path: root/tools/missing_bindings
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/missing_bindings')
3 files changed, 509 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/missing_bindings/config.py b/tools/missing_bindings/config.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..66d843821
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/missing_bindings/config.py
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only
+from __future__ import annotations
+modules_to_test = {
+ # 6.0
+ 'QtCore': 'qtcore-module.html',
+ 'QtGui': 'qtgui-module.html',
+ 'QtNetwork': 'qtnetwork-module.html',
+ 'QtQml': 'qtqml-module.html',
+ 'QtQuick': 'qtquick-module.html',
+ 'QtQuickWidgets': 'qtquickwidgets-module.html',
+ # Broken in 6.5.0
+ #'QtQuickControls2': 'qtquickcontrols-module.html',
+ 'QtSql': 'qtsql-module.html',
+ 'QtWidgets': 'qtwidgets-module.html',
+ 'QtConcurrent': 'qtconcurrent-module.html',
+ 'QtDBus': 'qtdbus-module.html',
+ 'QtHelp': 'qthelp-module.html',
+ 'QtOpenGL': 'qtopengl-module.html',
+ 'QtPrintSupport': 'qtprintsupport-module.html',
+ 'QtSvg': 'qtsvg-module.html',
+ 'QtSvgWidgets': 'qtsvgwidgets-module.html',
+ 'QtUiTools': 'qtuitools-module.html',
+ 'QtXml': 'qtxml-module.html',
+ 'QtTest': 'qttest-module.html',
+ 'Qt3DCore': 'qt3dcore-module.html',
+ 'Qt3DInput': 'qt3dinput-module.html',
+ 'Qt3DLogic': 'qt3dlogic-module.html',
+ 'Qt3DRender': 'qt3drender-module.html',
+ 'Qt3DAnimation': 'qt3danimation-module.html',
+ 'Qt3DExtras': 'qt3dextras-module.html',
+ 'QtNetworkAuth': 'qtnetworkauth-module.html',
+ 'QtStateMachine': 'qtstatemachine-module.html',
+ # 'QtCoAp' -- TODO
+ # 'QtMqtt' -- TODO
+ # 'QtOpcUA' -- TODO
+ # 6.1
+ 'QtScxml': 'qtscxml-module.html',
+ 'QtCharts': 'qtcharts-module.html',
+ 'QtDataVisualization': 'qtdatavisualization-module.html',
+ # 6.2
+ 'QtBluetooth': 'qtbluetooth-module.html',
+ 'QtPositioning': 'qtpositioning-module.html',
+ 'QtMultimedia': 'qtmultimedia-module.html',
+ 'QtRemoteObjects': 'qtremoteobjects-module.html',
+ 'QtSensors': 'qtsensors-module.html',
+ 'QtSerialPort': 'qtserialport-module.html',
+ 'QtWebChannel': 'qtwebchannel-module.html',
+ 'QtWebEngineCore': 'qtwebenginecore-module.html',
+ 'QtWebEngineQuick': 'qtwebenginequick-module.html',
+ 'QtWebEngineWidgets': 'qtwebenginewidgets-module.html',
+ 'QtWebSockets': 'qtwebsockets-module.html',
+ 'QtHttpServer': 'qthttpserver-module.html',
+ # 6.3
+ #'QtSpeech': 'qtspeech-module.html',
+ 'QtMultimediaWidgets': 'qtmultimediawidgets-module.html',
+ 'QtNfc': 'qtnfc-module.html',
+ 'QtQuick3D': 'qtquick3d-module.html',
+ # 6.4
+ 'QtPdf': 'qtpdf-module.html', # this include qtpdfwidgets
+ 'QtSpatialAudio': 'qtspatialaudio-module.html',
+ # 6.5
+ 'QtSerialBus': 'qtserialbus-module.html',
+ 'QtTextToSpeech': 'qttexttospeech-module.html',
+ 'QtLocation': 'qtlocation-module.html',
+types_to_ignore = {
+ # QtCore
+ 'QFlag',
+ 'QFlags',
+ 'QGlobalStatic',
+ 'QDebug',
+ 'QDebugStateSaver',
+ 'QMetaObject.Connection',
+ 'QPointer',
+ 'QAssociativeIterable',
+ 'QSequentialIterable',
+ 'QStaticPlugin',
+ 'QChar',
+ 'QLatin1Char',
+ 'QHash',
+ 'QMultiHash',
+ 'QLinkedList',
+ 'QList',
+ 'QMap',
+ 'QMultiMap',
+ 'QMap.key_iterator',
+ 'QPair',
+ 'QQueue',
+ 'QScopedArrayPointer',
+ 'QScopedPointer',
+ 'QScopedValueRollback',
+ 'QMutableSetIterator',
+ 'QSet',
+ 'QSet.const_iterator',
+ 'QSet.iterator',
+ 'QExplicitlySharedDataPointer',
+ 'QSharedData',
+ 'QSharedDataPointer',
+ 'QEnableSharedFromThis',
+ 'QSharedPointer',
+ 'QWeakPointer',
+ 'QStack',
+ 'QLatin1String',
+ 'QString',
+ 'QStringRef',
+ 'QStringList',
+ 'QStringMatcher',
+ 'QVarLengthArray',
+ 'QVector',
+ 'QFutureIterator',
+ 'QHashIterator',
+ 'QMutableHashIterator',
+ 'QLinkedListIterator',
+ 'QMutableLinkedListIterator',
+ 'QListIterator',
+ 'QMutableListIterator',
+ 'QMapIterator',
+ 'QMutableMapIterator',
+ 'QSetIterator',
+ 'QMutableVectorIterator',
+ 'QVectorIterator',
+ # QtGui
+ 'QIconEnginePlugin',
+ 'QImageIOPlugin',
+ 'QGenericPlugin',
+ 'QGenericPluginFactory',
+ 'QGenericMatrix',
+ 'QOpenGLExtraFunctions',
+ # QtWidgets
+ 'QItemEditorCreator',
+ 'QStandardItemEditorCreator',
+ 'QStylePlugin',
+ # QtSql
+ 'QSqlDriverCreator',
+ 'QSqlDriverPlugin',
diff --git a/tools/missing_bindings/main.py b/tools/missing_bindings/main.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fe637809e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/missing_bindings/main.py
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only
+from __future__ import annotations
+# This script is used to generate a summary of missing types / classes
+# which are present in C++ Qt6, but are missing in PySide6.
+# Required packages: bs4
+# Installed via: pip install bs4
+# The script uses beautiful soup 4 to parse out the class names from
+# the online Qt documentation. It then tries to import the types from
+# PySide6.
+# Example invocation of script:
+# python missing_bindings.py --qt-version 6.3 -w all
+# --qt-version - specify which version of qt documentation to load.
+# -w - if PyQt6 is an installed package, check if the tested
+# class also exists there.
+import argparse
+import sys
+from textwrap import dedent
+from time import gmtime, strftime
+from urllib import request
+from pathlib import Path
+from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
+from config import modules_to_test, types_to_ignore
+import pandas as pd
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+qt_documentation_website_prefixes = {
+ "6.5": "https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/",
+ "dev": "https://doc-snapshots.qt.io/qt6-dev/",
+def qt_version_to_doc_prefix(version):
+ if version in qt_documentation_website_prefixes:
+ return qt_documentation_website_prefixes[version]
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeError("The specified qt version is not supported")
+def create_doc_url(module_doc_page_url, version):
+ return qt_version_to_doc_prefix(version) + module_doc_page_url
+def get_parser():
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "module",
+ default="all",
+ choices=list(modules_to_test.keys()).append("all"),
+ nargs="?",
+ type=str,
+ help="the Qt module for which to get the missing types",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--qt-version",
+ "-v",
+ default="6.5",
+ choices=["6.5", "dev"],
+ type=str,
+ dest="version",
+ help="the Qt version to use to check for types",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--which-missing",
+ "-w",
+ default="all",
+ choices=["all", "in-pyqt", "not-in-pyqt", "in-pyside-not-in-pyqt"],
+ type=str,
+ dest="which_missing",
+ help="Which missing types to show (all, or just those that are not present in PyQt)",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--plot",
+ action="store_true",
+ help="Create module-wise bar plot comparisons for the missing bindings comparisons"
+ " between Qt, PySide6 and PyQt6",
+ )
+ return parser
+def wikilog(*pargs, **kw):
+ print(*pargs)
+ computed_str = "".join(str(arg) for arg in pargs)
+ style = "text"
+ if "style" in kw:
+ style = kw["style"]
+ if style == "heading1":
+ computed_str = f"= {computed_str} ="
+ elif style == "heading5":
+ computed_str = f"===== {computed_str} ====="
+ elif style == "with_newline":
+ computed_str = f"{computed_str}\n"
+ elif style == "bold_colon":
+ computed_str = computed_str.replace(":", ":'''")
+ computed_str = f"{computed_str}'''\n"
+ elif style == "error":
+ computed_str = computed_str.strip("\n")
+ computed_str = f"''{computed_str}''\n"
+ elif style == "text_with_link":
+ computed_str = computed_str
+ elif style == "code":
+ computed_str = f" {computed_str}"
+ elif style == "end":
+ return
+ print(computed_str, file=wiki_file)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ parser = get_parser()
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ if hasattr(args, "module") and args.module != "all":
+ saved_value = modules_to_test[args.module]
+ modules_to_test.clear()
+ modules_to_test[args.module] = saved_value
+ pyside_package_name = "PySide6"
+ pyqt_package_name = "PyQt6"
+ data = {"module": [], "qt": [], "pyside": [], "pyqt": []}
+ total_missing_types_count = 0
+ total_missing_types_count_compared_to_pyqt = 0
+ total_missing_modules_count = 0
+ total_missing_pyqt_types_count = 0
+ total_missing_pyqt_modules_count = 0
+ wiki_file = open("missing_bindings_for_wiki_qt_io.txt", "w")
+ wiki_file.truncate()
+ wikilog(f"PySide6 bindings for Qt {args.version}", style="heading1")
+ wikilog(
+ f"Using Qt version {args.version} documentation to find public "
+ "API Qt types and test if the types are present in the PySide6 "
+ "package."
+ )
+ wikilog(
+ dedent(
+ """\
+ Results are usually stored at
+ https://wiki.qt.io/PySide6_Missing_Bindings
+ so consider taking the contents of the generated
+ missing_bindings_for_wiki_qt_io.txt
+ file and updating the linked wiki page."""
+ ),
+ style="end",
+ )
+ wikilog(
+ "Similar report:\n https://gist.github.com/ethanhs/6c626ca4e291f3682589699296377d3a",
+ style="text_with_link",
+ )
+ python_executable = Path(sys.executable).name or ""
+ command_line_arguments = " ".join(sys.argv)
+ report_date = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z", gmtime())
+ wikilog(
+ dedent(
+ f"""
+ This report was generated by running the following command:
+ {python_executable} {command_line_arguments}
+ on the following date:
+ {report_date}
+ """
+ )
+ )
+ for module_name in modules_to_test.keys():
+ wikilog(module_name, style="heading5")
+ url = create_doc_url(modules_to_test[module_name], args.version)
+ wikilog(f"Documentation link: {url}\n", style="text_with_link")
+ # Import the tested module
+ try:
+ pyside_tested_module = getattr(
+ __import__(pyside_package_name, fromlist=[module_name]), module_name
+ )
+ except Exception as e:
+ e_str = str(e).replace('"', "")
+ wikilog(
+ f"\nCould not load {pyside_package_name}.{module_name}. "
+ f"Received error: {e_str}. Skipping.\n",
+ style="error",
+ )
+ total_missing_modules_count += 1
+ continue
+ try:
+ pyqt_module_name = module_name
+ pyqt_tested_module = getattr(
+ __import__(pyqt_package_name, fromlist=[pyqt_module_name]), pyqt_module_name
+ )
+ except Exception as e:
+ e_str = str(e).replace("'", "")
+ wikilog(
+ f"\nCould not load {pyqt_package_name}.{module_name} for comparison. "
+ f"Received error: {e_str}.\n",
+ style="error",
+ )
+ total_missing_pyqt_modules_count += 1
+ # Get C++ class list from documentation page.
+ page = request.urlopen(url)
+ soup = BeautifulSoup(page, "html.parser")
+ # Extract the Qt type names from the documentation classes table
+ links = soup.body.select(".annotated a")
+ types_on_html_page = []
+ for link in links:
+ link_text = link.text.replace("::", ".")
+ if link_text not in types_to_ignore:
+ types_on_html_page.append(link_text)
+ total_qt_types = len(types_on_html_page)
+ wikilog(f"Number of types in {module_name}: {total_qt_types}", style="bold_colon")
+ missing_pyside_types_count = 0
+ missing_pyqt_types_count = 0
+ missing_types_compared_to_pyqt = 0
+ missing_types = []
+ for qt_type in types_on_html_page:
+ is_present_in_pyqt = False
+ is_present_in_pyside = False
+ missing_type = None
+ try:
+ pyqt_qualified_type = f"pyqt_tested_module.{qt_type}"
+ eval(pyqt_qualified_type)
+ is_present_in_pyqt = True
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(f"{type(e).__name__}: {e}")
+ missing_pyqt_types_count += 1
+ total_missing_pyqt_types_count += 1
+ try:
+ pyside_qualified_type = f"pyside_tested_module.{qt_type}"
+ eval(pyside_qualified_type)
+ is_present_in_pyside = True
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Failed eval-in pyside qualified types")
+ print(f"{type(e).__name__}: {e}")
+ missing_type = qt_type
+ missing_pyside_types_count += 1
+ total_missing_types_count += 1
+ if is_present_in_pyqt:
+ missing_type = f"{missing_type} (is present in PyQt6)"
+ missing_types_compared_to_pyqt += 1
+ total_missing_types_count_compared_to_pyqt += 1
+ # missing in PySide
+ if not is_present_in_pyside:
+ if args.which_missing == "all":
+ missing_types.append(missing_type)
+ message = f"Missing types in PySide (all) {module_name}:"
+ # missing in PySide and present in pyqt
+ elif args.which_missing == "in-pyqt" and is_present_in_pyqt:
+ missing_types.append(missing_type)
+ message = f"Missing types in PySide6 (but present in PyQt6) {module_name}:"
+ # missing in both PyQt and PySide
+ elif args.which_missing == "not-in-pyqt" and not is_present_in_pyqt:
+ missing_types.append(missing_type)
+ message = f"Missing types in PySide6 (also missing in PyQt6) {module_name}:"
+ elif (
+ args.which_missing == "in-pyside-not-in-pyqt"
+ and not is_present_in_pyqt
+ ):
+ missing_types.append(qt_type)
+ message = f"Missing types in PyQt6 (but present in PySide6) {module_name}:"
+ if len(missing_types) > 0:
+ wikilog(message, style="with_newline")
+ missing_types.sort()
+ for missing_type in missing_types:
+ wikilog(missing_type, style="code")
+ wikilog("")
+ if args.which_missing != "in-pyside-not-in-pyqt":
+ missing_types_count = missing_pyside_types_count
+ else:
+ missing_types_count = missing_pyqt_types_count
+ if args.plot:
+ total_pyside_types = total_qt_types - missing_pyside_types_count
+ total_pyqt_types = total_qt_types - missing_pyqt_types_count
+ data["module"].append(module_name)
+ data["qt"].append(total_qt_types)
+ data["pyside"].append(total_pyside_types)
+ data["pyqt"].append(total_pyqt_types)
+ wikilog(f"Number of missing types: {missing_types_count}", style="bold_colon")
+ if len(missing_types) > 0 and args.which_missing != "in-pyside-not-in-pyqt":
+ wikilog(
+ "Number of missing types that are present in PyQt6: "
+ f"{missing_types_compared_to_pyqt}",
+ style="bold_colon",
+ )
+ wikilog(f"End of missing types for {module_name}\n", style="end")
+ else:
+ wikilog("", style="end")
+ if args.plot:
+ df = pd.DataFrame(data=data, columns=["module", "qt", "pyside", "pyqt"])
+ df.set_index("module", inplace=True)
+ df.plot(kind="bar", title="Qt API Coverage plot")
+ plt.legend()
+ plt.xticks(rotation=45)
+ plt.ylabel("Types Count")
+ figure = plt.gcf()
+ figure.set_size_inches(32, 18) # set to full_screen
+ plt.savefig("missing_bindings_comparison_plot.png", bbox_inches='tight')
+ print(f"Plot saved in {Path.cwd() / 'missing_bindings_comparison_plot.png'}\n")
+ wikilog("Summary", style="heading5")
+ if args.which_missing != "in-pyside-not-in-pyqt":
+ wikilog(f"Total number of missing types: {total_missing_types_count}", style="bold_colon")
+ wikilog(
+ "Total number of missing types that are present in PyQt6: "
+ f"{total_missing_types_count_compared_to_pyqt}",
+ style="bold_colon",
+ )
+ wikilog(
+ f"Total number of missing modules: {total_missing_modules_count}", style="bold_colon"
+ )
+ else:
+ wikilog(
+ f"Total number of missing types in PyQt6: {total_missing_pyqt_types_count}",
+ style="bold_colon",
+ )
+ wikilog(
+ f"Total number of missing modules in PyQt6: {total_missing_pyqt_modules_count}",
+ style="bold_colon",
+ )
+ wiki_file.close()
diff --git a/tools/missing_bindings/requirements.txt b/tools/missing_bindings/requirements.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..08aa0a024
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/missing_bindings/requirements.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# PySide
+# PyQt