path: root/sources/shiboken6/libshiboken/basewrapper.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'sources/shiboken6/libshiboken/basewrapper.h')
1 files changed, 519 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sources/shiboken6/libshiboken/basewrapper.h b/sources/shiboken6/libshiboken/basewrapper.h
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+++ b/sources/shiboken6/libshiboken/basewrapper.h
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+// Copyright (C) 2019 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only
+#include "sbkpython.h"
+#include "shibokenmacros.h"
+#include "sbktypefactory.h"
+#include <vector>
+#include <string>
+extern "C"
+struct SbkConverter;
+struct SbkObjectPrivate;
+/// Base Python object for all the wrapped C++ classes.
+struct LIBSHIBOKEN_API SbkObject
+ PyObject_HEAD
+ /// Instance dictionary.
+ PyObject *ob_dict;
+ /// List of weak references
+ PyObject *weakreflist;
+ SbkObjectPrivate *d;
+/// PYSIDE-939: A general replacement for object_dealloc.
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void Sbk_object_dealloc(PyObject *self);
+/// Dealloc the python object \p pyObj and the C++ object represented by it.
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void SbkDeallocWrapper(PyObject *pyObj);
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void SbkDeallocQAppWrapper(PyObject *pyObj);
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void SbkDeallocWrapperWithPrivateDtor(PyObject *self);
+/// Function signature for the multiple inheritance information initializers that should be provided by classes with multiple inheritance.
+using MultipleInheritanceInitFunction = int *(*)(const void *);
+ * Special cast function is used to correctly cast an object when it's
+ * part of a multiple inheritance hierarchy.
+ * The implementation of this function is auto generated by the generator and you don't need to care about it.
+ */
+using SpecialCastFunction = void *(*)(void *, PyTypeObject *);
+using TypeDiscoveryFunc = PyTypeObject *(*)(void *, PyTypeObject *);
+using TypeDiscoveryFuncV2 = void *(*)(void *, PyTypeObject *);
+// Used in userdata dealloc function
+using DeleteUserDataFunc = void (*)(void *);
+using ObjectDestructor = void (*)(void *);
+using SubTypeInitHook = void (*)(PyTypeObject *, PyObject *, PyObject *);
+/// PYSIDE-1019: Set the function to select the current feature.
+/// Return value is the previous content.
+using SelectableFeatureHook = void (*)(PyTypeObject *);
+using SelectableFeatureCallback = void (*)(bool);
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API SelectableFeatureHook initSelectableFeature(SelectableFeatureHook func);
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void setSelectableFeatureCallback(SelectableFeatureCallback func);
+/// PYSIDE-1626: Enforcing a context switch without further action.
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void SbkObjectType_UpdateFeature(PyTypeObject *type);
+/// PYSIDE-1019: Get access to PySide property strings.
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API const char **SbkObjectType_GetPropertyStrings(PyTypeObject *type);
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void SbkObjectType_SetPropertyStrings(PyTypeObject *type, const char **strings);
+/// PYSIDE-1735: Store the enumFlagInfo.
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void SbkObjectType_SetEnumFlagInfo(PyTypeObject *type, const char **strings);
+/// PYSIDE-1470: Set the function to kill a Q*Application.
+using DestroyQAppHook = void(*)();
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void setDestroyQApplication(DestroyQAppHook func);
+/// PYSIDE-535: Use the C API in PyPy instead of `op->ob_dict`, directly (borrowed ref)
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API PyObject *SbkObject_GetDict_NoRef(PyObject *op);
+extern LIBSHIBOKEN_API PyTypeObject *SbkObjectType_TypeF(void);
+extern LIBSHIBOKEN_API PyTypeObject *SbkObject_TypeF(void);
+struct SbkObjectTypePrivate;
+/// PyTypeObject extended with C++ multiple inheritance information.
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API PyObject *SbkObject_tp_new(PyTypeObject *subtype, PyObject *, PyObject *);
+/// The special case of a switchable singleton Q*Application.
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API PyObject *SbkQApp_tp_new(PyTypeObject *subtype, PyObject *, PyObject *);
+/// Create a new Q*Application wrapper and monitor it.
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API PyObject *MakeQAppWrapper(PyTypeObject *type);
+ * PYSIDE-832: Use object_dealloc instead of nullptr.
+ *
+ * When moving to heaptypes, we were struck by a special default behavior of
+ * PyType_FromSpec that inserts subtype_dealloc when tp_dealloc is
+ * nullptr. But the default before conversion to heaptypes was to assign
+ * object_dealloc. This seems to be a bug in the Limited API.
+ */
+/// PYSIDE-939: Replaced by Sbk_object_dealloc.
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API PyObject *SbkDummyNew(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *, PyObject *);
+/// PYSIDE-74: Fallback used in all types now.
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API PyObject *FallbackRichCompare(PyObject *self, PyObject *other, int op);
+/// PYSIDE-1970: Be easily able to see what is happening in the running code.
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void disassembleFrame(const char *marker);
+/// PYSIDE-2230: Check if an object is an SbkObject.
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API bool SbkObjectType_Check(PyTypeObject *type);
+} // extern "C"
+namespace Shiboken
+* Init shiboken library.
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void init();
+/// PYSIDE-1415: Publish Shiboken objects.
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void initShibokenSupport(PyObject *module);
+/// Delete the class T allocated on \p cptr.
+template<typename T>
+void callCppDestructor(void *cptr)
+ delete reinterpret_cast<T *>(cptr);
+/// setErrorAboutWrongArguments now gets overload information from the signature module.
+/// The extra info argument can contain additional data about the error.
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void setErrorAboutWrongArguments(PyObject *args, const char *funcName,
+ PyObject *info);
+/// Return values for the different retun variants.
+/// This is used instead of goto.
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API PyObject *returnWrongArguments(PyObject *args, const char *funcName,
+ PyObject *info);
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API int returnWrongArguments_Zero(PyObject *args, const char *funcName,
+ PyObject *info);
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API int returnWrongArguments_MinusOne(PyObject *args, const char *funcName,
+ PyObject *info);
+/// A simple special version for the end of rich comparison.
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API PyObject *returnFromRichCompare(PyObject *result);
+// Return error information object if the argument count is wrong
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API PyObject *checkInvalidArgumentCount(Py_ssize_t numArgs,
+ Py_ssize_t minArgs,
+ Py_ssize_t maxArgs);
+namespace ObjectType {
+* Returns true if the object is an instance of a type created by the Shiboken generator.
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API bool checkType(PyTypeObject *pyObj);
+* Returns true if this object is an instance of an user defined type derived from an Shiboken type.
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API bool isUserType(PyTypeObject *pyObj);
+* Returns true if the constructor of \p ctorType can be called for a instance of type \p myType.
+* \note This function set a python error when returning false.
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API bool canCallConstructor(PyTypeObject *myType, PyTypeObject *ctorType);
+ * Tells if the \p type represents an object of a class with multiple inheritance in C++.
+ * When this occurs, the C++ pointer held by the Python wrapper will need to be cast when
+ * passed as a parameter that expects a type of its ancestry.
+ * \returns true if a call to ObjectType::cast() is needed to obtain the correct
+ * C++ pointer for Python objects of type \p type.
+ */
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API bool hasCast(PyTypeObject *type);
+ * Cast the C++ pointer held by a Python object \p obj of type \p sourceType,
+ * to a C++ pointer of a C++ class indicated by type \p targetType.
+ * \returns The cast C++ pointer.
+ */
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void *cast(PyTypeObject *sourceType, SbkObject *obj, PyTypeObject *targetType);
+/// Set the C++ cast function for \p type.
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void setCastFunction(PyTypeObject *type, SpecialCastFunction func);
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void setOriginalName(PyTypeObject *self, const char *name);
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API const char *getOriginalName(PyTypeObject *self);
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void setTypeDiscoveryFunctionV2(PyTypeObject *self, TypeDiscoveryFuncV2 func);
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void copyMultipleInheritance(PyTypeObject *self, PyTypeObject *other);
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void setMultipleInheritanceFunction(PyTypeObject *self, MultipleInheritanceInitFunction func);
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API MultipleInheritanceInitFunction getMultipleInheritanceFunction(PyTypeObject *type);
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void setDestructorFunction(PyTypeObject *self, ObjectDestructor func);
+enum WrapperFlags
+ InnerClass = 0x1,
+ DeleteInMainThread = 0x2,
+ Value = 0x4
+ * Initializes a Shiboken wrapper type and adds it to the module,
+ * or to the enclosing class if the type is an inner class.
+ * This function also calls setDestructorFunction.
+ * \param enclosingObject The module or enclosing class to where the new \p type will be added.
+ * \param typeName Name by which the type will be known in Python.
+ * \param originalName Original C++ name of the type.
+ * \param type The new type to be initialized and added to the module.
+ * \param cppObjDtor Memory deallocation function for the C++ object held by \p type.
+ * Should not be used if the underlying C++ class has a private destructor.
+ * \param baseType Base type from whom the new \p type inherits.
+ * \param baseTypes Other base types from whom the new \p type inherits.
+ * \param isInnerClass Tells if the new \p type is an inner class (the default is that it isn't).
+ * If false then the \p enclosingObject is a module, otherwise it is another
+ * wrapper type.
+ * \returns true if the initialization went fine, false otherwise.
+ */
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API PyTypeObject *introduceWrapperType(PyObject *enclosingObject,
+ const char *typeName,
+ const char *originalName,
+ PyType_Spec *typeSpec,
+ ObjectDestructor cppObjDtor,
+ PyObject *bases,
+ unsigned wrapperFlags = 0);
+ * Set the subtype init hook for a type.
+ *
+ * This hook will be invoked every time the user creates a sub-type inherited from a Shiboken based type.
+ * The hook gets 3 params, they are: The new type being created, args and kwds. The last two are the very
+ * same got from tp_new.
+ */
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void setSubTypeInitHook(PyTypeObject *self, SubTypeInitHook func);
+ * Get the user data previously set by Shiboken::Object::setTypeUserData
+ */
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void *getTypeUserData(PyTypeObject *self);
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void setTypeUserData(PyTypeObject *self, void *userData, DeleteUserDataFunc d_func);
+ * Return an instance of PyTypeObject for a C++ type name as determined by
+ * typeinfo().name().
+ * \param typeName Type name
+ * \since 5.12
+ */
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API PyTypeObject *typeForTypeName(const char *typeName);
+ * Returns whether PyTypeObject has a special cast function (multiple inheritance)
+ * \param sbkType Sbk type
+ * \since 5.12
+ */
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API bool hasSpecialCastFunction(PyTypeObject *sbkType);
+/// Returns whether a C++ pointer of \p baseType can be safely downcast
+/// to \p targetType (base is a direct, single line base class of targetType).
+/// (is a direct, single-line inheritance)
+/// \param baseType Python type of base class
+/// \param targetType Python type of derived class
+/// \since 6.8
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API bool canDowncastTo(PyTypeObject *baseType, PyTypeObject *targetType);
+namespace Object {
+ * Returns a string with information about the internal state of the instance object, useful for debug purposes.
+ */
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API std::string info(SbkObject *self);
+* Returns true if the object is an instance of a type created by the Shiboken generator.
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API bool checkType(PyObject *pyObj);
+ * Returns true if this object type is an instance of an user defined type derived from an Shiboken type.
+ * \see Shiboken::ObjectType::isUserType
+ */
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API bool isUserType(PyObject *pyObj);
+ * Generic function used to make ObjectType hashable, the C++ pointer is used as hash value.
+ */
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API Py_hash_t hash(PyObject *pyObj);
+ * Find a child of given wrapper having same address having the specified type.
+ */
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API SbkObject *findColocatedChild(SbkObject *wrapper,
+ const PyTypeObject *instanceType);
+ * Bind a C++ object to Python. Forwards to
+ * newObjectWithHeuristics(), newObjectForType() depending on \p isExactType.
+ * \param instanceType equivalent Python type for the C++ object.
+ * \param hasOwnership if true, Python will try to delete the underlying C++ object when there's no more refs.
+ * \param isExactType if false, Shiboken will use some heuristics to detect the correct Python type of this C++
+ * object, in any case you must provide \p instanceType, it'll be used as search starting point
+ * and as fallback.
+ * \param typeName If non-null, this will be used as helper to find the correct Python type for this object.
+ */
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API PyObject *newObject(PyTypeObject *instanceType,
+ void *cptr,
+ bool hasOwnership = true,
+ bool isExactType = false,
+ const char *typeName = nullptr);
+/// Bind a C++ object to Python for polymorphic pointers. Calls
+/// newObjectWithHeuristics() with an additional check for multiple
+/// inheritance, in which case it will fall back to instanceType.
+/// \param instanceType Equivalent Python type for the C++ object.
+/// \param hasOwnership if true, Python will try to delete the underlying C++ object
+/// when there's no more refs.
+/// \param typeName If non-null, this will be used as helper to find the correct
+/// Python type for this object (obtained by typeid().name().
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API PyObject *newObjectForPointer(PyTypeObject *instanceType,
+ void *cptr,
+ bool hasOwnership = true,
+ const char *typeName = nullptr);
+/// Bind a C++ object to Python using some heuristics to detect the correct
+/// Python type of this C++ object. In any case \p instanceType must be provided;
+/// it'll be used as search starting point and as fallback.
+/// \param instanceType Equivalent Python type for the C++ object.
+/// \param hasOwnership if true, Python will try to delete the underlying C++ object
+/// C++ object when there are no more references.
+/// when there's no more refs.
+/// \param typeName If non-null, this will be used as helper to find the correct
+/// Python type for this object (obtained by typeid().name().
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API PyObject *newObjectWithHeuristics(PyTypeObject *instanceType,
+ void *cptr,
+ bool hasOwnership = true,
+ const char *typeName = nullptr);
+/// Bind a C++ object to Python using the given type.
+/// \param instanceType Equivalent Python type for the C++ object.
+/// \param hasOwnership if true, Python will try to delete the underlying
+/// C++ object when there are no more references.
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API PyObject *newObjectForType(PyTypeObject *instanceType,
+ void *cptr, bool hasOwnership = true);
+ * Changes the valid flag of a PyObject, invalid objects will raise an exception when someone tries to access it.
+ */
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void setValidCpp(SbkObject *pyObj, bool value);
+ * Tells shiboken the Python object \p pyObj has a C++ wrapper used to intercept virtual method calls.
+ */
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void setHasCppWrapper(SbkObject *pyObj, bool value);
+ * Return true if the Python object \p pyObj has a C++ wrapper used to intercept virtual method calls.
+ */
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API bool hasCppWrapper(SbkObject *pyObj);
+ * Return true if the Python object was created by Python, false otherwise.
+ * \note This function was added to libshiboken only to be used by shiboken.wasCreatedByPython()
+ */
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API bool wasCreatedByPython(SbkObject *pyObj);
+ * Call the C++ object destructor and invalidates the Python object.
+ * \note This function was added to libshiboken only to be used by shiboken.delete()
+ */
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void callCppDestructors(SbkObject *pyObj);
+ * Return true if the Python is responsible for deleting the underlying C++ object.
+ */
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API bool hasOwnership(SbkObject *pyObj);
+ * Sets python as responsible to delete the underlying C++ object.
+ * \note You this overload only when the PyObject can be a sequence and you want to
+ * call this function for every item in the sequence.
+ * \see getOwnership(SbkObject *)
+ */
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void getOwnership(PyObject *pyObj);
+ * Sets python as responsible to delete the underlying C++ object.
+ */
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void getOwnership(SbkObject *pyObj);
+ * Release the ownership, so Python will not delete the underlying C++ object.
+ * \note You this overload only when the PyObject can be a sequence and you want to
+ * call this function for every item in the sequence.
+ * \see releaseOwnership(SbkObject *)
+ */
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void releaseOwnership(PyObject *pyObj);
+ * Release the ownership, so Python will not delete the underlying C++ object.
+ */
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void releaseOwnership(SbkObject *pyObj);
+ * Get the C++ pointer of type \p desiredType from a Python object.
+ */
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void *cppPointer(SbkObject *pyObj, PyTypeObject *desiredType);
+ * Return a list with all C++ pointers held from a Python object.
+ * \note This function was added to libshiboken only to be used by shiboken.getCppPointer()
+ */
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API std::vector<void *>cppPointers(SbkObject *pyObj);
+ * Set the C++ pointer of type \p desiredType of a Python object.
+ */
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API bool setCppPointer(SbkObject *sbkObj, PyTypeObject *desiredType, void *cptr);
+ * Returns false and sets a Python RuntimeError if the Python wrapper is not marked as valid.
+ */
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API bool isValid(PyObject *pyObj);
+ * Returns false if the Python wrapper is not marked as valid.
+ * \param pyObj the object.
+ * \param throwPyError sets a Python RuntimeError when the object isn't valid.
+ */
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API bool isValid(SbkObject *pyObj, bool throwPyError = true);
+ * Returns false if the Python wrapper is not marked as valid.
+ * \param pyObj the object.
+ * \param throwPyError sets a Python RuntimeError when the object isn't valid.
+ */
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API bool isValid(PyObject *pyObj, bool throwPyError);
+* Set the parent of \p child to \p parent.
+* When an object dies, all their children, grandchildren, etc, are tagged as invalid.
+* \param parent the parent object, if null, the child will have no parents.
+* \param child the child.
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void setParent(PyObject *parent, PyObject *child);
+* Remove this child from their parent, if any.
+* \param child the child.
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void removeParent(SbkObject *child, bool giveOwnershipBack = true, bool keepReferenc = false);
+ * Mark the object as invalid
+ */
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void invalidate(SbkObject *self);
+ * Help function can be used to invalidate a sequence of object
+ **/
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void invalidate(PyObject *pyobj);
+ * Make the object valid again
+ */
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void makeValid(SbkObject *self);
+ * Destroy any data in Shiboken structure and c++ pointer if the pyboject has the ownership
+ */
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void destroy(SbkObject *self, void *cppData);
+ * Set user data on type of \p wrapper.
+ * \param wrapper instance object, the user data will be set on his type
+ * \param userData the user data
+ * \param d_func a function used to delete the user data
+ */
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void setTypeUserData(SbkObject *wrapper, void *userData, DeleteUserDataFunc d_func);
+ * Get the user data previously set by Shiboken::Object::setTypeUserData
+ */
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void *getTypeUserData(SbkObject *wrapper);
+ * Increments the reference count of the referred Python object.
+ * A previous Python object in the same position identified by the 'key' parameter
+ * will have its reference counter decremented automatically when replaced.
+ * All the kept references should be decremented when the Python wrapper indicated by
+ * 'self' dies.
+ * No checking is done for any of the passed arguments, since it is meant to be used
+ * by generated code it is supposed that the generator is correct.
+ * \param self the wrapper instance that keeps references to other objects.
+ * \param key a key that identifies the C++ method signature and argument where the referred Object came from.
+ * \param referredObject the object whose reference is used by the self object.
+ */
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void keepReference(SbkObject *self, const char *key, PyObject *referredObject, bool append = false);
+ * Removes any reference previously added by keepReference function
+ * \param self the wrapper instance that keeps references to other objects.
+ * \param key a key that identifies the C++ method signature and argument from where the referred Object came.
+ * \param referredObject the object whose reference is used by the self object.
+ */
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void removeReference(SbkObject *self, const char *key, PyObject *referredObject);
+} // namespace Object
+} // namespace Shiboken
+#endif // BASEWRAPPER_H