path: root/tools/dump_metaobject.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'tools/dump_metaobject.py')
1 files changed, 129 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/dump_metaobject.py b/tools/dump_metaobject.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6898e9317
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/dump_metaobject.py
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only
+"""Helper functions for formatting information on QMetaObject"""
+from PySide6.QtCore import QMetaMethod
+def _qbytearray_to_string(b):
+ return bytes(b.data()).decode('utf-8')
+def _format_metatype(meta_type):
+ return meta_type.id() if meta_type.isValid() else '<invalid>'
+def _dump_metaobject_helper(meta_obj, indent):
+ meta_id = 0
+ # FIXME: Otherwise crashes in Qt
+ if meta_obj.propertyOffset() < meta_obj.propertyCount():
+ meta_id = _format_metatype(meta_obj.metaType())
+ print(f'{indent}class {meta_obj.className()}/{meta_id}:')
+ indent += ' '
+ info_offset = meta_obj.classInfoOffset()
+ info_count = meta_obj.classInfoCount()
+ if info_offset < info_count:
+ print(f'{indent}Info:')
+ for i in range(info_offset, info_count):
+ name = meta_obj.classInfo(i).name()
+ value = meta_obj.classInfo(i).value()
+ print(f'{indent}{i:4d} {name}+{value}')
+ enumerator_offset = meta_obj.enumeratorOffset()
+ enumerator_count = meta_obj.enumeratorCount()
+ if enumerator_offset < enumerator_count:
+ print(f'{indent}Enumerators:')
+ for e in range(enumerator_offset, enumerator_count):
+ meta_enum = meta_obj.enumerator(e)
+ name = meta_enum.name()
+ value_str = ''
+ descr = ''
+ if meta_enum.isFlag():
+ descr += ' flag'
+ if meta_enum.isScoped():
+ descr += ' scoped'
+ for k in range(meta_enum.keyCount()):
+ if k > 0:
+ value_str += ', '
+ key = meta_enum.key(k)
+ value = meta_enum.value(k)
+ value_str += f'{key} = {value}'
+ print(f'{indent}{e:4d} {name}{descr} ({value_str})')
+ property_offset = meta_obj.propertyOffset()
+ property_count = meta_obj.propertyCount()
+ if property_offset < property_count:
+ print(f'{indent}Properties:')
+ for p in range(property_offset, property_count):
+ meta_property = meta_obj.property(p)
+ name = meta_property.name()
+ desc = ''
+ if meta_property.isConstant():
+ desc += ', constant'
+ if meta_property.isDesignable():
+ desc += ', designable'
+ if meta_property.isFlagType():
+ desc += ', flag'
+ if meta_property.isEnumType():
+ desc += ', enum'
+ if meta_property.isStored():
+ desc += ', stored'
+ if meta_property.isWritable():
+ desc += ', writable'
+ if meta_property.isResettable():
+ desc += ', resettable'
+ if meta_property.hasNotifySignal():
+ notify_name_b = meta_property.notifySignal().name()
+ notify_name = _qbytearray_to_string(notify_name_b)
+ desc += f', notify="{notify_name}"'
+ meta_id = _format_metatype(meta_property.metaType())
+ type_name = meta_property.typeName()
+ print(f'{indent}{p:4d} {type_name}/{meta_id} "{name}"{desc}')
+ method_offset = meta_obj.methodOffset()
+ method_count = meta_obj.methodCount()
+ if method_offset < method_count:
+ print('{}Methods:'.format(indent))
+ for m in range(method_offset, method_count):
+ method = meta_obj.method(m)
+ signature = _qbytearray_to_string(method.methodSignature())
+ access = ''
+ if method.access() == QMetaMethod.Protected:
+ access += 'protected '
+ elif method.access() == QMetaMethod.Private:
+ access += 'private '
+ type = method.methodType()
+ typeString = ''
+ if type == QMetaMethod.Signal:
+ typeString = ' (Signal)'
+ elif type == QMetaMethod.Slot:
+ typeString = ' (Slot)'
+ elif type == QMetaMethod.Constructor:
+ typeString = ' (Ct)'
+ type_name = method.typeName()
+ desc = f'{indent}{m:4d} {access}{type_name} "{signature}"{typeString}'
+ parameter_names = method.parameterNames()
+ if parameter_names:
+ parameter_types = method.parameterTypes()
+ desc += ' Parameters:'
+ for p, bname in enumerate(parameter_names):
+ name = _qbytearray_to_string(bname)
+ type_name = _qbytearray_to_string(parameter_types[p])
+ if not name:
+ name = '<unnamed>'
+ desc += f' "{name}": {type_name}'
+ print(desc)
+def dump_metaobject(meta_obj):
+ super_classes = [meta_obj]
+ super_class = meta_obj.superClass()
+ while super_class:
+ super_classes.append(super_class)
+ super_class = super_class.superClass()
+ indent = ''
+ for c in reversed(super_classes):
+ _dump_metaobject_helper(c, indent)
+ indent += ' '