path: root/sources/pyside6/doc/gettingstarted/porting_from2.rst
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diff --git a/sources/pyside6/doc/gettingstarted/porting_from2.rst b/sources/pyside6/doc/gettingstarted/porting_from2.rst
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+++ b/sources/pyside6/doc/gettingstarted/porting_from2.rst
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+Porting Applications from PySide2 to PySide6
+Module Availability
+Qt for Python 6.2.0 provides all modules planned for inclusion in Qt 6.
+Module-Level Changes
+* The modules *QtMacExtras*, *Qt Quick Controls 1*, *QtWinExtras*,
+ *QtXmlPatterns* and *QtX11Extras* have been removed.
+* ``QStateMachine`` and related classes have been extracted to a new
+ *QtStateMachine* module.
+* The modules *QtWebKit* and *QtWebKitWidgets* have been replaced by the new
+ *QtWebEngineCore*, *QtWebEngineQuick* and *QtWebEngineWidgets* modules.
+* ``QXmlReader`` and related classes (*SAX API*) have been removed.
+* The content of the *QtOpenGL* module has been replaced. The class
+ ``QGLWidget`` and related classes (``QGLContext``, ``QGLFunctions``,
+ ``QGLShaderProgram``) have been removed. Parts of the *Open GL*
+ functionality from *QtGui* have been extracted into this module, for example
+ ``QOpenGLBuffer`` and ``QOpenGLShaderProgram``.
+ There is a new module *QtOpenGLWidgets* which contains the class
+ ``QOpenGLWidget``, a replacement for ``QGLWidget``.
+As *Open GL* is phasing out,
+`QRhi <https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/topics-graphics.html>`_ should be considered
+for graphics applications.
+The first thing to do when porting applications is to replace the
+import statements:
+.. code-block:: python
+ from PySide2.QtWidgets import QApplication
+ from PySide2 import QtCore
+needs to be changed to:
+.. code-block:: python
+ from PySide6.QtWidgets import QApplication
+ from PySide6 import QtCore
+Some classes are in a different module now, for example
+``QAction`` and ``QShortcut`` have been moved from ``QtWidgets`` to ``QtGui``.
+For *Qt Charts* and *Qt Data Visualization*, the additional namespaces have been
+removed. It is now possible to use:
+.. code-block:: python
+ from PySide6.QtCharts import QChartView
+Class/Function Deprecations
+Then, the code base needs to be checked for usage of deprecated API and adapted
+accordingly. For example:
+* The High DPI scaling attributes ``Qt.AA_EnableHighDpiScaling``,
+ ``Qt.AA_DisableHighDpiScaling`` and ``Qt.AA_UseHighDpiPixmaps`` are
+ deprecated. High DPI is by default enabled in Qt 6 and cannot be turned off.
+* ``QDesktopWidget`` has been removed. ``QScreen`` should be used instead,
+ which can be retrieved using ``QWidget.screen()``,
+ ``QGuiApplication.primaryScreen()`` or ``QGuiApplication.screens()``.
+* ``QFontMetrics.width()`` has been renamed to ``horizontalAdvance()``.
+* ``QMouseEvent.pos()`` and ``QMouseEvent.globalPos()`` returning a ``QPoint``
+ as well as ``QMouseEvent.x()`` and ``QMouseEvent.y()`` returning ``int``
+ are now deprecated. ``QMouseEvent.position()`` and
+ ``QMouseEvent.globalPosition()`` returning a ``QPointF`` should be used
+ instead.
+* ``Qt.MidButton`` has been renamed to ``Qt.MiddleButton``.
+* ``QOpenGLVersionFunctionsFactory.get()`` instead of
+ ``QOpenGLContext.versionFunctions()`` should be used to obtain
+ *Open GL* functions.
+* ``QRegExp`` has been replaced by ``QRegularExpression``.
+* ``QWidget.mapToGlobal()`` and ``QWidget.mapFromGlobal()`` now also accept
+ and return ``QPointF``.
+* Functions named ``exec_`` (classes ``QCoreApplication``, ``QDialog``,
+ ``QEventLoop``) have been renamed to ``exec`` which became possible
+ in Python 3.
+More information can be found in the
+`Porting to Qt 6 <https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/portingguide.html>`_ Guide
+and the `Qt 6.2 Documentation <https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/index.html>`_ .