path: root/sources/shiboken6/generator/generator.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'sources/shiboken6/generator/generator.h')
1 files changed, 233 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sources/shiboken6/generator/generator.h b/sources/shiboken6/generator/generator.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5b051b599
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/shiboken6/generator/generator.h
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0
+#ifndef GENERATOR_H
+#define GENERATOR_H
+#include <abstractmetalang_typedefs.h>
+#include <typedatabase_typedefs.h>
+#include <QtCore/QList>
+#include <memory>
+#include <optional>
+class ApiExtractorResult;
+class GeneratorContext;
+class DefaultValue;
+struct OptionDescription;
+class OptionsParser;
+class TextStream;
+QString getClassTargetFullName(const AbstractMetaClassCPtr &metaClass,
+ bool includePackageName = true);
+QString getClassTargetFullName(const AbstractMetaEnum &metaEnum,
+ bool includePackageName = true);
+QString getFilteredCppSignatureString(QString signature);
+ * Base class for all generators. The default implementations does nothing,
+ * you must subclass this to create your own generators.
+ */
+class Generator
+ /// Options used around the generator code
+ enum Option {
+ NoOption = 0x00000000,
+ ExcludeConst = 0x00000001,
+ ExcludeReference = 0x00000002,
+ SkipReturnType = 0x00000010,
+ VirtualCall = 0x00000040,
+ OriginalTypeDescription = 0x00000080,
+ SkipRemovedArguments = 0x00000100,
+ SkipDefaultValues = 0x00000200,
+ };
+ Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(Options, Option)
+ enum FileNameFlag {
+ UnqualifiedName = 0x1,
+ KeepCase = 0x2
+ };
+ Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(FileNameFlags, FileNameFlag)
+ Generator();
+ virtual ~Generator();
+ bool setup(const ApiExtractorResult &api);
+ static QList<OptionDescription> options();
+ static std::shared_ptr<OptionsParser> createOptionsParser();
+ /// Returns the top namespace made invisible
+ const AbstractMetaClassCList &invisibleTopNamespaces() const;
+ /// Returns the output directory
+ QString outputDirectory() const;
+ /// Set the output directory
+ void setOutputDirectory(const QString &outDir);
+ /**
+ * Start the code generation, be sure to call setClasses before callign this method.
+ * For each class it creates a QTextStream, call the write method with the current
+ * class and the associated text stream, then write the text stream contents if needed.
+ * \see #write
+ */
+ bool generate();
+ /// Returns the license comment to be prepended to each source file generated.
+ QString licenseComment() const;
+ /// Sets the license comment to be prepended to each source file generated.
+ void setLicenseComment(const QString &licenseComment);
+ /// Returns the generator's name. Used for cosmetic purposes.
+ virtual const char *name() const = 0;
+ /// Returns the API as determined by ApiExtractor
+ const ApiExtractorResult &api() const;
+ bool hasPrivateClasses() const;
+ /// Returns true if the user enabled PySide extensions (command line option)
+ static bool usePySideExtensions();
+ /// Returns true if the generated code should not use the
+ /// "#define protected public" hack.
+ static bool avoidProtectedHack();
+ /**
+ * Retrieves the name of the currently processed module.
+ * While package name is a complete package idetification, e.g. 'PySide.QtCore',
+ * a module name represents the last part of the package, e.g. 'QtCore'.
+ * If the target language separates the modules with characters other than
+ * dots ('.') the generator subclass must overload this method.
+ * \return a string representing the last part of a package name
+ */
+ static QString moduleName();
+ static QString pythonOperatorFunctionName(const QString &cppOpFuncName);
+ static bool isPythonOperatorFunctionName(const QString &cppOpFuncName);
+ /// Helper for determining the file name
+ static QString fileNameForContextHelper(const GeneratorContext &context,
+ const QString &suffix,
+ FileNameFlags flags = {});
+ /// Returns all primitive types found by APIExtractor
+ static PrimitiveTypeEntryCList primitiveTypes();
+ /// Returns all container types found by APIExtractor
+ static ContainerTypeEntryCList containerTypes();
+ virtual GeneratorContext contextForClass(const AbstractMetaClassCPtr &c) const;
+ static GeneratorContext
+ contextForSmartPointer(const AbstractMetaClassCPtr &c, const AbstractMetaType &t,
+ const AbstractMetaClassCPtr &pointeeClass = {});
+ /// Generates a file for given AbstractMetaClass or AbstractMetaType (smart pointer case).
+ bool generateFileForContext(const GeneratorContext &context);
+ /// Returns the file base name for a smart pointer.
+ static QString getFileNameBaseForSmartPointer(const AbstractMetaType &smartPointerType);
+ /// Returns true if the generator should generate any code for the AbstractMetaClass.
+ virtual bool shouldGenerate(const TypeEntryCPtr &t) const;
+ /**
+ * Translate metatypes to binding source format.
+ * \param metatype a pointer to metatype
+ * \param context the current meta class
+ * \param option some extra options
+ * \return the metatype translated to binding source format
+ */
+ QString translateType(AbstractMetaType metatype,
+ const AbstractMetaClassCPtr &context,
+ Options options = NoOption) const;
+ /**
+ * Returns the package name.
+ */
+ static QString packageName();
+ // Returns the full name of the type.
+ static QString getFullTypeName(TypeEntryCPtr type);
+ static QString getFullTypeName(const AbstractMetaType &type);
+ static QString getFullTypeName(const AbstractMetaClassCPtr &metaClass);
+ /**
+ * Returns the full qualified C++ name for an AbstractMetaType, but removing modifiers
+ * as 'const', '&', and '*' (except if the class is not derived from a template).
+ * This is useful for instantiated templates.
+ */
+ static QString getFullTypeNameWithoutModifiers(const AbstractMetaType &type);
+ /**
+ * Tries to build a minimal constructor for the type.
+ * It will check first for a user defined default constructor.
+ * Returns a null string if it fails.
+ */
+ static std::optional<DefaultValue>
+ minimalConstructor(const ApiExtractorResult &api, const TypeEntryCPtr &type,
+ QString *errorString = nullptr);
+ static std::optional<DefaultValue>
+ minimalConstructor(const ApiExtractorResult &api, const AbstractMetaType &type,
+ QString *errorString = nullptr);
+ static std::optional<DefaultValue>
+ minimalConstructor(const ApiExtractorResult &api,
+ const AbstractMetaClassCPtr &metaClass,
+ QString *errorString = nullptr);
+ /**
+ * Returns the file name used to write the binding code of an AbstractMetaClass/Type.
+ * \param context the GeneratorContext which contains an AbstractMetaClass or AbstractMetaType
+ * for which the file name must be returned
+ * \return the file name used to write the binding code for the class
+ */
+ virtual QString fileNameForContext(const GeneratorContext &context) const = 0;
+ virtual bool doSetup() = 0;
+ /**
+ * Write the bindding code for an AbstractMetaClass.
+ * This is called by generate method.
+ * \param s text stream to write the generated output
+ * \param metaClass the class that should be generated
+ */
+ virtual void generateClass(TextStream &s, const GeneratorContext &classContext) = 0;
+ virtual bool finishGeneration() = 0;
+ /**
+ * Returns the subdirectory path for a given package
+ * (aka module, aka library) name.
+ * If the target language separates the package modules with characters other
+ * than dots ('.') the generator subclass must overload this method.
+ * /param packageName complete package name for which to return the subdirectory path
+ * or nothing the use the name of the currently processed package
+ * /return a string representing the subdirectory path for the given package
+ */
+ virtual QString subDirectoryForPackage(QString packageName = QString()) const;
+ static QString addGlobalScopePrefix(const QString &t);
+ static QString globalScopePrefix(const GeneratorContext &classContext);
+ static QString m_gsp;
+ struct GeneratorPrivate;
+ GeneratorPrivate *m_d;
+using GeneratorPtr = std::shared_ptr<Generator>;
+using Generators = QList<GeneratorPtr>;
+#endif // GENERATOR_H