path: root/sources/pyside6/libpyside/class_property.cpp
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diff --git a/sources/pyside6/libpyside/class_property.cpp b/sources/pyside6/libpyside/class_property.cpp
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index 000000000..2bed97ef5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/pyside6/libpyside/class_property.cpp
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+// Copyright (C) 2020 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only
+#include "class_property.h"
+#include "pysidestaticstrings.h"
+#include "feature_select.h"
+#include <pep384ext.h>
+#include <shiboken.h>
+#include <sbkstaticstrings.h>
+extern "C" {
+ * A `classproperty` is the same as a `property` but the `__get__()` and `__set__()`
+ * methods are modified to always use the object class instead of a concrete instance.
+ *
+ * Note: A "static property" as it is often called does not exist per se.
+ * Static methods do not receive anything when created. Static methods which
+ * should participate in a property must be turned into class methods, before.
+ * See function `createProperty` in `feature_select.cpp`.
+ */
+// `class_property.__get__()`: Always pass the class instead of the instance.
+static PyObject *PyClassProperty_descr_get(PyObject *self, PyObject * /*ob*/, PyObject *cls)
+ return PepExt_Type_GetDescrGetSlot(&PyProperty_Type)(self, cls, cls);
+// `class_property.__set__()`: Just like the above `__get__()`.
+static int PyClassProperty_descr_set(PyObject *self, PyObject *obj, PyObject *value)
+ PyObject *cls = PyType_Check(obj) ? obj : reinterpret_cast<PyObject *>(Py_TYPE(obj));
+ return PepExt_Type_GetDescrSetSlot(&PyProperty_Type)(self, cls, value);
+// PYSIDE-2230: Why is this metaclass necessary?
+// The problem is that the property object already exists as a Python
+// object. We derive a subclass for class properties, without
+// repeating everything but just by adding something to support
+// the class-ness.
+// But this Python property has as metaclass `type` which is incompatible
+// now with SbkObjectType, which generates physically larger types that
+// are incompatible with properties by using PEP 697.
+// Adding a compatible metaclass that is unrelated to `SbkObjectType`
+// is the correct solution. Re-using `SbkObjectType` was actually an abuse,
+// since Python properties are in no way PySide objects.
+static PyTypeObject *createClassPropertyTypeType()
+ PyType_Slot PyClassPropertyType_Type_slots[] = {
+ {Py_tp_base, static_cast<void *>(&PyType_Type)},
+ {Py_tp_alloc, reinterpret_cast<void *>(PyType_GenericAlloc)},
+ {Py_tp_free, reinterpret_cast<void *>(PyObject_GC_Del)},
+ {0, nullptr}
+ };
+ PyType_Spec PyClassPropertyType_Type_spec = {
+ "1:Shiboken.ClassPropertyType",
+ 0,
+ 0, // sizeof(PyMemberDef), not for PyPy without a __len__ defined
+ PyClassPropertyType_Type_slots,
+ };
+ return SbkType_FromSpec(&PyClassPropertyType_Type_spec);
+PyTypeObject *PyClassPropertyType_TypeF()
+ static auto *type = createClassPropertyTypeType();
+ return type;
+// The property `__doc__` default does not work for class properties
+// because PyProperty_Type.tp_init thinks this is a subclass which needs PyObject_SetAttr.
+// We call `__init__` while pretending to be a PyProperty_Type instance.
+static int PyClassProperty_tp_init(PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs)
+ auto hold = Py_TYPE(self);
+ self->ob_type = &PyProperty_Type;
+ auto ret = PepExt_Type_GetInitSlot(&PyProperty_Type)(self, args, kwargs);
+ self->ob_type = hold;
+ return ret;
+static PyTypeObject *createPyClassPropertyType()
+ PyType_Slot PyClassProperty_slots[] = {
+ {Py_tp_getset, reinterpret_cast<void *>(PyProperty_Type.tp_getset)}, // will be set below
+ {Py_tp_base, reinterpret_cast<void *>(&PyProperty_Type)},
+ {Py_tp_descr_get, reinterpret_cast<void *>(PyClassProperty_descr_get)},
+ {Py_tp_descr_set, reinterpret_cast<void *>(PyClassProperty_descr_set)},
+ {Py_tp_init, reinterpret_cast<void *>(PyClassProperty_tp_init)},
+ {0, nullptr}
+ };
+ PyType_Spec PyClassProperty_spec = {
+ "2:PySide6.QtCore.PyClassProperty",
+ sizeof(propertyobject),
+ 0,
+ PyClassProperty_slots,
+ };
+ if (_PepRuntimeVersion() >= 0x030A00)
+ PyClassProperty_spec.basicsize = sizeof(propertyobject310);
+ return SbkType_FromSpecWithMeta(&PyClassProperty_spec, PyClassPropertyType_TypeF());
+PyTypeObject *PyClassProperty_TypeF()
+ static auto *type = createPyClassPropertyType();
+ return type;
+ * Types with class properties need to handle `Type.class_prop = x` in a specific way.
+ * By default, Python replaces the `class_property` itself, but for wrapped C++ types
+ * we need to call `class_property.__set__()` in order to propagate the new value to
+ * the underlying C++ data structure.
+ */
+static int SbkObjectType_meta_setattro(PyObject *obj, PyObject *name, PyObject *value)
+ // Use `_PepType_Lookup()` instead of `PyObject_GetAttr()` in order to get the raw
+ // descriptor (`property`) instead of calling `tp_descr_get` (`property.__get__()`).
+ auto type = reinterpret_cast<PyTypeObject *>(obj);
+ PySide::Feature::Select(type);
+ PyObject *descr = _PepType_Lookup(type, name);
+ // The following assignment combinations are possible:
+ // 1. `Type.class_prop = value` --> descr_set: `Type.class_prop.__set__(value)`
+ // 2. `Type.class_prop = other_class_prop` --> setattro: replace existing `class_prop`
+ // 3. `Type.regular_attribute = value` --> setattro: regular attribute assignment
+ const auto class_prop = reinterpret_cast<PyObject *>(PyClassProperty_TypeF());
+ const auto call_descr_set = descr && PyObject_IsInstance(descr, class_prop)
+ && !PyObject_IsInstance(value, class_prop);
+ if (call_descr_set) {
+ // Call `class_property.__set__()` instead of replacing the `class_property`.
+ return PepExt_Type_GetDescrSetSlot(Py_TYPE(descr))(descr, obj, value);
+ } // Replace existing attribute.
+ return PepExt_Type_GetSetAttroSlot(&PyType_Type)(obj, name, value);
+} // extern "C"
+ * These functions are added to the SbkObjectType_TypeF() dynamically.
+ */
+namespace PySide::ClassProperty {
+static const char *PyClassProperty_SignatureStrings[] = {
+ "PySide6.QtCore.PyClassProperty(cls,"
+ "fget:typing.Optional[typing.Callable[[typing.Any],typing.Any]]=None,"
+ "fset:typing.Optional[typing.Callable[[typing.Any,typing.Any],None]]=None,"
+ "fdel:typing.Optional[typing.Callable[[typing.Any],None]]=None,"
+ "doc:typing.Optional[str]=None)",
+ "PySide6.QtCore.PyClassProperty.getter(cls,fget:typing.Callable[[typing.Any],typing.Any])->PySide6.QtCore.PyClassProperty",
+ "PySide6.QtCore.PyClassProperty.setter(cls,fset:typing.Callable[[typing.Any,typing.Any],None])->PySide6.QtCore.PyClassProperty",
+ "PySide6.QtCore.PyClassProperty.deleter(cls,fdel:typing.Callable[[typing.Any],None])->PySide6.QtCore.PyClassProperty",
+ nullptr}; // Sentinel
+void init(PyObject *module)
+ PyTypeObject *type = SbkObjectType_TypeF();
+ type->tp_setattro = SbkObjectType_meta_setattro;
+ if (InitSignatureStrings(PyClassProperty_TypeF(), PyClassProperty_SignatureStrings) < 0)
+ return;
+ Py_INCREF(PyClassProperty_TypeF());
+ auto classproptype = reinterpret_cast<PyObject *>(PyClassProperty_TypeF());
+ PyModule_AddObject(module, "PyClassProperty", classproptype);
+} // namespace PySide::ClassProperty