path: root/sources/shiboken6/shibokenmodule/files.dir/shibokensupport/signature/mapping.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sources/shiboken6/shibokenmodule/files.dir/shibokensupport/signature/mapping.py')
1 files changed, 719 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sources/shiboken6/shibokenmodule/files.dir/shibokensupport/signature/mapping.py b/sources/shiboken6/shibokenmodule/files.dir/shibokensupport/signature/mapping.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..944a928e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/shiboken6/shibokenmodule/files.dir/shibokensupport/signature/mapping.py
@@ -0,0 +1,719 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only
+# flake8: noqa E:203
+This module has the mapping from the pyside C-modules view of signatures
+to the Python representation.
+The PySide modules are not loaded in advance, but only after they appear
+in sys.modules. This minimizes the loading overhead.
+import os
+import struct
+import sys
+import typing
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import TypeVar, Generic
+from _imp import is_builtin
+class ellipsis(object):
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "..."
+ellipsis = ellipsis()
+Point = typing.Tuple[int, int]
+Variant = typing.Any
+QImageCleanupFunction = typing.Callable
+# unfortunately, typing.Optional[t] expands to typing.Union[t, NoneType]
+# Until we can force it to create Optional[t] again, we use this.
+NoneType = type(None)
+_S = TypeVar("_S")
+MultiMap = typing.DefaultDict[str, typing.List[str]]
+# ulong_max is only 32 bit on windows.
+ulong_max = 2 * sys.maxsize + 1 if len(struct.pack("L", 1)) != 4 else 0xffffffff
+ushort_max = 0xffff
+GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT = 0x00004000
+GL_NEAREST = 0x2600
+WId = int
+# from 5.9
+GL_RGBA = 0x1908
+class _NotCalled(str):
+ """
+ Wrap some text with semantics
+ This class is wrapped around text in order to avoid calling it.
+ There are three reasons for this:
+ - some instances cannot be created since they are abstract,
+ - some can only be created after qApp was created,
+ - some have an ugly __repr__ with angle brackets in it.
+ By using derived classes, good looking instances can be created
+ which can be used to generate source code or .pyi files. When the
+ real object is needed, the wrapper can simply be called.
+ """
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return f"{type(self).__name__}({self})"
+ def __call__(self):
+ from shibokensupport.signature.mapping import __dict__ as namespace
+ text = self if self.endswith(")") else self + "()"
+ return eval(text, namespace)
+USE_PEP563 = False
+# Note: we cannot know if this feature has been imported.
+# Otherwise it would be "sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 7)".
+# We *can* eventually inspect sys.modules and look if
+# the calling module has this future statement set,
+# but should we do that?
+# Some types are abstract. They just show their name.
+class Virtual(_NotCalled):
+ pass
+# Other types I simply could not find.
+class Missing(_NotCalled):
+ # The string must be quoted, because the object does not exist.
+ def __repr__(self):
+ if USE_PEP563:
+ return _NotCalled.__repr__(self)
+ return f'{type(self).__name__}("{self}")'
+class Invalid(_NotCalled):
+ pass
+# Helper types
+class Default(_NotCalled):
+ pass
+class Instance(_NotCalled):
+ pass
+# Parameterized primitive variables
+class _Parameterized(object):
+ def __init__(self, type):
+ self.type = type
+ self.__name__ = self.__class__.__name__
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return f"{type(self).__name__}({self.type.__name__})"
+# Mark the primitive variables to be moved into the result.
+class ResultVariable(_Parameterized):
+ pass
+# Mark the primitive variables to become Sequence, Iterable or List
+# (decided in the parser).
+class ArrayLikeVariable(_Parameterized):
+ pass
+StringList = ArrayLikeVariable(str)
+class Reloader(object):
+ """
+ Reloder class
+ This is a singleton class which provides the update function for the
+ shiboken and PySide classes.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.sys_module_count = 0
+ @staticmethod
+ def module_valid(mod):
+ if getattr(mod, "__file__", None) and not Path(mod.__file__).is_dir():
+ ending = Path(mod.__file__).suffix
+ return ending not in (".py", ".pyc", ".pyo", ".pyi")
+ return bool(hasattr(mod, "__name__") and is_builtin(mod.__name__))
+ def update(self):
+ """
+ 'update' imports all binary modules which are already in sys.modules.
+ The reason is to follow all user imports without introducing new ones.
+ This function is called by pyside_type_init to adapt imports
+ when the number of imported modules has changed.
+ """
+ if self.sys_module_count == len(sys.modules):
+ return
+ self.sys_module_count = len(sys.modules)
+ g = globals()
+ # PYSIDE-1009: Try to recognize unknown modules in errorhandler.py
+ candidates = list(mod_name for mod_name in sys.modules.copy()
+ if self.module_valid(sys.modules[mod_name]))
+ for mod_name in candidates:
+ # 'top' is PySide6 when we do 'import PySide.QtCore'
+ # or Shiboken if we do 'import Shiboken'.
+ # Convince yourself that these two lines below have the same
+ # global effect as "import Shiboken" or "import PySide6.QtCore".
+ top = __import__(mod_name)
+ g[top.__name__] = top
+ proc_name = "init_" + mod_name.replace(".", "_")
+ if proc_name in g:
+ # Modules are in place, we can update the type_map.
+ g.update(g.pop(proc_name)())
+def check_module(mod):
+ # During a build, there exist the modules already as directories,
+ # although the '*.so' was not yet created. This causes a problem
+ # in Python 3, because it accepts folders as namespace modules
+ # without enforcing an '__init__.py'.
+ if not Reloader.module_valid(mod):
+ mod_name = mod.__name__
+ raise ImportError(f"Module '{mod_name}' is not a binary module!")
+update_mapping = Reloader().update
+type_map = {}
+namespace = globals() # our module's __dict__
+ "...": ellipsis,
+ "Any": typing.Any,
+ "bool": bool,
+ "char": int,
+ "double": float,
+ "float": float,
+ "int": int,
+ "List": ArrayLikeVariable,
+ "Optional": typing.Optional,
+ "long": int,
+ "long long": int,
+ "nullptr": None,
+ "PyCallable": typing.Callable,
+ "PyObject": object,
+ "PyObject*": object,
+ "PyArrayObject": ArrayLikeVariable, # numpy
+ "PyPathLike": typing.Union[str, bytes, os.PathLike[str]],
+ "PySequence": typing.Iterable, # important for numpy
+ "PyTypeObject": type,
+ "QChar": str,
+ "QHash": typing.Dict,
+ "qint16": int,
+ "qint32": int,
+ "qint64": int,
+ "qint8": int,
+ "int16_t": int,
+ "int32_t": int,
+ "int64_t": int,
+ "int8_t": int,
+ "intptr_t": int,
+ "uintptr_t": int,
+ "qintptr": int,
+ "qsizetype": int,
+ "QFunctionPointer": int,
+ "QList": ArrayLikeVariable,
+ "qlonglong": int,
+ "QMap": typing.Dict,
+ "QMultiHash": typing.Dict,
+ "QMultiMap": typing.Dict,
+ "QPair": typing.Tuple,
+ "qptrdiff": int,
+ "qreal": float,
+ "QSet": typing.Set,
+ "QString": str,
+ "QLatin1String": str,
+ "QStringView": str,
+ "QStringList": StringList,
+ "quint16": int,
+ "quint32": int,
+ "quint32": int,
+ "quint64": int,
+ "quint8": int,
+ "uint16_t": int,
+ "uint32_t": int,
+ "uint64_t": int,
+ "uint8_t": int,
+ "Union": typing.Union,
+ "quintptr": int,
+ "qulonglong": int,
+ "QVariant": Variant,
+ "QVector": typing.List,
+ "QSharedPointer": typing.Tuple,
+ "real": float,
+ "short": int,
+ "signed char": int,
+ "signed long": int,
+ "std.list": typing.List,
+ "std.map": typing.Dict,
+ "std.nullptr_t": NoneType,
+ "std.pair": typing.Tuple,
+ "std.string": str,
+ "std.wstring": str,
+ "std.vector": typing.List,
+ "str": str,
+ "true": True,
+ "Tuple": typing.Tuple,
+ "uchar": int,
+ "uchar*": str,
+ "uint": int,
+ "ulong": int,
+ "ULONG_MAX": ulong_max,
+ "UINT64_MAX": 0xffffffff,
+ "unsigned char": int, # 5.9
+ "unsigned char*": str,
+ "unsigned int": int,
+ "unsigned long int": int, # 5.6, RHEL 6.6
+ "unsigned long long": int,
+ "unsigned long": int,
+ "unsigned short int": int, # 5.6, RHEL 6.6
+ "unsigned short": int,
+ "ushort": int,
+ "void": int, # be more specific?
+ "WId": WId,
+ "zero(bytes)": b"",
+ "zero(Char)": 0,
+ "zero(float)": 0,
+ "zero(int)": 0,
+ "zero(object)": None,
+ "zero(str)": "",
+ "zero(typing.Any)": None,
+ "zero(Any)": None,
+ # This can be refined by importing numpy.typing optionally, but better than nothing.
+ "numpy.ndarray": typing.List[typing.Any],
+ "std.array[int, 4]": typing.List[int],
+ "std.array[float, 4]": typing.List[float]
+ # Handling variables declared as array:
+ "array double*" : ArrayLikeVariable(float),
+ "array float*" : ArrayLikeVariable(float),
+ "array GLint*" : ArrayLikeVariable(int),
+ "array GLuint*" : ArrayLikeVariable(int),
+ "array int*" : ArrayLikeVariable(int),
+ "array long long*" : ArrayLikeVariable(int),
+ "array long*" : ArrayLikeVariable(int),
+ "array short*" : ArrayLikeVariable(int),
+ "array signed char*" : typing.Union[bytes, bytearray, memoryview],
+ "array unsigned char*" : typing.Union[bytes, bytearray, memoryview],
+ "array unsigned int*" : ArrayLikeVariable(int),
+ "array unsigned short*" : ArrayLikeVariable(int),
+ # PYSIDE-1646: New macOS primitive types
+ "array int8_t*" : ArrayLikeVariable(int),
+ "array uint8_t*" : ArrayLikeVariable(int),
+ "array int16_t*" : ArrayLikeVariable(int),
+ "array uint16_t*" : ArrayLikeVariable(int),
+ "array int32_t*" : ArrayLikeVariable(int),
+ "array uint32_t*" : ArrayLikeVariable(int),
+ "array intptr_t*" : ArrayLikeVariable(int),
+ # Special cases:
+ "char*" : typing.Union[bytes, bytearray, memoryview],
+ "QChar*" : typing.Union[bytes, bytearray, memoryview],
+ "quint32*" : int, # only for QRandomGenerator
+ "quint8*" : bytearray, # only for QCborStreamReader and QCborValue
+ "uchar*" : typing.Union[bytes, bytearray, memoryview],
+ "unsigned char*": typing.Union[bytes, bytearray, memoryview],
+ # Handling variables that are returned, eventually as Tuples:
+ "PySide6.QtQml.atomic[bool]": ResultVariable(bool), # QmlIncubationController::incubateWhile()
+ "bool*" : ResultVariable(bool),
+ "float*" : ResultVariable(float),
+ "int*" : ResultVariable(int),
+ "long long*" : ResultVariable(int),
+ "long*" : ResultVariable(int),
+ "PStr*" : ResultVariable(str), # module sample
+ "qint32*" : ResultVariable(int),
+ "qint64*" : ResultVariable(int),
+ "qreal*" : ResultVariable(float),
+ "qsizetype*" : ResultVariable(int),
+ "QString*" : ResultVariable(str),
+ "qintptr*" : ResultVariable(int),
+ "quintptr*" : ResultVariable(int),
+ "quint16*" : ResultVariable(int),
+ "uint*" : ResultVariable(int),
+ "unsigned int*" : ResultVariable(int),
+ "QStringList*" : ResultVariable(StringList),
+ # Hack, until improving the parser:
+ "[typing.Any]" : [typing.Any],
+ "[typing.Any,typing.Any]" : [typing.Any, typing.Any],
+ "None" : None,
+# PYSIDE-1328: We need to handle "self" explicitly.
+ "self" : "self",
+ "cls" : "cls",
+# PYSIDE-1538: We need to treat "std::optional" accordingly.
+ "std.optional": typing.Optional,
+ })
+# The Shiboken Part
+def init_Shiboken():
+ type_map.update({
+ "PyType": type,
+ "shiboken6.bool": bool,
+ "size_t": int,
+ })
+ return locals()
+def init_minimal():
+ type_map.update({
+ "MinBool": bool,
+ })
+ return locals()
+def init_sample():
+ import datetime
+ type_map.update({
+ "char": int,
+ "char**": typing.List[str],
+ "const char*": str,
+ "Complex": complex,
+ "double": float,
+ "ByteArray&": typing.Union[bytes, bytearray, memoryview],
+ "Foo.HANDLE": int,
+ "HANDLE": int,
+ "Null": None,
+ "ObjectType.Identifier": Missing("sample.ObjectType.Identifier"),
+ "OddBool": bool,
+ "PStr": str,
+ "PyDate": datetime.date,
+ "PyBuffer": typing.Union[bytes, bytearray, memoryview],
+ "sample.bool": bool,
+ "sample.char": int,
+ "sample.double": float,
+ "sample.int": int,
+ "sample.ObjectType": object,
+ "sample.OddBool": bool,
+ "sample.Photon.TemplateBase[Photon.DuplicatorType]": sample.Photon.ValueDuplicator,
+ "sample.Photon.TemplateBase[Photon.IdentityType]": sample.Photon.ValueIdentity,
+ "sample.Point": Point,
+ "sample.PStr": str,
+ "SampleNamespace.InValue.ZeroIn": 0,
+ "sample.unsigned char": int,
+ "std.size_t": int,
+ "std.string": str,
+ "ZeroIn": 0,
+ 'Str("<unk")': "<unk",
+ 'Str("<unknown>")': "<unknown>",
+ 'Str("nown>")': "nown>",
+ })
+ return locals()
+def init_other():
+ import numbers
+ type_map.update({
+ "other.ExtendsNoImplicitConversion": Missing("other.ExtendsNoImplicitConversion"),
+ "other.Number": numbers.Number,
+ })
+ return locals()
+def init_smart():
+ # This missing type should be defined in module smart. We cannot set it to Missing()
+ # because it is a container type. Therefore, we supply a surrogate:
+ global SharedPtr
+ class SharedPtr(Generic[_S]):
+ __module__ = "smart"
+ smart.SharedPtr = SharedPtr
+ type_map.update({
+ "smart.Smart.Integer2": int,
+ })
+ return locals()
+# The PySide Part
+def init_PySide6_QtCore():
+ from PySide6.QtCore import Qt, QUrl, QDir, QKeyCombination
+ from PySide6.QtCore import QRect, QRectF, QSize, QPoint, QLocale, QByteArray
+ from PySide6.QtCore import QMarginsF # 5.9
+ from PySide6.QtCore import SignalInstance
+ try:
+ # seems to be not generated by 5.9 ATM.
+ from PySide6.QtCore import Connection
+ except ImportError:
+ pass
+ type_map.update({
+ "' '": " ",
+ "'%'": "%",
+ "'g'": "g",
+ "4294967295UL": 4294967295, # 5.6, RHEL 6.6
+ "CheckIndexOption.NoOption": Instance(
+ "PySide6.QtCore.QAbstractItemModel.CheckIndexOptions.NoOption"), # 5.11
+ "DescriptorType(-1)": int, # Native handle of QSocketDescriptor
+ "false": False,
+ "list of QAbstractAnimation": typing.List[PySide6.QtCore.QAbstractAnimation],
+ "long long": int,
+ "size_t": int,
+ "NULL": None, # 5.6, MSVC
+ "nullptr": None, # 5.9
+ "PyBuffer": typing.Union[bytes, bytearray, memoryview],
+ "PyByteArray": bytearray,
+ "PyBytes": typing.Union[bytes, bytearray, memoryview],
+ "PyTuple": typing.Tuple,
+ "QDeadlineTimer(QDeadlineTimer.Forever)": Instance("PySide6.QtCore.QDeadlineTimer"),
+ "PySide6.QtCore.QUrl.ComponentFormattingOptions":
+ PySide6.QtCore.QUrl.ComponentFormattingOption, # mismatch option/enum, why???
+ "PyUnicode": typing.Text,
+ "QByteArrayView": QByteArray,
+ "Q_NULLPTR": None,
+ "QCalendar.Unspecified": PySide6.QtCore.QCalendar.Unspecified,
+ "QCborTag(-1)": ulong_max,
+ "QDir.Filters(AllEntries | NoDotAndDotDot)": Instance(
+ "QDir.Filters(QDir.AllEntries | QDir.NoDotAndDotDot)"),
+ "QDir.SortFlags(Name | IgnoreCase)": Instance(
+ "QDir.SortFlags(QDir.Name | QDir.IgnoreCase)"),
+ "QEvent.Type.None": None,
+ "QGenericArgument((0))": ellipsis, # 5.6, RHEL 6.6. Is that ok?
+ "QGenericArgument()": ellipsis,
+ "QGenericArgument(0)": ellipsis,
+ "QGenericArgument(NULL)": ellipsis, # 5.6, MSVC
+ "QGenericArgument(nullptr)": ellipsis, # 5.10
+ "QGenericArgument(Q_NULLPTR)": ellipsis,
+ "QJsonObject": typing.Dict[str, PySide6.QtCore.QJsonValue],
+ "QModelIndex()": Invalid("PySide6.QtCore.QModelIndex"), # repr is btw. very wrong, fix it?!
+ "QModelIndexList": typing.List[PySide6.QtCore.QModelIndex],
+ "PySideSignalInstance": SignalInstance,
+ "QString()": "",
+ "Flag.Default": Instance("PySide6.QtCore.QStringConverterBase.Flags"),
+ "QStringList()": [],
+ "QStringRef": str,
+ "QStringRef": str,
+ "Qt.HANDLE": int, # be more explicit with some constants?
+ "QUrl.FormattingOptions(PrettyDecoded)": Instance(
+ "QUrl.FormattingOptions(QUrl.PrettyDecoded)"),
+ "QVariant()": Invalid(Variant),
+ "QVariant.Type": type, # not so sure here...
+ "QVariantMap": typing.Dict[str, Variant],
+ "std.chrono.seconds{5}" : ellipsis,
+ })
+ try:
+ type_map.update({
+ "PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject.Connection": PySide6.QtCore.Connection, # wrong!
+ })
+ except AttributeError:
+ # this does not exist on 5.9 ATM.
+ pass
+ # special case - char* can either be 'bytes' or 'str'. The default is 'bytes'.
+ # Here we manually set it to map to 'str'.
+ type_map.update({("PySide6.QtCore.QObject.setProperty", "char*"): str})
+ type_map.update({("PySide6.QtCore.QObject.property", "char*"): str})
+ return locals()
+def init_PySide6_QtConcurrent():
+ type_map.update({
+ "PySide6.QtCore.QFuture[QString]":
+ PySide6.QtConcurrent.QFutureQString,
+ "PySide6.QtCore.QFuture[void]":
+ PySide6.QtConcurrent.QFutureVoid,
+ })
+ return locals()
+def init_PySide6_QtGui():
+ from PySide6.QtGui import QPageLayout, QPageSize # 5.12 macOS
+ type_map.update({
+ "0.0f": 0.0,
+ "1.0f": 1.0,
+ "int32_t": int,
+ "HBITMAP": int,
+ "HICON": int,
+ "HMONITOR": int,
+ "HRGN": int,
+ "QPixmap()": Default("PySide6.QtGui.QPixmap"), # can't create without qApp
+ "QPlatformSurface*": int, # a handle
+ "QVector< QTextLayout.FormatRange >()": [], # do we need more structure?
+ "uint32_t": int,
+ "uint8_t": int,
+ "USHRT_MAX": ushort_max,
+ })
+ # special case - char* can either be 'bytes' or 'str'. The default is 'bytes'.
+ # Here we manually set it to map to 'str'.
+ type_map.update({("PySide6.QtGui.QPixmap.save", "char*"): str})
+ return locals()
+def init_PySide6_QtWidgets():
+ from PySide6.QtWidgets import (QWidget, QMessageBox, QStyleOption,
+ QStyleHintReturn, QStyleOptionComplex,
+ QGraphicsItem, QStyleOptionGraphicsItem)
+ type_map.update({
+ "QMessageBox.StandardButtons(Yes | No)": Instance(
+ "QMessageBox.StandardButtons(QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No)"),
+ "QWidget.RenderFlags(DrawWindowBackground | DrawChildren)": Instance(
+ "QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.DrawChildren)"),
+ "static_cast<Qt.MatchFlags>(Qt.MatchExactly|Qt.MatchCaseSensitive)": Instance(
+ "Qt.MatchFlags(Qt.MatchExactly | Qt.MatchCaseSensitive)"),
+ "static_cast<Qt.MatchFlag>(Qt.MatchExactly|Qt.MatchCaseSensitive)": Instance(
+ "Qt.MatchFlag(Qt.MatchExactly | Qt.MatchCaseSensitive)"),
+ "QListWidgetItem.ItemType.Type": PySide6.QtWidgets.QListWidgetItem.Type,
+ "QTableWidgetItem.ItemType.Type": PySide6.QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem.Type,
+ "QTreeWidgetItem.ItemType.Type": PySide6.QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItem.Type,
+ })
+ return locals()
+def init_PySide6_QtSql():
+ from PySide6.QtSql import QSqlDatabase
+ type_map.update({
+ "QLatin1StringView(QSqlDatabase.defaultConnection)": QSqlDatabase.defaultConnection,
+ "QVariant.Invalid": Invalid("Variant"), # not sure what I should create, here...
+ })
+ return locals()
+def init_PySide6_QtNetwork():
+ from PySide6.QtNetwork import QNetworkRequest, QHostAddress
+ best_structure = typing.OrderedDict if getattr(typing, "OrderedDict", None) else typing.Dict
+ type_map.update({
+ "QMultiMap[PySide6.QtNetwork.QSsl.AlternativeNameEntryType, QString]":
+ best_structure[PySide6.QtNetwork.QSsl.AlternativeNameEntryType, typing.List[str]],
+ "DefaultTransferTimeoutConstant":
+ QNetworkRequest.TransferTimeoutConstant,
+ "QNetworkRequest.DefaultTransferTimeoutConstant":
+ QNetworkRequest.TransferTimeoutConstant,
+ })
+ del best_structure
+ return locals()
+def init_PySide6_QtOpenGL():
+ type_map.update({
+ "GLbitfield": int,
+ "GLenum": int,
+ "GLfloat": float, # 5.6, MSVC 15
+ "GLint": int,
+ "GLuint": int,
+ })
+ return locals()
+def init_PySide6_QtQml():
+ type_map.update({
+ "VolatileBool": PySide6.QtQml.VolatileBool,
+ })
+ return locals()
+def init_PySide6_QtQuick():
+ type_map.update({
+ "PySide6.QtQuick.QSharedPointer[PySide6.QtQuick.QQuickItemGrabResult]":
+ PySide6.QtQuick.QQuickItemGrabResult,
+ "QSGGeometry.Type.UnsignedShortType": int,
+ })
+ return locals()
+def init_PySide6_QtTest():
+ from PySide6.QtCore import SignalInstance
+ type_map.update({
+ "PySideSignalInstance": SignalInstance,
+ "PySide6.QtTest.QTest.PySideQTouchEventSequence": PySide6.QtTest.QTest.QTouchEventSequence,
+ "PySide6.QtTest.QTouchEventSequence": PySide6.QtTest.QTest.QTouchEventSequence,
+ })
+ return locals()
+# from 5.12, macOS
+def init_PySide6_QtDataVisualization():
+ from PySide6.QtDataVisualization import (QBarDataItem, QSurfaceDataItem)
+ QBarDataRow = typing.List[QBarDataItem]
+ QBarDataArray = typing.List[QBarDataRow]
+ QSurfaceDataRow = typing.List[QSurfaceDataItem]
+ QSurfaceDataArray = typing.List[QSurfaceDataRow]
+ type_map.update({
+ "100.0f": 100.0,
+ "QBarDataArray": QBarDataArray,
+ "QBarDataArray*": QBarDataArray,
+ "QSurfaceDataArray": QSurfaceDataArray,
+ "QSurfaceDataArray*": QSurfaceDataArray,
+ })
+ return locals()
+def init_PySide6_QtBluetooth():
+ type_map.update({
+ "QVariant*": object,
+ })
+ return locals()
+def init_PySide6_QtGraphs():
+ from PySide6.QtGraphs import (QBarDataItem, QSurfaceDataItem)
+ QBarDataRow = typing.List[QBarDataItem]
+ QBarDataArray = typing.List[QBarDataRow]
+ QSurfaceDataRow = typing.List[QSurfaceDataItem]
+ QSurfaceDataArray = typing.List[QSurfaceDataRow]
+ type_map.update({
+ "100.0f": 100.0,
+ "QBarDataArray": QBarDataArray,
+ "QBarDataArray*": QBarDataArray,
+ "QSurfaceDataArray": QSurfaceDataArray,
+ "QSurfaceDataArray*": QSurfaceDataArray,
+ })
+ return locals()
+def init_PySide6_QtHttpServer():
+ type_map.update({
+ "qMakePair(1u, 1u)": (1, 1),
+ })
+ return locals()
+def init_testbinding():
+ type_map.update({
+ "testbinding.PySideCPP2.TestObjectWithoutNamespace": testbinding.TestObjectWithoutNamespace,
+ "testbinding.FlagsNamespace.Options": testbinding.Option,
+ "FlagsNamespace.Option.NoOptions": 0,
+ "StdIntList": typing.List[int],
+ 'Str("")': str(""),
+ })
+ return locals()
+# end of file