path: root/sources/pyside6/tests/signals/pysignal_test.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'sources/pyside6/tests/signals/pysignal_test.py')
1 files changed, 203 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sources/pyside6/tests/signals/pysignal_test.py b/sources/pyside6/tests/signals/pysignal_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d6f44edf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/pyside6/tests/signals/pysignal_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0
+import gc
+import os
+import sys
+import unittest
+from pathlib import Path
+from init_paths import init_test_paths
+from PySide6.QtCore import QObject, Signal, Qt
+from PySide6.QtWidgets import QSpinBox, QApplication, QWidget # noqa: F401
+from helper.usesqapplication import UsesQApplication
+TEST_LIST = ["item1", "item2", "item3"]
+class Sender(QObject):
+ """Sender class used in this test."""
+ foo = Signal()
+ foo_int = Signal(int)
+ dummy = Signal(str)
+ dummy2 = Signal(str, list)
+ def __init__(self, parent=None):
+ super().__init__(parent)
+ def callDummy(self):
+ self.dummy.emit("PyObject")
+ def callDummy2(self):
+ self.dummy2.emit("PyObject0", TEST_LIST)
+class PyObjectType(UsesQApplication):
+ def mySlot(self, arg):
+ self.assertEqual(arg, "PyObject")
+ self.called = True
+ self.callCount += 1
+ def mySlot2(self, arg0, arg1):
+ self.assertEqual(arg0, "PyObject0")
+ self.assertEqual(arg1, TEST_LIST)
+ self.callCount += 1
+ if self.running:
+ self.app.quit()
+ def setUp(self):
+ super().setUp()
+ self.callCount = 0
+ self.running = False
+ def testWithOneArg(self):
+ o = Sender()
+ o.dummy.connect(self.mySlot)
+ o.callDummy()
+ self.assertEqual(self.callCount, 1)
+ def testWithTwoArg(self):
+ o = Sender()
+ o.dummy2.connect(self.mySlot2)
+ o.callDummy2()
+ self.assertEqual(self.callCount, 1)
+ def testAsyncSignal(self):
+ self.called = False
+ self.running = True
+ o = Sender()
+ o.dummy2.connect(self.mySlot2, Qt.QueuedConnection)
+ o.callDummy2()
+ self.app.exec()
+ self.assertEqual(self.callCount, 1)
+ def testTwice(self):
+ self.called = False
+ self.running = True
+ o = Sender()
+ o.dummy2.connect(self.mySlot2, Qt.QueuedConnection)
+ o.callDummy2()
+ o.callDummy2()
+ self.app.exec()
+ self.assertEqual(self.callCount, 2)
+class PythonSigSlot(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.called = False
+ def tearDown(self):
+ try:
+ del self.args
+ except: # noqa: E722
+ pass
+ # PYSIDE-535: Need to collect garbage in PyPy to trigger deletion
+ gc.collect()
+ def callback(self, *args):
+ if tuple(self.args) == args:
+ self.called = True
+ def testNoArgs(self):
+ """Python signal and slots without arguments"""
+ obj1 = Sender()
+ obj1.foo.connect(self.callback)
+ self.args = tuple()
+ obj1.foo.emit(*self.args)
+ self.assertTrue(self.called)
+ def testWithArgs(self):
+ """Python signal and slots with integer arguments"""
+ obj1 = Sender()
+ obj1.foo_int.connect(self.callback)
+ self.args = (42,)
+ obj1.foo_int.emit(*self.args)
+ self.assertTrue(self.called)
+ def testDisconnect(self):
+ obj1 = Sender()
+ obj1.foo_int.connect(self.callback)
+ self.assertTrue(obj1.foo_int.disconnect(self.callback))
+ self.args = (42, )
+ obj1.foo_int.emit(*self.args)
+ self.assertTrue(not self.called)
+class SpinBoxPySignal(UsesQApplication):
+ """Tests the connection of python signals to QSpinBox qt slots."""
+ def setUp(self):
+ super().setUp()
+ self.obj = Sender()
+ self.spin = QSpinBox()
+ self.spin.setValue(0)
+ def tearDown(self):
+ super().tearDown()
+ del self.obj
+ del self.spin
+ # PYSIDE-535: Need to collect garbage in PyPy to trigger deletion
+ gc.collect()
+ def testValueChanged(self):
+ """Emission of a python signal to QSpinBox setValue(int)"""
+ self.obj.foo_int.connect(self.spin.setValue)
+ self.assertEqual(self.spin.value(), 0)
+ self.obj.foo_int.emit(4)
+ self.assertEqual(self.spin.value(), 4)
+ def testValueChangedMultiple(self):
+ """Multiple emissions of a python signal to QSpinBox setValue(int)"""
+ self.obj.foo_int.connect(self.spin.setValue)
+ self.assertEqual(self.spin.value(), 0)
+ self.obj.foo_int.emit(4)
+ self.assertEqual(self.spin.value(), 4)
+ self.obj.foo_int.emit(77)
+ self.assertEqual(self.spin.value(), 77)
+class WidgetPySignal(UsesQApplication):
+ """Tests the connection of python signals to QWidget qt slots."""
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(WidgetPySignal, self).setUp()
+ self.obj = Sender()
+ self.widget = QWidget()
+ def tearDown(self):
+ super(WidgetPySignal, self).tearDown()
+ del self.obj
+ del self.widget
+ # PYSIDE-535: Need to collect garbage in PyPy to trigger deletion
+ gc.collect()
+ def testShow(self):
+ """Emission of a python signal to QWidget slot show()"""
+ self.widget.hide()
+ self.obj.foo.connect(self.widget.show)
+ self.assertTrue(not self.widget.isVisible())
+ self.obj.foo.emit()
+ self.assertTrue(self.widget.isVisible())
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()