path: root/sources/shiboken6/libshiboken/sbkmodule.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sources/shiboken6/libshiboken/sbkmodule.cpp')
1 files changed, 515 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sources/shiboken6/libshiboken/sbkmodule.cpp b/sources/shiboken6/libshiboken/sbkmodule.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ccc7cc2cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/shiboken6/libshiboken/sbkmodule.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,515 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only
+#include "sbkmodule.h"
+#include "autodecref.h"
+#include "basewrapper.h"
+#include "bindingmanager.h"
+#include "sbkstring.h"
+#include "sbkcppstring.h"
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include <unordered_set>
+#include <vector>
+#include <cstring>
+/// This hash maps module objects to arrays of converters.
+using ModuleConvertersMap = std::unordered_map<PyObject *, SbkConverter **> ;
+/// This hash maps module objects to arrays of Python types.
+using ModuleTypesMap = std::unordered_map<PyObject *, Shiboken::Module::TypeInitStruct *> ;
+struct TypeCreationStruct
+ Shiboken::Module::TypeCreationFunction func;
+ std::vector<std::string> subtypeNames;
+/// This hash maps type names to type creation structs.
+using NameToTypeFunctionMap = std::unordered_map<std::string, TypeCreationStruct> ;
+/// This hash maps module objects to maps of names to functions.
+using ModuleToFuncsMap = std::unordered_map<PyObject *, NameToTypeFunctionMap> ;
+/// All types produced in imported modules are mapped here.
+static ModuleTypesMap moduleTypes;
+static ModuleConvertersMap moduleConverters;
+static ModuleToFuncsMap moduleToFuncs;
+namespace Shiboken
+namespace Module
+// PYSIDE-2404: Replacing the arguments generated by cpythonTypeNameExt
+// by a function call.
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API PyTypeObject *get(TypeInitStruct &typeStruct)
+ if (typeStruct.type != nullptr)
+ return typeStruct.type;
+ static PyObject *sysModules = PyImport_GetModuleDict();
+ // The slow path for initialization.
+ // We get the type by following the chain from the module.
+ // As soon as types[index] gets filled, we can stop.
+ std::string_view names(typeStruct.fullName);
+ const bool usePySide = names.compare(0, 8, "PySide6.") == 0;
+ auto dotPos = usePySide ? names.find('.', 8) : names.find('.');
+ auto startPos = dotPos + 1;
+ AutoDecRef modName(String::fromCppStringView(names.substr(0, dotPos)));
+ auto *modOrType = PyDict_GetItem(sysModules, modName);
+ if (modOrType == nullptr) {
+ PyErr_Format(PyExc_SystemError, "Module %s should already be in sys.modules",
+ PyModule_GetName(modOrType));
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ do {
+ dotPos = names.find('.', startPos);
+ auto typeName = dotPos != std::string::npos
+ ? names.substr(startPos, dotPos - startPos)
+ : names.substr(startPos);
+ startPos = dotPos + 1;
+ AutoDecRef obTypeName(String::fromCppStringView(typeName));
+ modOrType = PyObject_GetAttr(modOrType, obTypeName);
+ } while (typeStruct.type == nullptr && dotPos != std::string::npos);
+ return typeStruct.type;
+static void incarnateHelper(PyObject *module, const std::string_view names,
+ const NameToTypeFunctionMap &nameToFunc)
+ auto dotPos = names.find('.');
+ std::string::size_type startPos = 0;
+ auto *modOrType{module};
+ while (dotPos != std::string::npos) {
+ auto typeName = names.substr(startPos, dotPos - startPos);
+ AutoDecRef obTypeName(String::fromCppStringView(typeName));
+ modOrType = PyObject_GetAttr(modOrType, obTypeName);
+ startPos = dotPos + 1;
+ dotPos = names.find('.', startPos);
+ }
+ // now we have the type to create.
+ auto funcIter = nameToFunc.find(std::string(names));
+ // - call this function that returns a PyTypeObject
+ auto tcStruct = funcIter->second;
+ auto initFunc = tcStruct.func;
+ PyTypeObject *type = initFunc(modOrType);
+ auto name = names.substr(startPos);
+ PyObject_SetAttrString(modOrType, name.data(), reinterpret_cast<PyObject *>(type));
+static void incarnateSubtypes(PyObject *module,
+ const std::vector<std::string> &nameList,
+ NameToTypeFunctionMap &nameToFunc)
+ for (auto const & tableIter : nameList) {
+ std::string_view names(tableIter);
+ incarnateHelper(module, names, nameToFunc);
+ }
+static PyTypeObject *incarnateType(PyObject *module, const char *name,
+ NameToTypeFunctionMap &nameToFunc)
+ // - locate the name and retrieve the generating function
+ auto funcIter = nameToFunc.find(name);
+ if (funcIter == nameToFunc.end()) {
+ // attribute does really not exist.
+ PyErr_SetNone(PyExc_AttributeError);
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ // - call this function that returns a PyTypeObject
+ auto tcStruct = funcIter->second;
+ auto initFunc = tcStruct.func;
+ auto *modOrType{module};
+ // PYSIDE-2404: Make sure that no switching happens during type creation.
+ auto saveFeature = initSelectableFeature(nullptr);
+ PyTypeObject *type = initFunc(modOrType);
+ if (!tcStruct.subtypeNames.empty())
+ incarnateSubtypes(module, tcStruct.subtypeNames, nameToFunc);
+ initSelectableFeature(saveFeature);
+ // - assign this object to the name in the module
+ auto *res = reinterpret_cast<PyObject *>(type);
+ Py_INCREF(res);
+ PyModule_AddObject(module, name, res); // steals reference
+ // - remove the entry, if not by something cleared.
+ if (!nameToFunc.empty())
+ nameToFunc.erase(funcIter);
+ // - return the PyTypeObject.
+ return type;
+// PYSIDE-2404: Make sure that the mentioned classes really exist.
+// Used in `Pyside::typeName`. Because the result will be cached by
+// the creation of the type(s), this is efficient.
+void loadLazyClassesWithName(const char *name)
+ for (auto const & tableIter : moduleToFuncs) {
+ auto nameToFunc = tableIter.second;
+ auto funcIter = nameToFunc.find(name);
+ if (funcIter != nameToFunc.end()) {
+ // attribute exists in the lazy types.
+ auto *module = tableIter.first;
+ incarnateType(module, name, nameToFunc);
+ }
+ }
+// PYSIDE-2404: Completely load all not yet loaded classes.
+// This is needed to resolve a star import.
+void resolveLazyClasses(PyObject *module)
+ // - locate the module in the moduleTofuncs mapping
+ auto tableIter = moduleToFuncs.find(module);
+ if (tableIter == moduleToFuncs.end())
+ return;
+ // - see if there are still unloaded elements
+ auto &nameToFunc = tableIter->second;
+ // - incarnate all types.
+ while (!nameToFunc.empty()) {
+ auto it = nameToFunc.begin();
+ auto attrNameStr = it->first;
+ incarnateType(module, attrNameStr.c_str(), nameToFunc);
+ }
+// PYSIDE-2404: Override the gettattr function of modules.
+static getattrofunc origModuleGetattro{};
+// PYSIDE-2404: Use the patched module getattr to do on-demand initialization.
+// This modifies _all_ modules but should have no impact.
+static PyObject *PyModule_lazyGetAttro(PyObject *module, PyObject *name)
+ // - check if the attribute is present and return it.
+ auto *attr = PyObject_GenericGetAttr(module, name);
+ // - we handle AttributeError, only.
+ if (!(attr == nullptr && PyErr_ExceptionMatches(PyExc_AttributeError)))
+ return attr;
+ PyErr_Clear();
+ // - locate the module in the moduleTofuncs mapping
+ auto tableIter = moduleToFuncs.find(module);
+ // - if this is not our module, use the original
+ if (tableIter == moduleToFuncs.end())
+ return origModuleGetattro(module, name);
+ // - locate the name and retrieve the generating function
+ const char *attrNameStr = Shiboken::String::toCString(name);
+ auto &nameToFunc = tableIter->second;
+ // - create the real type and handle subtypes
+ auto *type = incarnateType(module, attrNameStr, nameToFunc);
+ auto *ret = reinterpret_cast<PyObject *>(type);
+ // - if attribute does really not exist use the original
+ if (ret == nullptr && PyErr_ExceptionMatches(PyExc_AttributeError)) {
+ PyErr_Clear();
+ return origModuleGetattro(module, name);
+ }
+ return ret;
+// PYSIDE-2404: Supply a new module dir for not yet visible entries.
+// This modification is only for "our" modules.
+static PyObject *_module_dir_template(PyObject * /* self */, PyObject *args)
+ static PyObject *const _dict = Shiboken::String::createStaticString("__dict__");
+ // The dir function must replace all of the builtin function.
+ PyObject *module{};
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O", &module))
+ return nullptr;
+ auto tableIter = moduleToFuncs.find(module);
+ assert(tableIter != moduleToFuncs.end());
+ Shiboken::AutoDecRef dict(PyObject_GetAttr(module, _dict));
+ auto *ret = PyDict_Keys(dict);
+ // Now add all elements that were not yet in the dict.
+ auto &nameToFunc = tableIter->second;
+ for (const auto &funcIter : nameToFunc) {
+ const char *name = funcIter.first.c_str();
+ Shiboken::AutoDecRef pyName(PyUnicode_FromString(name));
+ PyList_Append(ret, pyName);
+ }
+ return ret;
+static PyMethodDef module_methods[] = {
+ {"__dir__", (PyCFunction)_module_dir_template, METH_VARARGS, nullptr},
+ {nullptr, nullptr, 0, nullptr}
+// Python 3.8 - 3.12
+static int const LOAD_CONST_312 = 100;
+static int const IMPORT_NAME_312 = 108;
+static bool isImportStar(PyObject *module)
+ // Find out whether we have a star import. This must work even
+ // when we have no import support from feature.
+ static PyObject *const _f_code = Shiboken::String::createStaticString("f_code");
+ static PyObject *const _f_lasti = Shiboken::String::createStaticString("f_lasti");
+ static PyObject *const _f_back = Shiboken::String::createStaticString("f_back");
+ static PyObject *const _co_code = Shiboken::String::createStaticString("co_code");
+ static PyObject *const _co_consts = Shiboken::String::createStaticString("co_consts");
+ static PyObject *const _co_names = Shiboken::String::createStaticString("co_names");
+ auto *obFrame = reinterpret_cast<PyObject *>(PyEval_GetFrame());
+ if (obFrame == nullptr)
+ return true; // better assume worst-case.
+ Py_INCREF(obFrame);
+ AutoDecRef dec_frame(obFrame);
+ // Calculate the offset of the running import_name opcode on the stack.
+ // Right before that there must be a load_const with the tuple `("*",)`.
+ while (dec_frame.object() != Py_None) {
+ AutoDecRef dec_f_code(PyObject_GetAttr(dec_frame, _f_code));
+ AutoDecRef dec_co_code(PyObject_GetAttr(dec_f_code, _co_code));
+ AutoDecRef dec_f_lasti(PyObject_GetAttr(dec_frame, _f_lasti));
+ Py_ssize_t f_lasti = PyLong_AsSsize_t(dec_f_lasti);
+ Py_ssize_t code_len;
+ char *co_code{};
+ PyBytes_AsStringAndSize(dec_co_code, &co_code, &code_len);
+ uint8_t opcode2 = co_code[f_lasti];
+ uint8_t opcode1 = co_code[f_lasti - 2];
+ if (opcode1 == LOAD_CONST_312 && opcode2 == IMPORT_NAME_312) {
+ uint8_t oparg1 = co_code[f_lasti - 1];
+ uint8_t oparg2 = co_code[f_lasti + 1];
+ AutoDecRef dec_co_consts(PyObject_GetAttr(dec_f_code, _co_consts));
+ auto *fromlist = PyTuple_GetItem(dec_co_consts, oparg1);
+ if (PyTuple_Check(fromlist) && PyTuple_Size(fromlist) == 1
+ && Shiboken::String::toCString(PyTuple_GetItem(fromlist, 0))[0] == '*') {
+ AutoDecRef dec_co_names(PyObject_GetAttr(dec_f_code, _co_names));
+ const char *name = String::toCString(PyTuple_GetItem(dec_co_names, oparg2));
+ const char *modName = PyModule_GetName(module);
+ if (std::strcmp(name, modName) == 0)
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ dec_frame.reset(PyObject_GetAttr(dec_frame, _f_back));
+ }
+ return false;
+// PYSIDE-2404: These modules produce ambiguous names which we cannot handle, yet.
+static std::unordered_set<std::string> dontLazyLoad{
+ "sample",
+ "smart",
+ "testbinding"
+static const std::unordered_set<std::string> knownModules{
+ "shiboken6.Shiboken",
+ "minimal",
+ "other",
+ "sample",
+ "smart",
+ "scriptableapplication",
+ "testbinding"
+static bool canNotLazyLoad(PyObject *module)
+ const char *modName = PyModule_GetName(module);
+ // There are no more things that must be disabled :-D
+ return dontLazyLoad.find(modName) != dontLazyLoad.end();
+static bool shouldLazyLoad(PyObject *module)
+ const char *modName = PyModule_GetName(module);
+ if (knownModules.find(modName) != knownModules.end())
+ return true;
+ return std::strncmp(modName, "PySide6.", 8) == 0;
+void checkIfShouldLoadImmediately(PyObject *module, const std::string &name,
+ const NameToTypeFunctionMap &nameToFunc)
+ static const char *flag = getenv("PYSIDE6_OPTION_LAZY");
+ static const int value = flag != nullptr ? std::atoi(flag) : 1;
+ // PYSIDE-2404: Lazy Loading
+ //
+ // Options:
+ // 0 - switch lazy loading off.
+ // 1 - lazy loading for all known modules.
+ // 3 - lazy loading for any module.
+ //
+ // By default we lazy load all known modules (option = 1).
+ if (value == 0 // completely disabled
+ || canNotLazyLoad(module) // for some reason we cannot lazy load
+ || (value == 1 && !shouldLazyLoad(module)) // not a known module
+ ) {
+ incarnateHelper(module, name, nameToFunc);
+ }
+void AddTypeCreationFunction(PyObject *module,
+ const char *name,
+ TypeCreationFunction func)
+ // - locate the module in the moduleTofuncs mapping
+ auto tableIter = moduleToFuncs.find(module);
+ assert(tableIter != moduleToFuncs.end());
+ // - Assign the name/generating function tcStruct.
+ auto &nameToFunc = tableIter->second;
+ TypeCreationStruct tcStruct{func, {}};
+ auto nit = nameToFunc.find(name);
+ if (nit == nameToFunc.end())
+ nameToFunc.insert(std::make_pair(name, tcStruct));
+ else
+ nit->second = tcStruct;
+ checkIfShouldLoadImmediately(module, name, nameToFunc);
+void AddTypeCreationFunction(PyObject *module,
+ const char *containerName,
+ TypeCreationFunction func,
+ const char *namePath)
+ // - locate the module in the moduleTofuncs mapping
+ auto tableIter = moduleToFuncs.find(module);
+ assert(tableIter != moduleToFuncs.end());
+ // - Assign the name/generating function tcStruct.
+ auto &nameToFunc = tableIter->second;
+ auto nit = nameToFunc.find(containerName);
+ // - insert namePath into the subtype vector of the main type.
+ nit->second.subtypeNames.push_back(namePath);
+ // - insert it also as its own entry.
+ nit = nameToFunc.find(namePath);
+ TypeCreationStruct tcStruct{func, {}};
+ if (nit == nameToFunc.end())
+ nameToFunc.insert(std::make_pair(namePath, tcStruct));
+ else
+ nit->second = tcStruct;
+ checkIfShouldLoadImmediately(module, namePath, nameToFunc);
+PyObject *import(const char *moduleName)
+ PyObject *sysModules = PyImport_GetModuleDict();
+ PyObject *module = PyDict_GetItemString(sysModules, moduleName);
+ if (module != nullptr)
+ Py_INCREF(module);
+ else
+ module = PyImport_ImportModule(moduleName);
+ if (module == nullptr)
+ PyErr_Format(PyExc_ImportError, "could not import module '%s'", moduleName);
+ return module;
+// PYSIDE-2404: Redirecting import for "import *" support.
+// The first import will be handled by the isImportStar function.
+// But the same module might be imported twice, which would give no
+// introspection due to module caching.
+static PyObject *origImportFunc{};
+static PyObject *lazy_import(PyObject * /* self */, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+ auto *ret = PyObject_Call(origImportFunc, args, kwds);
+ if (ret != nullptr) {
+ // PYSIDE-2404: Support star import when lazy loading.
+ if (PyTuple_Size(args) >= 4) {
+ auto *fromlist = PyTuple_GetItem(args, 3);
+ if (PyTuple_Check(fromlist) && PyTuple_Size(fromlist) == 1
+ && Shiboken::String::toCString(PyTuple_GetItem(fromlist, 0))[0] == '*')
+ Shiboken::Module::resolveLazyClasses(ret);
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+static PyMethodDef lazy_methods[] = {
+ {"__lazy_import__", (PyCFunction)lazy_import, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS, nullptr},
+ {nullptr, nullptr, 0, nullptr}
+PyObject *create(const char * /* modName */, void *moduleData)
+ static auto *sysModules = PyImport_GetModuleDict();
+ static auto *builtins = PyEval_GetBuiltins();
+ static auto *partial = Pep_GetPartialFunction();
+ static bool lazy_init{};
+ Shiboken::init();
+ auto *module = PyModule_Create(reinterpret_cast<PyModuleDef *>(moduleData));
+ // Setup of a dir function for "missing" classes.
+ auto *moduleDirTemplate = PyCFunction_NewEx(module_methods, nullptr, nullptr);
+ // Turn this function into a bound object, so we have access to the module.
+ auto *moduleDir = PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs(partial, moduleDirTemplate, module, nullptr);
+ PyModule_AddObject(module, module_methods->ml_name, moduleDir); // steals reference
+ // Insert an initial empty table for the module.
+ NameToTypeFunctionMap empty;
+ moduleToFuncs.insert(std::make_pair(module, empty));
+ // A star import must be done unconditionally. Use the complete name.
+ if (isImportStar(module))
+ dontLazyLoad.insert(PyModule_GetName(module));
+ if (!lazy_init) {
+ // Install the getattr patch.
+ origModuleGetattro = PyModule_Type.tp_getattro;
+ PyModule_Type.tp_getattro = PyModule_lazyGetAttro;
+ // Add the lazy import redirection.
+ origImportFunc = PyDict_GetItemString(builtins, "__import__");
+ auto *func = PyCFunction_NewEx(lazy_methods, nullptr, nullptr);
+ PyDict_SetItemString(builtins, "__import__", func);
+ // Everything is set.
+ lazy_init = true;
+ }
+ // PYSIDE-2404: Nuitka inserts some additional code in standalone mode
+ // in an invisible virtual module (i.e. `QtCore-postLoad`)
+ // that gets imported before the running import can call
+ // `_PyImport_FixupExtensionObject` which does the insertion
+ // into `sys.modules`. This can cause a race condition.
+ // Insert the module early into the module dict to prevend recursion.
+ PyDict_SetItemString(sysModules, PyModule_GetName(module), module);
+ // Clear the non-existing name cache because we have a new module.
+ Shiboken::Conversions::clearNegativeLazyCache();
+ return module;
+void registerTypes(PyObject *module, TypeInitStruct *types)
+ auto iter = moduleTypes.find(module);
+ if (iter == moduleTypes.end())
+ moduleTypes.insert(std::make_pair(module, types));
+TypeInitStruct *getTypes(PyObject *module)
+ auto iter = moduleTypes.find(module);
+ return (iter == moduleTypes.end()) ? 0 : iter->second;
+void registerTypeConverters(PyObject *module, SbkConverter **converters)
+ auto iter = moduleConverters.find(module);
+ if (iter == moduleConverters.end())
+ moduleConverters.insert(std::make_pair(module, converters));
+SbkConverter **getTypeConverters(PyObject *module)
+ auto iter = moduleConverters.find(module);
+ return (iter == moduleConverters.end()) ? 0 : iter->second;
+} } // namespace Shiboken::Module