path: root/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/asn1/der_enc.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/asn1/der_enc.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 221 deletions
diff --git a/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/asn1/der_enc.h b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/asn1/der_enc.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 135a70d074..0000000000
--- a/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/asn1/der_enc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
-* DER Encoder
-* (C) 1999-2007,2018 Jack Lloyd
-* Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt)
-#include <botan/asn1_obj.h>
-#include <vector>
-#include <functional>
-namespace Botan {
-class BigInt;
-class ASN1_Object;
-* General DER Encoding Object
-class BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) DER_Encoder final
- {
- public:
- typedef std::function<void (const uint8_t[], size_t)> append_fn;
- /**
- * DER encode, writing to an internal buffer
- * Use get_contents or get_contents_unlocked to read the results
- * after all encoding is completed.
- */
- DER_Encoder() = default;
- /**
- * DER encode, writing to @param vec
- * If this constructor is used, get_contents* may not be called.
- */
- DER_Encoder(secure_vector<uint8_t>& vec);
- /**
- * DER encode, writing to @param vec
- * If this constructor is used, get_contents* may not be called.
- */
- DER_Encoder(std::vector<uint8_t>& vec);
- /**
- * DER encode, calling append to write output
- * If this constructor is used, get_contents* may not be called.
- */
- DER_Encoder(append_fn append) : m_append_output(append) {}
- secure_vector<uint8_t> get_contents();
- std::vector<uint8_t> get_contents_unlocked();
- DER_Encoder& start_cons(ASN1_Tag type_tag,
- ASN1_Tag class_tag = UNIVERSAL);
- DER_Encoder& end_cons();
- DER_Encoder& start_explicit(uint16_t type_tag);
- DER_Encoder& end_explicit();
- /**
- * Insert raw bytes directly into the output stream
- */
- DER_Encoder& raw_bytes(const uint8_t val[], size_t len);
- template<typename Alloc>
- DER_Encoder& raw_bytes(const std::vector<uint8_t, Alloc>& val)
- {
- return raw_bytes(val.data(), val.size());
- }
- DER_Encoder& encode_null();
- DER_Encoder& encode(bool b);
- DER_Encoder& encode(size_t s);
- DER_Encoder& encode(const BigInt& n);
- DER_Encoder& encode(const uint8_t val[], size_t len, ASN1_Tag real_type);
- template<typename Alloc>
- DER_Encoder& encode(const std::vector<uint8_t, Alloc>& vec, ASN1_Tag real_type)
- {
- return encode(vec.data(), vec.size(), real_type);
- }
- DER_Encoder& encode(bool b,
- ASN1_Tag type_tag,
- ASN1_Tag class_tag = CONTEXT_SPECIFIC);
- DER_Encoder& encode(size_t s,
- ASN1_Tag type_tag,
- ASN1_Tag class_tag = CONTEXT_SPECIFIC);
- DER_Encoder& encode(const BigInt& n,
- ASN1_Tag type_tag,
- ASN1_Tag class_tag = CONTEXT_SPECIFIC);
- DER_Encoder& encode(const uint8_t v[], size_t len,
- ASN1_Tag real_type,
- ASN1_Tag type_tag,
- ASN1_Tag class_tag = CONTEXT_SPECIFIC);
- template<typename Alloc>
- DER_Encoder& encode(const std::vector<uint8_t, Alloc>& bytes,
- ASN1_Tag real_type,
- ASN1_Tag type_tag, ASN1_Tag class_tag)
- {
- return encode(bytes.data(), bytes.size(),
- real_type, type_tag, class_tag);
- }
- template<typename T>
- DER_Encoder& encode_optional(const T& value, const T& default_value)
- {
- if(value != default_value)
- encode(value);
- return (*this);
- }
- template<typename T>
- DER_Encoder& encode_list(const std::vector<T>& values)
- {
- for(size_t i = 0; i != values.size(); ++i)
- encode(values[i]);
- return (*this);
- }
- /*
- * Request for an object to encode itself to this stream
- */
- DER_Encoder& encode(const ASN1_Object& obj);
- /*
- * Conditionally write some values to the stream
- */
- DER_Encoder& encode_if(bool pred, DER_Encoder& enc)
- {
- if(pred)
- return raw_bytes(enc.get_contents());
- return (*this);
- }
- DER_Encoder& encode_if(bool pred, const ASN1_Object& obj)
- {
- if(pred)
- encode(obj);
- return (*this);
- }
- DER_Encoder& add_object(ASN1_Tag type_tag, ASN1_Tag class_tag,
- const uint8_t rep[], size_t length);
- DER_Encoder& add_object(ASN1_Tag type_tag, ASN1_Tag class_tag,
- const std::vector<uint8_t>& rep)
- {
- return add_object(type_tag, class_tag, rep.data(), rep.size());
- }
- DER_Encoder& add_object(ASN1_Tag type_tag, ASN1_Tag class_tag,
- const secure_vector<uint8_t>& rep)
- {
- return add_object(type_tag, class_tag, rep.data(), rep.size());
- }
- DER_Encoder& add_object(ASN1_Tag type_tag, ASN1_Tag class_tag,
- const std::string& str);
- DER_Encoder& add_object(ASN1_Tag type_tag, ASN1_Tag class_tag,
- uint8_t val);
- private:
- class DER_Sequence final
- {
- public:
- ASN1_Tag tag_of() const;
- void push_contents(DER_Encoder& der);
- void add_bytes(const uint8_t val[], size_t len);
- void add_bytes(const uint8_t hdr[], size_t hdr_len,
- const uint8_t val[], size_t val_len);
- DER_Sequence(ASN1_Tag, ASN1_Tag);
- DER_Sequence(DER_Sequence&& seq)
- {
- std::swap(m_type_tag, seq.m_type_tag);
- std::swap(m_class_tag, seq.m_class_tag);
- std::swap(m_contents, seq.m_contents);
- std::swap(m_set_contents, seq.m_set_contents);
- }
- DER_Sequence& operator=(DER_Sequence&& seq)
- {
- std::swap(m_type_tag, seq.m_type_tag);
- std::swap(m_class_tag, seq.m_class_tag);
- std::swap(m_contents, seq.m_contents);
- std::swap(m_set_contents, seq.m_set_contents);
- return (*this);
- }
- DER_Sequence(const DER_Sequence& seq) = default;
- DER_Sequence& operator=(const DER_Sequence& seq) = default;
- private:
- ASN1_Tag m_type_tag, m_class_tag;
- secure_vector<uint8_t> m_contents;
- std::vector< secure_vector<uint8_t> > m_set_contents;
- };
- append_fn m_append_output;
- secure_vector<uint8_t> m_default_outbuf;
- std::vector<DER_Sequence> m_subsequences;
- };