path: root/sources/shiboken6/shibokenmodule/files.dir/shibokensupport/signature/lib/pyi_generator.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sources/shiboken6/shibokenmodule/files.dir/shibokensupport/signature/lib/pyi_generator.py')
1 files changed, 334 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sources/shiboken6/shibokenmodule/files.dir/shibokensupport/signature/lib/pyi_generator.py b/sources/shiboken6/shibokenmodule/files.dir/shibokensupport/signature/lib/pyi_generator.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ce12dd6c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/shiboken6/shibokenmodule/files.dir/shibokensupport/signature/lib/pyi_generator.py
@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only
+# flake8: noqa E:402
+This script generates .pyi files for arbitrary modules.
+import argparse
+import io
+import logging
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+import typing
+from pathlib import Path
+from contextlib import contextmanager
+from textwrap import dedent
+from shibokensupport.signature.lib.enum_sig import HintingEnumerator
+from shibokensupport.signature.lib.tool import build_brace_pattern
+# Can we use forward references?
+USE_PEP563 = sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 7)
+indent = " " * 4
+class Writer(object):
+ def __init__(self, outfile, *args):
+ self.outfile = outfile
+ self.history = [True, True]
+ def print(self, *args, **kw):
+ # controlling too much blank lines
+ if self.outfile:
+ if args == () or args == ("",):
+ # We use that to skip too many blank lines:
+ if self.history[-2:] == [True, True]:
+ return
+ print("", file=self.outfile, **kw)
+ self.history.append(True)
+ else:
+ print(*args, file=self.outfile, **kw)
+ self.history.append(False)
+class Formatter(Writer):
+ """
+ Formatter is formatting the signature listing of an enumerator.
+ It is written as context managers in order to avoid many callbacks.
+ The separation in formatter and enumerator is done to keep the
+ unrelated tasks of enumeration and formatting apart.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, outfile, options, *args):
+ # XXX Find out which of these patches is still necessary!
+ self.options = options
+ Writer.__init__(self, outfile, *args)
+ # patching __repr__ to disable the __repr__ of typing.TypeVar:
+ """
+ def __repr__(self):
+ if self.__covariant__:
+ prefix = '+'
+ elif self.__contravariant__:
+ prefix = '-'
+ else:
+ prefix = '~'
+ return prefix + self.__name__
+ """
+ def _typevar__repr__(self):
+ return f"typing.{self.__name__}"
+ # This is no longer necessary for modern typing versions.
+ # Ignore therefore if the repr is read-only and cannot be changed.
+ try:
+ typing.TypeVar.__repr__ = _typevar__repr__
+ except TypeError:
+ pass
+ # Adding a pattern to substitute "Union[T, NoneType]" by "Optional[T]"
+ # I tried hard to replace typing.Optional by a simple override, but
+ # this became _way_ too much.
+ # See also the comment in layout.py .
+ brace_pat = build_brace_pattern(3, ",")
+ pattern = fr"\b Union \s* \[ \s* {brace_pat} \s*, \s* NoneType \s* \]"
+ replace = r"Optional[\1]"
+ optional_searcher = re.compile(pattern, flags=re.VERBOSE)
+ def optional_replacer(source):
+ return optional_searcher.sub(replace, str(source))
+ self.optional_replacer = optional_replacer
+ # self.level is maintained by enum_sig.py
+ # self.is_method() is true for non-plain functions.
+ def section(self):
+ if self.level == 0:
+ self.print()
+ self.print()
+ @contextmanager
+ def module(self, mod_name):
+ self.mod_name = mod_name
+ txt = f"""\
+ # Module `{mod_name}`
+ """
+ self.print(dedent(txt))
+ yield
+ @contextmanager
+ def klass(self, class_name, class_str):
+ spaces = indent * self.level
+ while "." in class_name:
+ class_name = class_name.split(".", 1)[-1]
+ class_str = class_str.split(".", 1)[-1]
+ if self.have_body:
+ self.print(f"{spaces}class {class_str}:")
+ else:
+ self.print(f"{spaces}class {class_str}: ...")
+ yield
+ @contextmanager
+ def function(self, func_name, signature, decorator=None):
+ if func_name == "__init__":
+ self.print()
+ key = func_name
+ spaces = indent * self.level
+ if isinstance(signature, list):
+ for sig in signature:
+ self.print(f'{spaces}@overload')
+ self._function(func_name, sig, spaces)
+ else:
+ self._function(func_name, signature, spaces, decorator)
+ if func_name == "__init__":
+ self.print()
+ yield key
+ def _function(self, func_name, signature, spaces, decorator=None):
+ if decorator:
+ # In case of a PyClassProperty the classmethod decorator is not used.
+ self.print(f'{spaces}@{decorator}')
+ elif self.is_method() and "self" not in signature.parameters:
+ kind = "class" if "cls" in signature.parameters else "static"
+ self.print(f'{spaces}@{kind}method')
+ signature = self.optional_replacer(signature)
+ self.print(f'{spaces}def {func_name}{signature}: ...')
+ @contextmanager
+ def enum(self, class_name, enum_name, value):
+ spaces = indent * self.level
+ hexval = hex(value)
+ self.print(f"{spaces}{enum_name:25}: {class_name} = ... # {hexval}")
+ yield
+ @contextmanager
+ def attribute(self, attr_name, attr_value):
+ spaces = indent * self.level
+ self.print(f"{spaces}{attr_name:25} = ... # type: {type(attr_value).__qualname__}")
+ yield
+ @contextmanager
+ def signal(self, class_name, sig_name, sig_str):
+ spaces = indent * self.level
+ self.print(f"{spaces}{sig_name:25}: ClassVar[{class_name}] = ... # {sig_str}")
+ yield
+def find_imports(text):
+ return [imp for imp in PySide6.__all__ if f"PySide6.{imp}." in text]
+ (None, ["builtins"]),
+ (None, ["os"]),
+ (None, ["enum"]),
+ ("collections.abc", ["Iterable"]),
+ ("typing", sorted(typing.__all__)),
+ ("PySide6.QtCore", ["PyClassProperty", "Signal", "SignalInstance"]),
+ ("shiboken6", ["Shiboken"]),
+ ]
+def filter_from_imports(from_struct, text):
+ """
+ Build a reduced new `from` structure (nfs) with found entries, only
+ """
+ nfs = []
+ for mod, imports in from_struct:
+ lis = []
+ nfs.append((mod, lis))
+ for each in imports:
+ # PYSIDE-1603: We search text that is a usage of the class `each`,
+ # but only if the class is not also defined here.
+ if (f"class {each}(") not in text:
+ if re.search(rf"(\b|@){each}\b([^\s\(:]|\n)", text):
+ lis.append(each)
+ # Search if a type is present in the return statement
+ # of function declarations: '... -> here:'
+ if re.search(rf"->.*{each}.*:", text):
+ lis.append(each)
+ if not lis:
+ nfs.pop()
+ return nfs
+def find_module(import_name, outpath, from_pyside):
+ """
+ Find a module either directly by import, or use the full path,
+ add the path to sys.path and import then.
+ """
+ if from_pyside:
+ # internal mode for generate_pyi.py
+ plainname = import_name.split(".")[-1]
+ outfilepath = Path(outpath) / f"{plainname}.pyi"
+ return import_name, plainname, outfilepath
+ # we are alone in external module mode
+ p = Path(import_name).resolve()
+ if not p.exists():
+ raise ValueError(f"File {p} does not exist.")
+ if not outpath:
+ outpath = p.parent
+ # temporarily add the path and do the import
+ sys.path.insert(0, os.fspath(p.parent))
+ plainname = p.name.split(".")[0]
+ __import__(plainname)
+ sys.path.pop(0)
+ return plainname, plainname, Path(outpath) / (plainname + ".pyi")
+def generate_pyi(import_name, outpath, options):
+ """
+ Generates a .pyi file.
+ """
+ import_name, plainname, outfilepath = find_module(import_name, outpath, options._pyside_call)
+ top = __import__(import_name)
+ obj = getattr(top, plainname) if import_name != plainname else top
+ if not getattr(obj, "__file__", None) or Path(obj.__file__).is_dir():
+ raise ModuleNotFoundError(f"We do not accept a namespace as module `{plainname}`")
+ outfile = io.StringIO()
+ fmt = Formatter(outfile, options)
+ fmt.print(LICENSE_TEXT.strip())
+ if USE_PEP563:
+ fmt.print("from __future__ import annotations")
+ fmt.print()
+ fmt.print(dedent(f'''\
+ """
+ This file contains the exact signatures for all functions in module
+ {import_name}, except for defaults which are replaced by "...".
+ """
+ '''))
+ HintingEnumerator(fmt).module(import_name)
+ fmt.print("# eof")
+ # Postprocess: resolve the imports
+ if options._pyside_call:
+ global PySide6
+ import PySide6
+ with outfilepath.open("w") as realfile:
+ wr = Writer(realfile)
+ outfile.seek(0)
+ while True:
+ line = outfile.readline()
+ if not line:
+ break
+ line = line.rstrip()
+ # we remove the "<<IMPORTS>>" marker and insert imports if needed
+ if line == "<<IMPORTS>>":
+ text = outfile.getvalue()
+ wr.print("import " + import_name)
+ for mod_name in find_imports(text):
+ imp = "PySide6." + mod_name
+ if imp != import_name:
+ wr.print("import " + imp)
+ wr.print()
+ for mod, imports in filter_from_imports(FROM_IMPORTS, text):
+ import_args = ', '.join(imports)
+ if mod is None:
+ # special case, a normal import
+ wr.print(f"import {import_args}")
+ else:
+ wr.print(f"from {mod} import {import_args}")
+ wr.print()
+ wr.print()
+ wr.print("NoneType: TypeAlias = type[None]")
+ wr.print()
+ else:
+ wr.print(line)
+ if not options.quiet:
+ options.logger.info(f"Generated: {outfilepath}")
+def main():
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,
+ description=dedent("""\
+ pyi_generator.py
+ ----------------
+ This script generates the .pyi file for an arbitrary module.
+ You pass in the full path of a compiled, importable module.
+ pyi_generator will try to generate an interface "<module>.pyi".
+ """))
+ parser.add_argument("module",
+ help="The full path name of an importable module binary (.pyd, .so)") # noqa E:128
+ parser.add_argument("--quiet", action="store_true", help="Run quietly")
+ parser.add_argument("--outpath",
+ help="the output directory (default = location of module binary)") # noqa E:128
+ options = parser.parse_args()
+ module = options.module
+ outpath = options.outpath
+ qtest_env = os.environ.get("QTEST_ENVIRONMENT", "")
+ logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG if qtest_env else logging.INFO)
+ logger = logging.getLogger("pyi_generator")
+ if outpath and not Path(outpath).exists():
+ os.makedirs(outpath)
+ logger.info(f"+++ Created path {outpath}")
+ options._pyside_call = False
+ options.is_ci = qtest_env == "ci"
+ options.logger = logger
+ generate_pyi(module, outpath, options=options)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
+# eof