path: root/sources/shiboken2/generator/shiboken2/headergenerator.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sources/shiboken2/generator/shiboken2/headergenerator.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 639 deletions
diff --git a/sources/shiboken2/generator/shiboken2/headergenerator.cpp b/sources/shiboken2/generator/shiboken2/headergenerator.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index a565659de..000000000
--- a/sources/shiboken2/generator/shiboken2/headergenerator.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,639 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
-** Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/
-** This file is part of Qt for Python.
-** Commercial License Usage
-** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
-** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
-** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
-** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
-** and conditions see https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further
-** information use the contact form at https://www.qt.io/contact-us.
-** GNU General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
-** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT
-** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
-** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
-** be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html.
-#include "headergenerator.h"
-#include <abstractmetalang.h>
-#include <typedatabase.h>
-#include <reporthandler.h>
-#include <fileout.h>
-#include "parser/codemodel.h"
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <QtCore/QDir>
-#include <QtCore/QTextStream>
-#include <QtCore/QVariant>
-#include <QtCore/QDebug>
-QString HeaderGenerator::fileNameSuffix() const
- return QLatin1String("_wrapper.h");
-QString HeaderGenerator::fileNameForContext(GeneratorContext &context) const
- const AbstractMetaClass *metaClass = context.metaClass();
- if (!context.forSmartPointer()) {
- QString fileNameBase = metaClass->qualifiedCppName().toLower();
- fileNameBase.replace(QLatin1String("::"), QLatin1String("_"));
- return fileNameBase + fileNameSuffix();
- }
- const AbstractMetaType *smartPointerType = context.preciseType();
- QString fileNameBase = getFileNameBaseForSmartPointer(smartPointerType, metaClass);
- return fileNameBase + fileNameSuffix();
-void HeaderGenerator::writeCopyCtor(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *metaClass) const
- s << INDENT << wrapperName(metaClass) << "(const " << metaClass->qualifiedCppName() << "& self)";
- s << " : " << metaClass->qualifiedCppName() << "(self)\n";
- s << INDENT << "{\n";
- s << INDENT << "}\n\n";
-void HeaderGenerator::writeProtectedFieldAccessors(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaField *field) const
- AbstractMetaType *metaType = field->type();
- QString fieldType = metaType->cppSignature();
- QString fieldName = field->enclosingClass()->qualifiedCppName() + QLatin1String("::") + field->name();
- // Force use of pointer to return internal variable memory
- bool useReference = (!metaType->isConstant() &&
- !metaType->isEnum() &&
- !metaType->isPrimitive() &&
- metaType->indirections() == 0);
- // Get function
- s << INDENT << "inline " << fieldType
- << (useReference ? " *" : " ")
- << ' ' << protectedFieldGetterName(field) << "()"
- << " { return "
- << (useReference ? " &" : " ") << "this->" << fieldName << "; }\n";
- // Set function
- s << INDENT << "inline void " << protectedFieldSetterName(field) << '(' << fieldType << " value)"
- << " { " << fieldName << " = value; }\n";
-void HeaderGenerator::generateClass(QTextStream &s, GeneratorContext &classContext)
- AbstractMetaClass *metaClass = classContext.metaClass();
- if (ReportHandler::isDebug(ReportHandler::SparseDebug))
- qCDebug(lcShiboken) << "Generating header for " << metaClass->fullName();
- m_inheritedOverloads.clear();
- Indentation indent(INDENT);
- // write license comment
- s << licenseComment();
- QString wrapperName;
- if (!classContext.forSmartPointer()) {
- wrapperName = HeaderGenerator::wrapperName(metaClass);
- } else {
- wrapperName = HeaderGenerator::wrapperName(classContext.preciseType());
- }
- QString outerHeaderGuard = getFilteredCppSignatureString(wrapperName).toUpper();
- QString innerHeaderGuard;
- // Header
- s << "#ifndef SBK_" << outerHeaderGuard << "_H\n";
- s << "#define SBK_" << outerHeaderGuard << "_H\n\n";
- if (!avoidProtectedHack())
- s << "#define protected public\n\n";
- //Includes
- s << metaClass->typeEntry()->include() << Qt::endl;
- if (shouldGenerateCppWrapper(metaClass) &&
- usePySideExtensions() && metaClass->isQObject())
- s << "namespace PySide { class DynamicQMetaObject; }\n\n";
- while (shouldGenerateCppWrapper(metaClass)) {
- if (!innerHeaderGuard.isEmpty()) {
- s << "# ifndef SBK_" << innerHeaderGuard << "_H\n";
- s << "# define SBK_" << innerHeaderGuard << "_H\n\n";
- s << "// Inherited base class:\n";
- }
- // Class
- s << "class " << wrapperName;
- s << " : public " << metaClass->qualifiedCppName();
- s << "\n{\npublic:\n";
- const AbstractMetaFunctionList &funcs = filterFunctions(metaClass);
- for (AbstractMetaFunction *func : funcs) {
- if ((func->attributes() & AbstractMetaAttributes::FinalCppMethod) == 0)
- writeFunction(s, func);
- }
- if (avoidProtectedHack() && metaClass->hasProtectedFields()) {
- const AbstractMetaFieldList &fields = metaClass->fields();
- for (AbstractMetaField *field : fields) {
- if (!field->isProtected())
- continue;
- writeProtectedFieldAccessors(s, field);
- }
- }
- //destructor
- // PYSIDE-504: When C++ 11 is used, then the destructor must always be written.
- // See generator.h for further reference.
- if (!avoidProtectedHack() || !metaClass->hasPrivateDestructor() || alwaysGenerateDestructor) {
- s << INDENT;
- if (avoidProtectedHack() && metaClass->hasPrivateDestructor())
- s << "// C++11: need to declare (unimplemented) destructor because "
- "the base class destructor is private.\n";
- s << '~' << wrapperName << "();\n";
- }
- writeCodeSnips(s, metaClass->typeEntry()->codeSnips(), TypeSystem::CodeSnipPositionDeclaration, TypeSystem::NativeCode);
- if ((!avoidProtectedHack() || !metaClass->hasPrivateDestructor())
- && usePySideExtensions() && metaClass->isQObject()) {
- s << "public:\n";
- s << INDENT << "int qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call call, int id, void **args) override;\n";
- s << INDENT << "void *qt_metacast(const char *_clname) override;\n";
- }
- if (!m_inheritedOverloads.isEmpty()) {
- s << INDENT << "// Inherited overloads, because the using keyword sux\n";
- writeInheritedOverloads(s);
- m_inheritedOverloads.clear();
- }
- if (usePySideExtensions())
- s << INDENT << "static void pysideInitQtMetaTypes();\n";
- s << "};\n\n";
- if (!innerHeaderGuard.isEmpty())
- s << "# endif // SBK_" << innerHeaderGuard << "_H\n\n";
- // PYSIDE-500: Use also includes for inherited wrapper classes, because
- // without the protected hack, we sometimes need to cast inherited wrappers.
- // But we don't use multiple include files. Instead, they are inserted as recursive
- // headers. This keeps the file structure as simple as before the enhanced inheritance.
- metaClass = metaClass->baseClass();
- if (!metaClass || !avoidProtectedHack())
- break;
- classContext = GeneratorContext(metaClass);
- if (!classContext.forSmartPointer()) {
- wrapperName = HeaderGenerator::wrapperName(metaClass);
- } else {
- wrapperName = HeaderGenerator::wrapperName(classContext.preciseType());
- }
- innerHeaderGuard = getFilteredCppSignatureString(wrapperName).toUpper();
- }
- s << "#endif // SBK_" << outerHeaderGuard << "_H\n\n";
-void HeaderGenerator::writeFunction(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaFunction *func)
- // do not write copy ctors here.
- if (!func->isPrivate() && func->functionType() == AbstractMetaFunction::CopyConstructorFunction) {
- writeCopyCtor(s, func->ownerClass());
- return;
- }
- if (func->isUserAdded())
- return;
- if (avoidProtectedHack() && func->isProtected() && !func->isConstructor() && !func->isOperatorOverload()) {
- s << INDENT << "inline " << (func->isStatic() ? "static " : "");
- s << functionSignature(func, QString(), QLatin1String("_protected"), Generator::EnumAsInts|Generator::OriginalTypeDescription)
- << " { ";
- s << (func->type() ? "return " : "");
- if (!func->isAbstract())
- s << func->ownerClass()->qualifiedCppName() << "::";
- s << func->originalName() << '(';
- QStringList args;
- const AbstractMetaArgumentList &arguments = func->arguments();
- for (const AbstractMetaArgument *arg : arguments) {
- QString argName = arg->name();
- const TypeEntry *enumTypeEntry = nullptr;
- if (arg->type()->isFlags())
- enumTypeEntry = static_cast<const FlagsTypeEntry *>(arg->type()->typeEntry())->originator();
- else if (arg->type()->isEnum())
- enumTypeEntry = arg->type()->typeEntry();
- if (enumTypeEntry)
- argName = QString::fromLatin1("%1(%2)").arg(arg->type()->cppSignature(), argName);
- args << argName;
- }
- s << args.join(QLatin1String(", ")) << ')';
- s << "; }\n";
- }
- // pure virtual functions need a default implementation
- const bool notAbstract = !func->isAbstract();
- if ((func->isPrivate() && notAbstract && !visibilityModifiedToPrivate(func))
- || (func->isModifiedRemoved() && notAbstract))
- return;
- if (avoidProtectedHack() && func->ownerClass()->hasPrivateDestructor()
- && (func->isAbstract() || func->isVirtual()))
- return;
- if (func->isConstructor() || func->isAbstract() || func->isVirtual()) {
- s << INDENT;
- Options virtualOption = Generator::OriginalTypeDescription;
- const bool virtualFunc = func->isVirtual() || func->isAbstract();
- if (!virtualFunc && !func->hasSignatureModifications())
- virtualOption = Generator::NoOption;
- s << functionSignature(func, QString(), QString(), virtualOption);
- if (virtualFunc)
- s << " override";
- s << ";\n";
- // Check if this method hide other methods in base classes
- const AbstractMetaFunctionList &ownerFuncs = func->ownerClass()->functions();
- for (const AbstractMetaFunction *f : ownerFuncs) {
- if (f != func
- && !f->isConstructor()
- && !f->isPrivate()
- && !f->isVirtual()
- && !f->isAbstract()
- && !f->isStatic()
- && f->name() == func->name()) {
- m_inheritedOverloads << f;
- }
- }
- // TODO: when modified an abstract method ceases to be virtual but stays abstract
- //if (func->isModifiedRemoved() && func->isAbstract()) {
- //}
- }
-static void _writeTypeIndexValue(QTextStream &s, const QString &variableName,
- int typeIndex)
- s << " ";
- s.setFieldWidth(56);
- s << variableName;
- s.setFieldWidth(0);
- s << " = " << typeIndex;
-static inline void _writeTypeIndexValueLine(QTextStream &s,
- const QString &variableName,
- int typeIndex)
- _writeTypeIndexValue(s, variableName, typeIndex);
- s << ",\n";
-void HeaderGenerator::writeTypeIndexValueLine(QTextStream &s, const TypeEntry *typeEntry)
- if (!typeEntry || !typeEntry->generateCode())
- return;
- s.setFieldAlignment(QTextStream::AlignLeft);
- const int typeIndex = typeEntry->sbkIndex();
- _writeTypeIndexValueLine(s, getTypeIndexVariableName(typeEntry), typeIndex);
- if (typeEntry->isComplex()) {
- const auto *cType = static_cast<const ComplexTypeEntry *>(typeEntry);
- if (cType->baseContainerType()) {
- const AbstractMetaClass *metaClass = AbstractMetaClass::findClass(classes(), cType);
- if (metaClass->templateBaseClass())
- _writeTypeIndexValueLine(s, getTypeIndexVariableName(metaClass, true), typeIndex);
- }
- }
- if (typeEntry->isEnum()) {
- auto ete = static_cast<const EnumTypeEntry *>(typeEntry);
- if (ete->flags())
- writeTypeIndexValueLine(s, ete->flags());
- }
-void HeaderGenerator::writeTypeIndexValueLines(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *metaClass)
- auto typeEntry = metaClass->typeEntry();
- if (!typeEntry->generateCode() || !NamespaceTypeEntry::isVisibleScope(typeEntry))
- return;
- writeTypeIndexValueLine(s, metaClass->typeEntry());
- const AbstractMetaEnumList &enums = metaClass->enums();
- for (const AbstractMetaEnum *metaEnum : enums) {
- if (metaEnum->isPrivate())
- continue;
- writeTypeIndexValueLine(s, metaEnum->typeEntry());
- }
-// Format the typedefs for the typedef entries to be generated
-static void formatTypeDefEntries(QTextStream &s)
- QVector<const TypedefEntry *> entries;
- const auto typeDbEntries = TypeDatabase::instance()->typedefEntries();
- for (auto it = typeDbEntries.cbegin(), end = typeDbEntries.cend(); it != end; ++it) {
- if (it.value()->generateCode() != 0)
- entries.append(it.value());
- }
- if (entries.isEmpty())
- return;
- s << "\n// typedef entries\n";
- for (const auto e : entries) {
- const QString name = e->qualifiedCppName();
- // Fixme: simplify by using nested namespaces in C++ 17.
- const auto components = name.splitRef(QLatin1String("::"));
- const int nameSpaceCount = components.size() - 1;
- for (int n = 0; n < nameSpaceCount; ++n)
- s << "namespace " << components.at(n) << " {\n";
- s << "using " << components.constLast() << " = " << e->sourceType() << ";\n";
- for (int n = 0; n < nameSpaceCount; ++n)
- s << "}\n";
- }
- s << '\n';
-bool HeaderGenerator::finishGeneration()
- // Generate the main header for this module.
- // This header should be included by binding modules
- // extendind on top of this one.
- QSet<Include> includes;
- QString macros;
- QTextStream macrosStream(&macros);
- QString sbkTypeFunctions;
- QTextStream typeFunctions(&sbkTypeFunctions);
- QString protectedEnumSurrogates;
- QTextStream protEnumsSurrogates(&protectedEnumSurrogates);
- Indentation indent(INDENT);
- macrosStream << "// Type indices\nenum : int {\n";
- AbstractMetaEnumList globalEnums = this->globalEnums();
- AbstractMetaClassList classList = classes();
- std::sort(classList.begin(), classList.end(), [](AbstractMetaClass *a, AbstractMetaClass *b) {
- return a->typeEntry()->sbkIndex() < b->typeEntry()->sbkIndex();
- });
- for (const AbstractMetaClass *metaClass : classList) {
- writeTypeIndexValueLines(macrosStream, metaClass);
- lookForEnumsInClassesNotToBeGenerated(globalEnums, metaClass);
- }
- for (const AbstractMetaEnum *metaEnum : qAsConst(globalEnums))
- writeTypeIndexValueLine(macrosStream, metaEnum->typeEntry());
- // Write the smart pointer define indexes.
- int smartPointerCountIndex = getMaxTypeIndex();
- int smartPointerCount = 0;
- const QVector<const AbstractMetaType *> &instantiatedSmartPtrs = instantiatedSmartPointers();
- for (const AbstractMetaType *metaType : instantiatedSmartPtrs) {
- QString indexName = getTypeIndexVariableName(metaType);
- _writeTypeIndexValue(macrosStream, indexName, smartPointerCountIndex);
- macrosStream << ", // " << metaType->cppSignature() << Qt::endl;
- // Add a the same value for const pointees (shared_ptr<const Foo>).
- const auto ptrName = metaType->typeEntry()->entryName();
- int pos = indexName.indexOf(ptrName, 0, Qt::CaseInsensitive);
- if (pos >= 0) {
- indexName.insert(pos + ptrName.size() + 1, QLatin1String("CONST"));
- _writeTypeIndexValue(macrosStream, indexName, smartPointerCountIndex);
- macrosStream << ", // (const)\n";
- }
- ++smartPointerCountIndex;
- ++smartPointerCount;
- }
- _writeTypeIndexValue(macrosStream,
- QLatin1String("SBK_") + moduleName() + QLatin1String("_IDX_COUNT"),
- getMaxTypeIndex() + smartPointerCount);
- macrosStream << "\n};\n";
- macrosStream << "// This variable stores all Python types exported by this module.\n";
- macrosStream << "extern PyTypeObject **" << cppApiVariableName() << ";\n\n";
- macrosStream << "// This variable stores the Python module object exported by this module.\n";
- macrosStream << "extern PyObject *" << pythonModuleObjectName() << ";\n\n";
- macrosStream << "// This variable stores all type converters exported by this module.\n";
- macrosStream << "extern SbkConverter **" << convertersVariableName() << ";\n\n";
- // TODO-CONVERTER ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Using a counter would not do, a fix must be made to APIExtractor's getTypeIndex().
- macrosStream << "// Converter indices\nenum : int {\n";
- const PrimitiveTypeEntryList &primitives = primitiveTypes();
- int pCount = 0;
- for (const PrimitiveTypeEntry *ptype : primitives) {
- /* Note: do not generate indices for typedef'd primitive types
- * as they'll use the primitive type converters instead, so we
- * don't need to create any other.
- */
- if (!ptype->generateCode() || !ptype->customConversion())
- continue;
- _writeTypeIndexValueLine(macrosStream, getTypeIndexVariableName(ptype), pCount++);
- }
- const QVector<const AbstractMetaType *> &containers = instantiatedContainers();
- for (const AbstractMetaType *container : containers) {
- _writeTypeIndexValue(macrosStream, getTypeIndexVariableName(container), pCount);
- macrosStream << ", // " << container->cppSignature() << Qt::endl;
- pCount++;
- }
- // Because on win32 the compiler will not accept a zero length array.
- if (pCount == 0)
- pCount++;
- _writeTypeIndexValue(macrosStream, QStringLiteral("SBK_%1_CONVERTERS_IDX_COUNT")
- .arg(moduleName()), pCount);
- macrosStream << "\n};\n";
- formatTypeDefEntries(macrosStream);
- // TODO-CONVERTER ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- macrosStream << "// Macros for type check\n";
- if (usePySideExtensions()) {
- typeFunctions << "QT_WARNING_PUSH\n";
- }
- for (const AbstractMetaEnum *cppEnum : qAsConst(globalEnums)) {
- if (cppEnum->isAnonymous() || cppEnum->isPrivate())
- continue;
- includes << cppEnum->typeEntry()->include();
- writeProtectedEnumSurrogate(protEnumsSurrogates, cppEnum);
- writeSbkTypeFunction(typeFunctions, cppEnum);
- }
- for (AbstractMetaClass *metaClass : classList) {
- if (!shouldGenerate(metaClass))
- continue;
- //Includes
- const TypeEntry *classType = metaClass->typeEntry();
- includes << classType->include();
- const AbstractMetaEnumList &enums = metaClass->enums();
- for (const AbstractMetaEnum *cppEnum : enums) {
- if (cppEnum->isAnonymous() || cppEnum->isPrivate())
- continue;
- EnumTypeEntry *enumType = cppEnum->typeEntry();
- includes << enumType->include();
- writeProtectedEnumSurrogate(protEnumsSurrogates, cppEnum);
- writeSbkTypeFunction(typeFunctions, cppEnum);
- }
- if (!metaClass->isNamespace())
- writeSbkTypeFunction(typeFunctions, metaClass);
- }
- for (const AbstractMetaType *metaType : instantiatedSmartPtrs) {
- const TypeEntry *classType = metaType->typeEntry();
- includes << classType->include();
- writeSbkTypeFunction(typeFunctions, metaType);
- }
- if (usePySideExtensions())
- typeFunctions << "QT_WARNING_POP\n";
- QString moduleHeaderFileName(outputDirectory()
- + QDir::separator() + subDirectoryForPackage(packageName())
- + QDir::separator() + getModuleHeaderFileName());
- QString includeShield(QLatin1String("SBK_") + moduleName().toUpper() + QLatin1String("_PYTHON_H"));
- FileOut file(moduleHeaderFileName);
- QTextStream &s = file.stream;
- // write license comment
- s << licenseComment() << Qt::endl << Qt::endl;
- s << "#ifndef " << includeShield << Qt::endl;
- s << "#define " << includeShield << Qt::endl << Qt::endl;
- if (!avoidProtectedHack()) {
- s << "//workaround to access protected functions\n";
- s << "#define protected public\n\n";
- }
- s << "#include <sbkpython.h>\n";
- s << "#include <sbkconverter.h>\n";
- QStringList requiredTargetImports = TypeDatabase::instance()->requiredTargetImports();
- if (!requiredTargetImports.isEmpty()) {
- s << "// Module Includes\n";
- for (const QString &requiredModule : qAsConst(requiredTargetImports))
- s << "#include <" << getModuleHeaderFileName(requiredModule) << ">\n";
- s << Qt::endl;
- }
- s << "// Bound library includes\n";
- for (const Include &include : qAsConst(includes))
- s << include;
- if (!primitiveTypes().isEmpty()) {
- s << "// Conversion Includes - Primitive Types\n";
- const PrimitiveTypeEntryList &primitiveTypeList = primitiveTypes();
- for (const PrimitiveTypeEntry *ptype : primitiveTypeList)
- s << ptype->include();
- s << Qt::endl;
- }
- if (!containerTypes().isEmpty()) {
- s << "// Conversion Includes - Container Types\n";
- const ContainerTypeEntryList &containerTypeList = containerTypes();
- for (const ContainerTypeEntry *ctype : containerTypeList)
- s << ctype->include();
- s << Qt::endl;
- }
- s << macros << Qt::endl;
- if (!protectedEnumSurrogates.isEmpty()) {
- s << "// Protected enum surrogates\n";
- s << protectedEnumSurrogates << Qt::endl;
- }
- s << "namespace Shiboken\n{\n\n";
- s << "// PyType functions, to get the PyObjectType for a type T\n";
- s << sbkTypeFunctions << Qt::endl;
- s << "} // namespace Shiboken\n\n";
- s << "#endif // " << includeShield << Qt::endl << Qt::endl;
- return file.done() != FileOut::Failure;
-void HeaderGenerator::writeProtectedEnumSurrogate(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaEnum *cppEnum)
- if (avoidProtectedHack() && cppEnum->isProtected())
- s << "enum " << protectedEnumSurrogateName(cppEnum) << " {};\n";
-void HeaderGenerator::writeSbkTypeFunction(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaEnum *cppEnum)
- QString enumName;
- if (avoidProtectedHack() && cppEnum->isProtected()) {
- enumName = protectedEnumSurrogateName(cppEnum);
- } else {
- enumName = cppEnum->name();
- if (cppEnum->enclosingClass())
- enumName = cppEnum->enclosingClass()->qualifiedCppName() + QLatin1String("::") + enumName;
- }
- s << "template<> inline PyTypeObject *SbkType< ::" << enumName << " >() ";
- s << "{ return " << cpythonTypeNameExt(cppEnum->typeEntry()) << "; }\n";
- FlagsTypeEntry *flag = cppEnum->typeEntry()->flags();
- if (flag) {
- s << "template<> inline PyTypeObject *SbkType< ::" << flag->name() << " >() "
- << "{ return " << cpythonTypeNameExt(flag) << "; }\n";
- }
-void HeaderGenerator::writeSbkTypeFunction(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *cppClass)
- s << "template<> inline PyTypeObject *SbkType< ::" << cppClass->qualifiedCppName() << " >() "
- << "{ return reinterpret_cast<PyTypeObject *>(" << cpythonTypeNameExt(cppClass->typeEntry()) << "); }\n";
-void HeaderGenerator::writeSbkTypeFunction(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaType *metaType)
- s << "template<> inline PyTypeObject *SbkType< ::" << metaType->cppSignature() << " >() "
- << "{ return reinterpret_cast<PyTypeObject *>(" << cpythonTypeNameExt(metaType) << "); }\n";
-void HeaderGenerator::writeInheritedOverloads(QTextStream &s)
- for (const AbstractMetaFunction *func : qAsConst(m_inheritedOverloads)) {
- s << INDENT << "inline ";
- s << functionSignature(func, QString(), QString(), Generator::EnumAsInts|Generator::OriginalTypeDescription) << " { ";
- s << (func->type() ? "return " : "");
- s << func->ownerClass()->qualifiedCppName() << "::" << func->originalName() << '(';
- QStringList args;
- const AbstractMetaArgumentList &arguments = func->arguments();
- for (const AbstractMetaArgument *arg : arguments) {
- QString argName = arg->name();
- const TypeEntry *enumTypeEntry = nullptr;
- if (arg->type()->isFlags())
- enumTypeEntry = static_cast<const FlagsTypeEntry *>(arg->type()->typeEntry())->originator();
- else if (arg->type()->isEnum())
- enumTypeEntry = arg->type()->typeEntry();
- if (enumTypeEntry)
- argName = arg->type()->cppSignature() + QLatin1Char('(') + argName + QLatin1Char(')');
- args << argName;
- }
- s << args.join(QLatin1String(", ")) << ')';
- s << "; }\n";
- }