Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Fixed bug 728 to use the correct arguments on function call.ps-1.0.2Renato Filho2012-03-081-1/+1
* Create unit test for QIPv6AddressPaulo Alcantara2012-03-082-0/+23
* Fix bug #788 - "QIPv6Address.__getitem__ is missing."Paulo Alcantara2012-03-081-5/+38
* Fixed QFileDialog functions which used QString as pointer to return valuesRenato Filho2012-03-082-11/+14
* Fixed QKeyEvent polymorphic-id-expression to support QEvent::ShortcutOverride.Renato Filho2012-03-081-1/+1
* Fix documentation bug 853 - "Provide constants for Qt and PySide version"Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-082-0/+32
* Update inheritance diagram sphinx extension.Lauro Neto2012-03-081-5/+12
* Created unit test for bug 829.Renato Filho2012-03-083-0/+21
* Implemented stream operator for PyObjectWrapper.Renato Filho2012-03-082-0/+46
* Fixed QVariant conversion for dictionary.Renato Filho2012-03-081-2/+4
* Fix bug 836 - "Pyside crashes with more than four base classes"Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-083-2/+31
* Fix bug 766 - "Constructor "QImage(const char* const xpm[])" missing"Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-082-23/+267
* Fix bugs 776 and 777Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-082-4/+20
* Fix test on windows.Renato Filho2012-03-081-3/+3
* Created unit test for bug #778.Renato Filho2012-03-082-0/+23
* Implemented support to iterator on QTreeWidgetItemIterator.Renato Filho2012-03-081-0/+13
* Created unit test to QKeySequence convertion to QVariant.Renato Filho2012-03-083-0/+20
* Fixed QKeySequence convertion to QVariant.Renato Filho2012-03-082-11/+12
* Created unit test for QKeySequence.operator[].Renato Filho2012-03-082-0/+21
* Implemented support to QKeySequence.operator[].Renato Filho2012-03-081-3/+12
* Fix bugs 771, 772, 779, 780, 781, 782, 783 and 784Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-082-14/+82
* Fix bug 768 - "Method "QGraphicsItemGroup* QGraphicsScene::createItemGroup(co...Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-082-4/+38
* Fix bug 765 - "Method "QRect QStyle::itemTextRect(const QFontMetrics&,constQR...Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-081-2/+0
* Fix bug 760 - "Method "void QMatrix::map(int x,int y,int* tx,int* ty)const" m...Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-082-4/+36
* Fix unit test bug_750 and qpicture_test to avoid deadlock in some plataforms.Renato Filho2012-03-082-2/+5
* Implemented test for QWebFrame.metadata function.Renato Filho2012-03-083-0/+36
* Implemented conversion from QMultiMap to Python dictonary.Renato Filho2012-03-082-2/+26
* Created unit test for function QPicture.setDataRenato Filho2012-03-082-0/+36
* Implemented necessary convertions rules for function QPicture.setData.Renato Filho2012-03-081-1/+27
* Fixed reference leak on PySideSignal for QTimer.SingleShotRenato Filho2012-03-081-3/+6
* Set WA_InputMethodEnabled in test.Lauro Neto2012-03-081-0/+4
* Created unit test for bug #811.Renato Filho2012-03-082-0/+33
* fix QTextBlock.setUserData reference leak.Renato Filho2012-03-081-2/+18
* Fix bug 814 test.Lauro Neto2012-03-082-2/+2
* Fixed test to avoid problems with float numbers in different archs.Renato Filho2012-03-081-5/+10
* Exported missing enums on phonon.Renato Filho2012-03-081-0/+2
* Created unit test for ObjectDescription.fromIndex.Renato Filho2012-03-082-0/+19
* Implemented function ObjectDescription.fromIndex.Renato Filho2012-03-082-21/+52
* Fix round problems on unit test.Renato Filho2012-03-081-5/+5
* Create unit test for bug #757.Renato Filho2012-03-082-0/+251
* Fixes Bug #757 - Constructor "QPixmap(const char* const[] xpm)" missing.Marcelo Lira2012-03-081-12/+31
* Avoid delete file from source dir.Renato Filho2012-03-081-1/+4
* Fix bug 717 - "QByteArray doesn't honor \0 inside strings."Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-083-17/+80
* Fix inject code of QByteArray::fromRawData.Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-081-2/+1
* Fixes bug #755 - Method "void QInputContext::setFocusWidget(QWidget*)" missingMarcelo Lira2012-03-083-2/+23
* Fixes bugs 753 and 754.Marcelo Lira2012-03-083-4/+32
* Fixes bug #741 - Method "qreal QTextLine::cursorToX(int*,Edge) const" missing.Marcelo Lira2012-03-083-1/+35
* Fixes bug #742 - Method "void QPrinter::getPageMargins(qreal*,qreal*,qreal*,q...Marcelo Lira2012-03-083-3/+38
* Fixed CMakeLists.txt files to prevent static source files of being deleted by...Marcelo Lira2012-03-0819-22/+39
* The funcition QSplashScreen.repaint was removed because that override the QWi...Renato Filho2012-03-081-1/+1