1 = PyBytes_AsString(strObj);
+QByteArray uiFileName(arg1);
+if (uiFileName.isEmpty()) {
+ qCritical() << "Error converting the UI filename to QByteArray";
+QFile uiFile(QString::fromUtf8(uiFileName));
+if (!uiFile.exists()) {
+ qCritical().noquote() << "File" << uiFileName << "does not exist";
+// Use the 'pyside6-uic' wrapper instead of 'uic'
+// This approach is better than rely on 'uic' since installing
+// the wheels cover this case.
+QString uicBin(QStringLiteral("pyside6-uic"));
+QStringList uicArgs = {QString::fromUtf8(uiFileName)};
+QProcess uicProcess;
+uicProcess.start(uicBin, uicArgs);
+if (!uicProcess.waitForStarted()) {
+ qCritical().noquote() << "Cannot run '" << uicBin << "': "
+ << uicProcess.errorString() << " - Check if 'pyside6-uic' is in PATH";
+if (!uicProcess.waitForFinished()
+ || uicProcess.exitStatus() != QProcess::NormalExit
+ || uicProcess.exitCode() != 0) {
+ qCritical().noquote() << '\'' << uicBin << "' failed: "
+ << uicProcess.errorString() << " - Exit status " << uicProcess.exitStatus()
+ << " (" << uicProcess.exitCode() << ")\n";
+QByteArray uiFileContent = uicProcess.readAllStandardOutput();
+QByteArray errorOutput = uicProcess.readAllStandardError();
+if (!errorOutput.isEmpty()) {
+ qCritical().noquote() << '\'' << uicBin << "' failed: " << errorOutput;
+// 2. Obtain the 'classname' and the Qt base class.
+QByteArray className;
+QByteArray baseClassName;
+// Problem
+// The generated Python file doesn't have the Qt Base class information.
+// Solution
+// Use the XML file
+if (!uiFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly))
+// This will look for the first <widget> tag, e.g.:
+// <widget class="QWidget" name="ThemeWidgetForm">
+// and then extract the information from "class", and "name",
+// to get the baseClassName and className respectively
+QXmlStreamReader reader(&uiFile);
+while (!reader.atEnd() && baseClassName.isEmpty() && className.isEmpty()) {
+ auto token = reader.readNext();
+ if (token == QXmlStreamReader::StartElement && reader.name() == u"widget") {
+ baseClassName = reader.attributes().value(QLatin1StringView("class")).toUtf8();
+ className = reader.attributes().value(QLatin1StringView("name")).toUtf8();
+ }
+if (className.isEmpty() || baseClassName.isEmpty() || reader.hasError()) {
+ qCritical() << "An error occurred when parsing the UI file while looking for the class info "
+ << reader.errorString();
+QByteArray pyClassName("Ui_"+className);
+PyObject *module = PyImport_ImportModule("__main__");
+PyObject *loc = PyModule_GetDict(module);
+// 3. exec() the code so the class exists in the context: exec(uiFileContent)
+// The context of PyRun_SimpleString is __main__.
+// 'Py_file_input' is the equivalent to using exec(), since it will execute
+// the code, without returning anything.
+Shiboken::AutoDecRef codeUi(Py_CompileString(uiFileContent.constData(), "<stdin>", Py_file_input));
+if (codeUi.isNull()) {
+ qCritical() << "Error while compiling the generated Python file";
+PyObject *uiObj = PyEval_EvalCode(codeUi, loc, loc);
+if (uiObj == nullptr) {
+ qCritical() << "Error while running exec() on the generated code";
+// 4. eval() the name of the class on a variable to return
+// 'Py_eval_input' is the equivalent to using eval(), since it will just
+// evaluate an expression.
+Shiboken::AutoDecRef codeClass(Py_CompileString(pyClassName.constData(),"<stdin>", Py_eval_input));
+if (codeClass.isNull()) {
+ qCritical() << "Error while compiling the Python class";
+Shiboken::AutoDecRef codeBaseClass(Py_CompileString(baseClassName.constData(), "<stdin>", Py_eval_input));
+if (codeBaseClass.isNull()) {
+ qCritical() << "Error while compiling the base class";
+PyObject *classObj = PyEval_EvalCode(codeClass, loc, loc);
+PyObject *baseClassObj = PyEval_EvalCode(codeBaseClass, loc, loc);
+%PYARG_0 = PyTuple_New(2);
+if (%PYARG_0 == nullptr) {
+ qCritical() << "Error while creating the return Tuple";
+PyTuple_SET_ITEM(%PYARG_0, 0, classObj);
+PyTuple_SET_ITEM(%PYARG_0, 1, baseClassObj);
+// @snippet loaduitype