path: root/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/botan.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/libs/3rdparty/botan/botan.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 16208 deletions
diff --git a/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/botan.h b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/botan.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d7b90cc92f..0000000000
--- a/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/botan.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16208 +0,0 @@
-* Botan 1.10.2 Amalgamation
-* (C) 1999-2011 Jack Lloyd and others
-* Distributed under the terms of the Botan license
-#include <botan/auto_rng.h>
-#include <botan/cbc.h>
-#include <botan/ctr.h>
-#include <botan/der_enc.h>
-#include <botan/dh.h>
-#include <botan/dl_group.h>
-#include <botan/dsa.h>
-#include <botan/ec_group.h>
-#include <botan/ecdh.h>
-#include <botan/ecdsa.h>
-#include <botan/hmac.h>
-#include <botan/init.h>
-#include <botan/lookup.h>
-#include <botan/pem.h>
-#include <botan/pubkey.h>
-#include <botan/rsa.h>
-#include <botan/ui.h>
-#include <QtGlobal>
-#include <iosfwd>
-#include <map>
-#include <exception>
-#include <string>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <stdexcept>
-#include <vector>
-#include <utility>
-#define BOTAN_VERSION_VC_REVISION "mtn:2bf8ad2c501213efb4cf9b219330b87666988e91"
-#define BOTAN_DISTRIBUTION_INFO "unspecified"
-#ifndef BOTAN_DLL
-/* Chunk sizes */
-#define BOTAN_MEM_POOL_CHUNK_SIZE 64*1024
-/* BigInt toggles */
-#define BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS 32
-/* PK key consistency checking toggles */
-/* Should we use GCC-style inline assembler? */
-#if !defined(BOTAN_USE_GCC_INLINE_ASM) && defined(__GNUG__)
-#ifdef __GNUC__
- (__GNUC__ * 100 + __GNUC_MINOR__ * 10 + __GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__)
-#if defined(_MSC_VER)
- // 4250: inherits via dominance (diamond inheritence issue)
- // 4251: needs DLL interface (STL DLL exports)
- #pragma warning(disable: 4250 4251)
-* Compile-time deprecatation warnings
- #if defined(__clang__)
- #define BOTAN_DEPRECATED(msg) __attribute__ ((deprecated))
- #elif defined(_MSC_VER)
- #define BOTAN_DEPRECATED(msg) __declspec(deprecated(msg))
- #elif defined(__GNUG__)
- #if BOTAN_GCC_VERSION >= 450 && !defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
- #define BOTAN_DEPRECATED(msg) __attribute__ ((deprecated(msg)))
- #else
- #define BOTAN_DEPRECATED(msg) __attribute__ ((deprecated))
- #endif
- #endif
-#if !defined(BOTAN_DEPRECATED)
- #define BOTAN_DEPRECATED(msg)
-* Module availability definitions
-#define BOTAN_HAS_ADLER32
-#define BOTAN_HAS_AES
-#define BOTAN_HAS_ANSI_X919_MAC
-#define BOTAN_HAS_ARC4
-#define BOTAN_HAS_ASN1
-#define BOTAN_HAS_BMW_512
-#define BOTAN_HAS_CBC
-#define BOTAN_HAS_CFB
-#define BOTAN_HAS_CRC24
-#define BOTAN_HAS_CRC32
-#define BOTAN_HAS_CTS
-#define BOTAN_HAS_DES
-#define BOTAN_HAS_DSA
-#define BOTAN_HAS_EAX
-#define BOTAN_HAS_ECB
-#define BOTAN_HAS_EME1
-#define BOTAN_HAS_EME_PKCS1v15
-#define BOTAN_HAS_EMSA1
-#define BOTAN_HAS_EMSA2
-#define BOTAN_HAS_EMSA3
-#define BOTAN_HAS_EMSA4
-#define BOTAN_HAS_FPE_FE1
-#define BOTAN_HAS_GOST_28147_89
-#define BOTAN_HAS_GOST_34_10_2001
-#define BOTAN_HAS_GOST_34_11
-#define BOTAN_HAS_HAS_160
-#define BOTAN_HAS_KDF1
-#define BOTAN_HAS_KDF2
-#define BOTAN_HAS_MD2
-#define BOTAN_HAS_MD4
-#define BOTAN_HAS_MD5
-#define BOTAN_HAS_MGF1
-#define BOTAN_HAS_OFB
-#define BOTAN_HAS_RC2
-#define BOTAN_HAS_RC5
-#define BOTAN_HAS_RC6
-#define BOTAN_HAS_RIPEMD_128
-#define BOTAN_HAS_RIPEMD_160
-#define BOTAN_HAS_RSA
-#define BOTAN_HAS_RW
-#define BOTAN_HAS_SALSA20
-#define BOTAN_HAS_SHA1
-#define BOTAN_HAS_SHA2_32
-#define BOTAN_HAS_SHA2_64
-#define BOTAN_HAS_SIMD_32
-#define BOTAN_HAS_SKEIN_512
-#define BOTAN_HAS_SRP6
-#define BOTAN_HAS_TEA
-#define BOTAN_HAS_TLS_V10_PRF
-#define BOTAN_HAS_X509_CA
-#define BOTAN_HAS_X509_CRL
-#define BOTAN_HAS_X509_STORE
-#define BOTAN_HAS_X931_RNG
-#define BOTAN_HAS_X942_PRF
-#define BOTAN_HAS_XTS
-* Local configuration options (if any) follow
-#include <stddef.h>
-* The primary namespace for the botan library
-namespace Botan {
-* Typedef representing an unsigned 8-bit quantity
-typedef unsigned char byte;
-* Typedef representing an unsigned 16-bit quantity
-typedef unsigned short u16bit;
-* Typedef representing an unsigned 32-bit quantity
-typedef unsigned int u32bit;
-* Typedef representing a signed 32-bit quantity
-typedef signed int s32bit;
-* Typedef representing an unsigned 64-bit quantity
-#if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__BORLANDC__)
- typedef unsigned __int64 u64bit;
-#elif defined(__KCC)
- typedef unsigned __long_long u64bit;
-#elif defined(__GNUG__)
- __extension__ typedef unsigned long long u64bit;
- typedef unsigned long long u64bit;
-* A default buffer size; typically a memory page
-namespace Botan_types {
-using Botan::byte;
-using Botan::u32bit;
-namespace Botan {
-* Allocator Interface
-class BOTAN_DLL Allocator
- {
- public:
- /**
- * Acquire a pointer to an allocator
- * @param locking is true if the allocator should attempt to
- * secure the memory (eg for using to store keys)
- * @return pointer to an allocator; ownership remains with library,
- * so do not delete
- */
- static Allocator* get(bool locking);
- /**
- * Allocate a block of memory
- * @param n how many bytes to allocate
- * @return pointer to n bytes of memory
- */
- virtual void* allocate(size_t n) = 0;
- /**
- * Deallocate memory allocated with allocate()
- * @param ptr the pointer returned by allocate()
- * @param n the size of the block pointed to by ptr
- */
- virtual void deallocate(void* ptr, size_t n) = 0;
- /**
- * @return name of this allocator type
- */
- virtual std::string type() const = 0;
- /**
- * Initialize the allocator
- */
- virtual void init() {}
- /**
- * Shutdown the allocator
- */
- virtual void destroy() {}
- virtual ~Allocator() Q_DECL_NOEXCEPT_EXPR(false) {}
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* Copy memory
-* @param out the destination array
-* @param in the source array
-* @param n the number of elements of in/out
-template<typename T> inline void copy_mem(T* out, const T* in, size_t n)
- {
- std::memmove(out, in, sizeof(T)*n);
- }
-* Zeroize memory
-* @param ptr a pointer to an array
-* @param n the number of Ts pointed to by ptr
-template<typename T> inline void clear_mem(T* ptr, size_t n)
- {
- if(n) // avoid glibc warning if n == 0
- std::memset(ptr, 0, sizeof(T)*n);
- }
-* Set memory to a fixed value
-* @param ptr a pointer to an array
-* @param n the number of Ts pointed to by ptr
-* @param val the value to set each byte to
-template<typename T>
-inline void set_mem(T* ptr, size_t n, byte val)
- {
- std::memset(ptr, val, sizeof(T)*n);
- }
-* Memory comparison, input insensitive
-* @param p1 a pointer to an array
-* @param p2 a pointer to another array
-* @param n the number of Ts in p1 and p2
-* @return true iff p1[i] == p2[i] forall i in [0...n)
-template<typename T> inline bool same_mem(const T* p1, const T* p2, size_t n)
- {
- bool is_same = true;
- for(size_t i = 0; i != n; ++i)
- is_same &= (p1[i] == p2[i]);
- return is_same;
- }
-namespace Botan {
-* This class represents variable length memory buffers.
-template<typename T>
-class MemoryRegion
- {
- public:
- /**
- * Find out the size of the buffer, i.e. how many objects of type T it
- * contains.
- * @return size of the buffer
- */
- size_t size() const { return used; }
- /**
- * Find out whether this buffer is empty.
- * @return true if the buffer is empty, false otherwise
- */
- bool empty() const { return (used == 0); }
- /**
- * Get a pointer to the first element in the buffer.
- * @return pointer to the first element in the buffer
- */
- operator T* () { return buf; }
- /**
- * Get a constant pointer to the first element in the buffer.
- * @return constant pointer to the first element in the buffer
- */
- operator const T* () const { return buf; }
- /**
- * Get a pointer to the first element in the buffer.
- * @return pointer to the first element in the buffer
- */
- T* begin() { return buf; }
- /**
- * Get a constant pointer to the first element in the buffer.
- * @return constant pointer to the first element in the buffer
- */
- const T* begin() const { return buf; }
- /**
- * Get a pointer to one past the last element in the buffer.
- * @return pointer to one past the last element in the buffer
- */
- T* end() { return (buf + size()); }
- /**
- * Get a const pointer to one past the last element in the buffer.
- * @return const pointer to one past the last element in the buffer
- */
- const T* end() const { return (buf + size()); }
- /**
- * Check two buffers for equality.
- * @return true iff the content of both buffers is byte-wise equal
- */
- bool operator==(const MemoryRegion<T>& other) const
- {
- return (size() == other.size() &&
- same_mem(buf, other.buf, size()));
- }
- /**
- * Compare two buffers
- * @return true iff this is ordered before other
- */
- bool operator<(const MemoryRegion<T>& other) const;
- /**
- * Check two buffers for inequality.
- * @return false if the content of both buffers is byte-wise equal, true
- * otherwise.
- */
- bool operator!=(const MemoryRegion<T>& other) const
- { return (!(*this == other)); }
- /**
- * Copy the contents of another buffer into this buffer.
- * The former contents of *this are discarded.
- * @param other the buffer to copy the contents from.
- * @return reference to *this
- */
- MemoryRegion<T>& operator=(const MemoryRegion<T>& other)
- {
- if(this != &other)
- {
- this->resize(other.size());
- this->copy(&other[0], other.size());
- }
- return (*this);
- }
- /**
- * Copy the contents of an array of objects of type T into this buffer.
- * The former contents of *this are discarded.
- * The length of *this must be at least n, otherwise memory errors occur.
- * @param in the array to copy the contents from
- * @param n the length of in
- */
- void copy(const T in[], size_t n)
- {
- copy_mem(buf, in, std::min(n, size()));
- }
- /**
- * Copy the contents of an array of objects of type T into this buffer.
- * The former contents of *this are discarded.
- * The length of *this must be at least n, otherwise memory errors occur.
- * @param off the offset position inside this buffer to start inserting
- * the copied bytes
- * @param in the array to copy the contents from
- * @param n the length of in
- */
- void copy(size_t off, const T in[], size_t n)
- {
- copy_mem(buf + off, in, std::min(n, size() - off));
- }
- /**
- * Append a single element.
- * @param x the element to append
- */
- void push_back(T x)
- {
- resize(size() + 1);
- buf[size()-1] = x;
- }
- /**
- * Reset this buffer to an empty buffer with size zero.
- */
- void clear() { resize(0); }
- /**
- * Inserts or erases elements at the end such that the size
- * becomes n, leaving elements in the range 0...n unmodified if
- * set or otherwise zero-initialized
- * @param n length of the new buffer
- */
- void resize(size_t n);
- /**
- * Swap this buffer with another object.
- */
- void swap(MemoryRegion<T>& other);
- virtual ~MemoryRegion() { deallocate(buf, allocated); }
- protected:
- MemoryRegion() : buf(0), used(0), allocated(0), alloc(0) {}
- /**
- * Copy constructor
- * @param other the other region to copy
- */
- MemoryRegion(const MemoryRegion<T>& other) :
- buf(0),
- used(0),
- allocated(0),
- alloc(other.alloc)
- {
- resize(other.size());
- copy(&other[0], other.size());
- }
- /**
- * @param locking should we use a locking allocator
- * @param length the initial length to use
- */
- void init(bool locking, size_t length = 0)
- { alloc = Allocator::get(locking); resize(length); }
- private:
- T* allocate(size_t n)
- {
- return static_cast<T*>(alloc->allocate(sizeof(T)*n));
- }
- void deallocate(T* p, size_t n)
- { if(alloc && p && n) alloc->deallocate(p, sizeof(T)*n); }
- T* buf;
- size_t used;
- size_t allocated;
- Allocator* alloc;
- };
-* Change the size of the buffer
-template<typename T>
-void MemoryRegion<T>::resize(size_t n)
- {
- if(n <= allocated)
- {
- size_t zap = std::min(used, n);
- clear_mem(buf + zap, allocated - zap);
- used = n;
- }
- else
- {
- T* new_buf = allocate(n);
- copy_mem(new_buf, buf, used);
- deallocate(buf, allocated);
- buf = new_buf;
- allocated = used = n;
- }
- }
-* Compare this buffer with another one
-template<typename T>
-bool MemoryRegion<T>::operator<(const MemoryRegion<T>& other) const
- {
- const size_t min_size = std::min(size(), other.size());
- // This should probably be rewritten to run in constant time
- for(size_t i = 0; i != min_size; ++i)
- {
- if(buf[i] < other[i])
- return true;
- if(buf[i] > other[i])
- return false;
- }
- // First min_size bytes are equal, shorter is first
- return (size() < other.size());
- }
-* Swap this buffer with another one
-template<typename T>
-void MemoryRegion<T>::swap(MemoryRegion<T>& x)
- {
- std::swap(buf, x.buf);
- std::swap(used, x.used);
- std::swap(allocated, x.allocated);
- std::swap(alloc, x.alloc);
- }
-* This class represents variable length buffers that do not
-* make use of memory locking.
-template<typename T>
-class MemoryVector : public MemoryRegion<T>
- {
- public:
- /**
- * Copy the contents of another buffer into this buffer.
- * @param in the buffer to copy the contents from
- * @return reference to *this
- */
- MemoryVector<T>& operator=(const MemoryRegion<T>& in)
- {
- if(this != &in)
- {
- this->resize(in.size());
- this->copy(&in[0], in.size());
- }
- return (*this);
- }
- /**
- * Create a buffer of the specified length.
- * @param n the length of the buffer to create.
- */
- MemoryVector(size_t n = 0) { this->init(false, n); }
- /**
- * Create a buffer with the specified contents.
- * @param in the array containing the data to be initially copied
- * into the newly created buffer
- * @param n the size of the arry in
- */
- MemoryVector(const T in[], size_t n)
- {
- this->init(false);
- this->resize(n);
- this->copy(in, n);
- }
- /**
- * Copy constructor.
- */
- MemoryVector(const MemoryRegion<T>& in)
- {
- this->init(false);
- this->resize(in.size());
- this->copy(&in[0], in.size());
- }
- };
-* This class represents variable length buffers using the operating
-* systems capability to lock memory, i.e. keeping it from being
-* swapped out to disk. In this way, a security hole allowing attackers
-* to find swapped out secret keys is closed.
-template<typename T>
-class SecureVector : public MemoryRegion<T>
- {
- public:
- /**
- * Copy the contents of another buffer into this buffer.
- * @param other the buffer to copy the contents from
- * @return reference to *this
- */
- SecureVector<T>& operator=(const MemoryRegion<T>& other)
- {
- if(this != &other)
- {
- this->resize(other.size());
- this->copy(&other[0], other.size());
- }
- return (*this);
- }
- /**
- * Create a buffer of the specified length.
- * @param n the length of the buffer to create.
- */
- SecureVector(size_t n = 0) { this->init(true, n); }
- /**
- * Create a buffer with the specified contents.
- * @param in the array containing the data to be initially copied
- * into the newly created buffer
- * @param n the size of the array in
- */
- SecureVector(const T in[], size_t n)
- {
- this->init(true);
- this->resize(n);
- this->copy(&in[0], n);
- }
- /**
- * Create a buffer with contents specified contents.
- * @param in the buffer holding the contents that will be
- * copied into the newly created buffer.
- */
- SecureVector(const MemoryRegion<T>& in)
- {
- this->init(true);
- this->resize(in.size());
- this->copy(&in[0], in.size());
- }
- };
-template<typename T>
-MemoryRegion<T>& operator+=(MemoryRegion<T>& out,
- const MemoryRegion<T>& in)
- {
- const size_t copy_offset = out.size();
- out.resize(out.size() + in.size());
- copy_mem(&out[copy_offset], &in[0], in.size());
- return out;
- }
-template<typename T>
-MemoryRegion<T>& operator+=(MemoryRegion<T>& out,
- T in)
- {
- out.push_back(in);
- return out;
- }
-template<typename T, typename L>
-MemoryRegion<T>& operator+=(MemoryRegion<T>& out,
- const std::pair<const T*, L>& in)
- {
- const size_t copy_offset = out.size();
- out.resize(out.size() + in.second);
- copy_mem(&out[copy_offset], in.first, in.second);
- return out;
- }
-template<typename T, typename L>
-MemoryRegion<T>& operator+=(MemoryRegion<T>& out,
- const std::pair<T*, L>& in)
- {
- const size_t copy_offset = out.size();
- out.resize(out.size() + in.second);
- copy_mem(&out[copy_offset], in.first, in.second);
- return out;
- }
-* Zeroise the values; length remains unchanged
-* @param vec the vector to zeroise
-template<typename T>
-void zeroise(MemoryRegion<T>& vec)
- {
- clear_mem(&vec[0], vec.size());
- }
-namespace std {
-template<typename T>
-inline void swap(Botan::MemoryRegion<T>& x, Botan::MemoryRegion<T>& y)
- {
- x.swap(y);
- }
-namespace Botan {
-* Byte extraction
-* @param byte_num which byte to extract, 0 == highest byte
-* @param input the value to extract from
-* @return byte byte_num of input
-template<typename T> inline byte get_byte(size_t byte_num, T input)
- {
- return static_cast<byte>(
- input >> ((sizeof(T)-1-(byte_num&(sizeof(T)-1))) << 3)
- );
- }
-namespace Botan {
-* This class represents any kind of computation which uses an internal
-* state, such as hash functions or MACs
-class BOTAN_DLL Buffered_Computation
- {
- public:
- /**
- * @return length of the output of this function in bytes
- */
- virtual size_t output_length() const = 0;
- /**
- * Add new input to process.
- * @param in the input to process as a byte array
- * @param length of param in in bytes
- */
- void update(const byte in[], size_t length) { add_data(in, length); }
- /**
- * Add new input to process.
- * @param in the input to process as a MemoryRegion
- */
- void update(const MemoryRegion<byte>& in)
- {
- add_data(&in[0], in.size());
- }
- /**
- * Add an integer in big-endian order
- * @param in the value
- */
- template<typename T> void update_be(const T in)
- {
- for(size_t i = 0; i != sizeof(T); ++i)
- {
- byte b = get_byte(i, in);
- add_data(&b, 1);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Add new input to process.
- * @param str the input to process as a std::string. Will be interpreted
- * as a byte array based on
- * the strings encoding.
- */
- void update(const std::string& str)
- {
- add_data(reinterpret_cast<const byte*>(str.data()), str.size());
- }
- /**
- * Process a single byte.
- * @param in the byte to process
- */
- void update(byte in) { add_data(&in, 1); }
- /**
- * Complete the computation and retrieve the
- * final result.
- * @param out The byte array to be filled with the result.
- * Must be of length output_length()
- */
- void final(byte out[]) { final_result(out); }
- /**
- * Complete the computation and retrieve the
- * final result.
- * @return SecureVector holding the result
- */
- SecureVector<byte> final()
- {
- SecureVector<byte> output(output_length());
- final_result(&output[0]);
- return output;
- }
- /**
- * Update and finalize computation. Does the same as calling update()
- * and final() consecutively.
- * @param in the input to process as a byte array
- * @param length the length of the byte array
- * @result the result of the call to final()
- */
- SecureVector<byte> process(const byte in[], size_t length)
- {
- add_data(in, length);
- return final();
- }
- /**
- * Update and finalize computation. Does the same as calling update()
- * and final() consecutively.
- * @param in the input to process
- * @result the result of the call to final()
- */
- SecureVector<byte> process(const MemoryRegion<byte>& in)
- {
- add_data(&in[0], in.size());
- return final();
- }
- /**
- * Update and finalize computation. Does the same as calling update()
- * and final() consecutively.
- * @param in the input to process as a string
- * @result the result of the call to final()
- */
- SecureVector<byte> process(const std::string& in)
- {
- update(in);
- return final();
- }
- virtual ~Buffered_Computation() {}
- private:
- /**
- * Add more data to the computation
- * @param input is an input buffer
- * @param length is the length of input in bytes
- */
- virtual void add_data(const byte input[], size_t length) = 0;
- /**
- * Write the final output to out
- * @param out is an output buffer of output_length()
- */
- virtual void final_result(byte out[]) = 0;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* Class used to accumulate the poll results of EntropySources
-class BOTAN_DLL Entropy_Accumulator
- {
- public:
- /**
- * Initialize an Entropy_Accumulator
- * @param goal is how many bits we would like to collect
- */
- Entropy_Accumulator(size_t goal) :
- entropy_goal(goal), collected_bits(0) {}
- virtual ~Entropy_Accumulator() {}
- /**
- * Get a cached I/O buffer (purely for minimizing allocation
- * overhead to polls)
- *
- * @param size requested size for the I/O buffer
- * @return cached I/O buffer for repeated polls
- */
- MemoryRegion<byte>& get_io_buffer(size_t size)
- { io_buffer.resize(size); return io_buffer; }
- /**
- * @return number of bits collected so far
- */
- size_t bits_collected() const
- { return static_cast<size_t>(collected_bits); }
- /**
- * @return if our polling goal has been achieved
- */
- bool polling_goal_achieved() const
- { return (collected_bits >= entropy_goal); }
- /**
- * @return how many bits we need to reach our polling goal
- */
- size_t desired_remaining_bits() const
- {
- if(collected_bits >= entropy_goal)
- return 0;
- return static_cast<size_t>(entropy_goal - collected_bits);
- }
- /**
- * Add entropy to the accumulator
- * @param bytes the input bytes
- * @param length specifies how many bytes the input is
- * @param entropy_bits_per_byte is a best guess at how much
- * entropy per byte is in this input
- */
- void add(const void* bytes, size_t length, double entropy_bits_per_byte)
- {
- add_bytes(reinterpret_cast<const byte*>(bytes), length);
- collected_bits += entropy_bits_per_byte * length;
- }
- /**
- * Add entropy to the accumulator
- * @param v is some value
- * @param entropy_bits_per_byte is a best guess at how much
- * entropy per byte is in this input
- */
- template<typename T>
- void add(const T& v, double entropy_bits_per_byte)
- {
- add(&v, sizeof(T), entropy_bits_per_byte);
- }
- private:
- virtual void add_bytes(const byte bytes[], size_t length) = 0;
- SecureVector<byte> io_buffer;
- size_t entropy_goal;
- double collected_bits;
- };
-* Entropy accumulator that puts the input into a Buffered_Computation
-class BOTAN_DLL Entropy_Accumulator_BufferedComputation :
- public Entropy_Accumulator
- {
- public:
- /**
- * @param sink the hash or MAC we are feeding the poll data into
- * @param goal is how many bits we want to collect in this poll
- */
- Entropy_Accumulator_BufferedComputation(Buffered_Computation& sink,
- size_t goal) :
- Entropy_Accumulator(goal), entropy_sink(sink) {}
- private:
- virtual void add_bytes(const byte bytes[], size_t length)
- {
- entropy_sink.update(bytes, length);
- }
- Buffered_Computation& entropy_sink;
- };
-* Abstract interface to a source of (hopefully unpredictable) system entropy
-class BOTAN_DLL EntropySource
- {
- public:
- /**
- * @return name identifying this entropy source
- */
- virtual std::string name() const = 0;
- /**
- * Perform an entropy gathering poll
- * @param accum is an accumulator object that will be given entropy
- */
- virtual void poll(Entropy_Accumulator& accum) = 0;
- virtual ~EntropySource() {}
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* Parse a SCAN-style algorithm name
-* @param scan_name the name
-* @return the name components
-BOTAN_DLL std::vector<std::string>
-parse_algorithm_name(const std::string& scan_name);
-* Split a string
-* @param str the input string
-* @param delim the delimitor
-* @return string split by delim
-BOTAN_DLL std::vector<std::string> split_on(
- const std::string& str, char delim);
-* Parse an ASN.1 OID
-* @param oid the OID in string form
-* @return OID components
-BOTAN_DLL std::vector<u32bit> parse_asn1_oid(const std::string& oid);
-* Compare two names using the X.509 comparison algorithm
-* @param name1 the first name
-* @param name2 the second name
-* @return true if name1 is the same as name2 by the X.509 comparison rules
-BOTAN_DLL bool x500_name_cmp(const std::string& name1,
- const std::string& name2);
-* Convert a number to a string
-* @param n the integer to convert to a string
-* @param min_len the min length of the output string
-* @return n convert to a string
-BOTAN_DLL std::string to_string(u64bit n, size_t min_len = 0);
-* Convert a string to a number
-* @param str the string to convert
-* @return number value of the string
-BOTAN_DLL u32bit to_u32bit(const std::string& str);
-* Convert a time specification to a number
-* @param timespec the time specification
-* @return number of seconds represented by timespec
-BOTAN_DLL u32bit timespec_to_u32bit(const std::string& timespec);
-* Convert a string representation of an IPv4 address to a number
-* @param ip_str the string representation
-* @return integer IPv4 address
-BOTAN_DLL u32bit string_to_ipv4(const std::string& ip_str);
-* Convert an IPv4 address to a string
-* @param ip_addr the IPv4 address to convert
-* @return string representation of the IPv4 address
-BOTAN_DLL std::string ipv4_to_string(u32bit ip_addr);
-namespace Botan {
-typedef std::runtime_error Exception;
-typedef std::invalid_argument Invalid_Argument;
-* Invalid_State Exception
-struct BOTAN_DLL Invalid_State : public Exception
- {
- Invalid_State(const std::string& err) :
- Exception(err)
- {}
- };
-* Lookup_Error Exception
-struct BOTAN_DLL Lookup_Error : public Exception
- {
- Lookup_Error(const std::string& err) :
- Exception(err)
- {}
- };
-* Internal_Error Exception
-struct BOTAN_DLL Internal_Error : public Exception
- {
- Internal_Error(const std::string& err) :
- Exception("Internal error: " + err)
- {}
- };
-* Invalid_Key_Length Exception
-struct BOTAN_DLL Invalid_Key_Length : public Invalid_Argument
- {
- Invalid_Key_Length(const std::string& name, size_t length) :
- Invalid_Argument(name + " cannot accept a key of length " +
- to_string(length))
- {}
- };
-* Invalid_Block_Size Exception
-struct BOTAN_DLL Invalid_Block_Size : public Invalid_Argument
- {
- Invalid_Block_Size(const std::string& mode,
- const std::string& pad) :
- Invalid_Argument("Padding method " + pad +
- " cannot be used with " + mode)
- {}
- };
-* Invalid_IV_Length Exception
-struct BOTAN_DLL Invalid_IV_Length : public Invalid_Argument
- {
- Invalid_IV_Length(const std::string& mode, size_t bad_len) :
- Invalid_Argument("IV length " + to_string(bad_len) +
- " is invalid for " + mode)
- {}
- };
-* PRNG_Unseeded Exception
-struct BOTAN_DLL PRNG_Unseeded : public Invalid_State
- {
- PRNG_Unseeded(const std::string& algo) :
- Invalid_State("PRNG not seeded: " + algo)
- {}
- };
-* Policy_Violation Exception
-struct BOTAN_DLL Policy_Violation : public Invalid_State
- {
- Policy_Violation(const std::string& err) :
- Invalid_State("Policy violation: " + err)
- {}
- };
-* Algorithm_Not_Found Exception
-struct BOTAN_DLL Algorithm_Not_Found : public Lookup_Error
- {
- Algorithm_Not_Found(const std::string& name) :
- Lookup_Error("Could not find any algorithm named \"" + name + "\"")
- {}
- };
-* Invalid_Algorithm_Name Exception
-struct BOTAN_DLL Invalid_Algorithm_Name : public Invalid_Argument
- {
- Invalid_Algorithm_Name(const std::string& name):
- Invalid_Argument("Invalid algorithm name: " + name)
- {}
- };
-* Encoding_Error Exception
-struct BOTAN_DLL Encoding_Error : public Invalid_Argument
- {
- Encoding_Error(const std::string& name) :
- Invalid_Argument("Encoding error: " + name) {}
- };
-* Decoding_Error Exception
-struct BOTAN_DLL Decoding_Error : public Invalid_Argument
- {
- Decoding_Error(const std::string& name) :
- Invalid_Argument("Decoding error: " + name) {}
- };
-* Integrity_Failure Exception
-struct BOTAN_DLL Integrity_Failure : public Exception
- {
- Integrity_Failure(const std::string& msg) :
- Exception("Integrity failure: " + msg) {}
- };
-* Invalid_OID Exception
-struct BOTAN_DLL Invalid_OID : public Decoding_Error
- {
- Invalid_OID(const std::string& oid) :
- Decoding_Error("Invalid ASN.1 OID: " + oid) {}
- };
-* Stream_IO_Error Exception
-struct BOTAN_DLL Stream_IO_Error : public Exception
- {
- Stream_IO_Error(const std::string& err) :
- Exception("I/O error: " + err)
- {}
- };
-* Self Test Failure Exception
-struct BOTAN_DLL Self_Test_Failure : public Internal_Error
- {
- Self_Test_Failure(const std::string& err) :
- Internal_Error("Self test failed: " + err)
- {}
- };
-* Memory Allocation Exception
-struct BOTAN_DLL Memory_Exhaustion : public std::bad_alloc
- {
- const char* what() const throw()
- { return "Ran out of memory, allocation failed"; }
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* This class represents a random number (RNG) generator object.
-class BOTAN_DLL RandomNumberGenerator
- {
- public:
- /**
- * Create a seeded and active RNG object for general application use
- */
- static RandomNumberGenerator* make_rng();
- /**
- * Randomize a byte array.
- * @param output the byte array to hold the random output.
- * @param length the length of the byte array output.
- */
- virtual void randomize(byte output[], size_t length) = 0;
- /**
- * Return a random vector
- * @param bytes number of bytes in the result
- * @return randomized vector of length bytes
- */
- SecureVector<byte> random_vec(size_t bytes)
- {
- SecureVector<byte> output(bytes);
- randomize(&output[0], output.size());
- return output;
- }
- /**
- * Return a random byte
- * @return random byte
- */
- byte next_byte();
- /**
- * Check whether this RNG is seeded.
- * @return true if this RNG was already seeded, false otherwise.
- */
- virtual bool is_seeded() const { return true; }
- /**
- * Clear all internally held values of this RNG.
- */
- virtual void clear() = 0;
- /**
- * Return the name of this object
- */
- virtual std::string name() const = 0;
- /**
- * Seed this RNG using the entropy sources it contains.
- * @param bits_to_collect is the number of bits of entropy to
- attempt to gather from the entropy sources
- */
- virtual void reseed(size_t bits_to_collect) = 0;
- /**
- * Add this entropy source to the RNG object
- * @param source the entropy source which will be retained and used by RNG
- */
- virtual void add_entropy_source(EntropySource* source) = 0;
- /**
- * Add entropy to this RNG.
- * @param in a byte array containg the entropy to be added
- * @param length the length of the byte array in
- */
- virtual void add_entropy(const byte in[], size_t length) = 0;
- RandomNumberGenerator() {}
- virtual ~RandomNumberGenerator() {}
- private:
- RandomNumberGenerator(const RandomNumberGenerator&) {}
- RandomNumberGenerator& operator=(const RandomNumberGenerator&)
- { return (*this); }
- };
-* Null/stub RNG - fails if you try to use it for anything
-class BOTAN_DLL Null_RNG : public RandomNumberGenerator
- {
- public:
- void randomize(byte[], size_t) { throw PRNG_Unseeded("Null_RNG"); }
- void clear() {}
- std::string name() const { return "Null_RNG"; }
- void reseed(size_t) {}
- bool is_seeded() const { return false; }
- void add_entropy(const byte[], size_t) {}
- void add_entropy_source(EntropySource* es) { delete es; }
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* Encoding Method for Signatures, Appendix
- {
- public:
- /**
- * Add more data to the signature computation
- * @param input some data
- * @param length length of input in bytes
- */
- virtual void update(const byte input[], size_t length) = 0;
- /**
- * @return raw hash
- */
- virtual SecureVector<byte> raw_data() = 0;
- /**
- * Return the encoding of a message
- * @param msg the result of raw_data()
- * @param output_bits the desired output bit size
- * @param rng a random number generator
- * @return encoded signature
- */
- virtual SecureVector<byte> encoding_of(const MemoryRegion<byte>& msg,
- size_t output_bits,
- RandomNumberGenerator& rng) = 0;
- /**
- * Verify the encoding
- * @param coded the received (coded) message representative
- * @param raw the computed (local, uncoded) message representative
- * @param key_bits the size of the key in bits
- * @return true if coded is a valid encoding of raw, otherwise false
- */
- virtual bool verify(const MemoryRegion<byte>& coded,
- const MemoryRegion<byte>& raw,
- size_t key_bits) = 0;
- virtual ~EMSA() {}
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* This class represents an algorithm of some kind
-class BOTAN_DLL Algorithm
- {
- public:
- /**
- * Zeroize internal state
- */
- virtual void clear() = 0;
- /**
- * @return name of this algorithm
- */
- virtual std::string name() const = 0;
- Algorithm() {}
- virtual ~Algorithm() {}
- private:
- Algorithm(const Algorithm&) {}
- Algorithm& operator=(const Algorithm&) { return (*this); }
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* This class represents hash function (message digest) objects
-class BOTAN_DLL HashFunction : public Buffered_Computation,
- public Algorithm
- {
- public:
- /**
- * Get a new object representing the same algorithm as *this
- */
- virtual HashFunction* clone() const = 0;
- /**
- * The hash block size as defined for this algorithm
- */
- virtual size_t hash_block_size() const { return 0; }
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* EMSA1 from IEEE 1363
-* Essentially, sign the hash directly
-class BOTAN_DLL EMSA1 : public EMSA
- {
- public:
- /**
- * @param h the hash object to use
- */
- EMSA1(HashFunction* h) : hash(h) {}
- ~EMSA1() { delete hash; }
- protected:
- /**
- * @return const pointer to the underlying hash
- */
- const HashFunction* hash_ptr() const { return hash; }
- private:
- void update(const byte[], size_t);
- SecureVector<byte> raw_data();
- SecureVector<byte> encoding_of(const MemoryRegion<byte>&, size_t,
- RandomNumberGenerator& rng);
- bool verify(const MemoryRegion<byte>&, const MemoryRegion<byte>&,
- size_t);
- HashFunction* hash;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* Keccak[1600], a SHA-3 candidate
-class BOTAN_DLL Keccak_1600 : public HashFunction
- {
- public:
- /**
- * @param output_bits the size of the hash output; must be one of
- * 224, 256, 384, or 512
- */
- Keccak_1600(size_t output_bits = 512);
- size_t hash_block_size() const { return bitrate / 8; }
- size_t output_length() const { return output_bits / 8; }
- HashFunction* clone() const;
- std::string name() const;
- void clear();
- private:
- void add_data(const byte input[], size_t length);
- void final_result(byte out[]);
- size_t output_bits, bitrate;
- SecureVector<u64bit> S;
- size_t S_pos;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-A class encapsulating a SCAN name (similar to JCE conventions)
-class BOTAN_DLL SCAN_Name
- {
- public:
- /**
- * @param algo_spec A SCAN-format name
- */
- SCAN_Name(std::string algo_spec);
- /**
- * @return original input string
- */
- std::string as_string() const { return orig_algo_spec; }
- /**
- * @return algorithm name
- */
- std::string algo_name() const { return alg_name; }
- /**
- * @return algorithm name plus any arguments
- */
- std::string algo_name_and_args() const;
- /**
- * @return number of arguments
- */
- size_t arg_count() const { return args.size(); }
- /**
- * @param lower is the lower bound
- * @param upper is the upper bound
- * @return if the number of arguments is between lower and upper
- */
- bool arg_count_between(size_t lower, size_t upper) const
- { return ((arg_count() >= lower) && (arg_count() <= upper)); }
- /**
- * @param i which argument
- * @return ith argument
- */
- std::string arg(size_t i) const;
- /**
- * @param i which argument
- * @param def_value the default value
- * @return ith argument or the default value
- */
- std::string arg(size_t i, const std::string& def_value) const;
- /**
- * @param i which argument
- * @param def_value the default value
- * @return ith argument as an integer, or the default value
- */
- size_t arg_as_integer(size_t i, size_t def_value) const;
- /**
- * @return cipher mode (if any)
- */
- std::string cipher_mode() const
- { return (mode_info.size() >= 1) ? mode_info[0] : ""; }
- /**
- * @return cipher mode padding (if any)
- */
- std::string cipher_mode_pad() const
- { return (mode_info.size() >= 2) ? mode_info[1] : ""; }
- private:
- std::string orig_algo_spec;
- std::string alg_name;
- std::vector<std::string> args;
- std::vector<std::string> mode_info;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* Represents the length requirements on an algorithm key
-class BOTAN_DLL Key_Length_Specification
- {
- public:
- /**
- * Constructor for fixed length keys
- * @param keylen the supported key length
- */
- Key_Length_Specification(size_t keylen) :
- min_keylen(keylen),
- max_keylen(keylen),
- keylen_mod(1)
- {
- }
- /**
- * Constructor for variable length keys
- * @param min_k the smallest supported key length
- * @param max_k the largest supported key length
- * @param k_mod the number of bytes the key must be a multiple of
- */
- Key_Length_Specification(size_t min_k,
- size_t max_k,
- size_t k_mod = 1) :
- min_keylen(min_k),
- max_keylen(max_k ? max_k : min_k),
- keylen_mod(k_mod)
- {
- }
- /**
- * @param length is a key length in bytes
- * @return true iff this length is a valid length for this algo
- */
- bool valid_keylength(size_t length) const
- {
- return ((length >= min_keylen) &&
- (length <= max_keylen) &&
- (length % keylen_mod == 0));
- }
- /**
- * @return minimum key length in bytes
- */
- size_t minimum_keylength() const
- {
- return min_keylen;
- }
- /**
- * @return maximum key length in bytes
- */
- size_t maximum_keylength() const
- {
- return max_keylen;
- }
- /**
- * @return key length multiple in bytes
- */
- size_t keylength_multiple() const
- {
- return keylen_mod;
- }
- private:
- size_t min_keylen, max_keylen, keylen_mod;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* Octet String
-class BOTAN_DLL OctetString
- {
- public:
- /**
- * @return size of this octet string in bytes
- */
- size_t length() const { return bits.size(); }
- /**
- * @return this object as a SecureVector<byte>
- */
- SecureVector<byte> bits_of() const { return bits; }
- /**
- * @return start of this string
- */
- const byte* begin() const { return &bits[0]; }
- /**
- * @return end of this string
- */
- const byte* end() const { return &bits[bits.size()]; }
- /**
- * @return this encoded as hex
- */
- std::string as_string() const;
- /**
- * XOR the contents of another octet string into this one
- * @param other octet string
- * @return reference to this
- */
- OctetString& operator^=(const OctetString& other);
- /**
- * Force to have odd parity
- */
- void set_odd_parity();
- /**
- * Change the contents of this octet string
- * @param hex_string a hex encoded bytestring
- */
- void change(const std::string& hex_string);
- /**
- * Change the contents of this octet string
- * @param in the input
- * @param length of in in bytes
- */
- void change(const byte in[], size_t length);
- /**
- * Change the contents of this octet string
- * @param in the input
- */
- void change(const MemoryRegion<byte>& in) { bits = in; }
- /**
- * Create a new random OctetString
- * @param rng is a random number generator
- * @param len is the desired length in bytes
- */
- OctetString(class RandomNumberGenerator& rng, size_t len);
- /**
- * Create a new OctetString
- * @param str is a hex encoded string
- */
- OctetString(const std::string& str = "") { change(str); }
- /**
- * Create a new OctetString
- * @param in is an array
- * @param len is the length of in in bytes
- */
- OctetString(const byte in[], size_t len) { change(in, len); }
- /**
- * Create a new OctetString
- * @param in a bytestring
- */
- OctetString(const MemoryRegion<byte>& in) { change(in); }
- private:
- SecureVector<byte> bits;
- };
-* Compare two strings
-* @param x an octet string
-* @param y an octet string
-* @return if x is equal to y
-BOTAN_DLL bool operator==(const OctetString& x,
- const OctetString& y);
-* Compare two strings
-* @param x an octet string
-* @param y an octet string
-* @return if x is not equal to y
-BOTAN_DLL bool operator!=(const OctetString& x,
- const OctetString& y);
-* Concatenate two strings
-* @param x an octet string
-* @param y an octet string
-* @return x concatenated with y
-BOTAN_DLL OctetString operator+(const OctetString& x,
- const OctetString& y);
-* XOR two strings
-* @param x an octet string
-* @param y an octet string
-* @return x XORed with y
-BOTAN_DLL OctetString operator^(const OctetString& x,
- const OctetString& y);
-* Alternate name for octet string showing intent to use as a key
-typedef OctetString SymmetricKey;
-* Alternate name for octet string showing intent to use as an IV
-typedef OctetString InitializationVector;
-namespace Botan {
-* This class represents a symmetric algorithm object.
-class BOTAN_DLL SymmetricAlgorithm : public Algorithm
- {
- public:
- /**
- * @return object describing limits on key size
- */
- virtual Key_Length_Specification key_spec() const = 0;
- /**
- * @return minimum allowed key length
- */
- size_t maximum_keylength() const
- {
- return key_spec().maximum_keylength();
- }
- /**
- * @return maxmium allowed key length
- */
- size_t minimum_keylength() const
- {
- return key_spec().minimum_keylength();
- }
- /**
- * Check whether a given key length is valid for this algorithm.
- * @param length the key length to be checked.
- * @return true if the key length is valid.
- */
- bool valid_keylength(size_t length) const
- {
- return key_spec().valid_keylength(length);
- }
- /**
- * Set the symmetric key of this object.
- * @param key the SymmetricKey to be set.
- */
- void set_key(const SymmetricKey& key)
- { set_key(key.begin(), key.length()); }
- /**
- * Set the symmetric key of this object.
- * @param key the to be set as a byte array.
- * @param length in bytes of key param
- */
- void set_key(const byte key[], size_t length)
- {
- if(!valid_keylength(length))
- throw Invalid_Key_Length(name(), length);
- key_schedule(key, length);
- }
- private:
- /**
- * Run the key schedule
- * @param key the key
- * @param length of key
- */
- virtual void key_schedule(const byte key[], size_t length) = 0;
- };
-* The two possible directions for cipher filters, determining whether they
-* actually perform encryption or decryption.
-enum Cipher_Dir { ENCRYPTION, DECRYPTION };
-namespace Botan {
-* This class represents a block cipher object.
-class BOTAN_DLL BlockCipher : public SymmetricAlgorithm
- {
- public:
- /**
- * @return block size of this algorithm
- */
- virtual size_t block_size() const = 0;
- /**
- * @return native parallelism of this cipher in blocks
- */
- virtual size_t parallelism() const { return 1; }
- /**
- * @return prefererred parallelism of this cipher in bytes
- */
- size_t parallel_bytes() const
- {
- return parallelism() * block_size() * BOTAN_BLOCK_CIPHER_PAR_MULT;
- }
- /**
- * Encrypt a block.
- * @param in The plaintext block to be encrypted as a byte array.
- * Must be of length block_size().
- * @param out The byte array designated to hold the encrypted block.
- * Must be of length block_size().
- */
- void encrypt(const byte in[], byte out[]) const
- { encrypt_n(in, out, 1); }
- /**
- * Decrypt a block.
- * @param in The ciphertext block to be decypted as a byte array.
- * Must be of length block_size().
- * @param out The byte array designated to hold the decrypted block.
- * Must be of length block_size().
- */
- void decrypt(const byte in[], byte out[]) const
- { decrypt_n(in, out, 1); }
- /**
- * Encrypt a block.
- * @param block the plaintext block to be encrypted
- * Must be of length block_size(). Will hold the result when the function
- * has finished.
- */
- void encrypt(byte block[]) const { encrypt_n(block, block, 1); }
- /**
- * Decrypt a block.
- * @param block the ciphertext block to be decrypted
- * Must be of length block_size(). Will hold the result when the function
- * has finished.
- */
- void decrypt(byte block[]) const { decrypt_n(block, block, 1); }
- /**
- * Encrypt one or more blocks
- * @param in the input buffer (multiple of block_size())
- * @param out the output buffer (same size as in)
- * @param blocks the number of blocks to process
- */
- virtual void encrypt_n(const byte in[], byte out[],
- size_t blocks) const = 0;
- /**
- * Decrypt one or more blocks
- * @param in the input buffer (multiple of block_size())
- * @param out the output buffer (same size as in)
- * @param blocks the number of blocks to process
- */
- virtual void decrypt_n(const byte in[], byte out[],
- size_t blocks) const = 0;
- /**
- * Get a new object representing the same algorithm as *this
- */
- virtual BlockCipher* clone() const = 0;
- };
-* Represents a block cipher with a single fixed block size
-template<size_t BS, size_t KMIN, size_t KMAX = 0, size_t KMOD = 1>
-class Block_Cipher_Fixed_Params : public BlockCipher
- {
- public:
- enum { BLOCK_SIZE = BS };
- size_t block_size() const { return BS; }
- Key_Length_Specification key_spec() const
- {
- return Key_Length_Specification(KMIN, KMAX, KMOD);
- }
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* Base class for all stream ciphers
-class BOTAN_DLL StreamCipher : public SymmetricAlgorithm
- {
- public:
- /**
- * Encrypt or decrypt a message
- * @param in the plaintext
- * @param out the byte array to hold the output, i.e. the ciphertext
- * @param len the length of both in and out in bytes
- */
- virtual void cipher(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t len) = 0;
- /**
- * Encrypt or decrypt a message
- * @param buf the plaintext / ciphertext
- * @param len the length of buf in bytes
- */
- void cipher1(byte buf[], size_t len)
- { cipher(buf, buf, len); }
- /**
- * Resync the cipher using the IV
- * @param iv the initialization vector
- * @param iv_len the length of the IV in bytes
- */
- virtual void set_iv(const byte iv[], size_t iv_len);
- /**
- * @param iv_len the length of the IV in bytes
- * @return if the length is valid for this algorithm
- */
- virtual bool valid_iv_length(size_t iv_len) const;
- /**
- * Get a new object representing the same algorithm as *this
- */
- virtual StreamCipher* clone() const = 0;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* This class represents Message Authentication Code (MAC) objects.
-class BOTAN_DLL MessageAuthenticationCode : public Buffered_Computation,
- public SymmetricAlgorithm
- {
- public:
- /**
- * Verify a MAC.
- * @param in the MAC to verify as a byte array
- * @param length the length of param in
- * @return true if the MAC is valid, false otherwise
- */
- virtual bool verify_mac(const byte in[], size_t length);
- /**
- * Get a new object representing the same algorithm as *this
- */
- virtual MessageAuthenticationCode* clone() const = 0;
- /**
- * Get the name of this algorithm.
- * @return name of this algorithm
- */
- virtual std::string name() const = 0;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* Base class for PBKDF (password based key derivation function)
-* implementations. Converts a password into a key using a salt
-* and iterated hashing to make brute force attacks harder.
-class BOTAN_DLL PBKDF : public Algorithm
- {
- public:
- /**
- * @return new instance of this same algorithm
- */
- virtual PBKDF* clone() const = 0;
- void clear() {}
- /**
- * Derive a key from a passphrase
- * @param output_len the desired length of the key to produce
- * @param passphrase the password to derive the key from
- * @param salt a randomly chosen salt
- * @param salt_len length of salt in bytes
- * @param iterations the number of iterations to use (use 10K or more)
- */
- virtual OctetString derive_key(size_t output_len,
- const std::string& passphrase,
- const byte salt[], size_t salt_len,
- size_t iterations) const = 0;
- };
-* For compatability with 1.8
-typedef PBKDF S2K;
-namespace Botan {
-#if (BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS == 8)
- typedef byte word;
-#elif (BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS == 16)
- typedef u16bit word;
-#elif (BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS == 32)
- typedef u32bit word;
-#elif (BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS == 64)
- typedef u64bit word;
- #error BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS must be 8, 16, 32, or 64
-const word MP_WORD_MASK = ~static_cast<word>(0);
-const word MP_WORD_TOP_BIT = static_cast<word>(1) << (8*sizeof(word) - 1);
-const word MP_WORD_MAX = MP_WORD_MASK;
-namespace Botan {
-* Arbitrary precision integer
-class BOTAN_DLL BigInt
- {
- public:
- /**
- * Base enumerator for encoding and decoding
- */
- enum Base { Octal = 8, Decimal = 10, Hexadecimal = 16, Binary = 256 };
- /**
- * Sign symbol definitions for positive and negative numbers
- */
- enum Sign { Negative = 0, Positive = 1 };
- /**
- * Number types (currently only power-of-2 supported)
- */
- enum NumberType { Power2 };
- /**
- * DivideByZero Exception
- */
- struct BOTAN_DLL DivideByZero : public Exception
- { DivideByZero() : Exception("BigInt divide by zero") {} };
- /**
- * += operator
- * @param y the BigInt to add to this
- */
- BigInt& operator+=(const BigInt& y);
- /**
- * -= operator
- * @param y the BigInt to subtract from this
- */
- BigInt& operator-=(const BigInt& y);
- /**
- * *= operator
- * @param y the BigInt to multiply with this
- */
- BigInt& operator*=(const BigInt& y);
- /**
- * /= operator
- * @param y the BigInt to divide this by
- */
- BigInt& operator/=(const BigInt& y);
- /**
- * Modulo operator
- * @param y the modulus to reduce this by
- */
- BigInt& operator%=(const BigInt& y);
- /**
- * Modulo operator
- * @param y the modulus (word) to reduce this by
- */
- word operator%=(word y);
- /**
- * Left shift operator
- * @param shift the number of bits to shift this left by
- */
- BigInt& operator<<=(size_t shift);
- /**
- * Right shift operator
- * @param shift the number of bits to shift this right by
- */
- BigInt& operator>>=(size_t shift);
- /**
- * Increment operator
- */
- BigInt& operator++() { return (*this += 1); }
- /**
- * Decrement operator
- */
- BigInt& operator--() { return (*this -= 1); }
- /**
- * Postfix increment operator
- */
- BigInt operator++(int) { BigInt x = (*this); ++(*this); return x; }
- /**
- * Postfix decrement operator
- */
- BigInt operator--(int) { BigInt x = (*this); --(*this); return x; }
- /**
- * Unary negation operator
- * @return negative this
- */
- BigInt operator-() const;
- /**
- * ! operator
- * @return true iff this is zero, otherwise false
- */
- bool operator !() const { return (!is_nonzero()); }
- /**
- * [] operator (array access)
- * @param i a word index
- * @return the word at index i
- */
- word& operator[](size_t i) { return reg[i]; }
- /**
- * [] operator (array access)
- * @param i a word index
- * @return the word at index i
- */
- const word& operator[](size_t i) const { return reg[i]; }
- /**
- * Zeroize the BigInt
- */
- void clear() { zeroise(reg); }
- /**
- * Compare this to another BigInt
- * @param n the BigInt value to compare with
- * @param check_signs include sign in comparison?
- * @result if (this<n) return -1, if (this>n) return 1, if both
- * values are identical return 0 [like Perl's <=> operator]
- */
- s32bit cmp(const BigInt& n, bool check_signs = true) const;
- /**
- * Test if the integer has an even value
- * @result true if the integer is even, false otherwise
- */
- bool is_even() const { return (get_bit(0) == 0); }
- /**
- * Test if the integer has an odd value
- * @result true if the integer is odd, false otherwise
- */
- bool is_odd() const { return (get_bit(0) == 1); }
- /**
- * Test if the integer is not zero
- * @result true if the integer is non-zero, false otherwise
- */
- bool is_nonzero() const { return (!is_zero()); }
- /**
- * Test if the integer is zero
- * @result true if the integer is zero, false otherwise
- */
- bool is_zero() const
- {
- const size_t sw = sig_words();
- for(size_t i = 0; i != sw; ++i)
- if(reg[i])
- return false;
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * Set bit at specified position
- * @param n bit position to set
- */
- void set_bit(size_t n);
- /**
- * Clear bit at specified position
- * @param n bit position to clear
- */
- void clear_bit(size_t n);
- /**
- * Clear all but the lowest n bits
- * @param n amount of bits to keep
- */
- void mask_bits(size_t n);
- /**
- * Return bit value at specified position
- * @param n the bit offset to test
- * @result true, if the bit at position n is set, false otherwise
- */
- bool get_bit(size_t n) const;
- /**
- * Return (a maximum of) 32 bits of the complete value
- * @param offset the offset to start extracting
- * @param length amount of bits to extract (starting at offset)
- * @result the integer extracted from the register starting at
- * offset with specified length
- */
- u32bit get_substring(size_t offset, size_t length) const;
- /**
- * Convert this value into a u32bit, if it is in the range
- * [0 ... 2**32-1], or otherwise throw an exception.
- * @result the value as a u32bit if conversion is possible
- */
- u32bit to_u32bit() const;
- /**
- * @param n the offset to get a byte from
- * @result byte at offset n
- */
- byte byte_at(size_t n) const;
- /**
- * Return the word at a specified position of the internal register
- * @param n position in the register
- * @return value at position n
- */
- word word_at(size_t n) const
- { return ((n < size()) ? reg[n] : 0); }
- /**
- * Tests if the sign of the integer is negative
- * @result true, iff the integer has a negative sign
- */
- bool is_negative() const { return (sign() == Negative); }
- /**
- * Tests if the sign of the integer is positive
- * @result true, iff the integer has a positive sign
- */
- bool is_positive() const { return (sign() == Positive); }
- /**
- * Return the sign of the integer
- * @result the sign of the integer
- */
- Sign sign() const { return (signedness); }
- /**
- * @result the opposite sign of the represented integer value
- */
- Sign reverse_sign() const;
- /**
- * Flip the sign of this BigInt
- */
- void flip_sign();
- /**
- * Set sign of the integer
- * @param sign new Sign to set
- */
- void set_sign(Sign sign);
- /**
- * @result absolute (positive) value of this
- */
- BigInt abs() const;
- /**
- * Give size of internal register
- * @result size of internal register in words
- */
- size_t size() const { return get_reg().size(); }
- /**
- * Return how many words we need to hold this value
- * @result significant words of the represented integer value
- */
- size_t sig_words() const
- {
- const word* x = &reg[0];
- size_t sig = reg.size();
- while(sig && (x[sig-1] == 0))
- sig--;
- return sig;
- }
- /**
- * Give byte length of the integer
- * @result byte length of the represented integer value
- */
- size_t bytes() const;
- /**
- * Get the bit length of the integer
- * @result bit length of the represented integer value
- */
- size_t bits() const;
- /**
- * Return a pointer to the big integer word register
- * @result a pointer to the start of the internal register of
- * the integer value
- */
- const word* data() const { return &reg[0]; }
- /**
- * return a reference to the internal register containing the value
- * @result a reference to the word-array (SecureVector<word>)
- * with the internal register value (containing the integer
- * value)
- */
- SecureVector<word>& get_reg() { return reg; }
- /**
- * return a const reference to the internal register containing the value
- * @result a const reference to the word-array (SecureVector<word>)
- * with the internal register value (containing the integer value)
- */
- const SecureVector<word>& get_reg() const { return reg; }
- /**
- * Assign using a plain word array
- */
- void assign(const word x[], size_t length)
- {
- reg.resize(length);
- copy_mem(&reg[0], x, length);
- }
- /**
- * Increase internal register buffer by n words
- * @param n increase by n words
- */
- void grow_reg(size_t n);
- void grow_to(size_t n);
- /**
- * Fill BigInt with a random number with size of bitsize
- * @param rng the random number generator to use
- * @param bitsize number of bits the created random value should have
- */
- void randomize(RandomNumberGenerator& rng, size_t bitsize = 0);
- /**
- * Store BigInt-value in a given byte array
- * @param buf destination byte array for the integer value
- */
- void binary_encode(byte buf[]) const;
- /**
- * Read integer value from a byte array with given size
- * @param buf byte array buffer containing the integer
- * @param length size of buf
- */
- void binary_decode(const byte buf[], size_t length);
- /**
- * Read integer value from a byte array (MemoryRegion<byte>)
- * @param buf the array to load from
- */
- void binary_decode(const MemoryRegion<byte>& buf);
- /**
- * @param base the base to measure the size for
- * @return size of this integer in base base
- */
- size_t encoded_size(Base base = Binary) const;
- /**
- * @param rng a random number generator
- * @param min the minimum value
- * @param max the maximum value
- * @return random integer between min and max
- */
- static BigInt random_integer(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
- const BigInt& min,
- const BigInt& max);
- /**
- * Encode the integer value from a BigInt to a SecureVector of bytes
- * @param n the BigInt to use as integer source
- * @param base number-base of resulting byte array representation
- * @result SecureVector of bytes containing the integer with given base
- */
- static SecureVector<byte> encode(const BigInt& n, Base base = Binary);
- /**
- * Encode the integer value from a BigInt to a byte array
- * @param buf destination byte array for the encoded integer
- * value with given base
- * @param n the BigInt to use as integer source
- * @param base number-base of resulting byte array representation
- */
- static void encode(byte buf[], const BigInt& n, Base base = Binary);
- /**
- * Create a BigInt from an integer in a byte array
- * @param buf the binary value to load
- * @param length size of buf
- * @param base number-base of the integer in buf
- * @result BigInt representing the integer in the byte array
- */
- static BigInt decode(const byte buf[], size_t length,
- Base base = Binary);
- /**
- * Create a BigInt from an integer in a byte array
- * @param buf the binary value to load
- * @param base number-base of the integer in buf
- * @result BigInt representing the integer in the byte array
- */
- static BigInt decode(const MemoryRegion<byte>& buf,
- Base base = Binary);
- /**
- * Encode a BigInt to a byte array according to IEEE 1363
- * @param n the BigInt to encode
- * @param bytes the length of the resulting SecureVector<byte>
- * @result a SecureVector<byte> containing the encoded BigInt
- */
- static SecureVector<byte> encode_1363(const BigInt& n, size_t bytes);
- /**
- * Swap this value with another
- * @param other BigInt to swap values with
- */
- void swap(BigInt& other);
- /**
- * Create empty BigInt
- */
- BigInt() { signedness = Positive; }
- /**
- * Create BigInt from 64 bit integer
- * @param n initial value of this BigInt
- */
- BigInt(u64bit n);
- /**
- * Copy Constructor
- * @param other the BigInt to copy
- */
- BigInt(const BigInt& other);
- /**
- * Create BigInt from a string. If the string starts with 0x the
- * rest of the string will be interpreted as hexadecimal digits.
- * If the string starts with 0 and the second character is NOT an
- * 'x' the string will be interpreted as octal digits. If the
- * string starts with non-zero digit, it will be interpreted as a
- * decimal number.
- *
- * @param str the string to parse for an integer value
- */
- BigInt(const std::string& str);
- /**
- * Create a BigInt from an integer in a byte array
- * @param buf the byte array holding the value
- * @param length size of buf
- * @param base is the number base of the integer in buf
- */
- BigInt(const byte buf[], size_t length, Base base = Binary);
- /**
- * Create a random BigInt of the specified size
- * @param rng random number generator
- * @param bits size in bits
- */
- BigInt(RandomNumberGenerator& rng, size_t bits);
- /**
- * Create BigInt of specified size, all zeros
- * @param sign the sign
- * @param n size of the internal register in words
- */
- BigInt(Sign sign, size_t n);
- /**
- * Create a number of the specified type and size
- * @param type the type of number to create. For Power2,
- * will create the integer 2^n
- * @param n a size/length parameter, interpretation depends upon
- * the value of type
- */
- BigInt(NumberType type, size_t n);
- private:
- SecureVector<word> reg;
- Sign signedness;
- };
-* Arithmetic Operators
-BigInt BOTAN_DLL operator+(const BigInt& x, const BigInt& y);
-BigInt BOTAN_DLL operator-(const BigInt& x, const BigInt& y);
-BigInt BOTAN_DLL operator*(const BigInt& x, const BigInt& y);
-BigInt BOTAN_DLL operator/(const BigInt& x, const BigInt& d);
-BigInt BOTAN_DLL operator%(const BigInt& x, const BigInt& m);
-word BOTAN_DLL operator%(const BigInt& x, word m);
-BigInt BOTAN_DLL operator<<(const BigInt& x, size_t n);
-BigInt BOTAN_DLL operator>>(const BigInt& x, size_t n);
-* Comparison Operators
-inline bool operator==(const BigInt& a, const BigInt& b)
- { return (a.cmp(b) == 0); }
-inline bool operator!=(const BigInt& a, const BigInt& b)
- { return (a.cmp(b) != 0); }
-inline bool operator<=(const BigInt& a, const BigInt& b)
- { return (a.cmp(b) <= 0); }
-inline bool operator>=(const BigInt& a, const BigInt& b)
- { return (a.cmp(b) >= 0); }
-inline bool operator<(const BigInt& a, const BigInt& b)
- { return (a.cmp(b) < 0); }
-inline bool operator>(const BigInt& a, const BigInt& b)
- { return (a.cmp(b) > 0); }
-* I/O Operators
-BOTAN_DLL std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const BigInt&);
-BOTAN_DLL std::istream& operator>>(std::istream&, BigInt&);
-namespace std {
-inline void swap(Botan::BigInt& x, Botan::BigInt& y)
- {
- x.swap(y);
- }
-namespace Botan {
-* Modular Exponentiator Interface
-class BOTAN_DLL Modular_Exponentiator
- {
- public:
- virtual void set_base(const BigInt&) = 0;
- virtual void set_exponent(const BigInt&) = 0;
- virtual BigInt execute() const = 0;
- virtual Modular_Exponentiator* copy() const = 0;
- virtual ~Modular_Exponentiator() {}
- };
-* Modular Exponentiator Proxy
-class BOTAN_DLL Power_Mod
- {
- public:
- enum Usage_Hints {
- NO_HINTS = 0x0000,
- BASE_IS_FIXED = 0x0001,
- BASE_IS_SMALL = 0x0002,
- BASE_IS_LARGE = 0x0004,
- BASE_IS_2 = 0x0008,
- EXP_IS_FIXED = 0x0100,
- EXP_IS_SMALL = 0x0200,
- EXP_IS_LARGE = 0x0400
- };
- /*
- * Try to choose a good window size
- */
- static size_t window_bits(size_t exp_bits, size_t base_bits,
- Power_Mod::Usage_Hints hints);
- void set_modulus(const BigInt&, Usage_Hints = NO_HINTS) const;
- void set_base(const BigInt&) const;
- void set_exponent(const BigInt&) const;
- BigInt execute() const;
- Power_Mod& operator=(const Power_Mod&);
- Power_Mod(const BigInt& = 0, Usage_Hints = NO_HINTS);
- Power_Mod(const Power_Mod&);
- virtual ~Power_Mod();
- private:
- mutable Modular_Exponentiator* core;
- Usage_Hints hints;
- };
-* Fixed Exponent Modular Exponentiator Proxy
-class BOTAN_DLL Fixed_Exponent_Power_Mod : public Power_Mod
- {
- public:
- BigInt operator()(const BigInt& b) const
- { set_base(b); return execute(); }
- Fixed_Exponent_Power_Mod() {}
- Fixed_Exponent_Power_Mod(const BigInt&, const BigInt&,
- Usage_Hints = NO_HINTS);
- };
-* Fixed Base Modular Exponentiator Proxy
-class BOTAN_DLL Fixed_Base_Power_Mod : public Power_Mod
- {
- public:
- BigInt operator()(const BigInt& e) const
- { set_exponent(e); return execute(); }
- Fixed_Base_Power_Mod() {}
- Fixed_Base_Power_Mod(const BigInt&, const BigInt&,
- Usage_Hints = NO_HINTS);
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* ASN.1 Type and Class Tags
-enum ASN1_Tag {
- UNIVERSAL = 0x00,
- PRIVATE = 0xC0,
- EOC = 0x00,
- BOOLEAN = 0x01,
- INTEGER = 0x02,
- BIT_STRING = 0x03,
- OCTET_STRING = 0x04,
- NULL_TAG = 0x05,
- OBJECT_ID = 0x06,
- SEQUENCE = 0x10,
- SET = 0x11,
- UTF8_STRING = 0x0C,
- T61_STRING = 0x14,
- IA5_STRING = 0x16,
- BMP_STRING = 0x1E,
- UTC_TIME = 0x17,
- NO_OBJECT = 0xFF00,
-* Basic ASN.1 Object Interface
-class BOTAN_DLL ASN1_Object
- {
- public:
- /**
- * Encode whatever this object is into to
- * @param to the DER_Encoder that will be written to
- */
- virtual void encode_into(class DER_Encoder& to) const = 0;
- /**
- * Decode whatever this object is from from
- * @param from the BER_Decoder that will be read from
- */
- virtual void decode_from(class BER_Decoder& from) = 0;
- virtual ~ASN1_Object() {}
- };
-* BER Encoded Object
-class BOTAN_DLL BER_Object
- {
- public:
- void assert_is_a(ASN1_Tag, ASN1_Tag);
- ASN1_Tag type_tag, class_tag;
- SecureVector<byte> value;
- };
-* ASN.1 Utility Functions
-class DataSource;
-namespace ASN1 {
-SecureVector<byte> put_in_sequence(const MemoryRegion<byte>& val);
-std::string to_string(const BER_Object& obj);
-* Heuristics tests; is this object possibly BER?
-* @param src a data source that will be peeked at but not modified
-bool maybe_BER(DataSource& src);
-* General BER Decoding Error Exception
-struct BOTAN_DLL BER_Decoding_Error : public Decoding_Error
- {
- BER_Decoding_Error(const std::string&);
- };
-* Exception For Incorrect BER Taggings
-struct BOTAN_DLL BER_Bad_Tag : public BER_Decoding_Error
- {
- BER_Bad_Tag(const std::string& msg, ASN1_Tag tag);
- BER_Bad_Tag(const std::string& msg, ASN1_Tag tag1, ASN1_Tag tag2);
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* This class represents ASN.1 object identifiers.
-class BOTAN_DLL OID : public ASN1_Object
- {
- public:
- void encode_into(class DER_Encoder&) const;
- void decode_from(class BER_Decoder&);
- /**
- * Find out whether this OID is empty
- * @return true is no OID value is set
- */
- bool is_empty() const { return id.size() == 0; }
- /**
- * Get this OID as list (vector) of its components.
- * @return vector representing this OID
- */
- std::vector<u32bit> get_id() const { return id; }
- /**
- * Get this OID as a string
- * @return string representing this OID
- */
- std::string as_string() const;
- /**
- * Compare two OIDs.
- * @return true if they are equal, false otherwise
- */
- bool operator==(const OID&) const;
- /**
- * Reset this instance to an empty OID.
- */
- void clear();
- /**
- * Add a component to this OID.
- * @param new_comp the new component to add to the end of this OID
- * @return reference to *this
- */
- OID& operator+=(u32bit new_comp);
- /**
- * Construct an OID from a string.
- * @param str a string in the form "a.b.c" etc., where a,b,c are numbers
- */
- OID(const std::string& str = "");
- private:
- std::vector<u32bit> id;
- };
-* Append another component onto the OID.
-* @param oid the OID to add the new component to
-* @param new_comp the new component to add
-OID operator+(const OID& oid, u32bit new_comp);
-* Compare two OIDs.
-* @param a the first OID
-* @param b the second OID
-* @return true if a is not equal to b
-bool operator!=(const OID& a, const OID& b);
-* Compare two OIDs.
-* @param a the first OID
-* @param b the second OID
-* @return true if a is lexicographically smaller than b
-bool operator<(const OID& a, const OID& b);
-namespace Botan {
-* Algorithm Identifier
-class BOTAN_DLL AlgorithmIdentifier : public ASN1_Object
- {
- public:
- enum Encoding_Option { USE_NULL_PARAM };
- void encode_into(class DER_Encoder&) const;
- void decode_from(class BER_Decoder&);
- AlgorithmIdentifier() {}
- AlgorithmIdentifier(const OID&, Encoding_Option);
- AlgorithmIdentifier(const std::string&, Encoding_Option);
- AlgorithmIdentifier(const OID&, const MemoryRegion<byte>&);
- AlgorithmIdentifier(const std::string&, const MemoryRegion<byte>&);
- OID oid;
- SecureVector<byte> parameters;
- };
-* Comparison Operations
-bool BOTAN_DLL operator==(const AlgorithmIdentifier&,
- const AlgorithmIdentifier&);
-bool BOTAN_DLL operator!=(const AlgorithmIdentifier&,
- const AlgorithmIdentifier&);
-namespace Botan {
-* Public Key Base Class.
-class BOTAN_DLL Public_Key
- {
- public:
- /**
- * Get the name of the underlying public key scheme.
- * @return name of the public key scheme
- */
- virtual std::string algo_name() const = 0;
- /**
- * Get the OID of the underlying public key scheme.
- * @return OID of the public key scheme
- */
- virtual OID get_oid() const;
- /**
- * Test the key values for consistency.
- * @param rng rng to use
- * @param strong whether to perform strong and lengthy version
- * of the test
- * @return true if the test is passed
- */
- virtual bool check_key(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
- bool strong) const = 0;
- /**
- * Find out the number of message parts supported by this scheme.
- * @return number of message parts
- */
- virtual size_t message_parts() const { return 1; }
- /**
- * Find out the message part size supported by this scheme/key.
- * @return size of the message parts in bits
- */
- virtual size_t message_part_size() const { return 0; }
- /**
- * Get the maximum message size in bits supported by this public key.
- * @return maximum message size in bits
- */
- virtual size_t max_input_bits() const = 0;
- /**
- * @return X.509 AlgorithmIdentifier for this key
- */
- virtual AlgorithmIdentifier algorithm_identifier() const = 0;
- /**
- * @return X.509 subject key encoding for this key object
- */
- virtual MemoryVector<byte> x509_subject_public_key() const = 0;
- virtual ~Public_Key() {}
- protected:
- /**
- * Self-test after loading a key
- * @param rng a random number generator
- */
- virtual void load_check(RandomNumberGenerator& rng) const;
- };
-* Private Key Base Class
-class BOTAN_DLL Private_Key : public virtual Public_Key
- {
- public:
- /**
- * @return PKCS #8 private key encoding for this key object
- */
- virtual MemoryVector<byte> pkcs8_private_key() const = 0;
- /**
- * @return PKCS #8 AlgorithmIdentifier for this key
- * Might be different from the X.509 identifier, but normally is not
- */
- virtual AlgorithmIdentifier pkcs8_algorithm_identifier() const
- { return algorithm_identifier(); }
- protected:
- /**
- * Self-test after loading a key
- * @param rng a random number generator
- */
- void load_check(RandomNumberGenerator& rng) const;
- /**
- * Self-test after generating a key
- * @param rng a random number generator
- */
- void gen_check(RandomNumberGenerator& rng) const;
- };
-* PK Secret Value Derivation Key
-class BOTAN_DLL PK_Key_Agreement_Key : public virtual Private_Key
- {
- public:
- /*
- * @return public component of this key
- */
- virtual MemoryVector<byte> public_value() const = 0;
- virtual ~PK_Key_Agreement_Key() {}
- };
-* Typedefs
-typedef PK_Key_Agreement_Key PK_KA_Key;
-typedef Public_Key X509_PublicKey;
-typedef Private_Key PKCS8_PrivateKey;
-namespace Botan {
-namespace PK_Ops {
-* Public key encryption interface
-class BOTAN_DLL Encryption
- {
- public:
- virtual size_t max_input_bits() const = 0;
- virtual SecureVector<byte> encrypt(const byte msg[], size_t msg_len,
- RandomNumberGenerator& rng) = 0;
- virtual ~Encryption() {}
- };
-* Public key decryption interface
-class BOTAN_DLL Decryption
- {
- public:
- virtual size_t max_input_bits() const = 0;
- virtual SecureVector<byte> decrypt(const byte msg[],
- size_t msg_len) = 0;
- virtual ~Decryption() {}
- };
-* Public key signature creation interface
-class BOTAN_DLL Signature
- {
- public:
- /**
- * Find out the number of message parts supported by this scheme.
- * @return number of message parts
- */
- virtual size_t message_parts() const { return 1; }
- /**
- * Find out the message part size supported by this scheme/key.
- * @return size of the message parts
- */
- virtual size_t message_part_size() const { return 0; }
- /**
- * Get the maximum message size in bits supported by this public key.
- * @return maximum message in bits
- */
- virtual size_t max_input_bits() const = 0;
- /*
- * Perform a signature operation
- * @param msg the message
- * @param msg_len the length of msg in bytes
- * @param rng a random number generator
- */
- virtual SecureVector<byte> sign(const byte msg[], size_t msg_len,
- RandomNumberGenerator& rng) = 0;
- virtual ~Signature() {}
- };
-* Public key signature verification interface
-class BOTAN_DLL Verification
- {
- public:
- /**
- * Get the maximum message size in bits supported by this public key.
- * @return maximum message in bits
- */
- virtual size_t max_input_bits() const = 0;
- /**
- * Find out the number of message parts supported by this scheme.
- * @return number of message parts
- */
- virtual size_t message_parts() const { return 1; }
- /**
- * Find out the message part size supported by this scheme/key.
- * @return size of the message parts
- */
- virtual size_t message_part_size() const { return 0; }
- /**
- * @return boolean specifying if this key type supports message
- * recovery and thus if you need to call verify() or verify_mr()
- */
- virtual bool with_recovery() const = 0;
- /*
- * Perform a signature check operation
- * @param msg the message
- * @param msg_len the length of msg in bytes
- * @param sig the signature
- * @param sig_len the length of sig in bytes
- * @returns if signature is a valid one for message
- */
- virtual bool verify(const byte[], size_t,
- const byte[], size_t)
- {
- throw Invalid_State("Message recovery required");
- }
- /*
- * Perform a signature operation (with message recovery)
- * Only call this if with_recovery() returns true
- * @param msg the message
- * @param msg_len the length of msg in bytes
- * @returns recovered message
- */
- virtual SecureVector<byte> verify_mr(const byte[],
- size_t)
- {
- throw Invalid_State("Message recovery not supported");
- }
- virtual ~Verification() {}
- };
-* A generic key agreement Operation (eg DH or ECDH)
-class BOTAN_DLL Key_Agreement
- {
- public:
- /*
- * Perform a key agreement operation
- * @param w the other key value
- * @param w_len the length of w in bytes
- * @returns the agreed key
- */
- virtual SecureVector<byte> agree(const byte w[], size_t w_len) = 0;
- virtual ~Key_Agreement() {}
- };
-namespace Botan {
-class Algorithm_Factory;
-class Keyed_Filter;
-* Base class for all engines. All non-pure virtual functions simply
-* return NULL, indicating the algorithm in question is not
-* supported. Subclasses can reimplement whichever function(s)
-* they want to hook in a particular type.
-class BOTAN_DLL Engine
- {
- public:
- virtual ~Engine() {}
- /**
- * @return name of this engine
- */
- virtual std::string provider_name() const = 0;
- /**
- * @param algo_spec the algorithm name/specification
- * @param af an algorithm factory object
- * @return newly allocated object, or NULL
- */
- virtual BlockCipher*
- find_block_cipher(const SCAN_Name& algo_spec,
- Algorithm_Factory& af) const;
- /**
- * @param algo_spec the algorithm name/specification
- * @param af an algorithm factory object
- * @return newly allocated object, or NULL
- */
- virtual StreamCipher*
- find_stream_cipher(const SCAN_Name& algo_spec,
- Algorithm_Factory& af) const;
- /**
- * @param algo_spec the algorithm name/specification
- * @param af an algorithm factory object
- * @return newly allocated object, or NULL
- */
- virtual HashFunction*
- find_hash(const SCAN_Name& algo_spec,
- Algorithm_Factory& af) const;
- /**
- * @param algo_spec the algorithm name/specification
- * @param af an algorithm factory object
- * @return newly allocated object, or NULL
- */
- virtual MessageAuthenticationCode*
- find_mac(const SCAN_Name& algo_spec,
- Algorithm_Factory& af) const;
- /**
- * @param algo_spec the algorithm name/specification
- * @param af an algorithm factory object
- * @return newly allocated object, or NULL
- */
- virtual PBKDF* find_pbkdf(const SCAN_Name& algo_spec,
- Algorithm_Factory& af) const;
- /**
- * @param n the modulus
- * @param hints any use hints
- * @return newly allocated object, or NULL
- */
- virtual Modular_Exponentiator*
- mod_exp(const BigInt& n,
- Power_Mod::Usage_Hints hints) const;
- /**
- * Return a new cipher object
- * @param algo_spec the algorithm name/specification
- * @param dir specifies if encryption or decryption is desired
- * @param af an algorithm factory object
- * @return newly allocated object, or NULL
- */
- virtual Keyed_Filter* get_cipher(const std::string& algo_spec,
- Cipher_Dir dir,
- Algorithm_Factory& af);
- /**
- * Return a new operator object for this key, if possible
- * @param key the key we want an operator for
- * @return newly allocated operator object, or NULL
- */
- virtual PK_Ops::Key_Agreement*
- get_key_agreement_op(const Private_Key& key) const;
- /**
- * Return a new operator object for this key, if possible
- * @param key the key we want an operator for
- * @return newly allocated operator object, or NULL
- */
- virtual PK_Ops::Signature*
- get_signature_op(const Private_Key& key) const;
- /**
- * Return a new operator object for this key, if possible
- * @param key the key we want an operator for
- * @return newly allocated operator object, or NULL
- */
- virtual PK_Ops::Verification*
- get_verify_op(const Public_Key& key) const;
- /**
- * Return a new operator object for this key, if possible
- * @param key the key we want an operator for
- * @return newly allocated operator object, or NULL
- */
- virtual PK_Ops::Encryption*
- get_encryption_op(const Public_Key& key) const;
- /**
- * Return a new operator object for this key, if possible
- * @param key the key we want an operator for
- * @return newly allocated operator object, or NULL
- */
- virtual PK_Ops::Decryption*
- get_decryption_op(const Private_Key& key) const;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* Dynamically_Loaded_Engine just proxies the requests to the underlying
-* Engine object, and handles load/unload details
-class BOTAN_DLL Dynamically_Loaded_Engine : public Engine
- {
- public:
- /**
- * @param lib_path full pathname to DLL to load
- */
- Dynamically_Loaded_Engine(const std::string& lib_path);
- ~Dynamically_Loaded_Engine();
- std::string provider_name() const { return engine->provider_name(); }
- BlockCipher* find_block_cipher(const SCAN_Name& algo_spec,
- Algorithm_Factory& af) const
- {
- return engine->find_block_cipher(algo_spec, af);
- }
- StreamCipher* find_stream_cipher(const SCAN_Name& algo_spec,
- Algorithm_Factory& af) const
- {
- return engine->find_stream_cipher(algo_spec, af);
- }
- HashFunction* find_hash(const SCAN_Name& algo_spec,
- Algorithm_Factory& af) const
- {
- return engine->find_hash(algo_spec, af);
- }
- MessageAuthenticationCode* find_mac(const SCAN_Name& algo_spec,
- Algorithm_Factory& af) const
- {
- return engine->find_mac(algo_spec, af);
- }
- PBKDF* find_pbkdf(const SCAN_Name& algo_spec,
- Algorithm_Factory& af) const
- {
- return engine->find_pbkdf(algo_spec, af);
- }
- Modular_Exponentiator* mod_exp(const BigInt& n,
- Power_Mod::Usage_Hints hints) const
- {
- return engine->mod_exp(n, hints);
- }
- Keyed_Filter* get_cipher(const std::string& algo_spec,
- Cipher_Dir dir,
- Algorithm_Factory& af)
- {
- return engine->get_cipher(algo_spec, dir, af);
- }
- PK_Ops::Key_Agreement*
- get_key_agreement_op(const Private_Key& key) const
- {
- return engine->get_key_agreement_op(key);
- }
- PK_Ops::Signature*
- get_signature_op(const Private_Key& key) const
- {
- return engine->get_signature_op(key);
- }
- PK_Ops::Verification*
- get_verify_op(const Public_Key& key) const
- {
- return engine->get_verify_op(key);
- }
- PK_Ops::Encryption*
- get_encryption_op(const Public_Key& key) const
- {
- return engine->get_encryption_op(key);
- }
- PK_Ops::Decryption*
- get_decryption_op(const Private_Key& key) const
- {
- return engine->get_decryption_op(key);
- }
- private:
- class Dynamically_Loaded_Library* lib;
- Engine* engine;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* Simple String
-class BOTAN_DLL ASN1_String : public ASN1_Object
- {
- public:
- void encode_into(class DER_Encoder&) const;
- void decode_from(class BER_Decoder&);
- std::string value() const;
- std::string iso_8859() const;
- ASN1_Tag tagging() const;
- ASN1_String(const std::string& = "");
- ASN1_String(const std::string&, ASN1_Tag);
- private:
- std::string iso_8859_str;
- ASN1_Tag tag;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* Attribute
-class BOTAN_DLL Attribute : public ASN1_Object
- {
- public:
- void encode_into(class DER_Encoder& to) const;
- void decode_from(class BER_Decoder& from);
- OID oid;
- MemoryVector<byte> parameters;
- Attribute() {}
- Attribute(const OID&, const MemoryRegion<byte>&);
- Attribute(const std::string&, const MemoryRegion<byte>&);
- };
-* X.509 Time
-class BOTAN_DLL X509_Time : public ASN1_Object
- {
- public:
- void encode_into(class DER_Encoder&) const;
- void decode_from(class BER_Decoder&);
- std::string as_string() const;
- std::string readable_string() const;
- bool time_is_set() const;
- s32bit cmp(const X509_Time&) const;
- void set_to(const std::string&);
- void set_to(const std::string&, ASN1_Tag);
- X509_Time(u64bit);
- X509_Time(const std::string& = "");
- X509_Time(const std::string&, ASN1_Tag);
- private:
- bool passes_sanity_check() const;
- u32bit year, month, day, hour, minute, second;
- ASN1_Tag tag;
- };
-* Alternative Name
-class BOTAN_DLL AlternativeName : public ASN1_Object
- {
- public:
- void encode_into(class DER_Encoder&) const;
- void decode_from(class BER_Decoder&);
- std::multimap<std::string, std::string> contents() const;
- void add_attribute(const std::string&, const std::string&);
- std::multimap<std::string, std::string> get_attributes() const;
- void add_othername(const OID&, const std::string&, ASN1_Tag);
- std::multimap<OID, ASN1_String> get_othernames() const;
- bool has_items() const;
- AlternativeName(const std::string& = "", const std::string& = "",
- const std::string& = "", const std::string& = "");
- private:
- std::multimap<std::string, std::string> alt_info;
- std::multimap<OID, ASN1_String> othernames;
- };
-* Comparison Operations
-bool BOTAN_DLL operator==(const X509_Time&, const X509_Time&);
-bool BOTAN_DLL operator!=(const X509_Time&, const X509_Time&);
-bool BOTAN_DLL operator<=(const X509_Time&, const X509_Time&);
-bool BOTAN_DLL operator>=(const X509_Time&, const X509_Time&);
-bool BOTAN_DLL operator<(const X509_Time&, const X509_Time&);
-bool BOTAN_DLL operator>(const X509_Time&, const X509_Time&);
-namespace Botan {
-* This class represents an abstract data source object.
-class BOTAN_DLL DataSource
- {
- public:
- /**
- * Read from the source. Moves the internal offset so that every
- * call to read will return a new portion of the source.
- *
- * @param out the byte array to write the result to
- * @param length the length of the byte array out
- * @return length in bytes that was actually read and put
- * into out
- */
- virtual size_t read(byte out[], size_t length) = 0;
- /**
- * Read from the source but do not modify the internal
- * offset. Consecutive calls to peek() will return portions of
- * the source starting at the same position.
- *
- * @param out the byte array to write the output to
- * @param length the length of the byte array out
- * @param peek_offset the offset into the stream to read at
- * @return length in bytes that was actually read and put
- * into out
- */
- virtual size_t peek(byte out[], size_t length,
- size_t peek_offset) const = 0;
- /**
- * Test whether the source still has data that can be read.
- * @return true if there is still data to read, false otherwise
- */
- virtual bool end_of_data() const = 0;
- /**
- * return the id of this data source
- * @return std::string representing the id of this data source
- */
- virtual std::string id() const { return ""; }
- /**
- * Read one byte.
- * @param out the byte to read to
- * @return length in bytes that was actually read and put
- * into out
- */
- size_t read_byte(byte& out);
- /**
- * Peek at one byte.
- * @param out an output byte
- * @return length in bytes that was actually read and put
- * into out
- */
- size_t peek_byte(byte& out) const;
- /**
- * Discard the next N bytes of the data
- * @param N the number of bytes to discard
- * @return number of bytes actually discarded
- */
- size_t discard_next(size_t N);
- DataSource() {}
- virtual ~DataSource() {}
- private:
- DataSource& operator=(const DataSource&) { return (*this); }
- DataSource(const DataSource&);
- };
-* This class represents a Memory-Based DataSource
-class BOTAN_DLL DataSource_Memory : public DataSource
- {
- public:
- size_t read(byte[], size_t);
- size_t peek(byte[], size_t, size_t) const;
- bool end_of_data() const;
- /**
- * Construct a memory source that reads from a string
- * @param in the string to read from
- */
- DataSource_Memory(const std::string& in);
- /**
- * Construct a memory source that reads from a byte array
- * @param in the byte array to read from
- * @param length the length of the byte array
- */
- DataSource_Memory(const byte in[], size_t length);
- /**
- * Construct a memory source that reads from a MemoryRegion
- * @param in the MemoryRegion to read from
- */
- DataSource_Memory(const MemoryRegion<byte>& in);
- private:
- SecureVector<byte> source;
- size_t offset;
- };
-* This class represents a Stream-Based DataSource.
-class BOTAN_DLL DataSource_Stream : public DataSource
- {
- public:
- size_t read(byte[], size_t);
- size_t peek(byte[], size_t, size_t) const;
- bool end_of_data() const;
- std::string id() const;
- DataSource_Stream(std::istream&,
- const std::string& id = "<std::istream>");
- /**
- * Construct a Stream-Based DataSource from file
- * @param file the name of the file
- * @param use_binary whether to treat the file as binary or not
- */
- DataSource_Stream(const std::string& file, bool use_binary = false);
- ~DataSource_Stream();
- private:
- const std::string identifier;
- std::istream* source_p;
- std::istream& source;
- size_t total_read;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* This class represents general abstract filter objects.
-class BOTAN_DLL Filter
- {
- public:
- /**
- * @return descriptive name for this filter
- */
- virtual std::string name() const = 0;
- /**
- * Write a portion of a message to this filter.
- * @param input the input as a byte array
- * @param length the length of the byte array input
- */
- virtual void write(const byte input[], size_t length) = 0;
- /**
- * Start a new message. Must be closed by end_msg() before another
- * message can be started.
- */
- virtual void start_msg() {}
- /**
- * Notify that the current message is finished; flush buffers and
- * do end-of-message processing (if any).
- */
- virtual void end_msg() {}
- /**
- * Check whether this filter is an attachable filter.
- * @return true if this filter is attachable, false otherwise
- */
- virtual bool attachable() { return true; }
- virtual ~Filter() {}
- protected:
- /**
- * @param in some input for the filter
- * @param length the length of in
- */
- void send(const byte in[], size_t length);
- /**
- * @param in some input for the filter
- */
- void send(byte in) { send(&in, 1); }
- /**
- * @param in some input for the filter
- */
- void send(const MemoryRegion<byte>& in) { send(&in[0], in.size()); }
- /**
- * @param in some input for the filter
- * @param length the number of bytes of in to send
- */
- void send(const MemoryRegion<byte>& in, size_t length)
- {
- send(&in[0], length);
- }
- Filter();
- private:
- Filter(const Filter&) {}
- Filter& operator=(const Filter&) { return (*this); }
- /**
- * Start a new message in *this and all following filters. Only for
- * internal use, not intended for use in client applications.
- */
- void new_msg();
- /**
- * End a new message in *this and all following filters. Only for
- * internal use, not intended for use in client applications.
- */
- void finish_msg();
- friend class Pipe;
- friend class Fanout_Filter;
- size_t total_ports() const;
- size_t current_port() const { return port_num; }
- /**
- * Set the active port
- * @param new_port the new value
- */
- void set_port(size_t new_port);
- size_t owns() const { return filter_owns; }
- /**
- * Attach another filter to this one
- * @param f filter to attach
- */
- void attach(Filter* f);
- /**
- * @param filters the filters to set
- * @param count number of items in filters
- */
- void set_next(Filter* filters[], size_t count);
- Filter* get_next() const;
- SecureVector<byte> write_queue;
- std::vector<Filter*> next;
- size_t port_num, filter_owns;
- // true if filter belongs to a pipe --> prohibit filter sharing!
- bool owned;
- };
-* This is the abstract Fanout_Filter base class.
-class BOTAN_DLL Fanout_Filter : public Filter
- {
- protected:
- /**
- * Increment the number of filters past us that we own
- */
- void incr_owns() { ++filter_owns; }
- void set_port(size_t n) { Filter::set_port(n); }
- void set_next(Filter* f[], size_t n) { Filter::set_next(f, n); }
- void attach(Filter* f) { Filter::attach(f); }
- };
-* The type of checking to be performed by decoders:
-* NONE - no checks, IGNORE_WS - perform checks, but ignore
-* whitespaces, FULL_CHECK - perform checks, also complain
-* about white spaces.
-enum Decoder_Checking { NONE, IGNORE_WS, FULL_CHECK };
-namespace Botan {
-* This class represents pipe objects.
-* A set of filters can be placed into a pipe, and information flows
-* through the pipe until it reaches the end, where the output is
-* collected for retrieval. If you're familiar with the Unix shell
-* environment, this design will sound quite familiar.
-class BOTAN_DLL Pipe : public DataSource
- {
- public:
- /**
- * An opaque type that identifies a message in this Pipe
- */
- typedef size_t message_id;
- /**
- * Exception if you use an invalid message as an argument to
- * read, remaining, etc
- */
- struct BOTAN_DLL Invalid_Message_Number : public Invalid_Argument
- {
- /**
- * @param where the error occured
- * @param msg the invalid message id that was used
- */
- Invalid_Message_Number(const std::string& where, message_id msg) :
- Invalid_Argument("Pipe::" + where + ": Invalid message number " +
- to_string(msg))
- {}
- };
- /**
- * A meta-id for whatever the last message is
- */
- static const message_id LAST_MESSAGE;
- /**
- * A meta-id for the default message (set with set_default_msg)
- */
- static const message_id DEFAULT_MESSAGE;
- /**
- * Write input to the pipe, i.e. to its first filter.
- * @param in the byte array to write
- * @param length the length of the byte array in
- */
- void write(const byte in[], size_t length);
- /**
- * Write input to the pipe, i.e. to its first filter.
- * @param in the MemoryRegion containing the data to write
- */
- void write(const MemoryRegion<byte>& in);
- /**
- * Write input to the pipe, i.e. to its first filter.
- * @param in the string containing the data to write
- */
- void write(const std::string& in);
- /**
- * Write input to the pipe, i.e. to its first filter.
- * @param in the DataSource to read the data from
- */
- void write(DataSource& in);
- /**
- * Write input to the pipe, i.e. to its first filter.
- * @param in a single byte to be written
- */
- void write(byte in);
- /**
- * Perform start_msg(), write() and end_msg() sequentially.
- * @param in the byte array containing the data to write
- * @param length the length of the byte array to write
- */
- void process_msg(const byte in[], size_t length);
- /**
- * Perform start_msg(), write() and end_msg() sequentially.
- * @param in the MemoryRegion containing the data to write
- */
- void process_msg(const MemoryRegion<byte>& in);
- /**
- * Perform start_msg(), write() and end_msg() sequentially.
- * @param in the string containing the data to write
- */
- void process_msg(const std::string& in);
- /**
- * Perform start_msg(), write() and end_msg() sequentially.
- * @param in the DataSource providing the data to write
- */
- void process_msg(DataSource& in);
- /**
- * Find out how many bytes are ready to read.
- * @param msg the number identifying the message
- * for which the information is desired
- * @return number of bytes that can still be read
- */
- size_t remaining(message_id msg = DEFAULT_MESSAGE) const;
- /**
- * Read the default message from the pipe. Moves the internal
- * offset so that every call to read will return a new portion of
- * the message.
- *
- * @param output the byte array to write the read bytes to
- * @param length the length of the byte array output
- * @return number of bytes actually read into output
- */
- size_t read(byte output[], size_t length);
- /**
- * Read a specified message from the pipe. Moves the internal
- * offset so that every call to read will return a new portion of
- * the message.
- * @param output the byte array to write the read bytes to
- * @param length the length of the byte array output
- * @param msg the number identifying the message to read from
- * @return number of bytes actually read into output
- */
- size_t read(byte output[], size_t length, message_id msg);
- /**
- * Read a single byte from the pipe. Moves the internal offset so
- * that every call to read will return a new portion of the
- * message.
- *
- * @param output the byte to write the result to
- * @param msg the message to read from
- * @return number of bytes actually read into output
- */
- size_t read(byte& output, message_id msg = DEFAULT_MESSAGE);
- /**
- * Read the full contents of the pipe.
- * @param msg the number identifying the message to read from
- * @return SecureVector holding the contents of the pipe
- */
- SecureVector<byte> read_all(message_id msg = DEFAULT_MESSAGE);
- /**
- * Read the full contents of the pipe.
- * @param msg the number identifying the message to read from
- * @return string holding the contents of the pipe
- */
- std::string read_all_as_string(message_id = DEFAULT_MESSAGE);
- /** Read from the default message but do not modify the internal
- * offset. Consecutive calls to peek() will return portions of
- * the message starting at the same position.
- * @param output the byte array to write the peeked message part to
- * @param length the length of the byte array output
- * @param offset the offset from the current position in message
- * @return number of bytes actually peeked and written into output
- */
- size_t peek(byte output[], size_t length, size_t offset) const;
- /** Read from the specified message but do not modify the
- * internal offset. Consecutive calls to peek() will return
- * portions of the message starting at the same position.
- * @param output the byte array to write the peeked message part to
- * @param length the length of the byte array output
- * @param offset the offset from the current position in message
- * @param msg the number identifying the message to peek from
- * @return number of bytes actually peeked and written into output
- */
- size_t peek(byte output[], size_t length,
- size_t offset, message_id msg) const;
- /** Read a single byte from the specified message but do not
- * modify the internal offset. Consecutive calls to peek() will
- * return portions of the message starting at the same position.
- * @param output the byte to write the peeked message byte to
- * @param offset the offset from the current position in message
- * @param msg the number identifying the message to peek from
- * @return number of bytes actually peeked and written into output
- */
- size_t peek(byte& output, size_t offset,
- message_id msg = DEFAULT_MESSAGE) const;
- /**
- * @return currently set default message
- */
- size_t default_msg() const { return default_read; }
- /**
- * Set the default message
- * @param msg the number identifying the message which is going to
- * be the new default message
- */
- void set_default_msg(message_id msg);
- /**
- * Get the number of messages the are in this pipe.
- * @return number of messages the are in this pipe
- */
- message_id message_count() const;
- /**
- * Test whether this pipe has any data that can be read from.
- * @return true if there is more data to read, false otherwise
- */
- bool end_of_data() const;
- /**
- * Start a new message in the pipe. A potential other message in this pipe
- * must be closed with end_msg() before this function may be called.
- */
- void start_msg();
- /**
- * End the current message.
- */
- void end_msg();
- /**
- * Insert a new filter at the front of the pipe
- * @param filt the new filter to insert
- */
- void prepend(Filter* filt);
- /**
- * Insert a new filter at the back of the pipe
- * @param filt the new filter to insert
- */
- void append(Filter* filt);
- /**
- * Remove the first filter at the front of the pipe.
- */
- void pop();
- /**
- * Reset this pipe to an empty pipe.
- */
- void reset();
- /**
- * Construct a Pipe of up to four filters. The filters are set up
- * in the same order as the arguments.
- */
- Pipe(Filter* = 0, Filter* = 0, Filter* = 0, Filter* = 0);
- /**
- * Construct a Pipe from range of filters passed as an array
- * @param filters the set of filters to use
- * @param count the number of elements in filters
- */
- Pipe(Filter* filters[], size_t count);
- ~Pipe();
- private:
- Pipe(const Pipe&) : DataSource() {}
- Pipe& operator=(const Pipe&) { return (*this); }
- void init();
- void destruct(Filter*);
- void find_endpoints(Filter*);
- void clear_endpoints(Filter*);
- message_id get_message_no(const std::string&, message_id) const;
- Filter* pipe;
- class Output_Buffers* outputs;
- message_id default_read;
- bool inside_msg;
- };
-* Stream output operator; dumps the results from pipe's default
-* message to the output stream.
-* @param out an output stream
-* @param pipe the pipe
-BOTAN_DLL std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, Pipe& pipe);
-* Stream input operator; dumps the remaining bytes of input
-* to the (assumed open) pipe message.
-* @param in the input stream
-* @param pipe the pipe
-BOTAN_DLL std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& in, Pipe& pipe);
-namespace Botan {
-* Stream output operator; dumps the results from pipe's default
-* message to the output stream.
-* @param out file descriptor for an open output stream
-* @param pipe the pipe
-int BOTAN_DLL operator<<(int out, Pipe& pipe);
-* File descriptor input operator; dumps the remaining bytes of input
-* to the (assumed open) pipe message.
-* @param in file descriptor for an open input stream
-* @param pipe the pipe
-int BOTAN_DLL operator>>(int in, Pipe& pipe);
-namespace Botan {
-* BER Decoding Object
-class BOTAN_DLL BER_Decoder
- {
- public:
- BER_Object get_next_object();
- void push_back(const BER_Object&);
- bool more_items() const;
- BER_Decoder& verify_end();
- BER_Decoder& discard_remaining();
- BER_Decoder start_cons(ASN1_Tag, ASN1_Tag = UNIVERSAL);
- BER_Decoder& end_cons();
- BER_Decoder& raw_bytes(MemoryRegion<byte>&);
- BER_Decoder& decode_null();
- BER_Decoder& decode(bool&);
- BER_Decoder& decode(size_t&);
- BER_Decoder& decode(class BigInt&);
- BER_Decoder& decode(MemoryRegion<byte>&, ASN1_Tag);
- BER_Decoder& decode(bool&, ASN1_Tag, ASN1_Tag = CONTEXT_SPECIFIC);
- BER_Decoder& decode(size_t&, ASN1_Tag, ASN1_Tag = CONTEXT_SPECIFIC);
- BER_Decoder& decode(class BigInt&,
- BER_Decoder& decode(MemoryRegion<byte>&, ASN1_Tag,
- BER_Decoder& decode(class ASN1_Object&);
- BER_Decoder& decode_octet_string_bigint(class BigInt&);
- template<typename T>
- BER_Decoder& decode_optional(T& out,
- ASN1_Tag type_tag,
- ASN1_Tag class_tag,
- const T& default_value = T());
- template<typename T>
- BER_Decoder& decode_list(std::vector<T>& out,
- bool clear_out = true);
- template<typename T>
- BER_Decoder& decode_and_check(const T& expected,
- const std::string& error_msg)
- {
- T actual;
- decode(actual);
- if(actual != expected)
- throw Decoding_Error(error_msg);
- return (*this);
- }
- BER_Decoder& decode_optional_string(MemoryRegion<byte>&,
- ASN1_Tag, u16bit);
- BER_Decoder(DataSource&);
- BER_Decoder(const byte[], size_t);
- BER_Decoder(const MemoryRegion<byte>&);
- BER_Decoder(const BER_Decoder&);
- ~BER_Decoder();
- private:
- BER_Decoder& operator=(const BER_Decoder&) { return (*this); }
- BER_Decoder* parent;
- DataSource* source;
- BER_Object pushed;
- mutable bool owns;
- };
-* Decode an OPTIONAL or DEFAULT element
-template<typename T>
-BER_Decoder& BER_Decoder::decode_optional(T& out,
- ASN1_Tag type_tag,
- ASN1_Tag class_tag,
- const T& default_value)
- {
- BER_Object obj = get_next_object();
- if(obj.type_tag == type_tag && obj.class_tag == class_tag)
- {
- if(class_tag & CONSTRUCTED)
- BER_Decoder(obj.value).decode(out).verify_end();
- else
- {
- push_back(obj);
- decode(out, type_tag, class_tag);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- out = default_value;
- push_back(obj);
- }
- return (*this);
- }
-* Decode a list of homogenously typed values
-template<typename T>
-BER_Decoder& BER_Decoder::decode_list(std::vector<T>& vec, bool clear_it)
- {
- if(clear_it)
- vec.clear();
- while(more_items())
- {
- T value;
- decode(value);
- vec.push_back(value);
- }
- return (*this);
- }
-namespace Botan {
-* X.509v3 Key Constraints.
-enum Key_Constraints {
- KEY_CERT_SIGN = 1024,
- CRL_SIGN = 512,
-* BER Decoding Function for key constraints
-namespace BER {
-void BOTAN_DLL decode(BER_Decoder&, Key_Constraints&);
-* X.509v2 CRL Reason Code.
-enum CRL_Code {
- OCSP_GOOD = 0xFF01,
-* Various Other Enumerations
-* The two types of X509 encoding supported by Botan.
-enum X509_Encoding { RAW_BER, PEM };
-namespace Botan {
-* This class represents abstract X.509 signed objects as
-* in the X.500 SIGNED macro
-class BOTAN_DLL X509_Object
- {
- public:
- /**
- * The underlying data that is to be or was signed
- * @return data that is or was signed
- */
- MemoryVector<byte> tbs_data() const;
- /**
- * @return signature on tbs_data()
- */
- MemoryVector<byte> signature() const;
- /**
- * @return signature algorithm that was used to generate signature
- */
- AlgorithmIdentifier signature_algorithm() const;
- /**
- * @return hash algorithm that was used to generate signature
- */
- std::string hash_used_for_signature() const;
- /**
- * Create a signed X509 object.
- * @param signer the signer used to sign the object
- * @param rng the random number generator to use
- * @param alg_id the algorithm identifier of the signature scheme
- * @param tbs the tbs bits to be signed
- * @return signed X509 object
- */
- static MemoryVector<byte> make_signed(class PK_Signer* signer,
- RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
- const AlgorithmIdentifier& alg_id,
- const MemoryRegion<byte>& tbs);
- /**
- * Check the signature on this data
- * @param key the public key purportedly used to sign this data
- * @return true if the signature is valid, otherwise false
- */
- bool check_signature(class Public_Key& key) const;
- /**
- * Check the signature on this data
- * @param key the public key purportedly used to sign this data
- * the pointer will be deleted after use
- * @return true if the signature is valid, otherwise false
- */
- bool check_signature(class Public_Key* key) const;
- /**
- * @return BER encoding of this
- */
- MemoryVector<byte> BER_encode() const;
- /**
- * @return PEM encoding of this
- */
- std::string PEM_encode() const;
- /**
- * Encode this to a pipe
- * @deprecated use BER_encode or PEM_encode instead
- * @param out the pipe to write to
- * @param encoding the encoding to use
- */
- BOTAN_DEPRECATED("Use BER_encode or PEM_encode")
- void encode(Pipe& out, X509_Encoding encoding = PEM) const;
- virtual ~X509_Object() {}
- protected:
- X509_Object(DataSource& src, const std::string& pem_labels);
- X509_Object(const std::string& file, const std::string& pem_labels);
- void do_decode();
- X509_Object() {}
- AlgorithmIdentifier sig_algo;
- MemoryVector<byte> tbs_bits, sig;
- private:
- virtual void force_decode() = 0;
- void init(DataSource&, const std::string&);
- void decode_info(DataSource&);
- std::vector<std::string> PEM_labels_allowed;
- std::string PEM_label_pref;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* Distinguished Name
-class BOTAN_DLL X509_DN : public ASN1_Object
- {
- public:
- void encode_into(class DER_Encoder&) const;
- void decode_from(class BER_Decoder&);
- std::multimap<OID, std::string> get_attributes() const;
- std::vector<std::string> get_attribute(const std::string&) const;
- std::multimap<std::string, std::string> contents() const;
- void add_attribute(const std::string&, const std::string&);
- void add_attribute(const OID&, const std::string&);
- static std::string deref_info_field(const std::string&);
- MemoryVector<byte> get_bits() const;
- X509_DN();
- X509_DN(const std::multimap<OID, std::string>&);
- X509_DN(const std::multimap<std::string, std::string>&);
- private:
- std::multimap<OID, ASN1_String> dn_info;
- MemoryVector<byte> dn_bits;
- };
-bool BOTAN_DLL operator==(const X509_DN&, const X509_DN&);
-bool BOTAN_DLL operator!=(const X509_DN&, const X509_DN&);
-bool BOTAN_DLL operator<(const X509_DN&, const X509_DN&);
-namespace Botan {
-* This namespace contains functions for handling X.509 public keys
-namespace X509 {
-* BER encode a key
-* @param key the public key to encode
-* @return BER encoding of this key
-BOTAN_DLL MemoryVector<byte> BER_encode(const Public_Key& key);
-* PEM encode a public key into a string.
-* @param key the key to encode
-* @return PEM encoded key
-BOTAN_DLL std::string PEM_encode(const Public_Key& key);
-* Create a public key from a data source.
-* @param source the source providing the DER or PEM encoded key
-* @return new public key object
-BOTAN_DLL Public_Key* load_key(DataSource& source);
-* Create a public key from a file
-* @param filename pathname to the file to load
-* @return new public key object
-BOTAN_DLL Public_Key* load_key(const std::string& filename);
-* Create a public key from a memory region.
-* @param enc the memory region containing the DER or PEM encoded key
-* @return new public key object
-BOTAN_DLL Public_Key* load_key(const MemoryRegion<byte>& enc);
-* Copy a key.
-* @param key the public key to copy
-* @return new public key object
-BOTAN_DLL Public_Key* copy_key(const Public_Key& key);
-* Create the key constraints for a specific public key.
-* @param pub_key the public key from which the basic set of
-* constraints to be placed in the return value is derived
-* @param limits additional limits that will be incorporated into the
-* return value
-* @return combination of key type specific constraints and
-* additional limits
-BOTAN_DLL Key_Constraints find_constraints(const Public_Key& pub_key,
- Key_Constraints limits);
-* Encode a key into a pipe.
-* @deprecated Use PEM_encode or BER_encode instead
-* @param key the public key to encode
-* @param pipe the pipe to feed the encoded key into
-* @param encoding the encoding type to use
-BOTAN_DEPRECATED("Use PEM_encode or BER_encode")
-inline void encode(const Public_Key& key,
- Pipe& pipe,
- X509_Encoding encoding = PEM)
- {
- if(encoding == PEM)
- pipe.write(X509::PEM_encode(key));
- else
- pipe.write(X509::BER_encode(key));
- }
-namespace Botan {
-* Data Store
-class BOTAN_DLL Data_Store
- {
- public:
- /**
- * A search function
- */
- class BOTAN_DLL Matcher
- {
- public:
- virtual bool operator()(const std::string&,
- const std::string&) const = 0;
- virtual std::pair<std::string, std::string>
- transform(const std::string&, const std::string&) const;
- virtual ~Matcher() {}
- };
- bool operator==(const Data_Store&) const;
- std::multimap<std::string, std::string>
- search_with(const Matcher&) const;
- std::vector<std::string> get(const std::string&) const;
- std::string get1(const std::string&) const;
- MemoryVector<byte> get1_memvec(const std::string&) const;
- u32bit get1_u32bit(const std::string&, u32bit = 0) const;
- bool has_value(const std::string&) const;
- void add(const std::multimap<std::string, std::string>&);
- void add(const std::string&, const std::string&);
- void add(const std::string&, u32bit);
- void add(const std::string&, const MemoryRegion<byte>&);
- private:
- std::multimap<std::string, std::string> contents;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* This class represents X.509 Certificate
-class BOTAN_DLL X509_Certificate : public X509_Object
- {
- public:
- /**
- * Get the public key associated with this certificate.
- * @return subject public key of this certificate
- */
- Public_Key* subject_public_key() const;
- /**
- * Get the issuer certificate DN.
- * @return issuer DN of this certificate
- */
- X509_DN issuer_dn() const;
- /**
- * Get the subject certificate DN.
- * @return subject DN of this certificate
- */
- X509_DN subject_dn() const;
- /**
- * Get a value for a specific subject_info parameter name.
- * @param name the name of the paramter to look up. Possible names are
- * "X509.Certificate.version", "X509.Certificate.serial",
- * "X509.Certificate.start", "X509.Certificate.end",
- * "X509.Certificate.v2.key_id", "X509.Certificate.public_key",
- * "X509v3.BasicConstraints.path_constraint",
- * "X509v3.BasicConstraints.is_ca", "X509v3.ExtendedKeyUsage",
- * "X509v3.CertificatePolicies", "X509v3.SubjectKeyIdentifier" or
- * "X509.Certificate.serial".
- * @return value(s) of the specified parameter
- */
- std::vector<std::string> subject_info(const std::string& name) const;
- /**
- * Get a value for a specific subject_info parameter name.
- * @param name the name of the paramter to look up. Possible names are
- * "X509.Certificate.v2.key_id" or "X509v3.AuthorityKeyIdentifier".
- * @return value(s) of the specified parameter
- */
- std::vector<std::string> issuer_info(const std::string& name) const;
- /**
- * Get the notBefore of the certificate.
- * @return notBefore of the certificate
- */
- std::string start_time() const;
- /**
- * Get the notAfter of the certificate.
- * @return notAfter of the certificate
- */
- std::string end_time() const;
- /**
- * Get the X509 version of this certificate object.
- * @return X509 version
- */
- u32bit x509_version() const;
- /**
- * Get the serial number of this certificate.
- * @return certificates serial number
- */
- MemoryVector<byte> serial_number() const;
- /**
- * Get the DER encoded AuthorityKeyIdentifier of this certificate.
- * @return DER encoded AuthorityKeyIdentifier
- */
- MemoryVector<byte> authority_key_id() const;
- /**
- * Get the DER encoded SubjectKeyIdentifier of this certificate.
- * @return DER encoded SubjectKeyIdentifier
- */
- MemoryVector<byte> subject_key_id() const;
- /**
- * Check whether this certificate is self signed.
- * @return true if this certificate is self signed
- */
- bool is_self_signed() const { return self_signed; }
- /**
- * Check whether this certificate is a CA certificate.
- * @return true if this certificate is a CA certificate
- */
- bool is_CA_cert() const;
- /**
- * Get the path limit as defined in the BasicConstraints extension of
- * this certificate.
- * @return path limit
- */
- u32bit path_limit() const;
- /**
- * Get the key constraints as defined in the KeyUsage extension of this
- * certificate.
- * @return key constraints
- */
- Key_Constraints constraints() const;
- /**
- * Get the key constraints as defined in the ExtendedKeyUsage
- * extension of this
- * certificate.
- * @return key constraints
- */
- std::vector<std::string> ex_constraints() const;
- /**
- * Get the policies as defined in the CertificatePolicies extension
- * of this certificate.
- * @return certificate policies
- */
- std::vector<std::string> policies() const;
- /**
- * @return a string describing the certificate
- */
- std::string to_string() const;
- /**
- * Check to certificates for equality.
- * @return true both certificates are (binary) equal
- */
- bool operator==(const X509_Certificate& other) const;
- /**
- * Create a certificate from a data source providing the DER or
- * PEM encoded certificate.
- * @param source the data source
- */
- X509_Certificate(DataSource& source);
- /**
- * Create a certificate from a file containing the DER or PEM
- * encoded certificate.
- * @param filename the name of the certificate file
- */
- X509_Certificate(const std::string& filename);
- private:
- void force_decode();
- friend class X509_CA;
- X509_Certificate() {}
- Data_Store subject, issuer;
- bool self_signed;
- };
-* Check two certificates for inequality
-* @return true if the arguments represent different certificates,
-* false if they are binary identical
-BOTAN_DLL bool operator!=(const X509_Certificate&, const X509_Certificate&);
-* Data Store Extraction Operations
-BOTAN_DLL X509_DN create_dn(const Data_Store&);
-BOTAN_DLL AlternativeName create_alt_name(const Data_Store&);
-namespace Botan {
-* This class represents CRL entries
-class BOTAN_DLL CRL_Entry : public ASN1_Object
- {
- public:
- void encode_into(class DER_Encoder&) const;
- void decode_from(class BER_Decoder&);
- /**
- * Get the serial number of the certificate associated with this entry.
- * @return certificate's serial number
- */
- MemoryVector<byte> serial_number() const { return serial; }
- /**
- * Get the revocation date of the certificate associated with this entry
- * @return certificate's revocation date
- */
- X509_Time expire_time() const { return time; }
- /**
- * Get the entries reason code
- * @return reason code
- */
- CRL_Code reason_code() const { return reason; }
- /**
- * Construct an empty CRL entry.
- */
- CRL_Entry(bool throw_on_unknown_critical_extension = false);
- /**
- * Construct an CRL entry.
- * @param cert the certificate to revoke
- * @param reason the reason code to set in the entry
- */
- CRL_Entry(const X509_Certificate& cert,
- CRL_Code reason = UNSPECIFIED);
- private:
- bool throw_on_unknown_critical;
- MemoryVector<byte> serial;
- X509_Time time;
- CRL_Code reason;
- };
-* Test two CRL entries for equality in all fields.
-BOTAN_DLL bool operator==(const CRL_Entry&, const CRL_Entry&);
-* Test two CRL entries for inequality in at least one field.
-BOTAN_DLL bool operator!=(const CRL_Entry&, const CRL_Entry&);
-namespace Botan {
-* This class represents X.509 Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs).
-class BOTAN_DLL X509_CRL : public X509_Object
- {
- public:
- /**
- * This class represents CRL related errors.
- */
- struct BOTAN_DLL X509_CRL_Error : public Exception
- {
- X509_CRL_Error(const std::string& error) :
- Exception("X509_CRL: " + error) {}
- };
- /**
- * Get the entries of this CRL in the form of a vector.
- * @return vector containing the entries of this CRL.
- */
- std::vector<CRL_Entry> get_revoked() const;
- /**
- * Get the issuer DN of this CRL.
- * @return CRLs issuer DN
- */
- X509_DN issuer_dn() const;
- /**
- * Get the AuthorityKeyIdentifier of this CRL.
- * @return this CRLs AuthorityKeyIdentifier
- */
- MemoryVector<byte> authority_key_id() const;
- /**
- * Get the serial number of this CRL.
- * @return CRLs serial number
- */
- u32bit crl_number() const;
- /**
- * Get the CRL's thisUpdate value.
- * @return CRLs thisUpdate
- */
- X509_Time this_update() const;
- /**
- * Get the CRL's nextUpdate value.
- * @return CRLs nextdUpdate
- */
- X509_Time next_update() const;
- /**
- * Construct a CRL from a data source.
- * @param source the data source providing the DER or PEM encoded CRL.
- * @param throw_on_unknown_critical should we throw an exception
- * if an unknown CRL extension marked as critical is encountered.
- */
- X509_CRL(DataSource& source, bool throw_on_unknown_critical = false);
- /**
- * Construct a CRL from a file containing the DER or PEM encoded CRL.
- * @param filename the name of the CRL file
- * @param throw_on_unknown_critical should we throw an exception
- * if an unknown CRL extension marked as critical is encountered.
- */
- X509_CRL(const std::string& filename,
- bool throw_on_unknown_critical = false);
- private:
- void force_decode();
- bool throw_on_unknown_critical;
- std::vector<CRL_Entry> revoked;
- Data_Store info;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* Luby-Rackoff block cipher construction
-class BOTAN_DLL LubyRackoff : public BlockCipher
- {
- public:
- void encrypt_n(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t blocks) const;
- void decrypt_n(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t blocks) const;
- size_t block_size() const { return 2 * hash->output_length(); }
- Key_Length_Specification key_spec() const
- {
- return Key_Length_Specification(2, 32, 2);
- }
- void clear();
- std::string name() const;
- BlockCipher* clone() const;
- /**
- * @param hash function to use to form the block cipher
- */
- LubyRackoff(HashFunction* hash);
- ~LubyRackoff() { delete hash; }
- private:
- void key_schedule(const byte[], size_t);
- HashFunction* hash;
- SecureVector<byte> K1, K2;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* EMSA2 from IEEE 1363
-* Useful for Rabin-Williams
-class BOTAN_DLL EMSA2 : public EMSA
- {
- public:
- /**
- * @param hash the hash object to use
- */
- EMSA2(HashFunction* hash);
- ~EMSA2() { delete hash; }
- private:
- void update(const byte[], size_t);
- SecureVector<byte> raw_data();
- SecureVector<byte> encoding_of(const MemoryRegion<byte>&, size_t,
- RandomNumberGenerator& rng);
- bool verify(const MemoryRegion<byte>&, const MemoryRegion<byte>&,
- size_t);
- SecureVector<byte> empty_hash;
- HashFunction* hash;
- byte hash_id;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* Fused multiply-add
-* @param a an integer
-* @param b an integer
-* @param c an integer
-* @return (a*b)+c
-BigInt BOTAN_DLL mul_add(const BigInt& a,
- const BigInt& b,
- const BigInt& c);
-* Fused subtract-multiply
-* @param a an integer
-* @param b an integer
-* @param c an integer
-* @return (a-b)*c
-BigInt BOTAN_DLL sub_mul(const BigInt& a,
- const BigInt& b,
- const BigInt& c);
-* Return the absolute value
-* @param n an integer
-* @return absolute value of n
-inline BigInt abs(const BigInt& n) { return n.abs(); }
-* Compute the greatest common divisor
-* @param x a positive integer
-* @param y a positive integer
-* @return gcd(x,y)
-BigInt BOTAN_DLL gcd(const BigInt& x, const BigInt& y);
-* Least common multiple
-* @param x a positive integer
-* @param y a positive integer
-* @return z, smallest integer such that z % x == 0 and z % y == 0
-BigInt BOTAN_DLL lcm(const BigInt& x, const BigInt& y);
-* @param x an integer
-* @return (x*x)
-BigInt BOTAN_DLL square(const BigInt& x);
-* Modular inversion
-* @param x a positive integer
-* @param modulus a positive integer
-* @return y st (x*y) % modulus == 1
-BigInt BOTAN_DLL inverse_mod(const BigInt& x,
- const BigInt& modulus);
-* Compute the Jacobi symbol. If n is prime, this is equivalent
-* to the Legendre symbol.
-* @see http://mathworld.wolfram.com/JacobiSymbol.html
-* @param a is a non-negative integer
-* @param n is an odd integer > 1
-* @return (n / m)
-s32bit BOTAN_DLL jacobi(const BigInt& a,
- const BigInt& n);
-* Modular exponentation
-* @param b an integer base
-* @param x a positive exponent
-* @param m a positive modulus
-* @return (b^x) % m
-BigInt BOTAN_DLL power_mod(const BigInt& b,
- const BigInt& x,
- const BigInt& m);
-* Compute the square root of x modulo a prime using the
-* Shanks-Tonnelli algorithm
-* @param x the input
-* @param p the prime
-* @return y such that (y*y)%p == x, or -1 if no such integer
-BigInt BOTAN_DLL ressol(const BigInt& x, const BigInt& p);
-* @param x an integer
-* @return count of the zero bits in x, or, equivalently, the largest
-* value of n such that 2^n divides x evently
-size_t BOTAN_DLL low_zero_bits(const BigInt& x);
-* Primality Testing
-* @param n a positive integer to test for primality
-* @param rng a random number generator
-* @param level how hard to test
-* @return true if all primality tests passed, otherwise false
-bool BOTAN_DLL primality_test(const BigInt& n,
- RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
- size_t level = 1);
-* Quickly check for primality
-* @param n a positive integer to test for primality
-* @param rng a random number generator
-* @return true if all primality tests passed, otherwise false
-inline bool quick_check_prime(const BigInt& n, RandomNumberGenerator& rng)
- { return primality_test(n, rng, 0); }
-* Check for primality
-* @param n a positive integer to test for primality
-* @param rng a random number generator
-* @return true if all primality tests passed, otherwise false
-inline bool check_prime(const BigInt& n, RandomNumberGenerator& rng)
- { return primality_test(n, rng, 1); }
-* Verify primality - this function is slow but useful if you want to
-* ensure that a possibly malicious entity did not provide you with
-* something that 'looks like' a prime
-* @param n a positive integer to test for primality
-* @param rng a random number generator
-* @return true if all primality tests passed, otherwise false
-inline bool verify_prime(const BigInt& n, RandomNumberGenerator& rng)
- { return primality_test(n, rng, 2); }
-* Randomly generate a prime
-* @param rng a random number generator
-* @param bits how large the resulting prime should be in bits
-* @param coprime a positive integer the result should be coprime to
-* @param equiv a non-negative number that the result should be
- equivalent to modulo equiv_mod
-* @param equiv_mod the modulus equiv should be checked against
-* @return random prime with the specified criteria
-BigInt BOTAN_DLL random_prime(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
- size_t bits, const BigInt& coprime = 1,
- size_t equiv = 1, size_t equiv_mod = 2);
-* Return a 'safe' prime, of the form p=2*q+1 with q prime
-* @param rng a random number generator
-* @param bits is how long the resulting prime should be
-* @return prime randomly chosen from safe primes of length bits
-BigInt BOTAN_DLL random_safe_prime(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
- size_t bits);
-class Algorithm_Factory;
-* Generate DSA parameters using the FIPS 186 kosherizer
-* @param rng a random number generator
-* @param af an algorithm factory
-* @param p_out where the prime p will be stored
-* @param q_out where the prime q will be stored
-* @param pbits how long p will be in bits
-* @param qbits how long q will be in bits
-* @return random seed used to generate this parameter set
-SecureVector<byte> BOTAN_DLL
-generate_dsa_primes(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
- Algorithm_Factory& af,
- BigInt& p_out, BigInt& q_out,
- size_t pbits, size_t qbits);
-* Generate DSA parameters using the FIPS 186 kosherizer
-* @param rng a random number generator
-* @param af an algorithm factory
-* @param p_out where the prime p will be stored
-* @param q_out where the prime q will be stored
-* @param pbits how long p will be in bits
-* @param qbits how long q will be in bits
-* @param seed the seed used to generate the parameters
-* @return true if seed generated a valid DSA parameter set, otherwise
- false. p_out and q_out are only valid if true was returned.
-generate_dsa_primes(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
- Algorithm_Factory& af,
- BigInt& p_out, BigInt& q_out,
- size_t pbits, size_t qbits,
- const MemoryRegion<byte>& seed);
-* The size of the PRIMES[] array
-const size_t PRIME_TABLE_SIZE = 6541;
-* A const array of all primes less than 65535
-extern const u16bit BOTAN_DLL PRIMES[];
-namespace Botan {
-* This class represents an elliptic curve over GF(p)
-class BOTAN_DLL CurveGFp
- {
- public:
- /**
- * Create an uninitialized CurveGFp
- */
- CurveGFp() : p_words(0), p_dash(0) {}
- /**
- * Construct the elliptic curve E: y^2 = x^3 + ax + b over GF(p)
- * @param p prime number of the field
- * @param a first coefficient
- * @param b second coefficient
- */
- CurveGFp(const BigInt& p, const BigInt& a, const BigInt& b) :
- p(p), a(a), b(b), p_words(p.sig_words())
- {
- BigInt r(BigInt::Power2, p_words * BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS);
- p_dash = (((r * inverse_mod(r, p)) - 1) / p).word_at(0);
- r2 = (r * r) % p;
- a_r = (a * r) % p;
- b_r = (b * r) % p;
- }
- // CurveGFp(const CurveGFp& other) = default;
- // CurveGFp& operator=(const CurveGFp& other) = default;
- /**
- * @return curve coefficient a
- */
- const BigInt& get_a() const { return a; }
- /**
- * @return curve coefficient b
- */
- const BigInt& get_b() const { return b; }
- /**
- * Get prime modulus of the field of the curve
- * @return prime modulus of the field of the curve
- */
- const BigInt& get_p() const { return p; }
- /**
- * @return Montgomery parameter r^2 % p
- */
- const BigInt& get_r2() const { return r2; }
- /**
- * @return a * r mod p
- */
- const BigInt& get_a_r() const { return a_r; }
- /**
- * @return b * r mod p
- */
- const BigInt& get_b_r() const { return b_r; }
- /**
- * @return Montgomery parameter p-dash
- */
- word get_p_dash() const { return p_dash; }
- /**
- * @return p.sig_words()
- */
- size_t get_p_words() const { return p_words; }
- /**
- * swaps the states of *this and other, does not throw
- * @param other curve to swap values with
- */
- void swap(CurveGFp& other)
- {
- std::swap(p, other.p);
- std::swap(a, other.a);
- std::swap(b, other.b);
- std::swap(a_r, other.a_r);
- std::swap(b_r, other.b_r);
- std::swap(p_words, other.p_words);
- std::swap(r2, other.r2);
- std::swap(p_dash, other.p_dash);
- }
- /**
- * Equality operator
- * @param other curve to compare with
- * @return true iff this is the same curve as other
- */
- bool operator==(const CurveGFp& other) const
- {
- /*
- Relies on choice of R, but that is fixed by constructor based
- on size of p
- */
- return (p == other.p && a_r == other.a_r && b_r == other.b_r);
- }
- private:
- // Curve parameters
- BigInt p, a, b;
- size_t p_words; // cache of p.sig_words()
- // Montgomery parameters
- BigInt r2, a_r, b_r;
- word p_dash;
- };
-* Equality operator
-* @param lhs a curve
-* @param rhs a curve
-* @return true iff lhs is not the same as rhs
-inline bool operator!=(const CurveGFp& lhs, const CurveGFp& rhs)
- {
- return !(lhs == rhs);
- }
-namespace std {
-template<> inline
-void swap<Botan::CurveGFp>(Botan::CurveGFp& curve1,
- Botan::CurveGFp& curve2)
- {
- curve1.swap(curve2);
- }
-} // namespace std
-namespace Botan {
-* Exception thrown if you try to convert a zero point to an affine
-* coordinate
-struct BOTAN_DLL Illegal_Transformation : public Exception
- {
- Illegal_Transformation(const std::string& err =
- "Requested transformation is not possible") :
- Exception(err) {}
- };
-* Exception thrown if some form of illegal point is decoded
-struct BOTAN_DLL Illegal_Point : public Exception
- {
- Illegal_Point(const std::string& err = "Malformed ECP point detected") :
- Exception(err) {}
- };
-* This class represents one point on a curve of GF(p)
-class BOTAN_DLL PointGFp
- {
- public:
- enum Compression_Type {
- HYBRID = 2
- };
- /**
- * Construct an uninitialized PointGFp
- */
- PointGFp() {}
- /**
- * Construct the zero point
- * @param curve The base curve
- */
- PointGFp(const CurveGFp& curve);
- /**
- * Construct a point from its affine coordinates
- * @param curve the base curve
- * @param x affine x coordinate
- * @param y affine y coordinate
- */
- PointGFp(const CurveGFp& curve, const BigInt& x, const BigInt& y);
- //PointGFp(const PointGFp& other) = default;
- //PointGFp& operator=(const PointGFp& other) = default;
- /**
- * += Operator
- * @param rhs the PointGFp to add to the local value
- * @result resulting PointGFp
- */
- PointGFp& operator+=(const PointGFp& rhs);
- /**
- * -= Operator
- * @param rhs the PointGFp to subtract from the local value
- * @result resulting PointGFp
- */
- PointGFp& operator-=(const PointGFp& rhs);
- /**
- * *= Operator
- * @param scalar the PointGFp to multiply with *this
- * @result resulting PointGFp
- */
- PointGFp& operator*=(const BigInt& scalar);
- /**
- * Multiplication Operator
- * @param scalar the scalar value
- * @param point the point value
- * @return scalar*point on the curve
- */
- friend BOTAN_DLL PointGFp operator*(const BigInt& scalar, const PointGFp& point);
- /**
- * Multiexponentiation
- * @param p1 a point
- * @param z1 a scalar
- * @param p2 a point
- * @param z2 a scalar
- * @result (p1 * z1 + p2 * z2)
- */
- friend BOTAN_DLL PointGFp multi_exponentiate(
- const PointGFp& p1, const BigInt& z1,
- const PointGFp& p2, const BigInt& z2);
- /**
- * Negate this point
- * @return *this
- */
- PointGFp& negate()
- {
- if(!is_zero())
- coord_y = curve.get_p() - coord_y;
- return *this;
- }
- /**
- * Return base curve of this point
- * @result the curve over GF(p) of this point
- */
- const CurveGFp& get_curve() const { return curve; }
- /**
- * get affine x coordinate
- * @result affine x coordinate
- */
- BigInt get_affine_x() const;
- /**
- * get affine y coordinate
- * @result affine y coordinate
- */
- BigInt get_affine_y() const;
- /**
- * Is this the point at infinity?
- * @result true, if this point is at infinity, false otherwise.
- */
- bool is_zero() const
- { return (coord_x.is_zero() && coord_z.is_zero()); }
- /**
- * Checks whether the point is to be found on the underlying
- * curve; used to prevent fault attacks.
- * @return if the point is on the curve
- */
- bool on_the_curve() const;
- /**
- * swaps the states of *this and other, does not throw!
- * @param other the object to swap values with
- */
- void swap(PointGFp& other);
- /**
- * Equality operator
- */
- bool operator==(const PointGFp& other) const;
- private:
- /**
- * Montgomery multiplication/reduction
- * @param x first multiplicand
- * @param y second multiplicand
- * @param workspace temp space
- */
- BigInt monty_mult(const BigInt& x, const BigInt& y) const
- {
- BigInt result;
- monty_mult(result, x, y);
- return result;
- }
- /**
- * Montgomery multiplication/reduction
- * @warning z cannot alias x or y
- * @param z output
- * @param x first multiplicand
- * @param y second multiplicand
- */
- void monty_mult(BigInt& z, const BigInt& x, const BigInt& y) const;
- /**
- * Montgomery squaring/reduction
- * @param x multiplicand
- */
- BigInt monty_sqr(const BigInt& x) const
- {
- BigInt result;
- monty_sqr(result, x);
- return result;
- }
- /**
- * Montgomery squaring/reduction
- * @warning z cannot alias x
- * @param z output
- * @param x multiplicand
- */
- void monty_sqr(BigInt& z, const BigInt& x) const;
- /**
- * Point addition
- * @param workspace temp space, at least 11 elements
- */
- void add(const PointGFp& other, std::vector<BigInt>& workspace);
- /**
- * Point doubling
- * @param workspace temp space, at least 9 elements
- */
- void mult2(std::vector<BigInt>& workspace);
- CurveGFp curve;
- BigInt coord_x, coord_y, coord_z;
- mutable SecureVector<word> ws; // workspace for Montgomery
- };
-// relational operators
-inline bool operator!=(const PointGFp& lhs, const PointGFp& rhs)
- {
- return !(rhs == lhs);
- }
-// arithmetic operators
-inline PointGFp operator-(const PointGFp& lhs)
- {
- return PointGFp(lhs).negate();
- }
-inline PointGFp operator+(const PointGFp& lhs, const PointGFp& rhs)
- {
- PointGFp tmp(lhs);
- return tmp += rhs;
- }
-inline PointGFp operator-(const PointGFp& lhs, const PointGFp& rhs)
- {
- PointGFp tmp(lhs);
- return tmp -= rhs;
- }
-inline PointGFp operator*(const PointGFp& point, const BigInt& scalar)
- {
- return scalar * point;
- }
-// encoding and decoding
-SecureVector<byte> BOTAN_DLL EC2OSP(const PointGFp& point, byte format);
-PointGFp BOTAN_DLL OS2ECP(const byte data[], size_t data_len,
- const CurveGFp& curve);
-inline PointGFp OS2ECP(const MemoryRegion<byte>& data, const CurveGFp& curve)
- { return OS2ECP(&data[0], data.size(), curve); }
-namespace std {
-inline void swap<Botan::PointGFp>(Botan::PointGFp& x, Botan::PointGFp& y)
- { x.swap(y); }
-namespace Botan {
-* This class represents elliptic curce domain parameters
-enum EC_Group_Encoding {
-* Class representing an elliptic curve
-class BOTAN_DLL EC_Group
- {
- public:
- /**
- * Construct Domain paramers from specified parameters
- * @param curve elliptic curve
- * @param base_point a base point
- * @param order the order of the base point
- * @param cofactor the cofactor
- */
- EC_Group(const CurveGFp& curve,
- const PointGFp& base_point,
- const BigInt& order,
- const BigInt& cofactor) :
- curve(curve),
- base_point(base_point),
- order(order),
- cofactor(cofactor),
- oid("")
- {}
- /**
- * Decode a BER encoded ECC domain parameter set
- * @param ber_encoding the bytes of the BER encoding
- */
- EC_Group(const MemoryRegion<byte>& ber_encoding);
- /**
- * Create an EC domain by OID (or throw if unknown)
- * @param oid the OID of the EC domain to create
- */
- EC_Group(const OID& oid);
- /**
- * Create an EC domain from PEM encoding (as from PEM_encode),
- * or from an OID name (eg "secp160r1", or "")
- * @param pem_or_oid PEM-encoded data, or an OID
- */
- EC_Group(const std::string& pem_or_oid = "");
- /**
- * Create the DER encoding of this domain
- * @param form of encoding to use
- * @returns bytes encododed as DER
- */
- SecureVector<byte> DER_encode(EC_Group_Encoding form) const;
- /**
- * Return the PEM encoding (always in explicit form)
- * @return string containing PEM data
- */
- std::string PEM_encode() const;
- /**
- * Return domain parameter curve
- * @result domain parameter curve
- */
- const CurveGFp& get_curve() const { return curve; }
- /**
- * Return domain parameter curve
- * @result domain parameter curve
- */
- const PointGFp& get_base_point() const { return base_point; }
- /**
- * Return the order of the base point
- * @result order of the base point
- */
- const BigInt& get_order() const { return order; }
- /**
- * Return the cofactor
- * @result the cofactor
- */
- const BigInt& get_cofactor() const { return cofactor; }
- bool initialized() const { return !base_point.is_zero(); }
- /**
- * Return the OID of these domain parameters
- * @result the OID
- */
- std::string get_oid() const { return oid; }
- bool operator==(const EC_Group& other) const
- {
- return ((get_curve() == other.get_curve()) &&
- (get_base_point() == other.get_base_point()) &&
- (get_order() == other.get_order()) &&
- (get_cofactor() == other.get_cofactor()));
- }
- private:
- CurveGFp curve;
- PointGFp base_point;
- BigInt order, cofactor;
- std::string oid;
- };
-inline bool operator!=(const EC_Group& lhs,
- const EC_Group& rhs)
- {
- return !(lhs == rhs);
- }
-// For compatability with 1.8
-typedef EC_Group EC_Domain_Params;
-namespace Botan {
-* User Interface
-* Only really used for callbacks for PKCS #8 decryption
-class BOTAN_DLL User_Interface
- {
- public:
- enum UI_Result { OK, CANCEL_ACTION };
- virtual std::string get_passphrase(const std::string&,
- const std::string&,
- UI_Result&) const;
- User_Interface(const std::string& = "");
- virtual ~User_Interface() {}
- protected:
- std::string preset_passphrase;
- mutable bool first_try;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* PKCS #8 General Exception
-struct BOTAN_DLL PKCS8_Exception : public Decoding_Error
- {
- PKCS8_Exception(const std::string& error) :
- Decoding_Error("PKCS #8: " + error) {}
- };
-* This namespace contains functions for handling PKCS #8 private keys
-namespace PKCS8 {
-* BER encode a private key
-* @param key the private key to encode
-* @return BER encoded key
-BOTAN_DLL SecureVector<byte> BER_encode(const Private_Key& key);
-* Get a string containing a PEM encoded private key.
-* @param key the key to encode
-* @return encoded key
-BOTAN_DLL std::string PEM_encode(const Private_Key& key);
-* Encrypt a key using PKCS #8 encryption
-* @param key the key to encode
-* @param rng the rng to use
-* @param pass the password to use for encryption
-* @param pbe_algo the name of the desired password-based encryption
- algorithm; if empty ("") a reasonable (portable/secure)
- default will be chosen.
-* @return encrypted key in binary BER form
-BOTAN_DLL SecureVector<byte> BER_encode(const Private_Key& key,
- RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
- const std::string& pass,
- const std::string& pbe_algo = "");
-* Get a string containing a PEM encoded private key, encrypting it with a
-* password.
-* @param key the key to encode
-* @param rng the rng to use
-* @param pass the password to use for encryption
-* @param pbe_algo the name of the desired password-based encryption
- algorithm; if empty ("") a reasonable (portable/secure)
- default will be chosen.
-* @return encrypted key in PEM form
-BOTAN_DLL std::string PEM_encode(const Private_Key& key,
- RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
- const std::string& pass,
- const std::string& pbe_algo = "");
-* Encode a private key into a pipe.
-* @deprecated Use PEM_encode or BER_encode instead
-* @param key the private key to encode
-* @param pipe the pipe to feed the encoded key into
-* @param encoding the encoding type to use
-BOTAN_DEPRECATED("Use PEM_encode or BER_encode")
-inline void encode(const Private_Key& key,
- Pipe& pipe,
- X509_Encoding encoding = PEM)
- {
- if(encoding == PEM)
- pipe.write(PKCS8::PEM_encode(key));
- else
- pipe.write(PKCS8::BER_encode(key));
- }
-* Encode and encrypt a private key into a pipe.
-* @deprecated Use PEM_encode or BER_encode instead
-* @param key the private key to encode
-* @param pipe the pipe to feed the encoded key into
-* @param pass the password to use for encryption
-* @param rng the rng to use
-* @param pbe_algo the name of the desired password-based encryption
- algorithm; if empty ("") a reasonable (portable/secure)
- default will be chosen.
-* @param encoding the encoding type to use
-BOTAN_DEPRECATED("Use PEM_encode or BER_encode")
-inline void encrypt_key(const Private_Key& key,
- Pipe& pipe,
- RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
- const std::string& pass,
- const std::string& pbe_algo = "",
- X509_Encoding encoding = PEM)
- {
- if(encoding == PEM)
- pipe.write(PKCS8::PEM_encode(key, rng, pass, pbe_algo));
- else
- pipe.write(PKCS8::BER_encode(key, rng, pass, pbe_algo));
- }
-* Load a key from a data source.
-* @param source the data source providing the encoded key
-* @param rng the rng to use
-* @param ui the user interface to be used for passphrase dialog
-* @return loaded private key object
-BOTAN_DLL Private_Key* load_key(DataSource& source,
- RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
- const User_Interface& ui);
-/** Load a key from a data source.
-* @param source the data source providing the encoded key
-* @param rng the rng to use
-* @param pass the passphrase to decrypt the key. Provide an empty
-* string if the key is not encoded.
-* @return loaded private key object
-BOTAN_DLL Private_Key* load_key(DataSource& source,
- RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
- const std::string& pass = "");
-* Load a key from a file.
-* @param filename the path to the file containing the encoded key
-* @param rng the rng to use
-* @param ui the user interface to be used for passphrase dialog
-* @return loaded private key object
-BOTAN_DLL Private_Key* load_key(const std::string& filename,
- RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
- const User_Interface& ui);
-/** Load a key from a file.
-* @param filename the path to the file containing the encoded key
-* @param rng the rng to use
-* @param pass the passphrase to decrypt the key. Provide an empty
-* string if the key is not encoded.
-* @return loaded private key object
-BOTAN_DLL Private_Key* load_key(const std::string& filename,
- RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
- const std::string& pass = "");
-* Copy an existing encoded key object.
-* @param key the key to copy
-* @param rng the rng to use
-* @return new copy of the key
-BOTAN_DLL Private_Key* copy_key(const Private_Key& key,
- RandomNumberGenerator& rng);
-namespace Botan {
-* This class represents abstract ECC public keys. When encoding a key
-* via an encoder that can be accessed via the corresponding member
-* functions, the key will decide upon its internally stored encoding
-* information whether to encode itself with or without domain
-* parameters, or using the domain parameter oid. Furthermore, a public
-* key without domain parameters can be decoded. In that case, it
-* cannot be used for verification until its domain parameters are set
-* by calling the corresponding member function.
-class BOTAN_DLL EC_PublicKey : public virtual Public_Key
- {
- public:
- EC_PublicKey(const EC_Group& dom_par,
- const PointGFp& pub_point);
- EC_PublicKey(const AlgorithmIdentifier& alg_id,
- const MemoryRegion<byte>& key_bits);
- /**
- * Get the public point of this key.
- * @throw Invalid_State is thrown if the
- * domain parameters of this point are not set
- * @result the public point of this key
- */
- const PointGFp& public_point() const { return public_key; }
- AlgorithmIdentifier algorithm_identifier() const;
- MemoryVector<byte> x509_subject_public_key() const;
- bool check_key(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
- bool strong) const;
- /**
- * Get the domain parameters of this key.
- * @throw Invalid_State is thrown if the
- * domain parameters of this point are not set
- * @result the domain parameters of this key
- */
- const EC_Group& domain() const { return domain_params; }
- /**
- * Set the domain parameter encoding to be used when encoding this key.
- * @param enc the encoding to use
- */
- void set_parameter_encoding(EC_Group_Encoding enc);
- /**
- * Return the DER encoding of this keys domain in whatever format
- * is preset for this particular key
- */
- MemoryVector<byte> DER_domain() const
- { return domain().DER_encode(domain_format()); }
- /**
- * Get the domain parameter encoding to be used when encoding this key.
- * @result the encoding to use
- */
- EC_Group_Encoding domain_format() const
- { return domain_encoding; }
- protected:
- EC_PublicKey() : domain_encoding(EC_DOMPAR_ENC_EXPLICIT) {}
- EC_Group domain_params;
- PointGFp public_key;
- EC_Group_Encoding domain_encoding;
- };
-* This abstract class represents ECC private keys
-class BOTAN_DLL EC_PrivateKey : public virtual EC_PublicKey,
- public virtual Private_Key
- {
- public:
- EC_PrivateKey(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
- const EC_Group& domain,
- const BigInt& private_key);
- EC_PrivateKey(const AlgorithmIdentifier& alg_id,
- const MemoryRegion<byte>& key_bits);
- MemoryVector<byte> pkcs8_private_key() const;
- /**
- * Get the private key value of this key object.
- * @result the private key value of this key object
- */
- const BigInt& private_value() const;
- protected:
- EC_PrivateKey() {}
- BigInt private_key;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* GOST-34.10 Public Key
-class BOTAN_DLL GOST_3410_PublicKey : public virtual EC_PublicKey
- {
- public:
- /**
- * Construct a public key from a given public point.
- * @param dom_par the domain parameters associated with this key
- * @param public_point the public point defining this key
- */
- GOST_3410_PublicKey(const EC_Group& dom_par,
- const PointGFp& public_point) :
- EC_PublicKey(dom_par, public_point) {}
- /**
- * Construct from X.509 algorithm id and subject public key bits
- */
- GOST_3410_PublicKey(const AlgorithmIdentifier& alg_id,
- const MemoryRegion<byte>& key_bits);
- /**
- * Get this keys algorithm name.
- * @result this keys algorithm name
- */
- std::string algo_name() const { return "GOST-34.10"; }
- AlgorithmIdentifier algorithm_identifier() const;
- MemoryVector<byte> x509_subject_public_key() const;
- /**
- * Get the maximum number of bits allowed to be fed to this key.
- * This is the bitlength of the order of the base point.
- * @result the maximum number of input bits
- */
- size_t max_input_bits() const { return domain().get_order().bits(); }
- size_t message_parts() const { return 2; }
- size_t message_part_size() const
- { return domain().get_order().bytes(); }
- protected:
- GOST_3410_PublicKey() {}
- };
-* GOST-34.10 Private Key
-class BOTAN_DLL GOST_3410_PrivateKey : public GOST_3410_PublicKey,
- public EC_PrivateKey
- {
- public:
- GOST_3410_PrivateKey(const AlgorithmIdentifier& alg_id,
- const MemoryRegion<byte>& key_bits) :
- EC_PrivateKey(alg_id, key_bits) {}
- /**
- * Generate a new private key
- * @param rng a random number generator
- * @param domain parameters to used for this key
- * @param x the private key; if zero, a new random key is generated
- */
- GOST_3410_PrivateKey(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
- const EC_Group& domain,
- const BigInt& x = 0) :
- EC_PrivateKey(rng, domain, x) {}
- AlgorithmIdentifier pkcs8_algorithm_identifier() const
- { return EC_PublicKey::algorithm_identifier(); }
- };
-* GOST-34.10 signature operation
-class BOTAN_DLL GOST_3410_Signature_Operation : public PK_Ops::Signature
- {
- public:
- GOST_3410_Signature_Operation(const GOST_3410_PrivateKey& gost_3410);
- size_t message_parts() const { return 2; }
- size_t message_part_size() const { return order.bytes(); }
- size_t max_input_bits() const { return order.bits(); }
- SecureVector<byte> sign(const byte msg[], size_t msg_len,
- RandomNumberGenerator& rng);
- private:
- const PointGFp& base_point;
- const BigInt& order;
- const BigInt& x;
- };
-* GOST-34.10 verification operation
-class BOTAN_DLL GOST_3410_Verification_Operation : public PK_Ops::Verification
- {
- public:
- GOST_3410_Verification_Operation(const GOST_3410_PublicKey& gost);
- size_t message_parts() const { return 2; }
- size_t message_part_size() const { return order.bytes(); }
- size_t max_input_bits() const { return order.bits(); }
- bool with_recovery() const { return false; }
- bool verify(const byte msg[], size_t msg_len,
- const byte sig[], size_t sig_len);
- private:
- const PointGFp& base_point;
- const PointGFp& public_point;
- const BigInt& order;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* MDx Hash Function Base Class
-class BOTAN_DLL MDx_HashFunction : public HashFunction
- {
- public:
- /**
- * @param block_length is the number of bytes per block
- * @param big_byte_endian specifies if the hash uses big-endian bytes
- * @param big_bit_endian specifies if the hash uses big-endian bits
- * @param counter_size specifies the size of the counter var in bytes
- */
- MDx_HashFunction(size_t block_length,
- bool big_byte_endian,
- bool big_bit_endian,
- size_t counter_size = 8);
- size_t hash_block_size() const { return buffer.size(); }
- protected:
- void add_data(const byte input[], size_t length);
- void final_result(byte output[]);
- /**
- * Run the hash's compression function over a set of blocks
- * @param blocks the input
- * @param block_n the number of blocks
- */
- virtual void compress_n(const byte blocks[], size_t block_n) = 0;
- void clear();
- /**
- * Copy the output to the buffer
- * @param buffer to put the output into
- */
- virtual void copy_out(byte buffer[]) = 0;
- /**
- * Write the count, if used, to this spot
- * @param out where to write the counter to
- */
- virtual void write_count(byte out[]);
- private:
- SecureVector<byte> buffer;
- u64bit count;
- size_t position;
- const size_t COUNT_SIZE;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* HAS-160, a Korean hash function standardized in
-* TTAS.KO-12.0011/R1. Used in conjuction with KCDSA
-class BOTAN_DLL HAS_160 : public MDx_HashFunction
- {
- public:
- std::string name() const { return "HAS-160"; }
- size_t output_length() const { return 20; }
- HashFunction* clone() const { return new HAS_160; }
- void clear();
- HAS_160() : MDx_HashFunction(64, false, true), X(20), digest(5)
- { clear(); }
- private:
- void compress_n(const byte[], size_t blocks);
- void copy_out(byte[]);
- SecureVector<u32bit> X, digest;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* This class represents the Library Initialization/Shutdown Object. It
-* has to exceed the lifetime of any Botan object used in an
-* application. You can call initialize/deinitialize or use
-* LibraryInitializer in the RAII style.
-class BOTAN_DLL LibraryInitializer
- {
- public:
- /**
- * Initialize the library
- * @param options a string listing initialization options
- */
- static void initialize(const std::string& options = "");
- /**
- * Shutdown the library
- */
- static void deinitialize();
- /**
- * Initialize the library
- * @param options a string listing initialization options
- */
- LibraryInitializer(const std::string& options = "")
- { LibraryInitializer::initialize(options); }
- ~LibraryInitializer() { LibraryInitializer::deinitialize(); }
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* Forward declare to avoid recursive dependency between this header
-* and libstate.h
-class Library_State;
-* Namespace for management of the global state
-namespace Global_State_Management {
-* Access the global library state
-* @return reference to the global library state
-BOTAN_DLL Library_State& global_state();
-* Set the global state object
-* @param state the new global state to use
-BOTAN_DLL void set_global_state(Library_State* state);
-* Set the global state object unless it is already set
-* @param state the new global state to use
-* @return true if the state parameter is now being used as the global
-* state, or false if one was already set, in which case the
-* parameter was deleted immediately
-BOTAN_DLL bool set_global_state_unless_set(Library_State* state);
-* Swap the current state for another
-* @param new_state the new state object to use
-* @return previous state (or NULL if none)
-BOTAN_DLL Library_State* swap_global_state(Library_State* new_state);
-* Query if the library is currently initialized
-* @return true iff the library is initialized
-BOTAN_DLL bool global_state_exists();
-* Insert into Botan ns for convenience/backwards compatability
-using Global_State_Management::global_state;
-namespace Botan {
-* Forward declarations (don't need full definitions here)
-class BlockCipher;
-class StreamCipher;
-class HashFunction;
-class MessageAuthenticationCode;
-class PBKDF;
-template<typename T> class Algorithm_Cache;
-class Engine;
-class Mutex_Factory;
-* Algorithm Factory
-class BOTAN_DLL Algorithm_Factory
- {
- public:
- /**
- * Constructor
- * @param mf a mutex factory
- */
- Algorithm_Factory(Mutex_Factory& mf);
- /**
- * Destructor
- */
- ~Algorithm_Factory();
- /**
- * @param engine to add (Algorithm_Factory takes ownership)
- */
- void add_engine(Engine* engine);
- /**
- * Clear out any cached objects
- */
- void clear_caches();
- /**
- * @param algo_spec the algorithm we are querying
- * @returns list of providers of this algorithm
- */
- std::vector<std::string> providers_of(const std::string& algo_spec);
- /**
- * @param algo_spec the algorithm we are setting a provider for
- * @param provider the provider we would like to use
- */
- void set_preferred_provider(const std::string& algo_spec,
- const std::string& provider);
- /**
- * @param algo_spec the algorithm we want
- * @param provider the provider we would like to use
- * @returns pointer to const prototype object, ready to clone(), or NULL
- */
- const BlockCipher*
- prototype_block_cipher(const std::string& algo_spec,
- const std::string& provider = "");
- /**
- * @param algo_spec the algorithm we want
- * @param provider the provider we would like to use
- * @returns pointer to freshly created instance of the request algorithm
- */
- BlockCipher* make_block_cipher(const std::string& algo_spec,
- const std::string& provider = "");
- /**
- * @param algo the algorithm to add
- * @param provider the provider of this algorithm
- */
- void add_block_cipher(BlockCipher* algo, const std::string& provider);
- /**
- * @param algo_spec the algorithm we want
- * @param provider the provider we would like to use
- * @returns pointer to const prototype object, ready to clone(), or NULL
- */
- const StreamCipher*
- prototype_stream_cipher(const std::string& algo_spec,
- const std::string& provider = "");
- /**
- * @param algo_spec the algorithm we want
- * @param provider the provider we would like to use
- * @returns pointer to freshly created instance of the request algorithm
- */
- StreamCipher* make_stream_cipher(const std::string& algo_spec,
- const std::string& provider = "");
- /**
- * @param algo the algorithm to add
- * @param provider the provider of this algorithm
- */
- void add_stream_cipher(StreamCipher* algo, const std::string& provider);
- /**
- * @param algo_spec the algorithm we want
- * @param provider the provider we would like to use
- * @returns pointer to const prototype object, ready to clone(), or NULL
- */
- const HashFunction*
- prototype_hash_function(const std::string& algo_spec,
- const std::string& provider = "");
- /**
- * @param algo_spec the algorithm we want
- * @param provider the provider we would like to use
- * @returns pointer to freshly created instance of the request algorithm
- */
- HashFunction* make_hash_function(const std::string& algo_spec,
- const std::string& provider = "");
- /**
- * @param algo the algorithm to add
- * @param provider the provider of this algorithm
- */
- void add_hash_function(HashFunction* algo, const std::string& provider);
- /**
- * @param algo_spec the algorithm we want
- * @param provider the provider we would like to use
- * @returns pointer to const prototype object, ready to clone(), or NULL
- */
- const MessageAuthenticationCode*
- prototype_mac(const std::string& algo_spec,
- const std::string& provider = "");
- /**
- * @param algo_spec the algorithm we want
- * @param provider the provider we would like to use
- * @returns pointer to freshly created instance of the request algorithm
- */
- MessageAuthenticationCode* make_mac(const std::string& algo_spec,
- const std::string& provider = "");
- /**
- * @param algo the algorithm to add
- * @param provider the provider of this algorithm
- */
- void add_mac(MessageAuthenticationCode* algo,
- const std::string& provider);
- /**
- * @param algo_spec the algorithm we want
- * @param provider the provider we would like to use
- * @returns pointer to const prototype object, ready to clone(), or NULL
- */
- const PBKDF* prototype_pbkdf(const std::string& algo_spec,
- const std::string& provider = "");
- /**
- * @param algo_spec the algorithm we want
- * @param provider the provider we would like to use
- * @returns pointer to freshly created instance of the request algorithm
- */
- PBKDF* make_pbkdf(const std::string& algo_spec,
- const std::string& provider = "");
- /**
- * @param algo the algorithm to add
- * @param provider the provider of this algorithm
- */
- void add_pbkdf(PBKDF* algo, const std::string& provider);
- /**
- * An iterator for the engines in this factory
- * @deprecated Avoid in new code
- */
- class BOTAN_DLL Engine_Iterator
- {
- public:
- /**
- * @return next engine in the sequence
- */
- Engine* next() { return af.get_engine_n(n++); }
- /**
- * @param a an algorithm factory
- */
- Engine_Iterator(const Algorithm_Factory& a) :
- af(a) { n = 0; }
- private:
- const Algorithm_Factory& af;
- size_t n;
- };
- friend class Engine_Iterator;
- private:
- Algorithm_Factory(const Algorithm_Factory&) {}
- Algorithm_Factory& operator=(const Algorithm_Factory&)
- { return (*this); }
- Engine* get_engine_n(size_t n) const;
- std::vector<Engine*> engines;
- Algorithm_Cache<BlockCipher>* block_cipher_cache;
- Algorithm_Cache<StreamCipher>* stream_cipher_cache;
- Algorithm_Cache<HashFunction>* hash_cache;
- Algorithm_Cache<MessageAuthenticationCode>* mac_cache;
- Algorithm_Cache<PBKDF>* pbkdf_cache;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-class Mutex;
-* Global state container aka the buritto at the center of it all
-class BOTAN_DLL Library_State
- {
- public:
- Library_State();
- ~Library_State();
- /**
- * @param thread_safe should a mutex be used for serialization
- */
- void initialize(bool thread_safe);
- /**
- * @return global Algorithm_Factory
- */
- Algorithm_Factory& algorithm_factory() const;
- /**
- * @return global RandomNumberGenerator
- */
- RandomNumberGenerator& global_rng();
- /**
- * @param name the name of the allocator
- * @return allocator matching this name, or NULL
- */
- Allocator* get_allocator(const std::string& name = "") const;
- /**
- * Add a new allocator to the list of available ones
- * @param alloc the allocator to add
- */
- void add_allocator(Allocator* alloc);
- /**
- * Set the default allocator
- * @param name the name of the allocator to use as the default
- */
- void set_default_allocator(const std::string& name);
- /**
- * Get a parameter value as std::string.
- * @param section the section of the desired key
- * @param key the desired keys name
- * @result the value of the parameter
- */
- std::string get(const std::string& section,
- const std::string& key) const;
- /**
- * Check whether a certain parameter is set or not.
- * @param section the section of the desired key
- * @param key the desired keys name
- * @result true if the parameters value is set,
- * false otherwise
- */
- bool is_set(const std::string& section,
- const std::string& key) const;
- /**
- * Set a configuration parameter.
- * @param section the section of the desired key
- * @param key the desired keys name
- * @param value the new value
- * @param overwrite if set to true, the parameters value
- * will be overwritten even if it is already set, otherwise
- * no existing values will be overwritten.
- */
- void set(const std::string& section,
- const std::string& key,
- const std::string& value,
- bool overwrite = true);
- /**
- * Add a parameter value to the "alias" section.
- * @param key the name of the parameter which shall have a new alias
- * @param value the new alias
- */
- void add_alias(const std::string& key,
- const std::string& value);
- /**
- * Resolve an alias.
- * @param alias the alias to resolve.
- * @return what the alias stands for
- */
- std::string deref_alias(const std::string& alias) const;
- /**
- * @return newly created Mutex (free with delete)
- */
- Mutex* get_mutex() const;
- private:
- static RandomNumberGenerator* make_global_rng(Algorithm_Factory& af,
- Mutex* mutex);
- void load_default_config();
- Library_State(const Library_State&) {}
- Library_State& operator=(const Library_State&) { return (*this); }
- class Mutex_Factory* mutex_factory;
- Mutex* global_rng_lock;
- RandomNumberGenerator* global_rng_ptr;
- Mutex* config_lock;
- std::map<std::string, std::string> config;
- Mutex* allocator_lock;
- std::string default_allocator_name;
- std::map<std::string, Allocator*> alloc_factory;
- mutable Allocator* cached_default_allocator;
- std::vector<Allocator*> allocators;
- Algorithm_Factory* m_algorithm_factory;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* BitBucket is a filter which simply discards all inputs
-struct BOTAN_DLL BitBucket : public Filter
- {
- void write(const byte[], size_t) {}
- std::string name() const { return "BitBucket"; }
- };
-* This class represents Filter chains. A Filter chain is an ordered
-* concatenation of Filters, the input to a Chain sequentially passes
-* through all the Filters contained in the Chain.
-class BOTAN_DLL Chain : public Fanout_Filter
- {
- public:
- void write(const byte input[], size_t length) { send(input, length); }
- std::string name() const;
- /**
- * Construct a chain of up to four filters. The filters are set
- * up in the same order as the arguments.
- */
- Chain(Filter* = 0, Filter* = 0, Filter* = 0, Filter* = 0);
- /**
- * Construct a chain from range of filters
- * @param filter_arr the list of filters
- * @param length how many filters
- */
- Chain(Filter* filter_arr[], size_t length);
- };
-* This class represents a fork filter, whose purpose is to fork the
-* flow of data. It causes an input message to result in n messages at
-* the end of the filter, where n is the number of forks.
-class BOTAN_DLL Fork : public Fanout_Filter
- {
- public:
- void write(const byte input[], size_t length) { send(input, length); }
- void set_port(size_t n) { Fanout_Filter::set_port(n); }
- std::string name() const;
- /**
- * Construct a Fork filter with up to four forks.
- */
- Fork(Filter*, Filter*, Filter* = 0, Filter* = 0);
- /**
- * Construct a Fork from range of filters
- * @param filter_arr the list of filters
- * @param length how many filters
- */
- Fork(Filter* filter_arr[], size_t length);
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* This class represents keyed filters, i.e. filters that have to be
-* fed with a key in order to function.
-class BOTAN_DLL Keyed_Filter : public Filter
- {
- public:
- /**
- * Set the key of this filter
- * @param key the key to use
- */
- virtual void set_key(const SymmetricKey& key) = 0;
- /**
- * Set the initialization vector of this filter. Note: you should
- * call set_iv() only after you have called set_key()
- * @param iv the initialization vector to use
- */
- virtual void set_iv(const InitializationVector& iv);
- /**
- * Check whether a key length is valid for this filter
- * @param length the key length to be checked for validity
- * @return true if the key length is valid, false otherwise
- */
- virtual bool valid_keylength(size_t length) const = 0;
- /**
- * Check whether an IV length is valid for this filter
- * @param length the IV length to be checked for validity
- * @return true if the IV length is valid, false otherwise
- */
- virtual bool valid_iv_length(size_t length) const
- { return (length == 0); }
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* This class represents abstract data sink objects.
-class BOTAN_DLL DataSink : public Filter
- {
- public:
- bool attachable() { return false; }
- DataSink() {}
- virtual ~DataSink() {}
- private:
- DataSink& operator=(const DataSink&) { return (*this); }
- DataSink(const DataSink&);
- };
-* This class represents a data sink which writes its output to a stream.
-class BOTAN_DLL DataSink_Stream : public DataSink
- {
- public:
- std::string name() const { return identifier; }
- void write(const byte[], size_t);
- /**
- * Construct a DataSink_Stream from a stream.
- * @param stream the stream to write to
- * @param name identifier
- */
- DataSink_Stream(std::ostream& stream,
- const std::string& name = "<std::ostream>");
- /**
- * Construct a DataSink_Stream from a stream.
- * @param pathname the name of the file to open a stream to
- * @param use_binary indicates whether to treat the file
- * as a binary file or not
- */
- DataSink_Stream(const std::string& pathname,
- bool use_binary = false);
- ~DataSink_Stream();
- private:
- const std::string identifier;
- std::ostream* sink_p;
- std::ostream& sink;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* This class represents a Base64 encoder.
-class BOTAN_DLL Base64_Encoder : public Filter
- {
- public:
- std::string name() const { return "Base64_Encoder"; }
- /**
- * Input a part of a message to the encoder.
- * @param input the message to input as a byte array
- * @param length the length of the byte array input
- */
- void write(const byte input[], size_t length);
- /**
- * Inform the Encoder that the current message shall be closed.
- */
- void end_msg();
- /**
- * Create a base64 encoder.
- * @param breaks whether to use line breaks in the output
- * @param length the length of the lines of the output
- * @param t_n whether to use a trailing newline
- */
- Base64_Encoder(bool breaks = false, size_t length = 72,
- bool t_n = false);
- private:
- void encode_and_send(const byte input[], size_t length,
- bool final_inputs = false);
- void do_output(const byte output[], size_t length);
- const size_t line_length;
- const bool trailing_newline;
- MemoryVector<byte> in, out;
- size_t position, out_position;
- };
-* This object represents a Base64 decoder.
-class BOTAN_DLL Base64_Decoder : public Filter
- {
- public:
- std::string name() const { return "Base64_Decoder"; }
- /**
- * Input a part of a message to the decoder.
- * @param input the message to input as a byte array
- * @param length the length of the byte array input
- */
- void write(const byte input[], size_t length);
- /**
- * Finish up the current message
- */
- void end_msg();
- /**
- * Create a base64 decoder.
- * @param checking the type of checking that shall be performed by
- * the decoder
- */
- Base64_Decoder(Decoder_Checking checking = NONE);
- private:
- const Decoder_Checking checking;
- MemoryVector<byte> in, out;
- size_t position;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* Converts arbitrary binary data to hex strings, optionally with
-* newlines inserted
-class BOTAN_DLL Hex_Encoder : public Filter
- {
- public:
- /**
- * Whether to use uppercase or lowercase letters for the encoded string.
- */
- enum Case { Uppercase, Lowercase };
- std::string name() const { return "Hex_Encoder"; }
- void write(const byte in[], size_t length);
- void end_msg();
- /**
- * Create a hex encoder.
- * @param the_case the case to use in the encoded strings.
- */
- Hex_Encoder(Case the_case);
- /**
- * Create a hex encoder.
- * @param newlines should newlines be used
- * @param line_length if newlines are used, how long are lines
- * @param the_case the case to use in the encoded strings
- */
- Hex_Encoder(bool newlines = false,
- size_t line_length = 72,
- Case the_case = Uppercase);
- private:
- void encode_and_send(const byte[], size_t);
- const Case casing;
- const size_t line_length;
- MemoryVector<byte> in, out;
- size_t position, counter;
- };
-* Converts hex strings to bytes
-class BOTAN_DLL Hex_Decoder : public Filter
- {
- public:
- std::string name() const { return "Hex_Decoder"; }
- void write(const byte[], size_t);
- void end_msg();
- /**
- * Construct a Hex Decoder using the specified
- * character checking.
- * @param checking the checking to use during decoding.
- */
- Hex_Decoder(Decoder_Checking checking = NONE);
- private:
- const Decoder_Checking checking;
- MemoryVector<byte> in, out;
- size_t position;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* Stream Cipher Filter.
-class BOTAN_DLL StreamCipher_Filter : public Keyed_Filter
- {
- public:
- std::string name() const { return cipher->name(); }
- /**
- * Write input data
- * @param input data
- * @param input_len length of input in bytes
- */
- void write(const byte input[], size_t input_len);
- bool valid_iv_length(size_t iv_len) const
- { return cipher->valid_iv_length(iv_len); }
- /**
- * Set the initialization vector for this filter.
- * @param iv the initialization vector to set
- */
- void set_iv(const InitializationVector& iv);
- /**
- * Set the key of this filter.
- * @param key the key to set
- */
- void set_key(const SymmetricKey& key) { cipher->set_key(key); }
- /**
- * Check whether a key length is valid for this filter.
- * @param length the key length to be checked for validity
- * @return true if the key length is valid, false otherwise
- */
- bool valid_keylength(size_t length) const
- { return cipher->valid_keylength(length); }
- /**
- * Construct a stream cipher filter.
- * @param cipher_obj a cipher object to use
- */
- StreamCipher_Filter(StreamCipher* cipher_obj);
- /**
- * Construct a stream cipher filter.
- * @param cipher_obj a cipher object to use
- * @param key the key to use inside this filter
- */
- StreamCipher_Filter(StreamCipher* cipher_obj, const SymmetricKey& key);
- /**
- * Construct a stream cipher filter.
- * @param cipher the name of the desired cipher
- */
- StreamCipher_Filter(const std::string& cipher);
- /**
- * Construct a stream cipher filter.
- * @param cipher the name of the desired cipher
- * @param key the key to use inside this filter
- */
- StreamCipher_Filter(const std::string& cipher, const SymmetricKey& key);
- ~StreamCipher_Filter() { delete cipher; }
- private:
- SecureVector<byte> buffer;
- StreamCipher* cipher;
- };
-* Hash Filter.
-class BOTAN_DLL Hash_Filter : public Filter
- {
- public:
- void write(const byte input[], size_t len) { hash->update(input, len); }
- void end_msg();
- std::string name() const { return hash->name(); }
- /**
- * Construct a hash filter.
- * @param hash_fun the hash function to use
- * @param len the output length of this filter. Leave the default
- * value 0 if you want to use the full output of the hashfunction
- * hash. Otherwise, specify a smaller value here so that the
- * output of the hash algorithm will be cut off.
- */
- Hash_Filter(HashFunction* hash_fun, size_t len = 0) :
- OUTPUT_LENGTH(len), hash(hash_fun) {}
- /**
- * Construct a hash filter.
- * @param request the name of the hash algorithm to use
- * @param len the output length of this filter. Leave the default
- * value 0 if you want to use the full output of the hashfunction
- * hash. Otherwise, specify a smaller value here so that the
- * output of the hash algorithm will be cut off.
- */
- Hash_Filter(const std::string& request, size_t len = 0);
- ~Hash_Filter() { delete hash; }
- private:
- const size_t OUTPUT_LENGTH;
- HashFunction* hash;
- };
-* MessageAuthenticationCode Filter.
-class BOTAN_DLL MAC_Filter : public Keyed_Filter
- {
- public:
- void write(const byte input[], size_t len) { mac->update(input, len); }
- void end_msg();
- std::string name() const { return mac->name(); }
- /**
- * Set the key of this filter.
- * @param key the key to set
- */
- void set_key(const SymmetricKey& key) { mac->set_key(key); }
- /**
- * Check whether a key length is valid for this filter.
- * @param length the key length to be checked for validity
- * @return true if the key length is valid, false otherwise
- */
- bool valid_keylength(size_t length) const
- { return mac->valid_keylength(length); }
- /**
- * Construct a MAC filter. The MAC key will be left empty.
- * @param mac_obj the MAC to use
- * @param out_len the output length of this filter. Leave the default
- * value 0 if you want to use the full output of the
- * MAC. Otherwise, specify a smaller value here so that the
- * output of the MAC will be cut off.
- */
- MAC_Filter(MessageAuthenticationCode* mac_obj,
- size_t out_len = 0) : OUTPUT_LENGTH(out_len)
- {
- mac = mac_obj;
- }
- /**
- * Construct a MAC filter.
- * @param mac_obj the MAC to use
- * @param key the MAC key to use
- * @param out_len the output length of this filter. Leave the default
- * value 0 if you want to use the full output of the
- * MAC. Otherwise, specify a smaller value here so that the
- * output of the MAC will be cut off.
- */
- MAC_Filter(MessageAuthenticationCode* mac_obj,
- const SymmetricKey& key,
- size_t out_len = 0) : OUTPUT_LENGTH(out_len)
- {
- mac = mac_obj;
- mac->set_key(key);
- }
- /**
- * Construct a MAC filter. The MAC key will be left empty.
- * @param mac the name of the MAC to use
- * @param len the output length of this filter. Leave the default
- * value 0 if you want to use the full output of the
- * MAC. Otherwise, specify a smaller value here so that the
- * output of the MAC will be cut off.
- */
- MAC_Filter(const std::string& mac, size_t len = 0);
- /**
- * Construct a MAC filter.
- * @param mac the name of the MAC to use
- * @param key the MAC key to use
- * @param len the output length of this filter. Leave the default
- * value 0 if you want to use the full output of the
- * MAC. Otherwise, specify a smaller value here so that the
- * output of the MAC will be cut off.
- */
- MAC_Filter(const std::string& mac, const SymmetricKey& key,
- size_t len = 0);
- ~MAC_Filter() { delete mac; }
- private:
- const size_t OUTPUT_LENGTH;
- MessageAuthenticationCode* mac;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* Block Cipher Mode Padding Method
-* This class is pretty limited, it cannot deal well with
-* randomized padding methods, or any padding method that
-* wants to add more than one block. For instance, it should
-* be possible to define cipher text stealing mode as simply
-* a padding mode for CBC, which happens to consume the last
-* two block (and requires use of the block cipher).
-class BOTAN_DLL BlockCipherModePaddingMethod
- {
- public:
- /**
- * @param block output buffer
- * @param size of the block
- * @param current_position in the last block
- */
- virtual void pad(byte block[],
- size_t size,
- size_t current_position) const = 0;
- /**
- * @param block the last block
- * @param size the of the block
- */
- virtual size_t unpad(const byte block[],
- size_t size) const = 0;
- /**
- * @param block_size of the cipher
- * @param position in the current block
- * @return number of padding bytes that will be appended
- */
- virtual size_t pad_bytes(size_t block_size,
- size_t position) const;
- /**
- * @param block_size of the cipher
- * @return valid block size for this padding mode
- */
- virtual bool valid_blocksize(size_t block_size) const = 0;
- /**
- * @return name of the mode
- */
- virtual std::string name() const = 0;
- /**
- * virtual destructor
- */
- virtual ~BlockCipherModePaddingMethod() {}
- };
-* PKCS#7 Padding
-class BOTAN_DLL PKCS7_Padding : public BlockCipherModePaddingMethod
- {
- public:
- void pad(byte[], size_t, size_t) const;
- size_t unpad(const byte[], size_t) const;
- bool valid_blocksize(size_t) const;
- std::string name() const { return "PKCS7"; }
- };
-* ANSI X9.23 Padding
-class BOTAN_DLL ANSI_X923_Padding : public BlockCipherModePaddingMethod
- {
- public:
- void pad(byte[], size_t, size_t) const;
- size_t unpad(const byte[], size_t) const;
- bool valid_blocksize(size_t) const;
- std::string name() const { return "X9.23"; }
- };
-* One And Zeros Padding
-class BOTAN_DLL OneAndZeros_Padding : public BlockCipherModePaddingMethod
- {
- public:
- void pad(byte[], size_t, size_t) const;
- size_t unpad(const byte[], size_t) const;
- bool valid_blocksize(size_t) const;
- std::string name() const { return "OneAndZeros"; }
- };
-* Null Padding
-class BOTAN_DLL Null_Padding : public BlockCipherModePaddingMethod
- {
- public:
- void pad(byte[], size_t, size_t) const { return; }
- size_t unpad(const byte[], size_t size) const { return size; }
- size_t pad_bytes(size_t, size_t) const { return 0; }
- bool valid_blocksize(size_t) const { return true; }
- std::string name() const { return "NoPadding"; }
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* Key Derivation Function
-class BOTAN_DLL KDF : public Algorithm
- {
- public:
- /**
- * Derive a key
- * @param key_len the desired output length in bytes
- * @param secret the secret input
- * @param salt a diversifier
- */
- SecureVector<byte> derive_key(size_t key_len,
- const MemoryRegion<byte>& secret,
- const std::string& salt = "") const;
- /**
- * Derive a key
- * @param key_len the desired output length in bytes
- * @param secret the secret input
- * @param salt a diversifier
- */
- SecureVector<byte> derive_key(size_t key_len,
- const MemoryRegion<byte>& secret,
- const MemoryRegion<byte>& salt) const;
- /**
- * Derive a key
- * @param key_len the desired output length in bytes
- * @param secret the secret input
- * @param salt a diversifier
- * @param salt_len size of salt in bytes
- */
- SecureVector<byte> derive_key(size_t key_len,
- const MemoryRegion<byte>& secret,
- const byte salt[],
- size_t salt_len) const;
- /**
- * Derive a key
- * @param key_len the desired output length in bytes
- * @param secret the secret input
- * @param secret_len size of secret in bytes
- * @param salt a diversifier
- */
- SecureVector<byte> derive_key(size_t key_len,
- const byte secret[],
- size_t secret_len,
- const std::string& salt = "") const;
- /**
- * Derive a key
- * @param key_len the desired output length in bytes
- * @param secret the secret input
- * @param secret_len size of secret in bytes
- * @param salt a diversifier
- * @param salt_len size of salt in bytes
- */
- SecureVector<byte> derive_key(size_t key_len,
- const byte secret[],
- size_t secret_len,
- const byte salt[],
- size_t salt_len) const;
- void clear() {}
- virtual KDF* clone() const = 0;
- private:
- virtual SecureVector<byte>
- derive(size_t key_len,
- const byte secret[], size_t secret_len,
- const byte salt[], size_t salt_len) const = 0;
- };
-* Mask Generation Function
- {
- public:
- virtual void mask(const byte in[], size_t in_len,
- byte out[], size_t out_len) const = 0;
- virtual ~MGF() {}
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* Encoding Method for Encryption
- {
- public:
- /**
- * Return the maximum input size in bytes we can support
- * @param keybits the size of the key in bits
- * @return upper bound of input in bytes
- */
- virtual size_t maximum_input_size(size_t keybits) const = 0;
- /**
- * Encode an input
- * @param in the plaintext
- * @param in_length length of plaintext in bytes
- * @param key_length length of the key in bits
- * @param rng a random number generator
- * @return encoded plaintext
- */
- SecureVector<byte> encode(const byte in[],
- size_t in_length,
- size_t key_length,
- RandomNumberGenerator& rng) const;
- /**
- * Encode an input
- * @param in the plaintext
- * @param key_length length of the key in bits
- * @param rng a random number generator
- * @return encoded plaintext
- */
- SecureVector<byte> encode(const MemoryRegion<byte>& in,
- size_t key_length,
- RandomNumberGenerator& rng) const;
- /**
- * Decode an input
- * @param in the encoded plaintext
- * @param in_length length of encoded plaintext in bytes
- * @param key_length length of the key in bits
- * @return plaintext
- */
- SecureVector<byte> decode(const byte in[],
- size_t in_length,
- size_t key_length) const;
- /**
- * Decode an input
- * @param in the encoded plaintext
- * @param key_length length of the key in bits
- * @return plaintext
- */
- SecureVector<byte> decode(const MemoryRegion<byte>& in,
- size_t key_length) const;
- virtual ~EME() {}
- private:
- /**
- * Encode an input
- * @param in the plaintext
- * @param in_length length of plaintext in bytes
- * @param key_length length of the key in bits
- * @param rng a random number generator
- * @return encoded plaintext
- */
- virtual SecureVector<byte> pad(const byte in[],
- size_t in_length,
- size_t key_length,
- RandomNumberGenerator& rng) const = 0;
- /**
- * Decode an input
- * @param in the encoded plaintext
- * @param in_length length of encoded plaintext in bytes
- * @param key_length length of the key in bits
- * @return plaintext
- */
- virtual SecureVector<byte> unpad(const byte in[],
- size_t in_length,
- size_t key_length) const = 0;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* Retrieve an object prototype from the global factory
-* @param algo_spec an algorithm name
-* @return constant prototype object (use clone to create usable object),
- library retains ownership
-inline const BlockCipher*
-retrieve_block_cipher(const std::string& algo_spec)
- {
- Algorithm_Factory& af = global_state().algorithm_factory();
- return af.prototype_block_cipher(algo_spec);
- }
-* Retrieve an object prototype from the global factory
-* @param algo_spec an algorithm name
-* @return constant prototype object (use clone to create usable object),
- library retains ownership
-inline const StreamCipher*
-retrieve_stream_cipher(const std::string& algo_spec)
- {
- Algorithm_Factory& af = global_state().algorithm_factory();
- return af.prototype_stream_cipher(algo_spec);
- }
-* Retrieve an object prototype from the global factory
-* @param algo_spec an algorithm name
-* @return constant prototype object (use clone to create usable object),
- library retains ownership
-inline const HashFunction*
-retrieve_hash(const std::string& algo_spec)
- {
- Algorithm_Factory& af = global_state().algorithm_factory();
- return af.prototype_hash_function(algo_spec);
- }
-* Retrieve an object prototype from the global factory
-* @param algo_spec an algorithm name
-* @return constant prototype object (use clone to create usable object),
- library retains ownership
-inline const MessageAuthenticationCode*
-retrieve_mac(const std::string& algo_spec)
- {
- Algorithm_Factory& af = global_state().algorithm_factory();
- return af.prototype_mac(algo_spec);
- }
-* Get an algorithm object
-* NOTE: these functions create and return new objects, letting the
-* caller assume ownership of them
-* Block cipher factory method.
-* @deprecated Call algorithm_factory() directly
-* @param algo_spec the name of the desired block cipher
-* @return pointer to the block cipher object
-inline BlockCipher* get_block_cipher(const std::string& algo_spec)
- {
- Algorithm_Factory& af = global_state().algorithm_factory();
- return af.make_block_cipher(algo_spec);
- }
-* Stream cipher factory method.
-* @deprecated Call algorithm_factory() directly
-* @param algo_spec the name of the desired stream cipher
-* @return pointer to the stream cipher object
-inline StreamCipher* get_stream_cipher(const std::string& algo_spec)
- {
- Algorithm_Factory& af = global_state().algorithm_factory();
- return af.make_stream_cipher(algo_spec);
- }
-* Hash function factory method.
-* @deprecated Call algorithm_factory() directly
-* @param algo_spec the name of the desired hash function
-* @return pointer to the hash function object
-inline HashFunction* get_hash(const std::string& algo_spec)
- {
- Algorithm_Factory& af = global_state().algorithm_factory();
- return af.make_hash_function(algo_spec);
- }
-* MAC factory method.
-* @deprecated Call algorithm_factory() directly
-* @param algo_spec the name of the desired MAC
-* @return pointer to the MAC object
-inline MessageAuthenticationCode* get_mac(const std::string& algo_spec)
- {
- Algorithm_Factory& af = global_state().algorithm_factory();
- return af.make_mac(algo_spec);
- }
-* Password based key derivation function factory method
-* @param algo_spec the name of the desired PBKDF algorithm
-* @return pointer to newly allocated object of that type
-BOTAN_DLL PBKDF* get_pbkdf(const std::string& algo_spec);
-* @deprecated Use get_pbkdf
-* @param algo_spec the name of the desired algorithm
-* @return pointer to newly allocated object of that type
-inline PBKDF* get_s2k(const std::string& algo_spec)
- {
- return get_pbkdf(algo_spec);
- }
-* Get an EMSA/EME/KDF/MGF function
-// NOTE: these functions create and return new objects, letting the
-// caller assume ownership of them
-* Factory method for EME (message-encoding methods for encryption) objects
-* @param algo_spec the name of the EME to create
-* @return pointer to newly allocated object of that type
-BOTAN_DLL EME* get_eme(const std::string& algo_spec);
-* Factory method for EMSA (message-encoding methods for signatures
-* with appendix) objects
-* @param algo_spec the name of the EME to create
-* @return pointer to newly allocated object of that type
-BOTAN_DLL EMSA* get_emsa(const std::string& algo_spec);
-* Factory method for KDF (key derivation function)
-* @param algo_spec the name of the KDF to create
-* @return pointer to newly allocated object of that type
-BOTAN_DLL KDF* get_kdf(const std::string& algo_spec);
-* Get a cipher object
-* Factory method for general symmetric cipher filters.
-* @param algo_spec the name of the desired cipher
-* @param key the key to be used for encryption/decryption performed by
-* the filter
-* @param iv the initialization vector to be used
-* @param direction determines whether the filter will be an encrypting
-* or decrypting filter
-* @return pointer to newly allocated encryption or decryption filter
-BOTAN_DLL Keyed_Filter* get_cipher(const std::string& algo_spec,
- const SymmetricKey& key,
- const InitializationVector& iv,
- Cipher_Dir direction);
-* Factory method for general symmetric cipher filters.
-* @param algo_spec the name of the desired cipher
-* @param key the key to be used for encryption/decryption performed by
-* the filter
-* @param direction determines whether the filter will be an encrypting
-* or decrypting filter
-* @return pointer to the encryption or decryption filter
-BOTAN_DLL Keyed_Filter* get_cipher(const std::string& algo_spec,
- const SymmetricKey& key,
- Cipher_Dir direction);
-* Factory method for general symmetric cipher filters. No key will be
-* set in the filter.
-* @param algo_spec the name of the desired cipher
-* @param direction determines whether the filter will be an encrypting or
-* decrypting filter
-* @return pointer to the encryption or decryption filter
-BOTAN_DLL Keyed_Filter* get_cipher(const std::string& algo_spec,
- Cipher_Dir direction);
-* Check if an algorithm exists.
-* @param algo_spec the name of the algorithm to check for
-* @return true if the algorithm exists, false otherwise
-BOTAN_DLL bool have_algorithm(const std::string& algo_spec);
-* Check if a block cipher algorithm exists.
-* @deprecated Call algorithm_factory() directly
-* @param algo_spec the name of the algorithm to check for
-* @return true if the algorithm exists, false otherwise
-inline bool have_block_cipher(const std::string& algo_spec)
- {
- Algorithm_Factory& af = global_state().algorithm_factory();
- return (af.prototype_block_cipher(algo_spec) != 0);
- }
-* Check if a stream cipher algorithm exists.
-* @deprecated Call algorithm_factory() directly
-* @param algo_spec the name of the algorithm to check for
-* @return true if the algorithm exists, false otherwise
-inline bool have_stream_cipher(const std::string& algo_spec)
- {
- Algorithm_Factory& af = global_state().algorithm_factory();
- return (af.prototype_stream_cipher(algo_spec) != 0);
- }
-* Check if a hash algorithm exists.
-* @deprecated Call algorithm_factory() directly
-* @param algo_spec the name of the algorithm to check for
-* @return true if the algorithm exists, false otherwise
-inline bool have_hash(const std::string& algo_spec)
- {
- Algorithm_Factory& af = global_state().algorithm_factory();
- return (af.prototype_hash_function(algo_spec) != 0);
- }
-* Check if a MAC algorithm exists.
-* @deprecated Call algorithm_factory() directly
-* @param algo_spec the name of the algorithm to check for
-* @return true if the algorithm exists, false otherwise
-inline bool have_mac(const std::string& algo_spec)
- {
- Algorithm_Factory& af = global_state().algorithm_factory();
- return (af.prototype_mac(algo_spec) != 0);
- }
-* Query information about an algorithm
-* Find out the block size of a certain symmetric algorithm.
-* @deprecated Call algorithm_factory() directly
-* @param algo_spec the name of the algorithm
-* @return block size of the specified algorithm
-BOTAN_DLL size_t block_size_of(const std::string& algo_spec);
-* Find out the output length of a certain symmetric algorithm.
-* @deprecated Call algorithm_factory() directly
-* @param algo_spec the name of the algorithm
-* @return output length of the specified algorithm
-BOTAN_DLL size_t output_length_of(const std::string& algo_spec);
-* Find out the minimum key size of a certain symmetric algorithm.
-* @deprecated Call algorithm_factory() directly
-* @param algo_spec the name of the algorithm
-* @return minimum key length of the specified algorithm
-BOTAN_DEPRECATED("Retrieve object you want and then call key_spec")
-BOTAN_DLL size_t min_keylength_of(const std::string& algo_spec);
-* Find out the maximum key size of a certain symmetric algorithm.
-* @deprecated Call algorithm_factory() directly
-* @param algo_spec the name of the algorithm
-* @return maximum key length of the specified algorithm
-BOTAN_DEPRECATED("Retrieve object you want and then call key_spec")
-BOTAN_DLL size_t max_keylength_of(const std::string& algo_spec);
-* Find out the size any valid key is a multiple of for a certain algorithm.
-* @deprecated Call algorithm_factory() directly
-* @param algo_spec the name of the algorithm
-* @return size any valid key is a multiple of
-BOTAN_DEPRECATED("Retrieve object you want and then call key_spec")
-BOTAN_DLL size_t keylength_multiple_of(const std::string& algo_spec);
-namespace Botan {
-* Get information describing the version
-* Get a human-readable string identifying the version of Botan.
-* No particular format should be assumed.
-* @return version string
-BOTAN_DLL std::string version_string();
-* Return the date this version of botan was released, in an integer of
-* the form YYYYMMDD. For instance a version released on May 21, 2013
-* would return the integer 20130521. If the currently running version
-* is not an official release, this function will return 0 instead.
-* @return release date, or zero if unreleased
-BOTAN_DLL u32bit version_datestamp();
-* Get the major version number.
-* @return major version number
-BOTAN_DLL u32bit version_major();
-* Get the minor version number.
-* @return minor version number
-BOTAN_DLL u32bit version_minor();
-* Get the patch number.
-* @return patch number
-BOTAN_DLL u32bit version_patch();
-* Macros for compile-time version checks
-#define BOTAN_VERSION_CODE_FOR(a,b,c) ((a << 16) | (b << 8) | (c))
-* Compare using BOTAN_VERSION_CODE_FOR, as in
-* # error "Botan version too old"
-* # endif
-namespace Botan {
-* An automatically seeded PRNG
-class BOTAN_DLL AutoSeeded_RNG : public RandomNumberGenerator
- {
- public:
- void randomize(byte out[], size_t len)
- { rng->randomize(out, len); }
- bool is_seeded() const { return rng->is_seeded(); }
- void clear() { rng->clear(); }
- std::string name() const { return rng->name(); }
- void reseed(size_t poll_bits = 256) { rng->reseed(poll_bits); }
- void add_entropy_source(EntropySource* es)
- { rng->add_entropy_source(es); }
- void add_entropy(const byte in[], size_t len)
- { rng->add_entropy(in, len); }
- AutoSeeded_RNG() { rng = &global_state().global_rng(); }
- private:
- RandomNumberGenerator* rng;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* PKCS #10 Certificate Request.
-class BOTAN_DLL PKCS10_Request : public X509_Object
- {
- public:
- /**
- * Get the subject public key.
- * @return subject public key
- */
- Public_Key* subject_public_key() const;
- /**
- * Get the raw DER encoded public key.
- * @return raw DER encoded public key
- */
- MemoryVector<byte> raw_public_key() const;
- /**
- * Get the subject DN.
- * @return subject DN
- */
- X509_DN subject_dn() const;
- /**
- * Get the subject alternative name.
- * @return subject alternative name.
- */
- AlternativeName subject_alt_name() const;
- /**
- * Get the key constraints for the key associated with this
- * PKCS#10 object.
- * @return key constraints
- */
- Key_Constraints constraints() const;
- /**
- * Get the extendend key constraints (if any).
- * @return extended key constraints
- */
- std::vector<OID> ex_constraints() const;
- /**
- * Find out whether this is a CA request.
- * @result true if it is a CA request, false otherwise.
- */
- bool is_CA() const;
- /**
- * Return the constraint on the path length defined
- * in the BasicConstraints extension.
- * @return path limit
- */
- u32bit path_limit() const;
- /**
- * Get the challenge password for this request
- * @return challenge password for this request
- */
- std::string challenge_password() const;
- /**
- * Create a PKCS#10 Request from a data source.
- * @param source the data source providing the DER encoded request
- */
- PKCS10_Request(DataSource& source);
- /**
- * Create a PKCS#10 Request from a file.
- * @param filename the name of the file containing the DER or PEM
- * encoded request file
- */
- PKCS10_Request(const std::string& filename);
- private:
- void force_decode();
- void handle_attribute(const Attribute&);
- Data_Store info;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* Options for X.509 certificates.
-class BOTAN_DLL X509_Cert_Options
- {
- public:
- /**
- * the subject common name
- */
- std::string common_name;
- /**
- * the subject counry
- */
- std::string country;
- /**
- * the subject organization
- */
- std::string organization;
- /**
- * the subject organizational unit
- */
- std::string org_unit;
- /**
- * the subject locality
- */
- std::string locality;
- /**
- * the subject state
- */
- std::string state;
- /**
- * the subject serial number
- */
- std::string serial_number;
- /**
- * the subject email adress
- */
- std::string email;
- /**
- * the subject URI
- */
- std::string uri;
- /**
- * the subject IPv4 address
- */
- std::string ip;
- /**
- * the subject DNS
- */
- std::string dns;
- /**
- * the subject XMPP
- */
- std::string xmpp;
- /**
- * the subject challenge password
- */
- std::string challenge;
- /**
- * the subject notBefore
- */
- X509_Time start;
- /**
- * the subject notAfter
- */
- X509_Time end;
- /**
- * Indicates whether the certificate request
- */
- bool is_CA;
- /**
- * Indicates the BasicConstraints path limit
- */
- size_t path_limit;
- /**
- * The key constraints for the subject public key
- */
- Key_Constraints constraints;
- /**
- * The key extended constraints for the subject public key
- */
- std::vector<OID> ex_constraints;
- /**
- * Check the options set in this object for validity.
- */
- void sanity_check() const;
- /**
- * Mark the certificate as a CA certificate and set the path limit.
- * @param limit the path limit to be set in the BasicConstraints extension.
- */
- void CA_key(size_t limit = 1);
- /**
- * Set the notBefore of the certificate.
- * @param time the notBefore value of the certificate
- */
- void not_before(const std::string& time);
- /**
- * Set the notAfter of the certificate.
- * @param time the notAfter value of the certificate
- */
- void not_after(const std::string& time);
- /**
- * Add the key constraints of the KeyUsage extension.
- * @param constr the constraints to set
- */
- void add_constraints(Key_Constraints constr);
- /**
- * Add constraints to the ExtendedKeyUsage extension.
- * @param oid the oid to add
- */
- void add_ex_constraint(const OID& oid);
- /**
- * Add constraints to the ExtendedKeyUsage extension.
- * @param name the name to look up the oid to add
- */
- void add_ex_constraint(const std::string& name);
- /**
- * Construct a new options object
- * @param opts define the common name of this object. An example for this
- * parameter would be "common_name/country/organization/organizational_unit".
- * @param expire_time the expiration time (from the current clock in seconds)
- */
- X509_Cert_Options(const std::string& opts = "",
- u32bit expire_time = 365 * 24 * 60 * 60);
- };
-namespace X509 {
-* Create a self-signed X.509 certificate.
-* @param opts the options defining the certificate to create
-* @param key the private key used for signing, i.e. the key
-* associated with this self-signed certificate
-* @param hash_fn the hash function to use
-* @param rng the rng to use
-* @return newly created self-signed certificate
-BOTAN_DLL X509_Certificate
-create_self_signed_cert(const X509_Cert_Options& opts,
- const Private_Key& key,
- const std::string& hash_fn,
- RandomNumberGenerator& rng);
-* Create a PKCS#10 certificate request.
-* @param opts the options defining the request to create
-* @param key the key used to sign this request
-* @param rng the rng to use
-* @param hash_fn the hash function to use
-* @return newly created PKCS#10 request
-BOTAN_DLL PKCS10_Request create_cert_req(const X509_Cert_Options& opts,
- const Private_Key& key,
- const std::string& hash_fn,
- RandomNumberGenerator& rng);
-namespace Botan {
-class BigInt;
-class ASN1_Object;
-* General DER Encoding Object
-class BOTAN_DLL DER_Encoder
- {
- public:
- SecureVector<byte> get_contents();
- DER_Encoder& start_cons(ASN1_Tag type_tag,
- ASN1_Tag class_tag = UNIVERSAL);
- DER_Encoder& end_cons();
- DER_Encoder& start_explicit(u16bit type_tag);
- DER_Encoder& end_explicit();
- DER_Encoder& raw_bytes(const byte val[], size_t len);
- DER_Encoder& raw_bytes(const MemoryRegion<byte>& val);
- DER_Encoder& encode_null();
- DER_Encoder& encode(bool b);
- DER_Encoder& encode(size_t s);
- DER_Encoder& encode(const BigInt& n);
- DER_Encoder& encode(const MemoryRegion<byte>& v, ASN1_Tag real_type);
- DER_Encoder& encode(const byte val[], size_t len, ASN1_Tag real_type);
- DER_Encoder& encode(bool b,
- ASN1_Tag type_tag,
- ASN1_Tag class_tag = CONTEXT_SPECIFIC);
- DER_Encoder& encode(size_t s,
- ASN1_Tag type_tag,
- ASN1_Tag class_tag = CONTEXT_SPECIFIC);
- DER_Encoder& encode(const BigInt& n,
- ASN1_Tag type_tag,
- ASN1_Tag class_tag = CONTEXT_SPECIFIC);
- DER_Encoder& encode(const MemoryRegion<byte>& v,
- ASN1_Tag real_type,
- ASN1_Tag type_tag,
- ASN1_Tag class_tag = CONTEXT_SPECIFIC);
- DER_Encoder& encode(const byte v[], size_t len,
- ASN1_Tag real_type,
- ASN1_Tag type_tag,
- ASN1_Tag class_tag = CONTEXT_SPECIFIC);
- template<typename T>
- DER_Encoder& encode_optional(const T& value, const T& default_value)
- {
- if(value != default_value)
- encode(value);
- return (*this);
- }
- template<typename T>
- DER_Encoder& encode_list(const std::vector<T>& values)
- {
- for(size_t i = 0; i != values.size(); ++i)
- encode(values[i]);
- return (*this);
- }
- DER_Encoder& encode(const ASN1_Object& obj);
- DER_Encoder& encode_if(bool pred, DER_Encoder& enc);
- DER_Encoder& add_object(ASN1_Tag type_tag, ASN1_Tag class_tag,
- const byte rep[], size_t length);
- DER_Encoder& add_object(ASN1_Tag type_tag, ASN1_Tag class_tag,
- const MemoryRegion<byte>& rep);
- DER_Encoder& add_object(ASN1_Tag type_tag, ASN1_Tag class_tag,
- const std::string& str);
- DER_Encoder& add_object(ASN1_Tag type_tag, ASN1_Tag class_tag,
- byte val);
- private:
- class DER_Sequence
- {
- public:
- ASN1_Tag tag_of() const;
- SecureVector<byte> get_contents();
- void add_bytes(const byte[], size_t);
- DER_Sequence(ASN1_Tag, ASN1_Tag);
- private:
- ASN1_Tag type_tag, class_tag;
- SecureVector<byte> contents;
- std::vector< SecureVector<byte> > set_contents;
- };
- SecureVector<byte> contents;
- std::vector<DER_Sequence> subsequences;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* EME1, aka OAEP
-class BOTAN_DLL EME1 : public EME
- {
- public:
- size_t maximum_input_size(size_t) const;
- /**
- * @param hash object to use for hashing (takes ownership)
- * @param P an optional label. Normally empty.
- */
- EME1(HashFunction* hash, const std::string& P = "");
- ~EME1() { delete mgf; }
- private:
- SecureVector<byte> pad(const byte[], size_t, size_t,
- RandomNumberGenerator&) const;
- SecureVector<byte> unpad(const byte[], size_t, size_t) const;
- SecureVector<byte> Phash;
- MGF* mgf;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* The two types of signature format supported by Botan.
-enum Signature_Format { IEEE_1363, DER_SEQUENCE };
-* Enum marking if protection against fault attacks should be used
-enum Fault_Protection {
-* Public Key Encryptor
-class BOTAN_DLL PK_Encryptor
- {
- public:
- /**
- * Encrypt a message.
- * @param in the message as a byte array
- * @param length the length of the above byte array
- * @param rng the random number source to use
- * @return encrypted message
- */
- SecureVector<byte> encrypt(const byte in[], size_t length,
- RandomNumberGenerator& rng) const
- {
- return enc(in, length, rng);
- }
- /**
- * Encrypt a message.
- * @param in the message
- * @param rng the random number source to use
- * @return encrypted message
- */
- SecureVector<byte> encrypt(const MemoryRegion<byte>& in,
- RandomNumberGenerator& rng) const
- {
- return enc(&in[0], in.size(), rng);
- }
- /**
- * Return the maximum allowed message size in bytes.
- * @return maximum message size in bytes
- */
- virtual size_t maximum_input_size() const = 0;
- PK_Encryptor() {}
- virtual ~PK_Encryptor() {}
- private:
- PK_Encryptor(const PK_Encryptor&) {}
- PK_Encryptor& operator=(const PK_Encryptor&) { return *this; }
- virtual SecureVector<byte> enc(const byte[], size_t,
- RandomNumberGenerator&) const = 0;
- };
-* Public Key Decryptor
-class BOTAN_DLL PK_Decryptor
- {
- public:
- /**
- * Decrypt a ciphertext.
- * @param in the ciphertext as a byte array
- * @param length the length of the above byte array
- * @return decrypted message
- */
- SecureVector<byte> decrypt(const byte in[], size_t length) const
- {
- return dec(in, length);
- }
- /**
- * Decrypt a ciphertext.
- * @param in the ciphertext
- * @return decrypted message
- */
- SecureVector<byte> decrypt(const MemoryRegion<byte>& in) const
- {
- return dec(&in[0], in.size());
- }
- PK_Decryptor() {}
- virtual ~PK_Decryptor() {}
- private:
- PK_Decryptor(const PK_Decryptor&) {}
- PK_Decryptor& operator=(const PK_Decryptor&) { return *this; }
- virtual SecureVector<byte> dec(const byte[], size_t) const = 0;
- };
-* Public Key Signer. Use the sign_message() functions for small
-* messages. Use multiple calls update() to process large messages and
-* generate the signature by finally calling signature().
-class BOTAN_DLL PK_Signer
- {
- public:
- /**
- * Sign a message.
- * @param in the message to sign as a byte array
- * @param length the length of the above byte array
- * @param rng the rng to use
- * @return signature
- */
- SecureVector<byte> sign_message(const byte in[], size_t length,
- RandomNumberGenerator& rng);
- /**
- * Sign a message.
- * @param in the message to sign
- * @param rng the rng to use
- * @return signature
- */
- SecureVector<byte> sign_message(const MemoryRegion<byte>& in,
- RandomNumberGenerator& rng)
- { return sign_message(&in[0], in.size(), rng); }
- /**
- * Add a message part (single byte).
- * @param in the byte to add
- */
- void update(byte in) { update(&in, 1); }
- /**
- * Add a message part.
- * @param in the message part to add as a byte array
- * @param length the length of the above byte array
- */
- void update(const byte in[], size_t length);
- /**
- * Add a message part.
- * @param in the message part to add
- */
- void update(const MemoryRegion<byte>& in) { update(&in[0], in.size()); }
- /**
- * Get the signature of the so far processed message (provided by the
- * calls to update()).
- * @param rng the rng to use
- * @return signature of the total message
- */
- SecureVector<byte> signature(RandomNumberGenerator& rng);
- /**
- * Set the output format of the signature.
- * @param format the signature format to use
- */
- void set_output_format(Signature_Format format) { sig_format = format; }
- /**
- * Construct a PK Signer.
- * @param key the key to use inside this signer
- * @param emsa the EMSA to use
- * An example would be "EMSA1(SHA-224)".
- * @param format the signature format to use
- * @param prot says if fault protection should be enabled
- */
- PK_Signer(const Private_Key& key,
- const std::string& emsa,
- Signature_Format format = IEEE_1363,
- Fault_Protection prot = ENABLE_FAULT_PROTECTION);
- ~PK_Signer() { delete op; delete verify_op; delete emsa; }
- private:
- bool self_test_signature(const MemoryRegion<byte>& msg,
- const MemoryRegion<byte>& sig) const;
- PK_Signer(const PK_Signer&) {}
- PK_Signer& operator=(const PK_Signer&) { return *this; }
- PK_Ops::Signature* op;
- PK_Ops::Verification* verify_op;
- EMSA* emsa;
- Signature_Format sig_format;
- };
-* Public Key Verifier. Use the verify_message() functions for small
-* messages. Use multiple calls update() to process large messages and
-* verify the signature by finally calling check_signature().
-class BOTAN_DLL PK_Verifier
- {
- public:
- /**
- * Verify a signature.
- * @param msg the message that the signature belongs to, as a byte array
- * @param msg_length the length of the above byte array msg
- * @param sig the signature as a byte array
- * @param sig_length the length of the above byte array sig
- * @return true if the signature is valid
- */
- bool verify_message(const byte msg[], size_t msg_length,
- const byte sig[], size_t sig_length);
- /**
- * Verify a signature.
- * @param msg the message that the signature belongs to
- * @param sig the signature
- * @return true if the signature is valid
- */
- bool verify_message(const MemoryRegion<byte>& msg,
- const MemoryRegion<byte>& sig)
- {
- return verify_message(&msg[0], msg.size(),
- &sig[0], sig.size());
- }
- /**
- * Add a message part (single byte) of the message corresponding to the
- * signature to be verified.
- * @param in the byte to add
- */
- void update(byte in) { update(&in, 1); }
- /**
- * Add a message part of the message corresponding to the
- * signature to be verified.
- * @param msg_part the new message part as a byte array
- * @param length the length of the above byte array
- */
- void update(const byte msg_part[], size_t length);
- /**
- * Add a message part of the message corresponding to the
- * signature to be verified.
- * @param in the new message part
- */
- void update(const MemoryRegion<byte>& in)
- { update(&in[0], in.size()); }
- /**
- * Check the signature of the buffered message, i.e. the one build
- * by successive calls to update.
- * @param sig the signature to be verified as a byte array
- * @param length the length of the above byte array
- * @return true if the signature is valid, false otherwise
- */
- bool check_signature(const byte sig[], size_t length);
- /**
- * Check the signature of the buffered message, i.e. the one build
- * by successive calls to update.
- * @param sig the signature to be verified
- * @return true if the signature is valid, false otherwise
- */
- bool check_signature(const MemoryRegion<byte>& sig)
- {
- return check_signature(&sig[0], sig.size());
- }
- /**
- * Set the format of the signatures fed to this verifier.
- * @param format the signature format to use
- */
- void set_input_format(Signature_Format format);
- /**
- * Construct a PK Verifier.
- * @param pub_key the public key to verify against
- * @param emsa the EMSA to use (eg "EMSA3(SHA-1)")
- * @param format the signature format to use
- */
- PK_Verifier(const Public_Key& pub_key,
- const std::string& emsa,
- Signature_Format format = IEEE_1363);
- ~PK_Verifier() { delete op; delete emsa; }
- private:
- PK_Verifier(const PK_Verifier&) {}
- PK_Verifier& operator=(const PK_Verifier&) { return *this; }
- bool validate_signature(const MemoryRegion<byte>& msg,
- const byte sig[], size_t sig_len);
- PK_Ops::Verification* op;
- EMSA* emsa;
- Signature_Format sig_format;
- };
-* Key used for key agreement
-class BOTAN_DLL PK_Key_Agreement
- {
- public:
- /*
- * Perform Key Agreement Operation
- * @param key_len the desired key output size
- * @param in the other parties key
- * @param in_len the length of in in bytes
- * @param params extra derivation params
- * @param params_len the length of params in bytes
- */
- SymmetricKey derive_key(size_t key_len,
- const byte in[],
- size_t in_len,
- const byte params[],
- size_t params_len) const;
- /*
- * Perform Key Agreement Operation
- * @param key_len the desired key output size
- * @param in the other parties key
- * @param in_len the length of in in bytes
- * @param params extra derivation params
- * @param params_len the length of params in bytes
- */
- SymmetricKey derive_key(size_t key_len,
- const MemoryRegion<byte>& in,
- const byte params[],
- size_t params_len) const
- {
- return derive_key(key_len, &in[0], in.size(),
- params, params_len);
- }
- /*
- * Perform Key Agreement Operation
- * @param key_len the desired key output size
- * @param in the other parties key
- * @param in_len the length of in in bytes
- * @param params extra derivation params
- */
- SymmetricKey derive_key(size_t key_len,
- const byte in[], size_t in_len,
- const std::string& params = "") const
- {
- return derive_key(key_len, in, in_len,
- reinterpret_cast<const byte*>(params.data()),
- params.length());
- }
- /*
- * Perform Key Agreement Operation
- * @param key_len the desired key output size
- * @param in the other parties key
- * @param params extra derivation params
- */
- SymmetricKey derive_key(size_t key_len,
- const MemoryRegion<byte>& in,
- const std::string& params = "") const
- {
- return derive_key(key_len, &in[0], in.size(),
- reinterpret_cast<const byte*>(params.data()),
- params.length());
- }
- /**
- * Construct a PK Key Agreement.
- * @param key the key to use
- * @param kdf name of the KDF to use (or 'Raw' for no KDF)
- */
- PK_Key_Agreement(const PK_Key_Agreement_Key& key,
- const std::string& kdf);
- ~PK_Key_Agreement() { delete op; delete kdf; }
- private:
- PK_Key_Agreement(const PK_Key_Agreement_Key&) {}
- PK_Key_Agreement& operator=(const PK_Key_Agreement&) { return *this; }
- PK_Ops::Key_Agreement* op;
- KDF* kdf;
- };
-* Encryption with an MR algorithm and an EME.
-class BOTAN_DLL PK_Encryptor_EME : public PK_Encryptor
- {
- public:
- size_t maximum_input_size() const;
- /**
- * Construct an instance.
- * @param key the key to use inside the decryptor
- * @param eme the EME to use
- */
- PK_Encryptor_EME(const Public_Key& key,
- const std::string& eme);
- ~PK_Encryptor_EME() { delete op; delete eme; }
- private:
- SecureVector<byte> enc(const byte[], size_t,
- RandomNumberGenerator& rng) const;
- PK_Ops::Encryption* op;
- const EME* eme;
- };
-* Decryption with an MR algorithm and an EME.
-class BOTAN_DLL PK_Decryptor_EME : public PK_Decryptor
- {
- public:
- /**
- * Construct an instance.
- * @param key the key to use inside the encryptor
- * @param eme the EME to use
- */
- PK_Decryptor_EME(const Private_Key& key,
- const std::string& eme);
- ~PK_Decryptor_EME() { delete op; delete eme; }
- private:
- SecureVector<byte> dec(const byte[], size_t) const;
- PK_Ops::Decryption* op;
- const EME* eme;
- };
-* Typedefs for compatability with 1.8
-typedef PK_Encryptor_EME PK_Encryptor_MR_with_EME;
-typedef PK_Decryptor_EME PK_Decryptor_MR_with_EME;
-namespace Botan {
-* DES
-class BOTAN_DLL DES : public Block_Cipher_Fixed_Params<8, 8>
- {
- public:
- void encrypt_n(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t blocks) const;
- void decrypt_n(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t blocks) const;
- void clear() { zeroise(round_key); }
- std::string name() const { return "DES"; }
- BlockCipher* clone() const { return new DES; }
- DES() : round_key(32) {}
- private:
- void key_schedule(const byte[], size_t);
- SecureVector<u32bit> round_key;
- };
-* Triple DES
-class BOTAN_DLL TripleDES : public Block_Cipher_Fixed_Params<8, 16, 24, 8>
- {
- public:
- void encrypt_n(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t blocks) const;
- void decrypt_n(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t blocks) const;
- void clear() { zeroise(round_key); }
- std::string name() const { return "TripleDES"; }
- BlockCipher* clone() const { return new TripleDES; }
- TripleDES() : round_key(96) {}
- private:
- void key_schedule(const byte[], size_t);
- SecureVector<u32bit> round_key;
- };
-* DES Tables
-extern const u32bit DES_SPBOX1[256];
-extern const u32bit DES_SPBOX2[256];
-extern const u32bit DES_SPBOX3[256];
-extern const u32bit DES_SPBOX4[256];
-extern const u32bit DES_SPBOX5[256];
-extern const u32bit DES_SPBOX6[256];
-extern const u32bit DES_SPBOX7[256];
-extern const u32bit DES_SPBOX8[256];
-extern const u64bit DES_IPTAB1[256];
-extern const u64bit DES_IPTAB2[256];
-extern const u64bit DES_FPTAB1[256];
-extern const u64bit DES_FPTAB2[256];
-namespace Botan {
-class BOTAN_DLL DESX : public Block_Cipher_Fixed_Params<8, 24>
- {
- public:
- void encrypt_n(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t blocks) const;
- void decrypt_n(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t blocks) const;
- void clear() { des.clear(); zeroise(K1); zeroise(K2); }
- std::string name() const { return "DESX"; }
- BlockCipher* clone() const { return new DESX; }
- DESX() : K1(8), K2(8) {}
- private:
- void key_schedule(const byte[], size_t);
- SecureVector<byte> K1, K2;
- DES des;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* The GOST 28147-89 block cipher uses a set of 4 bit Sboxes, however
-* the standard does not actually define these Sboxes; they are
-* considered a local configuration issue. Several different sets are
-* used.
-class BOTAN_DLL GOST_28147_89_Params
- {
- public:
- /**
- * @param row the row
- * @param col the column
- * @return sbox entry at this row/column
- */
- byte sbox_entry(size_t row, size_t col) const;
- /**
- * @return name of this parameter set
- */
- std::string param_name() const { return name; }
- /**
- * Default GOST parameters are the ones given in GOST R 34.11 for
- * testing purposes; these sboxes are also used by Crypto++, and,
- * at least according to Wikipedia, the Central Bank of Russian
- * Federation
- * @param name of the parameter set
- */
- GOST_28147_89_Params(const std::string& name = "R3411_94_TestParam");
- private:
- const byte* sboxes;
- std::string name;
- };
-* GOST 28147-89
-class BOTAN_DLL GOST_28147_89 : public Block_Cipher_Fixed_Params<8, 32>
- {
- public:
- void encrypt_n(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t blocks) const;
- void decrypt_n(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t blocks) const;
- void clear() { zeroise(EK); }
- std::string name() const;
- BlockCipher* clone() const { return new GOST_28147_89(SBOX); }
- /**
- * @param params the sbox parameters to use
- */
- GOST_28147_89(const GOST_28147_89_Params& params);
- private:
- GOST_28147_89(const SecureVector<u32bit>& other_SBOX) :
- SBOX(other_SBOX), EK(8) {}
- void key_schedule(const byte[], size_t);
- SecureVector<u32bit> SBOX;
- SecureVector<u32bit> EK;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* GOST 34.11
-class BOTAN_DLL GOST_34_11 : public HashFunction
- {
- public:
- std::string name() const { return "GOST-R-34.11-94" ; }
- size_t output_length() const { return 32; }
- size_t hash_block_size() const { return 32; }
- HashFunction* clone() const { return new GOST_34_11; }
- void clear();
- GOST_34_11();
- private:
- void compress_n(const byte input[], size_t blocks);
- void add_data(const byte[], size_t);
- void final_result(byte[]);
- GOST_28147_89 cipher;
- SecureVector<byte> buffer, sum, hash;
- size_t position;
- u64bit count;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* SHA-384
-class BOTAN_DLL SHA_384 : public MDx_HashFunction
- {
- public:
- std::string name() const { return "SHA-384"; }
- size_t output_length() const { return 48; }
- HashFunction* clone() const { return new SHA_384; }
- void clear();
- SHA_384() : MDx_HashFunction(128, true, true, 16), digest(8)
- { clear(); }
- private:
- void compress_n(const byte[], size_t blocks);
- void copy_out(byte[]);
- SecureVector<u64bit> digest;
- };
-* SHA-512
-class BOTAN_DLL SHA_512 : public MDx_HashFunction
- {
- public:
- std::string name() const { return "SHA-512"; }
- size_t output_length() const { return 64; }
- HashFunction* clone() const { return new SHA_512; }
- void clear();
- SHA_512() : MDx_HashFunction(128, true, true, 16), digest(8)
- { clear(); }
- private:
- void compress_n(const byte[], size_t blocks);
- void copy_out(byte[]);
- SecureVector<u64bit> digest;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* Password Based Encryption (PBE) Filter.
-class BOTAN_DLL PBE : public Filter
- {
- public:
- /**
- * Set this filter's key.
- * @param pw the password to be used for the encryption
- */
- virtual void set_key(const std::string& pw) = 0;
- /**
- * Create a new random salt value and set the default iterations value.
- * @param rng a random number generator
- */
- virtual void new_params(RandomNumberGenerator& rng) = 0;
- /**
- * DER encode the params (the number of iterations and the salt value)
- * @return encoded params
- */
- virtual MemoryVector<byte> encode_params() const = 0;
- /**
- * Decode params and use them inside this Filter.
- * @param src a data source to read the encoded params from
- */
- virtual void decode_params(DataSource& src) = 0;
- /**
- * Get this PBE's OID.
- * @return object identifier
- */
- virtual OID get_oid() const = 0;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* KDF1, from IEEE 1363
-class BOTAN_DLL KDF1 : public KDF
- {
- public:
- SecureVector<byte> derive(size_t,
- const byte secret[], size_t secret_len,
- const byte P[], size_t P_len) const;
- std::string name() const { return "KDF1(" + hash->name() + ")"; }
- KDF* clone() const { return new KDF1(hash->clone()); }
- KDF1(HashFunction* h) : hash(h) {}
- KDF1(const KDF1& other) : KDF(), hash(other.hash->clone()) {}
- ~KDF1() { delete hash; }
- private:
- HashFunction* hash;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-class BOTAN_DLL MISTY1 : public Block_Cipher_Fixed_Params<8, 16>
- {
- public:
- void encrypt_n(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t blocks) const;
- void decrypt_n(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t blocks) const;
- void clear() { zeroise(EK); zeroise(DK); }
- std::string name() const { return "MISTY1"; }
- BlockCipher* clone() const { return new MISTY1; }
- /**
- * @param rounds the number of rounds. Must be 8 with the current
- * implementation
- */
- MISTY1(size_t rounds = 8);
- private:
- void key_schedule(const byte[], size_t);
- SecureVector<u16bit> EK, DK;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* 32-bit cyclic redundancy check
-class BOTAN_DLL CRC32 : public HashFunction
- {
- public:
- std::string name() const { return "CRC32"; }
- size_t output_length() const { return 4; }
- HashFunction* clone() const { return new CRC32; }
- void clear() { crc = 0xFFFFFFFF; }
- CRC32() { clear(); }
- ~CRC32() { clear(); }
- private:
- void add_data(const byte[], size_t);
- void final_result(byte[]);
- u32bit crc;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-namespace PEM_Code {
-* PEM Encoding/Decoding
-BOTAN_DLL std::string encode(const byte[], size_t,
- const std::string&, size_t = 64);
-BOTAN_DLL std::string encode(const MemoryRegion<byte>&,
- const std::string&, size_t = 64);
-BOTAN_DLL SecureVector<byte> decode(DataSource&, std::string&);
-BOTAN_DLL SecureVector<byte> decode_check_label(DataSource&,
- const std::string&);
-BOTAN_DLL bool matches(DataSource&, const std::string& = "",
- size_t search_range = 4096);
-namespace Botan {
-class BOTAN_DLL XTEA : public Block_Cipher_Fixed_Params<8, 16>
- {
- public:
- void encrypt_n(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t blocks) const;
- void decrypt_n(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t blocks) const;
- void clear() { zeroise(EK); }
- std::string name() const { return "XTEA"; }
- BlockCipher* clone() const { return new XTEA; }
- XTEA() : EK(64) {}
- protected:
- /**
- * @return const reference to the key schedule
- */
- const SecureVector<u32bit>& get_EK() const { return EK; }
- private:
- void key_schedule(const byte[], size_t);
- SecureVector<u32bit> EK;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* KASUMI, the block cipher used in 3G telephony
-class BOTAN_DLL KASUMI : public Block_Cipher_Fixed_Params<8, 16>
- {
- public:
- void encrypt_n(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t blocks) const;
- void decrypt_n(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t blocks) const;
- void clear() { zeroise(EK); }
- std::string name() const { return "KASUMI"; }
- BlockCipher* clone() const { return new KASUMI; }
- KASUMI() : EK(64) {}
- private:
- void key_schedule(const byte[], size_t);
- SecureVector<u16bit> EK;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* This class represents discrete logarithm groups. It holds a prime p,
-* a prime q = (p-1)/2 and g = x^((p-1)/q) mod p.
-class BOTAN_DLL DL_Group
- {
- public:
- /**
- * Get the prime p.
- * @return prime p
- */
- const BigInt& get_p() const;
- /**
- * Get the prime q.
- * @return prime q
- */
- const BigInt& get_q() const;
- /**
- * Get the base g.
- * @return base g
- */
- const BigInt& get_g() const;
- /**
- * The DL group encoding format variants.
- */
- enum Format {
- ANSI_X9_42,
- ANSI_X9_57,
- PKCS_3,
- };
- /**
- * Determine the prime creation for DL groups.
- */
- enum PrimeType { Strong, Prime_Subgroup, DSA_Kosherizer };
- /**
- * Perform validity checks on the group.
- * @param rng the rng to use
- * @param strong whether to perform stronger by lengthier tests
- * @return true if the object is consistent, false otherwise
- */
- bool verify_group(RandomNumberGenerator& rng, bool strong) const;
- /**
- * Encode this group into a string using PEM encoding.
- * @param format the encoding format
- * @return string holding the PEM encoded group
- */
- std::string PEM_encode(Format format) const;
- /**
- * Encode this group into a string using DER encoding.
- * @param format the encoding format
- * @return string holding the DER encoded group
- */
- SecureVector<byte> DER_encode(Format format) const;
- /**
- * Decode a DER/BER encoded group into this instance.
- * @param src a DataSource providing the encoded group
- * @param format the format of the encoded group
- */
- void BER_decode(DataSource& src, Format format);
- /**
- * Decode a PEM encoded group into this instance.
- * @param src a DataSource providing the encoded group
- */
- void PEM_decode(DataSource& src);
- /**
- * Construct a DL group with uninitialized internal value.
- * Use this constructor is you wish to set the groups values
- * from a DER or PEM encoded group.
- */
- DL_Group();
- /**
- * Construct a DL group that is registered in the configuration.
- * @param name the name that is configured in the global configuration
- * for the desired group. If no configuration file is specified,
- * the default values from the file policy.cpp will be used. For instance,
- * use "modp/ietf/768" as name.
- */
- DL_Group(const std::string& name);
- /**
- * Create a new group randomly.
- * @param rng the random number generator to use
- * @param type specifies how the creation of primes p and q shall
- * be performed. If type=Strong, then p will be determined as a
- * safe prime, and q will be chosen as (p-1)/2. If
- * type=Prime_Subgroup and qbits = 0, then the size of q will be
- * determined according to the estimated difficulty of the DL
- * problem. If type=DSA_Kosherizer, DSA primes will be created.
- * @param pbits the number of bits of p
- * @param qbits the number of bits of q. Leave it as 0 to have
- * the value determined according to pbits.
- */
- DL_Group(RandomNumberGenerator& rng, PrimeType type,
- size_t pbits, size_t qbits = 0);
- /**
- * Create a DSA group with a given seed.
- * @param rng the random number generator to use
- * @param seed the seed to use to create the random primes
- * @param pbits the desired bit size of the prime p
- * @param qbits the desired bit size of the prime q.
- */
- DL_Group(RandomNumberGenerator& rng, const MemoryRegion<byte>& seed,
- size_t pbits = 1024, size_t qbits = 0);
- /**
- * Create a DL group. The prime q will be determined according to p.
- * @param p the prime p
- * @param g the base g
- */
- DL_Group(const BigInt& p, const BigInt& g);
- /**
- * Create a DL group.
- * @param p the prime p
- * @param q the prime q
- * @param g the base g
- */
- DL_Group(const BigInt& p, const BigInt& q, const BigInt& g);
- private:
- static BigInt make_dsa_generator(const BigInt&, const BigInt&);
- void init_check() const;
- void initialize(const BigInt&, const BigInt&, const BigInt&);
- bool initialized;
- BigInt p, q, g;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* This class represents discrete logarithm (DL) public keys.
-class BOTAN_DLL DL_Scheme_PublicKey : public virtual Public_Key
- {
- public:
- bool check_key(RandomNumberGenerator& rng, bool) const;
- AlgorithmIdentifier algorithm_identifier() const;
- MemoryVector<byte> x509_subject_public_key() const;
- /**
- * Get the DL domain parameters of this key.
- * @return DL domain parameters of this key
- */
- const DL_Group& get_domain() const { return group; }
- /**
- * Get the public value y with y = g^x mod p where x is the secret key.
- */
- const BigInt& get_y() const { return y; }
- /**
- * Get the prime p of the underlying DL group.
- * @return prime p
- */
- const BigInt& group_p() const { return group.get_p(); }
- /**
- * Get the prime q of the underlying DL group.
- * @return prime q
- */
- const BigInt& group_q() const { return group.get_q(); }
- /**
- * Get the generator g of the underlying DL group.
- * @return generator g
- */
- const BigInt& group_g() const { return group.get_g(); }
- /**
- * Get the underlying groups encoding format.
- * @return encoding format
- */
- virtual DL_Group::Format group_format() const = 0;
- DL_Scheme_PublicKey(const AlgorithmIdentifier& alg_id,
- const MemoryRegion<byte>& key_bits,
- DL_Group::Format group_format);
- protected:
- DL_Scheme_PublicKey() {}
- /**
- * The DL public key
- */
- BigInt y;
- /**
- * The DL group
- */
- DL_Group group;
- };
-* This class represents discrete logarithm (DL) private keys.
-class BOTAN_DLL DL_Scheme_PrivateKey : public virtual DL_Scheme_PublicKey,
- public virtual Private_Key
- {
- public:
- bool check_key(RandomNumberGenerator& rng, bool) const;
- /**
- * Get the secret key x.
- * @return secret key
- */
- const BigInt& get_x() const { return x; }
- MemoryVector<byte> pkcs8_private_key() const;
- DL_Scheme_PrivateKey(const AlgorithmIdentifier& alg_id,
- const MemoryRegion<byte>& key_bits,
- DL_Group::Format group_format);
- protected:
- DL_Scheme_PrivateKey() {}
- /**
- * The DL private key
- */
- BigInt x;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* Modular Reducer (using Barrett's technique)
-class BOTAN_DLL Modular_Reducer
- {
- public:
- const BigInt& get_modulus() const { return modulus; }
- BigInt reduce(const BigInt& x) const;
- /**
- * Multiply mod p
- * @param x
- * @param y
- * @return (x * y) % p
- */
- BigInt multiply(const BigInt& x, const BigInt& y) const
- { return reduce(x * y); }
- /**
- * Square mod p
- * @param x
- * @return (x * x) % p
- */
- BigInt square(const BigInt& x) const
- { return reduce(Botan::square(x)); }
- /**
- * Cube mod p
- * @param x
- * @return (x * x * x) % p
- */
- BigInt cube(const BigInt& x) const
- { return multiply(x, this->square(x)); }
- bool initialized() const { return (mod_words != 0); }
- Modular_Reducer() { mod_words = 0; }
- Modular_Reducer(const BigInt& mod);
- private:
- BigInt modulus, modulus_2, mu;
- size_t mod_words;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* Blinding Function Object
-class BOTAN_DLL Blinder
- {
- public:
- BigInt blind(const BigInt& x) const;
- BigInt unblind(const BigInt& x) const;
- bool initialized() const { return reducer.initialized(); }
- Blinder() {}
- /**
- * Construct a blinder
- * @param mask the forward (blinding) mask
- * @param inverse_mask the inverse of mask (depends on algo)
- * @param modulus of the group operations are performed in
- */
- Blinder(const BigInt& mask,
- const BigInt& inverse_mask,
- const BigInt& modulus);
- private:
- Modular_Reducer reducer;
- mutable BigInt e, d;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* This class represents Diffie-Hellman public keys.
-class BOTAN_DLL DH_PublicKey : public virtual DL_Scheme_PublicKey
- {
- public:
- std::string algo_name() const { return "DH"; }
- MemoryVector<byte> public_value() const;
- size_t max_input_bits() const { return group_p().bits(); }
- DL_Group::Format group_format() const { return DL_Group::ANSI_X9_42; }
- DH_PublicKey(const AlgorithmIdentifier& alg_id,
- const MemoryRegion<byte>& key_bits) :
- DL_Scheme_PublicKey(alg_id, key_bits, DL_Group::ANSI_X9_42) {}
- /**
- * Construct a public key with the specified parameters.
- * @param grp the DL group to use in the key
- * @param y the public value y
- */
- DH_PublicKey(const DL_Group& grp, const BigInt& y);
- protected:
- DH_PublicKey() {}
- };
-* This class represents Diffie-Hellman private keys.
-class BOTAN_DLL DH_PrivateKey : public DH_PublicKey,
- public PK_Key_Agreement_Key,
- public virtual DL_Scheme_PrivateKey
- {
- public:
- MemoryVector<byte> public_value() const;
- /**
- * Load a DH private key
- * @param alg_id the algorithm id
- * @param key_bits the subject public key
- * @param rng a random number generator
- */
- DH_PrivateKey(const AlgorithmIdentifier& alg_id,
- const MemoryRegion<byte>& key_bits,
- RandomNumberGenerator& rng);
- /**
- * Construct a private key with predetermined value.
- * @param rng random number generator to use
- * @param grp the group to be used in the key
- * @param x the key's secret value (or if zero, generate a new key)
- */
- DH_PrivateKey(RandomNumberGenerator& rng, const DL_Group& grp,
- const BigInt& x = 0);
- };
-* DH operation
-class BOTAN_DLL DH_KA_Operation : public PK_Ops::Key_Agreement
- {
- public:
- DH_KA_Operation(const DH_PrivateKey& key);
- SecureVector<byte> agree(const byte w[], size_t w_len);
- private:
- const BigInt& p;
- Fixed_Exponent_Power_Mod powermod_x_p;
- Blinder blinder;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* CAST-256
-class BOTAN_DLL CAST_256 : public Block_Cipher_Fixed_Params<16, 4, 32, 4>
- {
- public:
- void encrypt_n(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t blocks) const;
- void decrypt_n(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t blocks) const;
- void clear() { zeroise(MK); zeroise(RK); }
- std::string name() const { return "CAST-256"; }
- BlockCipher* clone() const { return new CAST_256; }
- CAST_256() : MK(48), RK(48) {}
- private:
- void key_schedule(const byte[], size_t);
- static const u32bit KEY_MASK[192];
- static const byte KEY_ROT[32];
- SecureVector<u32bit> MK;
- SecureVector<byte> RK;
- };
-extern const u32bit CAST_SBOX1[256];
-extern const u32bit CAST_SBOX2[256];
-extern const u32bit CAST_SBOX3[256];
-extern const u32bit CAST_SBOX4[256];
-namespace Botan {
-* MD2
-class BOTAN_DLL MD2 : public HashFunction
- {
- public:
- std::string name() const { return "MD2"; }
- size_t output_length() const { return 16; }
- size_t hash_block_size() const { return 16; }
- HashFunction* clone() const { return new MD2; }
- void clear();
- MD2() : X(48), checksum(16), buffer(16)
- { clear(); }
- private:
- void add_data(const byte[], size_t);
- void hash(const byte[]);
- void final_result(byte[]);
- SecureVector<byte> X, checksum, buffer;
- size_t position;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* RC6, Ron Rivest's AES candidate
-class BOTAN_DLL RC6 : public Block_Cipher_Fixed_Params<16, 1, 32>
- {
- public:
- void encrypt_n(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t blocks) const;
- void decrypt_n(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t blocks) const;
- void clear() { zeroise(S); }
- std::string name() const { return "RC6"; }
- BlockCipher* clone() const { return new RC6; }
- RC6() : S(44) {}
- private:
- void key_schedule(const byte[], size_t);
- SecureVector<u32bit> S;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* WiderWake4+1-BE
-* Note: quite old and possibly not safe; use XSalsa20 or a block
-* cipher in counter mode.
-class BOTAN_DLL WiderWake_41_BE : public StreamCipher
- {
- public:
- void cipher(const byte[], byte[], size_t);
- void set_iv(const byte[], size_t);
- bool valid_iv_length(size_t iv_len) const
- { return (iv_len == 8); }
- Key_Length_Specification key_spec() const
- {
- return Key_Length_Specification(16);
- }
- void clear();
- std::string name() const { return "WiderWake4+1-BE"; }
- StreamCipher* clone() const { return new WiderWake_41_BE; }
- WiderWake_41_BE() : T(256), state(5), t_key(4),
- buffer(DEFAULT_BUFFERSIZE), position(0)
- {}
- private:
- void key_schedule(const byte[], size_t);
- void generate(size_t);
- SecureVector<u32bit> T;
- SecureVector<u32bit> state;
- SecureVector<u32bit> t_key;
- SecureVector<byte> buffer;
- size_t position;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* ElGamal Public Key
-class BOTAN_DLL ElGamal_PublicKey : public virtual DL_Scheme_PublicKey
- {
- public:
- std::string algo_name() const { return "ElGamal"; }
- DL_Group::Format group_format() const { return DL_Group::ANSI_X9_42; }
- size_t max_input_bits() const { return (group_p().bits() - 1); }
- ElGamal_PublicKey(const AlgorithmIdentifier& alg_id,
- const MemoryRegion<byte>& key_bits) :
- DL_Scheme_PublicKey(alg_id, key_bits, DL_Group::ANSI_X9_42)
- {}
- ElGamal_PublicKey(const DL_Group& group, const BigInt& y);
- protected:
- ElGamal_PublicKey() {}
- };
-* ElGamal Private Key
-class BOTAN_DLL ElGamal_PrivateKey : public ElGamal_PublicKey,
- public virtual DL_Scheme_PrivateKey
- {
- public:
- bool check_key(RandomNumberGenerator& rng, bool) const;
- ElGamal_PrivateKey(const AlgorithmIdentifier& alg_id,
- const MemoryRegion<byte>& key_bits,
- RandomNumberGenerator& rng);
- ElGamal_PrivateKey(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
- const DL_Group& group,
- const BigInt& priv_key = 0);
- };
-* ElGamal encryption operation
-class BOTAN_DLL ElGamal_Encryption_Operation : public PK_Ops::Encryption
- {
- public:
- size_t max_input_bits() const { return mod_p.get_modulus().bits() - 1; }
- ElGamal_Encryption_Operation(const ElGamal_PublicKey& key);
- SecureVector<byte> encrypt(const byte msg[], size_t msg_len,
- RandomNumberGenerator& rng);
- private:
- Fixed_Base_Power_Mod powermod_g_p, powermod_y_p;
- Modular_Reducer mod_p;
- };
-* ElGamal decryption operation
-class BOTAN_DLL ElGamal_Decryption_Operation : public PK_Ops::Decryption
- {
- public:
- size_t max_input_bits() const { return mod_p.get_modulus().bits() - 1; }
- ElGamal_Decryption_Operation(const ElGamal_PrivateKey& key);
- SecureVector<byte> decrypt(const byte msg[], size_t msg_len);
- private:
- Fixed_Exponent_Power_Mod powermod_x_p;
- Modular_Reducer mod_p;
- Blinder blinder;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-HMAC_RNG - based on the design described in "On Extract-then-Expand
-Key Derivation Functions and an HMAC-based KDF" by Hugo Krawczyk
-(henceforce, 'E-t-E')
-However it actually can be parameterized with any two MAC functions,
-not restricted to HMAC (this variation is also described in Krawczyk's
-paper), for instance one could use HMAC(SHA-512) as the extractor
-and CMAC(AES-256) as the PRF.
-class BOTAN_DLL HMAC_RNG : public RandomNumberGenerator
- {
- public:
- void randomize(byte buf[], size_t len);
- bool is_seeded() const { return seeded; }
- void clear();
- std::string name() const;
- void reseed(size_t poll_bits);
- void add_entropy_source(EntropySource* es);
- void add_entropy(const byte[], size_t);
- /**
- * @param extractor a MAC used for extracting the entropy
- * @param prf a MAC used as a PRF using HKDF construction
- */
- HMAC_RNG(MessageAuthenticationCode* extractor,
- MessageAuthenticationCode* prf);
- ~HMAC_RNG();
- private:
- MessageAuthenticationCode* extractor;
- MessageAuthenticationCode* prf;
- std::vector<EntropySource*> entropy_sources;
- bool seeded;
- SecureVector<byte> K, io_buffer;
- size_t user_input_len;
- u32bit counter;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* A MAC only used in SSLv3. Do not use elsewhere! Use HMAC instead.
-class BOTAN_DLL SSL3_MAC : public MessageAuthenticationCode
- {
- public:
- std::string name() const;
- size_t output_length() const { return hash->output_length(); }
- MessageAuthenticationCode* clone() const;
- void clear();
- Key_Length_Specification key_spec() const
- {
- return Key_Length_Specification(hash->output_length());
- }
- /**
- * @param hash the underlying hash to use
- */
- SSL3_MAC(HashFunction* hash);
- ~SSL3_MAC() { delete hash; }
- private:
- void add_data(const byte[], size_t);
- void final_result(byte[]);
- void key_schedule(const byte[], size_t);
- HashFunction* hash;
- SecureVector<byte> i_key, o_key;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-EMSA1_BSI is a variant of EMSA1 specified by the BSI. It accepts only
-hash values which are less or equal than the maximum key length. The
-implementation comes from InSiTo
-class BOTAN_DLL EMSA1_BSI : public EMSA1
- {
- public:
- /**
- * @param hash the hash object to use
- */
- EMSA1_BSI(HashFunction* hash) : EMSA1(hash) {}
- private:
- SecureVector<byte> encoding_of(const MemoryRegion<byte>&, size_t,
- RandomNumberGenerator& rng);
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* Serpent, an AES finalist
-class BOTAN_DLL Serpent : public Block_Cipher_Fixed_Params<16, 16, 32, 8>
- {
- public:
- void encrypt_n(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t blocks) const;
- void decrypt_n(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t blocks) const;
- void clear() { zeroise(round_key); }
- std::string name() const { return "Serpent"; }
- BlockCipher* clone() const { return new Serpent; }
- Serpent() : round_key(132) {}
- protected:
- /**
- * For use by subclasses using SIMD, asm, etc
- * @return const reference to the key schedule
- */
- const SecureVector<u32bit>& get_round_keys() const
- { return round_key; }
- /**
- * For use by subclasses that implement the key schedule
- * @param ks is the new key schedule value to set
- */
- void set_round_keys(const u32bit ks[132])
- {
- copy_mem(&round_key[0], ks, 132);
- }
- private:
- void key_schedule(const byte key[], size_t length);
- SecureVector<u32bit> round_key;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* NIST's SHA-160
-class BOTAN_DLL SHA_160 : public MDx_HashFunction
- {
- public:
- std::string name() const { return "SHA-160"; }
- size_t output_length() const { return 20; }
- HashFunction* clone() const { return new SHA_160; }
- void clear();
- SHA_160() : MDx_HashFunction(64, true, true), digest(5), W(80)
- {
- clear();
- }
- protected:
- /**
- * Set a custom size for the W array. Normally 80, but some
- * subclasses need slightly more for best performance/internal
- * constraints
- * @param W_size how big to make W
- */
- SHA_160(size_t W_size) :
- MDx_HashFunction(64, true, true), digest(5), W(W_size)
- {
- clear();
- }
- void compress_n(const byte[], size_t blocks);
- void copy_out(byte[]);
- /**
- * The digest value, exposed for use by subclasses (asm, SSE2)
- */
- SecureVector<u32bit> digest;
- /**
- * The message buffer, exposed for use by subclasses (asm, SSE2)
- */
- SecureVector<u32bit> W;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* ANSI X9.31 RNG
-class BOTAN_DLL ANSI_X931_RNG : public RandomNumberGenerator
- {
- public:
- void randomize(byte[], size_t);
- bool is_seeded() const;
- void clear();
- std::string name() const;
- void reseed(size_t poll_bits);
- void add_entropy_source(EntropySource*);
- void add_entropy(const byte[], size_t);
- /**
- * @param cipher the block cipher to use in this PRNG
- * @param rng the underlying PRNG for generating inputs
- * (eg, an HMAC_RNG)
- */
- ANSI_X931_RNG(BlockCipher* cipher,
- RandomNumberGenerator* rng);
- ~ANSI_X931_RNG();
- private:
- void rekey();
- void update_buffer();
- BlockCipher* cipher;
- RandomNumberGenerator* prng;
- SecureVector<byte> V, R;
- size_t position;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* This class represents ECDSA Public Keys.
-class BOTAN_DLL ECDSA_PublicKey : public virtual EC_PublicKey
- {
- public:
- /**
- * Construct a public key from a given public point.
- * @param dom_par the domain parameters associated with this key
- * @param public_point the public point defining this key
- */
- ECDSA_PublicKey(const EC_Group& dom_par,
- const PointGFp& public_point) :
- EC_PublicKey(dom_par, public_point) {}
- ECDSA_PublicKey(const AlgorithmIdentifier& alg_id,
- const MemoryRegion<byte>& key_bits) :
- EC_PublicKey(alg_id, key_bits) {}
- /**
- * Get this keys algorithm name.
- * @result this keys algorithm name ("ECDSA")
- */
- std::string algo_name() const { return "ECDSA"; }
- /**
- * Get the maximum number of bits allowed to be fed to this key.
- * This is the bitlength of the order of the base point.
- * @result the maximum number of input bits
- */
- size_t max_input_bits() const { return domain().get_order().bits(); }
- size_t message_parts() const { return 2; }
- size_t message_part_size() const
- { return domain().get_order().bytes(); }
- protected:
- ECDSA_PublicKey() {}
- };
-* This class represents ECDSA Private Keys
-class BOTAN_DLL ECDSA_PrivateKey : public ECDSA_PublicKey,
- public EC_PrivateKey
- {
- public:
- /**
- * Load a private key
- * @param alg_id the X.509 algorithm identifier
- * @param key_bits PKCS #8 structure
- */
- ECDSA_PrivateKey(const AlgorithmIdentifier& alg_id,
- const MemoryRegion<byte>& key_bits) :
- EC_PrivateKey(alg_id, key_bits) {}
- /**
- * Generate a new private key
- * @param rng a random number generator
- * @param domain parameters to used for this key
- * @param x the private key (if zero, generate a ney random key)
- */
- ECDSA_PrivateKey(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
- const EC_Group& domain,
- const BigInt& x = 0) :
- EC_PrivateKey(rng, domain, x) {}
- bool check_key(RandomNumberGenerator& rng, bool) const;
- };
-* ECDSA signature operation
-class BOTAN_DLL ECDSA_Signature_Operation : public PK_Ops::Signature
- {
- public:
- ECDSA_Signature_Operation(const ECDSA_PrivateKey& ecdsa);
- SecureVector<byte> sign(const byte msg[], size_t msg_len,
- RandomNumberGenerator& rng);
- size_t message_parts() const { return 2; }
- size_t message_part_size() const { return order.bytes(); }
- size_t max_input_bits() const { return order.bits(); }
- private:
- const PointGFp& base_point;
- const BigInt& order;
- const BigInt& x;
- Modular_Reducer mod_order;
- };
-* ECDSA verification operation
-class BOTAN_DLL ECDSA_Verification_Operation : public PK_Ops::Verification
- {
- public:
- ECDSA_Verification_Operation(const ECDSA_PublicKey& ecdsa);
- size_t message_parts() const { return 2; }
- size_t message_part_size() const { return order.bytes(); }
- size_t max_input_bits() const { return order.bits(); }
- bool with_recovery() const { return false; }
- bool verify(const byte msg[], size_t msg_len,
- const byte sig[], size_t sig_len);
- private:
- const PointGFp& base_point;
- const PointGFp& public_point;
- const BigInt& order;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* BigInt Division
-* @param x an integer
-* @param y a non-zero integer
-* @param q will be set to x / y
-* @param r will be set to x % y
-void BOTAN_DLL divide(const BigInt& x,
- const BigInt& y,
- BigInt& q,
- BigInt& r);
-namespace Botan {
-* Square
-class BOTAN_DLL Square : public Block_Cipher_Fixed_Params<16, 16>
- {
- public:
- void encrypt_n(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t blocks) const;
- void decrypt_n(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t blocks) const;
- void clear();
- std::string name() const { return "Square"; }
- BlockCipher* clone() const { return new Square; }
- Square() : EK(28), DK(28), ME(32), MD(32) {}
- private:
- void key_schedule(const byte[], size_t);
- static void transform(u32bit[4]);
- static const byte SE[256];
- static const byte SD[256];
- static const byte Log[256];
- static const byte ALog[255];
- static const u32bit TE0[256];
- static const u32bit TE1[256];
- static const u32bit TE2[256];
- static const u32bit TE3[256];
- static const u32bit TD0[256];
- static const u32bit TD1[256];
- static const u32bit TD2[256];
- static const u32bit TD3[256];
- SecureVector<u32bit> EK, DK;
- SecureVector<byte> ME, MD;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* Perform hex encoding
-* @param output an array of at least input_length*2 bytes
-* @param input is some binary data
-* @param input_length length of input in bytes
-* @param uppercase should output be upper or lower case?
-void BOTAN_DLL hex_encode(char output[],
- const byte input[],
- size_t input_length,
- bool uppercase = true);
-* Perform hex encoding
-* @param input some input
-* @param input_length length of input in bytes
-* @param uppercase should output be upper or lower case?
-* @return hexadecimal representation of input
-std::string BOTAN_DLL hex_encode(const byte input[],
- size_t input_length,
- bool uppercase = true);
-* Perform hex encoding
-* @param input some input
-* @param uppercase should output be upper or lower case?
-* @return hexadecimal representation of input
-std::string BOTAN_DLL hex_encode(const MemoryRegion<byte>& input,
- bool uppercase = true);
-* Perform hex decoding
-* @param output an array of at least input_length/2 bytes
-* @param input some hex input
-* @param input_length length of input in bytes
-* @param input_consumed is an output parameter which says how many
-* bytes of input were actually consumed. If less than
-* input_length, then the range input[consumed:length]
-* should be passed in later along with more input.
-* @param ignore_ws ignore whitespace on input; if false, throw an
- exception if whitespace is encountered
-* @return number of bytes written to output
-size_t BOTAN_DLL hex_decode(byte output[],
- const char input[],
- size_t input_length,
- size_t& input_consumed,
- bool ignore_ws = true);
-* Perform hex decoding
-* @param output an array of at least input_length/2 bytes
-* @param input some hex input
-* @param input_length length of input in bytes
-* @param ignore_ws ignore whitespace on input; if false, throw an
- exception if whitespace is encountered
-* @return number of bytes written to output
-size_t BOTAN_DLL hex_decode(byte output[],
- const char input[],
- size_t input_length,
- bool ignore_ws = true);
-* Perform hex decoding
-* @param output an array of at least input_length/2 bytes
-* @param input some hex input
-* @param ignore_ws ignore whitespace on input; if false, throw an
- exception if whitespace is encountered
-* @return number of bytes written to output
-size_t BOTAN_DLL hex_decode(byte output[],
- const std::string& input,
- bool ignore_ws = true);
-* Perform hex decoding
-* @param input some hex input
-* @param input_length the length of input in bytes
-* @param ignore_ws ignore whitespace on input; if false, throw an
- exception if whitespace is encountered
-* @return decoded hex output
-SecureVector<byte> BOTAN_DLL hex_decode(const char input[],
- size_t input_length,
- bool ignore_ws = true);
-* Perform hex decoding
-* @param input some hex input
-* @param ignore_ws ignore whitespace on input; if false, throw an
- exception if whitespace is encountered
-* @return decoded hex output
-SecureVector<byte> BOTAN_DLL hex_decode(const std::string& input,
- bool ignore_ws = true);
-namespace Botan {
-* Block Cipher Cascade
-class BOTAN_DLL Cascade_Cipher : public BlockCipher
- {
- public:
- void encrypt_n(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t blocks) const;
- void decrypt_n(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t blocks) const;
- size_t block_size() const { return block; }
- Key_Length_Specification key_spec() const
- {
- return Key_Length_Specification(cipher1->maximum_keylength() +
- cipher2->maximum_keylength());
- }
- void clear();
- std::string name() const;
- BlockCipher* clone() const;
- /**
- * Create a cascade of two block ciphers
- * @param cipher1 the first cipher
- * @param cipher2 the second cipher
- */
- Cascade_Cipher(BlockCipher* cipher1, BlockCipher* cipher2);
- ~Cascade_Cipher();
- private:
- void key_schedule(const byte[], size_t);
- size_t block;
- BlockCipher* cipher1;
- BlockCipher* cipher2;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* EME from PKCS #1 v1.5
-class BOTAN_DLL EME_PKCS1v15 : public EME
- {
- public:
- size_t maximum_input_size(size_t) const;
- private:
- SecureVector<byte> pad(const byte[], size_t, size_t,
- RandomNumberGenerator&) const;
- SecureVector<byte> unpad(const byte[], size_t, size_t) const;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* Bit rotation left
-* @param input the input word
-* @param rot the number of bits to rotate
-* @return input rotated left by rot bits
-template<typename T> inline T rotate_left(T input, size_t rot)
- {
- return static_cast<T>((input << rot) | (input >> (8*sizeof(T)-rot)));;
- }
-* Bit rotation right
-* @param input the input word
-* @param rot the number of bits to rotate
-* @return input rotated right by rot bits
-template<typename T> inline T rotate_right(T input, size_t rot)
- {
- return static_cast<T>((input >> rot) | (input << (8*sizeof(T)-rot)));
- }
- #include <emmintrin.h>
-namespace Botan {
-* Swap a 16 bit integer
-inline u16bit reverse_bytes(u16bit val)
- {
- return rotate_left(val, 8);
- }
-* Swap a 32 bit integer
-inline u32bit reverse_bytes(u32bit val)
- {
- /*
- GCC intrinsic added in 4.3, works for a number of CPUs
- However avoid under ARM, as it branches to a function in libgcc
- instead of generating inline asm, so slower even than the generic
- rotate version below.
- */
- return __builtin_bswap32(val);
- // GCC-style inline assembly for x86 or x86-64
- asm("bswapl %0" : "=r" (val) : "0" (val));
- return val;
- asm ("eor r3, %1, %1, ror #16\n\t"
- "bic r3, r3, #0x00FF0000\n\t"
- "mov %0, %1, ror #8\n\t"
- "eor %0, %0, r3, lsr #8"
- : "=r" (val)
- : "0" (val)
- : "r3", "cc");
- return val;
- // Generic implementation
- return (rotate_right(val, 8) & 0xFF00FF00) |
- (rotate_left (val, 8) & 0x00FF00FF);
- }
-* Swap a 64 bit integer
-inline u64bit reverse_bytes(u64bit val)
- {
- // GCC intrinsic added in 4.3, works for a number of CPUs
- return __builtin_bswap64(val);
- // GCC-style inline assembly for x86-64
- asm("bswapq %0" : "=r" (val) : "0" (val));
- return val;
- /* Generic implementation. Defined in terms of 32-bit bswap so any
- * optimizations in that version can help here (particularly
- * useful for 32-bit x86).
- */
- u32bit hi = static_cast<u32bit>(val >> 32);
- u32bit lo = static_cast<u32bit>(val);
- hi = reverse_bytes(hi);
- lo = reverse_bytes(lo);
- return (static_cast<u64bit>(lo) << 32) | hi;
- }
-* Swap 4 Ts in an array
-template<typename T>
-inline void bswap_4(T x[4])
- {
- x[0] = reverse_bytes(x[0]);
- x[1] = reverse_bytes(x[1]);
- x[2] = reverse_bytes(x[2]);
- x[3] = reverse_bytes(x[3]);
- }
-* Swap 4 u32bits in an array using SSE2 shuffle instructions
-inline void bswap_4(u32bit x[4])
- {
- __m128i T = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast<const __m128i*>(x));
- T = _mm_shufflehi_epi16(T, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 3, 0, 1));
- T = _mm_shufflelo_epi16(T, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 3, 0, 1));
- T = _mm_or_si128(_mm_srli_epi16(T, 8), _mm_slli_epi16(T, 8));
- _mm_storeu_si128(reinterpret_cast<__m128i*>(x), T);
- }
-namespace Botan {
-* MD5
-class BOTAN_DLL MD5 : public MDx_HashFunction
- {
- public:
- std::string name() const { return "MD5"; }
- size_t output_length() const { return 16; }
- HashFunction* clone() const { return new MD5; }
- void clear();
- MD5() : MDx_HashFunction(64, false, true), M(16), digest(4)
- { clear(); }
- protected:
- void compress_n(const byte[], size_t blocks);
- void copy_out(byte[]);
- /**
- * The message buffer, exposed for use by subclasses (x86 asm)
- */
- SecureVector<u32bit> M;
- /**
- * The digest value, exposed for use by subclasses (x86 asm)
- */
- SecureVector<u32bit> digest;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* Filter mixin that breaks input into blocks, useful for
-* cipher modes
-class BOTAN_DLL Buffered_Filter
- {
- public:
- /**
- * Write bytes into the buffered filter, which will them emit them
- * in calls to buffered_block in the subclass
- * @param in the input bytes
- * @param length of in in bytes
- */
- void write(const byte in[], size_t length);
- /**
- * Finish a message, emitting to buffered_block and buffered_final
- * Will throw an exception if less than final_minimum bytes were
- * written into the filter.
- */
- void end_msg();
- /**
- * Initialize a Buffered_Filter
- * @param block_size the function buffered_block will be called
- * with inputs which are a multiple of this size
- * @param final_minimum the function buffered_final will be called
- * with at least this many bytes.
- */
- Buffered_Filter(size_t block_size, size_t final_minimum);
- virtual ~Buffered_Filter() {}
- protected:
- /**
- * The block processor, implemented by subclasses
- * @param input some input bytes
- * @param length the size of input, guaranteed to be a multiple
- * of block_size
- */
- virtual void buffered_block(const byte input[], size_t length) = 0;
- /**
- * The final block, implemented by subclasses
- * @param input some input bytes
- * @param length the size of input, guaranteed to be at least
- * final_minimum bytes
- */
- virtual void buffered_final(const byte input[], size_t length) = 0;
- /**
- * @return block size of inputs
- */
- size_t buffered_block_size() const { return main_block_mod; }
- /**
- * @return current position in the buffer
- */
- size_t current_position() const { return buffer_pos; }
- /**
- * Reset the buffer position
- */
- void buffer_reset() { buffer_pos = 0; }
- private:
- size_t main_block_mod, final_minimum;
- SecureVector<byte> buffer;
- size_t buffer_pos;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* ECB Encryption
-class BOTAN_DLL ECB_Encryption : public Keyed_Filter,
- private Buffered_Filter
- {
- public:
- std::string name() const;
- void set_key(const SymmetricKey& key) { cipher->set_key(key); }
- bool valid_keylength(size_t key_len) const
- { return cipher->valid_keylength(key_len); }
- ECB_Encryption(BlockCipher* ciph,
- BlockCipherModePaddingMethod* pad);
- ECB_Encryption(BlockCipher* ciph,
- BlockCipherModePaddingMethod* pad,
- const SymmetricKey& key);
- ~ECB_Encryption();
- private:
- void buffered_block(const byte input[], size_t input_length);
- void buffered_final(const byte input[], size_t input_length);
- void write(const byte input[], size_t input_length);
- void end_msg();
- BlockCipher* cipher;
- BlockCipherModePaddingMethod* padder;
- SecureVector<byte> temp;
- };
-* ECB Decryption
-class BOTAN_DLL ECB_Decryption : public Keyed_Filter,
- public Buffered_Filter
- {
- public:
- std::string name() const;
- void set_key(const SymmetricKey& key) { cipher->set_key(key); }
- bool valid_keylength(size_t key_len) const
- { return cipher->valid_keylength(key_len); }
- ECB_Decryption(BlockCipher* ciph,
- BlockCipherModePaddingMethod* pad);
- ECB_Decryption(BlockCipher* ciph,
- BlockCipherModePaddingMethod* pad,
- const SymmetricKey& key);
- ~ECB_Decryption();
- private:
- void buffered_block(const byte input[], size_t input_length);
- void buffered_final(const byte input[], size_t input_length);
- void write(const byte input[], size_t input_length);
- void end_msg();
- BlockCipher* cipher;
- BlockCipherModePaddingMethod* padder;
- SecureVector<byte> temp;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* The different charsets (nominally) supported by Botan.
-enum Character_Set {
-namespace Charset {
-* Character Set Handling
-std::string BOTAN_DLL transcode(const std::string& str,
- Character_Set to,
- Character_Set from);
-bool BOTAN_DLL is_digit(char c);
-bool BOTAN_DLL is_space(char c);
-bool BOTAN_DLL caseless_cmp(char x, char y);
-byte BOTAN_DLL char2digit(char c);
-char BOTAN_DLL digit2char(byte b);
-namespace Botan {
-* This class represents public keys
-* of integer factorization based (IF) public key schemes.
-class BOTAN_DLL IF_Scheme_PublicKey : public virtual Public_Key
- {
- public:
- IF_Scheme_PublicKey(const AlgorithmIdentifier& alg_id,
- const MemoryRegion<byte>& key_bits);
- IF_Scheme_PublicKey(const BigInt& n, const BigInt& e) :
- n(n), e(e) {}
- bool check_key(RandomNumberGenerator& rng, bool) const;
- AlgorithmIdentifier algorithm_identifier() const;
- MemoryVector<byte> x509_subject_public_key() const;
- /**
- * @return public modulus
- */
- const BigInt& get_n() const { return n; }
- /**
- * @return public exponent
- */
- const BigInt& get_e() const { return e; }
- size_t max_input_bits() const { return (n.bits() - 1); }
- protected:
- IF_Scheme_PublicKey() {}
- BigInt n, e;
- };
-* This class represents public keys
-* of integer factorization based (IF) public key schemes.
-class BOTAN_DLL IF_Scheme_PrivateKey : public virtual IF_Scheme_PublicKey,
- public virtual Private_Key
- {
- public:
- IF_Scheme_PrivateKey(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
- const BigInt& prime1, const BigInt& prime2,
- const BigInt& exp, const BigInt& d_exp,
- const BigInt& mod);
- IF_Scheme_PrivateKey(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
- const AlgorithmIdentifier& alg_id,
- const MemoryRegion<byte>& key_bits);
- bool check_key(RandomNumberGenerator& rng, bool) const;
- /**
- * Get the first prime p.
- * @return prime p
- */
- const BigInt& get_p() const { return p; }
- /**
- * Get the second prime q.
- * @return prime q
- */
- const BigInt& get_q() const { return q; }
- /**
- * Get d with exp * d = 1 mod (p - 1, q - 1).
- * @return d
- */
- const BigInt& get_d() const { return d; }
- const BigInt& get_c() const { return c; }
- const BigInt& get_d1() const { return d1; }
- const BigInt& get_d2() const { return d2; }
- MemoryVector<byte> pkcs8_private_key() const;
- protected:
- IF_Scheme_PrivateKey() {}
- BigInt d, p, q, d1, d2, c;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* RSA Public Key
-class BOTAN_DLL RSA_PublicKey : public virtual IF_Scheme_PublicKey
- {
- public:
- std::string algo_name() const { return "RSA"; }
- RSA_PublicKey(const AlgorithmIdentifier& alg_id,
- const MemoryRegion<byte>& key_bits) :
- IF_Scheme_PublicKey(alg_id, key_bits)
- {}
- /**
- * Create a RSA_PublicKey
- * @arg n the modulus
- * @arg e the exponent
- */
- RSA_PublicKey(const BigInt& n, const BigInt& e) :
- IF_Scheme_PublicKey(n, e)
- {}
- protected:
- RSA_PublicKey() {}
- };
-* RSA Private Key
-class BOTAN_DLL RSA_PrivateKey : public RSA_PublicKey,
- public IF_Scheme_PrivateKey
- {
- public:
- bool check_key(RandomNumberGenerator& rng, bool) const;
- RSA_PrivateKey(const AlgorithmIdentifier& alg_id,
- const MemoryRegion<byte>& key_bits,
- RandomNumberGenerator& rng) :
- IF_Scheme_PrivateKey(rng, alg_id, key_bits) {}
- /**
- * Construct a private key from the specified parameters.
- * @param rng a random number generator
- * @param p the first prime
- * @param q the second prime
- * @param e the exponent
- * @param d if specified, this has to be d with
- * exp * d = 1 mod (p - 1, q - 1). Leave it as 0 if you wish to
- * the constructor to calculate it.
- * @param n if specified, this must be n = p * q. Leave it as 0
- * if you wish to the constructor to calculate it.
- */
- RSA_PrivateKey(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
- const BigInt& p, const BigInt& q,
- const BigInt& e, const BigInt& d = 0,
- const BigInt& n = 0) :
- IF_Scheme_PrivateKey(rng, p, q, e, d, n) {}
- /**
- * Create a new private key with the specified bit length
- * @param rng the random number generator to use
- * @param bits the desired bit length of the private key
- * @param exp the public exponent to be used
- */
- RSA_PrivateKey(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
- size_t bits, size_t exp = 65537);
- };
-* RSA private (decrypt/sign) operation
-class BOTAN_DLL RSA_Private_Operation : public PK_Ops::Signature,
- public PK_Ops::Decryption
- {
- public:
- RSA_Private_Operation(const RSA_PrivateKey& rsa);
- size_t max_input_bits() const { return (n.bits() - 1); }
- SecureVector<byte> sign(const byte msg[], size_t msg_len,
- RandomNumberGenerator& rng);
- SecureVector<byte> decrypt(const byte msg[], size_t msg_len);
- private:
- BigInt private_op(const BigInt& m) const;
- const BigInt& n;
- const BigInt& q;
- const BigInt& c;
- Fixed_Exponent_Power_Mod powermod_e_n, powermod_d1_p, powermod_d2_q;
- Modular_Reducer mod_p;
- Blinder blinder;
- };
-* RSA public (encrypt/verify) operation
-class BOTAN_DLL RSA_Public_Operation : public PK_Ops::Verification,
- public PK_Ops::Encryption
- {
- public:
- RSA_Public_Operation(const RSA_PublicKey& rsa) :
- n(rsa.get_n()), powermod_e_n(rsa.get_e(), rsa.get_n())
- {}
- size_t max_input_bits() const { return (n.bits() - 1); }
- bool with_recovery() const { return true; }
- SecureVector<byte> encrypt(const byte msg[], size_t msg_len,
- RandomNumberGenerator&)
- {
- BigInt m(msg, msg_len);
- return BigInt::encode_1363(public_op(m), n.bytes());
- }
- SecureVector<byte> verify_mr(const byte msg[], size_t msg_len)
- {
- BigInt m(msg, msg_len);
- return BigInt::encode(public_op(m));
- }
- private:
- BigInt public_op(const BigInt& m) const
- {
- if(m >= n)
- throw Invalid_Argument("RSA public op - input is too large");
- return powermod_e_n(m);
- }
- const BigInt& n;
- Fixed_Exponent_Power_Mod powermod_e_n;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* RIPEMD-160
-class BOTAN_DLL RIPEMD_160 : public MDx_HashFunction
- {
- public:
- std::string name() const { return "RIPEMD-160"; }
- size_t output_length() const { return 20; }
- HashFunction* clone() const { return new RIPEMD_160; }
- void clear();
- RIPEMD_160() : MDx_HashFunction(64, false, true), M(16), digest(5)
- { clear(); }
- private:
- void compress_n(const byte[], size_t blocks);
- void copy_out(byte[]);
- SecureVector<u32bit> M, digest;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* Whirlpool
-class BOTAN_DLL Whirlpool : public MDx_HashFunction
- {
- public:
- std::string name() const { return "Whirlpool"; }
- size_t output_length() const { return 64; }
- HashFunction* clone() const { return new Whirlpool; }
- void clear();
- Whirlpool() : MDx_HashFunction(64, true, true, 32), M(8), digest(8)
- { clear(); }
- private:
- void compress_n(const byte[], size_t blocks);
- void copy_out(byte[]);
- static const u64bit C0[256];
- static const u64bit C1[256];
- static const u64bit C2[256];
- static const u64bit C3[256];
- static const u64bit C4[256];
- static const u64bit C5[256];
- static const u64bit C6[256];
- static const u64bit C7[256];
- SecureVector<u64bit> M, digest;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* Tiger
-class BOTAN_DLL Tiger : public MDx_HashFunction
- {
- public:
- std::string name() const;
- size_t output_length() const { return hash_len; }
- HashFunction* clone() const
- {
- return new Tiger(output_length(), passes);
- }
- void clear();
- /**
- * @param out_size specifies the output length; can be 16, 20, or 24
- * @param passes to make in the algorithm
- */
- Tiger(size_t out_size = 24, size_t passes = 3);
- private:
- void compress_n(const byte[], size_t block);
- void copy_out(byte[]);
- static void pass(u64bit& A, u64bit& B, u64bit& C,
- const MemoryRegion<u64bit>& M,
- byte mul);
- static const u64bit SBOX1[256];
- static const u64bit SBOX2[256];
- static const u64bit SBOX3[256];
- static const u64bit SBOX4[256];
- SecureVector<u64bit> X, digest;
- const size_t hash_len, passes;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* SEED, a Korean block cipher
-class BOTAN_DLL SEED : public Block_Cipher_Fixed_Params<16, 16>
- {
- public:
- void encrypt_n(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t blocks) const;
- void decrypt_n(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t blocks) const;
- void clear() { zeroise(K); }
- std::string name() const { return "SEED"; }
- BlockCipher* clone() const { return new SEED; }
- SEED() : K(32) {}
- private:
- void key_schedule(const byte[], size_t);
- class G_FUNC
- {
- public:
- u32bit operator()(u32bit) const;
- private:
- static const u32bit S0[256], S1[256], S2[256], S3[256];
- };
- SecureVector<u32bit> K;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* EMSA3 from IEEE 1363
-* aka PKCS #1 v1.5 signature padding
-* aka PKCS #1 block type 1
-class BOTAN_DLL EMSA3 : public EMSA
- {
- public:
- /**
- * @param hash the hash object to use
- */
- EMSA3(HashFunction* hash);
- ~EMSA3();
- void update(const byte[], size_t);
- SecureVector<byte> raw_data();
- SecureVector<byte> encoding_of(const MemoryRegion<byte>&, size_t,
- RandomNumberGenerator& rng);
- bool verify(const MemoryRegion<byte>&, const MemoryRegion<byte>&,
- size_t);
- private:
- HashFunction* hash;
- SecureVector<byte> hash_id;
- };
-* EMSA3_Raw which is EMSA3 without a hash or digest id (which
-* according to QCA docs is "identical to PKCS#11's CKM_RSA_PKCS
-* mechanism", something I have not confirmed)
-class BOTAN_DLL EMSA3_Raw : public EMSA
- {
- public:
- void update(const byte[], size_t);
- SecureVector<byte> raw_data();
- SecureVector<byte> encoding_of(const MemoryRegion<byte>&, size_t,
- RandomNumberGenerator& rng);
- bool verify(const MemoryRegion<byte>&, const MemoryRegion<byte>&,
- size_t);
- private:
- SecureVector<byte> message;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* Twofish, an AES finalist
-class BOTAN_DLL Twofish : public Block_Cipher_Fixed_Params<16, 16, 32, 8>
- {
- public:
- void encrypt_n(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t blocks) const;
- void decrypt_n(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t blocks) const;
- void clear();
- std::string name() const { return "Twofish"; }
- BlockCipher* clone() const { return new Twofish; }
- Twofish() : SB(1024), RK(40) {}
- private:
- void key_schedule(const byte[], size_t);
- static void rs_mul(byte[4], byte, size_t);
- static const u32bit MDS0[256];
- static const u32bit MDS1[256];
- static const u32bit MDS2[256];
- static const u32bit MDS3[256];
- static const byte Q0[256];
- static const byte Q1[256];
- static const byte RS[32];
- static const byte EXP_TO_POLY[255];
- static const byte POLY_TO_EXP[255];
- SecureVector<u32bit> SB, RK;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* Create a password hash using PBKDF2
-* @param password the password
-* @param rng a random number generator
-* @param work_factor how much work to do to slow down guessing attacks
-* @param alg_id specifies which PRF to use with PBKDF2
-* 0 is HMAC(SHA-1)
-* 1 is HMAC(SHA-256)
-* 2 is CMAC(Blowfish)
-* all other values are currently undefined
-std::string BOTAN_DLL generate_passhash9(const std::string& password,
- RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
- u16bit work_factor = 10,
- byte alg_id = 0);
-* Check a previously created password hash
-* @param password the password to check against
-* @param hash the stored hash to check against
-bool BOTAN_DLL check_passhash9(const std::string& password,
- const std::string& hash);
-namespace Botan {
-* SHA-224
-class BOTAN_DLL SHA_224 : public MDx_HashFunction
- {
- public:
- std::string name() const { return "SHA-224"; }
- size_t output_length() const { return 28; }
- HashFunction* clone() const { return new SHA_224; }
- void clear();
- SHA_224() : MDx_HashFunction(64, true, true), digest(8)
- { clear(); }
- private:
- void compress_n(const byte[], size_t blocks);
- void copy_out(byte[]);
- SecureVector<u32bit> digest;
- };
-* SHA-256
-class BOTAN_DLL SHA_256 : public MDx_HashFunction
- {
- public:
- std::string name() const { return "SHA-256"; }
- size_t output_length() const { return 32; }
- HashFunction* clone() const { return new SHA_256; }
- void clear();
- SHA_256() : MDx_HashFunction(64, true, true), digest(8)
- { clear(); }
- private:
- void compress_n(const byte[], size_t blocks);
- void copy_out(byte[]);
- SecureVector<u32bit> digest;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* Blue Midnight Wish 512 (Round 2 tweaked version)
-class BOTAN_DLL BMW_512 : public MDx_HashFunction
- {
- public:
- std::string name() const { return "BMW512"; }
- size_t output_length() const { return 64; }
- HashFunction* clone() const { return new BMW_512; }
- void clear();
- BMW_512() : MDx_HashFunction(128, false, true), H(16), M(16), Q(32)
- { clear(); }
- private:
- void compress_n(const byte input[], size_t blocks);
- void copy_out(byte output[]);
- SecureVector<u64bit> H, M, Q;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* @param input the input data
-* @param length length of input in bytes
-* @param label the human-readable label
-* @param headers a set of key/value pairs included in the header
-BOTAN_DLL std::string PGP_encode(
- const byte input[],
- size_t length,
- const std::string& label,
- const std::map<std::string, std::string>& headers);
-* @param input the input data
-* @param length length of input in bytes
-* @param label the human-readable label
-BOTAN_DLL std::string PGP_encode(
- const byte input[],
- size_t length,
- const std::string& label);
-* @param source the input source
-* @param label is set to the human-readable label
-* @param headers is set to any headers
-* @return decoded output as raw binary
-BOTAN_DLL SecureVector<byte> PGP_decode(
- DataSource& source,
- std::string& label,
- std::map<std::string, std::string>& headers);
-* @param source the input source
-* @param label is set to the human-readable label
-* @return decoded output as raw binary
-BOTAN_DLL SecureVector<byte> PGP_decode(
- DataSource& source,
- std::string& label);
-namespace Botan {
-* Certificate Store Interface
-class BOTAN_DLL Certificate_Store
- {
- public:
- virtual ~Certificate_Store() {}
- virtual Certificate_Store* clone() const = 0;
- /**
- * Add a certificate; this may fail if the store is write-only
- */
- virtual void add_certificate(const X509_Certificate& cert) = 0;
- /**
- * Add a CRL; this may fail if the store is write-only
- */
- virtual void add_crl(const X509_CRL& crl) = 0;
- /**
- * Subject DN and (optionally) key identifier
- */
- virtual std::vector<X509_Certificate>
- find_cert_by_subject_and_key_id(
- const X509_DN& subject_dn,
- const MemoryRegion<byte>& key_id) const = 0;
- /**
- * Find CRLs by the DN and key id of the issuer
- */
- virtual std::vector<X509_CRL>
- find_crl_by_subject_and_key_id(
- const X509_DN& issuer_dn,
- const MemoryRegion<byte>& key_id) const = 0;
- };
-* In Memory Certificate Store
-class BOTAN_DLL Certificate_Store_Memory : public Certificate_Store
- {
- public:
- Certificate_Store* clone() const;
- void add_certificate(const X509_Certificate& cert);
- void add_crl(const X509_CRL& crl);
- std::vector<X509_Certificate> find_cert_by_subject_and_key_id(
- const X509_DN& subject_dn,
- const MemoryRegion<byte>& key_id) const;
- std::vector<X509_CRL> find_crl_by_subject_and_key_id(
- const X509_DN& issuer_dn,
- const MemoryRegion<byte>& key_id) const;
- Certificate_Store_Memory() {}
- private:
- // TODO: Add indexing on the DN and key id to avoid linear search?
- std::vector<X509_Certificate> certs;
- std::vector<X509_CRL> crls;
- };
-// TODO: file-backed store
-namespace Botan {
-* KDF2, from IEEE 1363
-class BOTAN_DLL KDF2 : public KDF
- {
- public:
- SecureVector<byte> derive(size_t, const byte[], size_t,
- const byte[], size_t) const;
- std::string name() const { return "KDF2(" + hash->name() + ")"; }
- KDF* clone() const { return new KDF2(hash->clone()); }
- KDF2(HashFunction* h) : hash(h) {}
- KDF2(const KDF2& other) : KDF(), hash(other.hash->clone()) {}
- ~KDF2() { delete hash; }
- private:
- HashFunction* hash;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-namespace KeyPair {
-* Tests whether the key is consistent for encryption; whether
-* encrypting and then decrypting gives to the original plaintext.
-* @param rng the rng to use
-* @param key the key to test
-* @param padding the encryption padding method to use
-* @return true if consistent otherwise false
-encryption_consistency_check(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
- const Private_Key& key,
- const std::string& padding);
-* Tests whether the key is consistent for signatures; whether a
-* signature can be created and then verified
-* @param rng the rng to use
-* @param key the key to test
-* @param padding the signature padding method to use
-* @return true if consistent otherwise false
-signature_consistency_check(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
- const Private_Key& key,
- const std::string& padding);
-namespace Botan {
-* This namespace holds various high-level crypto functions
-namespace CryptoBox {
-* Encrypt a message using a passphrase
-* @param input the input data
-* @param input_len the length of input in bytes
-* @param passphrase the passphrase used to encrypt the message
-* @param rng a ref to a random number generator, such as AutoSeeded_RNG
-BOTAN_DLL std::string encrypt(const byte input[], size_t input_len,
- const std::string& passphrase,
- RandomNumberGenerator& rng);
-* Decrypt a message encrypted with CryptoBox::encrypt
-* @param input the input data
-* @param input_len the length of input in bytes
-* @param passphrase the passphrase used to encrypt the message
-BOTAN_DLL std::string decrypt(const byte input[], size_t input_len,
- const std::string& passphrase);
-* Decrypt a message encrypted with CryptoBox::encrypt
-* @param input the input data
-* @param passphrase the passphrase used to encrypt the message
-BOTAN_DLL std::string decrypt(const std::string& input,
- const std::string& passphrase);
-namespace Botan {
-* X.509 Certificate Validation Result
-enum X509_Code {
-* X.509 Certificate Store
-class BOTAN_DLL X509_Store
- {
- public:
- enum Cert_Usage {
- ANY = 0x00,
- TLS_SERVER = 0x01,
- TLS_CLIENT = 0x02,
- CODE_SIGNING = 0x04,
- CRL_SIGNING = 0x20
- };
- X509_Code validate_cert(const X509_Certificate&, Cert_Usage = ANY);
- std::vector<X509_Certificate> get_cert_chain(const X509_Certificate&);
- std::string PEM_encode() const;
- X509_Code add_crl(const X509_CRL&);
- void add_cert(const X509_Certificate&, bool = false);
- void add_certs(DataSource&);
- void add_trusted_certs(DataSource&);
- void add_new_certstore(Certificate_Store*);
- X509_Store(u32bit time_slack = 24*60*60,
- u32bit cache_results = 30*60);
- X509_Store(const X509_Store&);
- ~X509_Store();
- private:
- X509_Store& operator=(const X509_Store&) { return (*this); }
- class BOTAN_DLL CRL_Data
- {
- public:
- X509_DN issuer;
- MemoryVector<byte> serial, auth_key_id;
- bool operator==(const CRL_Data&) const;
- bool operator!=(const CRL_Data&) const;
- bool operator<(const CRL_Data&) const;
- };
- class BOTAN_DLL Cert_Info
- {
- public:
- bool is_verified(u32bit timeout) const;
- bool is_trusted() const;
- X509_Code verify_result() const;
- void set_result(X509_Code) const;
- Cert_Info(const X509_Certificate&, bool = false);
- X509_Certificate cert;
- bool trusted;
- private:
- mutable bool checked;
- mutable X509_Code result;
- mutable u64bit last_checked;
- };
- static X509_Code check_sig(const X509_Object&, Public_Key*);
- size_t find_cert(const X509_DN&, const MemoryRegion<byte>&) const;
- X509_Code check_sig(const Cert_Info&, const Cert_Info&) const;
- void recompute_revoked_info() const;
- void do_add_certs(DataSource&, bool);
- X509_Code construct_cert_chain(const X509_Certificate&,
- std::vector<size_t>&, bool = false);
- size_t find_parent_of(const X509_Certificate&);
- bool is_revoked(const X509_Certificate&) const;
- static const size_t NO_CERT_FOUND = 0xFFFFFFFF;
- std::vector<Cert_Info> certs;
- std::vector<CRL_Data> revoked;
- std::vector<Certificate_Store*> stores;
- u32bit time_slack, validation_cache_timeout;
- mutable bool revoked_info_valid;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* Noekeon
-class BOTAN_DLL Noekeon : public Block_Cipher_Fixed_Params<16, 16>
- {
- public:
- void encrypt_n(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t blocks) const;
- void decrypt_n(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t blocks) const;
- void clear();
- std::string name() const { return "Noekeon"; }
- BlockCipher* clone() const { return new Noekeon; }
- Noekeon() : EK(4), DK(4) {}
- protected:
- /**
- * The Noekeon round constants
- */
- static const byte RC[17];
- /**
- * @return const reference to encryption subkeys
- */
- const SecureVector<u32bit>& get_EK() const { return EK; }
- /**
- * @return const reference to decryption subkeys
- */
- const SecureVector<u32bit>& get_DK() const { return DK; }
- private:
- void key_schedule(const byte[], size_t);
- SecureVector<u32bit> EK, DK;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* Create a password hash using Bcrypt
-* @param password the password
-* @param rng a random number generator
-* @param work_factor how much work to do to slow down guessing attacks
-* @see http://www.usenix.org/events/usenix99/provos/provos_html/
-std::string BOTAN_DLL generate_bcrypt(const std::string& password,
- RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
- u16bit work_factor = 10);
-* Check a previously created password hash
-* @param password the password to check against
-* @param hash the stored hash to check against
-bool BOTAN_DLL check_bcrypt(const std::string& password,
- const std::string& hash);
-namespace Botan {
-* CFB Encryption
-class BOTAN_DLL CFB_Encryption : public Keyed_Filter
- {
- public:
- std::string name() const { return cipher->name() + "/CFB"; }
- void set_iv(const InitializationVector&);
- void set_key(const SymmetricKey& key) { cipher->set_key(key); }
- bool valid_keylength(size_t key_len) const
- { return cipher->valid_keylength(key_len); }
- bool valid_iv_length(size_t iv_len) const
- { return (iv_len == cipher->block_size()); }
- CFB_Encryption(BlockCipher* cipher, size_t feedback = 0);
- CFB_Encryption(BlockCipher* cipher,
- const SymmetricKey& key,
- const InitializationVector& iv,
- size_t feedback = 0);
- ~CFB_Encryption() { delete cipher; }
- private:
- void write(const byte[], size_t);
- BlockCipher* cipher;
- SecureVector<byte> buffer, state;
- size_t position, feedback;
- };
-* CFB Decryption
-class BOTAN_DLL CFB_Decryption : public Keyed_Filter
- {
- public:
- std::string name() const { return cipher->name() + "/CFB"; }
- void set_iv(const InitializationVector&);
- void set_key(const SymmetricKey& key) { cipher->set_key(key); }
- bool valid_keylength(size_t key_len) const
- { return cipher->valid_keylength(key_len); }
- bool valid_iv_length(size_t iv_len) const
- { return (iv_len == cipher->block_size()); }
- CFB_Decryption(BlockCipher* cipher, size_t feedback = 0);
- CFB_Decryption(BlockCipher* cipher,
- const SymmetricKey& key,
- const InitializationVector& iv,
- size_t feedback = 0);
- ~CFB_Decryption() { delete cipher; }
- private:
- void write(const byte[], size_t);
- BlockCipher* cipher;
- SecureVector<byte> buffer, state;
- size_t position, feedback;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* X.509 Certificate Extension
-class BOTAN_DLL Certificate_Extension
- {
- public:
- /**
- * @return OID representing this extension
- */
- OID oid_of() const;
- /**
- * Make a copy of this extension
- * @return copy of this
- */
- virtual Certificate_Extension* copy() const = 0;
- /*
- * Add the contents of this extension into the information
- * for the subject and/or issuer, as necessary.
- * @param subject the subject info
- * @param issuer the issuer info
- */
- virtual void contents_to(Data_Store& subject,
- Data_Store& issuer) const = 0;
- /*
- * @return short readable name
- */
- virtual std::string config_id() const = 0;
- /*
- * @return specific OID name
- */
- virtual std::string oid_name() const = 0;
- virtual ~Certificate_Extension() {}
- protected:
- friend class Extensions;
- virtual bool should_encode() const { return true; }
- virtual MemoryVector<byte> encode_inner() const = 0;
- virtual void decode_inner(const MemoryRegion<byte>&) = 0;
- };
-* X.509 Certificate Extension List
-class BOTAN_DLL Extensions : public ASN1_Object
- {
- public:
- void encode_into(class DER_Encoder&) const;
- void decode_from(class BER_Decoder&);
- void contents_to(Data_Store&, Data_Store&) const;
- void add(Certificate_Extension* extn, bool critical = false);
- Extensions& operator=(const Extensions&);
- Extensions(const Extensions&);
- Extensions(bool st = true) : should_throw(st) {}
- ~Extensions();
- private:
- static Certificate_Extension* get_extension(const OID&);
- std::vector<std::pair<Certificate_Extension*, bool> > extensions;
- bool should_throw;
- };
-namespace Cert_Extension {
-static const size_t NO_CERT_PATH_LIMIT = 0xFFFFFFF0;
-* Basic Constraints Extension
-class BOTAN_DLL Basic_Constraints : public Certificate_Extension
- {
- public:
- Basic_Constraints* copy() const
- { return new Basic_Constraints(is_ca, path_limit); }
- Basic_Constraints(bool ca = false, size_t limit = 0) :
- is_ca(ca), path_limit(limit) {}
- bool get_is_ca() const { return is_ca; }
- size_t get_path_limit() const;
- private:
- std::string config_id() const { return "basic_constraints"; }
- std::string oid_name() const { return "X509v3.BasicConstraints"; }
- MemoryVector<byte> encode_inner() const;
- void decode_inner(const MemoryRegion<byte>&);
- void contents_to(Data_Store&, Data_Store&) const;
- bool is_ca;
- size_t path_limit;
- };
-* Key Usage Constraints Extension
-class BOTAN_DLL Key_Usage : public Certificate_Extension
- {
- public:
- Key_Usage* copy() const { return new Key_Usage(constraints); }
- Key_Usage(Key_Constraints c = NO_CONSTRAINTS) : constraints(c) {}
- Key_Constraints get_constraints() const { return constraints; }
- private:
- std::string config_id() const { return "key_usage"; }
- std::string oid_name() const { return "X509v3.KeyUsage"; }
- bool should_encode() const { return (constraints != NO_CONSTRAINTS); }
- MemoryVector<byte> encode_inner() const;
- void decode_inner(const MemoryRegion<byte>&);
- void contents_to(Data_Store&, Data_Store&) const;
- Key_Constraints constraints;
- };
-* Subject Key Identifier Extension
-class BOTAN_DLL Subject_Key_ID : public Certificate_Extension
- {
- public:
- Subject_Key_ID* copy() const { return new Subject_Key_ID(key_id); }
- Subject_Key_ID() {}
- Subject_Key_ID(const MemoryRegion<byte>&);
- MemoryVector<byte> get_key_id() const { return key_id; }
- private:
- std::string config_id() const { return "subject_key_id"; }
- std::string oid_name() const { return "X509v3.SubjectKeyIdentifier"; }
- bool should_encode() const { return (key_id.size() > 0); }
- MemoryVector<byte> encode_inner() const;
- void decode_inner(const MemoryRegion<byte>&);
- void contents_to(Data_Store&, Data_Store&) const;
- MemoryVector<byte> key_id;
- };
-* Authority Key Identifier Extension
-class BOTAN_DLL Authority_Key_ID : public Certificate_Extension
- {
- public:
- Authority_Key_ID* copy() const { return new Authority_Key_ID(key_id); }
- Authority_Key_ID() {}
- Authority_Key_ID(const MemoryRegion<byte>& k) : key_id(k) {}
- MemoryVector<byte> get_key_id() const { return key_id; }
- private:
- std::string config_id() const { return "authority_key_id"; }
- std::string oid_name() const { return "X509v3.AuthorityKeyIdentifier"; }
- bool should_encode() const { return (key_id.size() > 0); }
- MemoryVector<byte> encode_inner() const;
- void decode_inner(const MemoryRegion<byte>&);
- void contents_to(Data_Store&, Data_Store&) const;
- MemoryVector<byte> key_id;
- };
-* Alternative Name Extension Base Class
-class BOTAN_DLL Alternative_Name : public Certificate_Extension
- {
- public:
- AlternativeName get_alt_name() const { return alt_name; }
- protected:
- Alternative_Name(const AlternativeName&,
- const std::string&, const std::string&);
- Alternative_Name(const std::string&, const std::string&);
- private:
- std::string config_id() const { return config_name_str; }
- std::string oid_name() const { return oid_name_str; }
- bool should_encode() const { return alt_name.has_items(); }
- MemoryVector<byte> encode_inner() const;
- void decode_inner(const MemoryRegion<byte>&);
- void contents_to(Data_Store&, Data_Store&) const;
- std::string config_name_str, oid_name_str;
- AlternativeName alt_name;
- };
-* Subject Alternative Name Extension
-class BOTAN_DLL Subject_Alternative_Name : public Alternative_Name
- {
- public:
- Subject_Alternative_Name* copy() const
- { return new Subject_Alternative_Name(get_alt_name()); }
- Subject_Alternative_Name(const AlternativeName& = AlternativeName());
- };
-* Issuer Alternative Name Extension
-class BOTAN_DLL Issuer_Alternative_Name : public Alternative_Name
- {
- public:
- Issuer_Alternative_Name* copy() const
- { return new Issuer_Alternative_Name(get_alt_name()); }
- Issuer_Alternative_Name(const AlternativeName& = AlternativeName());
- };
-* Extended Key Usage Extension
-class BOTAN_DLL Extended_Key_Usage : public Certificate_Extension
- {
- public:
- Extended_Key_Usage* copy() const { return new Extended_Key_Usage(oids); }
- Extended_Key_Usage() {}
- Extended_Key_Usage(const std::vector<OID>& o) : oids(o) {}
- std::vector<OID> get_oids() const { return oids; }
- private:
- std::string config_id() const { return "extended_key_usage"; }
- std::string oid_name() const { return "X509v3.ExtendedKeyUsage"; }
- bool should_encode() const { return (oids.size() > 0); }
- MemoryVector<byte> encode_inner() const;
- void decode_inner(const MemoryRegion<byte>&);
- void contents_to(Data_Store&, Data_Store&) const;
- std::vector<OID> oids;
- };
-* Certificate Policies Extension
-class BOTAN_DLL Certificate_Policies : public Certificate_Extension
- {
- public:
- Certificate_Policies* copy() const
- { return new Certificate_Policies(oids); }
- Certificate_Policies() {}
- Certificate_Policies(const std::vector<OID>& o) : oids(o) {}
- std::vector<OID> get_oids() const { return oids; }
- private:
- std::string config_id() const { return "policy_info"; }
- std::string oid_name() const { return "X509v3.CertificatePolicies"; }
- bool should_encode() const { return (oids.size() > 0); }
- MemoryVector<byte> encode_inner() const;
- void decode_inner(const MemoryRegion<byte>&);
- void contents_to(Data_Store&, Data_Store&) const;
- std::vector<OID> oids;
- };
-* CRL Number Extension
-class BOTAN_DLL CRL_Number : public Certificate_Extension
- {
- public:
- CRL_Number* copy() const;
- CRL_Number() : has_value(false), crl_number(0) {}
- CRL_Number(size_t n) : has_value(true), crl_number(n) {}
- size_t get_crl_number() const;
- private:
- std::string config_id() const { return "crl_number"; }
- std::string oid_name() const { return "X509v3.CRLNumber"; }
- bool should_encode() const { return has_value; }
- MemoryVector<byte> encode_inner() const;
- void decode_inner(const MemoryRegion<byte>&);
- void contents_to(Data_Store&, Data_Store&) const;
- bool has_value;
- size_t crl_number;
- };
-* CRL Entry Reason Code Extension
-class BOTAN_DLL CRL_ReasonCode : public Certificate_Extension
- {
- public:
- CRL_ReasonCode* copy() const { return new CRL_ReasonCode(reason); }
- CRL_ReasonCode(CRL_Code r = UNSPECIFIED) : reason(r) {}
- CRL_Code get_reason() const { return reason; }
- private:
- std::string config_id() const { return "crl_reason"; }
- std::string oid_name() const { return "X509v3.ReasonCode"; }
- bool should_encode() const { return (reason != UNSPECIFIED); }
- MemoryVector<byte> encode_inner() const;
- void decode_inner(const MemoryRegion<byte>&);
- void contents_to(Data_Store&, Data_Store&) const;
- CRL_Code reason;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* DSA Public Key
-class BOTAN_DLL DSA_PublicKey : public virtual DL_Scheme_PublicKey
- {
- public:
- std::string algo_name() const { return "DSA"; }
- DL_Group::Format group_format() const { return DL_Group::ANSI_X9_57; }
- size_t message_parts() const { return 2; }
- size_t message_part_size() const { return group_q().bytes(); }
- size_t max_input_bits() const { return group_q().bits(); }
- DSA_PublicKey(const AlgorithmIdentifier& alg_id,
- const MemoryRegion<byte>& key_bits) :
- DL_Scheme_PublicKey(alg_id, key_bits, DL_Group::ANSI_X9_57)
- {
- }
- DSA_PublicKey(const DL_Group& group, const BigInt& y);
- protected:
- DSA_PublicKey() {}
- };
-* DSA Private Key
-class BOTAN_DLL DSA_PrivateKey : public DSA_PublicKey,
- public virtual DL_Scheme_PrivateKey
- {
- public:
- DSA_PrivateKey(const AlgorithmIdentifier& alg_id,
- const MemoryRegion<byte>& key_bits,
- RandomNumberGenerator& rng);
- DSA_PrivateKey(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
- const DL_Group& group,
- const BigInt& private_key = 0);
- bool check_key(RandomNumberGenerator& rng, bool strong) const;
- };
-* Object that can create a DSA signature
-class BOTAN_DLL DSA_Signature_Operation : public PK_Ops::Signature
- {
- public:
- DSA_Signature_Operation(const DSA_PrivateKey& dsa);
- size_t message_parts() const { return 2; }
- size_t message_part_size() const { return q.bytes(); }
- size_t max_input_bits() const { return q.bits(); }
- SecureVector<byte> sign(const byte msg[], size_t msg_len,
- RandomNumberGenerator& rng);
- private:
- const BigInt& q;
- const BigInt& x;
- Fixed_Base_Power_Mod powermod_g_p;
- Modular_Reducer mod_q;
- };
-* Object that can verify a DSA signature
-class BOTAN_DLL DSA_Verification_Operation : public PK_Ops::Verification
- {
- public:
- DSA_Verification_Operation(const DSA_PublicKey& dsa);
- size_t message_parts() const { return 2; }
- size_t message_part_size() const { return q.bytes(); }
- size_t max_input_bits() const { return q.bits(); }
- bool with_recovery() const { return false; }
- bool verify(const byte msg[], size_t msg_len,
- const byte sig[], size_t sig_len);
- private:
- const BigInt& q;
- const BigInt& y;
- Fixed_Base_Power_Mod powermod_g_p, powermod_y_p;
- Modular_Reducer mod_p, mod_q;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* PRF from ANSI X9.42
-class BOTAN_DLL X942_PRF : public KDF
- {
- public:
- SecureVector<byte> derive(size_t, const byte[], size_t,
- const byte[], size_t) const;
- std::string name() const { return "X942_PRF(" + key_wrap_oid + ")"; }
- KDF* clone() const { return new X942_PRF(key_wrap_oid); }
- X942_PRF(const std::string& oid);
- private:
- std::string key_wrap_oid;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* TEA
-class BOTAN_DLL TEA : public Block_Cipher_Fixed_Params<8, 16>
- {
- public:
- void encrypt_n(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t blocks) const;
- void decrypt_n(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t blocks) const;
- void clear() { zeroise(K); }
- std::string name() const { return "TEA"; }
- BlockCipher* clone() const { return new TEA; }
- TEA() : K(4) {}
- private:
- void key_schedule(const byte[], size_t);
- SecureVector<u32bit> K;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* Nyberg-Rueppel Public Key
-class BOTAN_DLL NR_PublicKey : public virtual DL_Scheme_PublicKey
- {
- public:
- std::string algo_name() const { return "NR"; }
- DL_Group::Format group_format() const { return DL_Group::ANSI_X9_57; }
- size_t message_parts() const { return 2; }
- size_t message_part_size() const { return group_q().bytes(); }
- size_t max_input_bits() const { return (group_q().bits() - 1); }
- NR_PublicKey(const AlgorithmIdentifier& alg_id,
- const MemoryRegion<byte>& key_bits);
- NR_PublicKey(const DL_Group& group, const BigInt& pub_key);
- protected:
- NR_PublicKey() {}
- };
-* Nyberg-Rueppel Private Key
-class BOTAN_DLL NR_PrivateKey : public NR_PublicKey,
- public virtual DL_Scheme_PrivateKey
- {
- public:
- bool check_key(RandomNumberGenerator& rng, bool strong) const;
- NR_PrivateKey(const AlgorithmIdentifier& alg_id,
- const MemoryRegion<byte>& key_bits,
- RandomNumberGenerator& rng);
- NR_PrivateKey(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
- const DL_Group& group,
- const BigInt& x = 0);
- };
-* Nyberg-Rueppel signature operation
-class BOTAN_DLL NR_Signature_Operation : public PK_Ops::Signature
- {
- public:
- NR_Signature_Operation(const NR_PrivateKey& nr);
- size_t message_parts() const { return 2; }
- size_t message_part_size() const { return q.bytes(); }
- size_t max_input_bits() const { return (q.bits() - 1); }
- SecureVector<byte> sign(const byte msg[], size_t msg_len,
- RandomNumberGenerator& rng);
- private:
- const BigInt& q;
- const BigInt& x;
- Fixed_Base_Power_Mod powermod_g_p;
- Modular_Reducer mod_q;
- };
-* Nyberg-Rueppel verification operation
-class BOTAN_DLL NR_Verification_Operation : public PK_Ops::Verification
- {
- public:
- NR_Verification_Operation(const NR_PublicKey& nr);
- size_t message_parts() const { return 2; }
- size_t message_part_size() const { return q.bytes(); }
- size_t max_input_bits() const { return (q.bits() - 1); }
- bool with_recovery() const { return true; }
- SecureVector<byte> verify_mr(const byte msg[], size_t msg_len);
- private:
- const BigInt& q;
- const BigInt& y;
- Fixed_Base_Power_Mod powermod_g_p, powermod_y_p;
- Modular_Reducer mod_p, mod_q;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* Alleged RC4
-class BOTAN_DLL ARC4 : public StreamCipher
- {
- public:
- void cipher(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t length);
- void clear();
- std::string name() const;
- StreamCipher* clone() const { return new ARC4(SKIP); }
- Key_Length_Specification key_spec() const
- {
- return Key_Length_Specification(1, 256);
- }
- /**
- * @param skip skip this many initial bytes in the keystream
- */
- ARC4(size_t skip = 0);
- ~ARC4() { clear(); }
- private:
- void key_schedule(const byte[], size_t);
- void generate();
- const size_t SKIP;
- byte X, Y;
- SecureVector<byte> state;
- SecureVector<byte> buffer;
- size_t position;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* Rabin-Williams Public Key
-class BOTAN_DLL RW_PublicKey : public virtual IF_Scheme_PublicKey
- {
- public:
- std::string algo_name() const { return "RW"; }
- RW_PublicKey(const AlgorithmIdentifier& alg_id,
- const MemoryRegion<byte>& key_bits) :
- IF_Scheme_PublicKey(alg_id, key_bits)
- {}
- RW_PublicKey(const BigInt& mod, const BigInt& exponent) :
- IF_Scheme_PublicKey(mod, exponent)
- {}
- protected:
- RW_PublicKey() {}
- };
-* Rabin-Williams Private Key
-class BOTAN_DLL RW_PrivateKey : public RW_PublicKey,
- public IF_Scheme_PrivateKey
- {
- public:
- RW_PrivateKey(const AlgorithmIdentifier& alg_id,
- const MemoryRegion<byte>& key_bits,
- RandomNumberGenerator& rng) :
- IF_Scheme_PrivateKey(rng, alg_id, key_bits) {}
- RW_PrivateKey(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
- const BigInt& p, const BigInt& q,
- const BigInt& e, const BigInt& d = 0,
- const BigInt& n = 0) :
- IF_Scheme_PrivateKey(rng, p, q, e, d, n) {}
- RW_PrivateKey(RandomNumberGenerator& rng, size_t bits, size_t = 2);
- bool check_key(RandomNumberGenerator& rng, bool) const;
- };
-* Rabin-Williams Signature Operation
-class BOTAN_DLL RW_Signature_Operation : public PK_Ops::Signature
- {
- public:
- RW_Signature_Operation(const RW_PrivateKey& rw);
- size_t max_input_bits() const { return (n.bits() - 1); }
- SecureVector<byte> sign(const byte msg[], size_t msg_len,
- RandomNumberGenerator& rng);
- private:
- const BigInt& n;
- const BigInt& e;
- const BigInt& q;
- const BigInt& c;
- Fixed_Exponent_Power_Mod powermod_d1_p, powermod_d2_q;
- Modular_Reducer mod_p;
- Blinder blinder;
- };
-* Rabin-Williams Verification Operation
-class BOTAN_DLL RW_Verification_Operation : public PK_Ops::Verification
- {
- public:
- RW_Verification_Operation(const RW_PublicKey& rw) :
- n(rw.get_n()), powermod_e_n(rw.get_e(), rw.get_n())
- {}
- size_t max_input_bits() const { return (n.bits() - 1); }
- bool with_recovery() const { return true; }
- SecureVector<byte> verify_mr(const byte msg[], size_t msg_len);
- private:
- const BigInt& n;
- Fixed_Exponent_Power_Mod powermod_e_n;
- };
-#define BOTAN_ENDIAN_N2B(x) (x)
-#define BOTAN_ENDIAN_B2N(x) (x)
-#define BOTAN_ENDIAN_N2L(x) reverse_bytes(x)
-#define BOTAN_ENDIAN_L2N(x) reverse_bytes(x)
-#define BOTAN_ENDIAN_N2L(x) (x)
-#define BOTAN_ENDIAN_L2N(x) (x)
-#define BOTAN_ENDIAN_N2B(x) reverse_bytes(x)
-#define BOTAN_ENDIAN_B2N(x) reverse_bytes(x)
-namespace Botan {
-* Make a u16bit from two bytes
-* @param i0 the first byte
-* @param i1 the second byte
-* @return i0 || i1
-inline u16bit make_u16bit(byte i0, byte i1)
- {
- return ((static_cast<u16bit>(i0) << 8) | i1);
- }
-* Make a u32bit from four bytes
-* @param i0 the first byte
-* @param i1 the second byte
-* @param i2 the third byte
-* @param i3 the fourth byte
-* @return i0 || i1 || i2 || i3
-inline u32bit make_u32bit(byte i0, byte i1, byte i2, byte i3)
- {
- return ((static_cast<u32bit>(i0) << 24) |
- (static_cast<u32bit>(i1) << 16) |
- (static_cast<u32bit>(i2) << 8) |
- (static_cast<u32bit>(i3)));
- }
-* Make a u32bit from eight bytes
-* @param i0 the first byte
-* @param i1 the second byte
-* @param i2 the third byte
-* @param i3 the fourth byte
-* @param i4 the fifth byte
-* @param i5 the sixth byte
-* @param i6 the seventh byte
-* @param i7 the eighth byte
-* @return i0 || i1 || i2 || i3 || i4 || i5 || i6 || i7
-inline u64bit make_u64bit(byte i0, byte i1, byte i2, byte i3,
- byte i4, byte i5, byte i6, byte i7)
- {
- return ((static_cast<u64bit>(i0) << 56) |
- (static_cast<u64bit>(i1) << 48) |
- (static_cast<u64bit>(i2) << 40) |
- (static_cast<u64bit>(i3) << 32) |
- (static_cast<u64bit>(i4) << 24) |
- (static_cast<u64bit>(i5) << 16) |
- (static_cast<u64bit>(i6) << 8) |
- (static_cast<u64bit>(i7)));
- }
-* Load a big-endian word
-* @param in a pointer to some bytes
-* @param off an offset into the array
-* @return off'th T of in, as a big-endian value
-template<typename T>
-inline T load_be(const byte in[], size_t off)
- {
- in += off * sizeof(T);
- T out = 0;
- for(size_t i = 0; i != sizeof(T); ++i)
- out = (out << 8) | in[i];
- return out;
- }
-* Load a little-endian word
-* @param in a pointer to some bytes
-* @param off an offset into the array
-* @return off'th T of in, as a litte-endian value
-template<typename T>
-inline T load_le(const byte in[], size_t off)
- {
- in += off * sizeof(T);
- T out = 0;
- for(size_t i = 0; i != sizeof(T); ++i)
- out = (out << 8) | in[sizeof(T)-1-i];
- return out;
- }
-* Load a big-endian u16bit
-* @param in a pointer to some bytes
-* @param off an offset into the array
-* @return off'th u16bit of in, as a big-endian value
-inline u16bit load_be<u16bit>(const byte in[], size_t off)
- {
- return BOTAN_ENDIAN_N2B(*(reinterpret_cast<const u16bit*>(in) + off));
- in += off * sizeof(u16bit);
- return make_u16bit(in[0], in[1]);
- }
-* Load a little-endian u16bit
-* @param in a pointer to some bytes
-* @param off an offset into the array
-* @return off'th u16bit of in, as a little-endian value
-inline u16bit load_le<u16bit>(const byte in[], size_t off)
- {
- return BOTAN_ENDIAN_N2L(*(reinterpret_cast<const u16bit*>(in) + off));
- in += off * sizeof(u16bit);
- return make_u16bit(in[1], in[0]);
- }
-* Load a big-endian u32bit
-* @param in a pointer to some bytes
-* @param off an offset into the array
-* @return off'th u32bit of in, as a big-endian value
-inline u32bit load_be<u32bit>(const byte in[], size_t off)
- {
- return BOTAN_ENDIAN_N2B(*(reinterpret_cast<const u32bit*>(in) + off));
- in += off * sizeof(u32bit);
- return make_u32bit(in[0], in[1], in[2], in[3]);
- }
-* Load a little-endian u32bit
-* @param in a pointer to some bytes
-* @param off an offset into the array
-* @return off'th u32bit of in, as a little-endian value
-inline u32bit load_le<u32bit>(const byte in[], size_t off)
- {
- return BOTAN_ENDIAN_N2L(*(reinterpret_cast<const u32bit*>(in) + off));
- in += off * sizeof(u32bit);
- return make_u32bit(in[3], in[2], in[1], in[0]);
- }
-* Load a big-endian u64bit
-* @param in a pointer to some bytes
-* @param off an offset into the array
-* @return off'th u64bit of in, as a big-endian value
-inline u64bit load_be<u64bit>(const byte in[], size_t off)
- {
- return BOTAN_ENDIAN_N2B(*(reinterpret_cast<const u64bit*>(in) + off));
- in += off * sizeof(u64bit);
- return make_u64bit(in[0], in[1], in[2], in[3],
- in[4], in[5], in[6], in[7]);
- }
-* Load a little-endian u64bit
-* @param in a pointer to some bytes
-* @param off an offset into the array
-* @return off'th u64bit of in, as a little-endian value
-inline u64bit load_le<u64bit>(const byte in[], size_t off)
- {
- return BOTAN_ENDIAN_N2L(*(reinterpret_cast<const u64bit*>(in) + off));
- in += off * sizeof(u64bit);
- return make_u64bit(in[7], in[6], in[5], in[4],
- in[3], in[2], in[1], in[0]);
- }
-* Load two little-endian words
-* @param in a pointer to some bytes
-* @param x0 where the first word will be written
-* @param x1 where the second word will be written
-template<typename T>
-inline void load_le(const byte in[], T& x0, T& x1)
- {
- x0 = load_le<T>(in, 0);
- x1 = load_le<T>(in, 1);
- }
-* Load four little-endian words
-* @param in a pointer to some bytes
-* @param x0 where the first word will be written
-* @param x1 where the second word will be written
-* @param x2 where the third word will be written
-* @param x3 where the fourth word will be written
-template<typename T>
-inline void load_le(const byte in[],
- T& x0, T& x1, T& x2, T& x3)
- {
- x0 = load_le<T>(in, 0);
- x1 = load_le<T>(in, 1);
- x2 = load_le<T>(in, 2);
- x3 = load_le<T>(in, 3);
- }
-* Load eight little-endian words
-* @param in a pointer to some bytes
-* @param x0 where the first word will be written
-* @param x1 where the second word will be written
-* @param x2 where the third word will be written
-* @param x3 where the fourth word will be written
-* @param x4 where the fifth word will be written
-* @param x5 where the sixth word will be written
-* @param x6 where the seventh word will be written
-* @param x7 where the eighth word will be written
-template<typename T>
-inline void load_le(const byte in[],
- T& x0, T& x1, T& x2, T& x3,
- T& x4, T& x5, T& x6, T& x7)
- {
- x0 = load_le<T>(in, 0);
- x1 = load_le<T>(in, 1);
- x2 = load_le<T>(in, 2);
- x3 = load_le<T>(in, 3);
- x4 = load_le<T>(in, 4);
- x5 = load_le<T>(in, 5);
- x6 = load_le<T>(in, 6);
- x7 = load_le<T>(in, 7);
- }
-* Load a variable number of little-endian words
-* @param out the output array of words
-* @param in the input array of bytes
-* @param count how many words are in in
-template<typename T>
-inline void load_le(T out[],
- const byte in[],
- size_t count)
- {
- std::memcpy(out, in, sizeof(T)*count);
- const size_t blocks = count - (count % 4);
- const size_t left = count - blocks;
- for(size_t i = 0; i != blocks; i += 4)
- bswap_4(out + i);
- for(size_t i = 0; i != left; ++i)
- out[blocks+i] = reverse_bytes(out[blocks+i]);
- for(size_t i = 0; i != count; ++i)
- out[i] = load_le<T>(in, i);
- }
-* Load two big-endian words
-* @param in a pointer to some bytes
-* @param x0 where the first word will be written
-* @param x1 where the second word will be written
-template<typename T>
-inline void load_be(const byte in[], T& x0, T& x1)
- {
- x0 = load_be<T>(in, 0);
- x1 = load_be<T>(in, 1);
- }
-* Load four big-endian words
-* @param in a pointer to some bytes
-* @param x0 where the first word will be written
-* @param x1 where the second word will be written
-* @param x2 where the third word will be written
-* @param x3 where the fourth word will be written
-template<typename T>
-inline void load_be(const byte in[],
- T& x0, T& x1, T& x2, T& x3)
- {
- x0 = load_be<T>(in, 0);
- x1 = load_be<T>(in, 1);
- x2 = load_be<T>(in, 2);
- x3 = load_be<T>(in, 3);
- }
-* Load eight big-endian words
-* @param in a pointer to some bytes
-* @param x0 where the first word will be written
-* @param x1 where the second word will be written
-* @param x2 where the third word will be written
-* @param x3 where the fourth word will be written
-* @param x4 where the fifth word will be written
-* @param x5 where the sixth word will be written
-* @param x6 where the seventh word will be written
-* @param x7 where the eighth word will be written
-template<typename T>
-inline void load_be(const byte in[],
- T& x0, T& x1, T& x2, T& x3,
- T& x4, T& x5, T& x6, T& x7)
- {
- x0 = load_be<T>(in, 0);
- x1 = load_be<T>(in, 1);
- x2 = load_be<T>(in, 2);
- x3 = load_be<T>(in, 3);
- x4 = load_be<T>(in, 4);
- x5 = load_be<T>(in, 5);
- x6 = load_be<T>(in, 6);
- x7 = load_be<T>(in, 7);
- }
-* Load a variable number of big-endian words
-* @param out the output array of words
-* @param in the input array of bytes
-* @param count how many words are in in
-template<typename T>
-inline void load_be(T out[],
- const byte in[],
- size_t count)
- {
- std::memcpy(out, in, sizeof(T)*count);
- const size_t blocks = count - (count % 4);
- const size_t left = count - blocks;
- for(size_t i = 0; i != blocks; i += 4)
- bswap_4(out + i);
- for(size_t i = 0; i != left; ++i)
- out[blocks+i] = reverse_bytes(out[blocks+i]);
- for(size_t i = 0; i != count; ++i)
- out[i] = load_be<T>(in, i);
- }
-* Store a big-endian u16bit
-* @param in the input u16bit
-* @param out the byte array to write to
-inline void store_be(u16bit in, byte out[2])
- {
- *reinterpret_cast<u16bit*>(out) = BOTAN_ENDIAN_B2N(in);
- out[0] = get_byte(0, in);
- out[1] = get_byte(1, in);
- }
-* Store a little-endian u16bit
-* @param in the input u16bit
-* @param out the byte array to write to
-inline void store_le(u16bit in, byte out[2])
- {
- *reinterpret_cast<u16bit*>(out) = BOTAN_ENDIAN_L2N(in);
- out[0] = get_byte(1, in);
- out[1] = get_byte(0, in);
- }
-* Store a big-endian u32bit
-* @param in the input u32bit
-* @param out the byte array to write to
-inline void store_be(u32bit in, byte out[4])
- {
- *reinterpret_cast<u32bit*>(out) = BOTAN_ENDIAN_B2N(in);
- out[0] = get_byte(0, in);
- out[1] = get_byte(1, in);
- out[2] = get_byte(2, in);
- out[3] = get_byte(3, in);
- }
-* Store a little-endian u32bit
-* @param in the input u32bit
-* @param out the byte array to write to
-inline void store_le(u32bit in, byte out[4])
- {
- *reinterpret_cast<u32bit*>(out) = BOTAN_ENDIAN_L2N(in);
- out[0] = get_byte(3, in);
- out[1] = get_byte(2, in);
- out[2] = get_byte(1, in);
- out[3] = get_byte(0, in);
- }
-* Store a big-endian u64bit
-* @param in the input u64bit
-* @param out the byte array to write to
-inline void store_be(u64bit in, byte out[8])
- {
- *reinterpret_cast<u64bit*>(out) = BOTAN_ENDIAN_B2N(in);
- out[0] = get_byte(0, in);
- out[1] = get_byte(1, in);
- out[2] = get_byte(2, in);
- out[3] = get_byte(3, in);
- out[4] = get_byte(4, in);
- out[5] = get_byte(5, in);
- out[6] = get_byte(6, in);
- out[7] = get_byte(7, in);
- }
-* Store a little-endian u64bit
-* @param in the input u64bit
-* @param out the byte array to write to
-inline void store_le(u64bit in, byte out[8])
- {
- *reinterpret_cast<u64bit*>(out) = BOTAN_ENDIAN_L2N(in);
- out[0] = get_byte(7, in);
- out[1] = get_byte(6, in);
- out[2] = get_byte(5, in);
- out[3] = get_byte(4, in);
- out[4] = get_byte(3, in);
- out[5] = get_byte(2, in);
- out[6] = get_byte(1, in);
- out[7] = get_byte(0, in);
- }
-* Store two little-endian words
-* @param out the output byte array
-* @param x0 the first word
-* @param x1 the second word
-template<typename T>
-inline void store_le(byte out[], T x0, T x1)
- {
- store_le(x0, out + (0 * sizeof(T)));
- store_le(x1, out + (1 * sizeof(T)));
- }
-* Store two big-endian words
-* @param out the output byte array
-* @param x0 the first word
-* @param x1 the second word
-template<typename T>
-inline void store_be(byte out[], T x0, T x1)
- {
- store_be(x0, out + (0 * sizeof(T)));
- store_be(x1, out + (1 * sizeof(T)));
- }
-* Store four little-endian words
-* @param out the output byte array
-* @param x0 the first word
-* @param x1 the second word
-* @param x2 the third word
-* @param x3 the fourth word
-template<typename T>
-inline void store_le(byte out[], T x0, T x1, T x2, T x3)
- {
- store_le(x0, out + (0 * sizeof(T)));
- store_le(x1, out + (1 * sizeof(T)));
- store_le(x2, out + (2 * sizeof(T)));
- store_le(x3, out + (3 * sizeof(T)));
- }
-* Store four big-endian words
-* @param out the output byte array
-* @param x0 the first word
-* @param x1 the second word
-* @param x2 the third word
-* @param x3 the fourth word
-template<typename T>
-inline void store_be(byte out[], T x0, T x1, T x2, T x3)
- {
- store_be(x0, out + (0 * sizeof(T)));
- store_be(x1, out + (1 * sizeof(T)));
- store_be(x2, out + (2 * sizeof(T)));
- store_be(x3, out + (3 * sizeof(T)));
- }
-* Store eight little-endian words
-* @param out the output byte array
-* @param x0 the first word
-* @param x1 the second word
-* @param x2 the third word
-* @param x3 the fourth word
-* @param x4 the fifth word
-* @param x5 the sixth word
-* @param x6 the seventh word
-* @param x7 the eighth word
-template<typename T>
-inline void store_le(byte out[], T x0, T x1, T x2, T x3,
- T x4, T x5, T x6, T x7)
- {
- store_le(x0, out + (0 * sizeof(T)));
- store_le(x1, out + (1 * sizeof(T)));
- store_le(x2, out + (2 * sizeof(T)));
- store_le(x3, out + (3 * sizeof(T)));
- store_le(x4, out + (4 * sizeof(T)));
- store_le(x5, out + (5 * sizeof(T)));
- store_le(x6, out + (6 * sizeof(T)));
- store_le(x7, out + (7 * sizeof(T)));
- }
-* Store eight big-endian words
-* @param out the output byte array
-* @param x0 the first word
-* @param x1 the second word
-* @param x2 the third word
-* @param x3 the fourth word
-* @param x4 the fifth word
-* @param x5 the sixth word
-* @param x6 the seventh word
-* @param x7 the eighth word
-template<typename T>
-inline void store_be(byte out[], T x0, T x1, T x2, T x3,
- T x4, T x5, T x6, T x7)
- {
- store_be(x0, out + (0 * sizeof(T)));
- store_be(x1, out + (1 * sizeof(T)));
- store_be(x2, out + (2 * sizeof(T)));
- store_be(x3, out + (3 * sizeof(T)));
- store_be(x4, out + (4 * sizeof(T)));
- store_be(x5, out + (5 * sizeof(T)));
- store_be(x6, out + (6 * sizeof(T)));
- store_be(x7, out + (7 * sizeof(T)));
- }
-namespace Botan {
-* CBC Encryption
-class BOTAN_DLL CBC_Encryption : public Keyed_Filter,
- private Buffered_Filter
- {
- public:
- std::string name() const;
- void set_iv(const InitializationVector& iv);
- void set_key(const SymmetricKey& key) { cipher->set_key(key); }
- bool valid_keylength(size_t key_len) const
- { return cipher->valid_keylength(key_len); }
- bool valid_iv_length(size_t iv_len) const
- { return (iv_len == cipher->block_size()); }
- CBC_Encryption(BlockCipher* cipher,
- BlockCipherModePaddingMethod* padding);
- CBC_Encryption(BlockCipher* cipher,
- BlockCipherModePaddingMethod* padding,
- const SymmetricKey& key,
- const InitializationVector& iv);
- ~CBC_Encryption() { delete cipher; delete padder; }
- private:
- void buffered_block(const byte input[], size_t input_length);
- void buffered_final(const byte input[], size_t input_length);
- void write(const byte input[], size_t input_length);
- void end_msg();
- BlockCipher* cipher;
- const BlockCipherModePaddingMethod* padder;
- SecureVector<byte> state;
- };
-* CBC Decryption
-class BOTAN_DLL CBC_Decryption : public Keyed_Filter,
- private Buffered_Filter
- {
- public:
- std::string name() const;
- void set_iv(const InitializationVector& iv);
- void set_key(const SymmetricKey& key) { cipher->set_key(key); }
- bool valid_keylength(size_t key_len) const
- { return cipher->valid_keylength(key_len); }
- bool valid_iv_length(size_t iv_len) const
- { return (iv_len == cipher->block_size()); }
- CBC_Decryption(BlockCipher* cipher,
- BlockCipherModePaddingMethod* padding);
- CBC_Decryption(BlockCipher* cipher,
- BlockCipherModePaddingMethod* padding,
- const SymmetricKey& key,
- const InitializationVector& iv);
- ~CBC_Decryption() { delete cipher; delete padder; }
- private:
- void buffered_block(const byte input[], size_t input_length);
- void buffered_final(const byte input[], size_t input_length);
- void write(const byte[], size_t);
- void end_msg();
- BlockCipher* cipher;
- const BlockCipherModePaddingMethod* padder;
- SecureVector<byte> state, temp;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* A class handling runtime CPU feature detection
- {
- public:
- /**
- * Probe the CPU and see what extensions are supported
- */
- static void initialize();
- /**
- * Return a best guess of the cache line size
- */
- static size_t cache_line_size() { return cache_line; }
- /**
- * Check if the processor supports RDTSC
- */
- static bool has_rdtsc()
- { return x86_processor_flags_has(CPUID_RDTSC_BIT); }
- /**
- * Check if the processor supports SSE2
- */
- static bool has_sse2()
- { return x86_processor_flags_has(CPUID_SSE2_BIT); }
- /**
- * Check if the processor supports SSSE3
- */
- static bool has_ssse3()
- { return x86_processor_flags_has(CPUID_SSSE3_BIT); }
- /**
- * Check if the processor supports SSE4.1
- */
- static bool has_sse41()
- { return x86_processor_flags_has(CPUID_SSE41_BIT); }
- /**
- * Check if the processor supports SSE4.2
- */
- static bool has_sse42()
- { return x86_processor_flags_has(CPUID_SSE42_BIT); }
- /**
- * Check if the processor supports extended AVX vector instructions
- */
- static bool has_avx()
- { return x86_processor_flags_has(CPUID_AVX_BIT); }
- /**
- * Check if the processor supports AES-NI
- */
- static bool has_aes_ni()
- { return x86_processor_flags_has(CPUID_AESNI_BIT); }
- /**
- * Check if the processor supports PCMULUDQ
- */
- static bool has_pcmuludq()
- { return x86_processor_flags_has(CPUID_PCMUL_BIT); }
- /**
- * Check if the processor supports MOVBE
- */
- static bool has_movbe()
- { return x86_processor_flags_has(CPUID_MOVBE_BIT); }
- /**
- * Check if the processor supports RDRAND
- */
- static bool has_rdrand()
- { return x86_processor_flags_has(CPUID_RDRAND_BIT); }
- /**
- * Check if the processor supports AltiVec/VMX
- */
- static bool has_altivec() { return altivec_capable; }
- private:
- enum CPUID_bits {
- CPUID_SSE2_BIT = 26,
- CPUID_SSE41_BIT = 51,
- CPUID_SSE42_BIT = 52,
- };
- static bool x86_processor_flags_has(u64bit bit)
- {
- return ((x86_processor_flags >> bit) & 1);
- }
- static u64bit x86_processor_flags;
- static size_t cache_line;
- static bool altivec_capable;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* Serpent implementation using SIMD
-class BOTAN_DLL Serpent_SIMD : public Serpent
- {
- public:
- size_t parallelism() const { return 4; }
- void encrypt_n(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t blocks) const;
- void decrypt_n(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t blocks) const;
- BlockCipher* clone() const { return new Serpent_SIMD; }
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* PK_Encryptor Filter
-class BOTAN_DLL PK_Encryptor_Filter : public Filter
- {
- public:
- void write(const byte[], size_t);
- void end_msg();
- PK_Encryptor_Filter(PK_Encryptor* c,
- RandomNumberGenerator& rng_ref) :
- cipher(c), rng(rng_ref) {}
- ~PK_Encryptor_Filter() { delete cipher; }
- private:
- PK_Encryptor* cipher;
- RandomNumberGenerator& rng;
- SecureVector<byte> buffer;
- };
-* PK_Decryptor Filter
-class BOTAN_DLL PK_Decryptor_Filter : public Filter
- {
- public:
- void write(const byte[], size_t);
- void end_msg();
- PK_Decryptor_Filter(PK_Decryptor* c) : cipher(c) {}
- ~PK_Decryptor_Filter() { delete cipher; }
- private:
- PK_Decryptor* cipher;
- SecureVector<byte> buffer;
- };
-* PK_Signer Filter
-class BOTAN_DLL PK_Signer_Filter : public Filter
- {
- public:
- void write(const byte[], size_t);
- void end_msg();
- PK_Signer_Filter(PK_Signer* s,
- RandomNumberGenerator& rng_ref) :
- signer(s), rng(rng_ref) {}
- ~PK_Signer_Filter() { delete signer; }
- private:
- PK_Signer* signer;
- RandomNumberGenerator& rng;
- };
-* PK_Verifier Filter
-class BOTAN_DLL PK_Verifier_Filter : public Filter
- {
- public:
- void write(const byte[], size_t);
- void end_msg();
- void set_signature(const byte[], size_t);
- void set_signature(const MemoryRegion<byte>&);
- PK_Verifier_Filter(PK_Verifier* v) : verifier(v) {}
- PK_Verifier_Filter(PK_Verifier*, const byte[], size_t);
- PK_Verifier_Filter(PK_Verifier*, const MemoryRegion<byte>&);
- ~PK_Verifier_Filter() { delete verifier; }
- private:
- PK_Verifier* verifier;
- SecureVector<byte> signature;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* XTEA implemented using SIMD operations
-class BOTAN_DLL XTEA_SIMD : public XTEA
- {
- public:
- size_t parallelism() const { return 8; }
- void encrypt_n(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t blocks) const;
- void decrypt_n(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t blocks) const;
- BlockCipher* clone() const { return new XTEA_SIMD; }
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* A queue that knows how to zeroize itself
-class BOTAN_DLL SecureQueue : public Fanout_Filter, public DataSource
- {
- public:
- std::string name() const { return "Queue"; }
- void write(const byte[], size_t);
- size_t read(byte[], size_t);
- size_t peek(byte[], size_t, size_t = 0) const;
- bool end_of_data() const;
- /**
- * @return number of bytes available in the queue
- */
- size_t size() const;
- bool attachable() { return false; }
- /**
- * SecureQueue assignment
- * @param other the queue to copy
- */
- SecureQueue& operator=(const SecureQueue& other);
- /**
- * SecureQueue default constructor (creates empty queue)
- */
- SecureQueue();
- /**
- * SecureQueue copy constructor
- * @param other the queue to copy
- */
- SecureQueue(const SecureQueue& other);
- ~SecureQueue() { destroy(); }
- private:
- void destroy();
- class SecureQueueNode* head;
- class SecureQueueNode* tail;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-class BOTAN_DLL HMAC : public MessageAuthenticationCode
- {
- public:
- void clear();
- std::string name() const;
- MessageAuthenticationCode* clone() const;
- size_t output_length() const { return hash->output_length(); }
- Key_Length_Specification key_spec() const
- {
- return Key_Length_Specification(0, 2*hash->hash_block_size());
- }
- /**
- * @param hash the hash to use for HMACing
- */
- HMAC(HashFunction* hash);
- ~HMAC() { delete hash; }
- private:
- void add_data(const byte[], size_t);
- void final_result(byte[]);
- void key_schedule(const byte[], size_t);
- HashFunction* hash;
- SecureVector<byte> i_key, o_key;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* OpenPGP's S2K
-class BOTAN_DLL OpenPGP_S2K : public PBKDF
- {
- public:
- /**
- * @param hash_in the hash function to use
- */
- OpenPGP_S2K(HashFunction* hash_in) : hash(hash_in) {}
- ~OpenPGP_S2K() { delete hash; }
- std::string name() const
- {
- return "OpenPGP-S2K(" + hash->name() + ")";
- }
- PBKDF* clone() const
- {
- return new OpenPGP_S2K(hash->clone());
- }
- OctetString derive_key(size_t output_len,
- const std::string& passphrase,
- const byte salt[], size_t salt_len,
- size_t iterations) const;
- private:
- HashFunction* hash;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* Lion is a block cipher construction designed by Ross Anderson and
-* Eli Biham, described in "Two Practical and Provably Secure Block
-* Ciphers: BEAR and LION". It has a variable block size and is
-* designed to encrypt very large blocks (up to a megabyte)
-* http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~rja14/Papers/bear-lion.pdf
-class BOTAN_DLL Lion : public BlockCipher
- {
- public:
- void encrypt_n(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t blocks) const;
- void decrypt_n(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t blocks) const;
- size_t block_size() const { return BLOCK_SIZE; }
- Key_Length_Specification key_spec() const
- {
- return Key_Length_Specification(2, 2*hash->output_length(), 2);
- }
- void clear();
- std::string name() const;
- BlockCipher* clone() const;
- /**
- * @param hash the hash to use internally
- * @param cipher the stream cipher to use internally
- * @param block_size the size of the block to use
- */
- Lion(HashFunction* hash,
- StreamCipher* cipher,
- size_t block_size);
- ~Lion() { delete hash; delete cipher; }
- private:
- void key_schedule(const byte[], size_t);
- HashFunction* hash;
- StreamCipher* cipher;
- SecureVector<byte> key1, key2;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* Skipjack, a NSA designed cipher used in Fortezza
-class BOTAN_DLL Skipjack : public Block_Cipher_Fixed_Params<8, 10>
- {
- public:
- void encrypt_n(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t blocks) const;
- void decrypt_n(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t blocks) const;
- void clear();
- std::string name() const { return "Skipjack"; }
- BlockCipher* clone() const { return new Skipjack; }
- Skipjack() : FTAB(2560) {}
- private:
- void key_schedule(const byte[], size_t);
- SecureVector<byte> FTAB;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-namespace FPE {
-* Encrypt X from and onto the group Z_n using key and tweak
-* @param n the modulus
-* @param X the plaintext as a BigInt
-* @param key a random key
-* @param tweak will modify the ciphertext (think of as an IV)
-BigInt BOTAN_DLL fe1_encrypt(const BigInt& n, const BigInt& X,
- const SymmetricKey& key,
- const MemoryRegion<byte>& tweak);
-* Decrypt X from and onto the group Z_n using key and tweak
-* @param n the modulus
-* @param X the ciphertext as a BigInt
-* @param key is the key used for encryption
-* @param tweak the same tweak used for encryption
-BigInt BOTAN_DLL fe1_decrypt(const BigInt& n, const BigInt& X,
- const SymmetricKey& key,
- const MemoryRegion<byte>& tweak);
-namespace Botan {
-* This class represents ECDH Public Keys.
-class BOTAN_DLL ECDH_PublicKey : public virtual EC_PublicKey
- {
- public:
- ECDH_PublicKey(const AlgorithmIdentifier& alg_id,
- const MemoryRegion<byte>& key_bits) :
- EC_PublicKey(alg_id, key_bits) {}
- /**
- * Construct a public key from a given public point.
- * @param dom_par the domain parameters associated with this key
- * @param public_point the public point defining this key
- */
- ECDH_PublicKey(const EC_Group& dom_par,
- const PointGFp& public_point) :
- EC_PublicKey(dom_par, public_point) {}
- /**
- * Get this keys algorithm name.
- * @return this keys algorithm name
- */
- std::string algo_name() const { return "ECDH"; }
- /**
- * Get the maximum number of bits allowed to be fed to this key.
- * This is the bitlength of the order of the base point.
- * @return maximum number of input bits
- */
- size_t max_input_bits() const { return domain().get_order().bits(); }
- /**
- * @return public point value
- */
- MemoryVector<byte> public_value() const
- { return EC2OSP(public_point(), PointGFp::UNCOMPRESSED); }
- protected:
- ECDH_PublicKey() {}
- };
-* This class represents ECDH Private Keys.
-class BOTAN_DLL ECDH_PrivateKey : public ECDH_PublicKey,
- public EC_PrivateKey,
- public PK_Key_Agreement_Key
- {
- public:
- ECDH_PrivateKey(const AlgorithmIdentifier& alg_id,
- const MemoryRegion<byte>& key_bits) :
- EC_PrivateKey(alg_id, key_bits) {}
- /**
- * Generate a new private key
- * @param rng a random number generator
- * @param domain parameters to used for this key
- * @param x the private key; if zero, a new random key is generated
- */
- ECDH_PrivateKey(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
- const EC_Group& domain,
- const BigInt& x = 0) :
- EC_PrivateKey(rng, domain, x) {}
- MemoryVector<byte> public_value() const
- { return ECDH_PublicKey::public_value(); }
- };
-* ECDH operation
-class BOTAN_DLL ECDH_KA_Operation : public PK_Ops::Key_Agreement
- {
- public:
- ECDH_KA_Operation(const ECDH_PrivateKey& key);
- SecureVector<byte> agree(const byte w[], size_t w_len);
- private:
- const CurveGFp& curve;
- const BigInt& cofactor;
- BigInt l_times_priv;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* AES-128
-class BOTAN_DLL AES_128 : public Block_Cipher_Fixed_Params<16, 16>
- {
- public:
- AES_128() : EK(40), DK(40), ME(16), MD(16) {}
- void encrypt_n(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t blocks) const;
- void decrypt_n(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t blocks) const;
- void clear();
- std::string name() const { return "AES-128"; }
- BlockCipher* clone() const { return new AES_128; }
- private:
- void key_schedule(const byte key[], size_t length);
- SecureVector<u32bit> EK, DK;
- SecureVector<byte> ME, MD;
- };
-* AES-192
-class BOTAN_DLL AES_192 : public Block_Cipher_Fixed_Params<16, 24>
- {
- public:
- AES_192() : EK(48), DK(48), ME(16), MD(16) {}
- void encrypt_n(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t blocks) const;
- void decrypt_n(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t blocks) const;
- void clear();
- std::string name() const { return "AES-192"; }
- BlockCipher* clone() const { return new AES_192; }
- private:
- void key_schedule(const byte key[], size_t length);
- SecureVector<u32bit> EK, DK;
- SecureVector<byte> ME, MD;
- };
-* AES-256
-class BOTAN_DLL AES_256 : public Block_Cipher_Fixed_Params<16, 32>
- {
- public:
- AES_256() : EK(56), DK(56), ME(16), MD(16) {}
- void encrypt_n(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t blocks) const;
- void decrypt_n(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t blocks) const;
- void clear();
- std::string name() const { return "AES-256"; }
- BlockCipher* clone() const { return new AES_256; }
- private:
- void key_schedule(const byte key[], size_t length);
- SecureVector<u32bit> EK, DK;
- SecureVector<byte> ME, MD;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* Rivest's Package Tranform
-* @param rng the random number generator to use
-* @param cipher the block cipher to use
-* @param input the input data buffer
-* @param input_len the length of the input data in bytes
-* @param output the output data buffer (must be at least
-* input_len + cipher->BLOCK_SIZE bytes long)
-void BOTAN_DLL aont_package(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
- BlockCipher* cipher,
- const byte input[], size_t input_len,
- byte output[]);
-* Rivest's Package Tranform (Inversion)
-* @param cipher the block cipher to use
-* @param input the input data buffer
-* @param input_len the length of the input data in bytes
-* @param output the output data buffer (must be at least
-* input_len - cipher->BLOCK_SIZE bytes long)
-void BOTAN_DLL aont_unpackage(BlockCipher* cipher,
- const byte input[], size_t input_len,
- byte output[]);
-namespace Botan {
-* Combines two hash functions using a Feistel scheme. Described in
-* "On the Security of Hash Function Combiners", Anja Lehmann
-class BOTAN_DLL Comb4P : public HashFunction
- {
- public:
- /**
- * @param h1 the first hash
- * @param h2 the second hash
- */
- Comb4P(HashFunction* h1, HashFunction* h2);
- ~Comb4P() { delete hash1; delete hash2; }
- size_t hash_block_size() const;
- size_t output_length() const
- {
- return hash1->output_length() + hash2->output_length();
- }
- HashFunction* clone() const
- {
- return new Comb4P(hash1->clone(), hash2->clone());
- }
- std::string name() const
- {
- return "Comb4P(" + hash1->name() + "," + hash2->name() + ")";
- }
- void clear();
- private:
- void add_data(const byte input[], size_t length);
- void final_result(byte out[]);
- HashFunction* hash1;
- HashFunction* hash2;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* A split secret, using the format from draft-mcgrew-tss-03
-class BOTAN_DLL RTSS_Share
- {
- public:
- /**
- * @param M the number of shares needed to reconstruct
- * @param N the number of shares generated
- * @param secret the secret to split
- * @param secret_len the length of the secret
- * @param identifier the 16 byte share identifier
- * @param rng the random number generator to use
- */
- static std::vector<RTSS_Share>
- split(byte M, byte N,
- const byte secret[], u16bit secret_len,
- const byte identifier[16],
- RandomNumberGenerator& rng);
- /**
- * @param shares the list of shares
- */
- static SecureVector<byte>
- reconstruct(const std::vector<RTSS_Share>& shares);
- RTSS_Share() {}
- /**
- * @param hex_input the share encoded in hexadecimal
- */
- RTSS_Share(const std::string& hex_input);
- /**
- * @return hex representation
- */
- std::string to_string() const;
- /**
- * @return share identifier
- */
- byte share_id() const;
- /**
- * @return size of this share in bytes
- */
- size_t size() const { return contents.size(); }
- /**
- * @return if this TSS share was initialized or not
- */
- bool initialized() const { return (contents.size() > 0); }
- private:
- SecureVector<byte> contents;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* RC2
-class BOTAN_DLL RC2 : public Block_Cipher_Fixed_Params<8, 1, 32>
- {
- public:
- void encrypt_n(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t blocks) const;
- void decrypt_n(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t blocks) const;
- /**
- * Return the code of the effective key bits
- * @param bits key length
- * @return EKB code
- */
- static byte EKB_code(size_t bits);
- void clear() { zeroise(K); }
- std::string name() const { return "RC2"; }
- BlockCipher* clone() const { return new RC2; }
- RC2() : K(64) {}
- private:
- void key_schedule(const byte[], size_t);
- SecureVector<u16bit> K;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* DJB's Salsa20 (and XSalsa20)
-class BOTAN_DLL Salsa20 : public StreamCipher
- {
- public:
- void cipher(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t length);
- void set_iv(const byte iv[], size_t iv_len);
- bool valid_iv_length(size_t iv_len) const
- { return (iv_len == 8 || iv_len == 24); }
- Key_Length_Specification key_spec() const
- {
- return Key_Length_Specification(16, 32, 16);
- }
- void clear();
- std::string name() const;
- StreamCipher* clone() const { return new Salsa20; }
- Salsa20() : state(16), buffer(64), position(0) {}
- private:
- void key_schedule(const byte key[], size_t key_len);
- SecureVector<u32bit> state;
- SecureVector<byte> buffer;
- size_t position;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* RIPEMD-128
-class BOTAN_DLL RIPEMD_128 : public MDx_HashFunction
- {
- public:
- std::string name() const { return "RIPEMD-128"; }
- size_t output_length() const { return 16; }
- HashFunction* clone() const { return new RIPEMD_128; }
- void clear();
- RIPEMD_128() : MDx_HashFunction(64, false, true), M(16), digest(4)
- { clear(); }
- private:
- void compress_n(const byte[], size_t blocks);
- void copy_out(byte[]);
- SecureVector<u32bit> M, digest;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* 24-bit cyclic redundancy check
-class BOTAN_DLL CRC24 : public HashFunction
- {
- public:
- std::string name() const { return "CRC24"; }
- size_t output_length() const { return 3; }
- HashFunction* clone() const { return new CRC24; }
- void clear() { crc = 0xB704CE; }
- CRC24() { clear(); }
- ~CRC24() { clear(); }
- private:
- void add_data(const byte[], size_t);
- void final_result(byte[]);
- u32bit crc;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* PKCS #5 v1 PBKDF, aka PBKDF1
-* Can only generate a key up to the size of the hash output.
-* Unless needed for backwards compatability, use PKCS5_PBKDF2
-class BOTAN_DLL PKCS5_PBKDF1 : public PBKDF
- {
- public:
- /**
- * Create a PKCS #5 instance using the specified hash function.
- * @param hash_in pointer to a hash function object to use
- */
- PKCS5_PBKDF1(HashFunction* hash_in) : hash(hash_in) {}
- /**
- * Copy constructor
- * @param other the object to copy
- */
- PKCS5_PBKDF1(const PKCS5_PBKDF1& other) :
- PBKDF(), hash(other.hash->clone()) {}
- ~PKCS5_PBKDF1() { delete hash; }
- std::string name() const
- {
- return "PBKDF1(" + hash->name() + ")";
- }
- PBKDF* clone() const
- {
- return new PKCS5_PBKDF1(hash->clone());
- }
- OctetString derive_key(size_t output_len,
- const std::string& passphrase,
- const byte salt[], size_t salt_len,
- size_t iterations) const;
- private:
- HashFunction* hash;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* This class represents X.509 Certificate Authorities (CAs).
-class BOTAN_DLL X509_CA
- {
- public:
- /**
- * Sign a PKCS#10 Request.
- * @param req the request to sign
- * @param rng the rng to use
- * @param not_before the starting time for the certificate
- * @param not_after the expiration time for the certificate
- * @return resulting certificate
- */
- X509_Certificate sign_request(const PKCS10_Request& req,
- RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
- const X509_Time& not_before,
- const X509_Time& not_after);
- /**
- * Get the certificate of this CA.
- * @return CA certificate
- */
- X509_Certificate ca_certificate() const;
- /**
- * Create a new and empty CRL for this CA.
- * @param rng the random number generator to use
- * @param next_update the time to set in next update in seconds
- * as the offset from the current time
- * @return new CRL
- */
- X509_CRL new_crl(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
- u32bit next_update = 0) const;
- /**
- * Create a new CRL by with additional entries.
- * @param last_crl the last CRL of this CA to add the new entries to
- * @param new_entries contains the new CRL entries to be added to the CRL
- * @param rng the random number generator to use
- * @param next_update the time to set in next update in seconds
- * as the offset from the current time
- */
- X509_CRL update_crl(const X509_CRL& last_crl,
- const std::vector<CRL_Entry>& new_entries,
- RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
- u32bit next_update = 0) const;
- /**
- * Interface for creating new certificates
- * @param signer a signing object
- * @param rng a random number generator
- * @param sig_algo the signature algorithm identifier
- * @param pub_key the serialized public key
- * @param not_before the start time of the certificate
- * @param not_after the end time of the certificate
- * @param issuer_dn the DN of the issuer
- * @param subject_dn the DN of the subject
- * @param extensions an optional list of certificate extensions
- * @returns newly minted certificate
- */
- static X509_Certificate make_cert(PK_Signer* signer,
- RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
- const AlgorithmIdentifier& sig_algo,
- const MemoryRegion<byte>& pub_key,
- const X509_Time& not_before,
- const X509_Time& not_after,
- const X509_DN& issuer_dn,
- const X509_DN& subject_dn,
- const Extensions& extensions);
- /**
- * Create a new CA object.
- * @param ca_certificate the certificate of the CA
- * @param key the private key of the CA
- * @param hash_fn name of a hash function to use for signing
- */
- X509_CA(const X509_Certificate& ca_certificate,
- const Private_Key& key,
- const std::string& hash_fn);
- ~X509_CA();
- private:
- X509_CA(const X509_CA&) {}
- X509_CA& operator=(const X509_CA&) { return (*this); }
- X509_CRL make_crl(const std::vector<CRL_Entry>& entries,
- u32bit crl_number, u32bit next_update,
- RandomNumberGenerator& rng) const;
- AlgorithmIdentifier ca_sig_algo;
- X509_Certificate cert;
- PK_Signer* signer;
- };
-* Choose the default signature format for a certain public key signature
-* scheme.
-* @param key will be the key to choose a padding scheme for
-* @param hash_fn is the desired hash function
-* @param alg_id will be set to the chosen scheme
-* @return A PK_Signer object for generating signatures
-BOTAN_DLL PK_Signer* choose_sig_format(const Private_Key& key,
- const std::string& hash_fn,
- AlgorithmIdentifier& alg_id);
-namespace Botan {
-namespace OIDS {
-* Register an OID to string mapping.
-* @param oid the oid to register
-* @param name the name to be associated with the oid
-BOTAN_DLL void add_oid(const OID& oid, const std::string& name);
-* See if an OID exists in the internal table.
-* @param oid the oid to check for
-* @return true if the oid is registered
-BOTAN_DLL bool have_oid(const std::string& oid);
-* Resolve an OID
-* @param oid the OID to look up
-* @return name associated with this OID
-BOTAN_DLL std::string lookup(const OID& oid);
-* Find the OID to a name. The lookup will be performed in the
-* general OID section of the configuration.
-* @param name the name to resolve
-* @return OID associated with the specified name
-BOTAN_DLL OID lookup(const std::string& name);
-* Tests whether the specified OID stands for the specified name.
-* @param oid the OID to check
-* @param name the name to check
-* @return true if the specified OID stands for the specified name
-BOTAN_DLL bool name_of(const OID& oid, const std::string& name);
-namespace Botan {
-* EAX Base Class
-class BOTAN_DLL EAX_Base : public Keyed_Filter
- {
- public:
- void set_key(const SymmetricKey& key);
- void set_iv(const InitializationVector& iv);
- /**
- * Set some additional data that is not included in the
- * ciphertext but that will be authenticated.
- * @param header the header contents
- * @param header_len length of header in bytes
- */
- void set_header(const byte header[], size_t header_len);
- /**
- * @return name of this mode
- */
- std::string name() const;
- bool valid_keylength(size_t key_len) const;
- /**
- * EAX supports arbitrary IV lengths
- */
- bool valid_iv_length(size_t) const { return true; }
- ~EAX_Base() { delete ctr; delete cmac; }
- protected:
- /**
- * @param cipher the cipher to use
- * @param tag_size is how big the auth tag will be
- */
- EAX_Base(BlockCipher* cipher, size_t tag_size);
- void start_msg();
- /**
- * The block size of the underlying cipher
- */
- const size_t BLOCK_SIZE;
- /**
- * The requested tag name
- */
- const size_t TAG_SIZE;
- /**
- * The name of the cipher
- */
- std::string cipher_name;
- /**
- * The stream cipher (CTR mode)
- */
- StreamCipher* ctr;
- /**
- * The MAC (CMAC)
- */
- MessageAuthenticationCode* cmac;
- /**
- * The MAC of the nonce
- */
- SecureVector<byte> nonce_mac;
- /**
- * The MAC of the header
- */
- SecureVector<byte> header_mac;
- /**
- * A buffer for CTR mode encryption
- */
- SecureVector<byte> ctr_buf;
- };
-* EAX Encryption
-class BOTAN_DLL EAX_Encryption : public EAX_Base
- {
- public:
- /**
- * @param ciph the cipher to use
- * @param tag_size is how big the auth tag will be
- */
- EAX_Encryption(BlockCipher* ciph, size_t tag_size = 0) :
- EAX_Base(ciph, tag_size) {}
- /**
- * @param ciph the cipher to use
- * @param key the key to use
- * @param iv the initially set IV
- * @param tag_size is how big the auth tag will be
- */
- EAX_Encryption(BlockCipher* ciph, const SymmetricKey& key,
- const InitializationVector& iv,
- size_t tag_size) : EAX_Base(ciph, tag_size)
- {
- set_key(key);
- set_iv(iv);
- }
- private:
- void write(const byte[], size_t);
- void end_msg();
- };
-* EAX Decryption
-class BOTAN_DLL EAX_Decryption : public EAX_Base
- {
- public:
- /**
- * @param ciph the cipher to use
- * @param tag_size is how big the auth tag will be
- */
- EAX_Decryption(BlockCipher* ciph, size_t tag_size = 0);
- /**
- * @param ciph the cipher to use
- * @param key the key to use
- * @param iv the initially set IV
- * @param tag_size is how big the auth tag will be
- */
- EAX_Decryption(BlockCipher* ciph, const SymmetricKey& key,
- const InitializationVector& iv,
- size_t tag_size = 0);
- private:
- void write(const byte[], size_t);
- void do_write(const byte[], size_t);
- void end_msg();
- SecureVector<byte> queue;
- size_t queue_start, queue_end;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* CMAC, also known as OMAC1
-class BOTAN_DLL CMAC : public MessageAuthenticationCode
- {
- public:
- std::string name() const;
- size_t output_length() const { return e->block_size(); }
- MessageAuthenticationCode* clone() const;
- void clear();
- Key_Length_Specification key_spec() const
- {
- return e->key_spec();
- }
- /**
- * CMAC's polynomial doubling operation
- * @param in the input
- * @param polynomial the byte value of the polynomial
- */
- static SecureVector<byte> poly_double(const MemoryRegion<byte>& in,
- byte polynomial);
- /**
- * @param cipher the underlying block cipher to use
- */
- CMAC(BlockCipher* cipher);
- ~CMAC();
- private:
- void add_data(const byte[], size_t);
- void final_result(byte[]);
- void key_schedule(const byte[], size_t);
- BlockCipher* e;
- SecureVector<byte> buffer, state, B, P;
- size_t position;
- byte polynomial;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* Skein-512, a SHA-3 candidate
-class BOTAN_DLL Skein_512 : public HashFunction
- {
- public:
- /**
- * @param output_bits the output size of Skein in bits
- * @param personalization is a string that will paramaterize the
- * hash output
- */
- Skein_512(size_t output_bits = 512,
- const std::string& personalization = "");
- size_t hash_block_size() const { return 64; }
- size_t output_length() const { return output_bits / 8; }
- HashFunction* clone() const;
- std::string name() const;
- void clear();
- private:
- void add_data(const byte input[], size_t length);
- void final_result(byte out[]);
- std::string personalization;
- size_t output_bits;
- SecureVector<u64bit> H;
- SecureVector<u64bit> T;
- SecureVector<byte> buffer;
- size_t buf_pos;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* CBC encryption with ciphertext stealing
-class BOTAN_DLL CTS_Encryption : public Keyed_Filter
- {
- public:
- std::string name() const { return cipher->name() + "/CTS"; }
- void set_iv(const InitializationVector&);
- void set_key(const SymmetricKey& key) { cipher->set_key(key); }
- bool valid_keylength(size_t key_len) const
- { return cipher->valid_keylength(key_len); }
- bool valid_iv_length(size_t iv_len) const
- { return (iv_len == cipher->block_size()); }
- CTS_Encryption(BlockCipher* cipher);
- CTS_Encryption(BlockCipher* cipher,
- const SymmetricKey& key,
- const InitializationVector& iv);
- ~CTS_Encryption() { delete cipher; }
- private:
- void write(const byte[], size_t);
- void end_msg();
- void encrypt(const byte[]);
- BlockCipher* cipher;
- SecureVector<byte> buffer, state;
- size_t position;
- };
-* CBC decryption with ciphertext stealing
-class BOTAN_DLL CTS_Decryption : public Keyed_Filter
- {
- public:
- std::string name() const { return cipher->name() + "/CTS"; }
- void set_iv(const InitializationVector&);
- void set_key(const SymmetricKey& key) { cipher->set_key(key); }
- bool valid_keylength(size_t key_len) const
- { return cipher->valid_keylength(key_len); }
- bool valid_iv_length(size_t iv_len) const
- { return (iv_len == cipher->block_size()); }
- CTS_Decryption(BlockCipher* cipher);
- CTS_Decryption(BlockCipher* cipher,
- const SymmetricKey& key,
- const InitializationVector& iv);
- ~CTS_Decryption() { delete cipher; }
- private:
- void write(const byte[], size_t);
- void end_msg();
- void decrypt(const byte[]);
- BlockCipher* cipher;
- SecureVector<byte> buffer, state, temp;
- size_t position;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* Factory function for PBEs.
-* @param algo_spec the name of the PBE algorithm to retrieve
-* @return pointer to a PBE with randomly created parameters
-BOTAN_DLL PBE* get_pbe(const std::string& algo_spec);
-* Factory function for PBEs.
-* @param pbe_oid the oid of the desired PBE
-* @param params a DataSource providing the DER encoded parameters to use
-* @return pointer to the PBE with the specified parameters
-BOTAN_DLL PBE* get_pbe(const OID& pbe_oid,
- DataSource& params);
-namespace Botan {
-* Public key encryptor factory method.
-* @deprecated Instantiate object from pubkey.h directly
-* @param key the key that will work inside the encryptor
-* @param eme determines the algorithm and encoding
-* @return public key encryptor object
-BOTAN_DEPRECATED("Instantiate object directly")
-inline PK_Encryptor* get_pk_encryptor(const Public_Key& key,
- const std::string& eme)
- {
- return new PK_Encryptor_EME(key, eme);
- }
-* Public key decryptor factory method.
-* @deprecated Instantiate object from pubkey.h directly
-* @param key the key that will work inside the decryptor
-* @param eme determines the algorithm and encoding
-* @return public key decryptor object
-BOTAN_DEPRECATED("Instantiate object directly")
-inline PK_Decryptor* get_pk_decryptor(const Private_Key& key,
- const std::string& eme)
- {
- return new PK_Decryptor_EME(key, eme);
- }
-* Public key signer factory method.
-* @deprecated Instantiate object from pubkey.h directly
-* @param key the key that will work inside the signer
-* @param emsa determines the algorithm, encoding and hash algorithm
-* @param sig_format the signature format to be used
-* @return public key signer object
-BOTAN_DEPRECATED("Instantiate object directly")
-inline PK_Signer* get_pk_signer(const Private_Key& key,
- const std::string& emsa,
- Signature_Format sig_format = IEEE_1363)
- {
- return new PK_Signer(key, emsa, sig_format);
- }
-* Public key verifier factory method.
-* @deprecated Instantiate object from pubkey.h directly
-* @param key the key that will work inside the verifier
-* @param emsa determines the algorithm, encoding and hash algorithm
-* @param sig_format the signature format to be used
-* @return public key verifier object
-BOTAN_DEPRECATED("Instantiate object directly")
-inline PK_Verifier* get_pk_verifier(const Public_Key& key,
- const std::string& emsa,
- Signature_Format sig_format = IEEE_1363)
- {
- return new PK_Verifier(key, emsa, sig_format);
- }
-* Public key key agreement factory method.
-* @deprecated Instantiate object from pubkey.h directly
-* @param key the key that will work inside the key agreement
-* @param kdf the kdf algorithm to use
-* @return key agreement algorithm
-BOTAN_DEPRECATED("Instantiate object directly")
-inline PK_Key_Agreement* get_pk_kas(const PK_Key_Agreement_Key& key,
- const std::string& kdf)
- {
- return new PK_Key_Agreement(key, kdf);
- }
-namespace Botan {
-class BOTAN_DLL IDEA : public Block_Cipher_Fixed_Params<8, 16>
- {
- public:
- void encrypt_n(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t blocks) const;
- void decrypt_n(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t blocks) const;
- void clear() { zeroise(EK); zeroise(DK); }
- std::string name() const { return "IDEA"; }
- BlockCipher* clone() const { return new IDEA; }
- IDEA() : EK(52), DK(52) {}
- protected:
- /**
- * @return const reference to encryption subkeys
- */
- const SecureVector<u16bit>& get_EK() const { return EK; }
- /**
- * @return const reference to decryption subkeys
- */
- const SecureVector<u16bit>& get_DK() const { return DK; }
- private:
- void key_schedule(const byte[], size_t);
- SecureVector<u16bit> EK, DK;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* Return the PKCS #1 hash identifier
-* @see RFC 3447 section 9.2
-* @param hash_name the name of the hash function
-* @return byte sequence identifying the hash
-* @throw Invalid_Argument if the hash has no known PKCS #1 hash id
-BOTAN_DLL MemoryVector<byte> pkcs_hash_id(const std::string& hash_name);
-* Return the IEEE 1363 hash identifier
-* @param hash_name the name of the hash function
-* @return byte code identifying the hash, or 0 if not known
-BOTAN_DLL byte ieee1363_hash_id(const std::string& hash_name);
-namespace Botan {
-* MGF1 from PKCS #1 v2.0
-class BOTAN_DLL MGF1 : public MGF
- {
- public:
- void mask(const byte[], size_t, byte[], size_t) const;
- /**
- MGF1 constructor: takes ownership of hash
- */
- MGF1(HashFunction* hash);
- ~MGF1();
- private:
- HashFunction* hash;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* IEEE P1619 XTS Encryption
-class BOTAN_DLL XTS_Encryption : public Keyed_Filter,
- private Buffered_Filter
- {
- public:
- void set_key(const SymmetricKey& key);
- void set_iv(const InitializationVector& iv);
- bool valid_keylength(size_t key_len) const
- { return cipher->valid_keylength(key_len); }
- bool valid_iv_length(size_t iv_len) const
- { return (iv_len == cipher->block_size()); }
- std::string name() const;
- XTS_Encryption(BlockCipher* ciph);
- XTS_Encryption(BlockCipher* ciph,
- const SymmetricKey& key,
- const InitializationVector& iv);
- ~XTS_Encryption() { delete cipher; delete cipher2; }
- private:
- void write(const byte[], size_t);
- void end_msg();
- void buffered_block(const byte input[], size_t input_length);
- void buffered_final(const byte input[], size_t input_length);
- BlockCipher* cipher;
- BlockCipher* cipher2;
- SecureVector<byte> tweak;
- };
-* IEEE P1619 XTS Encryption
-class BOTAN_DLL XTS_Decryption : public Keyed_Filter,
- private Buffered_Filter
- {
- public:
- void set_key(const SymmetricKey& key);
- void set_iv(const InitializationVector& iv);
- bool valid_keylength(size_t key_len) const
- { return cipher->valid_keylength(key_len); }
- bool valid_iv_length(size_t iv_len) const
- { return (iv_len == cipher->block_size()); }
- std::string name() const;
- XTS_Decryption(BlockCipher* ciph);
- XTS_Decryption(BlockCipher* ciph,
- const SymmetricKey& key,
- const InitializationVector& iv);
- ~XTS_Decryption() { delete cipher; delete cipher2; }
- private:
- void write(const byte[], size_t);
- void end_msg();
- void buffered_block(const byte input[], size_t input_length);
- void buffered_final(const byte input[], size_t input_length);
- BlockCipher* cipher;
- BlockCipher* cipher2;
- SecureVector<byte> tweak;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* Struct representing a particular date and time
-struct BOTAN_DLL calendar_point
- {
- /** The year */
- u32bit year;
- /** The month, 1 through 12 for Jan to Dec */
- byte month;
- /** The day of the month, 1 through 31 (or 28 or 30 based on month */
- byte day;
- /** Hour in 24-hour form, 0 to 23 */
- byte hour;
- /** Minutes in the hour, 0 to 60 */
- byte minutes;
- /** Seconds in the minute, 0 to 60, but might be slightly
- larger to deal with leap seconds on some systems
- */
- byte seconds;
- /**
- * Initialize a calendar_point
- * @param y the year
- * @param mon the month
- * @param d the day
- * @param h the hour
- * @param min the minute
- * @param sec the second
- */
- calendar_point(u32bit y, byte mon, byte d, byte h, byte min, byte sec) :
- year(y), month(mon), day(d), hour(h), minutes(min), seconds(sec) {}
- };
-* @param time_point a time point from the system clock
-* @return calendar_point object representing this time point
-BOTAN_DLL calendar_point calendar_value(u64bit time_point);
-* @return seconds resolution timestamp, unknown epoch
-BOTAN_DLL u64bit system_time();
-* @return nanoseconds resolution timestamp, unknown epoch
-BOTAN_DLL u64bit get_nanoseconds_clock();
-namespace Botan {
-* EMSA-Raw - sign inputs directly
-* Don't use this unless you know what you are doing.
-class BOTAN_DLL EMSA_Raw : public EMSA
- {
- private:
- void update(const byte[], size_t);
- SecureVector<byte> raw_data();
- SecureVector<byte> encoding_of(const MemoryRegion<byte>&, size_t,
- RandomNumberGenerator&);
- bool verify(const MemoryRegion<byte>&, const MemoryRegion<byte>&,
- size_t);
- SecureVector<byte> message;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* Perform base64 encoding
-* @param output an array of at least input_length*4/3 bytes
-* @param input is some binary data
-* @param input_length length of input in bytes
-* @param input_consumed is an output parameter which says how many
-* bytes of input were actually consumed. If less than
-* input_length, then the range input[consumed:length]
-* should be passed in later along with more input.
-* @param final_inputs true iff this is the last input, in which case
- padding chars will be applied if needed
-* @return number of bytes written to output
-size_t BOTAN_DLL base64_encode(char output[],
- const byte input[],
- size_t input_length,
- size_t& input_consumed,
- bool final_inputs);
-* Perform base64 encoding
-* @param input some input
-* @param input_length length of input in bytes
-* @return base64adecimal representation of input
-std::string BOTAN_DLL base64_encode(const byte input[],
- size_t input_length);
-* Perform base64 encoding
-* @param input some input
-* @return base64adecimal representation of input
-std::string BOTAN_DLL base64_encode(const MemoryRegion<byte>& input);
-* Perform base64 decoding
-* @param output an array of at least input_length*3/4 bytes
-* @param input some base64 input
-* @param input_length length of input in bytes
-* @param input_consumed is an output parameter which says how many
-* bytes of input were actually consumed. If less than
-* input_length, then the range input[consumed:length]
-* should be passed in later along with more input.
-* @param final_inputs true iff this is the last input, in which case
- padding is allowed
-* @param ignore_ws ignore whitespace on input; if false, throw an
- exception if whitespace is encountered
-* @return number of bytes written to output
-size_t BOTAN_DLL base64_decode(byte output[],
- const char input[],
- size_t input_length,
- size_t& input_consumed,
- bool final_inputs,
- bool ignore_ws = true);
-* Perform base64 decoding
-* @param output an array of at least input_length*3/4 bytes
-* @param input some base64 input
-* @param input_length length of input in bytes
-* @param ignore_ws ignore whitespace on input; if false, throw an
- exception if whitespace is encountered
-* @return number of bytes written to output
-size_t BOTAN_DLL base64_decode(byte output[],
- const char input[],
- size_t input_length,
- bool ignore_ws = true);
-* Perform base64 decoding
-* @param output an array of at least input_length/3*4 bytes
-* @param input some base64 input
-* @param ignore_ws ignore whitespace on input; if false, throw an
- exception if whitespace is encountered
-* @return number of bytes written to output
-size_t BOTAN_DLL base64_decode(byte output[],
- const std::string& input,
- bool ignore_ws = true);
-* Perform base64 decoding
-* @param input some base64 input
-* @param input_length the length of input in bytes
-* @param ignore_ws ignore whitespace on input; if false, throw an
- exception if whitespace is encountered
-* @return decoded base64 output
-SecureVector<byte> BOTAN_DLL base64_decode(const char input[],
- size_t input_length,
- bool ignore_ws = true);
-* Perform base64 decoding
-* @param input some base64 input
-* @param ignore_ws ignore whitespace on input; if false, throw an
- exception if whitespace is encountered
-* @return decoded base64 output
-SecureVector<byte> BOTAN_DLL base64_decode(const std::string& input,
- bool ignore_ws = true);
-namespace Botan {
-* PRF used in TLS 1.0/1.1
-class BOTAN_DLL TLS_PRF : public KDF
- {
- public:
- SecureVector<byte> derive(size_t key_len,
- const byte secret[], size_t secret_len,
- const byte seed[], size_t seed_len) const;
- std::string name() const { return "TLS-PRF"; }
- KDF* clone() const { return new TLS_PRF; }
- TLS_PRF();
- ~TLS_PRF();
- private:
- MessageAuthenticationCode* hmac_md5;
- MessageAuthenticationCode* hmac_sha1;
- };
-* PRF used in TLS 1.2
-class BOTAN_DLL TLS_12_PRF : public KDF
- {
- public:
- SecureVector<byte> derive(size_t key_len,
- const byte secret[], size_t secret_len,
- const byte seed[], size_t seed_len) const;
- std::string name() const { return "TLSv12-PRF(" + hmac->name() + ")"; }
- KDF* clone() const { return new TLS_12_PRF(hmac->clone()); }
- TLS_12_PRF(MessageAuthenticationCode* hmac);
- ~TLS_12_PRF();
- private:
- MessageAuthenticationCode* hmac;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* EMSA4 aka PSS-R
-class BOTAN_DLL EMSA4 : public EMSA
- {
- public:
- /**
- * @param hash the hash object to use
- */
- EMSA4(HashFunction* hash);
- /**
- * @param hash the hash object to use
- * @param salt_size the size of the salt to use in bytes
- */
- EMSA4(HashFunction* hash, size_t salt_size);
- ~EMSA4() { delete hash; delete mgf; }
- private:
- void update(const byte[], size_t);
- SecureVector<byte> raw_data();
- SecureVector<byte> encoding_of(const MemoryRegion<byte>&, size_t,
- RandomNumberGenerator& rng);
- bool verify(const MemoryRegion<byte>&, const MemoryRegion<byte>&,
- size_t);
- size_t SALT_SIZE;
- HashFunction* hash;
- const MGF* mgf;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* Camellia-128
-class BOTAN_DLL Camellia_128 : public Block_Cipher_Fixed_Params<16, 16>
- {
- public:
- void encrypt_n(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t blocks) const;
- void decrypt_n(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t blocks) const;
- void clear() { SK.clear(); }
- std::string name() const { return "Camellia-128"; }
- BlockCipher* clone() const { return new Camellia_128; }
- private:
- void key_schedule(const byte key[], size_t length);
- SecureVector<u64bit> SK;
- };
-* Camellia-192
-class BOTAN_DLL Camellia_192 : public Block_Cipher_Fixed_Params<16, 24>
- {
- public:
- void encrypt_n(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t blocks) const;
- void decrypt_n(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t blocks) const;
- void clear() { SK.clear(); }
- std::string name() const { return "Camellia-192"; }
- BlockCipher* clone() const { return new Camellia_192; }
- private:
- void key_schedule(const byte key[], size_t length);
- SecureVector<u64bit> SK;
- };
-* Camellia-256
-class BOTAN_DLL Camellia_256 : public Block_Cipher_Fixed_Params<16, 32>
- {
- public:
- void encrypt_n(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t blocks) const;
- void decrypt_n(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t blocks) const;
- void clear() { SK.clear(); }
- std::string name() const { return "Camellia-256"; }
- BlockCipher* clone() const { return new Camellia_256; }
- private:
- void key_schedule(const byte key[], size_t length);
- SecureVector<u64bit> SK;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* MD4
-class BOTAN_DLL MD4 : public MDx_HashFunction
- {
- public:
- std::string name() const { return "MD4"; }
- size_t output_length() const { return 16; }
- HashFunction* clone() const { return new MD4; }
- void clear();
- MD4() : MDx_HashFunction(64, false, true), M(16), digest(4)
- { clear(); }
- protected:
- void compress_n(const byte input[], size_t blocks);
- void copy_out(byte[]);
- /**
- * The message buffer, exposed for use by subclasses (x86 asm)
- */
- SecureVector<u32bit> M;
- /**
- * The digest value, exposed for use by subclasses (x86 asm)
- */
- SecureVector<u32bit> digest;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* Turing
-class BOTAN_DLL Turing : public StreamCipher
- {
- public:
- void cipher(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t length);
- void set_iv(const byte iv[], size_t iv_length);
- bool valid_iv_length(size_t iv_len) const
- { return (iv_len % 4 == 0 && iv_len <= 16); }
- Key_Length_Specification key_spec() const
- {
- return Key_Length_Specification(4, 32, 4);
- }
- void clear();
- std::string name() const { return "Turing"; }
- StreamCipher* clone() const { return new Turing; }
- Turing() : S0(256), S1(256), S2(256), S3(256),
- R(17), buffer(340), position(0) {}
- private:
- void key_schedule(const byte[], size_t);
- void generate();
- static u32bit fixedS(u32bit);
- static const u32bit Q_BOX[256];
- static const byte SBOX[256];
- SecureVector<u32bit> S0, S1, S2, S3;
- SecureVector<u32bit> R;
- SecureVector<u32bit> K;
- SecureVector<byte> buffer;
- size_t position;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* SRP6a Client side
-* @param username the username we are attempting login for
-* @param password the password we are attempting to use
-* @param group_id specifies the shared SRP group
-* @param hash_id specifies a secure hash function
-* @param salt is the salt value sent by the server
-* @param B is the server's public value
-* @param rng is a random number generator
-* @return (A,K) the client public key and the shared secret key
-BOTAN_DLL srp6_client_agree(const std::string& username,
- const std::string& password,
- const std::string& group_id,
- const std::string& hash_id,
- const MemoryRegion<byte>& salt,
- const BigInt& B,
- RandomNumberGenerator& rng);
-* Generate a new SRP-6 verifier
-* @param identifier a username or other client identifier
-* @param password the secret used to authenticate user
-* @param salt a randomly chosen value, at least 128 bits long
-BigInt BOTAN_DLL generate_srp6_verifier(const std::string& identifier,
- const std::string& password,
- const MemoryRegion<byte>& salt,
- const std::string& group_id,
- const std::string& hash_id);
-* Return the group id for this SRP param set, or else thrown an
-* exception
-std::string BOTAN_DLL srp6_group_identifier(const BigInt& N, const BigInt& g);
-* Represents a SRP-6a server session
-class BOTAN_DLL SRP6_Server_Session
- {
- public:
- /**
- * Server side step 1
- * @param v the verification value saved from client registration
- */
- BigInt step1(const BigInt& v,
- const std::string& group_id,
- const std::string& hash_id,
- RandomNumberGenerator& rng);
- SymmetricKey step2(const BigInt& A);
- private:
- std::string hash_id;
- BigInt B, b, v, S, p;
- size_t p_bytes;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-class BOTAN_DLL SAFER_SK : public Block_Cipher_Fixed_Params<8, 16>
- {
- public:
- void encrypt_n(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t blocks) const;
- void decrypt_n(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t blocks) const;
- void clear() { zeroise(EK); }
- std::string name() const;
- BlockCipher* clone() const;
- /**
- * @param rounds the number of rounds to use - must be between 1
- * and 13
- */
- SAFER_SK(size_t rounds);
- private:
- size_t get_rounds() const { return (EK.size() - 8) / 16; }
- void key_schedule(const byte[], size_t);
- SecureVector<byte> EK;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* CAST-128
-class BOTAN_DLL CAST_128 : public Block_Cipher_Fixed_Params<8, 11, 16>
- {
- public:
- void encrypt_n(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t blocks) const;
- void decrypt_n(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t blocks) const;
- void clear() { zeroise(MK); zeroise(RK); }
- std::string name() const { return "CAST-128"; }
- BlockCipher* clone() const { return new CAST_128; }
- CAST_128() : MK(16), RK(16) {}
- private:
- void key_schedule(const byte[], size_t);
- static void cast_ks(MemoryRegion<u32bit>& ks,
- MemoryRegion<u32bit>& user_key);
- static const u32bit S5[256];
- static const u32bit S6[256];
- static const u32bit S7[256];
- static const u32bit S8[256];
- SecureVector<u32bit> MK, RK;
- };
-extern const u32bit CAST_SBOX1[256];
-extern const u32bit CAST_SBOX2[256];
-extern const u32bit CAST_SBOX3[256];
-extern const u32bit CAST_SBOX4[256];
-namespace Botan {
-* PKCS #5 v2.0 PBE
-class BOTAN_DLL PBE_PKCS5v20 : public PBE
- {
- public:
- /**
- * @param cipher names a block cipher
- * @return true iff PKCS #5 knows how to use this cipher
- */
- static bool known_cipher(const std::string& cipher);
- std::string name() const;
- void write(const byte[], size_t);
- void start_msg();
- void end_msg();
- /**
- * Load a PKCS #5 v2.0 encrypted stream
- * @param input is the input source
- */
- PBE_PKCS5v20(DataSource& input);
- /**
- * @param cipher the block cipher to use
- * @param hash the hash function to use
- */
- PBE_PKCS5v20(BlockCipher* cipher, HashFunction* hash);
- ~PBE_PKCS5v20();
- private:
- void set_key(const std::string&);
- void new_params(RandomNumberGenerator& rng);
- MemoryVector<byte> encode_params() const;
- void decode_params(DataSource&);
- OID get_oid() const;
- void flush_pipe(bool);
- Cipher_Dir direction;
- BlockCipher* block_cipher;
- HashFunction* hash_function;
- SecureVector<byte> salt, key, iv;
- size_t iterations, key_length;
- Pipe pipe;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* Algorithm benchmark
-* @param name the name of the algorithm to test (cipher, hash, or MAC)
-* @param af the algorithm factory used to create objects
-* @param rng the rng to use to generate random inputs
-* @param milliseconds total time for the benchmark to run
-* @param buf_size size of buffer to benchmark against, in KiB
-* @return results a map from provider to speed in mebibytes per second
-std::map<std::string, double>
-BOTAN_DLL algorithm_benchmark(const std::string& name,
- Algorithm_Factory& af,
- RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
- u32bit milliseconds,
- size_t buf_size);
-namespace Botan {
-class BOTAN_DLL CBC_MAC : public MessageAuthenticationCode
- {
- public:
- std::string name() const;
- MessageAuthenticationCode* clone() const;
- size_t output_length() const { return e->block_size(); }
- void clear();
- Key_Length_Specification key_spec() const
- {
- return e->key_spec();
- }
- /**
- * @param cipher the underlying block cipher to use
- */
- CBC_MAC(BlockCipher* cipher);
- ~CBC_MAC();
- private:
- void add_data(const byte[], size_t);
- void final_result(byte[]);
- void key_schedule(const byte[], size_t);
- BlockCipher* e;
- SecureVector<byte> state;
- size_t position;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* MARS, IBM's candidate for AES
-class BOTAN_DLL MARS : public Block_Cipher_Fixed_Params<16, 16, 32, 4>
- {
- public:
- void encrypt_n(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t blocks) const;
- void decrypt_n(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t blocks) const;
- void clear() { zeroise(EK); }
- std::string name() const { return "MARS"; }
- BlockCipher* clone() const { return new MARS; }
- MARS() : EK(40) {}
- private:
- void key_schedule(const byte[], size_t);
- SecureVector<u32bit> EK;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-class BOTAN_DLL PKCS5_PBKDF2 : public PBKDF
- {
- public:
- std::string name() const
- {
- return "PBKDF2(" + mac->name() + ")";
- }
- PBKDF* clone() const
- {
- return new PKCS5_PBKDF2(mac->clone());
- }
- OctetString derive_key(size_t output_len,
- const std::string& passphrase,
- const byte salt[], size_t salt_len,
- size_t iterations) const;
- /**
- * Create a PKCS #5 instance using the specified message auth code
- * @param mac_fn the MAC to use
- */
- PKCS5_PBKDF2(MessageAuthenticationCode* mac_fn) : mac(mac_fn) {}
- /**
- * Destructor
- */
- ~PKCS5_PBKDF2() { delete mac; }
- private:
- MessageAuthenticationCode* mac;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-class Algorithm_Factory;
-* Encrypt a key under a key encryption key using the algorithm
-* described in RFC 3394
-* @param key the plaintext key to encrypt
-* @param kek the key encryption key
-* @param af an algorithm factory
-* @return key encrypted under kek
-SecureVector<byte> BOTAN_DLL rfc3394_keywrap(const MemoryRegion<byte>& key,
- const SymmetricKey& kek,
- Algorithm_Factory& af);
-* Decrypt a key under a key encryption key using the algorithm
-* described in RFC 3394
-* @param key the encrypted key to decrypt
-* @param kek the key encryption key
-* @param af an algorithm factory
-* @return key decrypted under kek
-SecureVector<byte> BOTAN_DLL rfc3394_keyunwrap(const MemoryRegion<byte>& key,
- const SymmetricKey& kek,
- Algorithm_Factory& af);
-namespace Botan {
-* DLIES Encryption
-class BOTAN_DLL DLIES_Encryptor : public PK_Encryptor
- {
- public:
- DLIES_Encryptor(const PK_Key_Agreement_Key&,
- KDF* kdf,
- MessageAuthenticationCode* mac,
- size_t mac_key_len = 20);
- ~DLIES_Encryptor();
- void set_other_key(const MemoryRegion<byte>&);
- private:
- SecureVector<byte> enc(const byte[], size_t,
- RandomNumberGenerator&) const;
- size_t maximum_input_size() const;
- SecureVector<byte> other_key, my_key;
- PK_Key_Agreement ka;
- KDF* kdf;
- MessageAuthenticationCode* mac;
- size_t mac_keylen;
- };
-* DLIES Decryption
-class BOTAN_DLL DLIES_Decryptor : public PK_Decryptor
- {
- public:
- DLIES_Decryptor(const PK_Key_Agreement_Key&,
- KDF* kdf,
- MessageAuthenticationCode* mac,
- size_t mac_key_len = 20);
- ~DLIES_Decryptor();
- private:
- SecureVector<byte> dec(const byte[], size_t) const;
- SecureVector<byte> my_key;
- PK_Key_Agreement ka;
- KDF* kdf;
- MessageAuthenticationCode* mac;
- size_t mac_keylen;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* Output Feedback Mode
-class BOTAN_DLL OFB : public StreamCipher
- {
- public:
- void cipher(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t length);
- void set_iv(const byte iv[], size_t iv_len);
- bool valid_iv_length(size_t iv_len) const
- { return (iv_len <= permutation->block_size()); }
- Key_Length_Specification key_spec() const
- {
- return permutation->key_spec();
- }
- std::string name() const;
- OFB* clone() const
- { return new OFB(permutation->clone()); }
- void clear();
- /**
- * @param cipher the underlying block cipher to use
- */
- OFB(BlockCipher* cipher);
- ~OFB();
- private:
- void key_schedule(const byte key[], size_t key_len);
- BlockCipher* permutation;
- SecureVector<byte> buffer;
- size_t position;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* Blowfish
-class BOTAN_DLL Blowfish : public Block_Cipher_Fixed_Params<8, 1, 56>
- {
- public:
- void encrypt_n(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t blocks) const;
- void decrypt_n(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t blocks) const;
- /**
- * Modified EKSBlowfish key schedule, used for bcrypt password hashing
- */
- void eks_key_schedule(const byte key[], size_t key_length,
- const byte salt[16], size_t workfactor);
- void clear();
- std::string name() const { return "Blowfish"; }
- BlockCipher* clone() const { return new Blowfish; }
- Blowfish() : S(1024), P(18) {}
- private:
- void key_schedule(const byte key[], size_t length);
- void key_expansion(const byte key[],
- size_t key_length,
- const byte salt[16]);
- void generate_sbox(MemoryRegion<u32bit>& box,
- u32bit& L, u32bit& R,
- const byte salt[16],
- size_t salt_off) const;
- static const u32bit P_INIT[18];
- static const u32bit S_INIT[1024];
- SecureVector<u32bit> S;
- SecureVector<u32bit> P;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* The Adler32 checksum, used in zlib
-class BOTAN_DLL Adler32 : public HashFunction
- {
- public:
- std::string name() const { return "Adler32"; }
- size_t output_length() const { return 4; }
- HashFunction* clone() const { return new Adler32; }
- void clear() { S1 = 1; S2 = 0; }
- Adler32() { clear(); }
- ~Adler32() { clear(); }
- private:
- void add_data(const byte[], size_t);
- void final_result(byte[]);
- u16bit S1, S2;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* Parallel Hashes
-class BOTAN_DLL Parallel : public HashFunction
- {
- public:
- void clear();
- std::string name() const;
- HashFunction* clone() const;
- size_t output_length() const;
- /**
- * @param hashes a set of hashes to compute in parallel
- */
- Parallel(const std::vector<HashFunction*>& hashes);
- ~Parallel();
- private:
- void add_data(const byte[], size_t);
- void final_result(byte[]);
- std::vector<HashFunction*> hashes;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* RC5
-class BOTAN_DLL RC5 : public Block_Cipher_Fixed_Params<8, 1, 32>
- {
- public:
- void encrypt_n(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t blocks) const;
- void decrypt_n(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t blocks) const;
- void clear() { zeroise(S); }
- std::string name() const;
- BlockCipher* clone() const { return new RC5(get_rounds()); }
- /**
- * @param rounds the number of RC5 rounds to run. Must be between
- * 8 and 32 and a multiple of 4.
- */
- RC5(size_t rounds);
- private:
- size_t get_rounds() const { return (S.size() - 2) / 2; }
- void key_schedule(const byte[], size_t);
- SecureVector<u32bit> S;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* Run a set of self tests on some basic algorithms like AES and SHA-1
-* @param af an algorithm factory
-* @throws Self_Test_Error if a failure occured
-BOTAN_DLL void confirm_startup_self_tests(Algorithm_Factory& af);
-* Run a set of self tests on some basic algorithms like AES and SHA-1
-* @param af an algorithm factory
-* @returns false if a failure occured, otherwise true
-BOTAN_DLL bool passes_self_tests(Algorithm_Factory& af);
-* Run a set of algorithm KATs (known answer tests)
-* @param algo_name the algorithm we are testing
-* @param vars a set of input variables for this test, all
- hex encoded. Keys used: "input", "output", "key", and "iv"
-* @param af an algorithm factory
-* @returns map from provider name to test result for that provider
-BOTAN_DLL std::map<std::string, bool>
-algorithm_kat(const SCAN_Name& algo_name,
- const std::map<std::string, std::string>& vars,
- Algorithm_Factory& af);
-namespace Botan {
-* Noekeon implementation using SIMD operations
-class BOTAN_DLL Noekeon_SIMD : public Noekeon
- {
- public:
- size_t parallelism() const { return 4; }
- void encrypt_n(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t blocks) const;
- void decrypt_n(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t blocks) const;
- BlockCipher* clone() const { return new Noekeon_SIMD; }
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* PKCS #5 v1.5 PBE
-class BOTAN_DLL PBE_PKCS5v15 : public PBE
- {
- public:
- std::string name() const;
- void write(const byte[], size_t);
- void start_msg();
- void end_msg();
- /**
- * @param cipher the block cipher to use (DES or RC2)
- * @param hash the hash function to use
- * @param direction are we encrypting or decrypting
- */
- PBE_PKCS5v15(BlockCipher* cipher,
- HashFunction* hash,
- Cipher_Dir direction);
- ~PBE_PKCS5v15();
- private:
- void set_key(const std::string&);
- void new_params(RandomNumberGenerator& rng);
- MemoryVector<byte> encode_params() const;
- void decode_params(DataSource&);
- OID get_oid() const;
- void flush_pipe(bool);
- Cipher_Dir direction;
- BlockCipher* block_cipher;
- HashFunction* hash_function;
- SecureVector<byte> salt, key, iv;
- size_t iterations;
- Pipe pipe;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* CTR-BE (Counter mode, big-endian)
-class BOTAN_DLL CTR_BE : public StreamCipher
- {
- public:
- void cipher(const byte in[], byte out[], size_t length);
- void set_iv(const byte iv[], size_t iv_len);
- bool valid_iv_length(size_t iv_len) const
- { return (iv_len <= permutation->block_size()); }
- Key_Length_Specification key_spec() const
- {
- return permutation->key_spec();
- }
- std::string name() const;
- CTR_BE* clone() const
- { return new CTR_BE(permutation->clone()); }
- void clear();
- /**
- * @param cipher the underlying block cipher to use
- */
- CTR_BE(BlockCipher* cipher);
- ~CTR_BE();
- private:
- void key_schedule(const byte key[], size_t key_len);
- void increment_counter();
- BlockCipher* permutation;
- SecureVector<byte> counter, buffer;
- size_t position;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* Randpool
-class BOTAN_DLL Randpool : public RandomNumberGenerator
- {
- public:
- void randomize(byte[], size_t);
- bool is_seeded() const { return seeded; }
- void clear();
- std::string name() const;
- void reseed(size_t bits_to_collect);
- void add_entropy_source(EntropySource* es);
- void add_entropy(const byte input[], size_t length);
- /**
- * @param cipher a block cipher to use
- * @param mac a message authentication code to use
- * @param pool_blocks how many cipher blocks to use for the pool
- * @param iterations_before_reseed how many times we'll use the
- * internal state to generate output before reseeding
- */
- Randpool(BlockCipher* cipher,
- MessageAuthenticationCode* mac,
- size_t pool_blocks = 32,
- size_t iterations_before_reseed = 128);
- ~Randpool();
- private:
- void update_buffer();
- void mix_pool();
- BlockCipher* cipher;
- MessageAuthenticationCode* mac;
- std::vector<EntropySource*> entropy_sources;
- SecureVector<byte> pool, buffer, counter;
- bool seeded;
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* PRF used in SSLv3
-class BOTAN_DLL SSL3_PRF : public KDF
- {
- public:
- SecureVector<byte> derive(size_t, const byte[], size_t,
- const byte[], size_t) const;
- std::string name() const { return "SSL3-PRF"; }
- KDF* clone() const { return new SSL3_PRF; }
- };
-namespace Botan {
-* DES/3DES-based MAC from ANSI X9.19
-class BOTAN_DLL ANSI_X919_MAC : public MessageAuthenticationCode
- {
- public:
- void clear();
- std::string name() const;
- size_t output_length() const { return e->block_size(); }
- MessageAuthenticationCode* clone() const;
- Key_Length_Specification key_spec() const
- {
- return Key_Length_Specification(8, 16, 8);
- }
- /**
- * @param cipher the underlying block cipher to use
- */
- ANSI_X919_MAC(BlockCipher* cipher);
- ~ANSI_X919_MAC();
- private:
- void add_data(const byte[], size_t);
- void final_result(byte[]);
- void key_schedule(const byte[], size_t);
- BlockCipher* e;
- BlockCipher* d;
- SecureVector<byte> state;
- size_t position;
- };