path: root/sources/shiboken6/ApiExtractor/clangparser/compilersupport.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sources/shiboken6/ApiExtractor/clangparser/compilersupport.cpp')
1 files changed, 456 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sources/shiboken6/ApiExtractor/clangparser/compilersupport.cpp b/sources/shiboken6/ApiExtractor/clangparser/compilersupport.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..20224020b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/shiboken6/ApiExtractor/clangparser/compilersupport.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,456 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0
+#include "compilersupport.h"
+#include "header_paths.h"
+#include "clangutils.h"
+#include <reporthandler.h>
+#include "qtcompat.h"
+#include <QtCore/QDebug>
+#include <QtCore/QDir>
+#include <QtCore/QFile>
+#include <QtCore/QFileInfo>
+#include <QtCore/QProcess>
+#include <QtCore/QStandardPaths>
+#include <QtCore/QStringList>
+#include <QtCore/QVersionNumber>
+#include <clang-c/Index.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <iterator>
+using namespace Qt::StringLiterals;
+namespace clang {
+QVersionNumber libClangVersion()
+static Compiler _compiler =
+#if defined (Q_CC_CLANG)
+ Compiler::Clang;
+#elif defined (Q_CC_MSVC)
+ Compiler::Msvc;
+ Compiler::Gpp;
+Compiler compiler() { return _compiler; }
+bool setCompiler(const QString &name)
+ bool result = true;
+ if (name == u"msvc")
+ _compiler = Compiler::Msvc;
+ else if (name == u"g++")
+ _compiler = Compiler::Gpp;
+ else if (name == u"clang")
+ _compiler = Compiler::Clang;
+ else
+ result = false;
+ return result;
+QString _compilerPath; // Pre-defined compiler path (from command line)
+const QString &compilerPath()
+ return _compilerPath;
+void setCompilerPath(const QString &name)
+ _compilerPath = name;
+static Platform _platform =
+#if defined (Q_OS_DARWIN)
+ Platform::macOS;
+#elif defined (Q_OS_WIN)
+ Platform::Windows;
+ Platform::Unix;
+Platform platform() { return _platform; }
+bool setPlatform(const QString &name)
+ bool result = true;
+ if (name == u"windows")
+ _platform = Platform::Windows;
+ else if (name == u"darwin")
+ _platform = Platform::macOS;
+ else if (name == u"unix")
+ _platform = Platform::Unix;
+ else
+ result = false;
+ return result;
+// 3/2024: Use a recent MSVC2022 for libclang 18.X
+static QByteArray msvcCompatVersion()
+ return libClangVersion() >= QVersionNumber(0, 64) ? "19.39"_ba : "19.26"_ba;
+static bool runProcess(const QString &program, const QStringList &arguments,
+ QByteArray *stdOutIn = nullptr, QByteArray *stdErrIn = nullptr)
+ QProcess process;
+ process.start(program, arguments, QProcess::ReadWrite);
+ if (!process.waitForStarted()) {
+ qCWarning(lcShiboken).noquote().nospace() << "Unable to start "
+ << process.program() << ": " << process.errorString();
+ return false;
+ }
+ process.closeWriteChannel();
+ const bool finished = process.waitForFinished();
+ const QByteArray stdErr = process.readAllStandardError();
+ if (stdErrIn)
+ *stdErrIn = stdErr;
+ if (stdOutIn)
+ *stdOutIn = process.readAllStandardOutput();
+ if (!finished) {
+ qCWarning(lcShiboken).noquote().nospace() << process.program() << " timed out: " << stdErr;
+ process.kill();
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (process.exitStatus() != QProcess::NormalExit) {
+ qCWarning(lcShiboken).noquote().nospace() << process.program() << " crashed: " << stdErr;
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (process.exitCode() != 0) {
+ qCWarning(lcShiboken).noquote().nospace() << process.program() << " exited "
+ << process.exitCode() << ": " << stdErr;
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+static QByteArray frameworkPath() { return QByteArrayLiteral(" (framework directory)"); }
+static void filterHomebrewHeaderPaths(HeaderPaths &headerPaths)
+ QByteArray homebrewPrefix = qgetenv("HOMEBREW_OPT");
+ // If HOMEBREW_OPT is found we assume that the build is happening
+ // inside a brew environment, which means we need to filter out
+ // the -isystem flags added by the brew clang shim. This is needed
+ // because brew passes the Qt include paths as system include paths
+ // and because our parser ignores system headers, Qt classes won't
+ // be found and thus compilation errors will occur.
+ if (homebrewPrefix.isEmpty())
+ return;
+ qCInfo(lcShiboken) << "Found HOMEBREW_OPT with value:" << homebrewPrefix
+ << "Assuming homebrew build environment.";
+ HeaderPaths::iterator it = headerPaths.begin();
+ while (it != headerPaths.end()) {
+ if (it->path.startsWith(homebrewPrefix)) {
+ qCInfo(lcShiboken) << "Filtering out homebrew include path: "
+ << it->path;
+ it = headerPaths.erase(it);
+ } else {
+ ++it;
+ }
+ }
+// Determine g++'s internal include paths from the output of
+// g++ -E -x c++ - -v </dev/null
+// Output looks like:
+// #include <...> search starts here:
+// /usr/local/include
+// /System/Library/Frameworks (framework directory)
+// End of search list.
+static HeaderPaths gppInternalIncludePaths(const QString &compiler)
+ HeaderPaths result;
+ QStringList arguments{u"-E"_s, u"-x"_s, u"c++"_s, u"-"_s, u"-v"_s};
+ QByteArray stdOut;
+ QByteArray stdErr;
+ if (!runProcess(compiler, arguments, &stdOut, &stdErr))
+ return result;
+ const QByteArrayList stdErrLines = stdErr.split('\n');
+ bool isIncludeDir = false;
+ if (ReportHandler::isDebug(ReportHandler::MediumDebug))
+ qCInfo(lcShiboken()).noquote().nospace()
+ << "gppInternalIncludePaths:\n compiler: " << compiler
+ << "\n stdOut: " << stdOut
+ << "\n stdErr: " << stdErr;
+ for (const QByteArray &line : stdErrLines) {
+ if (isIncludeDir) {
+ if (line.startsWith(QByteArrayLiteral("End of search list"))) {
+ isIncludeDir = false;
+ } else {
+ HeaderPath headerPath{line.trimmed(), HeaderType::System};
+ if (headerPath.path.endsWith(frameworkPath())) {
+ headerPath.type = HeaderType::FrameworkSystem;
+ headerPath.path.truncate(headerPath.path.size() - frameworkPath().size());
+ }
+ result.append(headerPath);
+ }
+ } else if (line.startsWith(QByteArrayLiteral("#include <...> search starts here"))) {
+ isIncludeDir = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (platform() == Platform::macOS)
+ filterHomebrewHeaderPaths(result);
+ return result;
+// Detect Vulkan as supported from Qt 5.10 by checking the environment variables.
+QByteArrayList detectVulkan()
+ static const char *vulkanVariables[] = {"VULKAN_SDK", "VK_SDK_PATH"};
+ for (const char *vulkanVariable : vulkanVariables) {
+ if (qEnvironmentVariableIsSet(vulkanVariable)) {
+ const auto option = QByteArrayLiteral("-isystem")
+ + qgetenv(vulkanVariable)
+ + QByteArrayLiteral("/include");
+ return {option};
+ }
+ }
+ return {};
+// For MSVC, we set the MS compatibility version and let Clang figure out its own
+// options and include paths.
+// For the others, we pass "-nostdinc" since libclang tries to add it's own system
+// include paths, which together with the clang compiler paths causes some clash
+// which causes std types not being found and construct -I/-F options from the
+// include paths of the host compiler.
+static QByteArray noStandardIncludeOption() { return QByteArrayLiteral("-nostdinc"); }
+// The clang builtin includes directory is used to find the definitions for
+// intrinsic functions and builtin types. It is necessary to use the clang
+// includes to prevent redefinition errors. The default toolchain includes
+// should be picked up automatically by clang without specifying
+// them implicitly.
+// Besides g++/Linux, as of MSVC 19.28.29334, MSVC needs clang includes
+// due to PYSIDE-1433, LLVM-47099
+static bool needsClangBuiltinIncludes()
+ return platform() != Platform::macOS;
+static QString queryLlvmConfigDir(const QString &arg)
+ static const QString llvmConfig = QStandardPaths::findExecutable(u"llvm-config"_s);
+ if (llvmConfig.isEmpty())
+ return {};
+ QByteArray stdOut;
+ if (!runProcess(llvmConfig, QStringList{arg}, &stdOut))
+ return {};
+ const QString path = QFile::decodeName(stdOut.trimmed());
+ if (!QFileInfo::exists(path)) {
+ qCWarning(lcShiboken, R"(%s: "%s" as returned by llvm-config "%s" does not exist.)",
+ __FUNCTION__, qPrintable(QDir::toNativeSeparators(path)), qPrintable(arg));
+ return {};
+ }
+ return path;
+static QString findClangLibDir()
+ for (const char *envVar : {"LLVM_INSTALL_DIR", "CLANG_INSTALL_DIR"}) {
+ if (qEnvironmentVariableIsSet(envVar)) {
+ const QString path = QFile::decodeName(qgetenv(envVar)) + u"/lib"_s;
+ if (QFileInfo::exists(path))
+ return path;
+ qCWarning(lcShiboken, "%s: %s as pointed to by %s does not exist.",
+ __FUNCTION__, qPrintable(path), envVar);
+ }
+ }
+ return queryLlvmConfigDir(u"--libdir"_s);
+static QString findClangBuiltInIncludesDir()
+ // Find the include directory of the highest version.
+ const QString clangPathLibDir = findClangLibDir();
+ if (!clangPathLibDir.isEmpty()) {
+ QString candidate;
+ QString clangDirName = clangPathLibDir + u"/clang"_s;
+ // PYSIDE-2769: llvm-config --libdir may report /usr/lib64 on manylinux_2_28_x86_64
+ // whereas the includes are under /usr/lib/clang/../include.
+ if (!QFileInfo::exists(clangDirName) && clangPathLibDir.endsWith("64"_L1)) {
+ const QString fallback = clangPathLibDir.sliced(0, clangPathLibDir.size() - 2);
+ clangDirName = fallback + u"/clang"_s;
+ qCWarning(lcShiboken, "%s: Falling back from %s to %s.",
+ __FUNCTION__, qPrintable(clangPathLibDir), qPrintable(fallback));
+ }
+ QVersionNumber lastVersionNumber(1, 0, 0);
+ QDir clangDir(clangDirName);
+ const QFileInfoList versionDirs =
+ clangDir.entryInfoList(QDir::Dirs | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot);
+ if (versionDirs.isEmpty())
+ qCWarning(lcShiboken, "%s: No subdirectories found in %s.",
+ __FUNCTION__, qPrintable(clangDirName));
+ for (const QFileInfo &fi : versionDirs) {
+ const QString fileName = fi.fileName();
+ if (fileName.at(0).isDigit()) {
+ const QVersionNumber versionNumber = QVersionNumber::fromString(fileName);
+ if (!versionNumber.isNull() && versionNumber > lastVersionNumber) {
+ candidate = fi.absoluteFilePath();
+ lastVersionNumber = versionNumber;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!candidate.isEmpty())
+ return candidate + "/include"_L1;
+ }
+ return queryLlvmConfigDir(u"--includedir"_s);
+QString compilerFromCMake()
+ return QString::fromLocal8Bit(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER);
+ return {};
+// Return a compiler suitable for determining the internal include paths
+static QString compilerFromCMake(const QString &defaultCompiler)
+ if (!compilerPath().isEmpty())
+ return compilerPath();
+ // Exclude macOS since cmakeCompiler returns the full path instead of the
+ // /usr/bin/clang shim, which results in the default SDK sysroot path
+ // missing (PYSIDE-1032)
+ if (platform() == Platform::macOS)
+ return defaultCompiler;
+ QString cmakeCompiler = compilerFromCMake();
+ if (cmakeCompiler.isEmpty())
+ return defaultCompiler;
+ QFileInfo fi(cmakeCompiler);
+ // Should be absolute by default, but a user may specify -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=cl.exe
+ if (fi.isRelative())
+ return cmakeCompiler;
+ if (fi.exists())
+ return fi.absoluteFilePath();
+ // The compiler may not exist in case something like icecream or
+ // a non-standard-path was used on the build machine. Check
+ // the executable.
+ cmakeCompiler = QStandardPaths::findExecutable(fi.fileName());
+ return cmakeCompiler.isEmpty() ? defaultCompiler : cmakeCompiler;
+static void appendClangBuiltinIncludes(HeaderPaths *p)
+ const QString clangBuiltinIncludesDir =
+ QDir::toNativeSeparators(findClangBuiltInIncludesDir());
+ if (clangBuiltinIncludesDir.isEmpty()) {
+ qCWarning(lcShiboken, "Unable to locate Clang's built-in include directory "
+ "(neither by checking the environment variables LLVM_INSTALL_DIR, CLANG_INSTALL_DIR "
+ " nor running llvm-config). This may lead to parse errors.");
+ } else {
+ qCInfo(lcShiboken, "CLANG v%d.%d, builtins includes directory: %s",
+ qPrintable(clangBuiltinIncludesDir));
+ p->append(HeaderPath{QFile::encodeName(clangBuiltinIncludesDir),
+ HeaderType::System});
+ }
+// Returns clang options needed for emulating the host compiler
+QByteArrayList emulatedCompilerOptions(LanguageLevel level)
+ QByteArrayList result;
+ HeaderPaths headerPaths;
+ switch (compiler()) {
+ case Compiler::Msvc:
+ result.append("-fms-compatibility-version="_ba + msvcCompatVersion());
+ if (level < LanguageLevel::Cpp20)
+ result.append("-fdelayed-template-parsing"_ba);
+ result.append(QByteArrayLiteral("-Wno-microsoft-enum-value"));
+ result.append("/Zc:__cplusplus"_ba);
+ // Fix yvals_core.h: STL1000: Unexpected compiler version, expected Clang 7 or newer (MSVC2017 update)
+ result.append(QByteArrayLiteral("-D_ALLOW_COMPILER_AND_STL_VERSION_MISMATCH"));
+ if (needsClangBuiltinIncludes())
+ appendClangBuiltinIncludes(&headerPaths);
+ break;
+ case Compiler::Clang:
+ headerPaths.append(gppInternalIncludePaths(compilerFromCMake(u"clang++"_s)));
+ result.append(noStandardIncludeOption());
+ break;
+ case Compiler::Gpp:
+ if (needsClangBuiltinIncludes())
+ appendClangBuiltinIncludes(&headerPaths);
+ // Append the c++ include paths since Clang is unable to find
+ // <type_traits> etc (g++ 11.3).
+ const HeaderPaths gppPaths = gppInternalIncludePaths(compilerFromCMake(u"g++"_s));
+ for (const HeaderPath &h : gppPaths) {
+ if (h.path.contains("c++") || h.path.contains("sysroot"))
+ headerPaths.append(h);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ std::transform(headerPaths.cbegin(), headerPaths.cend(),
+ std::back_inserter(result), HeaderPath::includeOption);
+ return result;
+LanguageLevel emulatedCompilerLanguageLevel()
+ return LanguageLevel::Cpp17;
+struct LanguageLevelMapping
+ const char *option;
+ LanguageLevel level;
+static const LanguageLevelMapping languageLevelMapping[] =
+ {"c++11", LanguageLevel::Cpp11},
+ {"c++14", LanguageLevel::Cpp14},
+ {"c++17", LanguageLevel::Cpp17},
+ {"c++20", LanguageLevel::Cpp20},
+ {"c++1z", LanguageLevel::Cpp1Z}
+const char *languageLevelOption(LanguageLevel l)
+ for (const LanguageLevelMapping &m : languageLevelMapping) {
+ if (m.level == l)
+ return m.option;
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+LanguageLevel languageLevelFromOption(const char *o)
+ for (const LanguageLevelMapping &m : languageLevelMapping) {
+ if (!strcmp(m.option, o))
+ return m.level;
+ }
+ return LanguageLevel::Default;
+} // namespace clang