path: root/sources/pyside6/tests/QtCore/qbytearray_test.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'sources/pyside6/tests/QtCore/qbytearray_test.py')
1 files changed, 290 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sources/pyside6/tests/QtCore/qbytearray_test.py b/sources/pyside6/tests/QtCore/qbytearray_test.py
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+++ b/sources/pyside6/tests/QtCore/qbytearray_test.py
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+# Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0
+'''Unit tests for QByteArray'''
+import ctypes
+import os
+import pickle
+import struct
+import sys
+import unittest
+from pathlib import Path
+from init_paths import init_test_paths
+from PySide6.QtCore import (QByteArray, QSettings, QObject, QDataStream,
+ QIODevice, qCompress, qUncompress)
+class QByteArrayTestToNumber(unittest.TestCase):
+ def testToNumberInt(self):
+ obj = QByteArray(bytes('37', "UTF8"))
+ self.assertEqual((37, True), obj.toInt())
+ def testToNumberUShort(self):
+ obj = QByteArray(bytes('37', "UTF8"))
+ self.assertEqual((37, True), obj.toUShort())
+ def testToNumberFloat(self):
+ obj = QByteArray(bytes('37.109', "UTF8"))
+ self.assertEqual((ctypes.c_float(37.109).value, True),
+ obj.toFloat())
+ def testToNumberDouble(self):
+ obj = QByteArray(bytes('37.109', "UTF8"))
+ self.assertEqual((ctypes.c_double(37.109).value, True),
+ obj.toDouble())
+ def testSetNum(self):
+ b = QByteArray()
+ b.setNum(int(-124124))
+ self.assertEqual(b, "-124124")
+ b = QByteArray()
+ b.setNum(-124124)
+ self.assertEqual(b, "-124124")
+ b = QByteArray()
+ b.setNum(-0.5)
+ self.assertEqual(b, "-0.5")
+ def testNumber(self):
+ b = QByteArray.number(int(-124124))
+ self.assertEqual(b, "-124124")
+ b = QByteArray.number(-124124)
+ self.assertEqual(b, "-124124")
+ b = QByteArray.number(-0.5)
+ self.assertEqual(b, "-0.5")
+ def testAppend(self):
+ b = QByteArray()
+ b.append(bytes("A", "UTF8"))
+ self.assertEqual(b.size(), 1)
+ b.append(bytes("AB", "UTF8"))
+ self.assertEqual(b.size(), 3)
+class QByteArraySplit(unittest.TestCase):
+ '''Test case for QByteArray.split'''
+ def testPathSeparator(self):
+ # QByteArray.split('/')
+ obj = QByteArray(bytes(unittest.__file__, "UTF8"))
+ self.assertEqual(obj.split('/'), unittest.__file__.split('/'))
+class QByteArrayData(unittest.TestCase):
+ '''Test case for QByteArray.data'''
+ def testData(self):
+ url = QByteArray(bytes("http://pyside.org", "UTF8"))
+ self.assertEqual(url.data(), bytes("http://pyside.org", "UTF8"))
+ def testDataWithZeros(self):
+ s1 = bytes("123\000321", "UTF8")
+ ba = QByteArray(s1)
+ s2 = ba.data()
+ self.assertEqual(s1, s2)
+ self.assertEqual(s1, ba)
+class QByteArrayOperatorAtSetter(unittest.TestCase):
+ '''Test case for operator QByteArray[] - __setitem__'''
+ def testSetterString(self):
+ '''QByteArray[x] = pythonstring'''
+ obj = QByteArray(bytes('123456', "UTF8"))
+ obj[1] = bytes('0', "UTF8")
+ self.assertEqual(obj, QByteArray(bytes('103456', "UTF8")))
+class QByteArrayOnQDataStream(unittest.TestCase):
+ '''
+ Bug PYSIDE-232
+ '''
+ def testIt(self):
+ a = QByteArray()
+ b = QDataStream(a, QIODevice.WriteOnly)
+ b.writeUInt16(5000)
+ # The __repr__ not suppose to crash anymore
+ self.assertNotEqual(repr(b), None)
+class TestBug664(unittest.TestCase):
+ '''
+ QByteArray.data() should return correct data
+ '''
+ def testIt(self):
+ a = QByteArray(bytes('hi 猫', "UTF-8"))
+ self.assertEqual(repr(a), "PySide6.QtCore.QByteArray(b'hi \\xe7\\x8c\\xab')")
+class QByteArrayOnQVariant(unittest.TestCase):
+ def testQByteArrayOnQVariant(self):
+ a = QSettings().value("some_prop", QByteArray())
+ self.assertEqual(type(a), QByteArray)
+class TestBug567(unittest.TestCase):
+ '''
+ QByteArray should support slices
+ '''
+ def testIt(self):
+ ba = QByteArray(bytes('1234567890', "UTF8"))
+ self.assertEqual(ba[2:4], '34')
+ self.assertEqual(ba[:4], '1234')
+ self.assertEqual(ba[4:], '567890')
+ self.assertEqual(len(ba[4:1]), 0)
+ self.assertEqual(ba[::-1], '0987654321')
+ self.assertEqual(ba[::2], '13579')
+ self.assertEqual(ba[::-2], '08642')
+ self.assertEqual(ba[2:8:3], '36')
+class TestPickler(unittest.TestCase):
+ def testIt(self):
+ ba = QByteArray(bytes("321\x00123", "UTF8"))
+ output = pickle.dumps(str(ba))
+ ba2 = pickle.loads(output)
+ self.assertEqual(str(ba), str(ba2))
+class QByteArrayBug720(unittest.TestCase):
+ def testIt(self):
+ ba = QByteArray(bytes("32\"1\x00123", "UTF8"))
+ self.assertEqual(str(ba), str(bytes("32\"1\x00123", "UTF-8")))
+ self.assertEqual(repr(ba), "PySide6.QtCore.QByteArray(b'32\"1\\x00123')")
+class QByteArrayImplicitConvert(unittest.TestCase):
+ def testString(self):
+ # No implicit conversions from QByteArray to python string
+ ba = QByteArray(bytes("object name", "UTF8"))
+ obj = QObject()
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, obj.setObjectName, ba)
+class QByteArraySliceAssignment(unittest.TestCase):
+ def testIndexAssignment(self):
+ a = QByteArray(bytes('abc', "UTF8"))
+ a[0] = bytes('x', "UTF8")
+ self.assertEqual(a[0], bytes('x', "UTF8"))
+ def test_1():
+ a[0] = bytes('xy', "UTF8")
+ self.assertRaises(ValueError, test_1)
+ def testSliceAssignmentBytes(self):
+ b = QByteArray(bytes('0123456789', "UTF8"))
+ b[2:8] = bytes('abcdef', "UTF8")
+ self.assertEqual(b[2:8], bytes('abcdef', "UTF8"))
+ # Delete behavior
+ b[2:8] = None
+ self.assertEqual(b, bytes('0189', "UTF8"))
+ # number of slots and number of values doesn't match
+ def test_2():
+ b[2:8:2] = bytes('', "UTF8")
+ self.assertRaises(ValueError, test_2)
+ b = QByteArray(bytes('0123456789', "UTF8"))
+ # reverse slice
+ b[5:2:-1] = bytes('ABC', "UTF8")
+ self.assertEqual(b, bytes('012CBA6789', "UTF8"))
+ # step is not 1
+ b[2:9:3] = bytes('XYZ', "UTF8")
+ self.assertEqual(b, bytes('01XCBY67Z9', "UTF8"))
+ b = QByteArray(bytes('0123456789', "UTF8"))
+ b[9:2:-3] = bytes('XYZ', "UTF8")
+ self.assertEqual(b, bytes('012Z45Y78X', "UTF8"))
+ def testSliceAssignmentQByteArray(self):
+ b = QByteArray(bytes('0123456789', "UTF8"))
+ b[2:8] = QByteArray(bytes('abcdef', "UTF8"))
+ self.assertEqual(b[2:8], bytes('abcdef', "UTF8"))
+ # shrink
+ b[2:8] = QByteArray(bytes('aaa', "UTF8"))
+ self.assertEqual(b, bytes('01aaa89', "UTF8"))
+ # expand
+ b[2:5] = QByteArray(bytes('uvwxyz', "UTF8"))
+ self.assertEqual(b, bytes('01uvwxyz89', "UTF8"))
+ # Delete behavior
+ b[2:8] = QByteArray()
+ self.assertEqual(b, bytes('0189', "UTF8"))
+ b = QByteArray(bytes('0123456789', "UTF8"))
+ # reverse assignment
+ b[5:2:-1] = QByteArray(bytes('ABC', "UTF8"))
+ self.assertEqual(b, bytes('012CBA6789', "UTF8"))
+ # step is not 1
+ b[2:9:3] = QByteArray(bytes('XYZ', "UTF8"))
+ self.assertEqual(b, bytes('01XCBY67Z9', "UTF8"))
+ b = QByteArray(bytes('0123456789', "UTF8"))
+ b[9:2:-3] = QByteArray(bytes('XYZ', "UTF8"))
+ self.assertEqual(b, bytes('012Z45Y78X', "UTF8"))
+ def testSliceAssignmentByteArray(self):
+ b = QByteArray(bytes('0123456789', "UTF8"))
+ # replace
+ b[2:8] = bytearray(bytes('abcdef', "UTF8"))
+ self.assertEqual(b[2:8], bytes('abcdef', "UTF8"))
+ # shrink
+ b[2:8] = bytearray(bytes('aaa', "UTF8"))
+ self.assertEqual(b, bytes('01aaa89', "UTF8"))
+ # expand
+ b[2:5] = bytearray(bytes('uvwxyz', "UTF8"))
+ self.assertEqual(b, bytes('01uvwxyz89', "UTF8"))
+ # Delete behavior
+ b[2:8] = bytearray(bytes('', "UTF8"))
+ self.assertEqual(b, bytes('0189', "UTF8"))
+ b = QByteArray(bytes('0123456789', "UTF8"))
+ # reverse assignment
+ b[5:2:-1] = bytearray(bytes('ABC', "UTF8"))
+ self.assertEqual(b, bytes('012CBA6789', "UTF8"))
+ # step is not 1
+ b[2:9:3] = bytearray(bytes('XYZ', "UTF8"))
+ self.assertEqual(b, bytes('01XCBY67Z9', "UTF8"))
+ b = QByteArray(bytes('0123456789', "UTF8"))
+ b[9:2:-3] = bytearray(bytes('XYZ', "UTF8"))
+ self.assertEqual(b, bytes('012Z45Y78X', "UTF8"))
+ def testBufferProtocol(self):
+ orig_bytes = bytes('0123456789', "UTF8")
+ byte_array = QByteArray(orig_bytes)
+ actual_bytes = bytes(byte_array)
+ self.assertEqual(orig_bytes, actual_bytes)
+ def testUnpack(self):
+ b = QByteArray(b'\x19\x00\x00\x00\xc4\t\x00\x00')
+ t = struct.unpack('<ii', b)
+ self.assertEqual(len(t), 2)
+ self.assertEqual(t[0], 25)
+ self.assertEqual(t[1], 2500)
+class QCompressTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ def testQByteArrayCompression(self):
+ """Compress/uncompress a QByteArray."""
+ data = bytes(10 * 'long redundant sentence bla bla', "UTF8")
+ ba = QByteArray(data)
+ compressed = qCompress(ba)
+ self.assertTrue(len(compressed) < len(data))
+ uncompressed = qUncompress(compressed)
+ self.assertEqual(uncompressed, data)
+ def testBufferCompression(self):
+ """Compress/uncompress portions of bytes without converting to
+ QByteArray."""
+ data = bytes(10 * 'long redundant sentence bla bla', "UTF8")
+ used_len = int(len(data) / 2)
+ compressed = qCompress(data, used_len, -1)
+ self.assertTrue(len(compressed) < used_len)
+ uncompressed = qUncompress(compressed.data(), len(compressed))
+ self.assertEqual(uncompressed, data[:used_len])
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()