path: root/sources/pyside6/cmake/Macros/PySideModules.cmake
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sources/pyside6/cmake/Macros/PySideModules.cmake')
1 files changed, 253 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sources/pyside6/cmake/Macros/PySideModules.cmake b/sources/pyside6/cmake/Macros/PySideModules.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a3bab2164
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/pyside6/cmake/Macros/PySideModules.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+# A version of cmake_parse_arguments that makes sure all arguments are processed and errors out
+# with a message about ${type} having received unknown arguments.
+macro(pyside_parse_all_arguments prefix type flags options multiopts)
+ cmake_parse_arguments(${prefix} "${flags}" "${options}" "${multiopts}" ${ARGN})
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "Unknown arguments were passed to ${type} (${${prefix}_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}).")
+ endif()
+macro(make_path varname)
+ # accepts any number of path variables
+ string(REPLACE ";" "${PATH_SEP}" ${varname} "${ARGN}")
+macro(unmake_path varname)
+ string(REPLACE "${PATH_SEP}" ";" ${varname} "${ARGN}")
+# Sample usage
+# create_pyside_module(NAME QtGui
+# INCLUDE_DIRS QtGui_include_dirs
+# LIBRARIES QtGui_libraries
+# DEPS QtGui_deps
+# STATIC_SOURCES QtGui_static_sources
+# TYPESYSTEM_NAME ${QtGui_BINARY_DIR}/typesystem_gui.xml
+# GLUE_SOURCES QtGui_glue_sources)
+ pyside_parse_all_arguments(
+ "module" # Prefix
+ "create_pyside_module" # Macro name
+ "" # Flags
+ ${ARGN} # Number of arguments given when the macros is called
+ )
+ if ("${module_NAME}" STREQUAL "")
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "create_pyside_module needs a NAME value.")
+ endif()
+ if ("${module_INCLUDE_DIRS}" STREQUAL "")
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "create_pyside_module needs at least one INCLUDE_DIRS value.")
+ endif()
+ if ("${module_TYPESYSTEM_PATH}" STREQUAL "")
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "create_pyside_module needs a TYPESYSTEM_PATH value.")
+ endif()
+ if ("${module_SOURCES}" STREQUAL "")
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "create_pyside_module needs at least one SOURCES value.")
+ endif()
+ string(TOLOWER ${module_NAME} _module)
+ string(REGEX REPLACE ^qt "" _module ${_module})
+ if(${module_DROPPED_ENTRIES})
+ string(REPLACE ";" "\\;" dropped_entries "${${module_DROPPED_ENTRIES}}")
+ else()
+ set (dropped_entries "")
+ endif()
+ if(${module_GLUE_SOURCES})
+ set (module_GLUE_SOURCES "${${module_GLUE_SOURCES}}")
+ else()
+ set (module_GLUE_SOURCES "")
+ endif()
+ set(typesystem_path ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/typesystem_${_module}.xml)
+ else()
+ set(typesystem_path ${module_TYPESYSTEM_NAME})
+ endif()
+ # Create typesystem XML dependencies list, so that whenever they change, shiboken is invoked
+ # automatically.
+ # First add the main file.
+ set(total_type_system_files ${typesystem_path})
+ get_filename_component(typesystem_root "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}" DIRECTORY)
+ set(deps ${module_NAME} ${${module_DEPS}})
+ foreach(dep ${deps})
+ set(glob_expression "${typesystem_root}/${dep}/*.xml")
+ file(GLOB type_system_files ${glob_expression})
+ set(total_type_system_files ${total_type_system_files} ${type_system_files})
+ endforeach(dep)
+ # Remove any possible duplicates.
+ list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES total_type_system_files)
+ # Contains include directories to pass to shiboken's preprocessor.
+ # Workaround: Added ${QT_INCLUDE_DIR}/QtCore until
+ # qtdeclarative/8d560d1bf0a747bf62f73fad6b6774095442d9d2 has reached qt5.git
+ string(REPLACE ";" ${PATH_SEP} core_includes "${Qt${QT_MAJOR_VERSION}Core_INCLUDE_DIRS}")
+ set(shiboken_include_dirs ${pyside6_SOURCE_DIR}${PATH_SEP}${QT_INCLUDE_DIR}${PATH_SEP}${core_includes})
+ set(shiboken_framework_include_dirs_option "")
+ set(shiboken_framework_include_dirs "${QT_FRAMEWORK_INCLUDE_DIR}")
+ make_path(shiboken_framework_include_dirs ${shiboken_framework_include_dirs})
+ set(shiboken_framework_include_dirs_option "--framework-include-paths=${shiboken_framework_include_dirs}")
+ endif()
+ # Transform the path separators into something shiboken understands.
+ make_path(shiboken_include_dirs ${shiboken_include_dirs})
+ get_filename_component(pyside_binary_dir ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} DIRECTORY)
+ # Install module glue files.
+ string(TOLOWER ${module_NAME} lower_module_name)
+ set(${module_NAME}_glue "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../glue/${lower_module_name}.cpp")
+ set(${module_name}_glue_dependency "")
+ if(EXISTS ${${module_NAME}_glue})
+ install(FILES ${${module_NAME}_glue} DESTINATION share/PySide6${pyside6_SUFFIX}/glue)
+ set(${module_NAME}_glue_dependency ${${module_NAME}_glue})
+ endif()
+ # Install standalone glue files into typesystems subfolder, so that the resolved relative
+ # paths remain correct.
+ if (module_GLUE_SOURCES)
+ install(FILES ${module_GLUE_SOURCES} DESTINATION share/PySide6${pyside6_SUFFIX}/typesystems/glue)
+ endif()
+ add_custom_command( OUTPUT "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/mjb_rejected_classes.log"
+ COMMAND Shiboken6::shiboken6 ${GENERATOR_EXTRA_FLAGS}
+ "${pyside6_BINARY_DIR}/${module_NAME}_global.h"
+ --include-paths=${shiboken_include_dirs}
+ ${shiboken_framework_include_dirs_option}
+ --typesystem-paths=${pyside_binary_dir}${PATH_SEP}${pyside6_SOURCE_DIR}${PATH_SEP}${${module_TYPESYSTEM_PATH}}
+ --output-directory=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}
+ --license-file=${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../licensecomment.txt
+ ${typesystem_path}
+ --api-version=${SUPPORTED_QT_VERSION}
+ --drop-type-entries="${dropped_entries}"
+ DEPENDS ${total_type_system_files}
+ ${module_GLUE_SOURCES}
+ ${${module_NAME}_glue_dependency}
+ COMMENT "Running generator for ${module_NAME}...")
+ include_directories(${module_NAME} ${${module_INCLUDE_DIRS}} ${pyside6_SOURCE_DIR})
+ add_library(${module_NAME} MODULE ${${module_SOURCES}}
+ ${${module_STATIC_SOURCES}})
+ set_target_properties(${module_NAME} PROPERTIES
+ if(WIN32)
+ set_target_properties(${module_NAME} PROPERTIES SUFFIX ".pyd")
+ # Sanitize windows.h as pulled by gl.h to prevent clashes with QAbstract3dAxis::min(), etc.
+ endif()
+ target_link_libraries(${module_NAME} ${${module_LIBRARIES}})
+ target_link_libraries(${module_NAME} Shiboken6::libshiboken)
+ if(${module_DEPS})
+ add_dependencies(${module_NAME} ${${module_DEPS}})
+ endif()
+ create_generator_target(${module_NAME})
+ # build type hinting stubs
+ # Need to set the LD_ env vars before invoking the script, because it might use build-time
+ # libraries instead of install time libraries.
+ if (WIN32)
+ set(ld_prefix_var_name "PATH")
+ elseif(APPLE)
+ set(ld_prefix_var_name "DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH")
+ else()
+ set(ld_prefix_var_name "LD_LIBRARY_PATH")
+ endif()
+ set(ld_prefix "${ld_prefix_var_name}=${pysidebindings_BINARY_DIR}/libpyside${PATH_SEP}${SHIBOKEN_SHARED_LIBRARY_DIR}")
+ # Append any existing ld_prefix values, so existing PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, etc.
+ # On Windows it is needed because pyside modules import Qt,
+ # and the Qt modules are found from PATH.
+ # On Linux and macOS, existing values might be set to find system libraries correctly.
+ # For example on openSUSE when compiling with icc, libimf.so from Intel has to be found.
+ if(WIN32)
+ # Get the value of PATH with CMake separators.
+ file(TO_CMAKE_PATH "$ENV{${ld_prefix_var_name}}" path_value)
+ # Replace the CMake list separators with "\;"s, to avoid the PATH values being
+ # interpreted as CMake list elements, we actually want to pass the whole string separated
+ # by ";" to the command line.
+ if(path_value)
+ make_path(path_value "${path_value}")
+ string(APPEND ld_prefix "${PATH_SEP}${path_value}")
+ endif()
+ else()
+ # Handles both macOS and Linux.
+ set(env_value "$ENV{${ld_prefix_var_name}}")
+ if(env_value)
+ string(APPEND ld_prefix ":${env_value}")
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ set(generate_pyi_options ${module_NAME} --sys-path
+ "${pysidebindings_BINARY_DIR}"
+ list(APPEND generate_pyi_options "--quiet")
+ endif()
+ # Add target to generate pyi file, which depends on the module target.
+ add_custom_target("${module_NAME}_pyi" ALL
+ COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E env ${ld_prefix}
+ "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../support/generate_pyi.py" ${generate_pyi_options})
+ add_dependencies("${module_NAME}_pyi" ${module_NAME})
+ # install
+ file(GLOB hinting_stub_files RELATIVE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/PySide6" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/PySide6/*.pyi")
+ install(FILES ${hinting_stub_files}
+ install(FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/PySide6/${module_NAME}/pyside6_${lower_module_name}_python.h
+ DESTINATION include/PySide6${pyside6_SUFFIX}/${module_NAME}/)
+ file(GLOB typesystem_files ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/typesystem_*.xml ${typesystem_path})
+# Copy typesystem files and remove module names from the <load-typesystem> element
+# so that it works in a flat directory:
+# <load-typesystem name="QtWidgets/typesystem_widgets.xml" ... ->
+# <load-typesystem name="typesystem_widgets.xml"
+ foreach(typesystem_file ${typesystem_files})
+ get_filename_component(typesystem_file_name "${typesystem_file}" NAME)
+ file(READ "${typesystem_file}" typesystemXml)
+ string(REGEX REPLACE "<load-typesystem name=\"[^/\"]+/" "<load-typesystem name=\"" typesystemXml "${typesystemXml}")
+ set (typesystem_target_file "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/PySide6/typesystems/${typesystem_file_name}")
+ file(WRITE "${typesystem_target_file}" "${typesystemXml}")
+ install(FILES "${typesystem_target_file}" DESTINATION share/PySide6${pyside6_SUFFIX}/typesystems)
+ endforeach()
+# Only add subdirectory if the associated Qt module is found.
+# As a side effect, this macro now also defines the variable ${name}_GEN_DIR
+# and must be called for every subproject.
+macro(HAS_QT_MODULE var name)
+ if (NOT DISABLE_${name} AND ${var})
+ # we keep the PySide name here because this is compiled into shiboken
+ set(${name}_GEN_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${name}/PySide6/${name}
+ CACHE INTERNAL "dir with generated source" FORCE)
+ add_subdirectory(${name})
+ else()
+ # Used on documentation to skip modules
+ set("if_${name}" "<!--" PARENT_SCOPE)
+ set("end_${name}" "-->" PARENT_SCOPE)
+ endif()