path: root/sources/shiboken6/generator/shiboken/cppgenerator.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'sources/shiboken6/generator/shiboken/cppgenerator.h')
1 files changed, 419 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sources/shiboken6/generator/shiboken/cppgenerator.h b/sources/shiboken6/generator/shiboken/cppgenerator.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..25d4b22db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/shiboken6/generator/shiboken/cppgenerator.h
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+** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
+** Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/
+** This file is part of Qt for Python.
+** Commercial License Usage
+** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
+** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
+** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
+** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
+** and conditions see https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further
+** information use the contact form at https://www.qt.io/contact-us.
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+** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT
+** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
+** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
+** be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html.
+#include "shibokengenerator.h"
+ * The CppGenerator generate the implementations of C++ bindings classes.
+ */
+class CppGenerator : public ShibokenGenerator
+ CppGenerator();
+ const char *name() const override { return "Source generator"; }
+ QString fileNameSuffix() const override;
+ QString fileNameForContext(const GeneratorContext &context) const override;
+ QVector<AbstractMetaFunctionList> filterGroupedOperatorFunctions(const AbstractMetaClass *metaClass,
+ uint query);
+ void generateClass(QTextStream &s, const GeneratorContext &classContext) override;
+ bool finishGeneration() override;
+ void writeInitFunc(QTextStream &declStr, QTextStream &callStr,
+ const Indentor &indent, const QString &initFunctionName,
+ const TypeEntry *enclosingEntry = nullptr);
+ void writeCacheResetNative(QTextStream &s, const GeneratorContext &classContext);
+ void writeConstructorNative(QTextStream &s, const GeneratorContext &classContext,
+ const AbstractMetaFunction *func);
+ void writeDestructorNative(QTextStream &s, const GeneratorContext &classContext);
+ QString getVirtualFunctionReturnTypeName(const AbstractMetaFunction *func);
+ void writeVirtualMethodNative(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaFunction *func, int cacheIndex);
+ void writeVirtualMethodCppCall(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaFunction *func,
+ const QString &funcName, const CodeSnipList &snips,
+ const AbstractMetaArgument *lastArg, const TypeEntry *retType,
+ const QString &returnStatement);
+ QString virtualMethodReturn(QTextStream &s,
+ const AbstractMetaFunction *func,
+ const FunctionModificationList &functionModifications);
+ void writeMetaObjectMethod(QTextStream &s, const GeneratorContext &classContext);
+ void writeMetaCast(QTextStream &s, const GeneratorContext &classContext);
+ void writeEnumConverterFunctions(QTextStream &s, const TypeEntry *enumType);
+ void writeEnumConverterFunctions(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaEnum *metaEnum);
+ void writeConverterFunctions(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *metaClass,
+ const GeneratorContext &classContext);
+ void writeCustomConverterFunctions(QTextStream &s, const CustomConversion *customConversion);
+ void writeConverterRegister(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *metaClass,
+ const GeneratorContext &classContext);
+ void writeCustomConverterRegister(QTextStream &s, const CustomConversion *customConversion, const QString &converterVar);
+ void writeContainerConverterFunctions(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaType &containerType);
+ void writeSmartPointerConverterFunctions(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaType &smartPointerType);
+ void writeMethodWrapperPreamble(QTextStream &s, OverloadData &overloadData,
+ const GeneratorContext &context);
+ void writeConstructorWrapper(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaFunctionList &overloads,
+ const GeneratorContext &classContext);
+ void writeMethodWrapper(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaFunctionList &overloads,
+ const GeneratorContext &classContext);
+ void writeArgumentsInitializer(QTextStream &s, OverloadData &overloadData);
+ void writeCppSelfConversion(QTextStream &s, const GeneratorContext &context,
+ const QString &className, bool useWrapperClass);
+ void writeCppSelfDefinition(QTextStream &s,
+ const AbstractMetaFunction *func,
+ const GeneratorContext &context,
+ bool hasStaticOverload = false);
+ void writeCppSelfDefinition(QTextStream &s,
+ const GeneratorContext &context,
+ bool hasStaticOverload = false,
+ bool cppSelfAsReference = false);
+ void writeErrorSection(QTextStream &s, OverloadData &overloadData);
+ void writeFunctionReturnErrorCheckSection(QTextStream &s, bool hasReturnValue = true);
+ /// Writes the check section for the validity of wrapped C++ objects.
+ void writeInvalidPyObjectCheck(QTextStream &s, const QString &pyObj);
+ void writeTypeCheck(QTextStream &s, AbstractMetaType argType, const QString &argumentName,
+ bool isNumber = false, const QString &customType = QString(),
+ bool rejectNull = false);
+ void writeTypeCheck(QTextStream& s, const OverloadData *overloadData, QString argumentName);
+ void writeTypeDiscoveryFunction(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *metaClass);
+ void writeSetattroDefinition(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *metaClass) const;
+ void writeSetattroDefaultReturn(QTextStream &s) const;
+ void writeSmartPointerSetattroFunction(QTextStream &s, const GeneratorContext &context);
+ void writeSetattroFunction(QTextStream &s, AttroCheck attroCheck,
+ const GeneratorContext &context);
+ static void writeGetattroDefinition(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *metaClass);
+ void writeSmartPointerGetattroFunction(QTextStream &s, const GeneratorContext &context);
+ void writeGetattroFunction(QTextStream &s, AttroCheck attroCheck,
+ const GeneratorContext &context);
+ QString writeSmartPointerGetterCast();
+ QString qObjectGetAttroFunction() const;
+ /**
+ * Writes Python to C++ conversions for arguments on Python wrappers.
+ * If implicit conversions, and thus new object allocation, are needed,
+ * code to deallocate a possible new instance is also generated.
+ * \param s text stream to write
+ * \param argType a pointer to the argument type to be converted
+ * \param argName C++ argument name
+ * \param pyArgName Python argument name
+ * \param context the current meta class
+ * \param defaultValue an optional default value to be used instead of the conversion result
+ * \param castArgumentAsUnused if true the converted argument is cast as unused to avoid compiler warnings
+ */
+ void writeArgumentConversion(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaType &argType,
+ const QString &argName, const QString &pyArgName,
+ const AbstractMetaClass *context = nullptr,
+ const QString &defaultValue = QString(),
+ bool castArgumentAsUnused = false);
+ /**
+ * Returns the AbstractMetaType for a function argument.
+ * If the argument type was modified in the type system, this method will
+ * try to build a new type based on the type name defined in the type system.
+ * \param func The function which owns the argument.
+ * \param argPos Argument position in the function signature.
+ * Note that the position 0 represents the return value, and the function
+ * parameters start counting on 1.
+ * \param newType It is set to true if the type returned is a new object that must be deallocated.
+ * \return The type of the argument indicated by \p argPos.
+ */
+ const AbstractMetaType getArgumentType(const AbstractMetaFunction *func, int argPos);
+ void writePythonToCppTypeConversion(QTextStream &s,
+ const AbstractMetaType &type,
+ const QString &pyIn,
+ const QString &cppOut,
+ const AbstractMetaClass *context = nullptr,
+ const QString &defaultValue = QString());
+ /// Writes the conversion rule for arguments of regular and virtual methods.
+ void writeConversionRule(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaFunction *func, TypeSystem::Language language);
+ /// Writes the conversion rule for the return value of a method.
+ void writeConversionRule(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaFunction *func, TypeSystem::Language language, const QString &outputVar);
+ /**
+ * Set the Python method wrapper return value variable to Py_None if
+ * there are return types different from void in any of the other overloads
+ * for the function passed as parameter.
+ * \param s text stream to write
+ * \param func a pointer to the function that will possibly return Py_None
+ * \param thereIsReturnValue indicates if the return type of any of the other overloads
+ * for this function is different from 'void'
+ */
+ void writeNoneReturn(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaFunction *func, bool thereIsReturnValue);
+ /**
+ * Writes the Python function wrapper overload decisor that selects which C++
+ * method/function to call with the received Python arguments.
+ * \param s text stream to write
+ * \param overloadData the overload data describing all the possible overloads for the function/method
+ */
+ void writeOverloadedFunctionDecisor(QTextStream &s, const OverloadData &overloadData);
+ /// Recursive auxiliar method to the other writeOverloadedFunctionDecisor.
+ void writeOverloadedFunctionDecisorEngine(QTextStream &s, const OverloadData *parentOverloadData);
+ /// Writes calls to all the possible method/function overloads.
+ void writeFunctionCalls(QTextStream &s,
+ const OverloadData &overloadData,
+ const GeneratorContext &context);
+ /// Writes the call to a single function usually from a collection of overloads.
+ void writeSingleFunctionCall(QTextStream &s,
+ const OverloadData &overloadData,
+ const AbstractMetaFunction *func,
+ const GeneratorContext &context);
+ /// Returns the name of a C++ to Python conversion function.
+ static QString cppToPythonFunctionName(const QString &sourceTypeName, QString targetTypeName = QString());
+ /// Returns the name of a Python to C++ conversion function.
+ static QString pythonToCppFunctionName(const QString &sourceTypeName, const QString &targetTypeName);
+ static QString pythonToCppFunctionName(const AbstractMetaType &sourceType, const AbstractMetaType &targetType);
+ static QString pythonToCppFunctionName(const CustomConversion::TargetToNativeConversion *toNative, const TypeEntry *targetType);
+ /// Returns the name of a Python to C++ convertible check function.
+ static QString convertibleToCppFunctionName(const QString &sourceTypeName, const QString &targetTypeName);
+ static QString convertibleToCppFunctionName(const AbstractMetaType &sourceType, const AbstractMetaType &targetType);
+ static QString convertibleToCppFunctionName(const CustomConversion::TargetToNativeConversion *toNative, const TypeEntry *targetType);
+ /// Writes a C++ to Python conversion function.
+ void writeCppToPythonFunction(QTextStream &s, const QString &code, const QString &sourceTypeName, QString targetTypeName = QString());
+ void writeCppToPythonFunction(QTextStream &s, const CustomConversion *customConversion);
+ void writeCppToPythonFunction(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaType &containerType);
+ /// Writes a Python to C++ conversion function.
+ void writePythonToCppFunction(QTextStream &s, const QString &code, const QString &sourceTypeName, const QString &targetTypeName);
+ /// Writes a Python to C++ convertible check function.
+ void writeIsPythonConvertibleToCppFunction(QTextStream &s,
+ const QString &sourceTypeName,
+ const QString &targetTypeName,
+ const QString &condition,
+ QString pythonToCppFuncName = QString(),
+ bool acceptNoneAsCppNull = false);
+ /// Writes a pair of Python to C++ conversion and check functions.
+ void writePythonToCppConversionFunctions(QTextStream &s,
+ const AbstractMetaType &sourceType,
+ const AbstractMetaType &targetType,
+ QString typeCheck = QString(),
+ QString conversion = QString(),
+ const QString &preConversion = QString());
+ /// Writes a pair of Python to C++ conversion and check functions for implicit conversions.
+ void writePythonToCppConversionFunctions(QTextStream &s,
+ const CustomConversion::TargetToNativeConversion *toNative,
+ const TypeEntry *targetType);
+ /// Writes a pair of Python to C++ conversion and check functions for instantiated container types.
+ void writePythonToCppConversionFunctions(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaType &containerType);
+ void writeAddPythonToCppConversion(QTextStream &s, const QString &converterVar, const QString &pythonToCppFunc, const QString &isConvertibleFunc);
+ void writeNamedArgumentResolution(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaFunction *func, bool usePyArgs);
+ /// Returns a string containing the name of an argument for the given function and argument index.
+ QString argumentNameFromIndex(const AbstractMetaFunction *func, int argIndex, const AbstractMetaClass **wrappedClass);
+ void writeMethodCall(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaFunction *func,
+ const GeneratorContext &context, int maxArgs = 0);
+ QString getInitFunctionName(const GeneratorContext &context) const;
+ QString getSimpleClassInitFunctionName(const AbstractMetaClass *metaClass) const;
+ void writeSignatureStrings(QTextStream &s, QTextStream &signatureStream,
+ const QString &arrayName,
+ const char *comment) const;
+ void writeClassRegister(QTextStream &s,
+ const AbstractMetaClass *metaClass,
+ const GeneratorContext &classContext,
+ QTextStream &signatureStream);
+ void writeClassDefinition(QTextStream &s,
+ const AbstractMetaClass *metaClass,
+ const GeneratorContext &classContext);
+ void writeMethodDefinitionEntry(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaFunctionList &overloads);
+ void writeMethodDefinition(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaFunctionList &overloads);
+ void writeSignatureInfo(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaFunctionList &overloads);
+ /// Writes the implementation of all methods part of python sequence protocol
+ void writeSequenceMethods(QTextStream &s,
+ const AbstractMetaClass *metaClass,
+ const GeneratorContext &context);
+ void writeTypeAsSequenceDefinition(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *metaClass);
+ /// Writes the PyMappingMethods structure for types that supports the python mapping protocol.
+ void writeTypeAsMappingDefinition(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *metaClass);
+ void writeMappingMethods(QTextStream &s,
+ const AbstractMetaClass *metaClass,
+ const GeneratorContext &context);
+ void writeTypeAsNumberDefinition(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *metaClass);
+ void writeTpTraverseFunction(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *metaClass);
+ void writeTpClearFunction(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *metaClass);
+ void writeCopyFunction(QTextStream &s, const GeneratorContext &context);
+ void writeGetterFunction(QTextStream &s,
+ const AbstractMetaField *metaField,
+ const GeneratorContext &context);
+ void writeGetterFunction(QTextStream &s,
+ const QPropertySpec *property,
+ const GeneratorContext &context);
+ void writeSetterFunctionPreamble(QTextStream &s,
+ const QString &name,
+ const QString &funcName,
+ const AbstractMetaType &type,
+ const GeneratorContext &context);
+ void writeSetterFunction(QTextStream &s,
+ const AbstractMetaField *metaField,
+ const GeneratorContext &context);
+ void writeSetterFunction(QTextStream &s,
+ const QPropertySpec *property,
+ const GeneratorContext &context);
+ void writeRichCompareFunction(QTextStream &s, const GeneratorContext &context);
+ void writeEnumsInitialization(QTextStream &s, AbstractMetaEnumList &enums);
+ void writeEnumInitialization(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaEnum *metaEnum);
+ void writeSignalInitialization(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *metaClass);
+ void writeFlagsMethods(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaEnum *cppEnum);
+ void writeFlagsToLong(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaEnum *cppEnum);
+ void writeFlagsNonZero(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaEnum *cppEnum);
+ void writeFlagsNumberMethodsDefinition(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaEnum *cppEnum);
+ void writeFlagsNumberMethodsDefinitions(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaEnumList &enums);
+ void writeFlagsBinaryOperator(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaEnum *cppEnum,
+ const QString &pyOpName, const QString &cppOpName);
+ void writeFlagsUnaryOperator(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaEnum *cppEnum,
+ const QString &pyOpName, const QString &cppOpName,
+ bool boolResult = false);
+ /// Writes the function that registers the multiple inheritance information for the classes that need it.
+ void writeMultipleInheritanceInitializerFunction(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *metaClass);
+ /// Writes the implementation of special cast functions, used when we need to cast a class with multiple inheritance.
+ void writeSpecialCastFunction(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *metaClass);
+ void writePrimitiveConverterInitialization(QTextStream &s, const CustomConversion *customConversion);
+ void writeEnumConverterInitialization(QTextStream &s, const TypeEntry *enumType);
+ void writeEnumConverterInitialization(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaEnum *metaEnum);
+ void writeContainerConverterInitialization(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaType &type);
+ void writeSmartPointerConverterInitialization(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaType &ype);
+ void writeExtendedConverterInitialization(QTextStream &s, const TypeEntry *externalType, const QVector<const AbstractMetaClass *>& conversions);
+ void writeParentChildManagement(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaFunction *func, bool userHeuristicForReturn);
+ bool writeParentChildManagement(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaFunction *func, int argIndex, bool userHeuristicPolicy);
+ void writeReturnValueHeuristics(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaFunction *func);
+ void writeInitQtMetaTypeFunctionBody(QTextStream &s, const GeneratorContext &context) const;
+ /**
+ * Returns the multiple inheritance initializer function for the given class.
+ * \param metaClass the class for whom the function name must be generated.
+ * \return name of the multiple inheritance information initializer function or
+ * an empty string if there is no multiple inheritance in its ancestry.
+ */
+ QString multipleInheritanceInitializerFunctionName(const AbstractMetaClass *metaClass);
+ /// Returns a list of all classes to which the given class could be cast.
+ QStringList getAncestorMultipleInheritance(const AbstractMetaClass *metaClass);
+ /// Returns true if the given class supports the python number protocol
+ bool supportsNumberProtocol(const AbstractMetaClass *metaClass);
+ /// Returns true if the given class supports the python sequence protocol
+ bool supportsSequenceProtocol(const AbstractMetaClass *metaClass);
+ /// Returns true if the given class supports the python mapping protocol
+ bool supportsMappingProtocol(const AbstractMetaClass *metaClass);
+ /// Returns true if generator should produce getters and setters for the given class.
+ bool shouldGenerateGetSetList(const AbstractMetaClass *metaClass);
+ void writeHashFunction(QTextStream &s, const GeneratorContext &context);
+ /// Write default implementations for sequence protocol
+ void writeDefaultSequenceMethods(QTextStream &s, const GeneratorContext &context);
+ /// Helper function for writeStdListWrapperMethods.
+ void writeIndexError(QTextStream &s, const QString &errorMsg);
+ QString writeReprFunction(QTextStream &s, const GeneratorContext &context, uint indirections);
+ const AbstractMetaFunction *boolCast(const AbstractMetaClass *metaClass) const;
+ bool hasBoolCast(const AbstractMetaClass *metaClass) const
+ { return boolCast(metaClass) != nullptr; }
+ AbstractMetaType findSmartPointerInstantiation(const TypeEntry *entry) const;
+ // Number protocol structure members names.
+ static QHash<QString, QString> m_nbFuncs;
+ // Maps special function names to function parameters and return types
+ // used by CPython API in the sequence protocol.
+ QHash<QString, QPair<QString, QString> > m_sequenceProtocol;
+ // Sequence protocol structure members names.
+ static QHash<QString, QString> m_sqFuncs;
+ // Maps special function names to function parameters and return types
+ // used by CPython API in the mapping protocol.
+ QHash<QString, QPair<QString, QString> > m_mappingProtocol;
+ // Mapping protocol structure members names.
+ static QHash<QString, QString> m_mpFuncs;
+ static QString m_currentErrorCode;
+ /// Helper class to set and restore the current error code.
+ class ErrorCode {
+ public:
+ explicit ErrorCode(QString errorCode) {
+ m_savedErrorCode = CppGenerator::m_currentErrorCode;
+ CppGenerator::m_currentErrorCode = errorCode;
+ }
+ explicit ErrorCode(int errorCode) {
+ m_savedErrorCode = CppGenerator::m_currentErrorCode;
+ CppGenerator::m_currentErrorCode = QString::number(errorCode);
+ }
+ ~ErrorCode() {
+ CppGenerator::m_currentErrorCode = m_savedErrorCode;
+ }
+ private:
+ QString m_savedErrorCode;
+ };