path: root/sources/shiboken2/doc/gettingstarted.rst
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Diffstat (limited to 'sources/shiboken2/doc/gettingstarted.rst')
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--- a/sources/shiboken2/doc/gettingstarted.rst
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-Getting started
-Building from source
-This step is focused on building Shiboken from source, both the Generator and Python module.
-Please notice that these are built when you are building PySide from source too, so there is no
-need to continue if you already have a built PySide.
-General Requirements
- * **Python**: 3.5+ and 2.7
- * **Qt:** 5.12+ is recommended
- * **libclang:** The libclang library, recommended: version 6 for Shiboken2 5.12.
- Prebuilt versions of it can be `downloaded here`_.
- * **CMake:** 3.1+ is needed.
-.. _downloaded here: http://download.qt.io/development_releases/prebuilt/libclang/
-Simple build
-If you need only Shiboken Generator, a simple build run would look like this::
- python setup.py install --qmake=/path/to/qmake \
- --build-tests \
- --parallel=8 \
- --verbose-build \
- --internal-build-type=shiboken2-generator
-The same can be used for the module, changing the value of ``internal-build-type`` to
-Using the wheels
-Installing ``pyside2`` or ``shiboken2`` from pip **does not** install ``shiboken2_generator``,
-because the wheels are not on PyPi.
-You can get the ``shiboken2_generator`` wheels from Qt servers, and you can still install it
-via ``pip``::
- pip install \
- --index-url=http://download.qt.io/official_releases/QtForPython/ \
- --trusted-host download.qt.io \
- shiboken2 pyside2 shiboken2_generator
-The ``whl`` package cannot automatically discover in your system the location for:
-* Clang installation,
-* ``qmake`` location with the same version as the one described in the wheel,
-* Qt libraries with the same package version.
-So using this process requires you to manually modify the variables:
-* ``CLANG_INSTALL_DIR`` must be set to where the libraries are,
-* ``PATH`` must include the location for a ``qmake`` with the same Qt version as the package,
-* ``LD_LIBRARY_PATH`` including the Qt libraries and Clang libraries paths.