path: root/sources/shiboken6/generator/qtdoc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sources/shiboken6/generator/qtdoc')
6 files changed, 3747 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sources/shiboken6/generator/qtdoc/qtdocgenerator.cpp b/sources/shiboken6/generator/qtdoc/qtdocgenerator.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1634a7e83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/shiboken6/generator/qtdoc/qtdocgenerator.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1591 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2020 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0
+#include "qtdocgenerator.h"
+#include "generatorcontext.h"
+#include "codesnip.h"
+#include "exception.h"
+#include "abstractmetaargument.h"
+#include "apiextractorresult.h"
+#include "qtxmltosphinx.h"
+#include "rstformat.h"
+#include "ctypenames.h"
+#include "pytypenames.h"
+#include <abstractmetaenum.h>
+#include <abstractmetafield.h>
+#include <abstractmetafunction.h>
+#include <abstractmetalang.h>
+#include "abstractmetalang_helpers.h"
+#include <fileout.h>
+#include <messages.h>
+#include <modifications.h>
+#include <propertyspec.h>
+#include <reporthandler.h>
+#include <textstream.h>
+#include <typedatabase.h>
+#include <functiontypeentry.h>
+#include <enumtypeentry.h>
+#include <complextypeentry.h>
+#include <flagstypeentry.h>
+#include <primitivetypeentry.h>
+#include <qtdocparser.h>
+#include <doxygenparser.h>
+#include "qtcompat.h"
+#include <QtCore/QTextStream>
+#include <QtCore/QFile>
+#include <QtCore/QDir>
+#include <QtCore/QJsonArray>
+#include <QtCore/QJsonDocument>
+#include <QtCore/QJsonObject>
+#include <QtCore/QSet>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <limits>
+using namespace Qt::StringLiterals;
+static inline QString classScope(const AbstractMetaClassCPtr &metaClass)
+ return metaClass->fullName();
+struct DocPackage
+ QStringList classPages;
+ QStringList decoratorPages;
+ AbstractMetaFunctionCList globalFunctions;
+ AbstractMetaEnumList globalEnums;
+struct DocGeneratorOptions
+ QtXmlToSphinxParameters parameters;
+ QString extraSectionDir;
+ QString additionalDocumentationList;
+ QString inheritanceFile;
+ bool doxygen = false;
+ bool inheritanceDiagram = true;
+struct GeneratorDocumentation
+ struct Property
+ {
+ QString name;
+ Documentation documentation;
+ AbstractMetaType type;
+ AbstractMetaFunctionCPtr getter;
+ AbstractMetaFunctionCPtr setter;
+ AbstractMetaFunctionCPtr reset;
+ AbstractMetaFunctionCPtr notify;
+ };
+ AbstractMetaFunctionCList allFunctions;
+ AbstractMetaFunctionCList tocNormalFunctions; // Index lists
+ AbstractMetaFunctionCList tocVirtuals;
+ AbstractMetaFunctionCList tocSignalFunctions;
+ AbstractMetaFunctionCList tocSlotFunctions;
+ AbstractMetaFunctionCList tocStaticFunctions;
+ QList<Property> properties;
+static bool operator<(const GeneratorDocumentation::Property &lhs,
+ const GeneratorDocumentation::Property &rhs)
+ return lhs.name < rhs.name;
+static QString propertyRefTarget(const QString &name)
+ QString result = name;
+ // For sphinx referencing, disambiguate the target from the getter name
+ // by appending an invisible "Hangul choseong filler" character.
+ result.append(QChar(0x115F));
+ return result;
+constexpr auto additionalDocumentationOption = "additional-documentation"_L1;
+constexpr auto none = "None"_L1;
+static bool shouldSkip(const AbstractMetaFunctionCPtr &func)
+ if (DocParser::skipForQuery(func))
+ return true;
+ // Search a const clone (QImage::bits() vs QImage::bits() const)
+ if (func->isConstant())
+ return false;
+ const AbstractMetaArgumentList funcArgs = func->arguments();
+ const auto &ownerFunctions = func->ownerClass()->functions();
+ for (const auto &f : ownerFunctions) {
+ if (f != func
+ && f->isConstant()
+ && f->name() == func->name()
+ && f->arguments().size() == funcArgs.size()) {
+ // Compare each argument
+ bool cloneFound = true;
+ const AbstractMetaArgumentList fargs = f->arguments();
+ for (qsizetype i = 0, max = funcArgs.size(); i < max; ++i) {
+ if (funcArgs.at(i).type().typeEntry() != fargs.at(i).type().typeEntry()) {
+ cloneFound = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (cloneFound)
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+static bool functionSort(const AbstractMetaFunctionCPtr &func1, const AbstractMetaFunctionCPtr &func2)
+ const bool ctor1 = func1->isConstructor();
+ if (ctor1 != func2->isConstructor())
+ return ctor1;
+ const QString &name1 = func1->name();
+ const QString &name2 = func2->name();
+ if (name1 != name2)
+ return name1 < name2;
+ return func1->arguments().size() < func2->arguments().size();
+static inline QVersionNumber versionOf(const TypeEntryCPtr &te)
+ if (te) {
+ const auto version = te->version();
+ if (!version.isNull() && version > QVersionNumber(0, 0))
+ return version;
+ }
+ return {};
+struct docRef
+ explicit docRef(const char *kind, QAnyStringView name) :
+ m_kind(kind), m_name(name) {}
+ const char *m_kind;
+ QAnyStringView m_name;
+static TextStream &operator<<(TextStream &s, const docRef &dr)
+ s << ':' << dr.m_kind << ":`" << dr.m_name << '`';
+ return s;
+static QString fileNameToTocEntry(const QString &fileName)
+ constexpr auto rstSuffix = ".rst"_L1;
+ QString result = fileName;
+ if (result.endsWith(rstSuffix))
+ result.chop(rstSuffix.size()); // Remove the .rst extension
+ // skip namespace if necessary
+ auto lastDot = result.lastIndexOf(u'.');
+ if (lastDot != -1)
+ result.remove(0, lastDot + 1);
+ return result;
+static void readExtraDoc(const QFileInfo &fi,
+ const QString &moduleName,
+ const QString &outputDir,
+ DocPackage *docPackage, QStringList *extraTocEntries)
+ // Strip to "Property.rst" in output directory
+ const QString newFileName = fi.fileName().mid(moduleName.size() + 1);
+ QFile sourceFile(fi.absoluteFilePath());
+ if (!sourceFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly|QIODevice::Text)) {
+ qCWarning(lcShibokenDoc, "%s", qPrintable(msgCannotOpenForReading(sourceFile)));
+ return;
+ }
+ const QByteArray contents = sourceFile.readAll();
+ sourceFile.close();
+ QFile targetFile(outputDir + u'/' + newFileName);
+ if (!targetFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly|QIODevice::Text)) {
+ qCWarning(lcShibokenDoc, "%s", qPrintable(msgCannotOpenForWriting(targetFile)));
+ return;
+ }
+ targetFile.write(contents);
+ if (contents.contains("decorator::"))
+ docPackage->decoratorPages.append(newFileName);
+ else
+ docPackage->classPages.append(newFileName);
+ extraTocEntries->append(fileNameToTocEntry(newFileName));
+// Format a short documentation reference (automatically dropping the prefix
+// by using '~'), usable for property/attributes ("attr").
+struct shortDocRef
+ explicit shortDocRef(const char *kind, QAnyStringView name) :
+ m_kind(kind), m_name(name) {}
+ const char *m_kind;
+ QAnyStringView m_name;
+static TextStream &operator<<(TextStream &s, const shortDocRef &sdr)
+ s << ':' << sdr.m_kind << ":`~" << sdr.m_name << '`';
+ return s;
+struct functionRef : public docRef
+ explicit functionRef(QAnyStringView name) : docRef("meth", name) {}
+struct classRef : public shortDocRef
+ explicit classRef(QAnyStringView name) : shortDocRef("class", name) {}
+struct propRef : public shortDocRef // Attribute/property (short) reference
+ explicit propRef(const QString &target) :
+ shortDocRef("attr", target) {}
+struct headline
+ explicit headline(QAnyStringView title, char underLineChar = '-') :
+ m_title(title), m_underLineChar(underLineChar) {}
+ QAnyStringView m_title;
+ char m_underLineChar;
+static TextStream &operator<<(TextStream &s, const headline &h)
+ s << h.m_title << '\n' << Pad(h.m_underLineChar, h.m_title.size()) << "\n\n";
+ return s;
+struct pyClass
+ explicit pyClass(QAnyStringView name) : m_name(name) {}
+ QAnyStringView m_name;
+static TextStream &operator<<(TextStream &s, pyClass c)
+ s << ".. py:class:: " << c.m_name << "\n\n";
+ return s;
+struct currentModule
+ explicit currentModule(QAnyStringView module) : m_module(module) {}
+ QAnyStringView m_module;
+static TextStream &operator<<(TextStream &s, const currentModule &m)
+ s << ".. currentmodule:: " << m.m_module << "\n\n\n";
+ return s;
+DocGeneratorOptions QtDocGenerator::m_options;
+ m_options.parameters.snippetComparison =
+ ReportHandler::debugLevel() >= ReportHandler::FullDebug;
+QtDocGenerator::~QtDocGenerator() = default;
+QString QtDocGenerator::fileNameSuffix()
+ return u".rst"_s;
+bool QtDocGenerator::shouldGenerate(const TypeEntryCPtr &te) const
+ return Generator::shouldGenerate(te)
+ && te->type() != TypeEntry::SmartPointerType;
+QString QtDocGenerator::fileNameForContext(const GeneratorContext &context) const
+ return fileNameForContextHelper(context, fileNameSuffix(),
+ FileNameFlag::UnqualifiedName
+ | FileNameFlag::KeepCase);
+void QtDocGenerator::writeFormattedBriefText(TextStream &s, const Documentation &doc,
+ const QString &scope) const
+ writeFormattedText(s, doc.brief(), doc.format(), scope);
+void QtDocGenerator::writeFormattedDetailedText(TextStream &s, const Documentation &doc,
+ const QString &scope) const
+ writeFormattedText(s, doc.detailed(), doc.format(), scope);
+void QtDocGenerator::writeFormattedText(TextStream &s, const QString &doc,
+ Documentation::Format format,
+ const QString &scope) const
+ if (format == Documentation::Native) {
+ QtXmlToSphinx x(this, m_options.parameters, doc, scope);
+ s << x;
+ } else {
+ const auto lines = QStringView{doc}.split(u'\n');
+ int typesystemIndentation = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
+ // check how many spaces must be removed from the beginning of each line
+ for (const auto &line : lines) {
+ const auto it = std::find_if(line.cbegin(), line.cend(),
+ [] (QChar c) { return !c.isSpace(); });
+ if (it != line.cend())
+ typesystemIndentation = qMin(typesystemIndentation, int(it - line.cbegin()));
+ }
+ if (typesystemIndentation == std::numeric_limits<int>::max())
+ typesystemIndentation = 0;
+ for (const auto &line : lines) {
+ s << (typesystemIndentation > 0 && typesystemIndentation < line.size()
+ ? line.right(line.size() - typesystemIndentation) : line)
+ << '\n';
+ }
+ }
+ s << '\n';
+static void writeInheritanceList(TextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClassCList& classes,
+ const char *label)
+ s << "**" << label << ":** ";
+ for (qsizetype i = 0, size = classes.size(); i < size; ++i) {
+ if (i > 0)
+ s << ", ";
+ s << classRef(classes.at(i)->fullName());
+ }
+ s << "\n\n";
+static void writeInheritedByList(TextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClassCPtr &metaClass,
+ const AbstractMetaClassCList& allClasses)
+ AbstractMetaClassCList res;
+ for (const auto &c : allClasses) {
+ if (c != metaClass && inheritsFrom(c, metaClass))
+ res << c;
+ }
+ if (!res.isEmpty())
+ writeInheritanceList(s, res, "Inherited by");
+static void writeInheritedFromList(TextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClassCPtr &metaClass)
+ AbstractMetaClassCList res;
+ recurseClassHierarchy(metaClass, [&res, metaClass](const AbstractMetaClassCPtr &c) {
+ if (c.get() != metaClass.get())
+ res.append(c);
+ return false;
+ });
+ if (!res.isEmpty())
+ writeInheritanceList(s, res, "Inherits from");
+void QtDocGenerator::generateClass(TextStream &s, const GeneratorContext &classContext)
+ AbstractMetaClassCPtr metaClass = classContext.metaClass();
+ qCDebug(lcShibokenDoc).noquote().nospace() << "Generating Documentation for " << metaClass->fullName();
+ m_packages[metaClass->package()].classPages << fileNameForContext(classContext);
+ m_docParser->setPackageName(metaClass->package());
+ m_docParser->fillDocumentation(std::const_pointer_cast<AbstractMetaClass>(metaClass));
+ s << currentModule(metaClass->package()) << pyClass(metaClass->name());
+ Indentation indent(s);
+ auto documentation = metaClass->documentation();
+ const QString scope = classScope(metaClass);
+ if (documentation.hasBrief())
+ writeFormattedBriefText(s, documentation, scope);
+ if (!metaClass->baseClasses().isEmpty()) {
+ if (m_options.inheritanceDiagram) {
+ s << ".. inheritance-diagram:: " << metaClass->fullName()<< '\n'
+ << " :parts: 2\n\n";
+ } else {
+ writeInheritedFromList(s, metaClass);
+ }
+ }
+ writeInheritedByList(s, metaClass, api().classes());
+ const auto version = versionOf(metaClass->typeEntry());
+ if (!version.isNull())
+ s << rstVersionAdded(version);
+ if (metaClass->attributes().testFlag(AbstractMetaClass::Deprecated))
+ s << rstDeprecationNote("class");
+ const GeneratorDocumentation doc = generatorDocumentation(metaClass);
+ if (!doc.allFunctions.isEmpty() || !doc.properties.isEmpty()) {
+ s << '\n' << headline("Synopsis");
+ writePropertyToc(s, doc);
+ writeFunctionToc(s, u"Methods"_s, doc.tocNormalFunctions);
+ writeFunctionToc(s, u"Virtual methods"_s, doc.tocVirtuals);
+ writeFunctionToc(s, u"Slots"_s, doc.tocSlotFunctions);
+ writeFunctionToc(s, u"Signals"_s, doc.tocSignalFunctions);
+ writeFunctionToc(s, u"Static functions"_s, doc.tocStaticFunctions);
+ }
+ s << "\n.. note::\n"
+ " This documentation may contain snippets that were automatically\n"
+ " translated from C++ to Python. We always welcome contributions\n"
+ " to the snippet translation. If you see an issue with the\n"
+ " translation, you can also let us know by creating a ticket on\n"
+ " https:/bugreports.qt.io/projects/PYSIDE\n\n";
+ s << '\n' << headline("Detailed Description") << ".. _More:\n";
+ writeInjectDocumentation(s, TypeSystem::DocModificationPrepend, metaClass);
+ if (!writeInjectDocumentation(s, TypeSystem::DocModificationReplace, metaClass))
+ writeFormattedDetailedText(s, documentation, scope);
+ writeInjectDocumentation(s, TypeSystem::DocModificationAppend, metaClass);
+ writeEnums(s, metaClass->enums(), scope);
+ if (!doc.properties.isEmpty())
+ writeProperties(s, doc, metaClass);
+ if (!metaClass->isNamespace())
+ writeFields(s, metaClass);
+ writeFunctions(s, doc.allFunctions, metaClass, scope);
+void QtDocGenerator::writeFunctionToc(TextStream &s, const QString &title,
+ const AbstractMetaFunctionCList &functions)
+ if (!functions.isEmpty()) {
+ s << headline(title, '^')
+ << ".. container:: function_list\n\n" << indent;
+ // Functions are sorted by the Metabuilder; erase overloads
+ QStringList toc;
+ toc.reserve(functions.size());
+ std::transform(functions.cbegin(), functions.end(),
+ std::back_inserter(toc), getFuncName);
+ toc.erase(std::unique(toc.begin(), toc.end()), toc.end());
+ for (const auto &func : toc)
+ s << "* def " << functionRef(func) << '\n';
+ s << outdent << "\n\n";
+ }
+void QtDocGenerator::writePropertyToc(TextStream &s,
+ const GeneratorDocumentation &doc)
+ if (doc.properties.isEmpty())
+ return;
+ s << headline("Properties", '^')
+ << ".. container:: function_list\n\n" << indent;
+ for (const auto &prop : doc.properties) {
+ s << "* " << propRef(propertyRefTarget(prop.name));
+ if (prop.documentation.hasBrief())
+ s << " - " << prop.documentation.brief();
+ s << '\n';
+ }
+ s << outdent << "\n\n";
+void QtDocGenerator::writeProperties(TextStream &s,
+ const GeneratorDocumentation &doc,
+ const AbstractMetaClassCPtr &cppClass) const
+ s << "\n.. note:: Properties can be used directly when "
+ << "``from __feature__ import true_property`` is used or via accessor "
+ << "functions otherwise.\n\n";
+ const QString scope = classScope(cppClass);
+ for (const auto &prop : doc.properties) {
+ const QString type = translateToPythonType(prop.type, cppClass, /* createRef */ false);
+ s << ".. py:property:: " << propertyRefTarget(prop.name)
+ << "\n :type: " << type << "\n\n\n";
+ if (!prop.documentation.isEmpty())
+ writeFormattedText(s, prop.documentation.detailed(), Documentation::Native, scope);
+ s << "**Access functions:**\n";
+ if (prop.getter)
+ s << " * " << functionRef(prop.getter->name()) << '\n';
+ if (prop.setter)
+ s << " * " << functionRef(prop.setter->name()) << '\n';
+ if (prop.reset)
+ s << " * " << functionRef(prop.reset->name()) << '\n';
+ if (prop.notify)
+ s << " * Signal " << functionRef(prop.notify->name()) << '\n';
+ s << '\n';
+ }
+void QtDocGenerator::writeEnums(TextStream &s, const AbstractMetaEnumList &enums,
+ const QString &scope) const
+ for (const AbstractMetaEnum &en : enums) {
+ s << pyClass(en.name());
+ Indentation indent(s);
+ writeFormattedDetailedText(s, en.documentation(), scope);
+ const auto version = versionOf(en.typeEntry());
+ if (!version.isNull())
+ s << rstVersionAdded(version);
+ }
+void QtDocGenerator::writeFields(TextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClassCPtr &cppClass) const
+ constexpr auto section_title = ".. attribute:: "_L1;
+ const QString scope = classScope(cppClass);
+ for (const AbstractMetaField &field : cppClass->fields()) {
+ s << section_title << cppClass->fullName() << "." << field.name() << "\n\n";
+ writeFormattedDetailedText(s, field.documentation(), scope);
+ }
+QString QtDocGenerator::formatArgs(const AbstractMetaFunctionCPtr &func)
+ QString ret = u"("_s;
+ int optArgs = 0;
+ const AbstractMetaArgumentList &arguments = func->arguments();
+ for (const AbstractMetaArgument &arg : arguments) {
+ if (arg.isModifiedRemoved())
+ continue;
+ bool thisIsoptional = !arg.defaultValueExpression().isEmpty();
+ if (optArgs || thisIsoptional) {
+ ret += u'[';
+ optArgs++;
+ }
+ if (arg.argumentIndex() > 0)
+ ret += u", "_s;
+ ret += arg.name();
+ if (thisIsoptional) {
+ QString defValue = arg.defaultValueExpression();
+ if (defValue == u"QString()") {
+ defValue = u"\"\""_s;
+ } else if (defValue == u"QStringList()"
+ || defValue.startsWith(u"QVector")
+ || defValue.startsWith(u"QList")) {
+ defValue = u"list()"_s;
+ } else if (defValue == u"QVariant()") {
+ defValue = none;
+ } else {
+ defValue.replace(u"::"_s, u"."_s);
+ if (defValue == u"nullptr")
+ defValue = none;
+ else if (defValue == u"0" && arg.type().isObject())
+ defValue = none;
+ }
+ ret += u'=' + defValue;
+ }
+ }
+ ret += QString(optArgs, u']') + u')';
+ return ret;
+void QtDocGenerator::writeDocSnips(TextStream &s,
+ const CodeSnipList &codeSnips,
+ TypeSystem::CodeSnipPosition position,
+ TypeSystem::Language language)
+ Indentation indentation(s);
+ static const QStringList invalidStrings{u"*"_s, u"//"_s, u"/*"_s, u"*/"_s};
+ const static QString startMarkup = u"[sphinx-begin]"_s;
+ const static QString endMarkup = u"[sphinx-end]"_s;
+ for (const CodeSnip &snip : codeSnips) {
+ if ((snip.position != position) ||
+ !(snip.language & language))
+ continue;
+ QString code = snip.code();
+ while (code.contains(startMarkup) && code.contains(endMarkup)) {
+ const auto startBlock = code.indexOf(startMarkup) + startMarkup.size();
+ const auto endBlock = code.indexOf(endMarkup);
+ if ((startBlock == -1) || (endBlock == -1))
+ break;
+ QString codeBlock = code.mid(startBlock, endBlock - startBlock);
+ const QStringList rows = codeBlock.split(u'\n');
+ int currentRow = 0;
+ qsizetype offset = 0;
+ for (QString row : rows) {
+ for (const QString &invalidString : std::as_const(invalidStrings))
+ row.remove(invalidString);
+ if (row.trimmed().size() == 0) {
+ if (currentRow == 0)
+ continue;
+ s << '\n';
+ }
+ if (currentRow == 0) {
+ //find offset
+ for (auto c : row) {
+ if (c == u' ')
+ offset++;
+ else if (c == u'\n')
+ offset = 0;
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ s << QStringView{row}.mid(offset) << '\n';
+ currentRow++;
+ }
+ code = code.mid(endBlock+endMarkup.size());
+ }
+ }
+bool QtDocGenerator::writeDocModifications(TextStream &s,
+ const DocModificationList &mods,
+ TypeSystem::DocModificationMode mode,
+ const QString &scope) const
+ bool didSomething = false;
+ for (const DocModification &mod : mods) {
+ if (mod.mode() == mode) {
+ switch (mod.format()) {
+ case TypeSystem::NativeCode:
+ writeFormattedText(s, mod.code(), Documentation::Native, scope);
+ didSomething = true;
+ break;
+ case TypeSystem::TargetLangCode:
+ writeFormattedText(s, mod.code(), Documentation::Target, scope);
+ didSomething = true;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return didSomething;
+bool QtDocGenerator::writeInjectDocumentation(TextStream &s,
+ TypeSystem::DocModificationMode mode,
+ const AbstractMetaClassCPtr &cppClass) const
+ const bool didSomething =
+ writeDocModifications(s, DocParser::getDocModifications(cppClass),
+ mode, classScope(cppClass));
+ s << '\n';
+ // FIXME PYSIDE-7: Deprecate the use of doc string on glue code.
+ // This is pre "add-function" and "inject-documentation" tags.
+ const TypeSystem::CodeSnipPosition pos = mode == TypeSystem::DocModificationPrepend
+ ? TypeSystem::CodeSnipPositionBeginning : TypeSystem::CodeSnipPositionEnd;
+ writeDocSnips(s, cppClass->typeEntry()->codeSnips(), pos, TypeSystem::TargetLangCode);
+ return didSomething;
+bool QtDocGenerator::writeInjectDocumentation(TextStream &s,
+ TypeSystem::DocModificationMode mode,
+ const DocModificationList &modifications,
+ const AbstractMetaFunctionCPtr &func,
+ const QString &scope) const
+ const bool didSomething = writeDocModifications(s, modifications, mode, scope);
+ s << '\n';
+ // FIXME PYSIDE-7: Deprecate the use of doc string on glue code.
+ // This is pre "add-function" and "inject-documentation" tags.
+ const TypeSystem::CodeSnipPosition pos = mode == TypeSystem::DocModificationPrepend
+ ? TypeSystem::CodeSnipPositionBeginning : TypeSystem::CodeSnipPositionEnd;
+ writeDocSnips(s, func->injectedCodeSnips(), pos, TypeSystem::TargetLangCode);
+ return didSomething;
+static QString inline toRef(const QString &t)
+ return ":class:`~"_L1 + t + u'`';
+QString QtDocGenerator::translateToPythonType(const AbstractMetaType &type,
+ const AbstractMetaClassCPtr &cppClass,
+ bool createRef) const
+ static const QStringList nativeTypes =
+ {boolT, floatT, intT, pyObjectT, pyStrT};
+ QString name = type.name();
+ if (nativeTypes.contains(name))
+ return name;
+ if (type.typeUsagePattern() == AbstractMetaType::PrimitivePattern) {
+ const auto &basicName = basicReferencedTypeEntry(type.typeEntry())->name();
+ if (AbstractMetaType::cppSignedIntTypes().contains(basicName)
+ || AbstractMetaType::cppUnsignedIntTypes().contains(basicName)) {
+ return intT;
+ }
+ if (AbstractMetaType::cppFloatTypes().contains(basicName))
+ return floatT;
+ }
+ static const QSet<QString> stringTypes = {
+ u"uchar"_s, u"std::string"_s, u"std::wstring"_s,
+ u"std::stringview"_s, u"std::wstringview"_s,
+ qStringT, u"QStringView"_s, u"QAnyStringView"_s, u"QUtf8StringView"_s
+ };
+ if (stringTypes.contains(name))
+ return pyStrT;
+ static const QHash<QString, QString> typeMap = {
+ { cPyObjectT, pyObjectT },
+ { u"QStringList"_s, u"list of strings"_s },
+ { qVariantT, pyObjectT }
+ };
+ const auto found = typeMap.constFind(name);
+ if (found != typeMap.cend())
+ return found.value();
+ if (type.isFlags()) {
+ const auto fte = std::static_pointer_cast<const FlagsTypeEntry>(type.typeEntry());
+ auto enumTypeEntry = fte->originator();
+ auto enumName = enumTypeEntry->targetLangName();
+ if (createRef)
+ enumName.prepend(enumTypeEntry->targetLangPackage() + u'.');
+ return "Combination of "_L1 + (createRef ? toRef(enumName) : enumName);
+ } else if (type.isEnum()) {
+ auto enumTypeEntry = std::static_pointer_cast<const EnumTypeEntry>(type.typeEntry());
+ auto enumName = enumTypeEntry->targetLangName();
+ if (createRef)
+ enumName.prepend(enumTypeEntry->targetLangPackage() + u'.');
+ return createRef ? toRef(enumName) : enumName;
+ }
+ if (type.isConstant() && name == "char"_L1 && type.indirections() == 1)
+ return "str"_L1;
+ if (type.isContainer()) {
+ QString strType = translateType(type, cppClass, Options(ExcludeConst) | ExcludeReference);
+ strType.remove(u'*');
+ strType.remove(u'>');
+ strType.remove(u'<');
+ strType.replace(u"::"_s, u"."_s);
+ if (strType.contains(u"QList") || strType.contains(u"QVector")) {
+ strType.replace(u"QList"_s, u"list of "_s);
+ strType.replace(u"QVector"_s, u"list of "_s);
+ } else if (strType.contains(u"QHash") || strType.contains(u"QMap")) {
+ strType.remove(u"QHash"_s);
+ strType.remove(u"QMap"_s);
+ QStringList types = strType.split(u',');
+ strType = QString::fromLatin1("Dictionary with keys of type %1 and values of type %2.")
+ .arg(types[0], types[1]);
+ }
+ return strType;
+ }
+ if (auto k = AbstractMetaClass::findClass(api().classes(), type.typeEntry()))
+ return createRef ? toRef(k->fullName()) : k->name();
+ return createRef ? toRef(name) : name;
+QString QtDocGenerator::getFuncName(const AbstractMetaFunctionCPtr &cppFunc)
+ if (cppFunc->isConstructor())
+ return "__init__"_L1;
+ QString result = cppFunc->name();
+ if (cppFunc->isOperatorOverload()) {
+ const QString pythonOperator = Generator::pythonOperatorFunctionName(result);
+ if (!pythonOperator.isEmpty())
+ return pythonOperator;
+ }
+ result.replace(u"::"_s, u"."_s);
+ return result;
+void QtDocGenerator::writeParameterType(TextStream &s,
+ const AbstractMetaClassCPtr &cppClass,
+ const AbstractMetaArgument &arg) const
+ s << ":param " << arg.name() << ": "
+ << translateToPythonType(arg.type(), cppClass) << '\n';
+void QtDocGenerator::writeFunctionParametersType(TextStream &s,
+ const AbstractMetaClassCPtr &cppClass,
+ const AbstractMetaFunctionCPtr &func) const
+ s << '\n';
+ const AbstractMetaArgumentList &funcArgs = func->arguments();
+ for (const AbstractMetaArgument &arg : funcArgs) {
+ if (!arg.isModifiedRemoved())
+ writeParameterType(s, cppClass, arg);
+ }
+ QString retType;
+ if (!func->isConstructor()) {
+ // check if the return type was modified
+ retType = func->modifiedTypeName();
+ if (retType.isEmpty() && !func->isVoid())
+ retType = translateToPythonType(func->type(), cppClass);
+ }
+ if (!retType.isEmpty())
+ s << ":rtype: " << retType << '\n';
+ s << '\n';
+static bool containsFunctionDirective(const DocModification &dm)
+ return dm.mode() != TypeSystem::DocModificationXPathReplace
+ && dm.code().contains(".. py:"_L1);
+void QtDocGenerator::writeFunctions(TextStream &s, const AbstractMetaFunctionCList &funcs,
+ const AbstractMetaClassCPtr &cppClass, const QString &scope)
+ QString lastName;
+ for (const auto &func : funcs) {
+ const bool indexed = func->name() != lastName;
+ lastName = func->name();
+ writeFunction(s, func, cppClass, scope, indexed);
+ }
+void QtDocGenerator::writeFunction(TextStream &s, const AbstractMetaFunctionCPtr &func,
+ const AbstractMetaClassCPtr &cppClass,
+ const QString &scope, bool indexed)
+ const auto modifications = DocParser::getDocModifications(func, cppClass);
+ // Enable injecting parameter documentation by adding a complete function directive.
+ if (std::none_of(modifications.cbegin(), modifications.cend(), containsFunctionDirective)) {
+ if (func->ownerClass() == nullptr)
+ s << ".. py:function:: ";
+ else
+ s << (func->isStatic() ? ".. py:staticmethod:: " : ".. py:method:: ");
+ s << getFuncName(func) << formatArgs(func);
+ Indentation indentation(s);
+ if (!indexed)
+ s << "\n:noindex:";
+ if (func->cppAttributes().testFlag(FunctionAttribute::Final))
+ s << "\n:final:";
+ else if (func->isAbstract())
+ s << "\n:abstractmethod:";
+ s << "\n\n";
+ writeFunctionParametersType(s, cppClass, func);
+ const auto version = versionOf(func->typeEntry());
+ if (!version.isNull())
+ s << rstVersionAdded(version);
+ if (func->isDeprecated())
+ s << rstDeprecationNote("function");
+ }
+ writeFunctionDocumentation(s, func, modifications, scope);
+ if (auto propIndex = func->propertySpecIndex(); propIndex >= 0) {
+ const QString name = cppClass->propertySpecs().at(propIndex).name();
+ const QString target = propertyRefTarget(name);
+ if (func->isPropertyReader())
+ s << "\nGetter of property " << propRef(target) << " .\n\n";
+ else if (func->isPropertyWriter())
+ s << "\nSetter of property " << propRef(target) << " .\n\n";
+ else if (func->isPropertyResetter())
+ s << "\nReset function of property " << propRef(target) << " .\n\n";
+ else if (func->attributes().testFlag(AbstractMetaFunction::Attribute::PropertyNotify))
+ s << "\nNotification signal of property " << propRef(target) << " .\n\n";
+ }
+void QtDocGenerator::writeFunctionDocumentation(TextStream &s, const AbstractMetaFunctionCPtr &func,
+ const DocModificationList &modifications,
+ const QString &scope) const
+ writeInjectDocumentation(s, TypeSystem::DocModificationPrepend, modifications, func, scope);
+ if (!writeInjectDocumentation(s, TypeSystem::DocModificationReplace, modifications, func, scope)) {
+ writeFormattedBriefText(s, func->documentation(), scope);
+ writeFormattedDetailedText(s, func->documentation(), scope);
+ }
+ writeInjectDocumentation(s, TypeSystem::DocModificationAppend, modifications, func, scope);
+static QStringList fileListToToc(const QStringList &items)
+ QStringList result;
+ result.reserve(items.size());
+ std::transform(items.cbegin(), items.cend(), std::back_inserter(result),
+ fileNameToTocEntry);
+ return result;
+static QStringList functionListToToc(const AbstractMetaFunctionCList &functions)
+ QStringList result;
+ result.reserve(functions.size());
+ for (const auto &f : functions)
+ result.append(f->name());
+ // Functions are sorted by the Metabuilder; erase overloads
+ result.erase(std::unique(result.begin(), result.end()), result.end());
+ return result;
+static QStringList enumListToToc(const AbstractMetaEnumList &enums)
+ QStringList result;
+ result.reserve(enums.size());
+ for (const auto &e : enums)
+ result.append(e.name());
+ return result;
+// Sort entries for a TOC by first character, dropping the
+// leading common Qt prefixes like 'Q'.
+static QChar sortKey(const QString &key)
+ const auto size = key.size();
+ if (size >= 2 && (key.at(0) == u'Q' || key.at(0) == u'q')
+ && (key.at(1).isUpper() || key.at(1).isDigit())) {
+ return key.at(1); // "QClass" -> 'C', "qSin()" -> 'S', 'Q3DSurfaceWidget' -> '3'
+ }
+ if (size >= 3 && key.startsWith("Q_"_L1))
+ return key.at(2).toUpper(); // "Q_ARG" -> 'A'
+ if (size >= 4 && key.startsWith("QT_"_L1))
+ return key.at(3).toUpper(); // "QT_TR" -> 'T'
+ auto idx = 0;
+ for (; idx < size && key.at(idx) == u'_'; ++idx) {
+ } // "__init__" -> 'I'
+ return idx < size ? key.at(idx).toUpper() : u'A';
+static void writeFancyToc(TextStream& s, QAnyStringView title,
+ const QStringList& items,
+ QLatin1StringView referenceType)
+ using TocMap = QMap<QChar, QStringList>;
+ if (items.isEmpty())
+ return;
+ TocMap tocMap;
+ for (const QString &item : items)
+ tocMap[sortKey(item)] << item;
+ static const qsizetype numColumns = 4;
+ QtXmlToSphinx::Table table;
+ for (auto it = tocMap.cbegin(), end = tocMap.cend(); it != end; ++it) {
+ QtXmlToSphinx::TableRow row;
+ const QString charEntry = u"**"_s + it.key() + u"**"_s;
+ row << QtXmlToSphinx::TableCell(charEntry);
+ for (const QString &item : std::as_const(it.value())) {
+ if (row.size() >= numColumns) {
+ table.appendRow(row);
+ row.clear();
+ row << QtXmlToSphinx::TableCell(QString{});
+ }
+ const QString entry = "* :"_L1 + referenceType + ":`"_L1 + item + u'`';
+ row << QtXmlToSphinx::TableCell(entry);
+ }
+ if (row.size() > 1)
+ table.appendRow(row);
+ }
+ table.normalize();
+ s << '\n' << headline(title) << ".. container:: pysidetoc\n\n";
+ table.format(s);
+bool QtDocGenerator::finishGeneration()
+ for (const auto &f : api().globalFunctions()) {
+ auto ncf = std::const_pointer_cast<AbstractMetaFunction>(f);
+ m_docParser->fillGlobalFunctionDocumentation(ncf);
+ m_packages[f->targetLangPackage()].globalFunctions.append(f);
+ }
+ for (auto e : api().globalEnums()) {
+ m_docParser->fillGlobalEnumDocumentation(e);
+ m_packages[e.typeEntry()->targetLangPackage()].globalEnums.append(e);
+ }
+ if (!m_packages.isEmpty())
+ writeModuleDocumentation();
+ if (!m_options.additionalDocumentationList.isEmpty())
+ writeAdditionalDocumentation();
+ if (!m_options.inheritanceFile.isEmpty() && !writeInheritanceFile())
+ return false;
+ return true;
+bool QtDocGenerator::writeInheritanceFile()
+ QFile inheritanceFile(m_options.inheritanceFile);
+ if (!inheritanceFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text))
+ throw Exception(msgCannotOpenForWriting(m_options.inheritanceFile));
+ QJsonObject dict;
+ for (const auto &c : api().classes()) {
+ const auto &bases = c->baseClasses();
+ if (!bases.isEmpty()) {
+ QJsonArray list;
+ for (const auto &base : bases)
+ list.append(QJsonValue(base->fullName()));
+ dict[c->fullName()] = list;
+ }
+ }
+ QJsonDocument document;
+ document.setObject(dict);
+ inheritanceFile.write(document.toJson(QJsonDocument::Compact));
+ return true;
+// Remove function entries that have extra documentation pages
+static inline void removeExtraDocs(const QStringList &extraTocEntries,
+ AbstractMetaFunctionCList *functions)
+ auto predicate = [&extraTocEntries](const AbstractMetaFunctionCPtr &f) {
+ return extraTocEntries.contains(f->name());
+ };
+ functions->erase(std::remove_if(functions->begin(),functions->end(), predicate),
+ functions->end());
+void QtDocGenerator::writeModuleDocumentation()
+ for (auto it = m_packages.begin(), end = m_packages.end(); it != end; ++it) {
+ auto &docPackage = it.value();
+ std::sort(docPackage.classPages.begin(), docPackage.classPages.end());
+ QString key = it.key();
+ key.replace(u'.', u'/');
+ QString outputDir = outputDirectory() + u'/' + key;
+ FileOut output(outputDir + u"/index.rst"_s);
+ TextStream& s = output.stream;
+ const QString &title = it.key();
+ s << ".. module:: " << title << "\n\n" << headline(title, '*');
+ // Store the it.key() in a QString so that it can be stripped off unwanted
+ // information when neeeded. For example, the RST files in the extras directory
+ // doesn't include the PySide# prefix in their names.
+ QString moduleName = it.key();
+ const int lastIndex = moduleName.lastIndexOf(u'.');
+ if (lastIndex >= 0)
+ moduleName.remove(0, lastIndex + 1);
+ // Search for extra-sections
+ QStringList extraTocEntries;
+ if (!m_options.extraSectionDir.isEmpty()) {
+ QDir extraSectionDir(m_options.extraSectionDir);
+ if (!extraSectionDir.exists()) {
+ const QString m = u"Extra sections directory "_s +
+ m_options.extraSectionDir + u" doesn't exist"_s;
+ throw Exception(m);
+ }
+ // Filter for "QtCore.Property.rst", skipping module doc "QtCore.rst"
+ const QString filter = moduleName + u".?*.rst"_s;
+ const auto fileList =
+ extraSectionDir.entryInfoList({filter}, QDir::Files, QDir::Name);
+ for (const auto &fi : fileList)
+ readExtraDoc(fi, moduleName, outputDir, &docPackage, &extraTocEntries);
+ }
+ removeExtraDocs(extraTocEntries, &docPackage.globalFunctions);
+ const bool hasGlobals = !docPackage.globalFunctions.isEmpty()
+ || !docPackage.globalEnums.isEmpty();
+ const QString globalsPage = moduleName + "_globals.rst"_L1;
+ s << ".. container:: hide\n\n" << indent
+ << ".. toctree::\n" << indent
+ << ":maxdepth: 1\n\n";
+ if (hasGlobals)
+ s << globalsPage << '\n';
+ for (const QString &className : std::as_const(docPackage.classPages))
+ s << className << '\n';
+ s << "\n\n" << outdent << outdent << headline("Detailed Description");
+ // module doc is always wrong and C++istic, so go straight to the extra directory!
+ QFile moduleDoc(m_options.extraSectionDir + u'/' + moduleName
+ + u".rst"_s);
+ if (moduleDoc.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) {
+ s << moduleDoc.readAll();
+ moduleDoc.close();
+ } else {
+ // try the normal way
+ Documentation moduleDoc = m_docParser->retrieveModuleDocumentation(it.key());
+ if (moduleDoc.format() == Documentation::Native) {
+ QString context = it.key();
+ QtXmlToSphinx::stripPythonQualifiers(&context);
+ QtXmlToSphinx x(this, m_options.parameters, moduleDoc.detailed(), context);
+ s << x;
+ } else {
+ s << moduleDoc.detailed();
+ }
+ }
+ writeFancyToc(s, "List of Classes", fileListToToc(docPackage.classPages),
+ "class"_L1);
+ writeFancyToc(s, "List of Decorators", fileListToToc(docPackage.decoratorPages),
+ "deco"_L1);
+ writeFancyToc(s, "List of Functions", functionListToToc(docPackage.globalFunctions),
+ "py:func"_L1);
+ writeFancyToc(s, "List of Enumerations", enumListToToc(docPackage.globalEnums),
+ "any"_L1);
+ output.done();
+ if (hasGlobals)
+ writeGlobals(it.key(), outputDir + u'/' + globalsPage, docPackage);
+ }
+void QtDocGenerator::writeGlobals(const QString &package,
+ const QString &fileName,
+ const DocPackage &docPackage)
+ FileOut output(fileName);
+ TextStream &s = output.stream;
+ // Write out functions with injected documentation
+ if (!docPackage.globalFunctions.isEmpty()) {
+ s << currentModule(package) << headline("Functions");
+ writeFunctions(s, docPackage.globalFunctions, {}, {});
+ }
+ if (!docPackage.globalEnums.isEmpty()) {
+ s << headline("Enumerations");
+ writeEnums(s, docPackage.globalEnums, package);
+ }
+ output.done();
+static inline QString msgNonExistentAdditionalDocFile(const QString &dir,
+ const QString &fileName)
+ QString result;
+ QTextStream(&result) << "Additional documentation file \""
+ << fileName << "\" does not exist in "
+ << QDir::toNativeSeparators(dir) << '.';
+ return result;
+void QtDocGenerator::writeAdditionalDocumentation() const
+ QFile additionalDocumentationFile(m_options.additionalDocumentationList);
+ if (!additionalDocumentationFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text))
+ throw Exception(msgCannotOpenForReading(additionalDocumentationFile));
+ QDir outDir(outputDirectory());
+ const QString rstSuffix = fileNameSuffix();
+ QString errorMessage;
+ int successCount = 0;
+ int count = 0;
+ QString targetDir = outDir.absolutePath();
+ while (!additionalDocumentationFile.atEnd()) {
+ const QByteArray lineBA = additionalDocumentationFile.readLine().trimmed();
+ if (lineBA.isEmpty() || lineBA.startsWith('#'))
+ continue;
+ const QString line = QFile::decodeName(lineBA);
+ // Parse "[directory]" specification
+ if (line.size() > 2 && line.startsWith(u'[') && line.endsWith(u']')) {
+ const QString dir = line.mid(1, line.size() - 2);
+ if (dir.isEmpty() || dir == u".") {
+ targetDir = outDir.absolutePath();
+ } else {
+ if (!outDir.exists(dir) && !outDir.mkdir(dir)) {
+ const QString m = "Cannot create directory "_L1
+ + dir + " under "_L1
+ + QDir::toNativeSeparators(outputDirectory());
+ throw Exception(m);
+ }
+ targetDir = outDir.absoluteFilePath(dir);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Normal file entry
+ QFileInfo fi(m_options.parameters.docDataDir + u'/' + line);
+ if (fi.isFile()) {
+ const QString rstFileName = fi.baseName() + rstSuffix;
+ const QString rstFile = targetDir + u'/' + rstFileName;
+ const QString context = targetDir.mid(targetDir.lastIndexOf(u'/') + 1);
+ if (convertToRst(fi.absoluteFilePath(),
+ rstFile, context, &errorMessage)) {
+ ++successCount;
+ qCDebug(lcShibokenDoc).nospace().noquote() << __FUNCTION__
+ << " converted " << fi.fileName()
+ << ' ' << rstFileName;
+ } else {
+ qCWarning(lcShibokenDoc, "%s", qPrintable(errorMessage));
+ }
+ } else {
+ // FIXME: This should be an exception, in principle, but it
+ // requires building all modules.
+ qCWarning(lcShibokenDoc, "%s",
+ qPrintable(msgNonExistentAdditionalDocFile(m_options.parameters.docDataDir, line)));
+ }
+ ++count;
+ }
+ }
+ additionalDocumentationFile.close();
+ qCInfo(lcShibokenDoc, "Created %d/%d additional documentation files.",
+ successCount, count);
+#ifdef __WIN32__
+# define PATH_SEP ';'
+# define PATH_SEP ':'
+bool QtDocGenerator::doSetup()
+ if (m_options.parameters.codeSnippetDirs.isEmpty()) {
+ m_options.parameters.codeSnippetDirs =
+ m_options.parameters.libSourceDir.split(QLatin1Char(PATH_SEP));
+ }
+ if (m_docParser.isNull()) {
+ if (m_options.doxygen)
+ m_docParser.reset(new DoxygenParser);
+ else
+ m_docParser.reset(new QtDocParser);
+ }
+ if (m_options.parameters.libSourceDir.isEmpty()
+ || m_options.parameters.docDataDir.isEmpty()) {
+ qCWarning(lcShibokenDoc) << "Documentation data dir and/or Qt source dir not informed, "
+ "documentation will not be extracted from Qt sources.";
+ return false;
+ }
+ m_docParser->setDocumentationDataDirectory(m_options.parameters.docDataDir);
+ m_docParser->setLibrarySourceDirectory(m_options.parameters.libSourceDir);
+ m_options.parameters.outputDirectory = outputDirectory();
+ return true;
+QList<OptionDescription> QtDocGenerator::options()
+ return {
+ {u"doc-parser=<parser>"_s,
+ u"The documentation parser used to interpret the documentation\n"
+ "input files (qdoc|doxygen)"_s},
+ {u"documentation-code-snippets-dir=<dir>"_s,
+ u"Directory used to search code snippets used by the documentation"_s},
+ {u"snippets-path-rewrite=old:new"_s,
+ u"Replacements in code snippet path to find .cpp/.h snippets converted to Python"_s},
+ {u"documentation-data-dir=<dir>"_s,
+ u"Directory with XML files generated by documentation tool"_s},
+ {u"documentation-extra-sections-dir=<dir>"_s,
+ u"Directory used to search for extra documentation sections"_s},
+ {u"library-source-dir=<dir>"_s,
+ u"Directory where library source code is located"_s},
+ {additionalDocumentationOption + u"=<file>"_s,
+ u"List of additional XML files to be converted to .rst files\n"
+ "(for example, tutorials)."_s},
+ {u"inheritance-file=<file>"_s,
+ u"Generate a JSON file containing the class inheritance."_s},
+ {u"disable-inheritance-diagram"_s,
+ u"Disable the generation of the inheritance diagram."_s}
+ };
+class QtDocGeneratorOptionsParser : public OptionsParser
+ explicit QtDocGeneratorOptionsParser(DocGeneratorOptions *o) : m_options(o) {}
+ bool handleBoolOption(const QString &key, OptionSource source) override;
+ bool handleOption(const QString &key, const QString &value, OptionSource source) override;
+ DocGeneratorOptions *m_options;
+bool QtDocGeneratorOptionsParser::handleBoolOption(const QString &key, OptionSource)
+ if (key == "disable-inheritance-diagram"_L1) {
+ m_options->inheritanceDiagram = false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+bool QtDocGeneratorOptionsParser::handleOption(const QString &key, const QString &value,
+ OptionSource source)
+ if (source == OptionSource::CommandLineSingleDash)
+ return false;
+ if (key == u"library-source-dir") {
+ m_options->parameters.libSourceDir = value;
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (key == u"documentation-data-dir") {
+ m_options->parameters.docDataDir = value;
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (key == u"documentation-code-snippets-dir") {
+ m_options->parameters.codeSnippetDirs = value.split(QLatin1Char(PATH_SEP));
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (key == u"snippets-path-rewrite") {
+ const auto pos = value.indexOf(u':');
+ if (pos == -1)
+ return false;
+ m_options->parameters.codeSnippetRewriteOld= value.left(pos);
+ m_options->parameters.codeSnippetRewriteNew = value.mid(pos + 1);
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (key == u"documentation-extra-sections-dir") {
+ m_options->extraSectionDir = value;
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (key == u"doc-parser") {
+ qCDebug(lcShibokenDoc).noquote().nospace() << "doc-parser: " << value;
+ if (value == u"doxygen")
+ m_options->doxygen = true;
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (key == additionalDocumentationOption) {
+ m_options->additionalDocumentationList = value;
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (key == u"inheritance-file") {
+ m_options->inheritanceFile = value;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+std::shared_ptr<OptionsParser> QtDocGenerator::createOptionsParser()
+ return std::make_shared<QtDocGeneratorOptionsParser>(&m_options);
+bool QtDocGenerator::convertToRst(const QString &sourceFileName,
+ const QString &targetFileName,
+ const QString &context,
+ QString *errorMessage) const
+ QFile sourceFile(sourceFileName);
+ if (!sourceFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) {
+ if (errorMessage)
+ *errorMessage = msgCannotOpenForReading(sourceFile);
+ return false;
+ }
+ const QString doc = QString::fromUtf8(sourceFile.readAll());
+ sourceFile.close();
+ FileOut targetFile(targetFileName);
+ QtXmlToSphinx x(this, m_options.parameters, doc, context);
+ targetFile.stream << x;
+ targetFile.done();
+ return true;
+ QtDocGenerator::generatorDocumentation(const AbstractMetaClassCPtr &cppClass)
+ GeneratorDocumentation result;
+ const auto allFunctions = cppClass->functions();
+ result.allFunctions.reserve(allFunctions.size());
+ std::remove_copy_if(allFunctions.cbegin(), allFunctions.cend(),
+ std::back_inserter(result.allFunctions), shouldSkip);
+ std::stable_sort(result.allFunctions.begin(), result.allFunctions.end(), functionSort);
+ for (const auto &func : std::as_const(result.allFunctions)) {
+ if (func->isStatic())
+ result.tocStaticFunctions.append(func);
+ else if (func->isVirtual())
+ result.tocVirtuals.append(func);
+ else if (func->isSignal())
+ result.tocSignalFunctions.append(func);
+ else if (func->isSlot())
+ result.tocSlotFunctions.append(func);
+ else
+ result.tocNormalFunctions.append(func);
+ }
+ // Find the property getters/setters
+ for (const auto &spec: cppClass->propertySpecs()) {
+ GeneratorDocumentation::Property property;
+ property.name = spec.name();
+ property.type = spec.type();
+ property.documentation = spec.documentation();
+ if (!spec.read().isEmpty())
+ property.getter = AbstractMetaFunction::find(result.allFunctions, spec.read());
+ if (!spec.write().isEmpty())
+ property.setter = AbstractMetaFunction::find(result.allFunctions, spec.write());
+ if (!spec.reset().isEmpty())
+ property.reset = AbstractMetaFunction::find(result.allFunctions, spec.reset());
+ if (!spec.notify().isEmpty())
+ property.notify = AbstractMetaFunction::find(result.tocSignalFunctions, spec.notify());
+ result.properties.append(property);
+ }
+ std::sort(result.properties.begin(), result.properties.end());
+ return result;
+// QtXmlToSphinxDocGeneratorInterface
+QString QtDocGenerator::expandFunction(const QString &function) const
+ const auto firstDot = function.indexOf(u'.');
+ AbstractMetaClassCPtr metaClass;
+ if (firstDot != -1) {
+ const auto className = QStringView{function}.left(firstDot);
+ for (const auto &cls : api().classes()) {
+ if (cls->name() == className) {
+ metaClass = cls;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return metaClass
+ ? metaClass->typeEntry()->qualifiedTargetLangName()
+ + function.right(function.size() - firstDot)
+ : function;
+QString QtDocGenerator::expandClass(const QString &context,
+ const QString &name) const
+ if (auto typeEntry = TypeDatabase::instance()->findType(name))
+ return typeEntry->qualifiedTargetLangName();
+ // fall back to the old heuristic if the type wasn't found.
+ QString result = name;
+ const auto rawlinklist = QStringView{name}.split(u'.');
+ QStringList splittedContext = context.split(u'.');
+ if (rawlinklist.size() == 1 || rawlinklist.constFirst() == splittedContext.constLast()) {
+ splittedContext.removeLast();
+ result.prepend(u'~' + splittedContext.join(u'.') + u'.');
+ }
+ return result;
+QString QtDocGenerator::resolveContextForMethod(const QString &context,
+ const QString &methodName) const
+ const auto currentClass = QStringView{context}.split(u'.').constLast();
+ AbstractMetaClassCPtr metaClass;
+ for (const auto &cls : api().classes()) {
+ if (cls->name() == currentClass) {
+ metaClass = cls;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (metaClass) {
+ AbstractMetaFunctionCList funcList;
+ const auto &methods = metaClass->queryFunctionsByName(methodName);
+ for (const auto &func : methods) {
+ if (methodName == func->name())
+ funcList.append(func);
+ }
+ AbstractMetaClassCPtr implementingClass;
+ for (const auto &func : std::as_const(funcList)) {
+ implementingClass = func->implementingClass();
+ if (implementingClass->name() == currentClass)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (implementingClass)
+ return implementingClass->typeEntry()->qualifiedTargetLangName();
+ }
+ return u'~' + context;
+const QLoggingCategory &QtDocGenerator::loggingCategory() const
+ return lcShibokenDoc();
+static bool isRelativeHtmlFile(const QString &linkRef)
+ return !linkRef.startsWith(u"http")
+ && (linkRef.endsWith(u".html") || linkRef.contains(u".html#"));
+// Resolve relative, local .html documents links to doc.qt.io as they
+// otherwise will not work and neither be found in the HTML tree.
+QtXmlToSphinxLink QtDocGenerator::resolveLink(const QtXmlToSphinxLink &link) const
+ if (link.type != QtXmlToSphinxLink::Reference || !isRelativeHtmlFile(link.linkRef))
+ return link;
+ static const QString prefix = "https://doc.qt.io/qt-"_L1
+ + QString::number(QT_VERSION_MAJOR) + u'/';
+ QtXmlToSphinxLink resolved = link;
+ resolved.type = QtXmlToSphinxLink::External;
+ resolved.linkRef = prefix + link.linkRef;
+ if (resolved.linkText.isEmpty()) {
+ resolved.linkText = link.linkRef;
+ const qsizetype anchor = resolved.linkText.lastIndexOf(u'#');
+ if (anchor != -1)
+ resolved.linkText.truncate(anchor);
+ }
+ return resolved;
+ QtDocGenerator::resolveImage(const QString &href, const QString &context) const
+ QString relativeSourceDir = href;
+ const QString source = m_options.parameters.docDataDir + u'/' + relativeSourceDir;
+ if (!QFileInfo::exists(source))
+ throw Exception(msgCannotFindImage(href, context,source));
+ // Determine target directory from context, "Pyside2.QtGui.QPainter" ->"Pyside2/QtGui".
+ // FIXME: Not perfect yet, should have knowledge about namespaces (DataVis3D) or
+ // nested classes "Pyside2.QtGui.QTouchEvent.QTouchPoint".
+ QString relativeTargetDir = context;
+ const auto lastDot = relativeTargetDir.lastIndexOf(u'.');
+ if (lastDot != -1)
+ relativeTargetDir.truncate(lastDot);
+ relativeTargetDir.replace(u'.', u'/');
+ if (!relativeTargetDir.isEmpty())
+ relativeTargetDir += u'/';
+ relativeTargetDir += href;
+ return {relativeSourceDir, relativeTargetDir};
diff --git a/sources/shiboken6/generator/qtdoc/qtdocgenerator.h b/sources/shiboken6/generator/qtdoc/qtdocgenerator.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..56e15e2a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/shiboken6/generator/qtdoc/qtdocgenerator.h
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2020 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0
+#include <QtCore/QStringList>
+#include <QtCore/QMap>
+#include <QtCore/QScopedPointer>
+#include "generator.h"
+#include "documentation.h"
+#include <optionsparser.h>
+#include "typesystem_enums.h"
+#include "modifications_typedefs.h"
+#include "qtxmltosphinxinterface.h"
+class DocParser;
+struct DocGeneratorOptions;
+struct GeneratorDocumentation;
+struct DocPackage;
+* The DocGenerator generates documentation from library being binded.
+class QtDocGenerator : public Generator, public QtXmlToSphinxDocGeneratorInterface
+ QtDocGenerator();
+ ~QtDocGenerator();
+ bool doSetup() override;
+ const char* name() const override
+ {
+ return "QtDocGenerator";
+ }
+ static QList<OptionDescription> options();
+ static std::shared_ptr<OptionsParser> createOptionsParser();
+ // QtXmlToSphinxDocGeneratorInterface
+ QString expandFunction(const QString &function) const override;
+ QString expandClass(const QString &context,
+ const QString &name) const override;
+ QString resolveContextForMethod(const QString &context,
+ const QString &methodName) const override;
+ const QLoggingCategory &loggingCategory() const override;
+ QtXmlToSphinxLink resolveLink(const QtXmlToSphinxLink &) const override;
+ Image resolveImage(const QString &href, const QString &context) const override;
+ static QString getFuncName(const AbstractMetaFunctionCPtr &cppFunc);
+ static QString formatArgs(const AbstractMetaFunctionCPtr &func);
+ bool shouldGenerate(const TypeEntryCPtr &) const override;
+ static QString fileNameSuffix();
+ QString fileNameForContext(const GeneratorContext &context) const override;
+ void generateClass(TextStream &ts, const GeneratorContext &classContext) override;
+ bool finishGeneration() override;
+ void writeEnums(TextStream &s, const AbstractMetaEnumList &enums,
+ const QString &scope) const;
+ void writeFields(TextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClassCPtr &cppClass) const;
+ void writeFunctions(TextStream &s, const AbstractMetaFunctionCList &funcs,
+ const AbstractMetaClassCPtr &cppClass, const QString &scope);
+ void writeFunction(TextStream &s, const AbstractMetaFunctionCPtr &func,
+ const AbstractMetaClassCPtr &cppClass = {},
+ const QString &scope = {}, bool indexed = true);
+ void writeFunctionDocumentation(TextStream &s, const AbstractMetaFunctionCPtr &func,
+ const DocModificationList &modifications,
+ const QString &scope) const;
+ void writeFunctionParametersType(TextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClassCPtr &cppClass,
+ const AbstractMetaFunctionCPtr &func) const;
+ static void writeFunctionToc(TextStream &s, const QString &title,
+ const AbstractMetaFunctionCList &functions);
+ static void writePropertyToc(TextStream &s,
+ const GeneratorDocumentation &doc);
+ void writeProperties(TextStream &s,
+ const GeneratorDocumentation &doc,
+ const AbstractMetaClassCPtr &cppClass) const;
+ void writeParameterType(TextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClassCPtr &cppClass,
+ const AbstractMetaArgument &arg) const;
+ void writeFormattedText(TextStream &s, const QString &doc,
+ Documentation::Format format,
+ const QString &scope = {}) const;
+ void writeFormattedBriefText(TextStream &s, const Documentation &doc,
+ const QString &scope = {}) const;
+ void writeFormattedDetailedText(TextStream &s, const Documentation &doc,
+ const QString &scope = {}) const;
+ bool writeInjectDocumentation(TextStream &s, TypeSystem::DocModificationMode mode,
+ const AbstractMetaClassCPtr &cppClass) const;
+ bool writeInjectDocumentation(TextStream &s, TypeSystem::DocModificationMode mode,
+ const DocModificationList &modifications,
+ const AbstractMetaFunctionCPtr &func,
+ const QString &scope = {}) const;
+ bool writeDocModifications(TextStream &s, const DocModificationList &mods,
+ TypeSystem::DocModificationMode mode,
+ const QString &scope = {}) const;
+ static void writeDocSnips(TextStream &s, const CodeSnipList &codeSnips,
+ TypeSystem::CodeSnipPosition position, TypeSystem::Language language);
+ void writeModuleDocumentation();
+ void writeGlobals(const QString &package, const QString &fileName,
+ const DocPackage &docPackage);
+ void writeAdditionalDocumentation() const;
+ bool writeInheritanceFile();
+ QString translateToPythonType(const AbstractMetaType &type,
+ const AbstractMetaClassCPtr &cppClass,
+ bool createRef = true) const;
+ bool convertToRst(const QString &sourceFileName,
+ const QString &targetFileName,
+ const QString &context = QString(),
+ QString *errorMessage = nullptr) const;
+ static GeneratorDocumentation generatorDocumentation(const AbstractMetaClassCPtr &cppClass);
+ QStringList m_functionList;
+ QMap<QString, DocPackage> m_packages;
+ QScopedPointer<DocParser> m_docParser;
+ static DocGeneratorOptions m_options;
diff --git a/sources/shiboken6/generator/qtdoc/qtxmltosphinx.cpp b/sources/shiboken6/generator/qtdoc/qtxmltosphinx.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b8fec836c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/shiboken6/generator/qtdoc/qtxmltosphinx.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1643 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2020 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0
+#include "qtxmltosphinx.h"
+#include "exception.h"
+#include "qtxmltosphinxinterface.h"
+#include <codesniphelpers.h>
+#include "rstformat.h"
+#include "qtcompat.h"
+#include <QtCore/QDebug>
+#include <QtCore/QDir>
+#include <QtCore/QFileInfo>
+#include <QtCore/QHash>
+#include <QtCore/QLoggingCategory>
+#include <QtCore/QRegularExpression>
+#include <QtCore/QXmlStreamReader>
+using namespace Qt::StringLiterals;
+QString msgTagWarning(const QXmlStreamReader &reader, const QString &context,
+ const QString &tag, const QString &message)
+ QString result;
+ QTextStream str(&result);
+ str << "While handling <";
+ const auto currentTag = reader.name();
+ if (currentTag.isEmpty())
+ str << tag;
+ else
+ str << currentTag;
+ str << "> in " << context << ", line "<< reader.lineNumber()
+ << ": " << message;
+ return result;
+QString msgFallbackWarning(const QString &location, const QString &identifier,
+ const QString &fallback)
+ QString message = u"Falling back to \""_s
+ + QDir::toNativeSeparators(fallback) + u"\" for \""_s
+ + location + u'"';
+ if (!identifier.isEmpty())
+ message += u" ["_s + identifier + u']';
+ return message;
+QString msgSnippetsResolveError(const QString &path, const QStringList &locations)
+ QString result;
+ QTextStream(&result) << "Could not resolve \"" << path << R"(" in ")"
+ << locations.join(uR"(", ")"_s);
+ return result;
+static bool isHttpLink(const QString &ref)
+ return ref.startsWith(u"http://") || ref.startsWith(u"https://");
+static QString trimRight(QString s)
+ while (!s.isEmpty() && s.crbegin()->isSpace())
+ s.chop(1);
+ return s;
+static QString trimLeadingNewlines(QString s)
+ while (!s.isEmpty() && s.at(0) == u'\n')
+ s.remove(0, 1);
+ return s;
+QDebug operator<<(QDebug d, const QtXmlToSphinxLink &l)
+ static const QHash<QtXmlToSphinxLink::Type, const char *> typeName = {
+ {QtXmlToSphinxLink::Method, "Method"},
+ {QtXmlToSphinxLink::Function, "Function"},
+ {QtXmlToSphinxLink::Class, "Class"},
+ {QtXmlToSphinxLink::Attribute, "Attribute"},
+ {QtXmlToSphinxLink::Module, "Module"},
+ {QtXmlToSphinxLink::Reference, "Reference"},
+ {QtXmlToSphinxLink::External, "External"},
+ };
+ QDebugStateSaver saver(d);
+ d.noquote();
+ d.nospace();
+ d << "QtXmlToSphinxLinkContext(" << typeName.value(l.type, "") << ", ref=\""
+ << l.linkRef << '"';
+ if (!l.linkText.isEmpty())
+ d << ", text=\"" << l.linkText << '"';
+ d << ')';
+ return d;
+QDebug operator<<(QDebug debug, const QtXmlToSphinx::TableCell &c)
+ QDebugStateSaver saver(debug);
+ debug.noquote();
+ debug.nospace();
+ debug << "Cell(\"" << c.data << '"';
+ if (c.colSpan != 0)
+ debug << ", colSpan=" << c.colSpan;
+ if (c.rowSpan != 0)
+ debug << ", rowSpan=" << c.rowSpan;
+ debug << ')';
+ return debug;
+QDebug operator<<(QDebug debug, const QtXmlToSphinx::Table &t)
+ QDebugStateSaver saver(debug);
+ debug.noquote();
+ debug.nospace();
+ t.formatDebug(debug);
+ return debug;
+static const char *linkKeyWord(QtXmlToSphinxLink::Type type)
+ switch (type) {
+ case QtXmlToSphinxLink::Method:
+ return ":meth:";
+ case QtXmlToSphinxLink::Function:
+ return ":func:";
+ case QtXmlToSphinxLink::Class:
+ return ":class:";
+ case QtXmlToSphinxLink::Attribute:
+ return ":attr:";
+ case QtXmlToSphinxLink::Module:
+ return ":mod:";
+ case QtXmlToSphinxLink::Reference:
+ return ":ref:";
+ case QtXmlToSphinxLink::External:
+ break;
+ case QtXmlToSphinxLink::FunctionMask:
+ break;
+ }
+ return "";
+TextStream &operator<<(TextStream &str, const QtXmlToSphinxLink &linkContext)
+ // Temporarily turn off bold/italic since links do not work within
+ if (linkContext.flags & QtXmlToSphinxLink::InsideBold)
+ str << "**";
+ else if (linkContext.flags & QtXmlToSphinxLink::InsideItalic)
+ str << '*';
+ str << ' ' << linkKeyWord(linkContext.type) << '`';
+ const bool isExternal = linkContext.type == QtXmlToSphinxLink::External;
+ if (!linkContext.linkText.isEmpty()) {
+ writeEscapedRstText(str, linkContext.linkText);
+ if (isExternal && !linkContext.linkText.endsWith(u' '))
+ str << ' ';
+ str << '<';
+ }
+ // Convert page titles to RST labels
+ str << (linkContext.type == QtXmlToSphinxLink::Reference
+ ? toRstLabel(linkContext.linkRef) : linkContext.linkRef);
+ if (!linkContext.linkText.isEmpty())
+ str << '>';
+ str << '`';
+ if (isExternal)
+ str << '_';
+ str << ' ';
+ if (linkContext.flags & QtXmlToSphinxLink::InsideBold)
+ str << "**";
+ else if (linkContext.flags & QtXmlToSphinxLink::InsideItalic)
+ str << '*';
+ return str;
+enum class WebXmlTag {
+ Unknown,
+ heading, brief, para, italic, bold, see_also, snippet, dots, codeline,
+ table, header, row, item, argument, teletype, link, inlineimage, image,
+ list, term, raw, underline, superscript, code, badcode, legalese,
+ rst, section, quotefile,
+ // ignored tags
+ generatedlist, tableofcontents, quotefromfile, skipto, target, page, group,
+ // useless tags
+ description, definition, printuntil, relation,
+ // Doxygen tags
+ title, ref, computeroutput, detaileddescription, name, listitem,
+ parametername, parameteritem, ulink, itemizedlist, parameternamelist,
+ parameterlist,
+ // Doxygen ignored tags
+ highlight, linebreak, programlisting, xreftitle, sp, entry, simplesect,
+ verbatim, xrefsect, xrefdescription,
+using WebXmlTagHash = QHash<QStringView, WebXmlTag>;
+static const WebXmlTagHash &webXmlTagHash()
+ static const WebXmlTagHash result = {
+ {u"heading", WebXmlTag::heading},
+ {u"brief", WebXmlTag::brief},
+ {u"para", WebXmlTag::para},
+ {u"italic", WebXmlTag::italic},
+ {u"bold", WebXmlTag::bold},
+ {u"see-also", WebXmlTag::see_also},
+ {u"snippet", WebXmlTag::snippet},
+ {u"dots", WebXmlTag::dots},
+ {u"codeline", WebXmlTag::codeline},
+ {u"table", WebXmlTag::table},
+ {u"header", WebXmlTag::header},
+ {u"row", WebXmlTag::row},
+ {u"item", WebXmlTag::item},
+ {u"argument", WebXmlTag::argument},
+ {u"teletype", WebXmlTag::teletype},
+ {u"link", WebXmlTag::link},
+ {u"inlineimage", WebXmlTag::inlineimage},
+ {u"image", WebXmlTag::image},
+ {u"list", WebXmlTag::list},
+ {u"term", WebXmlTag::term},
+ {u"raw", WebXmlTag::raw},
+ {u"underline", WebXmlTag::underline},
+ {u"superscript", WebXmlTag::superscript},
+ {u"code", WebXmlTag::code},
+ {u"badcode", WebXmlTag::badcode},
+ {u"legalese", WebXmlTag::legalese},
+ {u"rst", WebXmlTag::rst},
+ {u"section", WebXmlTag::section},
+ {u"quotefile", WebXmlTag::quotefile},
+ {u"generatedlist", WebXmlTag::generatedlist},
+ {u"tableofcontents", WebXmlTag::tableofcontents},
+ {u"quotefromfile", WebXmlTag::quotefromfile},
+ {u"skipto", WebXmlTag::skipto},
+ {u"target", WebXmlTag::target},
+ {u"page", WebXmlTag::page},
+ {u"group", WebXmlTag::group},
+ {u"description", WebXmlTag::description},
+ {u"definition", WebXmlTag::definition},
+ {u"printuntil", WebXmlTag::printuntil},
+ {u"relation", WebXmlTag::relation},
+ {u"title", WebXmlTag::title},
+ {u"ref", WebXmlTag::ref},
+ {u"computeroutput", WebXmlTag::computeroutput},
+ {u"detaileddescription", WebXmlTag::detaileddescription},
+ {u"name", WebXmlTag::name},
+ {u"listitem", WebXmlTag::listitem},
+ {u"parametername", WebXmlTag::parametername},
+ {u"parameteritem", WebXmlTag::parameteritem},
+ {u"ulink", WebXmlTag::ulink},
+ {u"itemizedlist", WebXmlTag::itemizedlist},
+ {u"parameternamelist", WebXmlTag::parameternamelist},
+ {u"parameterlist", WebXmlTag::parameterlist},
+ {u"highlight", WebXmlTag::highlight},
+ {u"linebreak", WebXmlTag::linebreak},
+ {u"programlisting", WebXmlTag::programlisting},
+ {u"xreftitle", WebXmlTag::xreftitle},
+ {u"sp", WebXmlTag::sp},
+ {u"entry", WebXmlTag::entry},
+ {u"simplesect", WebXmlTag::simplesect},
+ {u"verbatim", WebXmlTag::verbatim},
+ {u"xrefsect", WebXmlTag::xrefsect},
+ {u"xrefdescription", WebXmlTag::xrefdescription},
+ };
+ return result;
+QtXmlToSphinx::QtXmlToSphinx(const QtXmlToSphinxDocGeneratorInterface *docGenerator,
+ const QtXmlToSphinxParameters &parameters,
+ const QString& doc, const QString& context)
+ : m_output(static_cast<QString *>(nullptr)),
+ m_context(context),
+ m_generator(docGenerator), m_parameters(parameters)
+ m_result = transform(doc);
+QtXmlToSphinx::~QtXmlToSphinx() = default;
+void QtXmlToSphinx::callHandler(WebXmlTag t, QXmlStreamReader &r)
+ switch (t) {
+ case WebXmlTag::heading:
+ handleHeadingTag(r);
+ break;
+ case WebXmlTag::brief:
+ case WebXmlTag::para:
+ handleParaTag(r);
+ break;
+ case WebXmlTag::italic:
+ handleItalicTag(r);
+ break;
+ case WebXmlTag::bold:
+ handleBoldTag(r);
+ break;
+ case WebXmlTag::see_also:
+ handleSeeAlsoTag(r);
+ break;
+ case WebXmlTag::snippet:
+ handleSnippetTag(r);
+ break;
+ case WebXmlTag::dots:
+ case WebXmlTag::codeline:
+ handleDotsTag(r);
+ break;
+ case WebXmlTag::table:
+ handleTableTag(r);
+ break;
+ case WebXmlTag::header:
+ handleHeaderTag(r);
+ break;
+ case WebXmlTag::row:
+ handleRowTag(r);
+ break;
+ case WebXmlTag::item:
+ handleItemTag(r);
+ break;
+ case WebXmlTag::argument:
+ handleArgumentTag(r);
+ break;
+ case WebXmlTag::teletype:
+ handleArgumentTag(r);
+ break;
+ case WebXmlTag::link:
+ handleLinkTag(r);
+ break;
+ case WebXmlTag::inlineimage:
+ handleInlineImageTag(r);
+ break;
+ case WebXmlTag::image:
+ handleImageTag(r);
+ break;
+ case WebXmlTag::list:
+ handleListTag(r);
+ break;
+ case WebXmlTag::term:
+ handleTermTag(r);
+ break;
+ case WebXmlTag::raw:
+ handleRawTag(r);
+ break;
+ case WebXmlTag::underline:
+ handleItalicTag(r);
+ break;
+ case WebXmlTag::superscript:
+ handleSuperScriptTag(r);
+ break;
+ case WebXmlTag::code:
+ case WebXmlTag::badcode:
+ case WebXmlTag::legalese:
+ handleCodeTag(r);
+ break;
+ case WebXmlTag::rst:
+ handleRstPassTroughTag(r);
+ break;
+ case WebXmlTag::section:
+ handleAnchorTag(r);
+ break;
+ case WebXmlTag::quotefile:
+ handleQuoteFileTag(r);
+ break;
+ case WebXmlTag::generatedlist:
+ case WebXmlTag::tableofcontents:
+ case WebXmlTag::quotefromfile:
+ case WebXmlTag::skipto:
+ handleIgnoredTag(r);
+ break;
+ case WebXmlTag::target:
+ handleTargetTag(r);
+ break;
+ case WebXmlTag::page:
+ case WebXmlTag::group:
+ handlePageTag(r);
+ break;
+ case WebXmlTag::description:
+ case WebXmlTag::definition:
+ case WebXmlTag::printuntil:
+ case WebXmlTag::relation:
+ handleUselessTag(r);
+ break;
+ case WebXmlTag::title:
+ handleHeadingTag(r);
+ break;
+ case WebXmlTag::ref:
+ case WebXmlTag::computeroutput:
+ case WebXmlTag::detaileddescription:
+ case WebXmlTag::name:
+ handleParaTag(r);
+ break;
+ case WebXmlTag::listitem:
+ case WebXmlTag::parametername:
+ case WebXmlTag::parameteritem:
+ handleItemTag(r);
+ break;
+ case WebXmlTag::ulink:
+ handleLinkTag(r);
+ break;
+ case WebXmlTag::itemizedlist:
+ case WebXmlTag::parameternamelist:
+ case WebXmlTag::parameterlist:
+ handleListTag(r);
+ break;
+ case WebXmlTag::highlight:
+ case WebXmlTag::linebreak:
+ case WebXmlTag::programlisting:
+ case WebXmlTag::xreftitle:
+ case WebXmlTag::sp:
+ case WebXmlTag::entry:
+ case WebXmlTag::simplesect:
+ case WebXmlTag::verbatim:
+ case WebXmlTag::xrefsect:
+ case WebXmlTag::xrefdescription:
+ handleIgnoredTag(r);
+ break;
+ case WebXmlTag::Unknown:
+ break;
+ }
+void QtXmlToSphinx::formatCurrentTable()
+ Q_ASSERT(!m_tables.isEmpty());
+ auto &table = m_tables.back();
+ if (table.isEmpty())
+ return;
+ table.normalize();
+ m_output << '\n';
+ table.format(m_output);
+void QtXmlToSphinx::pushOutputBuffer()
+ m_buffers.append(std::make_shared<QString>());
+ m_output.setString(m_buffers.top().get());
+QString QtXmlToSphinx::popOutputBuffer()
+ Q_ASSERT(!m_buffers.isEmpty());
+ QString result(*m_buffers.top());
+ m_buffers.pop();
+ m_output.setString(m_buffers.isEmpty() ? nullptr : m_buffers.top().get());
+ return result;
+constexpr auto autoTranslatedPlaceholder = "AUTO_GENERATED\n"_L1;
+constexpr auto autoTranslatedNote =
+R"(.. warning::
+ This section contains snippets that were automatically
+ translated from C++ to Python and may contain errors.
+void QtXmlToSphinx::setAutoTranslatedNote(QString *str) const
+ if (m_containsAutoTranslations)
+ str->replace(autoTranslatedPlaceholder, autoTranslatedNote);
+ else
+ str->remove(autoTranslatedPlaceholder);
+QString QtXmlToSphinx::transform(const QString& doc)
+ Q_ASSERT(m_buffers.isEmpty());
+ if (doc.trimmed().isEmpty())
+ return doc;
+ pushOutputBuffer();
+ QXmlStreamReader reader(doc);
+ m_output << autoTranslatedPlaceholder;
+ Indentation indentation(m_output);
+ while (!reader.atEnd()) {
+ QXmlStreamReader::TokenType token = reader.readNext();
+ if (reader.hasError()) {
+ QString message;
+ QTextStream(&message) << "XML Error "
+ << reader.errorString() << " at " << reader.lineNumber()
+ << ':' << reader.columnNumber() << '\n' << doc;
+ m_output << message;
+ throw Exception(message);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (token == QXmlStreamReader::StartElement) {
+ WebXmlTag tag = webXmlTagHash().value(reader.name(), WebXmlTag::Unknown);
+ if (!m_tagStack.isEmpty() && tag == WebXmlTag::raw)
+ tag = WebXmlTag::Unknown;
+ m_tagStack.push(tag);
+ }
+ if (!m_tagStack.isEmpty())
+ callHandler(m_tagStack.top(), reader);
+ if (token == QXmlStreamReader::EndElement) {
+ m_tagStack.pop();
+ m_lastTagName = reader.name().toString();
+ }
+ }
+ if (!m_inlineImages.isEmpty()) {
+ // Write out inline image definitions stored in handleInlineImageTag().
+ m_output << '\n' << disableIndent;
+ for (const InlineImage &img : std::as_const(m_inlineImages))
+ m_output << ".. |" << img.tag << "| image:: " << img.href << '\n';
+ m_output << '\n' << enableIndent;
+ m_inlineImages.clear();
+ }
+ m_output.flush();
+ QString retval = popOutputBuffer();
+ Q_ASSERT(m_buffers.isEmpty());
+ setAutoTranslatedNote(&retval);
+ return retval;
+static QString resolveFile(const QStringList &locations, const QString &path)
+ for (QString location : locations) {
+ location.append(u'/');
+ location.append(path);
+ if (QFileInfo::exists(location))
+ return location;
+ }
+ return QString();
+enum class SnippetType
+ Other, // .qdoc, .qml,...
+ CppSource, CppHeader // Potentially converted to Python
+SnippetType snippetType(const QString &path)
+ if (path.endsWith(u".cpp"))
+ return SnippetType::CppSource;
+ if (path.endsWith(u".h"))
+ return SnippetType::CppHeader;
+ return SnippetType::Other;
+// Return the name of a .cpp/.h snippet converted to Python by snippets-translate
+static QString pySnippetName(const QString &path, SnippetType type)
+ switch (type) {
+ case SnippetType::CppSource:
+ return path.left(path.size() - 3) + u"py"_s;
+ break;
+ case SnippetType::CppHeader:
+ return path + u".py"_s;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return {};
+QtXmlToSphinx::Snippet QtXmlToSphinx::readSnippetFromLocations(const QString &path,
+ const QString &identifier,
+ const QString &fallbackPath,
+ QString *errorMessage)
+ // For anything else but C++ header/sources (no conversion to Python),
+ // use existing fallback paths first.
+ const auto type = snippetType(path);
+ if (type == SnippetType::Other && !fallbackPath.isEmpty()) {
+ const QString code = readFromLocation(fallbackPath, identifier, errorMessage);
+ return {code, code.isNull() ? Snippet::Error : Snippet::Fallback};
+ }
+ // For C++ header/sources, try snippets converted to Python first.
+ QString resolvedPath;
+ const auto &locations = m_parameters.codeSnippetDirs;
+ if (type != SnippetType::Other) {
+ if (!fallbackPath.isEmpty() && !m_parameters.codeSnippetRewriteOld.isEmpty()) {
+ // Try looking up Python converted snippets by rewriting snippets paths
+ QString rewrittenPath = pySnippetName(fallbackPath, type);
+ if (!rewrittenPath.isEmpty()) {
+ rewrittenPath.replace(m_parameters.codeSnippetRewriteOld,
+ m_parameters.codeSnippetRewriteNew);
+ const QString code = readFromLocation(rewrittenPath, identifier, errorMessage);
+ m_containsAutoTranslations = true;
+ return {code, code.isNull() ? Snippet::Error : Snippet::Converted};
+ }
+ }
+ resolvedPath = resolveFile(locations, pySnippetName(path, type));
+ if (!resolvedPath.isEmpty()) {
+ const QString code = readFromLocation(resolvedPath, identifier, errorMessage);
+ return {code, code.isNull() ? Snippet::Error : Snippet::Converted};
+ }
+ }
+ resolvedPath = resolveFile(locations, path);
+ if (!resolvedPath.isEmpty()) {
+ const QString code = readFromLocation(resolvedPath, identifier, errorMessage);
+ return {code, code.isNull() ? Snippet::Error : Snippet::Resolved};
+ }
+ if (!fallbackPath.isEmpty()) {
+ *errorMessage = msgFallbackWarning(path, identifier, fallbackPath);
+ const QString code = readFromLocation(fallbackPath, identifier, errorMessage);
+ return {code, code.isNull() ? Snippet::Error : Snippet::Fallback};
+ }
+ *errorMessage = msgSnippetsResolveError(path, locations);
+ return {{}, Snippet::Error};
+// Helpers for extracting qdoc snippets "#/// [id]"
+static QString fileNameOfDevice(const QIODevice *inputFile)
+ const auto *file = qobject_cast<const QFile *>(inputFile);
+ return file ? QDir::toNativeSeparators(file->fileName()) : u"<stdin>"_s;
+static QString msgSnippetNotFound(const QIODevice &inputFile,
+ const QString &identifier)
+ return u"Code snippet file found ("_s + fileNameOfDevice(&inputFile)
+ + u"), but snippet ["_s + identifier + u"] not found."_s;
+static QString msgEmptySnippet(const QIODevice &inputFile, int lineNo,
+ const QString &identifier)
+ return u"Empty code snippet ["_s + identifier + u"] at "_s
+ + fileNameOfDevice(&inputFile) + u':' + QString::number(lineNo);
+// Pattern to match qdoc snippet IDs with "#/// [id]" comments and helper to find ID
+static const QRegularExpression &snippetIdPattern()
+ static const QRegularExpression result(uR"RX((//|#) *! *\[([^]]+)\])RX"_s);
+ Q_ASSERT(result.isValid());
+ return result;
+static bool matchesSnippetId(QRegularExpressionMatchIterator it,
+ const QString &identifier)
+ while (it.hasNext()) {
+ if (it.next().captured(2) == identifier)
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+QString QtXmlToSphinx::readSnippet(QIODevice &inputFile, const QString &identifier,
+ QString *errorMessage)
+ const QByteArray identifierBA = identifier.toUtf8();
+ // Lambda that matches the snippet id
+ const auto snippetIdPred = [&identifierBA, &identifier](const QByteArray &lineBA)
+ {
+ const bool isComment = lineBA.contains('/') || lineBA.contains('#');
+ if (!isComment || !lineBA.contains(identifierBA))
+ return false;
+ const QString line = QString::fromUtf8(lineBA);
+ return matchesSnippetId(snippetIdPattern().globalMatch(line), identifier);
+ };
+ // Find beginning, skip over
+ int lineNo = 1;
+ for (; !inputFile.atEnd() && !snippetIdPred(inputFile.readLine());
+ ++lineNo) {
+ }
+ if (inputFile.atEnd()) {
+ *errorMessage = msgSnippetNotFound(inputFile, identifier);
+ return {};
+ }
+ QString code;
+ for (; !inputFile.atEnd(); ++lineNo) {
+ const QString line = QString::fromUtf8(inputFile.readLine());
+ auto it = snippetIdPattern().globalMatch(line);
+ if (it.hasNext()) { // Skip snippet id lines
+ if (matchesSnippetId(it, identifier))
+ break;
+ } else {
+ code += line;
+ }
+ }
+ if (code.isEmpty())
+ *errorMessage = msgEmptySnippet(inputFile, lineNo, identifier);
+ return code;
+QString QtXmlToSphinx::readFromLocation(const QString &location, const QString &identifier,
+ QString *errorMessage)
+ QFile inputFile;
+ inputFile.setFileName(location);
+ if (!inputFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
+ QTextStream(errorMessage) << "Could not read code snippet file: "
+ << QDir::toNativeSeparators(inputFile.fileName())
+ << ": " << inputFile.errorString();
+ return {}; // null
+ }
+ QString code = u""_s; // non-null
+ if (identifier.isEmpty()) {
+ while (!inputFile.atEnd())
+ code += QString::fromUtf8(inputFile.readLine());
+ return CodeSnipHelpers::fixSpaces(code);
+ }
+ code = readSnippet(inputFile, identifier, errorMessage);
+ return code.isEmpty() ? QString{} : CodeSnipHelpers::fixSpaces(code); // maintain isNull()
+void QtXmlToSphinx::handleHeadingTag(QXmlStreamReader& reader)
+ static int headingSize = 0;
+ static char type;
+ static char types[] = { '-', '^' };
+ QXmlStreamReader::TokenType token = reader.tokenType();
+ if (token == QXmlStreamReader::StartElement) {
+ uint typeIdx = reader.attributes().value(u"level"_s).toUInt();
+ if (typeIdx >= sizeof(types))
+ type = types[sizeof(types)-1];
+ else
+ type = types[typeIdx];
+ } else if (token == QXmlStreamReader::EndElement) {
+ m_output << disableIndent << Pad(type, headingSize) << "\n\n"
+ << enableIndent;
+ } else if (token == QXmlStreamReader::Characters) {
+ m_output << "\n\n" << disableIndent;
+ headingSize = writeEscapedRstText(m_output, reader.text().trimmed());
+ m_output << '\n' << enableIndent;
+ }
+void QtXmlToSphinx::handleParaTag(QXmlStreamReader& reader)
+ switch (reader.tokenType()) {
+ case QXmlStreamReader::StartElement:
+ handleParaTagStart();
+ break;
+ case QXmlStreamReader::EndElement:
+ handleParaTagEnd();
+ break;
+ case QXmlStreamReader::Characters:
+ handleParaTagText(reader);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+void QtXmlToSphinx::handleParaTagStart()
+ pushOutputBuffer();
+void QtXmlToSphinx::handleParaTagText(QXmlStreamReader& reader)
+ const auto text = reader.text();
+ const QChar end = m_output.lastChar();
+ if (!text.isEmpty() && m_output.indentation() == 0 && !end.isNull()) {
+ QChar start = text[0];
+ if ((end == u'*' || end == u'`') && start != u' ' && !start.isPunct())
+ m_output << '\\';
+ }
+ m_output << escape(text);
+void QtXmlToSphinx::handleParaTagEnd()
+ QString result = popOutputBuffer().simplified();
+ if (result.startsWith(u"**Warning:**"))
+ result.replace(0, 12, ".. warning:: "_L1);
+ else if (result.startsWith(u"**Note:**"))
+ result.replace(0, 9, ".. note:: "_L1);
+ m_output << result << "\n\n";
+void QtXmlToSphinx::handleItalicTag(QXmlStreamReader& reader)
+ switch (reader.tokenType()) {
+ case QXmlStreamReader::StartElement:
+ if (m_formattingDepth++ == 0) {
+ m_insideItalic = true;
+ m_output << rstItalic;
+ }
+ break;
+ case QXmlStreamReader::EndElement:
+ if (--m_formattingDepth == 0) {
+ m_insideItalic = false;
+ m_output << rstItalicOff;
+ }
+ break;
+ case QXmlStreamReader::Characters:
+ m_output << escape(reader.text().trimmed());
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+void QtXmlToSphinx::handleBoldTag(QXmlStreamReader& reader)
+ switch (reader.tokenType()) {
+ case QXmlStreamReader::StartElement:
+ if (m_formattingDepth++ == 0) {
+ m_insideBold = true;
+ m_output << rstBold;
+ }
+ break;
+ case QXmlStreamReader::EndElement:
+ if (--m_formattingDepth == 0) {
+ m_insideBold = false;
+ m_output << rstBoldOff;
+ }
+ break;
+ case QXmlStreamReader::Characters:
+ m_output << escape(reader.text().trimmed());
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+void QtXmlToSphinx::handleArgumentTag(QXmlStreamReader& reader)
+ switch (reader.tokenType()) {
+ case QXmlStreamReader::StartElement:
+ if (m_formattingDepth++ == 0)
+ m_output << rstCode;
+ break;
+ case QXmlStreamReader::EndElement:
+ if (--m_formattingDepth == 0)
+ m_output << rstCodeOff;
+ break;
+ case QXmlStreamReader::Characters:
+ m_output << reader.text().trimmed();
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+constexpr auto functionLinkType = "function"_L1;
+constexpr auto classLinkType = "class"_L1;
+static inline QString fixLinkType(QStringView type)
+ // TODO: create a flag PROPERTY-AS-FUNCTION to ask if the properties
+ // are recognized as such or not in the binding
+ if (type == u"property")
+ return functionLinkType;
+ if (type == u"typedef")
+ return classLinkType;
+ return type.toString();
+static inline QString linkSourceAttribute(const QString &type)
+ if (type == functionLinkType || type == classLinkType)
+ return u"raw"_s;
+ return type == u"enum" || type == u"page"
+ ? type : u"href"_s;
+// "See also" links may appear as nested links:
+// <see-also>QAbstractXmlReceiver<link raw="isValid()" href="qxmlquery.html#isValid" type="function">isValid()</link>
+// which is handled in handleLinkTag
+// or direct text:
+// <see-also>rootIsDecorated()</see-also>
+// which is handled here.
+void QtXmlToSphinx::handleSeeAlsoTag(QXmlStreamReader& reader)
+ switch (reader.tokenType()) {
+ case QXmlStreamReader::StartElement:
+ m_output << ".. seealso:: ";
+ break;
+ case QXmlStreamReader::Characters: {
+ // Direct embedded link: <see-also>rootIsDecorated()</see-also>
+ const auto textR = reader.text().trimmed();
+ if (!textR.isEmpty()) {
+ const QString text = textR.toString();
+ if (m_seeAlsoContext.isNull()) {
+ const QString type = text.endsWith(u"()")
+ ? functionLinkType : classLinkType;
+ m_seeAlsoContext.reset(handleLinkStart(type, text));
+ }
+ handleLinkText(m_seeAlsoContext.data(), text);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case QXmlStreamReader::EndElement:
+ if (!m_seeAlsoContext.isNull()) { // direct, no nested </link> seen
+ handleLinkEnd(m_seeAlsoContext.data());
+ m_seeAlsoContext.reset();
+ }
+ m_output << "\n\n";
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+constexpr auto fallbackPathAttribute = "path"_L1;
+template <class Indent> // const char*/class Indentor
+void formatSnippet(TextStream &str, Indent indent, const QString &snippet)
+ const auto lines = QStringView{snippet}.split(u'\n');
+ for (const auto &line : lines) {
+ if (!line.trimmed().isEmpty())
+ str << indent << line;
+ str << '\n';
+ }
+static QString msgSnippetComparison(const QString &location, const QString &identifier,
+ const QString &pythonCode, const QString &fallbackCode)
+ StringStream str;
+ str.setTabWidth(2);
+ str << "Python snippet " << location;
+ if (!identifier.isEmpty())
+ str << " [" << identifier << ']';
+ str << ":\n" << indent << pythonCode << ensureEndl << outdent
+ << "Corresponding fallback snippet:\n"
+ << indent << fallbackCode << ensureEndl << outdent << "-- end --\n";
+ return str;
+void QtXmlToSphinx::handleSnippetTag(QXmlStreamReader& reader)
+ QXmlStreamReader::TokenType token = reader.tokenType();
+ if (token == QXmlStreamReader::StartElement) {
+ const bool consecutiveSnippet = m_lastTagName == u"snippet"
+ || m_lastTagName == u"dots" || m_lastTagName == u"codeline";
+ if (consecutiveSnippet) {
+ m_output.flush();
+ m_output.string()->chop(1); // Strip newline from previous snippet
+ }
+ QString location = reader.attributes().value(u"location"_s).toString();
+ QString identifier = reader.attributes().value(u"identifier"_s).toString();
+ QString fallbackPath;
+ if (reader.attributes().hasAttribute(fallbackPathAttribute))
+ fallbackPath = reader.attributes().value(fallbackPathAttribute).toString();
+ QString errorMessage;
+ const Snippet snippet = readSnippetFromLocations(location, identifier,
+ fallbackPath, &errorMessage);
+ if (!errorMessage.isEmpty())
+ warn(msgTagWarning(reader, m_context, m_lastTagName, errorMessage));
+ if (m_parameters.snippetComparison && snippet.result == Snippet::Converted
+ && !fallbackPath.isEmpty()) {
+ const QString fallbackCode = readFromLocation(fallbackPath, identifier, &errorMessage);
+ debug(msgSnippetComparison(location, identifier, snippet.code, fallbackCode));
+ }
+ if (!consecutiveSnippet)
+ m_output << "::\n\n";
+ Indentation indentation(m_output);
+ if (snippet.result == Snippet::Error)
+ m_output << "<Code snippet \"" << location << ':' << identifier << "\" not found>\n";
+ else
+ m_output << snippet.code << ensureEndl;
+ m_output << '\n';
+ }
+void QtXmlToSphinx::handleDotsTag(QXmlStreamReader& reader)
+ QXmlStreamReader::TokenType token = reader.tokenType();
+ if (token == QXmlStreamReader::StartElement) {
+ const bool consecutiveSnippet = m_lastTagName == u"snippet"
+ || m_lastTagName == u"dots" || m_lastTagName == u"codeline";
+ if (consecutiveSnippet) {
+ m_output.flush();
+ m_output.string()->chop(2);
+ } else {
+ m_output << "::\n\n";
+ }
+ pushOutputBuffer();
+ int indent = reader.attributes().value(u"indent"_s).toInt()
+ + m_output.indentation() * m_output.tabWidth();
+ for (int i = 0; i < indent; ++i)
+ m_output << ' ';
+ } else if (token == QXmlStreamReader::Characters) {
+ m_output << reader.text().toString().trimmed();
+ } else if (token == QXmlStreamReader::EndElement) {
+ m_output << disableIndent << popOutputBuffer() << "\n\n\n" << enableIndent;
+ }
+void QtXmlToSphinx::handleTableTag(QXmlStreamReader& reader)
+ QXmlStreamReader::TokenType token = reader.tokenType();
+ if (token == QXmlStreamReader::StartElement) {
+ if (parentTag() == WebXmlTag::para)
+ handleParaTagEnd(); // End <para> to prevent the table from being rst-escaped
+ m_tables.push({});
+ } else if (token == QXmlStreamReader::EndElement) {
+ // write the table on m_output
+ formatCurrentTable();
+ m_tables.pop();
+ if (parentTag() == WebXmlTag::para)
+ handleParaTagStart();
+ }
+void QtXmlToSphinx::handleTermTag(QXmlStreamReader& reader)
+ QXmlStreamReader::TokenType token = reader.tokenType();
+ if (token == QXmlStreamReader::StartElement) {
+ pushOutputBuffer();
+ } else if (token == QXmlStreamReader::Characters) {
+ m_output << reader.text().toString().replace(u"::"_s, u"."_s);
+ } else if (token == QXmlStreamReader::EndElement) {
+ TableCell cell;
+ cell.data = popOutputBuffer().trimmed();
+ m_tables.back().appendRow(TableRow(1, cell));
+ }
+void QtXmlToSphinx::handleItemTag(QXmlStreamReader& reader)
+ QXmlStreamReader::TokenType token = reader.tokenType();
+ if (token == QXmlStreamReader::StartElement) {
+ auto &table = m_tables.back();
+ if (table.isEmpty())
+ table.appendRow({});
+ TableRow& row = table.last();
+ TableCell cell;
+ cell.colSpan = reader.attributes().value(u"colspan"_s).toShort();
+ cell.rowSpan = reader.attributes().value(u"rowspan"_s).toShort();
+ row << cell;
+ pushOutputBuffer();
+ } else if (token == QXmlStreamReader::EndElement) {
+ QString data = trimLeadingNewlines(trimRight(popOutputBuffer()));
+ auto &table = m_tables.back();
+ if (!table.isEmpty()) {
+ TableRow& row = table.last();
+ if (!row.isEmpty())
+ row.last().data = data;
+ }
+ }
+void QtXmlToSphinx::handleHeaderTag(QXmlStreamReader &reader)
+ // <header> in WebXML is either a table header or a description of a
+ // C++ header with "name"/"href" attributes.
+ if (reader.tokenType() == QXmlStreamReader::StartElement
+ && !reader.attributes().hasAttribute(u"name"_s)) {
+ auto &table = m_tables.back();
+ table.setHeaderEnabled(true);
+ table.appendRow({});
+ }
+void QtXmlToSphinx::handleRowTag(QXmlStreamReader& reader)
+ if (reader.tokenType() == QXmlStreamReader::StartElement)
+ m_tables.back().appendRow({});
+enum ListType { BulletList, OrderedList, EnumeratedList };
+static inline ListType webXmlListType(QStringView t)
+ if (t == u"enum")
+ return EnumeratedList;
+ if (t == u"ordered")
+ return OrderedList;
+ return BulletList;
+void QtXmlToSphinx::handleListTag(QXmlStreamReader& reader)
+ static ListType listType = BulletList;
+ QXmlStreamReader::TokenType token = reader.tokenType();
+ if (token == QXmlStreamReader::StartElement) {
+ m_tables.push({});
+ auto &table = m_tables.back();
+ listType = webXmlListType(reader.attributes().value(u"type"_s));
+ if (listType == EnumeratedList) {
+ table.appendRow(TableRow{TableCell(u"Constant"_s),
+ TableCell(u"Description"_s)});
+ table.setHeaderEnabled(true);
+ }
+ m_output.indent();
+ } else if (token == QXmlStreamReader::EndElement) {
+ m_output.outdent();
+ const auto &table = m_tables.back();
+ if (!table.isEmpty()) {
+ switch (listType) {
+ case BulletList:
+ case OrderedList: {
+ m_output << '\n';
+ const char *separator = listType == BulletList ? "* " : "#. ";
+ const char *indentLine = listType == BulletList ? " " : " ";
+ for (const TableCell &cell : table.constFirst()) {
+ const auto itemLines = QStringView{cell.data}.split(u'\n');
+ m_output << separator << itemLines.constFirst() << '\n';
+ for (qsizetype i = 1, max = itemLines.size(); i < max; ++i)
+ m_output << indentLine << itemLines[i] << '\n';
+ }
+ m_output << '\n';
+ }
+ break;
+ case EnumeratedList:
+ formatCurrentTable();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ m_tables.pop();
+ }
+void QtXmlToSphinx::handleLinkTag(QXmlStreamReader& reader)
+ switch (reader.tokenType()) {
+ case QXmlStreamReader::StartElement: {
+ // <link> embedded in <see-also> means the characters of <see-also> are no link.
+ m_seeAlsoContext.reset();
+ const QString type = fixLinkType(reader.attributes().value(u"type"_s));
+ const QString ref = reader.attributes().value(linkSourceAttribute(type)).toString();
+ m_linkContext.reset(handleLinkStart(type, ref));
+ }
+ break;
+ case QXmlStreamReader::Characters:
+ Q_ASSERT(!m_linkContext.isNull());
+ handleLinkText(m_linkContext.data(), reader.text().toString());
+ break;
+ case QXmlStreamReader::EndElement:
+ Q_ASSERT(!m_linkContext.isNull());
+ handleLinkEnd(m_linkContext.data());
+ m_linkContext.reset();
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+QtXmlToSphinxLink *QtXmlToSphinx::handleLinkStart(const QString &type, QString ref) const
+ ref.replace(u"::"_s, u"."_s);
+ ref.remove(u"()"_s);
+ auto *result = new QtXmlToSphinxLink(ref);
+ if (m_insideBold)
+ result->flags |= QtXmlToSphinxLink::InsideBold;
+ else if (m_insideItalic)
+ result->flags |= QtXmlToSphinxLink::InsideItalic;
+ if (type == u"external" || isHttpLink(ref)) {
+ result->type = QtXmlToSphinxLink::External;
+ } else if (type == functionLinkType && !m_context.isEmpty()) {
+ result->type = QtXmlToSphinxLink::Method;
+ const auto rawlinklist = QStringView{result->linkRef}.split(u'.');
+ if (rawlinklist.size() == 1 || rawlinklist.constFirst() == m_context) {
+ const auto lastRawLink = rawlinklist.constLast().toString();
+ QString context = m_generator->resolveContextForMethod(m_context, lastRawLink);
+ if (!result->linkRef.startsWith(context))
+ result->linkRef.prepend(context + u'.');
+ } else {
+ result->linkRef = m_generator->expandFunction(result->linkRef);
+ }
+ } else if (type == functionLinkType && m_context.isEmpty()) {
+ result->type = QtXmlToSphinxLink::Function;
+ } else if (type == classLinkType) {
+ result->type = QtXmlToSphinxLink::Class;
+ result->linkRef = m_generator->expandClass(m_context, result->linkRef);
+ } else if (type == u"enum") {
+ result->type = QtXmlToSphinxLink::Attribute;
+ } else if (type == u"page") {
+ // Module, external web page or reference
+ if (result->linkRef == m_parameters.moduleName)
+ result->type = QtXmlToSphinxLink::Module;
+ else
+ result->type = QtXmlToSphinxLink::Reference;
+ } else {
+ result->type = QtXmlToSphinxLink::Reference;
+ }
+ return result;
+// <link raw="Model/View Classes" href="model-view-programming.html#model-view-classes"
+// type="page" page="Model/View Programming">Model/View Classes</link>
+// <link type="page" page="https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/class.html">QML types</link>
+// <link raw="Qt Quick" href="qtquick-index.html" type="page" page="Qt Quick">Qt Quick</link>
+// <link raw="QObject" href="qobject.html" type="class">QObject</link>
+// <link raw="Qt::Window" href="qt.html#WindowType-enum" type="enum" enum="Qt::WindowType">Qt::Window</link>
+// <link raw="QNetworkSession::reject()" href="qnetworksession.html#reject" type="function">QNetworkSession::reject()</link>
+static QString fixLinkText(const QtXmlToSphinxLink *linkContext,
+ QString linktext)
+ if (linkContext->type == QtXmlToSphinxLink::External
+ || linkContext->type == QtXmlToSphinxLink::Reference) {
+ return linktext;
+ }
+ // For the language reference documentation, strip the module name.
+ // Clear the link text if that matches the function/class/enumeration name.
+ const int lastSep = linktext.lastIndexOf(u"::");
+ if (lastSep != -1)
+ linktext.remove(0, lastSep + 2);
+ else
+ QtXmlToSphinx::stripPythonQualifiers(&linktext);
+ if (linkContext->linkRef == linktext)
+ return {};
+ if ((linkContext->type & QtXmlToSphinxLink::FunctionMask) != 0
+ && (linkContext->linkRef + u"()"_s) == linktext) {
+ return {};
+ }
+ return linktext;
+void QtXmlToSphinx::handleLinkText(QtXmlToSphinxLink *linkContext, const QString &linktext)
+ linkContext->linkText = fixLinkText(linkContext, linktext);
+void QtXmlToSphinx::handleLinkEnd(QtXmlToSphinxLink *linkContext)
+ m_output << m_generator->resolveLink(*linkContext);
+WebXmlTag QtXmlToSphinx::parentTag() const
+ const auto index = m_tagStack.size() - 2;
+ return index >= 0 ? m_tagStack.at(index) : WebXmlTag::Unknown;
+// Copy images that are placed in a subdirectory "images" under the webxml files
+// by qdoc to a matching subdirectory under the "rst/PySide6/<module>" directory
+static bool copyImage(const QString &docDataDir, const QString &relativeSourceFile,
+ const QString &outputDir, const QString &relativeTargetFile,
+ const QLoggingCategory &lc, QString *errorMessage)
+ QString targetFileName = outputDir + u'/' + relativeTargetFile;
+ if (QFileInfo::exists(targetFileName))
+ return true;
+ QString relativeTargetDir = relativeTargetFile;
+ relativeTargetDir.truncate(qMax(relativeTargetDir.lastIndexOf(u'/'), qsizetype(0)));
+ if (!relativeTargetDir.isEmpty() && !QFileInfo::exists(outputDir + u'/' + relativeTargetDir)) {
+ const QDir outDir(outputDir);
+ if (!outDir.mkpath(relativeTargetDir)) {
+ QTextStream(errorMessage) << "Cannot create " << QDir::toNativeSeparators(relativeTargetDir)
+ << " under " << QDir::toNativeSeparators(outputDir);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ QFile source(docDataDir + u'/' + relativeSourceFile);
+ if (!source.copy(targetFileName)) {
+ QTextStream(errorMessage) << "Cannot copy " << QDir::toNativeSeparators(source.fileName())
+ << " to " << QDir::toNativeSeparators(targetFileName) << ": "
+ << source.errorString();
+ return false;
+ }
+ qCDebug(lc).noquote().nospace() << __FUNCTION__ << " \"" << relativeSourceFile
+ << "\"->\"" << relativeTargetFile << '"';
+ return true;
+bool QtXmlToSphinx::copyImage(const QString &href) const
+ QString errorMessage;
+ const auto imagePaths = m_generator->resolveImage(href, m_context);
+ const bool result = ::copyImage(m_parameters.docDataDir,
+ imagePaths.source,
+ m_parameters.outputDirectory,
+ imagePaths.target,
+ m_generator->loggingCategory(),
+ &errorMessage);
+ if (!result)
+ throw Exception(errorMessage);
+ return result;
+void QtXmlToSphinx::handleImageTag(QXmlStreamReader& reader)
+ if (reader.tokenType() != QXmlStreamReader::StartElement)
+ return;
+ const QString href = reader.attributes().value(u"href"_s).toString();
+ if (copyImage(href))
+ m_output << ".. image:: " << href << "\n\n";
+void QtXmlToSphinx::handleInlineImageTag(QXmlStreamReader& reader)
+ if (reader.tokenType() != QXmlStreamReader::StartElement)
+ return;
+ const QString href = reader.attributes().value(u"href"_s).toString();
+ if (!copyImage(href))
+ return;
+ // Handle inline images by substitution references. Insert a unique tag
+ // enclosed by '|' and define it further down. Determine tag from the base
+ //file name with number.
+ QString tag = href;
+ auto pos = tag.lastIndexOf(u'/');
+ if (pos != -1)
+ tag.remove(0, pos + 1);
+ pos = tag.indexOf(u'.');
+ if (pos != -1)
+ tag.truncate(pos);
+ tag += QString::number(m_inlineImages.size() + 1);
+ m_inlineImages.append(InlineImage{tag, href});
+ m_output << '|' << tag << '|' << ' ';
+void QtXmlToSphinx::handleRawTag(QXmlStreamReader& reader)
+ QXmlStreamReader::TokenType token = reader.tokenType();
+ if (token == QXmlStreamReader::StartElement) {
+ QString format = reader.attributes().value(u"format"_s).toString();
+ m_output << ".. raw:: " << format.toLower() << "\n\n";
+ } else if (token == QXmlStreamReader::Characters) {
+ Indentation indent(m_output);
+ m_output << reader.text();
+ } else if (token == QXmlStreamReader::EndElement) {
+ m_output << "\n\n";
+ }
+void QtXmlToSphinx::handleCodeTag(QXmlStreamReader& reader)
+ QXmlStreamReader::TokenType token = reader.tokenType();
+ if (token == QXmlStreamReader::StartElement) {
+ m_output << "::\n\n" << indent;
+ } else if (token == QXmlStreamReader::Characters) {
+ Indentation indent(m_output);
+ m_output << reader.text();
+ } else if (token == QXmlStreamReader::EndElement) {
+ m_output << outdent << "\n\n";
+ }
+void QtXmlToSphinx::handleUnknownTag(QXmlStreamReader& reader)
+ QXmlStreamReader::TokenType token = reader.tokenType();
+ if (token == QXmlStreamReader::StartElement) {
+ qCDebug(m_generator->loggingCategory()).noquote().nospace()
+ << "Unknown QtDoc tag: \"" << reader.name().toString() << "\".";
+ }
+void QtXmlToSphinx::handleSuperScriptTag(QXmlStreamReader& reader)
+ QXmlStreamReader::TokenType token = reader.tokenType();
+ if (token == QXmlStreamReader::StartElement) {
+ m_output << " :sup:`";
+ pushOutputBuffer();
+ } else if (token == QXmlStreamReader::Characters) {
+ m_output << reader.text().toString();
+ } else if (token == QXmlStreamReader::EndElement) {
+ m_output << popOutputBuffer();
+ m_output << '`';
+ }
+void QtXmlToSphinx::handlePageTag(QXmlStreamReader &reader)
+ if (reader.tokenType() != QXmlStreamReader::StartElement)
+ return;
+ m_output << disableIndent;
+ const auto title = reader.attributes().value("title");
+ if (!title.isEmpty())
+ m_output << rstLabel(title.toString());
+ const auto fullTitle = reader.attributes().value("fulltitle");
+ const int size = fullTitle.isEmpty()
+ ? writeEscapedRstText(m_output, title)
+ : writeEscapedRstText(m_output, fullTitle);
+ m_output << '\n' << Pad('*', size) << "\n\n"
+ << enableIndent;
+void QtXmlToSphinx::handleTargetTag(QXmlStreamReader &reader)
+ if (reader.tokenType() != QXmlStreamReader::StartElement)
+ return;
+ const auto name = reader.attributes().value("name");
+ if (!name.isEmpty())
+ m_output << rstLabel(name.toString());
+void QtXmlToSphinx::handleIgnoredTag(QXmlStreamReader&)
+void QtXmlToSphinx::handleUselessTag(QXmlStreamReader&)
+ // Tag "description" just marks the init of "Detailed description" title.
+ // Tag "definition" just marks enums. We have a different way to process them.
+void QtXmlToSphinx::handleAnchorTag(QXmlStreamReader& reader)
+ QXmlStreamReader::TokenType token = reader.tokenType();
+ if (token == QXmlStreamReader::StartElement) {
+ QString anchor;
+ if (reader.attributes().hasAttribute(u"id"_s))
+ anchor = reader.attributes().value(u"id"_s).toString();
+ else if (reader.attributes().hasAttribute(u"name"_s))
+ anchor = reader.attributes().value(u"name"_s).toString();
+ if (!anchor.isEmpty() && m_opened_anchor != anchor) {
+ m_opened_anchor = anchor;
+ if (!m_context.isEmpty())
+ anchor.prepend(m_context + u'_');
+ m_output << rstLabel(anchor);
+ }
+ } else if (token == QXmlStreamReader::EndElement) {
+ m_opened_anchor.clear();
+ }
+void QtXmlToSphinx::handleRstPassTroughTag(QXmlStreamReader& reader)
+ if (reader.tokenType() == QXmlStreamReader::Characters)
+ m_output << reader.text();
+void QtXmlToSphinx::handleQuoteFileTag(QXmlStreamReader& reader)
+ QXmlStreamReader::TokenType token = reader.tokenType();
+ if (token == QXmlStreamReader::Characters) {
+ QString location = reader.text().toString();
+ location.prepend(m_parameters.libSourceDir + u'/');
+ QString errorMessage;
+ QString code = readFromLocation(location, QString(), &errorMessage);
+ if (!errorMessage.isEmpty())
+ warn(msgTagWarning(reader, m_context, m_lastTagName, errorMessage));
+ m_output << "::\n\n";
+ Indentation indentation(m_output);
+ if (code.isEmpty())
+ m_output << "<Code snippet \"" << location << "\" not found>\n";
+ else
+ m_output << code << ensureEndl;
+ m_output << '\n';
+ }
+bool QtXmlToSphinx::Table::hasEmptyLeadingRow() const
+ return !m_rows.isEmpty() && m_rows.constFirst().isEmpty();
+bool QtXmlToSphinx::Table::hasEmptyTrailingRow() const
+ return !m_rows.isEmpty() && m_rows.constLast().isEmpty();
+void QtXmlToSphinx::Table::normalize()
+ if (m_normalized)
+ return;
+ // Empty leading/trailing rows have been observed with nested tables
+ if (hasEmptyLeadingRow() || hasEmptyLeadingRow()) {
+ qWarning() << "QtXmlToSphinx: Table with leading/trailing empty columns found: " << *this;
+ while (hasEmptyTrailingRow())
+ m_rows.pop_back();
+ while (hasEmptyLeadingRow())
+ m_rows.pop_front();
+ }
+ if (isEmpty())
+ return;
+ //QDoc3 generates tables with wrong number of columns. We have to
+ //check and if necessary, merge the last columns.
+ qsizetype maxCols = -1;
+ for (const auto &row : std::as_const(m_rows)) {
+ if (row.size() > maxCols)
+ maxCols = row.size();
+ }
+ if (maxCols <= 0)
+ return;
+ // add col spans
+ for (qsizetype row = 0; row < m_rows.size(); ++row) {
+ for (qsizetype col = 0; col < m_rows.at(row).size(); ++col) {
+ QtXmlToSphinx::TableCell& cell = m_rows[row][col];
+ bool mergeCols = (col >= maxCols);
+ if (cell.colSpan > 0) {
+ QtXmlToSphinx::TableCell newCell;
+ newCell.colSpan = -1;
+ for (int i = 0, max = cell.colSpan-1; i < max; ++i)
+ m_rows[row].insert(col + 1, newCell);
+ cell.colSpan = 0;
+ col++;
+ } else if (mergeCols) {
+ m_rows[row][maxCols - 1].data += u' ' + cell.data;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // row spans
+ const qsizetype numCols = m_rows.constFirst().size();
+ for (qsizetype col = 0; col < numCols; ++col) {
+ for (qsizetype row = 0; row < m_rows.size(); ++row) {
+ if (col < m_rows[row].size()) {
+ QtXmlToSphinx::TableCell& cell = m_rows[row][col];
+ if (cell.rowSpan > 0) {
+ QtXmlToSphinx::TableCell newCell;
+ newCell.rowSpan = -1;
+ qsizetype targetRow = row + 1;
+ const qsizetype targetEndRow =
+ std::min(targetRow + cell.rowSpan - 1, m_rows.size());
+ cell.rowSpan = 0;
+ for ( ; targetRow < targetEndRow; ++targetRow)
+ m_rows[targetRow].insert(col, newCell);
+ row++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ m_normalized = true;
+void QtXmlToSphinx::Table::format(TextStream& s) const
+ if (isEmpty())
+ return;
+ Q_ASSERT(isNormalized());
+ // calc width and height of each column and row
+ const qsizetype headerColumnCount = m_rows.constFirst().size();
+ QList<qsizetype> colWidths(headerColumnCount, 0);
+ QList<qsizetype> rowHeights(m_rows.size(), 0);
+ for (qsizetype i = 0, maxI = m_rows.size(); i < maxI; ++i) {
+ const QtXmlToSphinx::TableRow& row = m_rows.at(i);
+ for (qsizetype j = 0, maxJ = std::min(row.size(), colWidths.size()); j < maxJ; ++j) {
+ // cache this would be a good idea
+ const auto rowLines = QStringView{row[j].data}.split(u'\n');
+ for (const auto &str : rowLines)
+ colWidths[j] = std::max(colWidths[j], str.size());
+ rowHeights[i] = std::max(rowHeights[i], rowLines.size());
+ }
+ }
+ if (!*std::max_element(colWidths.begin(), colWidths.end()))
+ return; // empty table (table with empty cells)
+ // create a horizontal line to be used later.
+ QString horizontalLine = u"+"_s;
+ for (auto colWidth : colWidths)
+ horizontalLine += QString(colWidth, u'-') + u'+';
+ // write table rows
+ for (qsizetype i = 0, maxI = m_rows.size(); i < maxI; ++i) { // for each row
+ const QtXmlToSphinx::TableRow& row = m_rows.at(i);
+ // print line
+ s << '+';
+ for (qsizetype col = 0; col < headerColumnCount; ++col) {
+ char c = '-';
+ if (col >= row.size() || row[col].rowSpan == -1)
+ c = ' ';
+ else if (i == 1 && hasHeader())
+ c = '=';
+ s << Pad(c, colWidths.at(col)) << '+';
+ }
+ s << '\n';
+ // Print the table cells
+ for (qsizetype rowLine = 0; rowLine < rowHeights.at(i); ++rowLine) { // for each line in a row
+ qsizetype j = 0;
+ for (qsizetype maxJ = std::min(row.size(), headerColumnCount); j < maxJ; ++j) { // for each column
+ const QtXmlToSphinx::TableCell& cell = row[j];
+ // FIXME: Cache this!!!
+ const auto rowLines = QStringView{cell.data}.split(u'\n');
+ if (!j || !cell.colSpan)
+ s << '|';
+ else
+ s << ' ';
+ const auto width = int(colWidths.at(j));
+ if (rowLine < rowLines.size())
+ s << AlignedField(rowLines.at(rowLine), width);
+ else
+ s << Pad(' ', width);
+ }
+ for ( ; j < headerColumnCount; ++j) // pad
+ s << '|' << Pad(' ', colWidths.at(j));
+ s << "|\n";
+ }
+ }
+ s << horizontalLine << "\n\n";
+void QtXmlToSphinx::Table::formatDebug(QDebug &debug) const
+ const auto rowCount = m_rows.size();
+ debug << "Table(" <<rowCount << " rows";
+ if (m_hasHeader)
+ debug << ", [header]";
+ if (m_normalized)
+ debug << ", [normalized]";
+ for (qsizetype r = 0; r < rowCount; ++r) {
+ const auto &row = m_rows.at(r);
+ const auto &colCount = row.size();
+ debug << ", row " << r << " [" << colCount << "]={";
+ for (qsizetype c = 0; c < colCount; ++c) {
+ if (c > 0)
+ debug << ", ";
+ debug << row.at(c);
+ }
+ debug << '}';
+ }
+ debug << ')';
+void QtXmlToSphinx::stripPythonQualifiers(QString *s)
+ const int lastSep = s->lastIndexOf(u'.');
+ if (lastSep != -1)
+ s->remove(0, lastSep + 1);
+void QtXmlToSphinx::warn(const QString &message) const
+ qCWarning(m_generator->loggingCategory(), "%s", qPrintable(message));
+void QtXmlToSphinx::debug(const QString &message) const
+ qCDebug(m_generator->loggingCategory(), "%s", qPrintable(message));
diff --git a/sources/shiboken6/generator/qtdoc/qtxmltosphinx.h b/sources/shiboken6/generator/qtdoc/qtxmltosphinx.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..398c5bc97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/shiboken6/generator/qtdoc/qtxmltosphinx.h
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2020 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0
+#include <textstream.h>
+#include <QtCore/QList>
+#include <QtCore/QScopedPointer>
+#include <QtCore/QStack>
+#include <memory>
+class QDebug;
+class QXmlStreamReader;
+class QtXmlToSphinxDocGeneratorInterface;
+struct QtXmlToSphinxParameters;
+struct QtXmlToSphinxLink;
+enum class WebXmlTag;
+class QtXmlToSphinx
+ struct InlineImage
+ {
+ QString tag;
+ QString href;
+ };
+ struct TableCell
+ {
+ short rowSpan = 0;
+ short colSpan = 0;
+ QString data;
+ TableCell(const QString& text = QString()) : data(text) {}
+ TableCell(const char* text) : data(QString::fromLatin1(text)) {}
+ };
+ using TableRow = QList<TableCell>;
+ class Table
+ {
+ public:
+ Table() = default;
+ bool isEmpty() const { return m_rows.isEmpty(); }
+ void setHeaderEnabled(bool enable)
+ {
+ m_hasHeader = enable;
+ }
+ bool hasHeader() const
+ {
+ return m_hasHeader;
+ }
+ void normalize();
+ bool isNormalized() const
+ {
+ return m_normalized;
+ }
+ void appendRow(const TableRow &row) { m_rows.append(row); }
+ const TableRow &constFirst() const { return m_rows.constFirst(); }
+ TableRow &first() { return m_rows.first(); }
+ TableRow &last() { return m_rows.last(); }
+ void format(TextStream& s) const;
+ void formatDebug(QDebug &debug) const;
+ private:
+ bool hasEmptyLeadingRow() const;
+ bool hasEmptyTrailingRow() const;
+ QList<TableRow> m_rows;
+ bool m_hasHeader = false;
+ bool m_normalized = false;
+ };
+ explicit QtXmlToSphinx(const QtXmlToSphinxDocGeneratorInterface *docGenerator,
+ const QtXmlToSphinxParameters &parameters,
+ const QString& doc,
+ const QString& context = QString());
+ ~QtXmlToSphinx();
+ QString result() const
+ {
+ return m_result;
+ }
+ static void stripPythonQualifiers(QString *s);
+ // For testing
+ static QString readSnippet(QIODevice &inputFile, const QString &identifier,
+ QString *errorMessage);
+ using StringSharedPtr = std::shared_ptr<QString>;
+ QString transform(const QString& doc);
+ void handleHeadingTag(QXmlStreamReader& reader);
+ void handleParaTag(QXmlStreamReader& reader);
+ void handleParaTagStart();
+ void handleParaTagText(QXmlStreamReader &reader);
+ void handleParaTagEnd();
+ void handleItalicTag(QXmlStreamReader& reader);
+ void handleBoldTag(QXmlStreamReader& reader);
+ void handleArgumentTag(QXmlStreamReader& reader);
+ void handleSeeAlsoTag(QXmlStreamReader& reader);
+ void handleSnippetTag(QXmlStreamReader& reader);
+ void handleDotsTag(QXmlStreamReader& reader);
+ void handleLinkTag(QXmlStreamReader& reader);
+ void handleImageTag(QXmlStreamReader& reader);
+ void handleInlineImageTag(QXmlStreamReader& reader);
+ void handleListTag(QXmlStreamReader& reader);
+ void handleTermTag(QXmlStreamReader& reader);
+ void handleSuperScriptTag(QXmlStreamReader& reader);
+ void handleQuoteFileTag(QXmlStreamReader& reader);
+ // table tagsvoid QtXmlToSphinx::handleValueTag(QXmlStreamReader& reader)
+ void handleTableTag(QXmlStreamReader& reader);
+ void handleHeaderTag(QXmlStreamReader& reader);
+ void handleRowTag(QXmlStreamReader& reader);
+ void handleItemTag(QXmlStreamReader& reader);
+ void handleRawTag(QXmlStreamReader& reader);
+ void handleCodeTag(QXmlStreamReader& reader);
+ void handlePageTag(QXmlStreamReader&);
+ void handleTargetTag(QXmlStreamReader&);
+ void handleIgnoredTag(QXmlStreamReader& reader);
+ void handleUnknownTag(QXmlStreamReader& reader);
+ void handleUselessTag(QXmlStreamReader& reader);
+ void handleAnchorTag(QXmlStreamReader& reader);
+ void handleRstPassTroughTag(QXmlStreamReader& reader);
+ QtXmlToSphinxLink *handleLinkStart(const QString &type, QString ref) const;
+ static void handleLinkText(QtXmlToSphinxLink *linkContext, const QString &linktext) ;
+ void handleLinkEnd(QtXmlToSphinxLink *linkContext);
+ WebXmlTag parentTag() const;
+ void warn(const QString &message) const;
+ void debug(const QString &message) const;
+ QStack<WebXmlTag> m_tagStack;
+ TextStream m_output;
+ QString m_result;
+ QStack<StringSharedPtr> m_buffers; // Maintain address stability since it used in TextStream
+ QStack<Table> m_tables; // Stack of tables, used for <table><list> with nested <item>
+ QScopedPointer<QtXmlToSphinxLink> m_linkContext; // for <link>
+ QScopedPointer<QtXmlToSphinxLink> m_seeAlsoContext; // for <see-also>foo()</see-also>
+ QString m_context;
+ const QtXmlToSphinxDocGeneratorInterface *m_generator;
+ const QtXmlToSphinxParameters &m_parameters;
+ int m_formattingDepth = 0;
+ bool m_insideBold = false;
+ bool m_insideItalic = false;
+ QString m_lastTagName;
+ QString m_opened_anchor;
+ QList<InlineImage> m_inlineImages;
+ bool m_containsAutoTranslations = false;
+ struct Snippet
+ {
+ enum Result {
+ Converted, // C++ converted to Python
+ Resolved, // Otherwise resolved in snippet paths
+ Fallback, // Fallback from XML
+ Error
+ };
+ QString code;
+ Result result;
+ };
+ void setAutoTranslatedNote(QString *str) const;
+ Snippet readSnippetFromLocations(const QString &path,
+ const QString &identifier,
+ const QString &fallbackPath,
+ QString *errorMessage);
+ static QString readFromLocation(const QString &location, const QString &identifier,
+ QString *errorMessage);
+ void pushOutputBuffer();
+ QString popOutputBuffer();
+ void writeTable(Table& table);
+ bool copyImage(const QString &href) const;
+ void callHandler(WebXmlTag t, QXmlStreamReader &);
+ void formatCurrentTable();
+inline TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& s, const QtXmlToSphinx& xmlToSphinx)
+ return s << xmlToSphinx.result();
+QDebug operator<<(QDebug d, const QtXmlToSphinxLink &l);
+QDebug operator<<(QDebug debug, const QtXmlToSphinx::Table &t);
+QDebug operator<<(QDebug debug, const QtXmlToSphinx::TableCell &c);
diff --git a/sources/shiboken6/generator/qtdoc/qtxmltosphinxinterface.h b/sources/shiboken6/generator/qtdoc/qtxmltosphinxinterface.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d4a098a12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/shiboken6/generator/qtdoc/qtxmltosphinxinterface.h
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2020 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0
+#include <QtCore/QStringList>
+struct QtXmlToSphinxParameters
+ QString moduleName;
+ QString docDataDir;
+ QString outputDirectory;
+ QString libSourceDir;
+ QStringList codeSnippetDirs;
+ QString codeSnippetRewriteOld;
+ QString codeSnippetRewriteNew;
+ bool snippetComparison = false;
+struct QtXmlToSphinxLink
+ enum Type
+ {
+ Method = 0x1, Function = 0x2,
+ FunctionMask = Method | Function,
+ Class = 0x4, Attribute = 0x8, Module = 0x10,
+ Reference = 0x20, External= 0x40
+ };
+ enum Flags { InsideBold = 0x1, InsideItalic = 0x2 };
+ explicit QtXmlToSphinxLink(const QString &ref) : linkRef(ref) {}
+ QString linkRef;
+ QString linkText;
+ Type type = Reference;
+ int flags = 0;
+class QtXmlToSphinxDocGeneratorInterface
+ virtual QString expandFunction(const QString &function) const = 0;
+ virtual QString expandClass(const QString &context,
+ const QString &name) const = 0;
+ virtual QString resolveContextForMethod(const QString &context,
+ const QString &methodName) const = 0;
+ virtual const QLoggingCategory &loggingCategory() const = 0;
+ virtual QtXmlToSphinxLink resolveLink(const QtXmlToSphinxLink &) const = 0;
+ // Resolve images paths relative to doc data directory/output directory.
+ struct Image
+ {
+ QString source;
+ QString target;
+ };
+ virtual Image resolveImage(const QString &href, const QString &context) const = 0;
+ virtual ~QtXmlToSphinxDocGeneratorInterface() = default;
diff --git a/sources/shiboken6/generator/qtdoc/rstformat.h b/sources/shiboken6/generator/qtdoc/rstformat.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8af7671fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/shiboken6/generator/qtdoc/rstformat.h
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2020 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0
+#ifndef RSTFORMAT_H
+#define RSTFORMAT_H
+#include <textstream.h>
+#include <QtCore/QByteArray>
+#include <QtCore/QString>
+#include <QtCore/QTextStream>
+#include <QtCore/QVersionNumber>
+struct rstVersionAdded
+ explicit rstVersionAdded(const QVersionNumber &v) : m_version(v) {}
+ const QVersionNumber m_version;
+inline TextStream &operator<<(TextStream &s, const rstVersionAdded &v)
+ s << ".. versionadded:: "<< v.m_version.toString() << "\n\n";
+ return s;
+inline QByteArray rstDeprecationNote(const char *what)
+ return QByteArrayLiteral(".. note:: This ")
+ + what + QByteArrayLiteral(" is deprecated.\n\n");
+template <class String>
+inline int writeEscapedRstText(TextStream &str, const String &s)
+ int escaped = 0;
+ for (const QChar &c : s) {
+ switch (c.unicode()) {
+ case '*':
+ case '`':
+ case '_':
+ case '\\':
+ str << '\\';
+ ++escaped;
+ break;
+ }
+ str << c;
+ }
+ return s.size() + escaped;
+class escape
+ explicit escape(QStringView s) : m_string(s) {}
+ void write(TextStream &str) const { writeEscapedRstText(str, m_string); }
+ const QStringView m_string;
+inline TextStream &operator<<(TextStream &str, const escape &e)
+ e.write(str);
+ return str;
+// RST anchor string: Anything else but letters, numbers, '_' or '.' replaced by '-'
+inline bool isValidRstLabelChar(QChar c)
+ return c.isLetterOrNumber() || c == u'_' || c == u'.';
+inline QString toRstLabel(QString s)
+ for (int i = 0, size = s.size(); i < size; ++i) {
+ if (!isValidRstLabelChar(s.at(i)))
+ s[i] = u'-';
+ }
+ return s;
+class rstLabel
+ explicit rstLabel(const QString &l) : m_label(l) {}
+ friend TextStream &operator<<(TextStream &str, const rstLabel &a)
+ {
+ str << ".. _" << toRstLabel(a.m_label) << ":\n\n";
+ return str;
+ }
+ const QString &m_label;
+#endif // RSTFORMAT_H