path: root/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math')
42 files changed, 13832 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/bigint/big_code.cpp b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/bigint/big_code.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c428199659
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/bigint/big_code.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+* BigInt Encoding/Decoding
+* (C) 1999-2010,2012 Jack Lloyd
+* Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt)
+#include <botan/bigint.h>
+#include <botan/divide.h>
+#include <botan/charset.h>
+#include <botan/hex.h>
+namespace Botan {
+* Encode a BigInt
+void BigInt::encode(uint8_t output[], const BigInt& n, Base base)
+ {
+ if(base == Binary)
+ {
+ n.binary_encode(output);
+ }
+ else if(base == Hexadecimal)
+ {
+ secure_vector<uint8_t> binary(n.encoded_size(Binary));
+ n.binary_encode(binary.data());
+ hex_encode(cast_uint8_ptr_to_char(output),
+ binary.data(), binary.size());
+ }
+ else if(base == Decimal)
+ {
+ BigInt copy = n;
+ BigInt remainder;
+ copy.set_sign(Positive);
+ const size_t output_size = n.encoded_size(Decimal);
+ for(size_t j = 0; j != output_size; ++j)
+ {
+ divide(copy, 10, copy, remainder);
+ output[output_size - 1 - j] =
+ Charset::digit2char(static_cast<uint8_t>(remainder.word_at(0)));
+ if(copy.is_zero())
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ throw Invalid_Argument("Unknown BigInt encoding method");
+ }
+* Encode a BigInt
+std::vector<uint8_t> BigInt::encode(const BigInt& n, Base base)
+ {
+ std::vector<uint8_t> output(n.encoded_size(base));
+ encode(output.data(), n, base);
+ if(base != Binary)
+ for(size_t j = 0; j != output.size(); ++j)
+ if(output[j] == 0)
+ output[j] = '0';
+ return output;
+ }
+* Encode a BigInt
+secure_vector<uint8_t> BigInt::encode_locked(const BigInt& n, Base base)
+ {
+ secure_vector<uint8_t> output(n.encoded_size(base));
+ encode(output.data(), n, base);
+ if(base != Binary)
+ for(size_t j = 0; j != output.size(); ++j)
+ if(output[j] == 0)
+ output[j] = '0';
+ return output;
+ }
+* Encode a BigInt, with leading 0s if needed
+secure_vector<uint8_t> BigInt::encode_1363(const BigInt& n, size_t bytes)
+ {
+ secure_vector<uint8_t> output(bytes);
+ BigInt::encode_1363(output.data(), output.size(), n);
+ return output;
+ }
+void BigInt::encode_1363(uint8_t output[], size_t bytes, const BigInt& n)
+ {
+ const size_t n_bytes = n.bytes();
+ if(n_bytes > bytes)
+ throw Encoding_Error("encode_1363: n is too large to encode properly");
+ const size_t leading_0s = bytes - n_bytes;
+ encode(&output[leading_0s], n, Binary);
+ }
+* Encode two BigInt, with leading 0s if needed, and concatenate
+secure_vector<uint8_t> BigInt::encode_fixed_length_int_pair(const BigInt& n1, const BigInt& n2, size_t bytes)
+ {
+ secure_vector<uint8_t> output(2 * bytes);
+ BigInt::encode_1363(output.data(), bytes, n1);
+ BigInt::encode_1363(output.data() + bytes, bytes, n2);
+ return output;
+ }
+* Decode a BigInt
+BigInt BigInt::decode(const uint8_t buf[], size_t length, Base base)
+ {
+ BigInt r;
+ if(base == Binary)
+ r.binary_decode(buf, length);
+ else if(base == Hexadecimal)
+ {
+ secure_vector<uint8_t> binary;
+ if(length % 2)
+ {
+ // Handle lack of leading 0
+ const char buf0_with_leading_0[2] =
+ { '0', static_cast<char>(buf[0]) };
+ binary = hex_decode_locked(buf0_with_leading_0, 2);
+ binary += hex_decode_locked(cast_uint8_ptr_to_char(&buf[1]),
+ length - 1,
+ false);
+ }
+ else
+ binary = hex_decode_locked(cast_uint8_ptr_to_char(buf),
+ length, false);
+ r.binary_decode(binary.data(), binary.size());
+ }
+ else if(base == Decimal)
+ {
+ for(size_t i = 0; i != length; ++i)
+ {
+ if(Charset::is_space(buf[i]))
+ continue;
+ if(!Charset::is_digit(buf[i]))
+ throw Invalid_Argument("BigInt::decode: "
+ "Invalid character in decimal input");
+ const uint8_t x = Charset::char2digit(buf[i]);
+ if(x >= 10)
+ throw Invalid_Argument("BigInt: Invalid decimal string");
+ r *= 10;
+ r += x;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ throw Invalid_Argument("Unknown BigInt decoding method");
+ return r;
+ }
diff --git a/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/bigint/big_io.cpp b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/bigint/big_io.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..803e1cc4ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/bigint/big_io.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+* BigInt Input/Output
+* (C) 1999-2007 Jack Lloyd
+* Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt)
+#include <botan/bigint.h>
+#include <istream>
+#include <ostream>
+namespace Botan {
+* Write the BigInt into a stream
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const BigInt& n)
+ {
+ BigInt::Base base = BigInt::Decimal;
+ if(stream.flags() & std::ios::hex)
+ base = BigInt::Hexadecimal;
+ else if(stream.flags() & std::ios::oct)
+ throw Exception("Octal output of BigInt not supported");
+ if(n == 0)
+ stream.write("0", 1);
+ else
+ {
+ if(n < 0)
+ stream.write("-", 1);
+ const std::vector<uint8_t> buffer = BigInt::encode(n, base);
+ size_t skip = 0;
+ while(skip < buffer.size() && buffer[skip] == '0')
+ ++skip;
+ stream.write(cast_uint8_ptr_to_char(buffer.data()) + skip,
+ buffer.size() - skip);
+ }
+ if(!stream.good())
+ throw Stream_IO_Error("BigInt output operator has failed");
+ return stream;
+ }
+* Read the BigInt from a stream
+std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& stream, BigInt& n)
+ {
+ std::string str;
+ std::getline(stream, str);
+ if(stream.bad() || (stream.fail() && !stream.eof()))
+ throw Stream_IO_Error("BigInt input operator has failed");
+ n = BigInt(str);
+ return stream;
+ }
diff --git a/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/bigint/big_ops2.cpp b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/bigint/big_ops2.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bd107f33ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/bigint/big_ops2.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,382 @@
+* (C) 1999-2007,2018 Jack Lloyd
+* 2016 Matthias Gierlings
+* Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt)
+#include <botan/bigint.h>
+#include <botan/internal/mp_core.h>
+#include <botan/internal/bit_ops.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+namespace Botan {
+BigInt& BigInt::add(const word y[], size_t y_sw, Sign y_sign)
+ {
+ const size_t x_sw = sig_words();
+ if(sign() == y_sign)
+ {
+ const size_t reg_size = std::max(x_sw, y_sw) + 1;
+ if(m_reg.size() < reg_size)
+ grow_to(reg_size);
+ bigint_add2(mutable_data(), reg_size - 1, y, y_sw);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const int32_t relative_size = bigint_cmp(data(), x_sw, y, y_sw);
+ if(relative_size < 0)
+ {
+ const size_t reg_size = std::max(x_sw, y_sw);
+ grow_to(reg_size);
+ bigint_sub2_rev(mutable_data(), y, y_sw);
+ set_sign(y_sign);
+ }
+ else if(relative_size == 0)
+ {
+ zeroise(m_reg);
+ set_sign(Positive);
+ }
+ else if(relative_size > 0)
+ {
+ bigint_sub2(mutable_data(), x_sw, y, y_sw);
+ }
+ }
+ return (*this);
+ }
+BigInt& BigInt::operator+=(const BigInt& y)
+ {
+ return add(y.data(), y.sig_words(), y.sign());
+ }
+BigInt& BigInt::operator+=(word y)
+ {
+ return add(&y, 1, Positive);
+ }
+BigInt& BigInt::sub(const word y[], size_t y_sw, Sign y_sign)
+ {
+ const size_t x_sw = sig_words();
+ int32_t relative_size = bigint_cmp(data(), x_sw, y, y_sw);
+ const size_t reg_size = std::max(x_sw, y_sw) + 1;
+ grow_to(reg_size);
+ if(relative_size < 0)
+ {
+ if(sign() == y_sign)
+ bigint_sub2_rev(mutable_data(), y, y_sw);
+ else
+ bigint_add2(mutable_data(), reg_size - 1, y, y_sw);
+ set_sign(y_sign == Positive ? Negative : Positive);
+ }
+ else if(relative_size == 0)
+ {
+ if(sign() == y_sign)
+ {
+ clear();
+ set_sign(Positive);
+ }
+ else
+ bigint_shl1(mutable_data(), x_sw, 0, 1);
+ }
+ else if(relative_size > 0)
+ {
+ if(sign() == y_sign)
+ bigint_sub2(mutable_data(), x_sw, y, y_sw);
+ else
+ bigint_add2(mutable_data(), reg_size - 1, y, y_sw);
+ }
+ return (*this);
+ }
+BigInt& BigInt::operator-=(const BigInt& y)
+ {
+ return sub(y.data(), y.sig_words(), y.sign());
+ }
+BigInt& BigInt::operator-=(word y)
+ {
+ return sub(&y, 1, Positive);
+ }
+BigInt& BigInt::mod_add(const BigInt& s, const BigInt& mod, secure_vector<word>& ws)
+ {
+ if(this->is_negative() || s.is_negative() || mod.is_negative())
+ throw Invalid_Argument("BigInt::mod_add expects all arguments are positive");
+ // TODO add optimized version of this
+ *this += s;
+ this->reduce_below(mod, ws);
+ return (*this);
+ }
+BigInt& BigInt::mod_sub(const BigInt& s, const BigInt& mod, secure_vector<word>& ws)
+ {
+ if(this->is_negative() || s.is_negative() || mod.is_negative())
+ throw Invalid_Argument("BigInt::mod_sub expects all arguments are positive");
+ const size_t t_sw = sig_words();
+ const size_t s_sw = s.sig_words();
+ const size_t mod_sw = mod.sig_words();
+ if(t_sw > mod_sw || s_sw > mod_sw)
+ throw Invalid_Argument("BigInt::mod_sub args larger than modulus");
+ BOTAN_DEBUG_ASSERT(*this < mod);
+ int32_t relative_size = bigint_cmp(data(), t_sw, s.data(), s_sw);
+ if(relative_size >= 0)
+ {
+ // this >= s in which case just subtract
+ bigint_sub2(mutable_data(), t_sw, s.data(), s_sw);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Otherwise we must sub s and then add p (or add (p - s) as here)
+ if(ws.size() < mod_sw)
+ ws.resize(mod_sw);
+ word borrow = bigint_sub3(ws.data(), mod.data(), mod_sw, s.data(), s_sw);
+ BOTAN_ASSERT_NOMSG(borrow == 0);
+ if(m_reg.size() < mod_sw)
+ grow_to(mod_sw);
+ word carry = bigint_add2_nc(mutable_data(), m_reg.size(), ws.data(), mod_sw);
+ BOTAN_ASSERT_NOMSG(carry == 0);
+ }
+ return (*this);
+ }
+BigInt& BigInt::rev_sub(const word y[], size_t y_sw, secure_vector<word>& ws)
+ {
+ /*
+ *this = BigInt(y, y_sw) - *this;
+ return *this;
+ */
+ if(this->sign() != BigInt::Positive)
+ throw Invalid_State("BigInt::sub_rev requires this is positive");
+ const size_t x_sw = this->sig_words();
+ const int32_t relative_size = bigint_cmp(y, y_sw, this->data(), x_sw);
+ ws.resize(std::max(y_sw, x_sw) + 1);
+ clear_mem(ws.data(), ws.size());
+ if(relative_size < 0)
+ {
+ bigint_sub3(ws.data(), this->data(), x_sw, y, y_sw);
+ this->flip_sign();
+ }
+ else if(relative_size == 0)
+ {
+ ws.clear();
+ }
+ else if(relative_size > 0)
+ {
+ bigint_sub3(ws.data(), y, y_sw, this->data(), x_sw);
+ }
+ m_reg.swap(ws);
+ return (*this);
+ }
+* Multiplication Operator
+BigInt& BigInt::operator*=(const BigInt& y)
+ {
+ secure_vector<word> ws;
+ return this->mul(y, ws);
+ }
+BigInt& BigInt::mul(const BigInt& y, secure_vector<word>& ws)
+ {
+ const size_t x_sw = sig_words();
+ const size_t y_sw = y.sig_words();
+ set_sign((sign() == y.sign()) ? Positive : Negative);
+ if(x_sw == 0 || y_sw == 0)
+ {
+ clear();
+ set_sign(Positive);
+ }
+ else if(x_sw == 1 && y_sw)
+ {
+ grow_to(y_sw + 1);
+ bigint_linmul3(mutable_data(), y.data(), y_sw, word_at(0));
+ }
+ else if(y_sw == 1 && x_sw)
+ {
+ grow_to(x_sw + 1);
+ bigint_linmul2(mutable_data(), x_sw, y.word_at(0));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const size_t new_size = x_sw + y_sw + 1;
+ ws.resize(new_size);
+ secure_vector<word> z_reg(new_size);
+ bigint_mul(z_reg.data(), z_reg.size(),
+ data(), size(), x_sw,
+ y.data(), y.size(), y_sw,
+ ws.data(), ws.size());
+ z_reg.swap(m_reg);
+ }
+ return (*this);
+ }
+BigInt& BigInt::square(secure_vector<word>& ws)
+ {
+ const size_t sw = sig_words();
+ secure_vector<word> z(2*sw);
+ ws.resize(z.size());
+ bigint_sqr(z.data(), z.size(),
+ data(), size(), sw,
+ ws.data(), ws.size());
+ swap_reg(z);
+ set_sign(BigInt::Positive);
+ return (*this);
+ }
+BigInt& BigInt::operator*=(word y)
+ {
+ if(y == 0)
+ {
+ clear();
+ set_sign(Positive);
+ }
+ const size_t x_sw = sig_words();
+ if(size() < x_sw + 1)
+ grow_to(x_sw + 1);
+ bigint_linmul2(mutable_data(), x_sw, y);
+ return (*this);
+ }
+* Division Operator
+BigInt& BigInt::operator/=(const BigInt& y)
+ {
+ if(y.sig_words() == 1 && is_power_of_2(y.word_at(0)))
+ (*this) >>= (y.bits() - 1);
+ else
+ (*this) = (*this) / y;
+ return (*this);
+ }
+* Modulo Operator
+BigInt& BigInt::operator%=(const BigInt& mod)
+ {
+ return (*this = (*this) % mod);
+ }
+* Modulo Operator
+word BigInt::operator%=(word mod)
+ {
+ if(mod == 0)
+ throw BigInt::DivideByZero();
+ if(is_power_of_2(mod))
+ {
+ word result = (word_at(0) & (mod - 1));
+ clear();
+ grow_to(2);
+ m_reg[0] = result;
+ return result;
+ }
+ word remainder = 0;
+ for(size_t j = sig_words(); j > 0; --j)
+ remainder = bigint_modop(remainder, word_at(j-1), mod);
+ clear();
+ grow_to(2);
+ if(remainder && sign() == BigInt::Negative)
+ m_reg[0] = mod - remainder;
+ else
+ m_reg[0] = remainder;
+ set_sign(BigInt::Positive);
+ return word_at(0);
+ }
+* Left Shift Operator
+BigInt& BigInt::operator<<=(size_t shift)
+ {
+ if(shift)
+ {
+ const size_t shift_words = shift / BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS,
+ shift_bits = shift % BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS,
+ words = sig_words();
+ /*
+ * FIXME - if shift_words == 0 && the top shift_bits of the top word
+ * are zero then we know that no additional word is needed and can
+ * skip the allocation.
+ */
+ const size_t needed_size = words + shift_words + (shift_bits ? 1 : 0);
+ if(m_reg.size() < needed_size)
+ grow_to(needed_size);
+ bigint_shl1(mutable_data(), words, shift_words, shift_bits);
+ }
+ return (*this);
+ }
+* Right Shift Operator
+BigInt& BigInt::operator>>=(size_t shift)
+ {
+ if(shift)
+ {
+ const size_t shift_words = shift / BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS,
+ shift_bits = shift % BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS;
+ bigint_shr1(mutable_data(), sig_words(), shift_words, shift_bits);
+ if(is_zero())
+ set_sign(Positive);
+ }
+ return (*this);
+ }
diff --git a/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/bigint/big_ops3.cpp b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/bigint/big_ops3.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..492a69ad05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/bigint/big_ops3.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+* BigInt Binary Operators
+* (C) 1999-2007 Jack Lloyd
+* 2016 Matthias Gierlings
+* Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt)
+#include <botan/bigint.h>
+#include <botan/divide.h>
+#include <botan/internal/mp_core.h>
+#include <botan/internal/bit_ops.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+namespace Botan {
+namespace {
+BigInt bigint_add(const BigInt& x, const word y[], size_t y_sw, BigInt::Sign y_sign)
+ {
+ const size_t x_sw = x.sig_words();
+ BigInt z(x.sign(), std::max(x_sw, y_sw) + 1);
+ if(x.sign() == y_sign)
+ bigint_add3(z.mutable_data(), x.data(), x_sw, y, y_sw);
+ else
+ {
+ int32_t relative_size = bigint_cmp(x.data(), x_sw, y, y_sw);
+ if(relative_size < 0)
+ {
+ bigint_sub3(z.mutable_data(), y, y_sw, x.data(), x_sw);
+ z.set_sign(y_sign);
+ }
+ else if(relative_size == 0)
+ z.set_sign(BigInt::Positive);
+ else if(relative_size > 0)
+ bigint_sub3(z.mutable_data(), x.data(), x_sw, y, y_sw);
+ }
+ return z;
+ }
+BigInt bigint_sub(const BigInt& x, const word y[], size_t y_sw, BigInt::Sign y_sign)
+ {
+ const size_t x_sw = x.sig_words();
+ int32_t relative_size = bigint_cmp(x.data(), x_sw, y, y_sw);
+ BigInt z(BigInt::Positive, std::max(x_sw, y_sw) + 1);
+ if(relative_size < 0)
+ {
+ if(x.sign() == y_sign)
+ bigint_sub3(z.mutable_data(), y, y_sw, x.data(), x_sw);
+ else
+ bigint_add3(z.mutable_data(), x.data(), x_sw, y, y_sw);
+ z.set_sign(y_sign == BigInt::Positive ? BigInt::Negative : BigInt::Positive);
+ }
+ else if(relative_size == 0)
+ {
+ if(x.sign() != y_sign)
+ bigint_shl2(z.mutable_data(), x.data(), x_sw, 0, 1);
+ z.set_sign(y_sign == BigInt::Positive ? BigInt::Negative : BigInt::Positive);
+ }
+ else if(relative_size > 0)
+ {
+ if(x.sign() == y_sign)
+ bigint_sub3(z.mutable_data(), x.data(), x_sw, y, y_sw);
+ else
+ bigint_add3(z.mutable_data(), x.data(), x_sw, y, y_sw);
+ z.set_sign(x.sign());
+ }
+ return z;
+ }
+BigInt operator+(const BigInt& x, const BigInt& y)
+ {
+ return bigint_add(x, y.data(), y.sig_words(), y.sign());
+ }
+BigInt operator+(const BigInt& x, word y)
+ {
+ return bigint_add(x, &y, 1, BigInt::Positive);
+ }
+BigInt operator-(const BigInt& x, const BigInt& y)
+ {
+ return bigint_sub(x, y.data(), y.sig_words(), y.sign());
+ }
+BigInt operator-(const BigInt& x, word y)
+ {
+ return bigint_sub(x, &y, 1, BigInt::Positive);
+ }
+* Multiplication Operator
+BigInt operator*(const BigInt& x, const BigInt& y)
+ {
+ const size_t x_sw = x.sig_words(), y_sw = y.sig_words();
+ BigInt z(BigInt::Positive, x.size() + y.size());
+ if(x_sw == 1 && y_sw)
+ bigint_linmul3(z.mutable_data(), y.data(), y_sw, x.word_at(0));
+ else if(y_sw == 1 && x_sw)
+ bigint_linmul3(z.mutable_data(), x.data(), x_sw, y.word_at(0));
+ else if(x_sw && y_sw)
+ {
+ secure_vector<word> workspace(z.size());
+ bigint_mul(z.mutable_data(), z.size(),
+ x.data(), x.size(), x_sw,
+ y.data(), y.size(), y_sw,
+ workspace.data(), workspace.size());
+ }
+ if(x_sw && y_sw && x.sign() != y.sign())
+ z.flip_sign();
+ return z;
+ }
+* Division Operator
+BigInt operator/(const BigInt& x, const BigInt& y)
+ {
+ if(y.sig_words() == 1 && is_power_of_2(y.word_at(0)))
+ return (x >> (y.bits() - 1));
+ BigInt q, r;
+ divide(x, y, q, r);
+ return q;
+ }
+* Modulo Operator
+BigInt operator%(const BigInt& n, const BigInt& mod)
+ {
+ if(mod.is_zero())
+ throw BigInt::DivideByZero();
+ if(mod.is_negative())
+ throw Invalid_Argument("BigInt::operator%: modulus must be > 0");
+ if(n.is_positive() && mod.is_positive() && n < mod)
+ return n;
+ BigInt q, r;
+ divide(n, mod, q, r);
+ return r;
+ }
+* Modulo Operator
+word operator%(const BigInt& n, word mod)
+ {
+ if(mod == 0)
+ throw BigInt::DivideByZero();
+ if(mod == 1)
+ return 0;
+ if(is_power_of_2(mod))
+ return (n.word_at(0) & (mod - 1));
+ word remainder = 0;
+ for(size_t j = n.sig_words(); j > 0; --j)
+ remainder = bigint_modop(remainder, n.word_at(j-1), mod);
+ if(remainder && n.sign() == BigInt::Negative)
+ return mod - remainder;
+ return remainder;
+ }
+* Left Shift Operator
+BigInt operator<<(const BigInt& x, size_t shift)
+ {
+ if(shift == 0)
+ return x;
+ const size_t shift_words = shift / BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS,
+ shift_bits = shift % BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS;
+ const size_t x_sw = x.sig_words();
+ BigInt y(x.sign(), x_sw + shift_words + (shift_bits ? 1 : 0));
+ bigint_shl2(y.mutable_data(), x.data(), x_sw, shift_words, shift_bits);
+ return y;
+ }
+* Right Shift Operator
+BigInt operator>>(const BigInt& x, size_t shift)
+ {
+ if(shift == 0)
+ return x;
+ if(x.bits() <= shift)
+ return 0;
+ const size_t shift_words = shift / BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS,
+ shift_bits = shift % BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS,
+ x_sw = x.sig_words();
+ BigInt y(x.sign(), x_sw - shift_words);
+ bigint_shr2(y.mutable_data(), x.data(), x_sw, shift_words, shift_bits);
+ return y;
+ }
diff --git a/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/bigint/big_rand.cpp b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/bigint/big_rand.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dd4cb5eaba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/bigint/big_rand.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+* BigInt Random Generation
+* (C) 1999-2007 Jack Lloyd
+* Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt)
+#include <botan/bigint.h>
+#include <botan/rng.h>
+#include <botan/internal/rounding.h>
+namespace Botan {
+* Randomize this number
+void BigInt::randomize(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
+ size_t bitsize, bool set_high_bit)
+ {
+ set_sign(Positive);
+ if(bitsize == 0)
+ {
+ clear();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ secure_vector<uint8_t> array = rng.random_vec(round_up(bitsize, 8) / 8);
+ // Always cut unwanted bits
+ if(bitsize % 8)
+ array[0] &= 0xFF >> (8 - (bitsize % 8));
+ // Set the highest bit if wanted
+ if (set_high_bit)
+ array[0] |= 0x80 >> ((bitsize % 8) ? (8 - bitsize % 8) : 0);
+ binary_decode(array);
+ }
+ }
+* Generate a random integer within given range
+BigInt BigInt::random_integer(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
+ const BigInt& min, const BigInt& max)
+ {
+ if(min.is_negative() || max.is_negative() || max <= min)
+ throw Invalid_Argument("BigInt::random_integer invalid range");
+ BigInt r;
+ const size_t bits = max.bits();
+ do
+ {
+ r.randomize(rng, bits, false);
+ }
+ while(r < min || r >= max);
+ return r;
+ }
diff --git a/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/bigint/bigint.cpp b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/bigint/bigint.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..495907d1ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/bigint/bigint.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
+* BigInt Base
+* (C) 1999-2011,2012,2014 Jack Lloyd
+* Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt)
+#include <botan/bigint.h>
+#include <botan/internal/mp_core.h>
+#include <botan/internal/rounding.h>
+#include <botan/internal/bit_ops.h>
+#include <botan/internal/ct_utils.h>
+namespace Botan {
+BigInt::BigInt(const word words[], size_t length)
+ {
+ m_reg.assign(words, words + length);
+ }
+* Construct a BigInt from a regular number
+BigInt::BigInt(uint64_t n)
+ {
+ if(n == 0)
+ return;
+ const size_t limbs_needed = sizeof(uint64_t) / sizeof(word);
+ m_reg.resize(limbs_needed);
+ for(size_t i = 0; i != limbs_needed; ++i)
+ m_reg[i] = ((n >> (i*BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS)) & MP_WORD_MASK);
+ }
+* Construct a BigInt of the specified size
+BigInt::BigInt(Sign s, size_t size)
+ {
+ m_reg.resize(round_up(size, 8));
+ m_signedness = s;
+ }
+* Copy constructor
+BigInt::BigInt(const BigInt& other)
+ {
+ m_reg = other.m_reg;
+ m_signedness = other.m_signedness;
+ }
+* Construct a BigInt from a string
+BigInt::BigInt(const std::string& str)
+ {
+ Base base = Decimal;
+ size_t markers = 0;
+ bool negative = false;
+ if(str.length() > 0 && str[0] == '-')
+ {
+ markers += 1;
+ negative = true;
+ }
+ if(str.length() > markers + 2 && str[markers ] == '0' &&
+ str[markers + 1] == 'x')
+ {
+ markers += 2;
+ base = Hexadecimal;
+ }
+ *this = decode(cast_char_ptr_to_uint8(str.data()) + markers,
+ str.length() - markers, base);
+ if(negative) set_sign(Negative);
+ else set_sign(Positive);
+ }
+BigInt::BigInt(const uint8_t input[], size_t length)
+ {
+ binary_decode(input, length);
+ }
+* Construct a BigInt from an encoded BigInt
+BigInt::BigInt(const uint8_t input[], size_t length, Base base)
+ {
+ *this = decode(input, length, base);
+ }
+BigInt::BigInt(const uint8_t buf[], size_t length, size_t max_bits)
+ {
+ const size_t max_bytes = std::min(length, (max_bits + 7) / 8);
+ *this = decode(buf, max_bytes);
+ const size_t b = this->bits();
+ if(b > max_bits)
+ {
+ *this >>= (b - max_bits);
+ }
+ }
+* Construct a BigInt from an encoded BigInt
+BigInt::BigInt(RandomNumberGenerator& rng, size_t bits, bool set_high_bit)
+ {
+ randomize(rng, bits, set_high_bit);
+ }
+int32_t BigInt::cmp_word(word other) const
+ {
+ if(is_negative())
+ return -1; // other is positive ...
+ const size_t sw = this->sig_words();
+ if(sw > 1)
+ return 1; // must be larger since other is just one word ...
+ return bigint_cmp(this->data(), sw, &other, 1);
+ }
+* Comparison Function
+int32_t BigInt::cmp(const BigInt& other, bool check_signs) const
+ {
+ if(check_signs)
+ {
+ if(other.is_positive() && this->is_negative())
+ return -1;
+ if(other.is_negative() && this->is_positive())
+ return 1;
+ if(other.is_negative() && this->is_negative())
+ return (-bigint_cmp(this->data(), this->sig_words(),
+ other.data(), other.sig_words()));
+ }
+ return bigint_cmp(this->data(), this->sig_words(),
+ other.data(), other.sig_words());
+ }
+void BigInt::encode_words(word out[], size_t size) const
+ {
+ const size_t words = sig_words();
+ if(words > size)
+ throw Encoding_Error("BigInt::encode_words value too large to encode");
+ clear_mem(out, size);
+ copy_mem(out, data(), words);
+ }
+* Return bits {offset...offset+length}
+uint32_t BigInt::get_substring(size_t offset, size_t length) const
+ {
+ if(length > 32)
+ throw Invalid_Argument("BigInt::get_substring: Substring size " + std::to_string(length) + " too big");
+ uint64_t piece = 0;
+ for(size_t i = 0; i != 8; ++i)
+ {
+ const uint8_t part = byte_at((offset / 8) + (7-i));
+ piece = (piece << 8) | part;
+ }
+ const uint64_t mask = (static_cast<uint64_t>(1) << length) - 1;
+ const size_t shift = (offset % 8);
+ return static_cast<uint32_t>((piece >> shift) & mask);
+ }
+* Convert this number to a uint32_t, if possible
+uint32_t BigInt::to_u32bit() const
+ {
+ if(is_negative())
+ throw Encoding_Error("BigInt::to_u32bit: Number is negative");
+ if(bits() > 32)
+ throw Encoding_Error("BigInt::to_u32bit: Number is too big to convert");
+ uint32_t out = 0;
+ for(size_t i = 0; i != 4; ++i)
+ out = (out << 8) | byte_at(3-i);
+ return out;
+ }
+* Set bit number n
+void BigInt::set_bit(size_t n)
+ {
+ const size_t which = n / BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS;
+ const word mask = static_cast<word>(1) << (n % BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS);
+ if(which >= size()) grow_to(which + 1);
+ m_reg[which] |= mask;
+ }
+* Clear bit number n
+void BigInt::clear_bit(size_t n)
+ {
+ const size_t which = n / BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS;
+ const word mask = static_cast<word>(1) << (n % BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS);
+ if(which < size())
+ m_reg[which] &= ~mask;
+ }
+size_t BigInt::bytes() const
+ {
+ return round_up(bits(), 8) / 8;
+ }
+* Count how many bits are being used
+size_t BigInt::bits() const
+ {
+ const size_t words = sig_words();
+ if(words == 0)
+ return 0;
+ const size_t full_words = words - 1;
+ return (full_words * BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS + high_bit(word_at(full_words)));
+ }
+* Calcluate the size in a certain base
+size_t BigInt::encoded_size(Base base) const
+ {
+ static const double LOG_2_BASE_10 = 0.30102999566;
+ if(base == Binary)
+ return bytes();
+ else if(base == Hexadecimal)
+ return 2*bytes();
+ else if(base == Decimal)
+ return static_cast<size_t>((bits() * LOG_2_BASE_10) + 1);
+ else
+ throw Invalid_Argument("Unknown base for BigInt encoding");
+ }
+* Return the negation of this number
+BigInt BigInt::operator-() const
+ {
+ BigInt x = (*this);
+ x.flip_sign();
+ return x;
+ }
+void BigInt::reduce_below(const BigInt& p, secure_vector<word>& ws)
+ {
+ if(p.is_negative())
+ throw Invalid_Argument("BigInt::reduce_below mod must be positive");
+ const size_t p_words = p.sig_words();
+ if(size() < p_words + 1)
+ grow_to(p_words + 1);
+ if(ws.size() < p_words + 1)
+ ws.resize(p_words + 1);
+ clear_mem(ws.data(), ws.size());
+ for(;;)
+ {
+ word borrow = bigint_sub3(ws.data(), data(), p_words + 1, p.data(), p_words);
+ if(borrow)
+ break;
+ m_reg.swap(ws);
+ }
+ }
+* Return the absolute value of this number
+BigInt BigInt::abs() const
+ {
+ BigInt x = (*this);
+ x.set_sign(Positive);
+ return x;
+ }
+void BigInt::grow_to(size_t n)
+ {
+ if(n > size())
+ {
+ if(n <= m_reg.capacity())
+ m_reg.resize(m_reg.capacity());
+ else
+ m_reg.resize(round_up(n, 8));
+ }
+ }
+* Encode this number into bytes
+void BigInt::binary_encode(uint8_t output[]) const
+ {
+ const size_t sig_bytes = bytes();
+ for(size_t i = 0; i != sig_bytes; ++i)
+ output[sig_bytes-i-1] = byte_at(i);
+ }
+* Set this number to the value in buf
+void BigInt::binary_decode(const uint8_t buf[], size_t length)
+ {
+ const size_t WORD_BYTES = sizeof(word);
+ clear();
+ m_reg.resize(round_up((length / WORD_BYTES) + 1, 8));
+ for(size_t i = 0; i != length / WORD_BYTES; ++i)
+ {
+ const size_t top = length - WORD_BYTES*i;
+ for(size_t j = WORD_BYTES; j > 0; --j)
+ m_reg[i] = (m_reg[i] << 8) | buf[top - j];
+ }
+ for(size_t i = 0; i != length % WORD_BYTES; ++i)
+ m_reg[length / WORD_BYTES] = (m_reg[length / WORD_BYTES] << 8) | buf[i];
+ }
+#if defined(BOTAN_HAS_VALGRIND)
+void BigInt::const_time_poison() const
+ {
+ CT::poison(m_reg.data(), m_reg.size());
+ }
+void BigInt::const_time_unpoison() const
+ {
+ CT::unpoison(m_reg.data(), m_reg.size());
+ }
+void BigInt::const_time_lookup(secure_vector<word>& output,
+ const std::vector<BigInt>& vec,
+ size_t idx)
+ {
+ const size_t words = output.size();
+ clear_mem(output.data(), output.size());
+ CT::poison(&idx, sizeof(idx));
+ for(size_t i = 0; i != vec.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ BOTAN_ASSERT(vec[i].size() >= words,
+ "Word size as expected in const_time_lookup");
+ const word mask = CT::is_equal(i, idx);
+ for(size_t w = 0; w != words; ++w)
+ output[w] |= CT::select<word>(mask, vec[i].word_at(w), 0);
+ }
+ CT::unpoison(idx);
+ CT::unpoison(output.data(), output.size());
+ }
diff --git a/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/bigint/bigint.h b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/bigint/bigint.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4a07723b77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/bigint/bigint.h
@@ -0,0 +1,806 @@
+* BigInt
+* (C) 1999-2008,2012 Jack Lloyd
+* 2007 FlexSecure
+* Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt)
+#ifndef BOTAN_BIGINT_H_
+#define BOTAN_BIGINT_H_
+#include <botan/types.h>
+#include <botan/secmem.h>
+#include <botan/exceptn.h>
+#include <botan/loadstor.h>
+#include <iosfwd>
+namespace Botan {
+class RandomNumberGenerator;
+* Arbitrary precision integer
+class BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) BigInt final
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Base enumerator for encoding and decoding
+ */
+ enum Base { Decimal = 10, Hexadecimal = 16, Binary = 256 };
+ /**
+ * Sign symbol definitions for positive and negative numbers
+ */
+ enum Sign { Negative = 0, Positive = 1 };
+ /**
+ * DivideByZero Exception
+ */
+ class BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) DivideByZero final : public Exception
+ {
+ public:
+ DivideByZero() : Exception("BigInt divide by zero") {}
+ };
+ /**
+ * Create empty BigInt
+ */
+ BigInt() = default;
+ /**
+ * Create BigInt from 64 bit integer
+ * @param n initial value of this BigInt
+ */
+ BigInt(uint64_t n);
+ /**
+ * Copy Constructor
+ * @param other the BigInt to copy
+ */
+ BigInt(const BigInt& other);
+ /**
+ * Create BigInt from a string. If the string starts with 0x the
+ * rest of the string will be interpreted as hexadecimal digits.
+ * Otherwise, it will be interpreted as a decimal number.
+ *
+ * @param str the string to parse for an integer value
+ */
+ explicit BigInt(const std::string& str);
+ /**
+ * Create a BigInt from an integer in a byte array
+ * @param buf the byte array holding the value
+ * @param length size of buf
+ */
+ BigInt(const uint8_t buf[], size_t length);
+ /**
+ * Create a BigInt from an integer in a byte array
+ * @param buf the byte array holding the value
+ * @param length size of buf
+ * @param base is the number base of the integer in buf
+ */
+ BigInt(const uint8_t buf[], size_t length, Base base);
+ /**
+ * Create a BigInt from an integer in a byte array
+ * @param buf the byte array holding the value
+ * @param length size of buf
+ * @param max_bits if the resulting integer is more than max_bits,
+ * it will be shifted so it is at most max_bits in length.
+ */
+ BigInt(const uint8_t buf[], size_t length, size_t max_bits);
+ /**
+ * Create a BigInt from an array of words
+ * @param words the words
+ * @param length number of words
+ */
+ BigInt(const word words[], size_t length);
+ /**
+ * \brief Create a random BigInt of the specified size
+ *
+ * @param rng random number generator
+ * @param bits size in bits
+ * @param set_high_bit if true, the highest bit is always set
+ *
+ * @see randomize
+ */
+ BigInt(RandomNumberGenerator& rng, size_t bits, bool set_high_bit = true);
+ /**
+ * Create BigInt of specified size, all zeros
+ * @param sign the sign
+ * @param n size of the internal register in words
+ */
+ BigInt(Sign sign, size_t n);
+ /**
+ * Move constructor
+ */
+ BigInt(BigInt&& other)
+ {
+ this->swap(other);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Move assignment
+ */
+ BigInt& operator=(BigInt&& other)
+ {
+ if(this != &other)
+ this->swap(other);
+ return (*this);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Copy assignment
+ */
+ BigInt& operator=(const BigInt&) = default;
+ /**
+ * Swap this value with another
+ * @param other BigInt to swap values with
+ */
+ void swap(BigInt& other)
+ {
+ m_reg.swap(other.m_reg);
+ std::swap(m_signedness, other.m_signedness);
+ }
+ void swap_reg(secure_vector<word>& reg)
+ {
+ m_reg.swap(reg);
+ }
+ /**
+ * += operator
+ * @param y the BigInt to add to this
+ */
+ BigInt& operator+=(const BigInt& y);
+ /**
+ * += operator
+ * @param y the word to add to this
+ */
+ BigInt& operator+=(word y);
+ /**
+ * -= operator
+ * @param y the BigInt to subtract from this
+ */
+ BigInt& operator-=(const BigInt& y);
+ /**
+ * -= operator
+ * @param y the word to subtract from this
+ */
+ BigInt& operator-=(word y);
+ /**
+ * *= operator
+ * @param y the BigInt to multiply with this
+ */
+ BigInt& operator*=(const BigInt& y);
+ /**
+ * *= operator
+ * @param y the word to multiply with this
+ */
+ BigInt& operator*=(word y);
+ /**
+ * /= operator
+ * @param y the BigInt to divide this by
+ */
+ BigInt& operator/=(const BigInt& y);
+ /**
+ * Modulo operator
+ * @param y the modulus to reduce this by
+ */
+ BigInt& operator%=(const BigInt& y);
+ /**
+ * Modulo operator
+ * @param y the modulus (word) to reduce this by
+ */
+ word operator%=(word y);
+ /**
+ * Left shift operator
+ * @param shift the number of bits to shift this left by
+ */
+ BigInt& operator<<=(size_t shift);
+ /**
+ * Right shift operator
+ * @param shift the number of bits to shift this right by
+ */
+ BigInt& operator>>=(size_t shift);
+ /**
+ * Increment operator
+ */
+ BigInt& operator++() { return (*this += 1); }
+ /**
+ * Decrement operator
+ */
+ BigInt& operator--() { return (*this -= 1); }
+ /**
+ * Postfix increment operator
+ */
+ BigInt operator++(int) { BigInt x = (*this); ++(*this); return x; }
+ /**
+ * Postfix decrement operator
+ */
+ BigInt operator--(int) { BigInt x = (*this); --(*this); return x; }
+ /**
+ * Unary negation operator
+ * @return negative this
+ */
+ BigInt operator-() const;
+ /**
+ * ! operator
+ * @return true iff this is zero, otherwise false
+ */
+ bool operator !() const { return (!is_nonzero()); }
+ BigInt& add(const word y[], size_t y_words, Sign sign);
+ BigInt& sub(const word y[], size_t y_words, Sign sign);
+ /**
+ * Multiply this with y
+ * @param y the BigInt to multiply with this
+ * @param ws a temp workspace
+ */
+ BigInt& mul(const BigInt& y, secure_vector<word>& ws);
+ /**
+ * Square value of *this
+ * @param ws a temp workspace
+ */
+ BigInt& square(secure_vector<word>& ws);
+ /**
+ * Set *this to y - *this
+ * @param y the BigInt to subtract from as a sequence of words
+ * @param y_size length of y in words
+ * @param ws a temp workspace
+ */
+ BigInt& rev_sub(const word y[], size_t y_size, secure_vector<word>& ws);
+ /**
+ * Set *this to (*this + y) % mod
+ * This function assumes *this is >= 0 && < mod
+ * @param y the BigInt to add - assumed y >= 0 and y < mod
+ * @param mod the positive modulus
+ * @param ws a temp workspace
+ */
+ BigInt& mod_add(const BigInt& y, const BigInt& mod, secure_vector<word>& ws);
+ /**
+ * Set *this to (*this - y) % mod
+ * This function assumes *this is >= 0 && < mod
+ * @param y the BigInt to subtract - assumed y >= 0 and y < mod
+ * @param mod the positive modulus
+ * @param ws a temp workspace
+ */
+ BigInt& mod_sub(const BigInt& y, const BigInt& mod, secure_vector<word>& ws);
+ /**
+ * Return *this below mod
+ *
+ * Assumes that *this is (if anything) only slightly larger than
+ * mod and performs repeated subtractions. It should not be used if
+ * *this is much larger than mod, instead of modulo operator.
+ */
+ void reduce_below(const BigInt& mod, secure_vector<word> &ws);
+ /**
+ * Zeroize the BigInt. The size of the underlying register is not
+ * modified.
+ */
+ void clear() { zeroise(m_reg); }
+ /**
+ * Compare this to another BigInt
+ * @param n the BigInt value to compare with
+ * @param check_signs include sign in comparison?
+ * @result if (this<n) return -1, if (this>n) return 1, if both
+ * values are identical return 0 [like Perl's <=> operator]
+ */
+ int32_t cmp(const BigInt& n, bool check_signs = true) const;
+ /**
+ * Compare this to an integer
+ * @param n the value to compare with
+ * @result if (this<n) return -1, if (this>n) return 1, if both
+ * values are identical return 0 [like Perl's <=> operator]
+ */
+ int32_t cmp_word(word n) const;
+ /**
+ * Test if the integer has an even value
+ * @result true if the integer is even, false otherwise
+ */
+ bool is_even() const { return (get_bit(0) == 0); }
+ /**
+ * Test if the integer has an odd value
+ * @result true if the integer is odd, false otherwise
+ */
+ bool is_odd() const { return (get_bit(0) == 1); }
+ /**
+ * Test if the integer is not zero
+ * @result true if the integer is non-zero, false otherwise
+ */
+ bool is_nonzero() const { return (!is_zero()); }
+ /**
+ * Test if the integer is zero
+ * @result true if the integer is zero, false otherwise
+ */
+ bool is_zero() const
+ {
+ const size_t sw = sig_words();
+ for(size_t i = 0; i != sw; ++i)
+ if(m_reg[i])
+ return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set bit at specified position
+ * @param n bit position to set
+ */
+ void set_bit(size_t n);
+ /**
+ * Clear bit at specified position
+ * @param n bit position to clear
+ */
+ void clear_bit(size_t n);
+ /**
+ * Clear all but the lowest n bits
+ * @param n amount of bits to keep
+ */
+ void mask_bits(size_t n)
+ {
+ if(n == 0) { clear(); return; }
+ const size_t top_word = n / BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS;
+ const word mask = (static_cast<word>(1) << (n % BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS)) - 1;
+ if(top_word < size())
+ {
+ const size_t len = size() - (top_word + 1);
+ if (len > 0)
+ {
+ clear_mem(&m_reg[top_word+1], len);
+ }
+ m_reg[top_word] &= mask;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return bit value at specified position
+ * @param n the bit offset to test
+ * @result true, if the bit at position n is set, false otherwise
+ */
+ bool get_bit(size_t n) const
+ {
+ return ((word_at(n / BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS) >> (n % BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS)) & 1);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return (a maximum of) 32 bits of the complete value
+ * @param offset the offset to start extracting
+ * @param length amount of bits to extract (starting at offset)
+ * @result the integer extracted from the register starting at
+ * offset with specified length
+ */
+ uint32_t get_substring(size_t offset, size_t length) const;
+ /**
+ * Convert this value into a uint32_t, if it is in the range
+ * [0 ... 2**32-1], or otherwise throw an exception.
+ * @result the value as a uint32_t if conversion is possible
+ */
+ uint32_t to_u32bit() const;
+ /**
+ * @param n the offset to get a byte from
+ * @result byte at offset n
+ */
+ uint8_t byte_at(size_t n) const
+ {
+ return get_byte(sizeof(word) - (n % sizeof(word)) - 1,
+ word_at(n / sizeof(word)));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return the word at a specified position of the internal register
+ * @param n position in the register
+ * @return value at position n
+ */
+ word word_at(size_t n) const
+ { return ((n < size()) ? m_reg[n] : 0); }
+ void set_word_at(size_t i, word w)
+ {
+ if(i >= m_reg.size())
+ grow_to(i + 1);
+ m_reg[i] = w;
+ }
+ void set_words(const word w[], size_t len)
+ {
+ m_reg.resize(len);
+ copy_mem(mutable_data(), w, len);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests if the sign of the integer is negative
+ * @result true, iff the integer has a negative sign
+ */
+ bool is_negative() const { return (sign() == Negative); }
+ /**
+ * Tests if the sign of the integer is positive
+ * @result true, iff the integer has a positive sign
+ */
+ bool is_positive() const { return (sign() == Positive); }
+ /**
+ * Return the sign of the integer
+ * @result the sign of the integer
+ */
+ Sign sign() const { return (m_signedness); }
+ /**
+ * @result the opposite sign of the represented integer value
+ */
+ Sign reverse_sign() const
+ {
+ if(sign() == Positive)
+ return Negative;
+ return Positive;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Flip the sign of this BigInt
+ */
+ void flip_sign()
+ {
+ set_sign(reverse_sign());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set sign of the integer
+ * @param sign new Sign to set
+ */
+ void set_sign(Sign sign)
+ {
+ if(is_zero())
+ m_signedness = Positive;
+ else
+ m_signedness = sign;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @result absolute (positive) value of this
+ */
+ BigInt abs() const;
+ /**
+ * Give size of internal register
+ * @result size of internal register in words
+ */
+ size_t size() const { return m_reg.size(); }
+ /**
+ * Return how many words we need to hold this value
+ * @result significant words of the represented integer value
+ */
+ size_t sig_words() const
+ {
+ const word* x = m_reg.data();
+ size_t sig = m_reg.size();
+ while(sig && (x[sig-1] == 0))
+ sig--;
+ return sig;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Give byte length of the integer
+ * @result byte length of the represented integer value
+ */
+ size_t bytes() const;
+ /**
+ * Get the bit length of the integer
+ * @result bit length of the represented integer value
+ */
+ size_t bits() const;
+ /**
+ * Return a mutable pointer to the register
+ * @result a pointer to the start of the internal register
+ */
+ word* mutable_data() { return m_reg.data(); }
+ /**
+ * Return a const pointer to the register
+ * @result a pointer to the start of the internal register
+ */
+ const word* data() const { return m_reg.data(); }
+ secure_vector<word>& get_word_vector() { return m_reg; }
+ const secure_vector<word>& get_word_vector() const { return m_reg; }
+ /**
+ * Increase internal register buffer to at least n words
+ * @param n new size of register
+ */
+ void grow_to(size_t n);
+ /**
+ * Resize the vector to the minimum word size to hold the integer, or
+ * min_size words, whichever is larger
+ */
+ void shrink_to_fit(size_t min_size = 0)
+ {
+ const size_t words = std::max(min_size, sig_words());
+ m_reg.resize(words);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Fill BigInt with a random number with size of bitsize
+ *
+ * If \p set_high_bit is true, the highest bit will be set, which causes
+ * the entropy to be \a bits-1. Otherwise the highest bit is randomly chosen
+ * by the rng, causing the entropy to be \a bits.
+ *
+ * @param rng the random number generator to use
+ * @param bitsize number of bits the created random value should have
+ * @param set_high_bit if true, the highest bit is always set
+ */
+ void randomize(RandomNumberGenerator& rng, size_t bitsize, bool set_high_bit = true);
+ /**
+ * Store BigInt-value in a given byte array
+ * @param buf destination byte array for the integer value
+ */
+ void binary_encode(uint8_t buf[]) const;
+ /**
+ * Read integer value from a byte array with given size
+ * @param buf byte array buffer containing the integer
+ * @param length size of buf
+ */
+ void binary_decode(const uint8_t buf[], size_t length);
+ /**
+ * Read integer value from a byte array (secure_vector<uint8_t>)
+ * @param buf the array to load from
+ */
+ void binary_decode(const secure_vector<uint8_t>& buf)
+ {
+ binary_decode(buf.data(), buf.size());
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param base the base to measure the size for
+ * @return size of this integer in base base
+ */
+ size_t encoded_size(Base base = Binary) const;
+ /**
+ * Place the value into out, zero-padding up to size words
+ * Throw if *this cannot be represented in size words
+ */
+ void encode_words(word out[], size_t size) const;
+#if defined(BOTAN_HAS_VALGRIND)
+ void const_time_poison() const;
+ void const_time_unpoison() const;
+ void const_time_poison() const {}
+ void const_time_unpoison() const {}
+ /**
+ * @param rng a random number generator
+ * @param min the minimum value (must be non-negative)
+ * @param max the maximum value (must be non-negative and > min)
+ * @return random integer in [min,max)
+ */
+ static BigInt random_integer(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
+ const BigInt& min,
+ const BigInt& max);
+ /**
+ * Create a power of two
+ * @param n the power of two to create
+ * @return bigint representing 2^n
+ */
+ static BigInt power_of_2(size_t n)
+ {
+ BigInt b;
+ b.set_bit(n);
+ return b;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Encode the integer value from a BigInt to a std::vector of bytes
+ * @param n the BigInt to use as integer source
+ * @param base number-base of resulting byte array representation
+ * @result secure_vector of bytes containing the integer with given base
+ */
+ static std::vector<uint8_t> encode(const BigInt& n, Base base = Binary);
+ /**
+ * Encode the integer value from a BigInt to a secure_vector of bytes
+ * @param n the BigInt to use as integer source
+ * @param base number-base of resulting byte array representation
+ * @result secure_vector of bytes containing the integer with given base
+ */
+ static secure_vector<uint8_t> encode_locked(const BigInt& n,
+ Base base = Binary);
+ /**
+ * Encode the integer value from a BigInt to a byte array
+ * @param buf destination byte array for the encoded integer
+ * value with given base
+ * @param n the BigInt to use as integer source
+ * @param base number-base of resulting byte array representation
+ */
+ static void encode(uint8_t buf[], const BigInt& n, Base base = Binary);
+ /**
+ * Create a BigInt from an integer in a byte array
+ * @param buf the binary value to load
+ * @param length size of buf
+ * @param base number-base of the integer in buf
+ * @result BigInt representing the integer in the byte array
+ */
+ static BigInt decode(const uint8_t buf[], size_t length,
+ Base base = Binary);
+ /**
+ * Create a BigInt from an integer in a byte array
+ * @param buf the binary value to load
+ * @param base number-base of the integer in buf
+ * @result BigInt representing the integer in the byte array
+ */
+ static BigInt decode(const secure_vector<uint8_t>& buf,
+ Base base = Binary)
+ {
+ return BigInt::decode(buf.data(), buf.size(), base);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create a BigInt from an integer in a byte array
+ * @param buf the binary value to load
+ * @param base number-base of the integer in buf
+ * @result BigInt representing the integer in the byte array
+ */
+ static BigInt decode(const std::vector<uint8_t>& buf,
+ Base base = Binary)
+ {
+ return BigInt::decode(buf.data(), buf.size(), base);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Encode a BigInt to a byte array according to IEEE 1363
+ * @param n the BigInt to encode
+ * @param bytes the length of the resulting secure_vector<uint8_t>
+ * @result a secure_vector<uint8_t> containing the encoded BigInt
+ */
+ static secure_vector<uint8_t> encode_1363(const BigInt& n, size_t bytes);
+ static void encode_1363(uint8_t out[], size_t bytes, const BigInt& n);
+ /**
+ * Encode two BigInt to a byte array according to IEEE 1363
+ * @param n1 the first BigInt to encode
+ * @param n2 the second BigInt to encode
+ * @param bytes the length of the encoding of each single BigInt
+ * @result a secure_vector<uint8_t> containing the concatenation of the two encoded BigInt
+ */
+ static secure_vector<uint8_t> encode_fixed_length_int_pair(const BigInt& n1, const BigInt& n2, size_t bytes);
+ /**
+ * Set output = vec[idx].m_reg in constant time
+ * All words of vec must have the same size
+ */
+ static void const_time_lookup(
+ secure_vector<word>& output,
+ const std::vector<BigInt>& vec,
+ size_t idx);
+ private:
+ secure_vector<word> m_reg;
+ Sign m_signedness = Positive;
+ };
+* Arithmetic Operators
+BigInt BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) operator+(const BigInt& x, const BigInt& y);
+BigInt BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,7) operator+(const BigInt& x, word y);
+inline BigInt operator+(word x, const BigInt& y) { return y + x; }
+BigInt BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) operator-(const BigInt& x, const BigInt& y);
+BigInt BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,7) operator-(const BigInt& x, word y);
+BigInt BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) operator*(const BigInt& x, const BigInt& y);
+BigInt BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) operator/(const BigInt& x, const BigInt& d);
+BigInt BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) operator%(const BigInt& x, const BigInt& m);
+word BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) operator%(const BigInt& x, word m);
+BigInt BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) operator<<(const BigInt& x, size_t n);
+BigInt BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) operator>>(const BigInt& x, size_t n);
+* Comparison Operators
+inline bool operator==(const BigInt& a, const BigInt& b)
+ { return (a.cmp(b) == 0); }
+inline bool operator!=(const BigInt& a, const BigInt& b)
+ { return (a.cmp(b) != 0); }
+inline bool operator<=(const BigInt& a, const BigInt& b)
+ { return (a.cmp(b) <= 0); }
+inline bool operator>=(const BigInt& a, const BigInt& b)
+ { return (a.cmp(b) >= 0); }
+inline bool operator<(const BigInt& a, const BigInt& b)
+ { return (a.cmp(b) < 0); }
+inline bool operator>(const BigInt& a, const BigInt& b)
+ { return (a.cmp(b) > 0); }
+inline bool operator==(const BigInt& a, word b)
+ { return (a.cmp_word(b) == 0); }
+inline bool operator!=(const BigInt& a, word b)
+ { return (a.cmp_word(b) != 0); }
+inline bool operator<=(const BigInt& a, word b)
+ { return (a.cmp_word(b) <= 0); }
+inline bool operator>=(const BigInt& a, word b)
+ { return (a.cmp_word(b) >= 0); }
+inline bool operator<(const BigInt& a, word b)
+ { return (a.cmp_word(b) < 0); }
+inline bool operator>(const BigInt& a, word b)
+ { return (a.cmp_word(b) > 0); }
+* I/O Operators
+BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const BigInt&);
+BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) std::istream& operator>>(std::istream&, BigInt&);
+namespace std {
+inline void swap<Botan::BigInt>(Botan::BigInt& x, Botan::BigInt& y)
+ {
+ x.swap(y);
+ }
diff --git a/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/bigint/divide.cpp b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/bigint/divide.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..63326d6552
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/bigint/divide.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+* Division Algorithm
+* (C) 1999-2007,2012 Jack Lloyd
+* Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt)
+#include <botan/divide.h>
+#include <botan/internal/mp_core.h>
+#include <botan/internal/mp_madd.h>
+namespace Botan {
+namespace {
+* Handle signed operands, if necessary
+void sign_fixup(const BigInt& x, const BigInt& y, BigInt& q, BigInt& r)
+ {
+ if(x.sign() == BigInt::Negative)
+ {
+ q.flip_sign();
+ if(r.is_nonzero()) { --q; r = y.abs() - r; }
+ }
+ if(y.sign() == BigInt::Negative)
+ q.flip_sign();
+ }
+bool division_check(word q, word y2, word y1,
+ word x3, word x2, word x1)
+ {
+ // Compute (y3,y2,y1) = (y2,y1) * q
+ word y3 = 0;
+ y1 = word_madd2(q, y1, &y3);
+ y2 = word_madd2(q, y2, &y3);
+ // Return (y3,y2,y1) >? (x3,x2,x1)
+ if(y3 > x3) return true;
+ if(y3 < x3) return false;
+ if(y2 > x2) return true;
+ if(y2 < x2) return false;
+ if(y1 > x1) return true;
+ if(y1 < x1) return false;
+ return false;
+ }
+* Solve x = q * y + r
+void divide(const BigInt& x, const BigInt& y_arg, BigInt& q, BigInt& r)
+ {
+ if(y_arg.is_zero())
+ throw BigInt::DivideByZero();
+ BigInt y = y_arg;
+ const size_t y_words = y.sig_words();
+ r = x;
+ q = 0;
+ r.set_sign(BigInt::Positive);
+ y.set_sign(BigInt::Positive);
+ int32_t compare = r.cmp(y);
+ if(compare == 0)
+ {
+ q = 1;
+ r = 0;
+ }
+ else if(compare > 0)
+ {
+ size_t shifts = 0;
+ word y_top = y.word_at(y.sig_words()-1);
+ while(y_top < MP_WORD_TOP_BIT) { y_top <<= 1; ++shifts; }
+ y <<= shifts;
+ r <<= shifts;
+ const size_t n = r.sig_words() - 1, t = y_words - 1;
+ if(n < t)
+ throw Internal_Error("BigInt division word sizes");
+ q.grow_to(n - t + 1);
+ word* q_words = q.mutable_data();
+ if(n <= t)
+ {
+ while(r > y) { r -= y; ++q; }
+ r >>= shifts;
+ sign_fixup(x, y_arg, q, r);
+ return;
+ }
+ BigInt temp = y << (BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS * (n-t));
+ while(r >= temp) { r -= temp; q_words[n-t] += 1; }
+ for(size_t j = n; j != t; --j)
+ {
+ const word x_j0 = r.word_at(j);
+ const word x_j1 = r.word_at(j-1);
+ const word y_t = y.word_at(t);
+ if(x_j0 == y_t)
+ q_words[j-t-1] = MP_WORD_MAX;
+ else
+ q_words[j-t-1] = bigint_divop(x_j0, x_j1, y_t);
+ while(division_check(q_words[j-t-1],
+ y_t, y.word_at(t-1),
+ x_j0, x_j1, r.word_at(j-2)))
+ {
+ q_words[j-t-1] -= 1;
+ }
+ r -= (q_words[j-t-1] * y) << (BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS * (j-t-1));
+ if(r.is_negative())
+ {
+ r += y << (BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS * (j-t-1));
+ q_words[j-t-1] -= 1;
+ }
+ }
+ r >>= shifts;
+ }
+ sign_fixup(x, y_arg, q, r);
+ }
diff --git a/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/bigint/divide.h b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/bigint/divide.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..03e5ff7c14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/bigint/divide.h
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+* Division
+* (C) 1999-2007 Jack Lloyd
+* Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt)
+#include <botan/bigint.h>
+namespace Botan {
+* BigInt Division
+* @param x an integer
+* @param y a non-zero integer
+* @param q will be set to x / y
+* @param r will be set to x % y
+void BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) divide(const BigInt& x,
+ const BigInt& y,
+ BigInt& q,
+ BigInt& r);
diff --git a/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/bigint/info.txt b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/bigint/info.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e84061bb6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/bigint/info.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+BIGINT -> 20131128
+load_on auto
diff --git a/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/mp/info.txt b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/mp/info.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cee4325ed8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/mp/info.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+BIGINT_MP -> 20151225
diff --git a/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/mp/mp_asmi.h b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/mp/mp_asmi.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1b332811f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/mp/mp_asmi.h
@@ -0,0 +1,875 @@
+* Lowest Level MPI Algorithms
+* (C) 1999-2010 Jack Lloyd
+* 2006 Luca Piccarreta
+* Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt)
+#include <botan/internal/mp_madd.h>
+namespace Botan {
+#if defined(BOTAN_MP_USE_X86_32_ASM)
+ ASM("movl 4*" #INDEX "(%[y]), %[carry]") \
+ ASM(OPERATION " %[carry], 4*" #INDEX "(%[x])") \
+ ASM("movl 4*" #INDEX "(%[x]), %[carry]") \
+ ASM(OPERATION " 4*" #INDEX "(%[y]), %[carry]") \
+ ASM("movl %[carry], 4*" #INDEX "(%[z])") \
+ ASM("movl 4*" #INDEX "(%[x]),%%eax") \
+ ASM("mull %[y]") \
+ ASM("addl %[carry],%%eax") \
+ ASM("adcl $0,%%edx") \
+ ASM("movl %%edx,%[carry]") \
+ ASM("movl %%eax, 4*" #INDEX "(%[" WRITE_TO "])")
+ ASM("movl 4*" #INDEX "(%[x]),%%eax") \
+ ASM("mull %[y]") \
+ ASM("addl %[carry],%%eax") \
+ ASM("adcl $0,%%edx") \
+ ASM("addl 4*" #INDEX "(%[z]),%%eax") \
+ ASM("adcl $0,%%edx") \
+ ASM("movl %%edx,%[carry]") \
+ ASM("movl %%eax, 4*" #INDEX " (%[z])")
+ ASM("rorl %[carry]") \
+ ASM("sbbl %[carry],%[carry]") \
+ ASM("negl %[carry]")
+#elif defined(BOTAN_MP_USE_X86_64_ASM)
+ ASM("movq 8*" #INDEX "(%[y]), %[carry]") \
+ ASM(OPERATION " %[carry], 8*" #INDEX "(%[x])") \
+ ASM("movq 8*" #INDEX "(%[x]), %[carry]") \
+ ASM(OPERATION " 8*" #INDEX "(%[y]), %[carry]") \
+ ASM("movq %[carry], 8*" #INDEX "(%[z])") \
+ ASM("movq 8*" #INDEX "(%[x]),%%rax") \
+ ASM("mulq %[y]") \
+ ASM("addq %[carry],%%rax") \
+ ASM("adcq $0,%%rdx") \
+ ASM("movq %%rdx,%[carry]") \
+ ASM("movq %%rax, 8*" #INDEX "(%[" WRITE_TO "])")
+ ASM("movq 8*" #INDEX "(%[x]),%%rax") \
+ ASM("mulq %[y]") \
+ ASM("addq %[carry],%%rax") \
+ ASM("adcq $0,%%rdx") \
+ ASM("addq 8*" #INDEX "(%[z]),%%rax") \
+ ASM("adcq $0,%%rdx") \
+ ASM("movq %%rdx,%[carry]") \
+ ASM("movq %%rax, 8*" #INDEX " (%[z])")
+ ASM("rorq %[carry]") \
+ ASM("sbbq %[carry],%[carry]") \
+ ASM("negq %[carry]")
+#if defined(ADD_OR_SUBTRACT)
+#define ASM(x) x "\n\t"
+#define DO_8_TIMES(MACRO, ARG) \
+ MACRO(ARG, 0) \
+ MACRO(ARG, 1) \
+ MACRO(ARG, 2) \
+ MACRO(ARG, 3) \
+ MACRO(ARG, 4) \
+ MACRO(ARG, 5) \
+ MACRO(ARG, 6) \
+* Word Addition
+inline word word_add(word x, word y, word* carry)
+ {
+#if defined(BOTAN_MP_USE_X86_32_ASM)
+ asm(
+ ADD_OR_SUBTRACT(ASM("adcl %[y],%[x]"))
+ : [x]"=r"(x), [carry]"=r"(*carry)
+ : "0"(x), [y]"rm"(y), "1"(*carry)
+ : "cc");
+ return x;
+#elif defined(BOTAN_MP_USE_X86_64_ASM)
+ asm(
+ ADD_OR_SUBTRACT(ASM("adcq %[y],%[x]"))
+ : [x]"=r"(x), [carry]"=r"(*carry)
+ : "0"(x), [y]"rm"(y), "1"(*carry)
+ : "cc");
+ return x;
+ word z = x + y;
+ word c1 = (z < x);
+ z += *carry;
+ *carry = c1 | (z < *carry);
+ return z;
+ }
+* Eight Word Block Addition, Two Argument
+inline word word8_add2(word x[8], const word y[8], word carry)
+ {
+#if defined(BOTAN_MP_USE_X86_32_ASM)
+ asm(
+ : [carry]"=r"(carry)
+ : [x]"r"(x), [y]"r"(y), "0"(carry)
+ : "cc", "memory");
+ return carry;
+#elif defined(BOTAN_MP_USE_X86_64_ASM)
+ asm(
+ : [carry]"=r"(carry)
+ : [x]"r"(x), [y]"r"(y), "0"(carry)
+ : "cc", "memory");
+ return carry;
+#elif defined(BOTAN_MP_USE_X86_32_MSVC_ASM)
+ __asm {
+ mov edx,[x]
+ mov esi,[y]
+ xor eax,eax
+ sub eax,[carry] //force CF=1 iff *carry==1
+ mov eax,[esi]
+ adc [edx],eax
+ mov eax,[esi+4]
+ adc [edx+4],eax
+ mov eax,[esi+8]
+ adc [edx+8],eax
+ mov eax,[esi+12]
+ adc [edx+12],eax
+ mov eax,[esi+16]
+ adc [edx+16],eax
+ mov eax,[esi+20]
+ adc [edx+20],eax
+ mov eax,[esi+24]
+ adc [edx+24],eax
+ mov eax,[esi+28]
+ adc [edx+28],eax
+ sbb eax,eax
+ neg eax
+ }
+ x[0] = word_add(x[0], y[0], &carry);
+ x[1] = word_add(x[1], y[1], &carry);
+ x[2] = word_add(x[2], y[2], &carry);
+ x[3] = word_add(x[3], y[3], &carry);
+ x[4] = word_add(x[4], y[4], &carry);
+ x[5] = word_add(x[5], y[5], &carry);
+ x[6] = word_add(x[6], y[6], &carry);
+ x[7] = word_add(x[7], y[7], &carry);
+ return carry;
+ }
+* Eight Word Block Addition, Three Argument
+inline word word8_add3(word z[8], const word x[8],
+ const word y[8], word carry)
+ {
+#if defined(BOTAN_MP_USE_X86_32_ASM)
+ asm(
+ : [carry]"=r"(carry)
+ : [x]"r"(x), [y]"r"(y), [z]"r"(z), "0"(carry)
+ : "cc", "memory");
+ return carry;
+#elif defined(BOTAN_MP_USE_X86_64_ASM)
+ asm(
+ : [carry]"=r"(carry)
+ : [x]"r"(x), [y]"r"(y), [z]"r"(z), "0"(carry)
+ : "cc", "memory");
+ return carry;
+#elif defined(BOTAN_MP_USE_X86_32_MSVC_ASM)
+ __asm {
+ mov edi,[x]
+ mov esi,[y]
+ mov ebx,[z]
+ xor eax,eax
+ sub eax,[carry] //force CF=1 iff *carry==1
+ mov eax,[edi]
+ adc eax,[esi]
+ mov [ebx],eax
+ mov eax,[edi+4]
+ adc eax,[esi+4]
+ mov [ebx+4],eax
+ mov eax,[edi+8]
+ adc eax,[esi+8]
+ mov [ebx+8],eax
+ mov eax,[edi+12]
+ adc eax,[esi+12]
+ mov [ebx+12],eax
+ mov eax,[edi+16]
+ adc eax,[esi+16]
+ mov [ebx+16],eax
+ mov eax,[edi+20]
+ adc eax,[esi+20]
+ mov [ebx+20],eax
+ mov eax,[edi+24]
+ adc eax,[esi+24]
+ mov [ebx+24],eax
+ mov eax,[edi+28]
+ adc eax,[esi+28]
+ mov [ebx+28],eax
+ sbb eax,eax
+ neg eax
+ }
+ z[0] = word_add(x[0], y[0], &carry);
+ z[1] = word_add(x[1], y[1], &carry);
+ z[2] = word_add(x[2], y[2], &carry);
+ z[3] = word_add(x[3], y[3], &carry);
+ z[4] = word_add(x[4], y[4], &carry);
+ z[5] = word_add(x[5], y[5], &carry);
+ z[6] = word_add(x[6], y[6], &carry);
+ z[7] = word_add(x[7], y[7], &carry);
+ return carry;
+ }
+* Word Subtraction
+inline word word_sub(word x, word y, word* carry)
+ {
+#if defined(BOTAN_MP_USE_X86_32_ASM)
+ asm(
+ ADD_OR_SUBTRACT(ASM("sbbl %[y],%[x]"))
+ : [x]"=r"(x), [carry]"=r"(*carry)
+ : "0"(x), [y]"rm"(y), "1"(*carry)
+ : "cc");
+ return x;
+#elif defined(BOTAN_MP_USE_X86_64_ASM)
+ asm(
+ ADD_OR_SUBTRACT(ASM("sbbq %[y],%[x]"))
+ : [x]"=r"(x), [carry]"=r"(*carry)
+ : "0"(x), [y]"rm"(y), "1"(*carry)
+ : "cc");
+ return x;
+ word t0 = x - y;
+ word c1 = (t0 > x);
+ word z = t0 - *carry;
+ *carry = c1 | (z > t0);
+ return z;
+ }
+* Eight Word Block Subtraction, Two Argument
+inline word word8_sub2(word x[8], const word y[8], word carry)
+ {
+#if defined(BOTAN_MP_USE_X86_32_ASM)
+ asm(
+ : [carry]"=r"(carry)
+ : [x]"r"(x), [y]"r"(y), "0"(carry)
+ : "cc", "memory");
+ return carry;
+#elif defined(BOTAN_MP_USE_X86_64_ASM)
+ asm(
+ : [carry]"=r"(carry)
+ : [x]"r"(x), [y]"r"(y), "0"(carry)
+ : "cc", "memory");
+ return carry;
+#elif defined(BOTAN_MP_USE_X86_32_MSVC_ASM)
+ __asm {
+ mov edi,[x]
+ mov esi,[y]
+ xor eax,eax
+ sub eax,[carry] //force CF=1 iff *carry==1
+ mov eax,[edi]
+ sbb eax,[esi]
+ mov [edi],eax
+ mov eax,[edi+4]
+ sbb eax,[esi+4]
+ mov [edi+4],eax
+ mov eax,[edi+8]
+ sbb eax,[esi+8]
+ mov [edi+8],eax
+ mov eax,[edi+12]
+ sbb eax,[esi+12]
+ mov [edi+12],eax
+ mov eax,[edi+16]
+ sbb eax,[esi+16]
+ mov [edi+16],eax
+ mov eax,[edi+20]
+ sbb eax,[esi+20]
+ mov [edi+20],eax
+ mov eax,[edi+24]
+ sbb eax,[esi+24]
+ mov [edi+24],eax
+ mov eax,[edi+28]
+ sbb eax,[esi+28]
+ mov [edi+28],eax
+ sbb eax,eax
+ neg eax
+ }
+ x[0] = word_sub(x[0], y[0], &carry);
+ x[1] = word_sub(x[1], y[1], &carry);
+ x[2] = word_sub(x[2], y[2], &carry);
+ x[3] = word_sub(x[3], y[3], &carry);
+ x[4] = word_sub(x[4], y[4], &carry);
+ x[5] = word_sub(x[5], y[5], &carry);
+ x[6] = word_sub(x[6], y[6], &carry);
+ x[7] = word_sub(x[7], y[7], &carry);
+ return carry;
+ }
+* Eight Word Block Subtraction, Two Argument
+inline word word8_sub2_rev(word x[8], const word y[8], word carry)
+ {
+#if defined(BOTAN_MP_USE_X86_32_ASM)
+ asm(
+ : [carry]"=r"(carry)
+ : [x]"r"(y), [y]"r"(x), [z]"r"(x), "0"(carry)
+ : "cc", "memory");
+ return carry;
+#elif defined(BOTAN_MP_USE_X86_64_ASM)
+ asm(
+ : [carry]"=r"(carry)
+ : [x]"r"(y), [y]"r"(x), [z]"r"(x), "0"(carry)
+ : "cc", "memory");
+ return carry;
+ x[0] = word_sub(y[0], x[0], &carry);
+ x[1] = word_sub(y[1], x[1], &carry);
+ x[2] = word_sub(y[2], x[2], &carry);
+ x[3] = word_sub(y[3], x[3], &carry);
+ x[4] = word_sub(y[4], x[4], &carry);
+ x[5] = word_sub(y[5], x[5], &carry);
+ x[6] = word_sub(y[6], x[6], &carry);
+ x[7] = word_sub(y[7], x[7], &carry);
+ return carry;
+ }
+* Eight Word Block Subtraction, Three Argument
+inline word word8_sub3(word z[8], const word x[8],
+ const word y[8], word carry)
+ {
+#if defined(BOTAN_MP_USE_X86_32_ASM)
+ asm(
+ : [carry]"=r"(carry)
+ : [x]"r"(x), [y]"r"(y), [z]"r"(z), "0"(carry)
+ : "cc", "memory");
+ return carry;
+#elif defined(BOTAN_MP_USE_X86_64_ASM)
+ asm(
+ : [carry]"=r"(carry)
+ : [x]"r"(x), [y]"r"(y), [z]"r"(z), "0"(carry)
+ : "cc", "memory");
+ return carry;
+#elif defined(BOTAN_MP_USE_X86_32_MSVC_ASM)
+ __asm {
+ mov edi,[x]
+ mov esi,[y]
+ xor eax,eax
+ sub eax,[carry] //force CF=1 iff *carry==1
+ mov ebx,[z]
+ mov eax,[edi]
+ sbb eax,[esi]
+ mov [ebx],eax
+ mov eax,[edi+4]
+ sbb eax,[esi+4]
+ mov [ebx+4],eax
+ mov eax,[edi+8]
+ sbb eax,[esi+8]
+ mov [ebx+8],eax
+ mov eax,[edi+12]
+ sbb eax,[esi+12]
+ mov [ebx+12],eax
+ mov eax,[edi+16]
+ sbb eax,[esi+16]
+ mov [ebx+16],eax
+ mov eax,[edi+20]
+ sbb eax,[esi+20]
+ mov [ebx+20],eax
+ mov eax,[edi+24]
+ sbb eax,[esi+24]
+ mov [ebx+24],eax
+ mov eax,[edi+28]
+ sbb eax,[esi+28]
+ mov [ebx+28],eax
+ sbb eax,eax
+ neg eax
+ }
+ z[0] = word_sub(x[0], y[0], &carry);
+ z[1] = word_sub(x[1], y[1], &carry);
+ z[2] = word_sub(x[2], y[2], &carry);
+ z[3] = word_sub(x[3], y[3], &carry);
+ z[4] = word_sub(x[4], y[4], &carry);
+ z[5] = word_sub(x[5], y[5], &carry);
+ z[6] = word_sub(x[6], y[6], &carry);
+ z[7] = word_sub(x[7], y[7], &carry);
+ return carry;
+ }
+* Eight Word Block Linear Multiplication
+inline word word8_linmul2(word x[8], word y, word carry)
+ {
+#if defined(BOTAN_MP_USE_X86_32_ASM)
+ asm(
+ : [carry]"=r"(carry)
+ : [x]"r"(x), [y]"rm"(y), "0"(carry)
+ : "cc", "%eax", "%edx");
+ return carry;
+#elif defined(BOTAN_MP_USE_X86_64_ASM)
+ asm(
+ : [carry]"=r"(carry)
+ : [x]"r"(x), [y]"rm"(y), "0"(carry)
+ : "cc", "%rax", "%rdx");
+ return carry;
+#elif defined(BOTAN_MP_USE_X86_32_MSVC_ASM)
+ __asm {
+ mov esi,[x]
+ mov eax,[esi] //load a
+ mul [y] //edx(hi):eax(lo)=a*b
+ add eax,[carry] //sum lo carry
+ adc edx,0 //sum hi carry
+ mov ecx,edx //store carry
+ mov [esi],eax //load a
+ mov eax,[esi+4] //load a
+ mul [y] //edx(hi):eax(lo)=a*b
+ add eax,ecx //sum lo carry
+ adc edx,0 //sum hi carry
+ mov ecx,edx //store carry
+ mov [esi+4],eax //load a
+ mov eax,[esi+8] //load a
+ mul [y] //edx(hi):eax(lo)=a*b
+ add eax,ecx //sum lo carry
+ adc edx,0 //sum hi carry
+ mov ecx,edx //store carry
+ mov [esi+8],eax //load a
+ mov eax,[esi+12] //load a
+ mul [y] //edx(hi):eax(lo)=a*b
+ add eax,ecx //sum lo carry
+ adc edx,0 //sum hi carry
+ mov ecx,edx //store carry
+ mov [esi+12],eax //load a
+ mov eax,[esi+16] //load a
+ mul [y] //edx(hi):eax(lo)=a*b
+ add eax,ecx //sum lo carry
+ adc edx,0 //sum hi carry
+ mov ecx,edx //store carry
+ mov [esi+16],eax //load a
+ mov eax,[esi+20] //load a
+ mul [y] //edx(hi):eax(lo)=a*b
+ add eax,ecx //sum lo carry
+ adc edx,0 //sum hi carry
+ mov ecx,edx //store carry
+ mov [esi+20],eax //load a
+ mov eax,[esi+24] //load a
+ mul [y] //edx(hi):eax(lo)=a*b
+ add eax,ecx //sum lo carry
+ adc edx,0 //sum hi carry
+ mov ecx,edx //store carry
+ mov [esi+24],eax //load a
+ mov eax,[esi+28] //load a
+ mul [y] //edx(hi):eax(lo)=a*b
+ add eax,ecx //sum lo carry
+ adc edx,0 //sum hi carry
+ mov [esi+28],eax //load a
+ mov eax,edx //store carry
+ }
+ x[0] = word_madd2(x[0], y, &carry);
+ x[1] = word_madd2(x[1], y, &carry);
+ x[2] = word_madd2(x[2], y, &carry);
+ x[3] = word_madd2(x[3], y, &carry);
+ x[4] = word_madd2(x[4], y, &carry);
+ x[5] = word_madd2(x[5], y, &carry);
+ x[6] = word_madd2(x[6], y, &carry);
+ x[7] = word_madd2(x[7], y, &carry);
+ return carry;
+ }
+* Eight Word Block Linear Multiplication
+inline word word8_linmul3(word z[8], const word x[8], word y, word carry)
+ {
+#if defined(BOTAN_MP_USE_X86_32_ASM)
+ asm(
+ : [carry]"=r"(carry)
+ : [z]"r"(z), [x]"r"(x), [y]"rm"(y), "0"(carry)
+ : "cc", "%eax", "%edx");
+ return carry;
+#elif defined(BOTAN_MP_USE_X86_64_ASM)
+ asm(
+ : [carry]"=r"(carry)
+ : [z]"r"(z), [x]"r"(x), [y]"rm"(y), "0"(carry)
+ : "cc", "%rax", "%rdx");
+ return carry;
+#elif defined(BOTAN_MP_USE_X86_32_MSVC_ASM)
+ __asm {
+ mov edi,[z]
+ mov esi,[x]
+ mov eax,[esi] //load a
+ mul [y] //edx(hi):eax(lo)=a*b
+ add eax,[carry] //sum lo carry
+ adc edx,0 //sum hi carry
+ mov ecx,edx //store carry
+ mov [edi],eax //load a
+ mov eax,[esi+4] //load a
+ mul [y] //edx(hi):eax(lo)=a*b
+ add eax,ecx //sum lo carry
+ adc edx,0 //sum hi carry
+ mov ecx,edx //store carry
+ mov [edi+4],eax //load a
+ mov eax,[esi+8] //load a
+ mul [y] //edx(hi):eax(lo)=a*b
+ add eax,ecx //sum lo carry
+ adc edx,0 //sum hi carry
+ mov ecx,edx //store carry
+ mov [edi+8],eax //load a
+ mov eax,[esi+12] //load a
+ mul [y] //edx(hi):eax(lo)=a*b
+ add eax,ecx //sum lo carry
+ adc edx,0 //sum hi carry
+ mov ecx,edx //store carry
+ mov [edi+12],eax //load a
+ mov eax,[esi+16] //load a
+ mul [y] //edx(hi):eax(lo)=a*b
+ add eax,ecx //sum lo carry
+ adc edx,0 //sum hi carry
+ mov ecx,edx //store carry
+ mov [edi+16],eax //load a
+ mov eax,[esi+20] //load a
+ mul [y] //edx(hi):eax(lo)=a*b
+ add eax,ecx //sum lo carry
+ adc edx,0 //sum hi carry
+ mov ecx,edx //store carry
+ mov [edi+20],eax //load a
+ mov eax,[esi+24] //load a
+ mul [y] //edx(hi):eax(lo)=a*b
+ add eax,ecx //sum lo carry
+ adc edx,0 //sum hi carry
+ mov ecx,edx //store carry
+ mov [edi+24],eax //load a
+ mov eax,[esi+28] //load a
+ mul [y] //edx(hi):eax(lo)=a*b
+ add eax,ecx //sum lo carry
+ adc edx,0 //sum hi carry
+ mov [edi+28],eax //load a
+ mov eax,edx //store carry
+ }
+ z[0] = word_madd2(x[0], y, &carry);
+ z[1] = word_madd2(x[1], y, &carry);
+ z[2] = word_madd2(x[2], y, &carry);
+ z[3] = word_madd2(x[3], y, &carry);
+ z[4] = word_madd2(x[4], y, &carry);
+ z[5] = word_madd2(x[5], y, &carry);
+ z[6] = word_madd2(x[6], y, &carry);
+ z[7] = word_madd2(x[7], y, &carry);
+ return carry;
+ }
+* Eight Word Block Multiply/Add
+inline word word8_madd3(word z[8], const word x[8], word y, word carry)
+ {
+#if defined(BOTAN_MP_USE_X86_32_ASM)
+ asm(
+ : [carry]"=r"(carry)
+ : [z]"r"(z), [x]"r"(x), [y]"rm"(y), "0"(carry)
+ : "cc", "%eax", "%edx");
+ return carry;
+#elif defined(BOTAN_MP_USE_X86_64_ASM)
+ asm(
+ : [carry]"=r"(carry)
+ : [z]"r"(z), [x]"r"(x), [y]"rm"(y), "0"(carry)
+ : "cc", "%rax", "%rdx");
+ return carry;
+ z[0] = word_madd3(x[0], y, z[0], &carry);
+ z[1] = word_madd3(x[1], y, z[1], &carry);
+ z[2] = word_madd3(x[2], y, z[2], &carry);
+ z[3] = word_madd3(x[3], y, z[3], &carry);
+ z[4] = word_madd3(x[4], y, z[4], &carry);
+ z[5] = word_madd3(x[5], y, z[5], &carry);
+ z[6] = word_madd3(x[6], y, z[6], &carry);
+ z[7] = word_madd3(x[7], y, z[7], &carry);
+ return carry;
+ }
+* Multiply-Add Accumulator
+* (w2,w1,w0) += x * y
+inline void word3_muladd(word* w2, word* w1, word* w0, word x, word y)
+ {
+#if defined(BOTAN_MP_USE_X86_32_ASM)
+ word z0 = 0, z1 = 0;
+ asm ("mull %[y]"
+ : "=a"(z0),"=d"(z1)
+ : "a"(x), [y]"rm"(y)
+ : "cc");
+ asm(ASM("addl %[z0],%[w0]")
+ ASM("adcl %[z1],%[w1]")
+ ASM("adcl $0,%[w2]")
+ : [w0]"=r"(*w0), [w1]"=r"(*w1), [w2]"=r"(*w2)
+ : [z0]"r"(z0), [z1]"r"(z1), "0"(*w0), "1"(*w1), "2"(*w2)
+ : "cc");
+#elif defined(BOTAN_MP_USE_X86_64_ASM)
+ word z0 = 0, z1 = 0;
+ asm ("mulq %[y]"
+ : "=a"(z0),"=d"(z1)
+ : "a"(x), [y]"rm"(y)
+ : "cc");
+ asm(ASM("addq %[z0],%[w0]")
+ ASM("adcq %[z1],%[w1]")
+ ASM("adcq $0,%[w2]")
+ : [w0]"=r"(*w0), [w1]"=r"(*w1), [w2]"=r"(*w2)
+ : [z0]"r"(z0), [z1]"r"(z1), "0"(*w0), "1"(*w1), "2"(*w2)
+ : "cc");
+ word carry = *w0;
+ *w0 = word_madd2(x, y, &carry);
+ *w1 += carry;
+ *w2 += (*w1 < carry);
+ }
+* 3-word addition
+* (w2,w1,w0) += x
+inline void word3_add(word* w2, word* w1, word* w0, word x)
+ {
+#if defined(BOTAN_MP_USE_X86_32_ASM)
+ asm(
+ ASM("addl %[x],%[w0]")
+ ASM("adcl $0,%[w1]")
+ ASM("adcl $0,%[w2]")
+ : [w0]"=r"(*w0), [w1]"=r"(*w1), [w2]"=r"(*w2)
+ : [x]"r"(x), "0"(*w0), "1"(*w1), "2"(*w2)
+ : "cc");
+#elif defined(BOTAN_MP_USE_X86_64_ASM)
+ asm(
+ ASM("addq %[x],%[w0]")
+ ASM("adcq $0,%[w1]")
+ ASM("adcq $0,%[w2]")
+ : [w0]"=r"(*w0), [w1]"=r"(*w1), [w2]"=r"(*w2)
+ : [x]"r"(x), "0"(*w0), "1"(*w1), "2"(*w2)
+ : "cc");
+ *w0 += x;
+ word c1 = (*w0 < x);
+ *w1 += c1;
+ word c2 = (*w1 < c1);
+ *w2 += c2;
+ }
+* Multiply-Add Accumulator
+* (w2,w1,w0) += 2 * x * y
+inline void word3_muladd_2(word* w2, word* w1, word* w0, word x, word y)
+ {
+#if defined(BOTAN_MP_USE_X86_32_ASM)
+ word z0 = 0, z1 = 0;
+ asm ("mull %[y]"
+ : "=a"(z0),"=d"(z1)
+ : "a"(x), [y]"rm"(y)
+ : "cc");
+ asm(
+ ASM("addl %[z0],%[w0]")
+ ASM("adcl %[z1],%[w1]")
+ ASM("adcl $0,%[w2]")
+ ASM("addl %[z0],%[w0]")
+ ASM("adcl %[z1],%[w1]")
+ ASM("adcl $0,%[w2]")
+ : [w0]"=r"(*w0), [w1]"=r"(*w1), [w2]"=r"(*w2)
+ : [z0]"r"(z0), [z1]"r"(z1), "0"(*w0), "1"(*w1), "2"(*w2)
+ : "cc");
+#elif defined(BOTAN_MP_USE_X86_64_ASM)
+ word z0 = 0, z1 = 0;
+ asm ("mulq %[y]"
+ : "=a"(z0),"=d"(z1)
+ : "a"(x), [y]"rm"(y)
+ : "cc");
+ asm(
+ ASM("addq %[z0],%[w0]")
+ ASM("adcq %[z1],%[w1]")
+ ASM("adcq $0,%[w2]")
+ ASM("addq %[z0],%[w0]")
+ ASM("adcq %[z1],%[w1]")
+ ASM("adcq $0,%[w2]")
+ : [w0]"=r"(*w0), [w1]"=r"(*w1), [w2]"=r"(*w2)
+ : [z0]"r"(z0), [z1]"r"(z1), "0"(*w0), "1"(*w1), "2"(*w2)
+ : "cc");
+ word carry = 0;
+ x = word_madd2(x, y, &carry);
+ y = carry;
+ word top = (y >> (BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS-1));
+ y <<= 1;
+ y |= (x >> (BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS-1));
+ x <<= 1;
+ carry = 0;
+ *w0 = word_add(*w0, x, &carry);
+ *w1 = word_add(*w1, y, &carry);
+ *w2 = word_add(*w2, top, &carry);
+ }
+#if defined(ASM)
+ #undef ASM
+ #undef DO_8_TIMES
+ #undef ADDSUB2_OP
+ #undef ADDSUB3_OP
+ #undef LINMUL_OP
+ #undef MULADD_OP
diff --git a/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/mp/mp_comba.cpp b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/mp/mp_comba.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ec527224c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/mp/mp_comba.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,2211 @@
+* Comba Multiplication and Squaring
+* This file was automatically generated by ./src/scripts/comba.py on 2018-05-08
+* Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt)
+#include <botan/internal/mp_core.h>
+#include <botan/internal/mp_asmi.h>
+namespace Botan {
+* Comba 4x4 Squaring
+void bigint_comba_sqr4(word z[8], const word x[4])
+ {
+ word w2 = 0, w1 = 0, w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd (&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 0], x[ 0]);
+ z[ 0] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 0], x[ 1]);
+ z[ 1] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 0], x[ 2]);
+ word3_muladd (&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 1], x[ 1]);
+ z[ 2] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 0], x[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 1], x[ 2]);
+ z[ 3] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 1], x[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd (&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 2], x[ 2]);
+ z[ 4] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 2], x[ 3]);
+ z[ 5] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd (&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 3], x[ 3]);
+ z[ 6] = w0;
+ z[ 7] = w1;
+ }
+* Comba 4x4 Multiplication
+void bigint_comba_mul4(word z[8], const word x[4], const word y[4])
+ {
+ word w2 = 0, w1 = 0, w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 0], y[ 0]);
+ z[ 0] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 0], y[ 1]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 1], y[ 0]);
+ z[ 1] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 0], y[ 2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 1], y[ 1]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 2], y[ 0]);
+ z[ 2] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 0], y[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 1], y[ 2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 2], y[ 1]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 3], y[ 0]);
+ z[ 3] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 1], y[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 2], y[ 2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 3], y[ 1]);
+ z[ 4] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 2], y[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 3], y[ 2]);
+ z[ 5] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 3], y[ 3]);
+ z[ 6] = w0;
+ z[ 7] = w1;
+ }
+* Comba 6x6 Squaring
+void bigint_comba_sqr6(word z[12], const word x[6])
+ {
+ word w2 = 0, w1 = 0, w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd (&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 0], x[ 0]);
+ z[ 0] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 0], x[ 1]);
+ z[ 1] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 0], x[ 2]);
+ word3_muladd (&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 1], x[ 1]);
+ z[ 2] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 0], x[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 1], x[ 2]);
+ z[ 3] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 0], x[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 1], x[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd (&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 2], x[ 2]);
+ z[ 4] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 0], x[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 1], x[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 2], x[ 3]);
+ z[ 5] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 1], x[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 2], x[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd (&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 3], x[ 3]);
+ z[ 6] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 2], x[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 3], x[ 4]);
+ z[ 7] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 3], x[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd (&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 4], x[ 4]);
+ z[ 8] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 4], x[ 5]);
+ z[ 9] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd (&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 5], x[ 5]);
+ z[10] = w1;
+ z[11] = w2;
+ }
+* Comba 6x6 Multiplication
+void bigint_comba_mul6(word z[12], const word x[6], const word y[6])
+ {
+ word w2 = 0, w1 = 0, w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 0], y[ 0]);
+ z[ 0] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 0], y[ 1]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 1], y[ 0]);
+ z[ 1] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 0], y[ 2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 1], y[ 1]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 2], y[ 0]);
+ z[ 2] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 0], y[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 1], y[ 2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 2], y[ 1]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 3], y[ 0]);
+ z[ 3] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 0], y[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 1], y[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 2], y[ 2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 3], y[ 1]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 4], y[ 0]);
+ z[ 4] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 0], y[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 1], y[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 2], y[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 3], y[ 2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 4], y[ 1]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 5], y[ 0]);
+ z[ 5] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 1], y[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 2], y[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 3], y[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 4], y[ 2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 5], y[ 1]);
+ z[ 6] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 2], y[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 3], y[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 4], y[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 5], y[ 2]);
+ z[ 7] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 3], y[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 4], y[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 5], y[ 3]);
+ z[ 8] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 4], y[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 5], y[ 4]);
+ z[ 9] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 5], y[ 5]);
+ z[10] = w1;
+ z[11] = w2;
+ }
+* Comba 8x8 Squaring
+void bigint_comba_sqr8(word z[16], const word x[8])
+ {
+ word w2 = 0, w1 = 0, w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd (&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 0], x[ 0]);
+ z[ 0] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 0], x[ 1]);
+ z[ 1] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 0], x[ 2]);
+ word3_muladd (&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 1], x[ 1]);
+ z[ 2] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 0], x[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 1], x[ 2]);
+ z[ 3] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 0], x[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 1], x[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd (&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 2], x[ 2]);
+ z[ 4] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 0], x[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 1], x[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 2], x[ 3]);
+ z[ 5] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 0], x[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 1], x[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 2], x[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd (&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 3], x[ 3]);
+ z[ 6] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 0], x[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 1], x[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 2], x[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 3], x[ 4]);
+ z[ 7] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 1], x[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 2], x[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 3], x[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd (&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 4], x[ 4]);
+ z[ 8] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 2], x[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 3], x[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 4], x[ 5]);
+ z[ 9] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 3], x[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 4], x[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd (&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 5], x[ 5]);
+ z[10] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 4], x[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 5], x[ 6]);
+ z[11] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 5], x[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd (&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 6], x[ 6]);
+ z[12] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 6], x[ 7]);
+ z[13] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd (&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 7], x[ 7]);
+ z[14] = w2;
+ z[15] = w0;
+ }
+* Comba 8x8 Multiplication
+void bigint_comba_mul8(word z[16], const word x[8], const word y[8])
+ {
+ word w2 = 0, w1 = 0, w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 0], y[ 0]);
+ z[ 0] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 0], y[ 1]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 1], y[ 0]);
+ z[ 1] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 0], y[ 2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 1], y[ 1]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 2], y[ 0]);
+ z[ 2] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 0], y[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 1], y[ 2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 2], y[ 1]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 3], y[ 0]);
+ z[ 3] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 0], y[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 1], y[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 2], y[ 2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 3], y[ 1]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 4], y[ 0]);
+ z[ 4] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 0], y[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 1], y[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 2], y[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 3], y[ 2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 4], y[ 1]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 5], y[ 0]);
+ z[ 5] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 0], y[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 1], y[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 2], y[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 3], y[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 4], y[ 2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 5], y[ 1]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 6], y[ 0]);
+ z[ 6] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 0], y[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 1], y[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 2], y[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 3], y[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 4], y[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 5], y[ 2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 6], y[ 1]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 7], y[ 0]);
+ z[ 7] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 1], y[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 2], y[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 3], y[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 4], y[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 5], y[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 6], y[ 2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 7], y[ 1]);
+ z[ 8] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 2], y[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 3], y[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 4], y[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 5], y[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 6], y[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 7], y[ 2]);
+ z[ 9] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 3], y[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 4], y[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 5], y[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 6], y[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 7], y[ 3]);
+ z[10] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 4], y[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 5], y[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 6], y[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 7], y[ 4]);
+ z[11] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 5], y[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 6], y[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 7], y[ 5]);
+ z[12] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 6], y[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 7], y[ 6]);
+ z[13] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 7], y[ 7]);
+ z[14] = w2;
+ z[15] = w0;
+ }
+* Comba 9x9 Squaring
+void bigint_comba_sqr9(word z[18], const word x[9])
+ {
+ word w2 = 0, w1 = 0, w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd (&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 0], x[ 0]);
+ z[ 0] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 0], x[ 1]);
+ z[ 1] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 0], x[ 2]);
+ word3_muladd (&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 1], x[ 1]);
+ z[ 2] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 0], x[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 1], x[ 2]);
+ z[ 3] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 0], x[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 1], x[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd (&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 2], x[ 2]);
+ z[ 4] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 0], x[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 1], x[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 2], x[ 3]);
+ z[ 5] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 0], x[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 1], x[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 2], x[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd (&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 3], x[ 3]);
+ z[ 6] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 0], x[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 1], x[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 2], x[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 3], x[ 4]);
+ z[ 7] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 0], x[ 8]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 1], x[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 2], x[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 3], x[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd (&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 4], x[ 4]);
+ z[ 8] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 1], x[ 8]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 2], x[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 3], x[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 4], x[ 5]);
+ z[ 9] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 2], x[ 8]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 3], x[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 4], x[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd (&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 5], x[ 5]);
+ z[10] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 3], x[ 8]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 4], x[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 5], x[ 6]);
+ z[11] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 4], x[ 8]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 5], x[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd (&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 6], x[ 6]);
+ z[12] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 5], x[ 8]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 6], x[ 7]);
+ z[13] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 6], x[ 8]);
+ word3_muladd (&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 7], x[ 7]);
+ z[14] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 7], x[ 8]);
+ z[15] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd (&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 8], x[ 8]);
+ z[16] = w1;
+ z[17] = w2;
+ }
+* Comba 9x9 Multiplication
+void bigint_comba_mul9(word z[18], const word x[9], const word y[9])
+ {
+ word w2 = 0, w1 = 0, w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 0], y[ 0]);
+ z[ 0] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 0], y[ 1]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 1], y[ 0]);
+ z[ 1] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 0], y[ 2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 1], y[ 1]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 2], y[ 0]);
+ z[ 2] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 0], y[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 1], y[ 2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 2], y[ 1]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 3], y[ 0]);
+ z[ 3] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 0], y[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 1], y[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 2], y[ 2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 3], y[ 1]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 4], y[ 0]);
+ z[ 4] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 0], y[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 1], y[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 2], y[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 3], y[ 2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 4], y[ 1]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 5], y[ 0]);
+ z[ 5] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 0], y[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 1], y[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 2], y[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 3], y[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 4], y[ 2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 5], y[ 1]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 6], y[ 0]);
+ z[ 6] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 0], y[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 1], y[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 2], y[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 3], y[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 4], y[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 5], y[ 2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 6], y[ 1]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 7], y[ 0]);
+ z[ 7] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 0], y[ 8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 1], y[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 2], y[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 3], y[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 4], y[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 5], y[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 6], y[ 2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 7], y[ 1]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 8], y[ 0]);
+ z[ 8] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 1], y[ 8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 2], y[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 3], y[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 4], y[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 5], y[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 6], y[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 7], y[ 2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 8], y[ 1]);
+ z[ 9] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 2], y[ 8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 3], y[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 4], y[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 5], y[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 6], y[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 7], y[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 8], y[ 2]);
+ z[10] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 3], y[ 8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 4], y[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 5], y[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 6], y[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 7], y[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 8], y[ 3]);
+ z[11] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 4], y[ 8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 5], y[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 6], y[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 7], y[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 8], y[ 4]);
+ z[12] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 5], y[ 8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 6], y[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 7], y[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 8], y[ 5]);
+ z[13] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 6], y[ 8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 7], y[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 8], y[ 6]);
+ z[14] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 7], y[ 8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 8], y[ 7]);
+ z[15] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 8], y[ 8]);
+ z[16] = w1;
+ z[17] = w2;
+ }
+* Comba 16x16 Squaring
+void bigint_comba_sqr16(word z[32], const word x[16])
+ {
+ word w2 = 0, w1 = 0, w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd (&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 0], x[ 0]);
+ z[ 0] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 0], x[ 1]);
+ z[ 1] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 0], x[ 2]);
+ word3_muladd (&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 1], x[ 1]);
+ z[ 2] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 0], x[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 1], x[ 2]);
+ z[ 3] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 0], x[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 1], x[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd (&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 2], x[ 2]);
+ z[ 4] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 0], x[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 1], x[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 2], x[ 3]);
+ z[ 5] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 0], x[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 1], x[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 2], x[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd (&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 3], x[ 3]);
+ z[ 6] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 0], x[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 1], x[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 2], x[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 3], x[ 4]);
+ z[ 7] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 0], x[ 8]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 1], x[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 2], x[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 3], x[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd (&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 4], x[ 4]);
+ z[ 8] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 0], x[ 9]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 1], x[ 8]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 2], x[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 3], x[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 4], x[ 5]);
+ z[ 9] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 0], x[10]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 1], x[ 9]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 2], x[ 8]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 3], x[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 4], x[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd (&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 5], x[ 5]);
+ z[10] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 0], x[11]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 1], x[10]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 2], x[ 9]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 3], x[ 8]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 4], x[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 5], x[ 6]);
+ z[11] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 0], x[12]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 1], x[11]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 2], x[10]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 3], x[ 9]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 4], x[ 8]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 5], x[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd (&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 6], x[ 6]);
+ z[12] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 0], x[13]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 1], x[12]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 2], x[11]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 3], x[10]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 4], x[ 9]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 5], x[ 8]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 6], x[ 7]);
+ z[13] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 0], x[14]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 1], x[13]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 2], x[12]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 3], x[11]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 4], x[10]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 5], x[ 9]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 6], x[ 8]);
+ word3_muladd (&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 7], x[ 7]);
+ z[14] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 0], x[15]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 1], x[14]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 2], x[13]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 3], x[12]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 4], x[11]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 5], x[10]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 6], x[ 9]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 7], x[ 8]);
+ z[15] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 1], x[15]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 2], x[14]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 3], x[13]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 4], x[12]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 5], x[11]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 6], x[10]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 7], x[ 9]);
+ word3_muladd (&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 8], x[ 8]);
+ z[16] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 2], x[15]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 3], x[14]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 4], x[13]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 5], x[12]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 6], x[11]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 7], x[10]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 8], x[ 9]);
+ z[17] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 3], x[15]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 4], x[14]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 5], x[13]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 6], x[12]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 7], x[11]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 8], x[10]);
+ word3_muladd (&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 9], x[ 9]);
+ z[18] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 4], x[15]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 5], x[14]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 6], x[13]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 7], x[12]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 8], x[11]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 9], x[10]);
+ z[19] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 5], x[15]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 6], x[14]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 7], x[13]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 8], x[12]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 9], x[11]);
+ word3_muladd (&w1, &w0, &w2, x[10], x[10]);
+ z[20] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 6], x[15]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 7], x[14]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 8], x[13]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 9], x[12]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[10], x[11]);
+ z[21] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 7], x[15]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 8], x[14]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 9], x[13]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[10], x[12]);
+ word3_muladd (&w0, &w2, &w1, x[11], x[11]);
+ z[22] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 8], x[15]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 9], x[14]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[10], x[13]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[11], x[12]);
+ z[23] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 9], x[15]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[10], x[14]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[11], x[13]);
+ word3_muladd (&w2, &w1, &w0, x[12], x[12]);
+ z[24] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[10], x[15]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[11], x[14]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[12], x[13]);
+ z[25] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[11], x[15]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[12], x[14]);
+ word3_muladd (&w1, &w0, &w2, x[13], x[13]);
+ z[26] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[12], x[15]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[13], x[14]);
+ z[27] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[13], x[15]);
+ word3_muladd (&w0, &w2, &w1, x[14], x[14]);
+ z[28] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[14], x[15]);
+ z[29] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd (&w2, &w1, &w0, x[15], x[15]);
+ z[30] = w0;
+ z[31] = w1;
+ }
+* Comba 16x16 Multiplication
+void bigint_comba_mul16(word z[32], const word x[16], const word y[16])
+ {
+ word w2 = 0, w1 = 0, w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 0], y[ 0]);
+ z[ 0] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 0], y[ 1]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 1], y[ 0]);
+ z[ 1] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 0], y[ 2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 1], y[ 1]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 2], y[ 0]);
+ z[ 2] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 0], y[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 1], y[ 2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 2], y[ 1]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 3], y[ 0]);
+ z[ 3] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 0], y[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 1], y[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 2], y[ 2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 3], y[ 1]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 4], y[ 0]);
+ z[ 4] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 0], y[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 1], y[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 2], y[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 3], y[ 2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 4], y[ 1]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 5], y[ 0]);
+ z[ 5] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 0], y[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 1], y[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 2], y[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 3], y[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 4], y[ 2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 5], y[ 1]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 6], y[ 0]);
+ z[ 6] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 0], y[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 1], y[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 2], y[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 3], y[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 4], y[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 5], y[ 2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 6], y[ 1]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 7], y[ 0]);
+ z[ 7] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 0], y[ 8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 1], y[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 2], y[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 3], y[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 4], y[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 5], y[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 6], y[ 2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 7], y[ 1]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 8], y[ 0]);
+ z[ 8] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 0], y[ 9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 1], y[ 8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 2], y[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 3], y[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 4], y[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 5], y[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 6], y[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 7], y[ 2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 8], y[ 1]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 9], y[ 0]);
+ z[ 9] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 0], y[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 1], y[ 9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 2], y[ 8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 3], y[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 4], y[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 5], y[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 6], y[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 7], y[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 8], y[ 2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 9], y[ 1]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[10], y[ 0]);
+ z[10] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 0], y[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 1], y[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 2], y[ 9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 3], y[ 8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 4], y[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 5], y[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 6], y[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 7], y[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 8], y[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 9], y[ 2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[10], y[ 1]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[11], y[ 0]);
+ z[11] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 0], y[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 1], y[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 2], y[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 3], y[ 9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 4], y[ 8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 5], y[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 6], y[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 7], y[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 8], y[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 9], y[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[10], y[ 2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[11], y[ 1]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[12], y[ 0]);
+ z[12] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 0], y[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 1], y[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 2], y[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 3], y[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 4], y[ 9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 5], y[ 8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 6], y[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 7], y[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 8], y[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 9], y[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[10], y[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[11], y[ 2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[12], y[ 1]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[13], y[ 0]);
+ z[13] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 0], y[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 1], y[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 2], y[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 3], y[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 4], y[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 5], y[ 9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 6], y[ 8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 7], y[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 8], y[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 9], y[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[10], y[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[11], y[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[12], y[ 2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[13], y[ 1]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[14], y[ 0]);
+ z[14] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 0], y[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 1], y[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 2], y[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 3], y[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 4], y[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 5], y[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 6], y[ 9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 7], y[ 8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 8], y[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 9], y[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[10], y[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[11], y[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[12], y[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[13], y[ 2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[14], y[ 1]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[15], y[ 0]);
+ z[15] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 1], y[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 2], y[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 3], y[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 4], y[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 5], y[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 6], y[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 7], y[ 9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 8], y[ 8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 9], y[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[10], y[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[11], y[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[12], y[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[13], y[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[14], y[ 2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[15], y[ 1]);
+ z[16] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 2], y[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 3], y[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 4], y[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 5], y[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 6], y[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 7], y[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 8], y[ 9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 9], y[ 8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[10], y[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[11], y[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[12], y[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[13], y[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[14], y[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[15], y[ 2]);
+ z[17] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 3], y[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 4], y[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 5], y[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 6], y[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 7], y[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 8], y[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 9], y[ 9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[10], y[ 8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[11], y[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[12], y[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[13], y[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[14], y[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[15], y[ 3]);
+ z[18] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 4], y[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 5], y[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 6], y[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 7], y[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 8], y[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 9], y[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[10], y[ 9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[11], y[ 8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[12], y[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[13], y[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[14], y[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[15], y[ 4]);
+ z[19] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 5], y[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 6], y[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 7], y[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 8], y[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 9], y[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[10], y[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[11], y[ 9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[12], y[ 8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[13], y[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[14], y[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[15], y[ 5]);
+ z[20] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 6], y[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 7], y[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 8], y[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 9], y[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[10], y[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[11], y[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[12], y[ 9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[13], y[ 8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[14], y[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[15], y[ 6]);
+ z[21] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 7], y[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 8], y[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 9], y[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[10], y[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[11], y[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[12], y[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[13], y[ 9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[14], y[ 8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[15], y[ 7]);
+ z[22] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 8], y[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 9], y[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[10], y[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[11], y[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[12], y[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[13], y[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[14], y[ 9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[15], y[ 8]);
+ z[23] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 9], y[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[10], y[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[11], y[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[12], y[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[13], y[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[14], y[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[15], y[ 9]);
+ z[24] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[10], y[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[11], y[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[12], y[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[13], y[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[14], y[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[15], y[10]);
+ z[25] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[11], y[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[12], y[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[13], y[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[14], y[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[15], y[11]);
+ z[26] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[12], y[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[13], y[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[14], y[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[15], y[12]);
+ z[27] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[13], y[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[14], y[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[15], y[13]);
+ z[28] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[14], y[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[15], y[14]);
+ z[29] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[15], y[15]);
+ z[30] = w0;
+ z[31] = w1;
+ }
+* Comba 24x24 Squaring
+void bigint_comba_sqr24(word z[48], const word x[24])
+ {
+ word w2 = 0, w1 = 0, w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd (&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 0], x[ 0]);
+ z[ 0] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 0], x[ 1]);
+ z[ 1] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 0], x[ 2]);
+ word3_muladd (&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 1], x[ 1]);
+ z[ 2] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 0], x[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 1], x[ 2]);
+ z[ 3] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 0], x[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 1], x[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd (&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 2], x[ 2]);
+ z[ 4] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 0], x[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 1], x[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 2], x[ 3]);
+ z[ 5] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 0], x[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 1], x[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 2], x[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd (&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 3], x[ 3]);
+ z[ 6] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 0], x[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 1], x[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 2], x[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 3], x[ 4]);
+ z[ 7] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 0], x[ 8]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 1], x[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 2], x[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 3], x[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd (&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 4], x[ 4]);
+ z[ 8] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 0], x[ 9]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 1], x[ 8]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 2], x[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 3], x[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 4], x[ 5]);
+ z[ 9] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 0], x[10]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 1], x[ 9]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 2], x[ 8]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 3], x[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 4], x[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd (&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 5], x[ 5]);
+ z[10] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 0], x[11]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 1], x[10]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 2], x[ 9]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 3], x[ 8]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 4], x[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 5], x[ 6]);
+ z[11] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 0], x[12]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 1], x[11]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 2], x[10]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 3], x[ 9]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 4], x[ 8]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 5], x[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd (&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 6], x[ 6]);
+ z[12] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 0], x[13]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 1], x[12]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 2], x[11]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 3], x[10]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 4], x[ 9]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 5], x[ 8]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 6], x[ 7]);
+ z[13] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 0], x[14]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 1], x[13]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 2], x[12]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 3], x[11]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 4], x[10]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 5], x[ 9]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 6], x[ 8]);
+ word3_muladd (&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 7], x[ 7]);
+ z[14] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 0], x[15]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 1], x[14]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 2], x[13]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 3], x[12]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 4], x[11]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 5], x[10]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 6], x[ 9]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 7], x[ 8]);
+ z[15] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 0], x[16]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 1], x[15]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 2], x[14]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 3], x[13]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 4], x[12]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 5], x[11]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 6], x[10]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 7], x[ 9]);
+ word3_muladd (&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 8], x[ 8]);
+ z[16] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 0], x[17]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 1], x[16]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 2], x[15]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 3], x[14]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 4], x[13]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 5], x[12]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 6], x[11]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 7], x[10]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 8], x[ 9]);
+ z[17] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 0], x[18]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 1], x[17]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 2], x[16]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 3], x[15]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 4], x[14]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 5], x[13]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 6], x[12]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 7], x[11]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 8], x[10]);
+ word3_muladd (&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 9], x[ 9]);
+ z[18] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 0], x[19]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 1], x[18]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 2], x[17]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 3], x[16]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 4], x[15]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 5], x[14]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 6], x[13]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 7], x[12]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 8], x[11]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 9], x[10]);
+ z[19] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 0], x[20]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 1], x[19]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 2], x[18]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 3], x[17]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 4], x[16]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 5], x[15]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 6], x[14]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 7], x[13]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 8], x[12]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 9], x[11]);
+ word3_muladd (&w1, &w0, &w2, x[10], x[10]);
+ z[20] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 0], x[21]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 1], x[20]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 2], x[19]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 3], x[18]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 4], x[17]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 5], x[16]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 6], x[15]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 7], x[14]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 8], x[13]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 9], x[12]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[10], x[11]);
+ z[21] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 0], x[22]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 1], x[21]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 2], x[20]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 3], x[19]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 4], x[18]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 5], x[17]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 6], x[16]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 7], x[15]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 8], x[14]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 9], x[13]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[10], x[12]);
+ word3_muladd (&w0, &w2, &w1, x[11], x[11]);
+ z[22] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 0], x[23]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 1], x[22]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 2], x[21]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 3], x[20]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 4], x[19]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 5], x[18]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 6], x[17]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 7], x[16]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 8], x[15]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 9], x[14]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[10], x[13]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[11], x[12]);
+ z[23] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 1], x[23]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 2], x[22]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 3], x[21]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 4], x[20]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 5], x[19]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 6], x[18]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 7], x[17]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 8], x[16]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 9], x[15]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[10], x[14]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[11], x[13]);
+ word3_muladd (&w2, &w1, &w0, x[12], x[12]);
+ z[24] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 2], x[23]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 3], x[22]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 4], x[21]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 5], x[20]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 6], x[19]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 7], x[18]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 8], x[17]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 9], x[16]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[10], x[15]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[11], x[14]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[12], x[13]);
+ z[25] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 3], x[23]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 4], x[22]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 5], x[21]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 6], x[20]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 7], x[19]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 8], x[18]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 9], x[17]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[10], x[16]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[11], x[15]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[12], x[14]);
+ word3_muladd (&w1, &w0, &w2, x[13], x[13]);
+ z[26] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 4], x[23]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 5], x[22]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 6], x[21]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 7], x[20]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 8], x[19]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 9], x[18]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[10], x[17]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[11], x[16]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[12], x[15]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[13], x[14]);
+ z[27] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 5], x[23]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 6], x[22]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 7], x[21]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 8], x[20]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 9], x[19]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[10], x[18]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[11], x[17]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[12], x[16]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[13], x[15]);
+ word3_muladd (&w0, &w2, &w1, x[14], x[14]);
+ z[28] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 6], x[23]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 7], x[22]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 8], x[21]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 9], x[20]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[10], x[19]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[11], x[18]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[12], x[17]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[13], x[16]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[14], x[15]);
+ z[29] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 7], x[23]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 8], x[22]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 9], x[21]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[10], x[20]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[11], x[19]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[12], x[18]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[13], x[17]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[14], x[16]);
+ word3_muladd (&w2, &w1, &w0, x[15], x[15]);
+ z[30] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 8], x[23]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 9], x[22]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[10], x[21]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[11], x[20]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[12], x[19]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[13], x[18]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[14], x[17]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[15], x[16]);
+ z[31] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 9], x[23]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[10], x[22]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[11], x[21]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[12], x[20]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[13], x[19]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[14], x[18]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[15], x[17]);
+ word3_muladd (&w1, &w0, &w2, x[16], x[16]);
+ z[32] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[10], x[23]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[11], x[22]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[12], x[21]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[13], x[20]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[14], x[19]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[15], x[18]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[16], x[17]);
+ z[33] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[11], x[23]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[12], x[22]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[13], x[21]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[14], x[20]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[15], x[19]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[16], x[18]);
+ word3_muladd (&w0, &w2, &w1, x[17], x[17]);
+ z[34] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[12], x[23]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[13], x[22]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[14], x[21]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[15], x[20]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[16], x[19]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[17], x[18]);
+ z[35] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[13], x[23]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[14], x[22]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[15], x[21]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[16], x[20]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[17], x[19]);
+ word3_muladd (&w2, &w1, &w0, x[18], x[18]);
+ z[36] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[14], x[23]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[15], x[22]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[16], x[21]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[17], x[20]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[18], x[19]);
+ z[37] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[15], x[23]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[16], x[22]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[17], x[21]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[18], x[20]);
+ word3_muladd (&w1, &w0, &w2, x[19], x[19]);
+ z[38] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[16], x[23]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[17], x[22]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[18], x[21]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[19], x[20]);
+ z[39] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[17], x[23]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[18], x[22]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[19], x[21]);
+ word3_muladd (&w0, &w2, &w1, x[20], x[20]);
+ z[40] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[18], x[23]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[19], x[22]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[20], x[21]);
+ z[41] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[19], x[23]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[20], x[22]);
+ word3_muladd (&w2, &w1, &w0, x[21], x[21]);
+ z[42] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[20], x[23]);
+ word3_muladd_2(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[21], x[22]);
+ z[43] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[21], x[23]);
+ word3_muladd (&w1, &w0, &w2, x[22], x[22]);
+ z[44] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd_2(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[22], x[23]);
+ z[45] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd (&w0, &w2, &w1, x[23], x[23]);
+ z[46] = w1;
+ z[47] = w2;
+ }
+* Comba 24x24 Multiplication
+void bigint_comba_mul24(word z[48], const word x[24], const word y[24])
+ {
+ word w2 = 0, w1 = 0, w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 0], y[ 0]);
+ z[ 0] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 0], y[ 1]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 1], y[ 0]);
+ z[ 1] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 0], y[ 2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 1], y[ 1]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 2], y[ 0]);
+ z[ 2] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 0], y[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 1], y[ 2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 2], y[ 1]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 3], y[ 0]);
+ z[ 3] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 0], y[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 1], y[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 2], y[ 2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 3], y[ 1]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 4], y[ 0]);
+ z[ 4] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 0], y[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 1], y[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 2], y[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 3], y[ 2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 4], y[ 1]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 5], y[ 0]);
+ z[ 5] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 0], y[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 1], y[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 2], y[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 3], y[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 4], y[ 2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 5], y[ 1]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 6], y[ 0]);
+ z[ 6] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 0], y[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 1], y[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 2], y[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 3], y[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 4], y[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 5], y[ 2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 6], y[ 1]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 7], y[ 0]);
+ z[ 7] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 0], y[ 8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 1], y[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 2], y[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 3], y[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 4], y[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 5], y[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 6], y[ 2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 7], y[ 1]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 8], y[ 0]);
+ z[ 8] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 0], y[ 9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 1], y[ 8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 2], y[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 3], y[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 4], y[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 5], y[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 6], y[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 7], y[ 2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 8], y[ 1]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 9], y[ 0]);
+ z[ 9] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 0], y[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 1], y[ 9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 2], y[ 8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 3], y[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 4], y[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 5], y[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 6], y[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 7], y[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 8], y[ 2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 9], y[ 1]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[10], y[ 0]);
+ z[10] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 0], y[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 1], y[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 2], y[ 9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 3], y[ 8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 4], y[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 5], y[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 6], y[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 7], y[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 8], y[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 9], y[ 2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[10], y[ 1]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[11], y[ 0]);
+ z[11] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 0], y[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 1], y[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 2], y[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 3], y[ 9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 4], y[ 8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 5], y[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 6], y[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 7], y[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 8], y[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 9], y[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[10], y[ 2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[11], y[ 1]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[12], y[ 0]);
+ z[12] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 0], y[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 1], y[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 2], y[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 3], y[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 4], y[ 9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 5], y[ 8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 6], y[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 7], y[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 8], y[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 9], y[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[10], y[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[11], y[ 2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[12], y[ 1]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[13], y[ 0]);
+ z[13] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 0], y[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 1], y[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 2], y[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 3], y[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 4], y[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 5], y[ 9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 6], y[ 8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 7], y[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 8], y[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 9], y[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[10], y[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[11], y[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[12], y[ 2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[13], y[ 1]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[14], y[ 0]);
+ z[14] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 0], y[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 1], y[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 2], y[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 3], y[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 4], y[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 5], y[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 6], y[ 9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 7], y[ 8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 8], y[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 9], y[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[10], y[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[11], y[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[12], y[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[13], y[ 2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[14], y[ 1]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[15], y[ 0]);
+ z[15] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 0], y[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 1], y[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 2], y[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 3], y[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 4], y[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 5], y[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 6], y[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 7], y[ 9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 8], y[ 8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 9], y[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[10], y[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[11], y[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[12], y[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[13], y[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[14], y[ 2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[15], y[ 1]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[16], y[ 0]);
+ z[16] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 0], y[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 1], y[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 2], y[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 3], y[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 4], y[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 5], y[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 6], y[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 7], y[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 8], y[ 9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 9], y[ 8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[10], y[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[11], y[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[12], y[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[13], y[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[14], y[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[15], y[ 2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[16], y[ 1]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[17], y[ 0]);
+ z[17] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 0], y[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 1], y[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 2], y[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 3], y[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 4], y[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 5], y[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 6], y[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 7], y[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 8], y[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 9], y[ 9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[10], y[ 8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[11], y[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[12], y[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[13], y[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[14], y[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[15], y[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[16], y[ 2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[17], y[ 1]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[18], y[ 0]);
+ z[18] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 0], y[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 1], y[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 2], y[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 3], y[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 4], y[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 5], y[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 6], y[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 7], y[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 8], y[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 9], y[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[10], y[ 9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[11], y[ 8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[12], y[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[13], y[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[14], y[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[15], y[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[16], y[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[17], y[ 2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[18], y[ 1]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[19], y[ 0]);
+ z[19] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 0], y[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 1], y[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 2], y[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 3], y[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 4], y[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 5], y[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 6], y[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 7], y[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 8], y[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 9], y[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[10], y[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[11], y[ 9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[12], y[ 8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[13], y[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[14], y[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[15], y[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[16], y[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[17], y[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[18], y[ 2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[19], y[ 1]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[20], y[ 0]);
+ z[20] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 0], y[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 1], y[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 2], y[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 3], y[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 4], y[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 5], y[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 6], y[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 7], y[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 8], y[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 9], y[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[10], y[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[11], y[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[12], y[ 9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[13], y[ 8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[14], y[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[15], y[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[16], y[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[17], y[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[18], y[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[19], y[ 2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[20], y[ 1]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[21], y[ 0]);
+ z[21] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 0], y[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 1], y[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 2], y[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 3], y[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 4], y[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 5], y[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 6], y[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 7], y[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 8], y[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 9], y[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[10], y[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[11], y[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[12], y[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[13], y[ 9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[14], y[ 8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[15], y[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[16], y[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[17], y[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[18], y[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[19], y[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[20], y[ 2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[21], y[ 1]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[22], y[ 0]);
+ z[22] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 0], y[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 1], y[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 2], y[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 3], y[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 4], y[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 5], y[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 6], y[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 7], y[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 8], y[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 9], y[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[10], y[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[11], y[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[12], y[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[13], y[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[14], y[ 9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[15], y[ 8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[16], y[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[17], y[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[18], y[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[19], y[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[20], y[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[21], y[ 2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[22], y[ 1]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[23], y[ 0]);
+ z[23] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 1], y[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 2], y[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 3], y[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 4], y[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 5], y[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 6], y[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 7], y[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 8], y[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 9], y[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[10], y[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[11], y[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[12], y[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[13], y[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[14], y[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[15], y[ 9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[16], y[ 8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[17], y[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[18], y[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[19], y[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[20], y[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[21], y[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[22], y[ 2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[23], y[ 1]);
+ z[24] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 2], y[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 3], y[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 4], y[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 5], y[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 6], y[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 7], y[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 8], y[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 9], y[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[10], y[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[11], y[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[12], y[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[13], y[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[14], y[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[15], y[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[16], y[ 9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[17], y[ 8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[18], y[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[19], y[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[20], y[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[21], y[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[22], y[ 3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[23], y[ 2]);
+ z[25] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 3], y[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 4], y[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 5], y[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 6], y[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 7], y[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 8], y[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 9], y[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[10], y[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[11], y[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[12], y[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[13], y[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[14], y[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[15], y[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[16], y[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[17], y[ 9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[18], y[ 8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[19], y[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[20], y[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[21], y[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[22], y[ 4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[23], y[ 3]);
+ z[26] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 4], y[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 5], y[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 6], y[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 7], y[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 8], y[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 9], y[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[10], y[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[11], y[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[12], y[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[13], y[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[14], y[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[15], y[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[16], y[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[17], y[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[18], y[ 9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[19], y[ 8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[20], y[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[21], y[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[22], y[ 5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[23], y[ 4]);
+ z[27] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 5], y[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 6], y[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 7], y[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 8], y[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 9], y[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[10], y[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[11], y[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[12], y[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[13], y[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[14], y[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[15], y[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[16], y[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[17], y[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[18], y[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[19], y[ 9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[20], y[ 8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[21], y[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[22], y[ 6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[23], y[ 5]);
+ z[28] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 6], y[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 7], y[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 8], y[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 9], y[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[10], y[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[11], y[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[12], y[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[13], y[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[14], y[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[15], y[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[16], y[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[17], y[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[18], y[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[19], y[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[20], y[ 9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[21], y[ 8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[22], y[ 7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[23], y[ 6]);
+ z[29] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 7], y[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 8], y[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[ 9], y[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[10], y[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[11], y[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[12], y[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[13], y[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[14], y[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[15], y[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[16], y[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[17], y[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[18], y[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[19], y[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[20], y[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[21], y[ 9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[22], y[ 8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[23], y[ 7]);
+ z[30] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 8], y[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[ 9], y[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[10], y[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[11], y[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[12], y[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[13], y[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[14], y[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[15], y[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[16], y[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[17], y[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[18], y[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[19], y[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[20], y[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[21], y[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[22], y[ 9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[23], y[ 8]);
+ z[31] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[ 9], y[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[10], y[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[11], y[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[12], y[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[13], y[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[14], y[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[15], y[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[16], y[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[17], y[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[18], y[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[19], y[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[20], y[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[21], y[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[22], y[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[23], y[ 9]);
+ z[32] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[10], y[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[11], y[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[12], y[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[13], y[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[14], y[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[15], y[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[16], y[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[17], y[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[18], y[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[19], y[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[20], y[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[21], y[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[22], y[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[23], y[10]);
+ z[33] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[11], y[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[12], y[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[13], y[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[14], y[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[15], y[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[16], y[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[17], y[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[18], y[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[19], y[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[20], y[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[21], y[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[22], y[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[23], y[11]);
+ z[34] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[12], y[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[13], y[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[14], y[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[15], y[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[16], y[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[17], y[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[18], y[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[19], y[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[20], y[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[21], y[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[22], y[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[23], y[12]);
+ z[35] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[13], y[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[14], y[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[15], y[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[16], y[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[17], y[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[18], y[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[19], y[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[20], y[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[21], y[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[22], y[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[23], y[13]);
+ z[36] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[14], y[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[15], y[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[16], y[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[17], y[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[18], y[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[19], y[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[20], y[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[21], y[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[22], y[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[23], y[14]);
+ z[37] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[15], y[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[16], y[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[17], y[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[18], y[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[19], y[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[20], y[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[21], y[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[22], y[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[23], y[15]);
+ z[38] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[16], y[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[17], y[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[18], y[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[19], y[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[20], y[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[21], y[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[22], y[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[23], y[16]);
+ z[39] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[17], y[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[18], y[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[19], y[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[20], y[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[21], y[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[22], y[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[23], y[17]);
+ z[40] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[18], y[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[19], y[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[20], y[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[21], y[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[22], y[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[23], y[18]);
+ z[41] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[19], y[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[20], y[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[21], y[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[22], y[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[23], y[19]);
+ z[42] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[20], y[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[21], y[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[22], y[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[23], y[20]);
+ z[43] = w1; w1 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[21], y[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[22], y[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w1, &w0, &w2, x[23], y[21]);
+ z[44] = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[22], y[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, x[23], y[22]);
+ z[45] = w0; w0 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w0, &w2, &w1, x[23], y[23]);
+ z[46] = w1;
+ z[47] = w2;
+ }
diff --git a/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/mp/mp_core.cpp b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/mp/mp_core.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2ae65e508f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/mp/mp_core.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,527 @@
+* MPI Add, Subtract, Word Multiply
+* (C) 1999-2010,2016 Jack Lloyd
+* 2006 Luca Piccarreta
+* Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt)
+#include <botan/internal/mp_core.h>
+#include <botan/internal/mp_asmi.h>
+#include <botan/internal/ct_utils.h>
+#include <botan/exceptn.h>
+#include <botan/mem_ops.h>
+namespace Botan {
+* If cond == 0, does nothing.
+* If cond > 0, swaps x[0:size] with y[0:size]
+* Runs in constant time
+void bigint_cnd_swap(word cnd, word x[], word y[], size_t size)
+ {
+ const word mask = CT::expand_mask(cnd);
+ for(size_t i = 0; i != size; ++i)
+ {
+ const word a = x[i];
+ const word b = y[i];
+ x[i] = CT::select(mask, b, a);
+ y[i] = CT::select(mask, a, b);
+ }
+ }
+* If cond > 0 adds x[0:size] to y[0:size] and returns carry
+* Runs in constant time
+word bigint_cnd_add(word cnd, word x[], const word y[], size_t size)
+ {
+ const word mask = CT::expand_mask(cnd);
+ word carry = 0;
+ const size_t blocks = size - (size % 8);
+ word z[8] = { 0 };
+ for(size_t i = 0; i != blocks; i += 8)
+ {
+ carry = word8_add3(z, x + i, y + i, carry);
+ for(size_t j = 0; j != 8; ++j)
+ x[i+j] = CT::select(mask, z[j], x[i+j]);
+ }
+ for(size_t i = blocks; i != size; ++i)
+ {
+ z[0] = word_add(x[i], y[i], &carry);
+ x[i] = CT::select(mask, z[0], x[i]);
+ }
+ return carry & mask;
+ }
+* If cond > 0 subs x[0:size] to y[0:size] and returns borrow
+* Runs in constant time
+word bigint_cnd_sub(word cnd, word x[], const word y[], size_t size)
+ {
+ const word mask = CT::expand_mask(cnd);
+ word carry = 0;
+ const size_t blocks = size - (size % 8);
+ word z[8] = { 0 };
+ for(size_t i = 0; i != blocks; i += 8)
+ {
+ carry = word8_sub3(z, x + i, y + i, carry);
+ for(size_t j = 0; j != 8; ++j)
+ x[i+j] = CT::select(mask, z[j], x[i+j]);
+ }
+ for(size_t i = blocks; i != size; ++i)
+ {
+ z[0] = word_sub(x[i], y[i], &carry);
+ x[i] = CT::select(mask, z[0], x[i]);
+ }
+ return carry & mask;
+ }
+void bigint_cnd_addsub(word mask, word x[], const word y[], size_t size)
+ {
+ const size_t blocks = size - (size % 8);
+ word carry = 0;
+ word borrow = 0;
+ word t0[8] = { 0 };
+ word t1[8] = { 0 };
+ for(size_t i = 0; i != blocks; i += 8)
+ {
+ carry = word8_add3(t0, x + i, y + i, carry);
+ borrow = word8_sub3(t1, x + i, y + i, borrow);
+ for(size_t j = 0; j != 8; ++j)
+ x[i+j] = CT::select(mask, t0[j], t1[j]);
+ }
+ for(size_t i = blocks; i != size; ++i)
+ {
+ const word a = word_add(x[i], y[i], &carry);
+ const word s = word_sub(x[i], y[i], &borrow);
+ x[i] = CT::select(mask, a, s);
+ }
+ }
+void bigint_cnd_abs(word cnd, word x[], size_t size)
+ {
+ const word mask = CT::expand_mask(cnd);
+ word carry = mask & 1;
+ for(size_t i = 0; i != size; ++i)
+ {
+ const word z = word_add(~x[i], 0, &carry);
+ x[i] = CT::select(mask, z, x[i]);
+ }
+ }
+* Two Operand Addition, No Carry
+word bigint_add2_nc(word x[], size_t x_size, const word y[], size_t y_size)
+ {
+ word carry = 0;
+ BOTAN_ASSERT(x_size >= y_size, "Expected sizes");
+ const size_t blocks = y_size - (y_size % 8);
+ for(size_t i = 0; i != blocks; i += 8)
+ carry = word8_add2(x + i, y + i, carry);
+ for(size_t i = blocks; i != y_size; ++i)
+ x[i] = word_add(x[i], y[i], &carry);
+ for(size_t i = y_size; i != x_size; ++i)
+ x[i] = word_add(x[i], 0, &carry);
+ return carry;
+ }
+* Three Operand Addition, No Carry
+word bigint_add3_nc(word z[], const word x[], size_t x_size,
+ const word y[], size_t y_size)
+ {
+ if(x_size < y_size)
+ { return bigint_add3_nc(z, y, y_size, x, x_size); }
+ word carry = 0;
+ const size_t blocks = y_size - (y_size % 8);
+ for(size_t i = 0; i != blocks; i += 8)
+ carry = word8_add3(z + i, x + i, y + i, carry);
+ for(size_t i = blocks; i != y_size; ++i)
+ z[i] = word_add(x[i], y[i], &carry);
+ for(size_t i = y_size; i != x_size; ++i)
+ z[i] = word_add(x[i], 0, &carry);
+ return carry;
+ }
+* Two Operand Addition
+void bigint_add2(word x[], size_t x_size, const word y[], size_t y_size)
+ {
+ x[x_size] += bigint_add2_nc(x, x_size, y, y_size);
+ }
+* Three Operand Addition
+void bigint_add3(word z[], const word x[], size_t x_size,
+ const word y[], size_t y_size)
+ {
+ z[x_size > y_size ? x_size : y_size] +=
+ bigint_add3_nc(z, x, x_size, y, y_size);
+ }
+* Two Operand Subtraction
+word bigint_sub2(word x[], size_t x_size, const word y[], size_t y_size)
+ {
+ word borrow = 0;
+ BOTAN_ASSERT(x_size >= y_size, "Expected sizes");
+ const size_t blocks = y_size - (y_size % 8);
+ for(size_t i = 0; i != blocks; i += 8)
+ borrow = word8_sub2(x + i, y + i, borrow);
+ for(size_t i = blocks; i != y_size; ++i)
+ x[i] = word_sub(x[i], y[i], &borrow);
+ for(size_t i = y_size; i != x_size; ++i)
+ x[i] = word_sub(x[i], 0, &borrow);
+ return borrow;
+ }
+* Two Operand Subtraction x = y - x
+void bigint_sub2_rev(word x[], const word y[], size_t y_size)
+ {
+ word borrow = 0;
+ const size_t blocks = y_size - (y_size % 8);
+ for(size_t i = 0; i != blocks; i += 8)
+ borrow = word8_sub2_rev(x + i, y + i, borrow);
+ for(size_t i = blocks; i != y_size; ++i)
+ x[i] = word_sub(y[i], x[i], &borrow);
+ BOTAN_ASSERT(!borrow, "y must be greater than x");
+ }
+word bigint_sub_abs(word z[],
+ const word x[], const word y[], size_t N,
+ word ws[])
+ {
+ // Subtract in both direction then conditional copy out the result
+ word* ws0 = ws;
+ word* ws1 = ws + N;
+ word borrow0 = 0;
+ word borrow1 = 0;
+ const size_t blocks = N - (N % 8);
+ for(size_t i = 0; i != blocks; i += 8)
+ {
+ borrow0 = word8_sub3(ws0 + i, x + i, y + i, borrow0);
+ borrow1 = word8_sub3(ws1 + i, y + i, x + i, borrow1);
+ }
+ for(size_t i = blocks; i != N; ++i)
+ {
+ ws0[i] = word_sub(x[i], y[i], &borrow0);
+ ws1[i] = word_sub(y[i], x[i], &borrow1);
+ }
+ word mask = CT::conditional_copy_mem(borrow1, z, ws0, ws1, N);
+ return CT::select<word>(mask, 0, 1);
+ }
+* Three Operand Subtraction
+word bigint_sub3(word z[], const word x[], size_t x_size,
+ const word y[], size_t y_size)
+ {
+ word borrow = 0;
+ BOTAN_ASSERT(x_size >= y_size, "Expected sizes");
+ const size_t blocks = y_size - (y_size % 8);
+ for(size_t i = 0; i != blocks; i += 8)
+ borrow = word8_sub3(z + i, x + i, y + i, borrow);
+ for(size_t i = blocks; i != y_size; ++i)
+ z[i] = word_sub(x[i], y[i], &borrow);
+ for(size_t i = y_size; i != x_size; ++i)
+ z[i] = word_sub(x[i], 0, &borrow);
+ return borrow;
+ }
+* Two Operand Linear Multiply
+void bigint_linmul2(word x[], size_t x_size, word y)
+ {
+ const size_t blocks = x_size - (x_size % 8);
+ word carry = 0;
+ for(size_t i = 0; i != blocks; i += 8)
+ carry = word8_linmul2(x + i, y, carry);
+ for(size_t i = blocks; i != x_size; ++i)
+ x[i] = word_madd2(x[i], y, &carry);
+ x[x_size] = carry;
+ }
+* Three Operand Linear Multiply
+void bigint_linmul3(word z[], const word x[], size_t x_size, word y)
+ {
+ const size_t blocks = x_size - (x_size % 8);
+ word carry = 0;
+ for(size_t i = 0; i != blocks; i += 8)
+ carry = word8_linmul3(z + i, x + i, y, carry);
+ for(size_t i = blocks; i != x_size; ++i)
+ z[i] = word_madd2(x[i], y, &carry);
+ z[x_size] = carry;
+ }
+* Single Operand Left Shift
+void bigint_shl1(word x[], size_t x_size, size_t word_shift, size_t bit_shift)
+ {
+ if(word_shift)
+ {
+ copy_mem(x + word_shift, x, x_size);
+ clear_mem(x, word_shift);
+ }
+ if(bit_shift)
+ {
+ word carry = 0;
+ for(size_t j = word_shift; j != x_size + word_shift + 1; ++j)
+ {
+ word temp = x[j];
+ x[j] = (temp << bit_shift) | carry;
+ carry = (temp >> (BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS - bit_shift));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+* Single Operand Right Shift
+void bigint_shr1(word x[], size_t x_size, size_t word_shift, size_t bit_shift)
+ {
+ if(x_size < word_shift)
+ {
+ clear_mem(x, x_size);
+ return;
+ }
+ if(word_shift)
+ {
+ copy_mem(x, x + word_shift, x_size - word_shift);
+ clear_mem(x + x_size - word_shift, word_shift);
+ }
+ if(bit_shift)
+ {
+ word carry = 0;
+ size_t top = x_size - word_shift;
+ while(top >= 4)
+ {
+ word w = x[top-1];
+ x[top-1] = (w >> bit_shift) | carry;
+ carry = (w << (BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS - bit_shift));
+ w = x[top-2];
+ x[top-2] = (w >> bit_shift) | carry;
+ carry = (w << (BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS - bit_shift));
+ w = x[top-3];
+ x[top-3] = (w >> bit_shift) | carry;
+ carry = (w << (BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS - bit_shift));
+ w = x[top-4];
+ x[top-4] = (w >> bit_shift) | carry;
+ carry = (w << (BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS - bit_shift));
+ top -= 4;
+ }
+ while(top)
+ {
+ word w = x[top-1];
+ x[top-1] = (w >> bit_shift) | carry;
+ carry = (w << (BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS - bit_shift));
+ top--;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+* Two Operand Left Shift
+void bigint_shl2(word y[], const word x[], size_t x_size,
+ size_t word_shift, size_t bit_shift)
+ {
+ for(size_t j = 0; j != x_size; ++j)
+ y[j + word_shift] = x[j];
+ if(bit_shift)
+ {
+ word carry = 0;
+ for(size_t j = word_shift; j != x_size + word_shift + 1; ++j)
+ {
+ word w = y[j];
+ y[j] = (w << bit_shift) | carry;
+ carry = (w >> (BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS - bit_shift));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+* Two Operand Right Shift
+void bigint_shr2(word y[], const word x[], size_t x_size,
+ size_t word_shift, size_t bit_shift)
+ {
+ if(x_size < word_shift) return;
+ for(size_t j = 0; j != x_size - word_shift; ++j)
+ y[j] = x[j + word_shift];
+ if(bit_shift)
+ {
+ word carry = 0;
+ for(size_t j = x_size - word_shift; j > 0; --j)
+ {
+ word w = y[j-1];
+ y[j-1] = (w >> bit_shift) | carry;
+ carry = (w << (BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS - bit_shift));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+* Compare two MP integers
+int32_t bigint_cmp(const word x[], size_t x_size,
+ const word y[], size_t y_size)
+ {
+ if(x_size < y_size) { return (-bigint_cmp(y, y_size, x, x_size)); }
+ while(x_size > y_size)
+ {
+ if(x[x_size-1])
+ return 1;
+ x_size--;
+ }
+ for(size_t i = x_size; i > 0; --i)
+ {
+ if(x[i-1] > y[i-1])
+ return 1;
+ if(x[i-1] < y[i-1])
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+* Do a 2-word/1-word Division
+word bigint_divop(word n1, word n0, word d)
+ {
+ if(d == 0)
+ throw Invalid_Argument("bigint_divop divide by zero");
+#if defined(BOTAN_HAS_MP_DWORD)
+ return ((static_cast<dword>(n1) << BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS) | n0) / d;
+ word high = n1 % d, quotient = 0;
+ for(size_t i = 0; i != BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS; ++i)
+ {
+ word high_top_bit = (high & MP_WORD_TOP_BIT);
+ high <<= 1;
+ high |= (n0 >> (BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS-1-i)) & 1;
+ quotient <<= 1;
+ if(high_top_bit || high >= d)
+ {
+ high -= d;
+ quotient |= 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return quotient;
+ }
+* Do a 2-word/1-word Modulo
+word bigint_modop(word n1, word n0, word d)
+ {
+#if defined(BOTAN_HAS_MP_DWORD)
+ return ((static_cast<dword>(n1) << BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS) | n0) % d;
+ word z = bigint_divop(n1, n0, d);
+ word dummy = 0;
+ z = word_madd2(z, d, &dummy);
+ return (n0-z);
+ }
diff --git a/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/mp/mp_core.h b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/mp/mp_core.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9430c3753f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/mp/mp_core.h
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+* MPI Algorithms
+* (C) 1999-2010 Jack Lloyd
+* 2006 Luca Piccarreta
+* 2016 Matthias Gierlings
+* Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt)
+#include <botan/types.h>
+namespace Botan {
+const word MP_WORD_MASK = ~static_cast<word>(0);
+const word MP_WORD_TOP_BIT = static_cast<word>(1) << (8*sizeof(word) - 1);
+const word MP_WORD_MAX = MP_WORD_MASK;
+* If cond == 0, does nothing.
+* If cond > 0, swaps x[0:size] with y[0:size]
+* Runs in constant time
+void bigint_cnd_swap(word cnd, word x[], word y[], size_t size);
+* If cond > 0 adds x[0:size] and y[0:size] and returns carry
+* Runs in constant time
+word bigint_cnd_add(word cnd, word x[], const word y[], size_t size);
+* If cond > 0 subtracts x[0:size] and y[0:size] and returns borrow
+* Runs in constant time
+word bigint_cnd_sub(word cnd, word x[], const word y[], size_t size);
+* Equivalent to
+* bigint_cnd_add( mask, x, y, size);
+* bigint_cnd_sub(~mask, x, y, size);
+* Mask must be either 0 or all 1 bits
+void bigint_cnd_addsub(word mask, word x[], const word y[], size_t size);
+* 2s complement absolute value
+* If cond > 0 sets x to ~x + 1
+* Runs in constant time
+void bigint_cnd_abs(word cnd, word x[], size_t size);
+* Two operand addition
+* @param x the first operand (and output)
+* @param x_size size of x
+* @param y the second operand
+* @param y_size size of y (must be >= x_size)
+void bigint_add2(word x[], size_t x_size,
+ const word y[], size_t y_size);
+* Three operand addition
+void bigint_add3(word z[],
+ const word x[], size_t x_size,
+ const word y[], size_t y_size);
+* Two operand addition with carry out
+word bigint_add2_nc(word x[], size_t x_size, const word y[], size_t y_size);
+* Three operand addition with carry out
+word bigint_add3_nc(word z[],
+ const word x[], size_t x_size,
+ const word y[], size_t y_size);
+* Two operand subtraction
+word bigint_sub2(word x[], size_t x_size,
+ const word y[], size_t y_size);
+* Two operand subtraction, x = y - x; assumes y >= x
+void bigint_sub2_rev(word x[], const word y[], size_t y_size);
+* Three operand subtraction
+word bigint_sub3(word z[],
+ const word x[], size_t x_size,
+ const word y[], size_t y_size);
+* Return abs(x-y), ie if x >= y, then compute z = x - y
+* Otherwise compute z = y - x
+* No borrow is possible since the result is always >= 0
+* Returns 1 if x >= y or 0 if x < y
+* @param z output array of at least N words
+* @param x input array of N words
+* @param y input array of N words
+* @param N length of x and y
+* @param ws array of at least 2*N words
+word bigint_sub_abs(word z[],
+ const word x[], const word y[], size_t N,
+ word ws[]);
+* Shift Operations
+void bigint_shl1(word x[], size_t x_size,
+ size_t word_shift, size_t bit_shift);
+void bigint_shr1(word x[], size_t x_size,
+ size_t word_shift, size_t bit_shift);
+void bigint_shl2(word y[], const word x[], size_t x_size,
+ size_t word_shift, size_t bit_shift);
+void bigint_shr2(word y[], const word x[], size_t x_size,
+ size_t word_shift, size_t bit_shift);
+* Linear Multiply
+void bigint_linmul2(word x[], size_t x_size, word y);
+void bigint_linmul3(word z[], const word x[], size_t x_size, word y);
+* Montgomery Reduction
+* @param z integer to reduce, of size exactly 2*(p_size+1).
+ Output is in the first p_size+1 words, higher
+ words are set to zero.
+* @param p modulus
+* @param p_size size of p
+* @param p_dash Montgomery value
+* @param workspace array of at least 2*(p_size+1) words
+* @param ws_size size of workspace in words
+void bigint_monty_redc(word z[],
+ const word p[], size_t p_size,
+ word p_dash,
+ word workspace[],
+ size_t ws_size);
+* Compare x and y returning early
+int32_t bigint_cmp(const word x[], size_t x_size,
+ const word y[], size_t y_size);
+* Compute ((n1<<bits) + n0) / d
+word bigint_divop(word n1, word n0, word d);
+* Compute ((n1<<bits) + n0) % d
+word bigint_modop(word n1, word n0, word d);
+* Comba Multiplication / Squaring
+void bigint_comba_mul4(word z[8], const word x[4], const word y[4]);
+void bigint_comba_mul6(word z[12], const word x[6], const word y[6]);
+void bigint_comba_mul8(word z[16], const word x[8], const word y[8]);
+void bigint_comba_mul9(word z[18], const word x[9], const word y[9]);
+void bigint_comba_mul16(word z[32], const word x[16], const word y[16]);
+void bigint_comba_mul24(word z[48], const word x[24], const word y[24]);
+void bigint_comba_sqr4(word out[8], const word in[4]);
+void bigint_comba_sqr6(word out[12], const word in[6]);
+void bigint_comba_sqr8(word out[16], const word in[8]);
+void bigint_comba_sqr9(word out[18], const word in[9]);
+void bigint_comba_sqr16(word out[32], const word in[16]);
+void bigint_comba_sqr24(word out[48], const word in[24]);
+* High Level Multiplication/Squaring Interfaces
+void bigint_mul(word z[], size_t z_size,
+ const word x[], size_t x_size, size_t x_sw,
+ const word y[], size_t y_size, size_t y_sw,
+ word workspace[], size_t ws_size);
+void bigint_sqr(word z[], size_t z_size,
+ const word x[], size_t x_size, size_t x_sw,
+ word workspace[], size_t ws_size);
diff --git a/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/mp/mp_karat.cpp b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/mp/mp_karat.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..69e2ae6656
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/mp/mp_karat.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,403 @@
+* Multiplication and Squaring
+* (C) 1999-2010,2018 Jack Lloyd
+* 2016 Matthias Gierlings
+* Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt)
+#include <botan/internal/mp_core.h>
+#include <botan/internal/mp_asmi.h>
+#include <botan/internal/ct_utils.h>
+#include <botan/mem_ops.h>
+#include <botan/exceptn.h>
+namespace Botan {
+namespace {
+* Simple O(N^2) Multiplication
+void basecase_mul(word z[], size_t z_size,
+ const word x[], size_t x_size,
+ const word y[], size_t y_size)
+ {
+ if(z_size < x_size + y_size)
+ throw Invalid_Argument("basecase_mul z_size too small");
+ const size_t x_size_8 = x_size - (x_size % 8);
+ clear_mem(z, z_size);
+ for(size_t i = 0; i != y_size; ++i)
+ {
+ const word y_i = y[i];
+ word carry = 0;
+ for(size_t j = 0; j != x_size_8; j += 8)
+ carry = word8_madd3(z + i + j, x + j, y_i, carry);
+ for(size_t j = x_size_8; j != x_size; ++j)
+ z[i+j] = word_madd3(x[j], y_i, z[i+j], &carry);
+ z[x_size+i] = carry;
+ }
+ }
+void basecase_sqr(word z[], size_t z_size,
+ const word x[], size_t x_size)
+ {
+ if(z_size < 2*x_size)
+ throw Invalid_Argument("basecase_sqr z_size too small");
+ const size_t x_size_8 = x_size - (x_size % 8);
+ clear_mem(z, z_size);
+ for(size_t i = 0; i != x_size; ++i)
+ {
+ const word x_i = x[i];
+ word carry = 0;
+ for(size_t j = 0; j != x_size_8; j += 8)
+ carry = word8_madd3(z + i + j, x + j, x_i, carry);
+ for(size_t j = x_size_8; j != x_size; ++j)
+ z[i+j] = word_madd3(x[j], x_i, z[i+j], &carry);
+ z[x_size+i] = carry;
+ }
+ }
+* Karatsuba Multiplication Operation
+void karatsuba_mul(word z[], const word x[], const word y[], size_t N,
+ word workspace[])
+ {
+ {
+ if(N == 6)
+ return bigint_comba_mul6(z, x, y);
+ else if(N == 8)
+ return bigint_comba_mul8(z, x, y);
+ else if(N == 9)
+ return bigint_comba_mul9(z, x, y);
+ else if(N == 16)
+ return bigint_comba_mul16(z, x, y);
+ else if(N == 24)
+ return bigint_comba_mul24(z, x, y);
+ else
+ return basecase_mul(z, 2*N, x, N, y, N);
+ }
+ const size_t N2 = N / 2;
+ const word* x0 = x;
+ const word* x1 = x + N2;
+ const word* y0 = y;
+ const word* y1 = y + N2;
+ word* z0 = z;
+ word* z1 = z + N;
+ word* ws0 = workspace;
+ word* ws1 = workspace + N;
+ clear_mem(workspace, 2*N);
+ /*
+ * If either of cmp0 or cmp1 is zero then z0 or z1 resp is zero here,
+ * resulting in a no-op - z0*z1 will be equal to zero so we don't need to do
+ * anything, clear_mem above already set the correct result.
+ *
+ * However we ignore the result of the comparisons and always perform the
+ * subtractions and recursively multiply to avoid the timing channel.
+ */
+ // First compute (X_lo - X_hi)*(Y_hi - Y_lo)
+ const word cmp0 = bigint_sub_abs(z0, x0, x1, N2, workspace);
+ const word cmp1 = bigint_sub_abs(z1, y1, y0, N2, workspace);
+ karatsuba_mul(ws0, z0, z1, N2, ws1);
+ // Compute X_lo * Y_lo
+ karatsuba_mul(z0, x0, y0, N2, ws1);
+ // Compute X_hi * Y_hi
+ karatsuba_mul(z1, x1, y1, N2, ws1);
+ const word ws_carry = bigint_add3_nc(ws1, z0, N, z1, N);
+ word z_carry = bigint_add2_nc(z + N2, N, ws1, N);
+ z_carry += bigint_add2_nc(z + N + N2, N2, &ws_carry, 1);
+ bigint_add2_nc(z + N + N2, N2, &z_carry, 1);
+ clear_mem(workspace + N, N2);
+ const word neg_mask = CT::is_equal<word>(cmp0, cmp1);
+ bigint_cnd_addsub(neg_mask, z + N2, workspace, 2*N-N2);
+ }
+* Karatsuba Squaring Operation
+void karatsuba_sqr(word z[], const word x[], size_t N, word workspace[])
+ {
+ {
+ if(N == 6)
+ return bigint_comba_sqr6(z, x);
+ else if(N == 8)
+ return bigint_comba_sqr8(z, x);
+ else if(N == 9)
+ return bigint_comba_sqr9(z, x);
+ else if(N == 16)
+ return bigint_comba_sqr16(z, x);
+ else if(N == 24)
+ return bigint_comba_sqr24(z, x);
+ else
+ return basecase_sqr(z, 2*N, x, N);
+ }
+ const size_t N2 = N / 2;
+ const word* x0 = x;
+ const word* x1 = x + N2;
+ word* z0 = z;
+ word* z1 = z + N;
+ word* ws0 = workspace;
+ word* ws1 = workspace + N;
+ clear_mem(workspace, 2*N);
+ // See comment in karatsuba_mul
+ bigint_sub_abs(z0, x0, x1, N2, workspace);
+ karatsuba_sqr(ws0, z0, N2, ws1);
+ karatsuba_sqr(z0, x0, N2, ws1);
+ karatsuba_sqr(z1, x1, N2, ws1);
+ const word ws_carry = bigint_add3_nc(ws1, z0, N, z1, N);
+ word z_carry = bigint_add2_nc(z + N2, N, ws1, N);
+ z_carry += bigint_add2_nc(z + N + N2, N2, &ws_carry, 1);
+ bigint_add2_nc(z + N + N2, N2, &z_carry, 1);
+ /*
+ * This is only actually required if cmp (result of bigint_sub_abs) is != 0,
+ * however if cmp==0 then ws0[0:N] == 0 and avoiding the jump hides a
+ * timing channel.
+ */
+ bigint_sub2(z + N2, 2*N-N2, ws0, N);
+ }
+* Pick a good size for the Karatsuba multiply
+size_t karatsuba_size(size_t z_size,
+ size_t x_size, size_t x_sw,
+ size_t y_size, size_t y_sw)
+ {
+ if(x_sw > x_size || x_sw > y_size || y_sw > x_size || y_sw > y_size)
+ return 0;
+ if(((x_size == x_sw) && (x_size % 2)) ||
+ ((y_size == y_sw) && (y_size % 2)))
+ return 0;
+ const size_t start = (x_sw > y_sw) ? x_sw : y_sw;
+ const size_t end = (x_size < y_size) ? x_size : y_size;
+ if(start == end)
+ {
+ if(start % 2)
+ return 0;
+ return start;
+ }
+ for(size_t j = start; j <= end; ++j)
+ {
+ if(j % 2)
+ continue;
+ if(2*j > z_size)
+ return 0;
+ if(x_sw <= j && j <= x_size && y_sw <= j && j <= y_size)
+ {
+ if(j % 4 == 2 &&
+ (j+2) <= x_size && (j+2) <= y_size && 2*(j+2) <= z_size)
+ return j+2;
+ return j;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+* Pick a good size for the Karatsuba squaring
+size_t karatsuba_size(size_t z_size, size_t x_size, size_t x_sw)
+ {
+ if(x_sw == x_size)
+ {
+ if(x_sw % 2)
+ return 0;
+ return x_sw;
+ }
+ for(size_t j = x_sw; j <= x_size; ++j)
+ {
+ if(j % 2)
+ continue;
+ if(2*j > z_size)
+ return 0;
+ if(j % 4 == 2 && (j+2) <= x_size && 2*(j+2) <= z_size)
+ return j+2;
+ return j;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+template<size_t SZ>
+inline bool sized_for_comba_mul(size_t x_sw, size_t x_size,
+ size_t y_sw, size_t y_size,
+ size_t z_size)
+ {
+ return (x_sw <= SZ && x_size >= SZ &&
+ y_sw <= SZ && y_size >= SZ &&
+ z_size >= 2*SZ);
+ }
+template<size_t SZ>
+inline bool sized_for_comba_sqr(size_t x_sw, size_t x_size,
+ size_t z_size)
+ {
+ return (x_sw <= SZ && x_size >= SZ && z_size >= 2*SZ);
+ }
+void bigint_mul(word z[], size_t z_size,
+ const word x[], size_t x_size, size_t x_sw,
+ const word y[], size_t y_size, size_t y_sw,
+ word workspace[], size_t ws_size)
+ {
+ clear_mem(z, z_size);
+ if(x_sw == 1)
+ {
+ bigint_linmul3(z, y, y_sw, x[0]);
+ }
+ else if(y_sw == 1)
+ {
+ bigint_linmul3(z, x, x_sw, y[0]);
+ }
+ else if(sized_for_comba_mul<4>(x_sw, x_size, y_sw, y_size, z_size))
+ {
+ bigint_comba_mul4(z, x, y);
+ }
+ else if(sized_for_comba_mul<6>(x_sw, x_size, y_sw, y_size, z_size))
+ {
+ bigint_comba_mul6(z, x, y);
+ }
+ else if(sized_for_comba_mul<8>(x_sw, x_size, y_sw, y_size, z_size))
+ {
+ bigint_comba_mul8(z, x, y);
+ }
+ else if(sized_for_comba_mul<9>(x_sw, x_size, y_sw, y_size, z_size))
+ {
+ bigint_comba_mul9(z, x, y);
+ }
+ else if(sized_for_comba_mul<16>(x_sw, x_size, y_sw, y_size, z_size))
+ {
+ bigint_comba_mul16(z, x, y);
+ }
+ else if(sized_for_comba_mul<24>(x_sw, x_size, y_sw, y_size, z_size))
+ {
+ bigint_comba_mul24(z, x, y);
+ }
+ !workspace)
+ {
+ basecase_mul(z, z_size, x, x_sw, y, y_sw);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const size_t N = karatsuba_size(z_size, x_size, x_sw, y_size, y_sw);
+ if(N && z_size >= 2*N && ws_size >= 2*N)
+ karatsuba_mul(z, x, y, N, workspace);
+ else
+ basecase_mul(z, z_size, x, x_sw, y, y_sw);
+ }
+ }
+* Squaring Algorithm Dispatcher
+void bigint_sqr(word z[], size_t z_size,
+ const word x[], size_t x_size, size_t x_sw,
+ word workspace[], size_t ws_size)
+ {
+ clear_mem(z, z_size);
+ BOTAN_ASSERT(z_size/2 >= x_sw, "Output size is sufficient");
+ if(x_sw == 1)
+ {
+ bigint_linmul3(z, x, x_sw, x[0]);
+ }
+ else if(sized_for_comba_sqr<4>(x_sw, x_size, z_size))
+ {
+ bigint_comba_sqr4(z, x);
+ }
+ else if(sized_for_comba_sqr<6>(x_sw, x_size, z_size))
+ {
+ bigint_comba_sqr6(z, x);
+ }
+ else if(sized_for_comba_sqr<8>(x_sw, x_size, z_size))
+ {
+ bigint_comba_sqr8(z, x);
+ }
+ else if(sized_for_comba_sqr<9>(x_sw, x_size, z_size))
+ {
+ bigint_comba_sqr9(z, x);
+ }
+ else if(sized_for_comba_sqr<16>(x_sw, x_size, z_size))
+ {
+ bigint_comba_sqr16(z, x);
+ }
+ else if(sized_for_comba_sqr<24>(x_sw, x_size, z_size))
+ {
+ bigint_comba_sqr24(z, x);
+ }
+ else if(x_size < KARATSUBA_SQUARE_THRESHOLD || !workspace)
+ {
+ basecase_sqr(z, z_size, x, x_sw);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const size_t N = karatsuba_size(z_size, x_size, x_sw);
+ if(N && z_size >= 2*N && ws_size >= 2*N)
+ karatsuba_sqr(z, x, N, workspace);
+ else
+ basecase_sqr(z, z_size, x, x_sw);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/mp/mp_madd.h b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/mp/mp_madd.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4807fcd040
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/mp/mp_madd.h
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+* Lowest Level MPI Algorithms
+* (C) 1999-2008,2013 Jack Lloyd
+* 2006 Luca Piccarreta
+* Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt)
+#include <botan/types.h>
+#include <botan/mul128.h>
+namespace Botan {
+#if (BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS == 8)
+ typedef uint16_t dword;
+#elif (BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS == 16)
+ typedef uint32_t dword;
+#elif (BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS == 32)
+ typedef uint64_t dword;
+#elif (BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS == 64)
+ typedef uint128_t dword;
+ #else
+ // No native 128 bit integer type; use mul64x64_128 instead
+ #endif
+ #error BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS must be 8, 16, 32, or 64
+#if defined(BOTAN_TARGET_ARCH_IS_X86_32) && (BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS == 32)
+ #define BOTAN_MP_USE_X86_32_ASM
+ #define ASM(x) x "\n\t"
+ #define BOTAN_MP_USE_X86_32_MSVC_ASM
+ #endif
+ #define BOTAN_MP_USE_X86_64_ASM
+ #define ASM(x) x "\n\t"
+#if defined(BOTAN_MP_USE_X86_32_ASM) || defined(BOTAN_MP_USE_X86_64_ASM)
+ #define ASM(x) x "\n\t"
+* Word Multiply/Add
+inline word word_madd2(word a, word b, word* c)
+ {
+#if defined(BOTAN_MP_USE_X86_32_ASM)
+ asm(
+ ASM("mull %[b]")
+ ASM("addl %[c],%[a]")
+ ASM("adcl $0,%[carry]")
+ : [a]"=a"(a), [b]"=rm"(b), [carry]"=&d"(*c)
+ : "0"(a), "1"(b), [c]"g"(*c) : "cc");
+ return a;
+#elif defined(BOTAN_MP_USE_X86_64_ASM)
+ asm(
+ ASM("mulq %[b]")
+ ASM("addq %[c],%[a]")
+ ASM("adcq $0,%[carry]")
+ : [a]"=a"(a), [b]"=rm"(b), [carry]"=&d"(*c)
+ : "0"(a), "1"(b), [c]"g"(*c) : "cc");
+ return a;
+#elif defined(BOTAN_HAS_MP_DWORD)
+ const dword s = static_cast<dword>(a) * b + *c;
+ *c = static_cast<word>(s >> BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS);
+ return static_cast<word>(s);
+ static_assert(BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS == 64, "Unexpected word size");
+ word hi = 0, lo = 0;
+ mul64x64_128(a, b, &lo, &hi);
+ lo += *c;
+ hi += (lo < *c); // carry?
+ *c = hi;
+ return lo;
+ }
+* Word Multiply/Add
+inline word word_madd3(word a, word b, word c, word* d)
+ {
+#if defined(BOTAN_MP_USE_X86_32_ASM)
+ asm(
+ ASM("mull %[b]")
+ ASM("addl %[c],%[a]")
+ ASM("adcl $0,%[carry]")
+ ASM("addl %[d],%[a]")
+ ASM("adcl $0,%[carry]")
+ : [a]"=a"(a), [b]"=rm"(b), [carry]"=&d"(*d)
+ : "0"(a), "1"(b), [c]"g"(c), [d]"g"(*d) : "cc");
+ return a;
+#elif defined(BOTAN_MP_USE_X86_64_ASM)
+ asm(
+ ASM("mulq %[b]")
+ ASM("addq %[c],%[a]")
+ ASM("adcq $0,%[carry]")
+ ASM("addq %[d],%[a]")
+ ASM("adcq $0,%[carry]")
+ : [a]"=a"(a), [b]"=rm"(b), [carry]"=&d"(*d)
+ : "0"(a), "1"(b), [c]"g"(c), [d]"g"(*d) : "cc");
+ return a;
+#elif defined(BOTAN_HAS_MP_DWORD)
+ const dword s = static_cast<dword>(a) * b + c + *d;
+ *d = static_cast<word>(s >> BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS);
+ return static_cast<word>(s);
+ static_assert(BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS == 64, "Unexpected word size");
+ word hi = 0, lo = 0;
+ mul64x64_128(a, b, &lo, &hi);
+ lo += c;
+ hi += (lo < c); // carry?
+ lo += *d;
+ hi += (lo < *d); // carry?
+ *d = hi;
+ return lo;
+ }
+#if defined(ASM)
+ #undef ASM
diff --git a/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/mp/mp_monty.cpp b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/mp/mp_monty.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e5dda705ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/mp/mp_monty.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+* Montgomery Reduction
+* (C) 1999-2011 Jack Lloyd
+* 2006 Luca Piccarreta
+* 2016 Matthias Gierlings
+* Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt)
+#include <botan/internal/mp_core.h>
+#include <botan/internal/mp_monty.h>
+#include <botan/internal/mp_madd.h>
+#include <botan/internal/mp_asmi.h>
+#include <botan/internal/ct_utils.h>
+#include <botan/mem_ops.h>
+#include <botan/exceptn.h>
+namespace Botan {
+namespace {
+* Montgomery reduction - product scanning form
+* https://www.iacr.org/archive/ches2005/006.pdf
+* https://eprint.iacr.org/2013/882.pdf
+* https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/wp-content/uploads/1996/01/j37acmon.pdf
+void bigint_monty_redc_generic(word z[], size_t z_size,
+ const word p[], size_t p_size, word p_dash,
+ word ws[])
+ {
+ word w2 = 0, w1 = 0, w0 = 0;
+ w0 = z[0];
+ ws[0] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1;
+ w1 = w2;
+ w2 = 0;
+ for(size_t i = 1; i != p_size; ++i)
+ {
+ for(size_t j = 0; j < i; ++j)
+ {
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[j], p[i-j]);
+ }
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[i]);
+ ws[i] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[i], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1;
+ w1 = w2;
+ w2 = 0;
+ }
+ for(size_t i = 0; i != p_size; ++i)
+ {
+ for(size_t j = i + 1; j != p_size; ++j)
+ {
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[j], p[p_size + i-j]);
+ }
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[p_size+i]);
+ ws[i] = w0;
+ w0 = w1;
+ w1 = w2;
+ w2 = 0;
+ }
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[z_size-1]);
+ ws[p_size] = w0;
+ ws[p_size+1] = w1;
+ /*
+ * The result might need to be reduced mod p. To avoid a timing
+ * channel, always perform the subtraction. If in the compution
+ * of x - p a borrow is required then x was already < p.
+ *
+ * x starts at ws[0] and is p_size+1 bytes long.
+ * x - p starts at ws[p_size+1] and is also p_size+1 bytes log
+ *
+ * Select which address to copy from indexing off of the final
+ * borrow.
+ */
+ // word borrow = bigint_sub3(ws + p_size + 1, ws, p_size + 1, p, p_size);
+ word borrow = 0;
+ for(size_t i = 0; i != p_size; ++i)
+ ws[p_size + 1 + i] = word_sub(ws[i], p[i], &borrow);
+ ws[2*p_size+1] = word_sub(ws[p_size], 0, &borrow);
+ CT::conditional_copy_mem(borrow, z, ws, ws + (p_size + 1), (p_size + 1));
+ clear_mem(z + p_size, z_size - p_size - 2);
+ // This check comes after we've used it but that's ok here
+ CT::unpoison(&borrow, 1);
+ BOTAN_ASSERT(borrow == 0 || borrow == 1, "Expected borrow");
+ }
+void bigint_monty_redc(word z[],
+ const word p[], size_t p_size, word p_dash,
+ word ws[], size_t ws_size)
+ {
+ const size_t z_size = 2*(p_size+1);
+ BOTAN_ARG_CHECK(ws_size >= z_size, "workspace too small");
+ if(p_size == 4)
+ bigint_monty_redc_4(z, p, p_dash, ws);
+ else if(p_size == 6)
+ bigint_monty_redc_6(z, p, p_dash, ws);
+ else if(p_size == 8)
+ bigint_monty_redc_8(z, p, p_dash, ws);
+ else if(p_size == 16)
+ bigint_monty_redc_16(z, p, p_dash, ws);
+ else if(p_size == 24)
+ bigint_monty_redc_24(z, p, p_dash, ws);
+ else if(p_size == 32)
+ bigint_monty_redc_32(z, p, p_dash, ws);
+ else
+ bigint_monty_redc_generic(z, z_size, p, p_size, p_dash, ws);
+ }
diff --git a/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/mp/mp_monty.h b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/mp/mp_monty.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7462272d5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/mp/mp_monty.h
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+* (C) 2018 Jack Lloyd
+* Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt)
+#ifndef BOTAN_MP_MONTY_H_
+#define BOTAN_MP_MONTY_H_
+#include <botan/types.h>
+namespace Botan {
+* Each of these functions makes the following assumptions:
+* z_size >= 2*(p_size + 1)
+* ws_size >= z_size
+void bigint_monty_redc_4(word z[], const word p[], word p_dash, word ws[]);
+void bigint_monty_redc_6(word z[], const word p[], word p_dash, word ws[]);
+void bigint_monty_redc_8(word z[], const word p[], word p_dash, word ws[]);
+void bigint_monty_redc_16(word z[], const word p[], word p_dash, word ws[]);
+void bigint_monty_redc_24(word z[], const word p[], word p_dash, word ws[]);
+void bigint_monty_redc_32(word z[], const word p[], word p_dash, word ws[]);
diff --git a/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/mp/mp_monty_n.cpp b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/mp/mp_monty_n.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0331d4a073
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/mp/mp_monty_n.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,2614 @@
+* This file was automatically generated by ./src/scripts/monty.py on 2018-06-11
+* All manual changes will be lost. Edit the script instead.
+* Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt)
+#include <botan/internal/mp_monty.h>
+#include <botan/internal/mp_core.h>
+#include <botan/internal/mp_asmi.h>
+#include <botan/internal/ct_utils.h>
+namespace Botan {
+void bigint_monty_redc_4(word z[], const word p[4], word p_dash, word ws[])
+ {
+ word w2 = 0, w1 = 0, w0 = 0;
+ w0 = z[0];
+ ws[0] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[1]);
+ ws[1] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[2]);
+ ws[2] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[3]);
+ ws[3] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[4]);
+ ws[0] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[2]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[5]);
+ ws[1] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[3]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[6]);
+ ws[2] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[7]);
+ ws[3] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[9]);
+ ws[4] = w0;
+ ws[5] = w1;
+ word borrow = 0;
+ ws[5] = word_sub(ws[0], p[0], &borrow);
+ ws[6] = word_sub(ws[1], p[1], &borrow);
+ ws[7] = word_sub(ws[2], p[2], &borrow);
+ ws[8] = word_sub(ws[3], p[3], &borrow);
+ ws[9] = word_sub(ws[4], 0, &borrow);
+ CT::conditional_copy_mem(borrow, z, ws, ws + 5, 5);
+ clear_mem(z + 4, 2*(4+1) - 4);
+ }
+void bigint_monty_redc_6(word z[], const word p[6], word p_dash, word ws[])
+ {
+ word w2 = 0, w1 = 0, w0 = 0;
+ w0 = z[0];
+ ws[0] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[1]);
+ ws[1] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[2]);
+ ws[2] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[3]);
+ ws[3] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[4]);
+ ws[4] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[5]);
+ ws[5] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[6]);
+ ws[0] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[2]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[7]);
+ ws[1] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[3]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[8]);
+ ws[2] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[4]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[9]);
+ ws[3] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[5]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[10]);
+ ws[4] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[11]);
+ ws[5] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[13]);
+ ws[6] = w0;
+ ws[7] = w1;
+ word borrow = 0;
+ ws[7] = word_sub(ws[0], p[0], &borrow);
+ ws[8] = word_sub(ws[1], p[1], &borrow);
+ ws[9] = word_sub(ws[2], p[2], &borrow);
+ ws[10] = word_sub(ws[3], p[3], &borrow);
+ ws[11] = word_sub(ws[4], p[4], &borrow);
+ ws[12] = word_sub(ws[5], p[5], &borrow);
+ ws[13] = word_sub(ws[6], 0, &borrow);
+ CT::conditional_copy_mem(borrow, z, ws, ws + 7, 7);
+ clear_mem(z + 6, 2*(6+1) - 6);
+ }
+void bigint_monty_redc_8(word z[], const word p[8], word p_dash, word ws[])
+ {
+ word w2 = 0, w1 = 0, w0 = 0;
+ w0 = z[0];
+ ws[0] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[1]);
+ ws[1] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[2]);
+ ws[2] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[3]);
+ ws[3] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[4]);
+ ws[4] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[5]);
+ ws[5] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[6]);
+ ws[6] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[7]);
+ ws[7] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[8]);
+ ws[0] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[2]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[9]);
+ ws[1] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[3]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[10]);
+ ws[2] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[4]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[11]);
+ ws[3] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[5]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[12]);
+ ws[4] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[6]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[13]);
+ ws[5] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[7]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[14]);
+ ws[6] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[15]);
+ ws[7] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[17]);
+ ws[8] = w0;
+ ws[9] = w1;
+ word borrow = 0;
+ ws[9] = word_sub(ws[0], p[0], &borrow);
+ ws[10] = word_sub(ws[1], p[1], &borrow);
+ ws[11] = word_sub(ws[2], p[2], &borrow);
+ ws[12] = word_sub(ws[3], p[3], &borrow);
+ ws[13] = word_sub(ws[4], p[4], &borrow);
+ ws[14] = word_sub(ws[5], p[5], &borrow);
+ ws[15] = word_sub(ws[6], p[6], &borrow);
+ ws[16] = word_sub(ws[7], p[7], &borrow);
+ ws[17] = word_sub(ws[8], 0, &borrow);
+ CT::conditional_copy_mem(borrow, z, ws, ws + 9, 9);
+ clear_mem(z + 8, 2*(8+1) - 8);
+ }
+void bigint_monty_redc_16(word z[], const word p[16], word p_dash, word ws[])
+ {
+ word w2 = 0, w1 = 0, w0 = 0;
+ w0 = z[0];
+ ws[0] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[1]);
+ ws[1] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[2]);
+ ws[2] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[3]);
+ ws[3] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[4]);
+ ws[4] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[5]);
+ ws[5] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[6]);
+ ws[6] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[7]);
+ ws[7] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[8]);
+ ws[8] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[8], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[8], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[9]);
+ ws[9] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[9], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[8], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[9], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[10]);
+ ws[10] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[10], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[8], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[9], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[10], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[11]);
+ ws[11] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[11], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[8], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[9], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[10], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[11], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[12]);
+ ws[12] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[12], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[8], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[9], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[10], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[11], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[12], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[13]);
+ ws[13] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[13], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[8], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[9], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[10], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[11], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[12], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[13], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[14]);
+ ws[14] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[14], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[8], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[9], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[10], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[11], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[12], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[13], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[14], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[15]);
+ ws[15] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[15], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[8], p[8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[9], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[10], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[11], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[12], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[13], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[14], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[15], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[16]);
+ ws[0] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[8], p[9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[9], p[8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[10], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[11], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[12], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[13], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[14], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[15], p[2]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[17]);
+ ws[1] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[8], p[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[9], p[9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[10], p[8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[11], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[12], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[13], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[14], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[15], p[3]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[18]);
+ ws[2] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[8], p[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[9], p[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[10], p[9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[11], p[8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[12], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[13], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[14], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[15], p[4]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[19]);
+ ws[3] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[8], p[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[9], p[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[10], p[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[11], p[9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[12], p[8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[13], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[14], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[15], p[5]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[20]);
+ ws[4] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[8], p[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[9], p[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[10], p[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[11], p[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[12], p[9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[13], p[8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[14], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[15], p[6]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[21]);
+ ws[5] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[8], p[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[9], p[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[10], p[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[11], p[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[12], p[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[13], p[9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[14], p[8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[15], p[7]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[22]);
+ ws[6] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[8], p[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[9], p[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[10], p[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[11], p[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[12], p[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[13], p[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[14], p[9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[15], p[8]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[23]);
+ ws[7] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[9], p[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[10], p[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[11], p[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[12], p[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[13], p[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[14], p[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[15], p[9]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[24]);
+ ws[8] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[10], p[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[11], p[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[12], p[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[13], p[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[14], p[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[15], p[10]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[25]);
+ ws[9] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[11], p[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[12], p[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[13], p[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[14], p[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[15], p[11]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[26]);
+ ws[10] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[12], p[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[13], p[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[14], p[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[15], p[12]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[27]);
+ ws[11] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[13], p[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[14], p[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[15], p[13]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[28]);
+ ws[12] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[14], p[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[15], p[14]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[29]);
+ ws[13] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[15], p[15]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[30]);
+ ws[14] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[31]);
+ ws[15] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[33]);
+ ws[16] = w0;
+ ws[17] = w1;
+ word borrow = bigint_sub3(ws + 16 + 1, ws, 16 + 1, p, 16);
+ CT::conditional_copy_mem(borrow, z, ws, ws + 17, 17);
+ clear_mem(z + 16, 2*(16+1) - 16);
+ }
+void bigint_monty_redc_24(word z[], const word p[24], word p_dash, word ws[])
+ {
+ word w2 = 0, w1 = 0, w0 = 0;
+ w0 = z[0];
+ ws[0] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[1]);
+ ws[1] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[2]);
+ ws[2] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[3]);
+ ws[3] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[4]);
+ ws[4] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[5]);
+ ws[5] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[6]);
+ ws[6] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[7]);
+ ws[7] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[8]);
+ ws[8] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[8], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[8], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[9]);
+ ws[9] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[9], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[8], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[9], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[10]);
+ ws[10] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[10], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[8], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[9], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[10], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[11]);
+ ws[11] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[11], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[8], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[9], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[10], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[11], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[12]);
+ ws[12] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[12], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[8], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[9], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[10], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[11], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[12], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[13]);
+ ws[13] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[13], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[8], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[9], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[10], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[11], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[12], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[13], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[14]);
+ ws[14] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[14], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[8], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[9], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[10], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[11], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[12], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[13], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[14], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[15]);
+ ws[15] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[15], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[8], p[8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[9], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[10], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[11], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[12], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[13], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[14], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[15], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[16]);
+ ws[16] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[16], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[8], p[9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[9], p[8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[10], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[11], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[12], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[13], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[14], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[15], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[16], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[17]);
+ ws[17] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[17], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[8], p[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[9], p[9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[10], p[8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[11], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[12], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[13], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[14], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[15], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[16], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[17], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[18]);
+ ws[18] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[18], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[8], p[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[9], p[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[10], p[9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[11], p[8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[12], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[13], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[14], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[15], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[16], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[17], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[18], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[19]);
+ ws[19] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[19], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[8], p[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[9], p[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[10], p[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[11], p[9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[12], p[8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[13], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[14], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[15], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[16], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[17], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[18], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[19], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[20]);
+ ws[20] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[20], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[8], p[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[9], p[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[10], p[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[11], p[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[12], p[9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[13], p[8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[14], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[15], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[16], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[17], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[18], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[19], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[20], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[21]);
+ ws[21] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[21], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[8], p[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[9], p[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[10], p[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[11], p[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[12], p[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[13], p[9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[14], p[8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[15], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[16], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[17], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[18], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[19], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[20], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[21], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[22]);
+ ws[22] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[22], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[8], p[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[9], p[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[10], p[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[11], p[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[12], p[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[13], p[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[14], p[9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[15], p[8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[16], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[17], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[18], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[19], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[20], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[21], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[22], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[23]);
+ ws[23] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[23], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[8], p[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[9], p[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[10], p[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[11], p[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[12], p[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[13], p[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[14], p[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[15], p[9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[16], p[8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[17], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[18], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[19], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[20], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[21], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[22], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[23], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[24]);
+ ws[0] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[8], p[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[9], p[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[10], p[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[11], p[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[12], p[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[13], p[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[14], p[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[15], p[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[16], p[9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[17], p[8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[18], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[19], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[20], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[21], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[22], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[23], p[2]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[25]);
+ ws[1] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[8], p[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[9], p[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[10], p[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[11], p[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[12], p[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[13], p[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[14], p[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[15], p[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[16], p[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[17], p[9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[18], p[8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[19], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[20], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[21], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[22], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[23], p[3]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[26]);
+ ws[2] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[8], p[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[9], p[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[10], p[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[11], p[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[12], p[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[13], p[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[14], p[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[15], p[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[16], p[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[17], p[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[18], p[9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[19], p[8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[20], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[21], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[22], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[23], p[4]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[27]);
+ ws[3] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[8], p[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[9], p[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[10], p[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[11], p[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[12], p[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[13], p[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[14], p[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[15], p[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[16], p[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[17], p[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[18], p[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[19], p[9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[20], p[8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[21], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[22], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[23], p[5]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[28]);
+ ws[4] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[8], p[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[9], p[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[10], p[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[11], p[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[12], p[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[13], p[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[14], p[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[15], p[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[16], p[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[17], p[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[18], p[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[19], p[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[20], p[9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[21], p[8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[22], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[23], p[6]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[29]);
+ ws[5] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[8], p[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[9], p[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[10], p[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[11], p[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[12], p[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[13], p[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[14], p[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[15], p[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[16], p[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[17], p[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[18], p[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[19], p[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[20], p[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[21], p[9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[22], p[8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[23], p[7]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[30]);
+ ws[6] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[8], p[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[9], p[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[10], p[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[11], p[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[12], p[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[13], p[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[14], p[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[15], p[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[16], p[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[17], p[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[18], p[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[19], p[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[20], p[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[21], p[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[22], p[9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[23], p[8]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[31]);
+ ws[7] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[9], p[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[10], p[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[11], p[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[12], p[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[13], p[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[14], p[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[15], p[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[16], p[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[17], p[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[18], p[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[19], p[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[20], p[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[21], p[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[22], p[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[23], p[9]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[32]);
+ ws[8] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[10], p[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[11], p[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[12], p[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[13], p[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[14], p[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[15], p[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[16], p[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[17], p[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[18], p[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[19], p[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[20], p[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[21], p[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[22], p[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[23], p[10]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[33]);
+ ws[9] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[11], p[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[12], p[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[13], p[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[14], p[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[15], p[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[16], p[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[17], p[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[18], p[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[19], p[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[20], p[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[21], p[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[22], p[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[23], p[11]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[34]);
+ ws[10] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[12], p[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[13], p[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[14], p[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[15], p[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[16], p[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[17], p[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[18], p[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[19], p[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[20], p[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[21], p[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[22], p[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[23], p[12]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[35]);
+ ws[11] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[13], p[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[14], p[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[15], p[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[16], p[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[17], p[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[18], p[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[19], p[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[20], p[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[21], p[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[22], p[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[23], p[13]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[36]);
+ ws[12] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[14], p[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[15], p[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[16], p[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[17], p[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[18], p[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[19], p[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[20], p[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[21], p[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[22], p[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[23], p[14]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[37]);
+ ws[13] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[15], p[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[16], p[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[17], p[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[18], p[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[19], p[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[20], p[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[21], p[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[22], p[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[23], p[15]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[38]);
+ ws[14] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[16], p[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[17], p[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[18], p[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[19], p[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[20], p[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[21], p[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[22], p[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[23], p[16]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[39]);
+ ws[15] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[17], p[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[18], p[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[19], p[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[20], p[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[21], p[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[22], p[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[23], p[17]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[40]);
+ ws[16] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[18], p[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[19], p[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[20], p[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[21], p[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[22], p[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[23], p[18]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[41]);
+ ws[17] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[19], p[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[20], p[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[21], p[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[22], p[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[23], p[19]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[42]);
+ ws[18] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[20], p[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[21], p[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[22], p[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[23], p[20]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[43]);
+ ws[19] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[21], p[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[22], p[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[23], p[21]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[44]);
+ ws[20] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[22], p[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[23], p[22]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[45]);
+ ws[21] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[23], p[23]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[46]);
+ ws[22] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[47]);
+ ws[23] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[49]);
+ ws[24] = w0;
+ ws[25] = w1;
+ word borrow = bigint_sub3(ws + 24 + 1, ws, 24 + 1, p, 24);
+ CT::conditional_copy_mem(borrow, z, ws, ws + 25, 25);
+ clear_mem(z + 24, 2*(24+1) - 24);
+ }
+void bigint_monty_redc_32(word z[], const word p[32], word p_dash, word ws[])
+ {
+ word w2 = 0, w1 = 0, w0 = 0;
+ w0 = z[0];
+ ws[0] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[1]);
+ ws[1] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[2]);
+ ws[2] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[3]);
+ ws[3] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[4]);
+ ws[4] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[5]);
+ ws[5] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[6]);
+ ws[6] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[7]);
+ ws[7] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[8]);
+ ws[8] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[8], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[8], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[9]);
+ ws[9] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[9], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[8], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[9], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[10]);
+ ws[10] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[10], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[8], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[9], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[10], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[11]);
+ ws[11] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[11], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[8], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[9], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[10], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[11], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[12]);
+ ws[12] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[12], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[8], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[9], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[10], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[11], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[12], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[13]);
+ ws[13] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[13], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[8], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[9], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[10], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[11], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[12], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[13], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[14]);
+ ws[14] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[14], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[8], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[9], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[10], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[11], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[12], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[13], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[14], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[15]);
+ ws[15] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[15], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[8], p[8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[9], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[10], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[11], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[12], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[13], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[14], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[15], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[16]);
+ ws[16] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[16], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[8], p[9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[9], p[8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[10], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[11], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[12], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[13], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[14], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[15], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[16], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[17]);
+ ws[17] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[17], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[8], p[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[9], p[9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[10], p[8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[11], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[12], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[13], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[14], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[15], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[16], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[17], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[18]);
+ ws[18] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[18], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[8], p[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[9], p[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[10], p[9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[11], p[8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[12], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[13], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[14], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[15], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[16], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[17], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[18], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[19]);
+ ws[19] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[19], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[8], p[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[9], p[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[10], p[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[11], p[9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[12], p[8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[13], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[14], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[15], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[16], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[17], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[18], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[19], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[20]);
+ ws[20] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[20], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[8], p[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[9], p[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[10], p[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[11], p[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[12], p[9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[13], p[8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[14], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[15], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[16], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[17], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[18], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[19], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[20], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[21]);
+ ws[21] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[21], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[8], p[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[9], p[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[10], p[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[11], p[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[12], p[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[13], p[9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[14], p[8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[15], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[16], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[17], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[18], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[19], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[20], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[21], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[22]);
+ ws[22] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[22], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[8], p[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[9], p[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[10], p[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[11], p[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[12], p[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[13], p[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[14], p[9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[15], p[8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[16], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[17], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[18], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[19], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[20], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[21], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[22], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[23]);
+ ws[23] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[23], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[24]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[8], p[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[9], p[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[10], p[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[11], p[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[12], p[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[13], p[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[14], p[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[15], p[9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[16], p[8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[17], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[18], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[19], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[20], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[21], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[22], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[23], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[24]);
+ ws[24] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[24], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[25]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[24]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[8], p[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[9], p[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[10], p[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[11], p[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[12], p[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[13], p[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[14], p[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[15], p[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[16], p[9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[17], p[8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[18], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[19], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[20], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[21], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[22], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[23], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[24], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[25]);
+ ws[25] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[25], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[26]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[25]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[24]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[8], p[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[9], p[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[10], p[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[11], p[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[12], p[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[13], p[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[14], p[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[15], p[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[16], p[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[17], p[9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[18], p[8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[19], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[20], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[21], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[22], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[23], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[24], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[25], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[26]);
+ ws[26] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[26], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[27]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[26]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[25]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[24]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[8], p[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[9], p[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[10], p[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[11], p[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[12], p[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[13], p[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[14], p[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[15], p[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[16], p[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[17], p[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[18], p[9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[19], p[8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[20], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[21], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[22], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[23], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[24], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[25], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[26], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[27]);
+ ws[27] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[27], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[28]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[27]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[26]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[25]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[24]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[8], p[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[9], p[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[10], p[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[11], p[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[12], p[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[13], p[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[14], p[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[15], p[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[16], p[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[17], p[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[18], p[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[19], p[9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[20], p[8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[21], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[22], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[23], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[24], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[25], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[26], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[27], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[28]);
+ ws[28] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[28], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[29]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[28]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[27]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[26]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[25]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[24]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[8], p[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[9], p[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[10], p[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[11], p[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[12], p[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[13], p[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[14], p[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[15], p[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[16], p[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[17], p[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[18], p[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[19], p[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[20], p[9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[21], p[8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[22], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[23], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[24], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[25], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[26], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[27], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[28], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[29]);
+ ws[29] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[29], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[30]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[29]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[28]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[27]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[26]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[25]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[24]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[8], p[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[9], p[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[10], p[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[11], p[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[12], p[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[13], p[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[14], p[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[15], p[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[16], p[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[17], p[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[18], p[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[19], p[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[20], p[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[21], p[9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[22], p[8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[23], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[24], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[25], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[26], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[27], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[28], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[29], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[30]);
+ ws[30] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[30], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[0], p[31]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[30]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[29]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[28]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[27]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[26]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[25]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[24]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[8], p[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[9], p[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[10], p[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[11], p[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[12], p[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[13], p[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[14], p[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[15], p[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[16], p[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[17], p[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[18], p[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[19], p[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[20], p[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[21], p[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[22], p[9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[23], p[8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[24], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[25], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[26], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[27], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[28], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[29], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[30], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[31]);
+ ws[31] = w0 * p_dash;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[31], p[0]);
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[1], p[31]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[30]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[29]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[28]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[27]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[26]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[25]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[8], p[24]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[9], p[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[10], p[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[11], p[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[12], p[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[13], p[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[14], p[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[15], p[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[16], p[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[17], p[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[18], p[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[19], p[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[20], p[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[21], p[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[22], p[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[23], p[9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[24], p[8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[25], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[26], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[27], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[28], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[29], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[30], p[2]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[31], p[1]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[32]);
+ ws[0] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[2], p[31]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[30]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[29]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[28]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[27]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[26]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[8], p[25]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[9], p[24]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[10], p[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[11], p[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[12], p[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[13], p[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[14], p[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[15], p[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[16], p[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[17], p[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[18], p[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[19], p[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[20], p[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[21], p[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[22], p[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[23], p[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[24], p[9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[25], p[8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[26], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[27], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[28], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[29], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[30], p[3]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[31], p[2]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[33]);
+ ws[1] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[3], p[31]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[30]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[29]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[28]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[27]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[8], p[26]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[9], p[25]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[10], p[24]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[11], p[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[12], p[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[13], p[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[14], p[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[15], p[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[16], p[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[17], p[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[18], p[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[19], p[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[20], p[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[21], p[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[22], p[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[23], p[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[24], p[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[25], p[9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[26], p[8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[27], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[28], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[29], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[30], p[4]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[31], p[3]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[34]);
+ ws[2] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[4], p[31]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[30]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[29]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[28]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[8], p[27]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[9], p[26]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[10], p[25]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[11], p[24]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[12], p[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[13], p[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[14], p[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[15], p[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[16], p[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[17], p[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[18], p[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[19], p[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[20], p[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[21], p[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[22], p[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[23], p[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[24], p[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[25], p[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[26], p[9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[27], p[8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[28], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[29], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[30], p[5]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[31], p[4]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[35]);
+ ws[3] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[5], p[31]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[30]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[29]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[8], p[28]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[9], p[27]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[10], p[26]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[11], p[25]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[12], p[24]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[13], p[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[14], p[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[15], p[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[16], p[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[17], p[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[18], p[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[19], p[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[20], p[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[21], p[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[22], p[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[23], p[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[24], p[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[25], p[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[26], p[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[27], p[9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[28], p[8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[29], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[30], p[6]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[31], p[5]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[36]);
+ ws[4] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[6], p[31]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[30]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[8], p[29]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[9], p[28]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[10], p[27]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[11], p[26]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[12], p[25]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[13], p[24]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[14], p[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[15], p[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[16], p[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[17], p[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[18], p[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[19], p[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[20], p[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[21], p[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[22], p[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[23], p[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[24], p[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[25], p[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[26], p[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[27], p[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[28], p[9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[29], p[8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[30], p[7]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[31], p[6]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[37]);
+ ws[5] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[7], p[31]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[8], p[30]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[9], p[29]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[10], p[28]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[11], p[27]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[12], p[26]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[13], p[25]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[14], p[24]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[15], p[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[16], p[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[17], p[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[18], p[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[19], p[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[20], p[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[21], p[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[22], p[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[23], p[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[24], p[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[25], p[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[26], p[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[27], p[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[28], p[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[29], p[9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[30], p[8]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[31], p[7]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[38]);
+ ws[6] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[8], p[31]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[9], p[30]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[10], p[29]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[11], p[28]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[12], p[27]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[13], p[26]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[14], p[25]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[15], p[24]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[16], p[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[17], p[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[18], p[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[19], p[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[20], p[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[21], p[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[22], p[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[23], p[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[24], p[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[25], p[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[26], p[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[27], p[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[28], p[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[29], p[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[30], p[9]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[31], p[8]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[39]);
+ ws[7] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[9], p[31]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[10], p[30]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[11], p[29]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[12], p[28]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[13], p[27]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[14], p[26]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[15], p[25]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[16], p[24]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[17], p[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[18], p[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[19], p[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[20], p[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[21], p[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[22], p[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[23], p[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[24], p[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[25], p[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[26], p[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[27], p[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[28], p[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[29], p[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[30], p[10]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[31], p[9]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[40]);
+ ws[8] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[10], p[31]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[11], p[30]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[12], p[29]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[13], p[28]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[14], p[27]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[15], p[26]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[16], p[25]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[17], p[24]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[18], p[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[19], p[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[20], p[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[21], p[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[22], p[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[23], p[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[24], p[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[25], p[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[26], p[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[27], p[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[28], p[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[29], p[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[30], p[11]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[31], p[10]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[41]);
+ ws[9] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[11], p[31]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[12], p[30]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[13], p[29]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[14], p[28]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[15], p[27]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[16], p[26]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[17], p[25]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[18], p[24]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[19], p[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[20], p[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[21], p[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[22], p[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[23], p[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[24], p[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[25], p[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[26], p[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[27], p[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[28], p[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[29], p[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[30], p[12]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[31], p[11]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[42]);
+ ws[10] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[12], p[31]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[13], p[30]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[14], p[29]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[15], p[28]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[16], p[27]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[17], p[26]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[18], p[25]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[19], p[24]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[20], p[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[21], p[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[22], p[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[23], p[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[24], p[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[25], p[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[26], p[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[27], p[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[28], p[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[29], p[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[30], p[13]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[31], p[12]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[43]);
+ ws[11] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[13], p[31]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[14], p[30]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[15], p[29]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[16], p[28]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[17], p[27]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[18], p[26]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[19], p[25]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[20], p[24]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[21], p[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[22], p[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[23], p[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[24], p[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[25], p[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[26], p[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[27], p[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[28], p[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[29], p[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[30], p[14]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[31], p[13]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[44]);
+ ws[12] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[14], p[31]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[15], p[30]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[16], p[29]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[17], p[28]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[18], p[27]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[19], p[26]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[20], p[25]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[21], p[24]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[22], p[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[23], p[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[24], p[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[25], p[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[26], p[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[27], p[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[28], p[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[29], p[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[30], p[15]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[31], p[14]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[45]);
+ ws[13] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[15], p[31]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[16], p[30]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[17], p[29]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[18], p[28]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[19], p[27]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[20], p[26]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[21], p[25]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[22], p[24]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[23], p[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[24], p[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[25], p[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[26], p[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[27], p[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[28], p[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[29], p[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[30], p[16]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[31], p[15]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[46]);
+ ws[14] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[16], p[31]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[17], p[30]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[18], p[29]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[19], p[28]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[20], p[27]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[21], p[26]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[22], p[25]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[23], p[24]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[24], p[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[25], p[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[26], p[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[27], p[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[28], p[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[29], p[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[30], p[17]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[31], p[16]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[47]);
+ ws[15] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[17], p[31]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[18], p[30]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[19], p[29]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[20], p[28]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[21], p[27]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[22], p[26]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[23], p[25]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[24], p[24]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[25], p[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[26], p[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[27], p[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[28], p[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[29], p[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[30], p[18]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[31], p[17]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[48]);
+ ws[16] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[18], p[31]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[19], p[30]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[20], p[29]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[21], p[28]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[22], p[27]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[23], p[26]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[24], p[25]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[25], p[24]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[26], p[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[27], p[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[28], p[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[29], p[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[30], p[19]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[31], p[18]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[49]);
+ ws[17] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[19], p[31]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[20], p[30]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[21], p[29]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[22], p[28]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[23], p[27]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[24], p[26]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[25], p[25]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[26], p[24]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[27], p[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[28], p[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[29], p[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[30], p[20]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[31], p[19]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[50]);
+ ws[18] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[20], p[31]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[21], p[30]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[22], p[29]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[23], p[28]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[24], p[27]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[25], p[26]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[26], p[25]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[27], p[24]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[28], p[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[29], p[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[30], p[21]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[31], p[20]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[51]);
+ ws[19] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[21], p[31]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[22], p[30]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[23], p[29]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[24], p[28]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[25], p[27]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[26], p[26]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[27], p[25]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[28], p[24]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[29], p[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[30], p[22]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[31], p[21]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[52]);
+ ws[20] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[22], p[31]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[23], p[30]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[24], p[29]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[25], p[28]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[26], p[27]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[27], p[26]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[28], p[25]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[29], p[24]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[30], p[23]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[31], p[22]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[53]);
+ ws[21] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[23], p[31]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[24], p[30]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[25], p[29]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[26], p[28]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[27], p[27]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[28], p[26]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[29], p[25]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[30], p[24]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[31], p[23]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[54]);
+ ws[22] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[24], p[31]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[25], p[30]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[26], p[29]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[27], p[28]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[28], p[27]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[29], p[26]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[30], p[25]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[31], p[24]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[55]);
+ ws[23] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[25], p[31]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[26], p[30]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[27], p[29]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[28], p[28]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[29], p[27]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[30], p[26]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[31], p[25]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[56]);
+ ws[24] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[26], p[31]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[27], p[30]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[28], p[29]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[29], p[28]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[30], p[27]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[31], p[26]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[57]);
+ ws[25] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[27], p[31]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[28], p[30]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[29], p[29]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[30], p[28]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[31], p[27]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[58]);
+ ws[26] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[28], p[31]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[29], p[30]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[30], p[29]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[31], p[28]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[59]);
+ ws[27] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[29], p[31]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[30], p[30]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[31], p[29]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[60]);
+ ws[28] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[30], p[31]);
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[31], p[30]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[61]);
+ ws[29] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_muladd(&w2, &w1, &w0, ws[31], p[31]);
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[62]);
+ ws[30] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[63]);
+ ws[31] = w0;
+ w0 = w1; w1 = w2; w2 = 0;
+ word3_add(&w2, &w1, &w0, z[65]);
+ ws[32] = w0;
+ ws[33] = w1;
+ word borrow = bigint_sub3(ws + 32 + 1, ws, 32 + 1, p, 32);
+ CT::conditional_copy_mem(borrow, z, ws, ws + 33, 33);
+ clear_mem(z + 32, 2*(32+1) - 32);
+ }
diff --git a/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/numbertheory/curve_nistp.h b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/numbertheory/curve_nistp.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c9936a338b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/numbertheory/curve_nistp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+* Arithmetic operations specialized for NIST ECC primes
+* (C) 2014,2015 Jack Lloyd
+* Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt)
+#include <botan/bigint.h>
+namespace Botan {
+* NIST Prime reduction functions.
+* Reduces the value in place
+* ws is a workspace function which is used as a temporary,
+* and will be resized as needed.
+BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) const BigInt& prime_p521();
+BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) void redc_p521(BigInt& x, secure_vector<word>& ws);
+#if (BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS == 32) || (BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS == 64)
+BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) const BigInt& prime_p384();
+BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) void redc_p384(BigInt& x, secure_vector<word>& ws);
+BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) const BigInt& prime_p256();
+BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) void redc_p256(BigInt& x, secure_vector<word>& ws);
+BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) const BigInt& prime_p224();
+BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) void redc_p224(BigInt& x, secure_vector<word>& ws);
+BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) const BigInt& prime_p192();
+BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) void redc_p192(BigInt& x, secure_vector<word>& ws);
diff --git a/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/numbertheory/def_powm.h b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/numbertheory/def_powm.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6b1f33835f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/numbertheory/def_powm.h
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+* Modular Exponentiation
+* (C) 1999-2007 Jack Lloyd
+* Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt)
+#include <botan/pow_mod.h>
+#include <botan/reducer.h>
+#include <vector>
+namespace Botan {
+* Fixed Window Exponentiator
+class Fixed_Window_Exponentiator final : public Modular_Exponentiator
+ {
+ public:
+ void set_exponent(const BigInt&) override;
+ void set_base(const BigInt&) override;
+ BigInt execute() const override;
+ Modular_Exponentiator* copy() const override
+ { return new Fixed_Window_Exponentiator(*this); }
+ Fixed_Window_Exponentiator(const BigInt&, Power_Mod::Usage_Hints);
+ private:
+ Modular_Reducer m_reducer;
+ BigInt m_exp;
+ size_t m_window_bits;
+ std::vector<BigInt> m_g;
+ Power_Mod::Usage_Hints m_hints;
+ };
+class Montgomery_Params;
+class Montgomery_Exponentation_State;
+* Montgomery Exponentiator
+class Montgomery_Exponentiator final : public Modular_Exponentiator
+ {
+ public:
+ void set_exponent(const BigInt&) override;
+ void set_base(const BigInt&) override;
+ BigInt execute() const override;
+ Modular_Exponentiator* copy() const override
+ { return new Montgomery_Exponentiator(*this); }
+ Montgomery_Exponentiator(const BigInt&, Power_Mod::Usage_Hints);
+ private:
+ BigInt m_p;
+ Modular_Reducer m_mod_p;
+ std::shared_ptr<const Montgomery_Params> m_monty_params;
+ std::shared_ptr<const Montgomery_Exponentation_State> m_monty;
+ BigInt m_e;
+ Power_Mod::Usage_Hints m_hints;
+ };
diff --git a/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/numbertheory/dsa_gen.cpp b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/numbertheory/dsa_gen.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a5efbc2662
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/numbertheory/dsa_gen.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+* DSA Parameter Generation
+* (C) 1999-2007 Jack Lloyd
+* Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt)
+#include <botan/numthry.h>
+#include <botan/hash.h>
+#include <botan/reducer.h>
+#include <botan/rng.h>
+namespace Botan {
+namespace {
+* Check if this size is allowed by FIPS 186-3
+bool fips186_3_valid_size(size_t pbits, size_t qbits)
+ {
+ if(qbits == 160)
+ return (pbits == 1024);
+ if(qbits == 224)
+ return (pbits == 2048);
+ if(qbits == 256)
+ return (pbits == 2048 || pbits == 3072);
+ return false;
+ }
+* Attempt DSA prime generation with given seed
+bool generate_dsa_primes(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
+ BigInt& p, BigInt& q,
+ size_t pbits, size_t qbits,
+ const std::vector<uint8_t>& seed_c,
+ size_t offset)
+ {
+ if(!fips186_3_valid_size(pbits, qbits))
+ throw Invalid_Argument(
+ "FIPS 186-3 does not allow DSA domain parameters of " +
+ std::to_string(pbits) + "/" + std::to_string(qbits) + " bits long");
+ if(seed_c.size() * 8 < qbits)
+ throw Invalid_Argument(
+ "Generating a DSA parameter set with a " + std::to_string(qbits) +
+ " bit long q requires a seed at least as many bits long");
+ const std::string hash_name = "SHA-" + std::to_string(qbits);
+ std::unique_ptr<HashFunction> hash(HashFunction::create_or_throw(hash_name));
+ const size_t HASH_SIZE = hash->output_length();
+ class Seed final
+ {
+ public:
+ explicit Seed(const std::vector<uint8_t>& s) : m_seed(s) {}
+ const std::vector<uint8_t>& value() const { return m_seed; }
+ Seed& operator++()
+ {
+ for(size_t j = m_seed.size(); j > 0; --j)
+ if(++m_seed[j-1])
+ break;
+ return (*this);
+ }
+ private:
+ std::vector<uint8_t> m_seed;
+ };
+ Seed seed(seed_c);
+ q.binary_decode(hash->process(seed.value()));
+ q.set_bit(qbits-1);
+ q.set_bit(0);
+ if(!is_prime(q, rng, 128, true))
+ return false;
+ const size_t n = (pbits-1) / (HASH_SIZE * 8),
+ b = (pbits-1) % (HASH_SIZE * 8);
+ BigInt X;
+ std::vector<uint8_t> V(HASH_SIZE * (n+1));
+ Modular_Reducer mod_2q(2*q);
+ for(size_t j = 0; j != 4*pbits; ++j)
+ {
+ for(size_t k = 0; k <= n; ++k)
+ {
+ ++seed;
+ hash->update(seed.value());
+ hash->final(&V[HASH_SIZE * (n-k)]);
+ }
+ if(j >= offset)
+ {
+ X.binary_decode(&V[HASH_SIZE - 1 - b/8],
+ V.size() - (HASH_SIZE - 1 - b/8));
+ X.set_bit(pbits-1);
+ p = X - (mod_2q.reduce(X) - 1);
+ if(p.bits() == pbits && is_prime(p, rng, 128, true))
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+* Generate DSA Primes
+std::vector<uint8_t> generate_dsa_primes(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
+ BigInt& p, BigInt& q,
+ size_t pbits, size_t qbits)
+ {
+ while(true)
+ {
+ std::vector<uint8_t> seed(qbits / 8);
+ rng.randomize(seed.data(), seed.size());
+ if(generate_dsa_primes(rng, p, q, pbits, qbits, seed))
+ return seed;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/numbertheory/info.txt b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/numbertheory/info.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8da52f9f43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/numbertheory/info.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+NUMBERTHEORY -> 20131128
+load_on auto
diff --git a/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/numbertheory/jacobi.cpp b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/numbertheory/jacobi.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d3e8d75572
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/numbertheory/jacobi.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+* Jacobi Function
+* (C) 1999-2007 Jack Lloyd
+* Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt)
+#include <botan/numthry.h>
+namespace Botan {
+* Calculate the Jacobi symbol
+int32_t jacobi(const BigInt& a, const BigInt& n)
+ {
+ if(a.is_negative())
+ throw Invalid_Argument("jacobi: first argument must be non-negative");
+ if(n.is_even() || n < 2)
+ throw Invalid_Argument("jacobi: second argument must be odd and > 1");
+ BigInt x = a, y = n;
+ int32_t J = 1;
+ while(y > 1)
+ {
+ x %= y;
+ if(x > y / 2)
+ {
+ x = y - x;
+ if(y % 4 == 3)
+ J = -J;
+ }
+ if(x.is_zero())
+ return 0;
+ size_t shifts = low_zero_bits(x);
+ x >>= shifts;
+ if(shifts % 2)
+ {
+ word y_mod_8 = y % 8;
+ if(y_mod_8 == 3 || y_mod_8 == 5)
+ J = -J;
+ }
+ if(x % 4 == 3 && y % 4 == 3)
+ J = -J;
+ std::swap(x, y);
+ }
+ return J;
+ }
diff --git a/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/numbertheory/make_prm.cpp b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/numbertheory/make_prm.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1979fa5502
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/numbertheory/make_prm.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+* Prime Generation
+* (C) 1999-2007,2018 Jack Lloyd
+* Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt)
+#include <botan/numthry.h>
+#include <botan/rng.h>
+#include <botan/internal/bit_ops.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+namespace Botan {
+namespace {
+class Prime_Sieve
+ {
+ public:
+ Prime_Sieve(const BigInt& init_value) : m_sieve(PRIME_TABLE_SIZE)
+ {
+ for(size_t i = 0; i != m_sieve.size(); ++i)
+ m_sieve[i] = static_cast<uint16_t>(init_value % PRIMES[i]);
+ }
+ void step(word increment)
+ {
+ for(size_t i = 0; i != m_sieve.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ m_sieve[i] = (m_sieve[i] + increment) % PRIMES[i];
+ }
+ }
+ bool passes(bool check_2p1 = false) const
+ {
+ for(size_t i = 0; i != m_sieve.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ /*
+ In this case, p is a multiple of PRIMES[i]
+ */
+ if(m_sieve[i] == 0)
+ return false;
+ if(check_2p1)
+ {
+ /*
+ In this case, 2*p+1 will be a multiple of PRIMES[i]
+ So if potentially generating a safe prime, we want to
+ avoid this value because 2*p+1 will certainly not be prime.
+ See "Safe Prime Generation with a Combined Sieve" M. Wiener
+ https://eprint.iacr.org/2003/186.pdf
+ */
+ if(m_sieve[i] == (PRIMES[i] - 1) / 2)
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ private:
+ std::vector<uint16_t> m_sieve;
+ };
+* Generate a random prime
+BigInt random_prime(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
+ size_t bits, const BigInt& coprime,
+ size_t equiv, size_t modulo,
+ size_t prob)
+ {
+ if(coprime.is_negative())
+ {
+ throw Invalid_Argument("random_prime: coprime must be >= 0");
+ }
+ if(modulo == 0)
+ {
+ throw Invalid_Argument("random_prime: Invalid modulo value");
+ }
+ equiv %= modulo;
+ if(equiv == 0)
+ throw Invalid_Argument("random_prime Invalid value for equiv/modulo");
+ // Handle small values:
+ if(bits <= 1)
+ {
+ throw Invalid_Argument("random_prime: Can't make a prime of " +
+ std::to_string(bits) + " bits");
+ }
+ else if(bits == 2)
+ {
+ return ((rng.next_byte() % 2) ? 2 : 3);
+ }
+ else if(bits == 3)
+ {
+ return ((rng.next_byte() % 2) ? 5 : 7);
+ }
+ else if(bits == 4)
+ {
+ return ((rng.next_byte() % 2) ? 11 : 13);
+ }
+ else if(bits <= 16)
+ {
+ for(;;)
+ {
+ size_t idx = make_uint16(rng.next_byte(), rng.next_byte()) % PRIME_TABLE_SIZE;
+ uint16_t small_prime = PRIMES[idx];
+ if(high_bit(small_prime) == bits)
+ return small_prime;
+ }
+ }
+ const size_t MAX_ATTEMPTS = 32*1024;
+ while(true)
+ {
+ BigInt p(rng, bits);
+ // Force lowest and two top bits on
+ p.set_bit(bits - 1);
+ p.set_bit(bits - 2);
+ p.set_bit(0);
+ // Force p to be equal to equiv mod modulo
+ p += (modulo - (p % modulo)) + equiv;
+ Prime_Sieve sieve(p);
+ size_t counter = 0;
+ while(true)
+ {
+ ++counter;
+ if(counter > MAX_ATTEMPTS)
+ {
+ break; // don't try forever, choose a new starting point
+ }
+ p += modulo;
+ sieve.step(modulo);
+ if(sieve.passes(true) == false)
+ continue;
+ if(coprime > 1)
+ {
+ /*
+ * Check if gcd(p - 1, coprime) != 1 by computing the inverse. The
+ * gcd algorithm is not constant time, but modular inverse is (for
+ * odd modulus anyway). This avoids a side channel attack against RSA
+ * key generation, though RSA keygen should be using generate_rsa_prime.
+ */
+ if(inverse_mod(p - 1, coprime).is_zero())
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(p.bits() > bits)
+ break;
+ if(is_prime(p, rng, prob, true))
+ return p;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+BigInt generate_rsa_prime(RandomNumberGenerator& keygen_rng,
+ RandomNumberGenerator& prime_test_rng,
+ size_t bits,
+ const BigInt& coprime,
+ size_t prob)
+ {
+ if(bits < 512)
+ throw Invalid_Argument("generate_rsa_prime bits too small");
+ /*
+ * The restriction on coprime <= 64 bits is arbitrary but generally speaking
+ * very large RSA public exponents are a bad idea both for performance and due
+ * to attacks on small d.
+ */
+ if(coprime <= 1 || coprime.is_even() || coprime.bits() > 64)
+ throw Invalid_Argument("generate_rsa_prime coprime must be small odd positive integer");
+ const size_t MAX_ATTEMPTS = 32*1024;
+ while(true)
+ {
+ BigInt p(keygen_rng, bits);
+ // Force lowest and two top bits on
+ p.set_bit(bits - 1);
+ p.set_bit(bits - 2);
+ p.set_bit(0);
+ Prime_Sieve sieve(p);
+ const word step = 2;
+ size_t counter = 0;
+ while(true)
+ {
+ ++counter;
+ if(counter > MAX_ATTEMPTS)
+ {
+ break; // don't try forever, choose a new starting point
+ }
+ p += step;
+ sieve.step(step);
+ if(sieve.passes() == false)
+ continue;
+ /*
+ * Check if p - 1 and coprime are relatively prime by computing the inverse.
+ *
+ * We avoid gcd here because that algorithm is not constant time.
+ * Modular inverse is (for odd modulus anyway).
+ *
+ * We earlier verified that coprime argument is odd. Thus the factors of 2
+ * in (p - 1) cannot possibly be factors in coprime, so remove them from p - 1.
+ * Using an odd modulus allows the const time algorithm to be used.
+ *
+ * This assumes coprime < p - 1 which is always true for RSA.
+ */
+ BigInt p1 = p - 1;
+ p1 >>= low_zero_bits(p1);
+ if(inverse_mod(coprime, p1).is_zero())
+ {
+ BOTAN_DEBUG_ASSERT(gcd(p1, coprime) > 1);
+ continue;
+ }
+ BOTAN_DEBUG_ASSERT(gcd(p1, coprime) == 1);
+ if(p.bits() > bits)
+ break;
+ if(is_prime(p, prime_test_rng, prob, true))
+ return p;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+* Generate a random safe prime
+BigInt random_safe_prime(RandomNumberGenerator& rng, size_t bits)
+ {
+ if(bits <= 64)
+ throw Invalid_Argument("random_safe_prime: Can't make a prime of " +
+ std::to_string(bits) + " bits");
+ BigInt q, p;
+ for(;;)
+ {
+ /*
+ Generate q == 2 (mod 3)
+ Otherwise [q == 1 (mod 3) case], 2*q+1 == 3 (mod 3) and not prime.
+ */
+ q = random_prime(rng, bits - 1, 0, 2, 3, 8);
+ p = (q << 1) + 1;
+ if(is_prime(p, rng, 128, true))
+ {
+ // We did only a weak check before, go back and verify q before returning
+ if(is_prime(q, rng, 128, true))
+ return p;
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/numbertheory/monty.cpp b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/numbertheory/monty.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b91560fd58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/numbertheory/monty.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,449 @@
+* (C) 2018 Jack Lloyd
+* Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt)
+#include <botan/monty.h>
+#include <botan/reducer.h>
+#include <botan/internal/mp_core.h>
+namespace Botan {
+Montgomery_Params::Montgomery_Params(const BigInt& p,
+ const Modular_Reducer& mod_p)
+ {
+ if(p.is_negative() || p.is_even())
+ throw Invalid_Argument("Montgomery_Params invalid modulus");
+ m_p = p;
+ m_p_words = m_p.sig_words();
+ m_p_dash = monty_inverse(m_p.word_at(0));
+ const BigInt r = BigInt::power_of_2(m_p_words * BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS);
+ m_r1 = mod_p.reduce(r);
+ m_r2 = mod_p.square(m_r1);
+ m_r3 = mod_p.multiply(m_r1, m_r2);
+ }
+Montgomery_Params::Montgomery_Params(const BigInt& p)
+ {
+ if(p.is_negative() || p.is_even())
+ throw Invalid_Argument("Montgomery_Params invalid modulus");
+ m_p = p;
+ m_p_words = m_p.sig_words();
+ m_p_dash = monty_inverse(m_p.word_at(0));
+ const BigInt r = BigInt::power_of_2(m_p_words * BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS);
+ Modular_Reducer mod_p(p);
+ m_r1 = mod_p.reduce(r);
+ m_r2 = mod_p.square(m_r1);
+ m_r3 = mod_p.multiply(m_r1, m_r2);
+ }
+BigInt Montgomery_Params::inv_mod_p(const BigInt& x) const
+ {
+ return ct_inverse_mod_odd_modulus(x, p());
+ }
+BigInt Montgomery_Params::redc(const BigInt& x, secure_vector<word>& ws) const
+ {
+ const size_t output_size = 2*m_p_words + 2;
+ if(ws.size() < output_size)
+ ws.resize(output_size);
+ BigInt z = x;
+ z.grow_to(output_size);
+ bigint_monty_redc(z.mutable_data(),
+ m_p.data(), m_p_words, m_p_dash,
+ ws.data(), ws.size());
+ return z;
+ }
+BigInt Montgomery_Params::mul(const BigInt& x, const BigInt& y,
+ secure_vector<word>& ws) const
+ {
+ const size_t output_size = 2*m_p_words + 2;
+ if(ws.size() < output_size)
+ ws.resize(output_size);
+ BOTAN_DEBUG_ASSERT(x.sig_words() <= m_p_words);
+ BOTAN_DEBUG_ASSERT(y.sig_words() <= m_p_words);
+ BigInt z(BigInt::Positive, output_size);
+ bigint_mul(z.mutable_data(), z.size(),
+ x.data(), x.size(), std::min(m_p_words, x.size()),
+ y.data(), y.size(), std::min(m_p_words, y.size()),
+ ws.data(), ws.size());
+ bigint_monty_redc(z.mutable_data(),
+ m_p.data(), m_p_words, m_p_dash,
+ ws.data(), ws.size());
+ return z;
+ }
+BigInt Montgomery_Params::mul(const BigInt& x,
+ const secure_vector<word>& y,
+ secure_vector<word>& ws) const
+ {
+ const size_t output_size = 2*m_p_words + 2;
+ if(ws.size() < output_size)
+ ws.resize(output_size);
+ BigInt z(BigInt::Positive, output_size);
+ BOTAN_DEBUG_ASSERT(x.sig_words() <= m_p_words);
+ bigint_mul(z.mutable_data(), z.size(),
+ x.data(), x.size(), std::min(m_p_words, x.size()),
+ y.data(), y.size(), std::min(m_p_words, y.size()),
+ ws.data(), ws.size());
+ bigint_monty_redc(z.mutable_data(),
+ m_p.data(), m_p_words, m_p_dash,
+ ws.data(), ws.size());
+ return z;
+ }
+void Montgomery_Params::mul_by(BigInt& x,
+ const secure_vector<word>& y,
+ secure_vector<word>& ws) const
+ {
+ const size_t output_size = 2*m_p_words + 2;
+ if(ws.size() < 2*output_size)
+ ws.resize(2*output_size);
+ word* z_data = &ws[0];
+ word* ws_data = &ws[output_size];
+ BOTAN_DEBUG_ASSERT(x.sig_words() <= m_p_words);
+ bigint_mul(z_data, output_size,
+ x.data(), x.size(), std::min(m_p_words, x.size()),
+ y.data(), y.size(), std::min(m_p_words, y.size()),
+ ws_data, output_size);
+ bigint_monty_redc(z_data,
+ m_p.data(), m_p_words, m_p_dash,
+ ws_data, output_size);
+ if(x.size() < output_size)
+ x.grow_to(output_size);
+ copy_mem(x.mutable_data(), z_data, output_size);
+ }
+void Montgomery_Params::mul_by(BigInt& x,
+ const BigInt& y,
+ secure_vector<word>& ws) const
+ {
+ const size_t output_size = 2*m_p_words + 2;
+ if(ws.size() < 2*output_size)
+ ws.resize(2*output_size);
+ word* z_data = &ws[0];
+ word* ws_data = &ws[output_size];
+ BOTAN_DEBUG_ASSERT(x.sig_words() <= m_p_words);
+ bigint_mul(z_data, output_size,
+ x.data(), x.size(), std::min(m_p_words, x.size()),
+ y.data(), y.size(), std::min(m_p_words, y.size()),
+ ws_data, output_size);
+ bigint_monty_redc(z_data,
+ m_p.data(), m_p_words, m_p_dash,
+ ws_data, output_size);
+ if(x.size() < output_size)
+ x.grow_to(output_size);
+ copy_mem(x.mutable_data(), z_data, output_size);
+ }
+BigInt Montgomery_Params::sqr(const BigInt& x, secure_vector<word>& ws) const
+ {
+ const size_t output_size = 2*m_p_words + 2;
+ if(ws.size() < output_size)
+ ws.resize(output_size);
+ BigInt z(BigInt::Positive, output_size);
+ BOTAN_DEBUG_ASSERT(x.sig_words() <= m_p_words);
+ bigint_sqr(z.mutable_data(), z.size(),
+ x.data(), x.size(), std::min(m_p_words, x.size()),
+ ws.data(), ws.size());
+ bigint_monty_redc(z.mutable_data(),
+ m_p.data(), m_p_words, m_p_dash,
+ ws.data(), ws.size());
+ return z;
+ }
+void Montgomery_Params::square_this(BigInt& x,
+ secure_vector<word>& ws) const
+ {
+ const size_t output_size = 2*m_p_words + 2;
+ if(ws.size() < 2*output_size)
+ ws.resize(2*output_size);
+ word* z_data = &ws[0];
+ word* ws_data = &ws[output_size];
+ BOTAN_DEBUG_ASSERT(x.sig_words() <= m_p_words);
+ bigint_sqr(z_data, output_size,
+ x.data(), x.size(), std::min(m_p_words, x.size()),
+ ws_data, output_size);
+ bigint_monty_redc(z_data,
+ m_p.data(), m_p_words, m_p_dash,
+ ws_data, output_size);
+ if(x.size() < output_size)
+ x.grow_to(output_size);
+ copy_mem(x.mutable_data(), z_data, output_size);
+ }
+Montgomery_Int::Montgomery_Int(const std::shared_ptr<const Montgomery_Params> params,
+ const BigInt& v,
+ bool redc_needed) :
+ m_params(params)
+ {
+ if(redc_needed == false)
+ {
+ m_v = v;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ secure_vector<word> ws;
+ m_v = m_params->mul(v % m_params->p(), m_params->R2(), ws);
+ }
+ }
+Montgomery_Int::Montgomery_Int(std::shared_ptr<const Montgomery_Params> params,
+ const uint8_t bits[], size_t len,
+ bool redc_needed) :
+ m_params(params),
+ m_v(bits, len)
+ {
+ if(redc_needed)
+ {
+ secure_vector<word> ws;
+ m_v = m_params->mul(m_v % m_params->p(), m_params->R2(), ws);
+ }
+ }
+Montgomery_Int::Montgomery_Int(std::shared_ptr<const Montgomery_Params> params,
+ const word words[], size_t len,
+ bool redc_needed) :
+ m_params(params),
+ m_v(words, len)
+ {
+ if(redc_needed)
+ {
+ secure_vector<word> ws;
+ m_v = m_params->mul(m_v % m_params->p(), m_params->R2(), ws);
+ }
+ }
+void Montgomery_Int::fix_size()
+ {
+ const size_t p_words = m_params->p_words();
+ if(m_v.sig_words() > p_words)
+ throw Internal_Error("Montgomery_Int::fix_size v too large");
+ secure_vector<word>& w = m_v.get_word_vector();
+ if(w.size() != p_words)
+ {
+ w.resize(p_words);
+ w.shrink_to_fit();
+ }
+ }
+bool Montgomery_Int::operator==(const Montgomery_Int& other) const
+ {
+ return m_v == other.m_v && m_params->p() == other.m_params->p();
+ }
+std::vector<uint8_t> Montgomery_Int::serialize() const
+ {
+ std::vector<uint8_t> v(size());
+ BigInt::encode_1363(v.data(), v.size(), value());
+ return v;
+ }
+size_t Montgomery_Int::size() const
+ {
+ return m_params->p().bytes();
+ }
+bool Montgomery_Int::is_one() const
+ {
+ return m_v == m_params->R1();
+ }
+bool Montgomery_Int::is_zero() const
+ {
+ return m_v.is_zero();
+ }
+BigInt Montgomery_Int::value() const
+ {
+ secure_vector<word> ws;
+ return m_params->redc(m_v, ws);
+ }
+Montgomery_Int Montgomery_Int::operator+(const Montgomery_Int& other) const
+ {
+ BigInt z = m_v + other.m_v;
+ secure_vector<word> ws;
+ z.reduce_below(m_params->p(), ws);
+ return Montgomery_Int(m_params, z, false);
+ }
+Montgomery_Int Montgomery_Int::operator-(const Montgomery_Int& other) const
+ {
+ BigInt z = m_v - other.m_v;
+ if(z.is_negative())
+ z += m_params->p();
+ return Montgomery_Int(m_params, z, false);
+ }
+Montgomery_Int& Montgomery_Int::operator+=(const Montgomery_Int& other)
+ {
+ secure_vector<word> ws;
+ return this->add(other, ws);
+ }
+Montgomery_Int& Montgomery_Int::add(const Montgomery_Int& other, secure_vector<word>& ws)
+ {
+ m_v.mod_add(other.m_v, m_params->p(), ws);
+ return (*this);
+ }
+Montgomery_Int& Montgomery_Int::operator-=(const Montgomery_Int& other)
+ {
+ secure_vector<word> ws;
+ return this->sub(other, ws);
+ }
+Montgomery_Int& Montgomery_Int::sub(const Montgomery_Int& other, secure_vector<word>& ws)
+ {
+ m_v.mod_sub(other.m_v, m_params->p(), ws);
+ return (*this);
+ }
+Montgomery_Int Montgomery_Int::operator*(const Montgomery_Int& other) const
+ {
+ secure_vector<word> ws;
+ return Montgomery_Int(m_params, m_params->mul(m_v, other.m_v, ws), false);
+ }
+Montgomery_Int Montgomery_Int::mul(const Montgomery_Int& other,
+ secure_vector<word>& ws) const
+ {
+ return Montgomery_Int(m_params, m_params->mul(m_v, other.m_v, ws), false);
+ }
+Montgomery_Int& Montgomery_Int::mul_by(const Montgomery_Int& other,
+ secure_vector<word>& ws)
+ {
+ m_params->mul_by(m_v, other.m_v, ws);
+ return (*this);
+ }
+Montgomery_Int& Montgomery_Int::mul_by(const secure_vector<word>& other,
+ secure_vector<word>& ws)
+ {
+ m_params->mul_by(m_v, other, ws);
+ return (*this);
+ }
+Montgomery_Int& Montgomery_Int::operator*=(const Montgomery_Int& other)
+ {
+ secure_vector<word> ws;
+ return mul_by(other, ws);
+ }
+Montgomery_Int& Montgomery_Int::operator*=(const secure_vector<word>& other)
+ {
+ secure_vector<word> ws;
+ return mul_by(other, ws);
+ }
+Montgomery_Int& Montgomery_Int::square_this_n_times(secure_vector<word>& ws, size_t n)
+ {
+ for(size_t i = 0; i != n; ++i)
+ m_params->square_this(m_v, ws);
+ return (*this);
+ }
+Montgomery_Int& Montgomery_Int::square_this(secure_vector<word>& ws)
+ {
+ m_params->square_this(m_v, ws);
+ return (*this);
+ }
+Montgomery_Int Montgomery_Int::square(secure_vector<word>& ws) const
+ {
+ return Montgomery_Int(m_params, m_params->sqr(m_v, ws), false);
+ }
+Montgomery_Int Montgomery_Int::multiplicative_inverse() const
+ {
+ secure_vector<word> ws;
+ const BigInt iv = m_params->mul(m_params->inv_mod_p(m_v), m_params->R3(), ws);
+ return Montgomery_Int(m_params, iv, false);
+ }
+Montgomery_Int Montgomery_Int::additive_inverse() const
+ {
+ return Montgomery_Int(m_params, m_params->p()) - (*this);
+ }
+Montgomery_Int& Montgomery_Int::mul_by_2(secure_vector<word>& ws)
+ {
+ m_v <<= 1;
+ m_v.reduce_below(m_params->p(), ws);
+ return (*this);
+ }
+Montgomery_Int& Montgomery_Int::mul_by_3(secure_vector<word>& ws)
+ {
+ m_v *= 3;
+ m_v.reduce_below(m_params->p(), ws);
+ return (*this);
+ }
+Montgomery_Int& Montgomery_Int::mul_by_4(secure_vector<word>& ws)
+ {
+ m_v <<= 2;
+ m_v.reduce_below(m_params->p(), ws);
+ return (*this);
+ }
+Montgomery_Int& Montgomery_Int::mul_by_8(secure_vector<word>& ws)
+ {
+ m_v <<= 3;
+ m_v.reduce_below(m_params->p(), ws);
+ return (*this);
+ }
diff --git a/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/numbertheory/monty.h b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/numbertheory/monty.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e5ab2f9ada
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/numbertheory/monty.h
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+* (C) 2018 Jack Lloyd
+* Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt)
+#include <botan/bigint.h>
+namespace Botan {
+class Modular_Reducer;
+class Montgomery_Params;
+* The Montgomery representation of an integer
+class BOTAN_UNSTABLE_API Montgomery_Int final
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Create a zero-initialized Montgomery_Int
+ */
+ Montgomery_Int(std::shared_ptr<const Montgomery_Params> params) : m_params(params) {}
+ /**
+ * Create a Montgomery_Int
+ */
+ Montgomery_Int(std::shared_ptr<const Montgomery_Params> params,
+ const BigInt& v,
+ bool redc_needed = true);
+ /**
+ * Create a Montgomery_Int
+ */
+ Montgomery_Int(std::shared_ptr<const Montgomery_Params> params,
+ const uint8_t bits[], size_t len,
+ bool redc_needed = true);
+ /**
+ * Create a Montgomery_Int
+ */
+ Montgomery_Int(std::shared_ptr<const Montgomery_Params> params,
+ const word words[], size_t len,
+ bool redc_needed = true);
+ bool operator==(const Montgomery_Int& other) const;
+ bool operator!=(const Montgomery_Int& other) const { return (m_v != other.m_v); }
+ std::vector<uint8_t> serialize() const;
+ size_t size() const;
+ bool is_one() const;
+ bool is_zero() const;
+ void fix_size();
+ /**
+ * Return the value to normal mod-p space
+ */
+ BigInt value() const;
+ /**
+ * Return the Montgomery representation
+ */
+ const BigInt& repr() const { return m_v; }
+ Montgomery_Int operator+(const Montgomery_Int& other) const;
+ Montgomery_Int operator-(const Montgomery_Int& other) const;
+ Montgomery_Int& operator+=(const Montgomery_Int& other);
+ Montgomery_Int& operator-=(const Montgomery_Int& other);
+ Montgomery_Int operator*(const Montgomery_Int& other) const;
+ Montgomery_Int& operator*=(const Montgomery_Int& other);
+ Montgomery_Int& operator*=(const secure_vector<word>& other);
+ Montgomery_Int& add(const Montgomery_Int& other,
+ secure_vector<word>& ws);
+ Montgomery_Int& sub(const Montgomery_Int& other,
+ secure_vector<word>& ws);
+ Montgomery_Int mul(const Montgomery_Int& other,
+ secure_vector<word>& ws) const;
+ Montgomery_Int& mul_by(const Montgomery_Int& other,
+ secure_vector<word>& ws);
+ Montgomery_Int& mul_by(const secure_vector<word>& other,
+ secure_vector<word>& ws);
+ Montgomery_Int square(secure_vector<word>& ws) const;
+ Montgomery_Int& square_this(secure_vector<word>& ws);
+ Montgomery_Int& square_this_n_times(secure_vector<word>& ws, size_t n);
+ Montgomery_Int multiplicative_inverse() const;
+ Montgomery_Int additive_inverse() const;
+ Montgomery_Int& mul_by_2(secure_vector<word>& ws);
+ Montgomery_Int& mul_by_3(secure_vector<word>& ws);
+ Montgomery_Int& mul_by_4(secure_vector<word>& ws);
+ Montgomery_Int& mul_by_8(secure_vector<word>& ws);
+ void const_time_poison() const { m_v.const_time_poison(); }
+ void const_time_unpoison() const { return m_v.const_time_unpoison(); }
+ private:
+ std::shared_ptr<const Montgomery_Params> m_params;
+ BigInt m_v;
+ };
+* Parameters for Montgomery Reduction
+class BOTAN_UNSTABLE_API Montgomery_Params final
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Initialize a set of Montgomery reduction parameters. These values
+ * can be shared by all values in a specific Montgomery domain.
+ */
+ Montgomery_Params(const BigInt& p, const Modular_Reducer& mod_p);
+ /**
+ * Initialize a set of Montgomery reduction parameters. These values
+ * can be shared by all values in a specific Montgomery domain.
+ */
+ Montgomery_Params(const BigInt& p);
+ const BigInt& p() const { return m_p; }
+ const BigInt& R1() const { return m_r1; }
+ const BigInt& R2() const { return m_r2; }
+ const BigInt& R3() const { return m_r3; }
+ word p_dash() const { return m_p_dash; }
+ size_t p_words() const { return m_p_words; }
+ BigInt redc(const BigInt& x,
+ secure_vector<word>& ws) const;
+ BigInt mul(const BigInt& x,
+ const BigInt& y,
+ secure_vector<word>& ws) const;
+ BigInt mul(const BigInt& x,
+ const secure_vector<word>& y,
+ secure_vector<word>& ws) const;
+ void mul_by(BigInt& x,
+ const secure_vector<word>& y,
+ secure_vector<word>& ws) const;
+ void mul_by(BigInt& x, const BigInt& y,
+ secure_vector<word>& ws) const;
+ BigInt sqr(const BigInt& x,
+ secure_vector<word>& ws) const;
+ void square_this(BigInt& x,
+ secure_vector<word>& ws) const;
+ BigInt inv_mod_p(const BigInt& x) const;
+ private:
+ BigInt m_p;
+ BigInt m_r1;
+ BigInt m_r2;
+ BigInt m_r3;
+ word m_p_dash;
+ size_t m_p_words;
+ };
diff --git a/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/numbertheory/monty_exp.cpp b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/numbertheory/monty_exp.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5674920915
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/numbertheory/monty_exp.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+* Montgomery Exponentiation
+* (C) 1999-2010,2012,2018 Jack Lloyd
+* 2016 Matthias Gierlings
+* Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt)
+#include <botan/internal/monty_exp.h>
+#include <botan/internal/ct_utils.h>
+#include <botan/internal/rounding.h>
+#include <botan/numthry.h>
+#include <botan/reducer.h>
+#include <botan/monty.h>
+namespace Botan {
+class Montgomery_Exponentation_State
+ {
+ public:
+ Montgomery_Exponentation_State(std::shared_ptr<const Montgomery_Params> params,
+ const BigInt& g,
+ size_t window_bits,
+ bool const_time);
+ BigInt exponentiation(const BigInt& k, size_t max_k_bits) const;
+ BigInt exponentiation_vartime(const BigInt& k) const;
+ private:
+ std::shared_ptr<const Montgomery_Params> m_params;
+ std::vector<Montgomery_Int> m_g;
+ size_t m_window_bits;
+ bool m_const_time;
+ };
+Montgomery_Exponentation_State::Montgomery_Exponentation_State(std::shared_ptr<const Montgomery_Params> params,
+ const BigInt& g,
+ size_t window_bits,
+ bool const_time) :
+ m_params(params),
+ m_window_bits(window_bits == 0 ? 4 : window_bits),
+ m_const_time(const_time)
+ {
+ if(m_window_bits < 1 || m_window_bits > 12) // really even 8 is too large ...
+ throw Invalid_Argument("Invalid window bits for Montgomery exponentiation");
+ const size_t window_size = (1U << m_window_bits);
+ m_g.reserve(window_size);
+ m_g.push_back(Montgomery_Int(m_params, m_params->R1(), false));
+ m_g.push_back(Montgomery_Int(m_params, g));
+ const Montgomery_Int& monty_g = m_g[1];
+ for(size_t i = 2; i != window_size; ++i)
+ {
+ m_g.push_back(monty_g * m_g[i - 1]);
+ }
+ // Resize each element to exactly p words
+ for(size_t i = 0; i != window_size; ++i)
+ {
+ m_g[i].fix_size();
+ if(const_time)
+ m_g[i].const_time_poison();
+ }
+ }
+namespace {
+void const_time_lookup(secure_vector<word>& output,
+ const std::vector<Montgomery_Int>& g,
+ size_t nibble)
+ {
+ const size_t words = output.size();
+ clear_mem(output.data(), output.size());
+ for(size_t i = 0; i != g.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ const secure_vector<word>& vec = g[i].repr().get_word_vector();
+ BOTAN_ASSERT(vec.size() >= words,
+ "Word size as expected in const_time_lookup");
+ const word mask = CT::is_equal<word>(i, nibble);
+ for(size_t w = 0; w != words; ++w)
+ output[w] |= (mask & vec[w]);
+ }
+ }
+BigInt Montgomery_Exponentation_State::exponentiation(const BigInt& scalar, size_t max_k_bits) const
+ {
+ BOTAN_DEBUG_ASSERT(scalar.bits() <= max_k_bits);
+ // TODO add a const-time implementation of above assert and use it in release builds
+ const size_t exp_nibbles = (max_k_bits + m_window_bits - 1) / m_window_bits;
+ if(exp_nibbles == 0)
+ return 1;
+ secure_vector<word> e_bits(m_params->p_words());
+ secure_vector<word> ws;
+ const_time_lookup(e_bits, m_g, scalar.get_substring(m_window_bits*(exp_nibbles-1), m_window_bits));
+ Montgomery_Int x(m_params, e_bits.data(), e_bits.size(), false);
+ for(size_t i = exp_nibbles - 1; i > 0; --i)
+ {
+ x.square_this_n_times(ws, m_window_bits);
+ const_time_lookup(e_bits, m_g, scalar.get_substring(m_window_bits*(i-1), m_window_bits));
+ x.mul_by(e_bits, ws);
+ }
+ x.const_time_unpoison();
+ return x.value();
+ }
+BigInt Montgomery_Exponentation_State::exponentiation_vartime(const BigInt& scalar) const
+ {
+ BOTAN_ASSERT_NOMSG(m_const_time == false);
+ const size_t exp_nibbles = (scalar.bits() + m_window_bits - 1) / m_window_bits;
+ secure_vector<word> ws;
+ if(exp_nibbles == 0)
+ return 1;
+ Montgomery_Int x = m_g[scalar.get_substring(m_window_bits*(exp_nibbles-1), m_window_bits)];
+ for(size_t i = exp_nibbles - 1; i > 0; --i)
+ {
+ x.square_this_n_times(ws, m_window_bits);
+ const uint32_t nibble = scalar.get_substring(m_window_bits*(i-1), m_window_bits);
+ if(nibble > 0)
+ x.mul_by(m_g[nibble], ws);
+ }
+ x.const_time_unpoison();
+ return x.value();
+ }
+std::shared_ptr<const Montgomery_Exponentation_State>
+monty_precompute(std::shared_ptr<const Montgomery_Params> params,
+ const BigInt& g,
+ size_t window_bits,
+ bool const_time)
+ {
+ return std::make_shared<const Montgomery_Exponentation_State>(params, g, window_bits, const_time);
+ }
+BigInt monty_execute(const Montgomery_Exponentation_State& precomputed_state,
+ const BigInt& k, size_t max_k_bits)
+ {
+ return precomputed_state.exponentiation(k, max_k_bits);
+ }
+BigInt monty_execute_vartime(const Montgomery_Exponentation_State& precomputed_state,
+ const BigInt& k)
+ {
+ return precomputed_state.exponentiation_vartime(k);
+ }
+BigInt monty_multi_exp(std::shared_ptr<const Montgomery_Params> params_p,
+ const BigInt& x_bn,
+ const BigInt& z1,
+ const BigInt& y_bn,
+ const BigInt& z2)
+ {
+ if(z1.is_negative() || z2.is_negative())
+ throw Invalid_Argument("multi_exponentiate exponents must be positive");
+ const size_t z_bits = round_up(std::max(z1.bits(), z2.bits()), 2);
+ secure_vector<word> ws;
+ const Montgomery_Int one(params_p, params_p->R1(), false);
+ //const Montgomery_Int one(params_p, 1);
+ const Montgomery_Int x1(params_p, x_bn);
+ const Montgomery_Int x2 = x1.square(ws);
+ const Montgomery_Int x3 = x2.mul(x1, ws);
+ const Montgomery_Int y1(params_p, y_bn);
+ const Montgomery_Int y2 = y1.square(ws);
+ const Montgomery_Int y3 = y2.mul(y1, ws);
+ const Montgomery_Int y1x1 = y1.mul(x1, ws);
+ const Montgomery_Int y1x2 = y1.mul(x2, ws);
+ const Montgomery_Int y1x3 = y1.mul(x3, ws);
+ const Montgomery_Int y2x1 = y2.mul(x1, ws);
+ const Montgomery_Int y2x2 = y2.mul(x2, ws);
+ const Montgomery_Int y2x3 = y2.mul(x3, ws);
+ const Montgomery_Int y3x1 = y3.mul(x1, ws);
+ const Montgomery_Int y3x2 = y3.mul(x2, ws);
+ const Montgomery_Int y3x3 = y3.mul(x3, ws);
+ const Montgomery_Int* M[16] = {
+ &one,
+ &x1, // 0001
+ &x2, // 0010
+ &x3, // 0011
+ &y1, // 0100
+ &y1x1,
+ &y1x2,
+ &y1x3,
+ &y2, // 1000
+ &y2x1,
+ &y2x2,
+ &y2x3,
+ &y3, // 1100
+ &y3x1,
+ &y3x2,
+ &y3x3
+ };
+ Montgomery_Int H = one;
+ for(size_t i = 0; i != z_bits; i += 2)
+ {
+ if(i > 0)
+ {
+ H.square_this(ws);
+ H.square_this(ws);
+ }
+ const uint8_t z1_b = z1.get_substring(z_bits - i - 2, 2);
+ const uint8_t z2_b = z2.get_substring(z_bits - i - 2, 2);
+ const uint8_t z12 = (4*z2_b) + z1_b;
+ H.mul_by(*M[z12], ws);
+ }
+ return H.value();
+ }
diff --git a/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/numbertheory/monty_exp.h b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/numbertheory/monty_exp.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..632d7f7d6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/numbertheory/monty_exp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+* (C) 2018 Jack Lloyd
+* Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt)
+#include <memory>
+namespace Botan {
+class BigInt;
+class Modular_Reducer;
+class Montgomery_Params;
+class Montgomery_Exponentation_State;
+* Precompute for calculating values g^x mod p
+std::shared_ptr<const Montgomery_Exponentation_State>
+monty_precompute(std::shared_ptr<const Montgomery_Params> params_p,
+ const BigInt& g,
+ size_t window_bits,
+ bool const_time = true);
+* Return g^k mod p
+BigInt monty_execute(const Montgomery_Exponentation_State& precomputed_state,
+ const BigInt& k, size_t max_k_bits);
+* Return g^k mod p taking variable time depending on k
+* @warning only use this if k is public
+BigInt monty_execute_vartime(const Montgomery_Exponentation_State& precomputed_state,
+ const BigInt& k);
+* Return (x^z1 * y^z2) % p
+BigInt monty_multi_exp(std::shared_ptr<const Montgomery_Params> params_p,
+ const BigInt& x,
+ const BigInt& z1,
+ const BigInt& y,
+ const BigInt& z2);
diff --git a/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/numbertheory/mp_numth.cpp b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/numbertheory/mp_numth.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eef6419965
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/numbertheory/mp_numth.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+* Fused and Important MP Algorithms
+* (C) 1999-2007 Jack Lloyd
+* 2016 Matthias Gierlings
+* Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt)
+#include <botan/numthry.h>
+#include <botan/internal/mp_core.h>
+#include <botan/internal/rounding.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+namespace Botan {
+* Square a BigInt
+BigInt square(const BigInt& x)
+ {
+ BigInt z = x;
+ secure_vector<word> ws;
+ z.square(ws);
+ return z;
+ }
+* Multiply-Add Operation
+BigInt mul_add(const BigInt& a, const BigInt& b, const BigInt& c)
+ {
+ if(c.is_negative())
+ throw Invalid_Argument("mul_add: Third argument must be > 0");
+ BigInt::Sign sign = BigInt::Positive;
+ if(a.sign() != b.sign())
+ sign = BigInt::Negative;
+ const size_t a_sw = a.sig_words();
+ const size_t b_sw = b.sig_words();
+ const size_t c_sw = c.sig_words();
+ BigInt r(sign, std::max(a_sw + b_sw, c_sw) + 1);
+ secure_vector<word> workspace(r.size());
+ bigint_mul(r.mutable_data(), r.size(),
+ a.data(), a.size(), a_sw,
+ b.data(), b.size(), b_sw,
+ workspace.data(), workspace.size());
+ const size_t r_size = std::max(r.sig_words(), c_sw);
+ bigint_add2(r.mutable_data(), r_size, c.data(), c_sw);
+ return r;
+ }
+* Subtract-Multiply Operation
+BigInt sub_mul(const BigInt& a, const BigInt& b, const BigInt& c)
+ {
+ if(a.is_negative() || b.is_negative())
+ throw Invalid_Argument("sub_mul: First two arguments must be >= 0");
+ BigInt r = a;
+ r -= b;
+ r *= c;
+ return r;
+ }
+* Multiply-Subtract Operation
+BigInt mul_sub(const BigInt& a, const BigInt& b, const BigInt& c)
+ {
+ if(c.is_negative() || c.is_zero())
+ throw Invalid_Argument("mul_sub: Third argument must be > 0");
+ BigInt r = a;
+ r *= b;
+ r -= c;
+ return r;
+ }
diff --git a/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/numbertheory/nistp_redc.cpp b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/numbertheory/nistp_redc.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b74a2f9c6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/numbertheory/nistp_redc.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,623 @@
+* NIST prime reductions
+* (C) 2014,2015,2018 Jack Lloyd
+* Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt)
+#include <botan/curve_nistp.h>
+#include <botan/internal/mp_core.h>
+#include <botan/internal/mp_asmi.h>
+namespace Botan {
+const BigInt& prime_p521()
+ {
+ return p521;
+ }
+void redc_p521(BigInt& x, secure_vector<word>& ws)
+ {
+ const size_t p_full_words = 521 / BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS;
+ const size_t p_top_bits = 521 % BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS;
+ const size_t p_words = p_full_words + 1;
+ const size_t x_sw = x.sig_words();
+ if(x_sw < p_words)
+ return; // already smaller
+ if(ws.size() < p_words + 1)
+ ws.resize(p_words + 1);
+ clear_mem(ws.data(), ws.size());
+ bigint_shr2(ws.data(), x.data(), x_sw, p_full_words, p_top_bits);
+ x.mask_bits(521);
+ // Word-level carry will be zero
+ word carry = bigint_add3_nc(x.mutable_data(), x.data(), p_words, ws.data(), p_words);
+ BOTAN_ASSERT_EQUAL(carry, 0, "Final carry in P-521 reduction");
+ // Now find the actual carry in bit 522
+ const uint8_t bit_522_set = x.word_at(p_full_words) >> (p_top_bits);
+#if (BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS == 64)
+ static const word p521_words[9] = {
+ 0x1FF };
+ /*
+ * If bit 522 is set then we overflowed and must reduce. Otherwise, if the
+ * top bit is set, it is possible we have x == 2**521 - 1 so check for that.
+ */
+ if(bit_522_set)
+ {
+#if (BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS == 64)
+ bigint_sub2(x.mutable_data(), x.size(), p521_words, 9);
+ x -= prime_p521();
+ }
+ else if(x.word_at(p_full_words) >> (p_top_bits - 1))
+ {
+ /*
+ * Otherwise we must reduce if p is exactly 2^512-1
+ */
+ word possibly_521 = MP_WORD_MAX;
+ for(size_t i = 0; i != p_full_words; ++i)
+ possibly_521 &= x.word_at(i);
+ if(possibly_521 == MP_WORD_MAX)
+ x.reduce_below(prime_p521(), ws);
+ }
+ }
+namespace {
+* Treating this MPI as a sequence of 32-bit words in big-endian
+* order, return word i (or 0 if out of range)
+inline uint32_t get_uint32_t(const BigInt& x, size_t i)
+ {
+#if (BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS == 32)
+ return x.word_at(i);
+#elif (BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS == 64)
+ return static_cast<uint32_t>(x.word_at(i/2) >> ((i % 2)*32));
+ #error "Not implemented"
+ }
+inline void set_words(BigInt& x, size_t i, uint32_t R0, uint32_t R1)
+ {
+#if (BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS == 32)
+ x.set_word_at(i, R0);
+ x.set_word_at(i+1, R1);
+#elif (BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS == 64)
+ x.set_word_at(i/2, (static_cast<uint64_t>(R1) << 32) | R0);
+ #error "Not implemented"
+ }
+const BigInt& prime_p192()
+ {
+ return p192;
+ }
+void redc_p192(BigInt& x, secure_vector<word>& ws)
+ {
+ static const size_t p192_limbs = 192 / BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS;
+ const uint64_t X00 = get_uint32_t(x, 0);
+ const uint64_t X01 = get_uint32_t(x, 1);
+ const uint64_t X02 = get_uint32_t(x, 2);
+ const uint64_t X03 = get_uint32_t(x, 3);
+ const uint64_t X04 = get_uint32_t(x, 4);
+ const uint64_t X05 = get_uint32_t(x, 5);
+ const uint64_t X06 = get_uint32_t(x, 6);
+ const uint64_t X07 = get_uint32_t(x, 7);
+ const uint64_t X08 = get_uint32_t(x, 8);
+ const uint64_t X09 = get_uint32_t(x, 9);
+ const uint64_t X10 = get_uint32_t(x, 10);
+ const uint64_t X11 = get_uint32_t(x, 11);
+ const uint64_t S0 = X00 + X06 + X10;
+ const uint64_t S1 = X01 + X07 + X11;
+ const uint64_t S2 = X02 + X06 + X08 + X10;
+ const uint64_t S3 = X03 + X07 + X09 + X11;
+ const uint64_t S4 = X04 + X08 + X10;
+ const uint64_t S5 = X05 + X09 + X11;
+ x.mask_bits(192);
+ uint64_t S = 0;
+ uint32_t R0 = 0, R1 = 0;
+ S += S0;
+ R0 = static_cast<uint32_t>(S);
+ S >>= 32;
+ S += S1;
+ R1 = static_cast<uint32_t>(S);
+ S >>= 32;
+ set_words(x, 0, R0, R1);
+ S += S2;
+ R0 = static_cast<uint32_t>(S);
+ S >>= 32;
+ S += S3;
+ R1 = static_cast<uint32_t>(S);
+ S >>= 32;
+ set_words(x, 2, R0, R1);
+ S += S4;
+ R0 = static_cast<uint32_t>(S);
+ S >>= 32;
+ S += S5;
+ R1 = static_cast<uint32_t>(S);
+ S >>= 32;
+ set_words(x, 4, R0, R1);
+ // No underflow possible
+ BOTAN_ASSERT(S <= 2, "Expected overflow in P-192 reduce");
+ /*
+ This is a table of (i*P-192) % 2**192 for i in 1...3
+ */
+ static const word p192_mults[3][p192_limbs] = {
+#if (BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS == 64)
+ };
+ if(S == 0 && x.word_at(p192_limbs-1) < p192_mults[0][p192_limbs-1])
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ word borrow = bigint_sub2(x.mutable_data(), x.size(), p192_mults[S], p192_limbs);
+ BOTAN_ASSERT(borrow == 0 || borrow == 1, "Expected borrow during P-192 reduction");
+ if(borrow)
+ {
+ bigint_add2(x.mutable_data(), x.size() - 1, p192_mults[0], p192_limbs);
+ }
+ }
+const BigInt& prime_p224()
+ {
+ static const BigInt p224("0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF000000000000000000000001");
+ return p224;
+ }
+void redc_p224(BigInt& x, secure_vector<word>& ws)
+ {
+ static const size_t p224_limbs = (BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS == 32) ? 7 : 4;
+ const int64_t X00 = get_uint32_t(x, 0);
+ const int64_t X01 = get_uint32_t(x, 1);
+ const int64_t X02 = get_uint32_t(x, 2);
+ const int64_t X03 = get_uint32_t(x, 3);
+ const int64_t X04 = get_uint32_t(x, 4);
+ const int64_t X05 = get_uint32_t(x, 5);
+ const int64_t X06 = get_uint32_t(x, 6);
+ const int64_t X07 = get_uint32_t(x, 7);
+ const int64_t X08 = get_uint32_t(x, 8);
+ const int64_t X09 = get_uint32_t(x, 9);
+ const int64_t X10 = get_uint32_t(x, 10);
+ const int64_t X11 = get_uint32_t(x, 11);
+ const int64_t X12 = get_uint32_t(x, 12);
+ const int64_t X13 = get_uint32_t(x, 13);
+ // One full copy of P224 is added, so the result is always positive
+ const int64_t S0 = 0x00000001 + X00 - X07 - X11;
+ const int64_t S1 = 0x00000000 + X01 - X08 - X12;
+ const int64_t S2 = 0x00000000 + X02 - X09 - X13;
+ const int64_t S3 = 0xFFFFFFFF + X03 + X07 + X11 - X10;
+ const int64_t S4 = 0xFFFFFFFF + X04 + X08 + X12 - X11;
+ const int64_t S5 = 0xFFFFFFFF + X05 + X09 + X13 - X12;
+ const int64_t S6 = 0xFFFFFFFF + X06 + X10 - X13;
+ x.mask_bits(224);
+ x.shrink_to_fit(p224_limbs + 1);
+ int64_t S = 0;
+ uint32_t R0 = 0, R1 = 0;
+ S += S0;
+ R0 = static_cast<uint32_t>(S);
+ S >>= 32;
+ S += S1;
+ R1 = static_cast<uint32_t>(S);
+ S >>= 32;
+ set_words(x, 0, R0, R1);
+ S += S2;
+ R0 = static_cast<uint32_t>(S);
+ S >>= 32;
+ S += S3;
+ R1 = static_cast<uint32_t>(S);
+ S >>= 32;
+ set_words(x, 2, R0, R1);
+ S += S4;
+ R0 = static_cast<uint32_t>(S);
+ S >>= 32;
+ S += S5;
+ R1 = static_cast<uint32_t>(S);
+ S >>= 32;
+ set_words(x, 4, R0, R1);
+ S += S6;
+ R0 = static_cast<uint32_t>(S);
+ S >>= 32;
+ set_words(x, 6, R0, 0);
+ BOTAN_ASSERT(S >= 0 && S <= 2, "Expected overflow in P-224 reduce");
+ static const word p224_mults[3][p224_limbs] = {
+#if (BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS == 64)
+ {0x0000000000000001, 0xFFFFFFFF00000000, 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, 0x00000000FFFFFFFF},
+ {0x0000000000000002, 0xFFFFFFFE00000000, 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, 0x00000000FFFFFFFF},
+ {0x0000000000000003, 0xFFFFFFFD00000000, 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, 0x00000000FFFFFFFF},
+ {0x00000001, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF},
+ {0x00000002, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0xFFFFFFFE, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF},
+ {0x00000003, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0xFFFFFFFD, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF}
+ };
+ if(S == 0 && x.word_at(p224_limbs-1) < p224_mults[0][p224_limbs-1])
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ word borrow = bigint_sub2(x.mutable_data(), x.size(), p224_mults[S], p224_limbs);
+ BOTAN_ASSERT(borrow == 0 || borrow == 1, "Expected borrow during P-224 reduction");
+ if(borrow)
+ {
+ bigint_add2(x.mutable_data(), x.size() - 1, p224_mults[0], p224_limbs);
+ }
+ }
+const BigInt& prime_p256()
+ {
+ static const BigInt p256("0xFFFFFFFF00000001000000000000000000000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF");
+ return p256;
+ }
+void redc_p256(BigInt& x, secure_vector<word>& ws)
+ {
+ static const size_t p256_limbs = (BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS == 32) ? 8 : 4;
+ const int64_t X00 = get_uint32_t(x, 0);
+ const int64_t X01 = get_uint32_t(x, 1);
+ const int64_t X02 = get_uint32_t(x, 2);
+ const int64_t X03 = get_uint32_t(x, 3);
+ const int64_t X04 = get_uint32_t(x, 4);
+ const int64_t X05 = get_uint32_t(x, 5);
+ const int64_t X06 = get_uint32_t(x, 6);
+ const int64_t X07 = get_uint32_t(x, 7);
+ const int64_t X08 = get_uint32_t(x, 8);
+ const int64_t X09 = get_uint32_t(x, 9);
+ const int64_t X10 = get_uint32_t(x, 10);
+ const int64_t X11 = get_uint32_t(x, 11);
+ const int64_t X12 = get_uint32_t(x, 12);
+ const int64_t X13 = get_uint32_t(x, 13);
+ const int64_t X14 = get_uint32_t(x, 14);
+ const int64_t X15 = get_uint32_t(x, 15);
+ // Adds 6 * P-256 to prevent underflow
+ const int64_t S0 = 0xFFFFFFFA + X00 + X08 + X09 - X11 - X12 - X13 - X14;
+ const int64_t S1 = 0xFFFFFFFF + X01 + X09 + X10 - X12 - X13 - X14 - X15;
+ const int64_t S2 = 0xFFFFFFFF + X02 + X10 + X11 - X13 - X14 - X15;
+ const int64_t S3 = 0x00000005 + X03 + (X11 + X12)*2 + X13 - X15 - X08 - X09;
+ const int64_t S4 = 0x00000000 + X04 + (X12 + X13)*2 + X14 - X09 - X10;
+ const int64_t S5 = 0x00000000 + X05 + (X13 + X14)*2 + X15 - X10 - X11;
+ const int64_t S6 = 0x00000006 + X06 + X13 + X14*3 + X15*2 - X08 - X09;
+ const int64_t S7 = 0xFFFFFFFA + X07 + X15*3 + X08 - X10 - X11 - X12 - X13;
+ x.mask_bits(256);
+ x.shrink_to_fit(p256_limbs + 1);
+ int64_t S = 0;
+ uint32_t R0 = 0, R1 = 0;
+ S += S0;
+ R0 = static_cast<uint32_t>(S);
+ S >>= 32;
+ S += S1;
+ R1 = static_cast<uint32_t>(S);
+ S >>= 32;
+ set_words(x, 0, R0, R1);
+ S += S2;
+ R0 = static_cast<uint32_t>(S);
+ S >>= 32;
+ S += S3;
+ R1 = static_cast<uint32_t>(S);
+ S >>= 32;
+ set_words(x, 2, R0, R1);
+ S += S4;
+ R0 = static_cast<uint32_t>(S);
+ S >>= 32;
+ S += S5;
+ R1 = static_cast<uint32_t>(S);
+ S >>= 32;
+ set_words(x, 4, R0, R1);
+ S += S6;
+ R0 = static_cast<uint32_t>(S);
+ S >>= 32;
+ S += S7;
+ R1 = static_cast<uint32_t>(S);
+ S >>= 32;
+ set_words(x, 6, R0, R1);
+ S += 5; // the top digits of 6*P-256
+ BOTAN_ASSERT(S >= 0 && S <= 10, "Expected overflow");
+ /*
+ This is a table of (i*P-256) % 2**256 for i in 1...10
+ */
+ static const word p256_mults[11][p256_limbs] = {
+#if (BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS == 64)
+ {0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, 0x00000000FFFFFFFF, 0x0000000000000000, 0xFFFFFFFF00000001},
+ {0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE, 0x00000001FFFFFFFF, 0x0000000000000000, 0xFFFFFFFE00000002},
+ {0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFD, 0x00000002FFFFFFFF, 0x0000000000000000, 0xFFFFFFFD00000003},
+ {0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFC, 0x00000003FFFFFFFF, 0x0000000000000000, 0xFFFFFFFC00000004},
+ {0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFB, 0x00000004FFFFFFFF, 0x0000000000000000, 0xFFFFFFFB00000005},
+ {0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFA, 0x00000005FFFFFFFF, 0x0000000000000000, 0xFFFFFFFA00000006},
+ {0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF9, 0x00000006FFFFFFFF, 0x0000000000000000, 0xFFFFFFF900000007},
+ {0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF8, 0x00000007FFFFFFFF, 0x0000000000000000, 0xFFFFFFF800000008},
+ {0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF7, 0x00000008FFFFFFFF, 0x0000000000000000, 0xFFFFFFF700000009},
+ {0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF6, 0x00000009FFFFFFFF, 0x0000000000000000, 0xFFFFFFF60000000A},
+ {0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF5, 0x0000000AFFFFFFFF, 0x0000000000000000, 0xFFFFFFF50000000B},
+ {0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000001, 0xFFFFFFFF},
+ {0xFFFFFFFE, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00000001, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000002, 0xFFFFFFFE},
+ {0xFFFFFFFD, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00000002, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000003, 0xFFFFFFFD},
+ {0xFFFFFFFC, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00000003, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000004, 0xFFFFFFFC},
+ {0xFFFFFFFB, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00000004, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000005, 0xFFFFFFFB},
+ {0xFFFFFFFA, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00000005, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000006, 0xFFFFFFFA},
+ {0xFFFFFFF9, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00000006, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000007, 0xFFFFFFF9},
+ {0xFFFFFFF8, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00000007, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000008, 0xFFFFFFF8},
+ {0xFFFFFFF7, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00000008, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000009, 0xFFFFFFF7},
+ {0xFFFFFFF6, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00000009, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x0000000A, 0xFFFFFFF6},
+ {0xFFFFFFF5, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x0000000A, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x0000000B, 0xFFFFFFF5},
+ };
+ if(S == 0 && x.word_at(p256_limbs-1) < p256_mults[0][p256_limbs-1])
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ word borrow = bigint_sub2(x.mutable_data(), x.size(), p256_mults[S], p256_limbs);
+ BOTAN_ASSERT(borrow == 0 || borrow == 1, "Expected borrow during P-256 reduction");
+ if(borrow)
+ {
+ bigint_add2(x.mutable_data(), x.size() - 1, p256_mults[0], p256_limbs);
+ }
+ }
+const BigInt& prime_p384()
+ {
+ return p384;
+ }
+void redc_p384(BigInt& x, secure_vector<word>& ws)
+ {
+ static const size_t p384_limbs = (BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS == 32) ? 12 : 6;
+ const int64_t X00 = get_uint32_t(x, 0);
+ const int64_t X01 = get_uint32_t(x, 1);
+ const int64_t X02 = get_uint32_t(x, 2);
+ const int64_t X03 = get_uint32_t(x, 3);
+ const int64_t X04 = get_uint32_t(x, 4);
+ const int64_t X05 = get_uint32_t(x, 5);
+ const int64_t X06 = get_uint32_t(x, 6);
+ const int64_t X07 = get_uint32_t(x, 7);
+ const int64_t X08 = get_uint32_t(x, 8);
+ const int64_t X09 = get_uint32_t(x, 9);
+ const int64_t X10 = get_uint32_t(x, 10);
+ const int64_t X11 = get_uint32_t(x, 11);
+ const int64_t X12 = get_uint32_t(x, 12);
+ const int64_t X13 = get_uint32_t(x, 13);
+ const int64_t X14 = get_uint32_t(x, 14);
+ const int64_t X15 = get_uint32_t(x, 15);
+ const int64_t X16 = get_uint32_t(x, 16);
+ const int64_t X17 = get_uint32_t(x, 17);
+ const int64_t X18 = get_uint32_t(x, 18);
+ const int64_t X19 = get_uint32_t(x, 19);
+ const int64_t X20 = get_uint32_t(x, 20);
+ const int64_t X21 = get_uint32_t(x, 21);
+ const int64_t X22 = get_uint32_t(x, 22);
+ const int64_t X23 = get_uint32_t(x, 23);
+ // One copy of P-384 is added to prevent underflow
+ const int64_t S0 = 0xFFFFFFFF + X00 + X12 + X20 + X21 - X23;
+ const int64_t S1 = 0x00000000 + X01 + X13 + X22 + X23 - X12 - X20;
+ const int64_t S2 = 0x00000000 + X02 + X14 + X23 - X13 - X21;
+ const int64_t S3 = 0xFFFFFFFF + X03 + X12 + X15 + X20 + X21 - X14 - X22 - X23;
+ const int64_t S4 = 0xFFFFFFFE + X04 + X12 + X13 + X16 + X20 + X21*2 + X22 - X15 - X23*2;
+ const int64_t S5 = 0xFFFFFFFF + X05 + X13 + X14 + X17 + X21 + X22*2 + X23 - X16;
+ const int64_t S6 = 0xFFFFFFFF + X06 + X14 + X15 + X18 + X22 + X23*2 - X17;
+ const int64_t S7 = 0xFFFFFFFF + X07 + X15 + X16 + X19 + X23 - X18;
+ const int64_t S8 = 0xFFFFFFFF + X08 + X16 + X17 + X20 - X19;
+ const int64_t S9 = 0xFFFFFFFF + X09 + X17 + X18 + X21 - X20;
+ const int64_t SA = 0xFFFFFFFF + X10 + X18 + X19 + X22 - X21;
+ const int64_t SB = 0xFFFFFFFF + X11 + X19 + X20 + X23 - X22;
+ x.mask_bits(384);
+ x.shrink_to_fit(p384_limbs + 1);
+ int64_t S = 0;
+ uint32_t R0 = 0, R1 = 0;
+ S += S0;
+ R0 = static_cast<uint32_t>(S);
+ S >>= 32;
+ S += S1;
+ R1 = static_cast<uint32_t>(S);
+ S >>= 32;
+ set_words(x, 0, R0, R1);
+ S += S2;
+ R0 = static_cast<uint32_t>(S);
+ S >>= 32;
+ S += S3;
+ R1 = static_cast<uint32_t>(S);
+ S >>= 32;
+ set_words(x, 2, R0, R1);
+ S += S4;
+ R0 = static_cast<uint32_t>(S);
+ S >>= 32;
+ S += S5;
+ R1 = static_cast<uint32_t>(S);
+ S >>= 32;
+ set_words(x, 4, R0, R1);
+ S += S6;
+ R0 = static_cast<uint32_t>(S);
+ S >>= 32;
+ S += S7;
+ R1 = static_cast<uint32_t>(S);
+ S >>= 32;
+ set_words(x, 6, R0, R1);
+ S += S8;
+ R0 = static_cast<uint32_t>(S);
+ S >>= 32;
+ S += S9;
+ R1 = static_cast<uint32_t>(S);
+ S >>= 32;
+ set_words(x, 8, R0, R1);
+ S += SA;
+ R0 = static_cast<uint32_t>(S);
+ S >>= 32;
+ S += SB;
+ R1 = static_cast<uint32_t>(S);
+ S >>= 32;
+ set_words(x, 10, R0, R1);
+ BOTAN_ASSERT(S >= 0 && S <= 4, "Expected overflow in P-384 reduction");
+ /*
+ This is a table of (i*P-384) % 2**384 for i in 1...4
+ */
+ static const word p384_mults[5][p384_limbs] = {
+#if (BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS == 64)
+ {0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFE, 0xFFFFFFFF,
+ {0xFFFFFFFE, 0x00000001, 0x00000000, 0xFFFFFFFE, 0xFFFFFFFD, 0xFFFFFFFF,
+ {0xFFFFFFFD, 0x00000002, 0x00000000, 0xFFFFFFFD, 0xFFFFFFFC, 0xFFFFFFFF,
+ {0xFFFFFFFC, 0x00000003, 0x00000000, 0xFFFFFFFC, 0xFFFFFFFB, 0xFFFFFFFF,
+ {0xFFFFFFFB, 0x00000004, 0x00000000, 0xFFFFFFFB, 0xFFFFFFFA, 0xFFFFFFFF,
+ };
+ if(S == 0 && x.word_at(p384_limbs-1) < p384_mults[0][p384_limbs-1])
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ word borrow = bigint_sub2(x.mutable_data(), x.size(), p384_mults[S], p384_limbs);
+ BOTAN_ASSERT(borrow == 0 || borrow == 1, "Expected borrow during P-384 reduction");
+ if(borrow)
+ {
+ bigint_add2(x.mutable_data(), x.size() - 1, p384_mults[0], p384_limbs);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/numbertheory/numthry.cpp b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/numbertheory/numthry.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a312ba3a1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/numbertheory/numthry.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,566 @@
+* Number Theory Functions
+* (C) 1999-2011,2016,2018 Jack Lloyd
+* Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt)
+#include <botan/numthry.h>
+#include <botan/pow_mod.h>
+#include <botan/reducer.h>
+#include <botan/monty.h>
+#include <botan/rng.h>
+#include <botan/internal/bit_ops.h>
+#include <botan/internal/mp_core.h>
+#include <botan/internal/ct_utils.h>
+#include <botan/internal/monty_exp.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+namespace Botan {
+* Return the number of 0 bits at the end of n
+size_t low_zero_bits(const BigInt& n)
+ {
+ size_t low_zero = 0;
+ if(n.is_positive() && n.is_nonzero())
+ {
+ for(size_t i = 0; i != n.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ const word x = n.word_at(i);
+ if(x)
+ {
+ low_zero += ctz(x);
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ low_zero += BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS;
+ }
+ }
+ return low_zero;
+ }
+* Calculate the GCD
+BigInt gcd(const BigInt& a, const BigInt& b)
+ {
+ if(a.is_zero() || b.is_zero())
+ return 0;
+ if(a == 1 || b == 1)
+ return 1;
+ BigInt X[2] = { a, b };
+ X[0].set_sign(BigInt::Positive);
+ X[1].set_sign(BigInt::Positive);
+ const size_t shift = std::min(low_zero_bits(X[0]), low_zero_bits(X[1]));
+ X[0] >>= shift;
+ X[1] >>= shift;
+ while(X[0].is_nonzero())
+ {
+ X[0] >>= low_zero_bits(X[0]);
+ X[1] >>= low_zero_bits(X[1]);
+ const uint8_t sel = static_cast<uint8_t>(X[0] >= X[1]);
+ X[sel^1] -= X[sel];
+ X[sel^1] >>= 1;
+ }
+ return (X[1] << shift);
+ }
+* Calculate the LCM
+BigInt lcm(const BigInt& a, const BigInt& b)
+ {
+ return ((a * b) / gcd(a, b));
+ }
+Sets result to a^-1 * 2^k mod a
+with n <= k <= 2n
+Returns k
+"The Montgomery Modular Inverse - Revisited" Çetin Koç, E. Savas
+A const time implementation of this algorithm is described in
+"Constant Time Modular Inversion" Joppe W. Bos
+size_t almost_montgomery_inverse(BigInt& result,
+ const BigInt& a,
+ const BigInt& p)
+ {
+ size_t k = 0;
+ BigInt u = p, v = a, r = 0, s = 1;
+ while(v > 0)
+ {
+ if(u.is_even())
+ {
+ u >>= 1;
+ s <<= 1;
+ }
+ else if(v.is_even())
+ {
+ v >>= 1;
+ r <<= 1;
+ }
+ else if(u > v)
+ {
+ u -= v;
+ u >>= 1;
+ r += s;
+ s <<= 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ v -= u;
+ v >>= 1;
+ s += r;
+ r <<= 1;
+ }
+ ++k;
+ }
+ if(r >= p)
+ {
+ r -= p;
+ }
+ result = p - r;
+ return k;
+ }
+BigInt normalized_montgomery_inverse(const BigInt& a, const BigInt& p)
+ {
+ BigInt r;
+ size_t k = almost_montgomery_inverse(r, a, p);
+ for(size_t i = 0; i != k; ++i)
+ {
+ if(r.is_odd())
+ r += p;
+ r >>= 1;
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+BigInt ct_inverse_mod_odd_modulus(const BigInt& n, const BigInt& mod)
+ {
+ if(n.is_negative() || mod.is_negative())
+ throw Invalid_Argument("ct_inverse_mod_odd_modulus: arguments must be non-negative");
+ if(mod < 3 || mod.is_even())
+ throw Invalid_Argument("Bad modulus to ct_inverse_mod_odd_modulus");
+ if(n >= mod)
+ throw Invalid_Argument("ct_inverse_mod_odd_modulus n >= mod not supported");
+ /*
+ This uses a modular inversion algorithm designed by Niels Möller
+ and implemented in Nettle. The same algorithm was later also
+ adapted to GMP in mpn_sec_invert.
+ It can be easily implemented in a way that does not depend on
+ secret branches or memory lookups, providing resistance against
+ some forms of side channel attack.
+ There is also a description of the algorithm in Appendix 5 of "Fast
+ Software Polynomial Multiplication on ARM Processors using the NEON Engine"
+ by Danilo Câmara, Conrado P. L. Gouvêa, Julio López, and Ricardo
+ Dahab in LNCS 8182
+ https://conradoplg.cryptoland.net/files/2010/12/mocrysen13.pdf
+ Thanks to Niels for creating the algorithm, explaining some things
+ about it, and the reference to the paper.
+ */
+ // todo allow this to be pre-calculated and passed in as arg
+ BigInt mp1o2 = (mod + 1) >> 1;
+ const size_t mod_words = mod.sig_words();
+ BOTAN_ASSERT(mod_words > 0, "Not empty");
+ BigInt a = n;
+ BigInt b = mod;
+ BigInt u = 1, v = 0;
+ a.grow_to(mod_words);
+ u.grow_to(mod_words);
+ v.grow_to(mod_words);
+ mp1o2.grow_to(mod_words);
+ secure_vector<word>& a_w = a.get_word_vector();
+ secure_vector<word>& b_w = b.get_word_vector();
+ secure_vector<word>& u_w = u.get_word_vector();
+ secure_vector<word>& v_w = v.get_word_vector();
+ CT::poison(a_w.data(), a_w.size());
+ CT::poison(b_w.data(), b_w.size());
+ CT::poison(u_w.data(), u_w.size());
+ CT::poison(v_w.data(), v_w.size());
+ // Only n.bits() + mod.bits() iterations are required, but avoid leaking the size of n
+ size_t bits = 2 * mod.bits();
+ while(bits--)
+ {
+ /*
+ const word odd = a.is_odd();
+ a -= odd * b;
+ const word underflow = a.is_negative();
+ b += a * underflow;
+ a.set_sign(BigInt::Positive);
+ a >>= 1;
+ if(underflow)
+ {
+ std::swap(u, v);
+ }
+ u -= odd * v;
+ u += u.is_negative() * mod;
+ const word odd_u = u.is_odd();
+ u >>= 1;
+ u += mp1o2 * odd_u;
+ */
+ const word odd_a = a_w[0] & 1;
+ //if(odd_a) a -= b
+ word underflow = bigint_cnd_sub(odd_a, a_w.data(), b_w.data(), mod_words);
+ //if(underflow) { b -= a; a = abs(a); swap(u, v); }
+ bigint_cnd_add(underflow, b_w.data(), a_w.data(), mod_words);
+ bigint_cnd_abs(underflow, a_w.data(), mod_words);
+ bigint_cnd_swap(underflow, u_w.data(), v_w.data(), mod_words);
+ // a >>= 1
+ bigint_shr1(a_w.data(), mod_words, 0, 1);
+ //if(odd_a) u -= v;
+ word borrow = bigint_cnd_sub(odd_a, u_w.data(), v_w.data(), mod_words);
+ // if(borrow) u += p
+ bigint_cnd_add(borrow, u_w.data(), mod.data(), mod_words);
+ const word odd_u = u_w[0] & 1;
+ // u >>= 1
+ bigint_shr1(u_w.data(), mod_words, 0, 1);
+ //if(odd_u) u += mp1o2;
+ bigint_cnd_add(odd_u, u_w.data(), mp1o2.data(), mod_words);
+ }
+ CT::unpoison(a_w.data(), a_w.size());
+ CT::unpoison(b_w.data(), b_w.size());
+ CT::unpoison(u_w.data(), u_w.size());
+ CT::unpoison(v_w.data(), v_w.size());
+ BOTAN_ASSERT(a.is_zero(), "A is zero");
+ if(b != 1)
+ return 0;
+ return v;
+ }
+* Find the Modular Inverse
+BigInt inverse_mod(const BigInt& n, const BigInt& mod)
+ {
+ if(mod.is_zero())
+ throw BigInt::DivideByZero();
+ if(mod.is_negative() || n.is_negative())
+ throw Invalid_Argument("inverse_mod: arguments must be non-negative");
+ if(n.is_zero() || (n.is_even() && mod.is_even()))
+ return 0; // fast fail checks
+ if(mod.is_odd() && n < mod)
+ return ct_inverse_mod_odd_modulus(n, mod);
+ return inverse_euclid(n, mod);
+ }
+BigInt inverse_euclid(const BigInt& n, const BigInt& mod)
+ {
+ if(mod.is_zero())
+ throw BigInt::DivideByZero();
+ if(mod.is_negative() || n.is_negative())
+ throw Invalid_Argument("inverse_mod: arguments must be non-negative");
+ if(n.is_zero() || (n.is_even() && mod.is_even()))
+ return 0; // fast fail checks
+ BigInt u = mod, v = n;
+ BigInt A = 1, B = 0, C = 0, D = 1;
+ while(u.is_nonzero())
+ {
+ const size_t u_zero_bits = low_zero_bits(u);
+ u >>= u_zero_bits;
+ for(size_t i = 0; i != u_zero_bits; ++i)
+ {
+ if(A.is_odd() || B.is_odd())
+ { A += n; B -= mod; }
+ A >>= 1; B >>= 1;
+ }
+ const size_t v_zero_bits = low_zero_bits(v);
+ v >>= v_zero_bits;
+ for(size_t i = 0; i != v_zero_bits; ++i)
+ {
+ if(C.is_odd() || D.is_odd())
+ { C += n; D -= mod; }
+ C >>= 1; D >>= 1;
+ }
+ if(u >= v) { u -= v; A -= C; B -= D; }
+ else { v -= u; C -= A; D -= B; }
+ }
+ if(v != 1)
+ return 0; // no modular inverse
+ while(D.is_negative()) D += mod;
+ while(D >= mod) D -= mod;
+ return D;
+ }
+word monty_inverse(word input)
+ {
+ if(input == 0)
+ throw Exception("monty_inverse: divide by zero");
+ word b = input;
+ word x2 = 1, x1 = 0, y2 = 0, y1 = 1;
+ // First iteration, a = n+1
+ word q = bigint_divop(1, 0, b);
+ word r = (MP_WORD_MAX - q*b) + 1;
+ word x = x2 - q*x1;
+ word y = y2 - q*y1;
+ word a = b;
+ b = r;
+ x2 = x1;
+ x1 = x;
+ y2 = y1;
+ y1 = y;
+ while(b > 0)
+ {
+ q = a / b;
+ r = a - q*b;
+ x = x2 - q*x1;
+ y = y2 - q*y1;
+ a = b;
+ b = r;
+ x2 = x1;
+ x1 = x;
+ y2 = y1;
+ y1 = y;
+ }
+ const word check = y2 * input;
+ BOTAN_ASSERT_EQUAL(check, 1, "monty_inverse result is inverse of input");
+ // Now invert in addition space
+ y2 = (MP_WORD_MAX - y2) + 1;
+ return y2;
+ }
+* Modular Exponentiation
+BigInt power_mod(const BigInt& base, const BigInt& exp, const BigInt& mod)
+ {
+ if(mod.is_negative() || mod == 1)
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if(base.is_zero() || mod.is_zero())
+ {
+ if(exp.is_zero())
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ Power_Mod pow_mod(mod);
+ /*
+ * Calling set_base before set_exponent means we end up using a
+ * minimal window. This makes sense given that here we know that any
+ * precomputation is wasted.
+ */
+ if(base.is_negative())
+ {
+ pow_mod.set_base(-base);
+ pow_mod.set_exponent(exp);
+ if(exp.is_even())
+ return pow_mod.execute();
+ else
+ return (mod - pow_mod.execute());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pow_mod.set_base(base);
+ pow_mod.set_exponent(exp);
+ return pow_mod.execute();
+ }
+ }
+namespace {
+bool mr_witness(BigInt&& y,
+ const Modular_Reducer& reducer_n,
+ const BigInt& n_minus_1, size_t s)
+ {
+ if(y == 1 || y == n_minus_1)
+ return false;
+ for(size_t i = 1; i != s; ++i)
+ {
+ y = reducer_n.square(y);
+ if(y == 1) // found a non-trivial square root
+ return true;
+ /*
+ -1 is the trivial square root of unity, so ``a`` is not a
+ witness for this number - give up
+ */
+ if(y == n_minus_1)
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true; // is a witness
+ }
+size_t mr_test_iterations(size_t n_bits, size_t prob, bool random)
+ {
+ const size_t base = (prob + 2) / 2; // worst case 4^-t error rate
+ /*
+ * If the candidate prime was maliciously constructed, we can't rely
+ * on arguments based on p being random.
+ */
+ if(random == false)
+ return base;
+ /*
+ * For randomly chosen numbers we can use the estimates from
+ * http://www.math.dartmouth.edu/~carlp/PDF/paper88.pdf
+ *
+ * These values are derived from the inequality for p(k,t) given on
+ * the second page.
+ */
+ if(prob <= 128)
+ {
+ if(n_bits >= 1536)
+ return 4; // < 2^-133
+ if(n_bits >= 1024)
+ return 6; // < 2^-133
+ if(n_bits >= 512)
+ return 12; // < 2^-129
+ if(n_bits >= 256)
+ return 29; // < 2^-128
+ }
+ /*
+ If the user desires a smaller error probability than we have
+ precomputed error estimates for, just fall back to using the worst
+ case error rate.
+ */
+ return base;
+ }
+* Test for primality using Miller-Rabin
+bool is_prime(const BigInt& n, RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
+ size_t prob, bool is_random)
+ {
+ if(n == 2)
+ return true;
+ if(n <= 1 || n.is_even())
+ return false;
+ // Fast path testing for small numbers (<= 65521)
+ {
+ const uint16_t num = static_cast<uint16_t>(n.word_at(0));
+ return std::binary_search(PRIMES, PRIMES + PRIME_TABLE_SIZE, num);
+ }
+ const size_t test_iterations =
+ mr_test_iterations(n.bits(), prob, is_random && rng.is_seeded());
+ const BigInt n_minus_1 = n - 1;
+ const size_t s = low_zero_bits(n_minus_1);
+ const BigInt nm1_s = n_minus_1 >> s;
+ const size_t n_bits = n.bits();
+ const Modular_Reducer mod_n(n);
+ auto monty_n = std::make_shared<Montgomery_Params>(n, mod_n);
+ const size_t powm_window = 4;
+ for(size_t i = 0; i != test_iterations; ++i)
+ {
+ BigInt a;
+ if(rng.is_seeded())
+ {
+ a = BigInt::random_integer(rng, 2, n_minus_1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /*
+ * If passed a null RNG just use 2,3,5, ... as bases
+ *
+ * This is not ideal but in certain circumstances we need to
+ * test for primality but have no RNG available.
+ */
+ a = PRIMES[i];
+ }
+ auto powm_a_n = monty_precompute(monty_n, a, powm_window);
+ BigInt y = monty_execute(*powm_a_n, nm1_s, n_bits);
+ if(mr_witness(std::move(y), mod_n, n_minus_1, s))
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
diff --git a/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/numbertheory/numthry.h b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/numbertheory/numthry.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7097979bd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/numbertheory/numthry.h
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+* Number Theory Functions
+* (C) 1999-2007 Jack Lloyd
+* Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt)
+#include <botan/bigint.h>
+namespace Botan {
+class RandomNumberGenerator;
+* Fused multiply-add
+* @param a an integer
+* @param b an integer
+* @param c an integer
+* @return (a*b)+c
+BigInt BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) mul_add(const BigInt& a,
+ const BigInt& b,
+ const BigInt& c);
+* Fused subtract-multiply
+* @param a an integer
+* @param b an integer
+* @param c an integer
+* @return (a-b)*c
+BigInt BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) sub_mul(const BigInt& a,
+ const BigInt& b,
+ const BigInt& c);
+* Fused multiply-subtract
+* @param a an integer
+* @param b an integer
+* @param c an integer
+* @return (a*b)-c
+BigInt BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) mul_sub(const BigInt& a,
+ const BigInt& b,
+ const BigInt& c);
+* Return the absolute value
+* @param n an integer
+* @return absolute value of n
+inline BigInt abs(const BigInt& n) { return n.abs(); }
+* Compute the greatest common divisor
+* @param x a positive integer
+* @param y a positive integer
+* @return gcd(x,y)
+BigInt BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) gcd(const BigInt& x, const BigInt& y);
+* Least common multiple
+* @param x a positive integer
+* @param y a positive integer
+* @return z, smallest integer such that z % x == 0 and z % y == 0
+BigInt BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) lcm(const BigInt& x, const BigInt& y);
+* @param x an integer
+* @return (x*x)
+BigInt BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) square(const BigInt& x);
+* Modular inversion
+* @param x a positive integer
+* @param modulus a positive integer
+* @return y st (x*y) % modulus == 1 or 0 if no such value
+* Not const time
+BigInt BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) inverse_mod(const BigInt& x,
+ const BigInt& modulus);
+* Modular inversion using extended binary Euclidian algorithm
+* @param x a positive integer
+* @param modulus a positive integer
+* @return y st (x*y) % modulus == 1 or 0 if no such value
+* Not const time
+BigInt BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,5) inverse_euclid(const BigInt& x,
+ const BigInt& modulus);
+* Const time modular inversion
+* Requires the modulus be odd
+BigInt BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) ct_inverse_mod_odd_modulus(const BigInt& n, const BigInt& mod);
+* Return a^-1 * 2^k mod b
+* Returns k, between n and 2n
+* Not const time
+size_t BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) almost_montgomery_inverse(BigInt& result,
+ const BigInt& a,
+ const BigInt& b);
+* Call almost_montgomery_inverse and correct the result to a^-1 mod b
+BigInt BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) normalized_montgomery_inverse(const BigInt& a, const BigInt& b);
+* Compute the Jacobi symbol. If n is prime, this is equivalent
+* to the Legendre symbol.
+* @see http://mathworld.wolfram.com/JacobiSymbol.html
+* @param a is a non-negative integer
+* @param n is an odd integer > 1
+* @return (n / m)
+int32_t BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) jacobi(const BigInt& a,
+ const BigInt& n);
+* Modular exponentation
+* @param b an integer base
+* @param x a positive exponent
+* @param m a positive modulus
+* @return (b^x) % m
+BigInt BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) power_mod(const BigInt& b,
+ const BigInt& x,
+ const BigInt& m);
+* Compute the square root of x modulo a prime using the
+* Shanks-Tonnelli algorithm
+* @param x the input
+* @param p the prime
+* @return y such that (y*y)%p == x, or -1 if no such integer
+BigInt BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) ressol(const BigInt& x, const BigInt& p);
+* Compute -input^-1 mod 2^MP_WORD_BITS. Returns zero if input
+* is even. If input is odd, input and 2^n are relatively prime
+* and an inverse exists.
+word BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) monty_inverse(word input);
+* @param x a positive integer
+* @return count of the zero bits in x, or, equivalently, the largest
+* value of n such that 2^n divides x evenly. Returns zero if
+* n is less than or equal to zero.
+size_t BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) low_zero_bits(const BigInt& x);
+* Check for primality
+* @param n a positive integer to test for primality
+* @param rng a random number generator
+* @param prob chance of false positive is bounded by 1/2**prob
+* @param is_random true if n was randomly chosen by us
+* @return true if all primality tests passed, otherwise false
+bool BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) is_prime(const BigInt& n,
+ RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
+ size_t prob = 56,
+ bool is_random = false);
+inline bool quick_check_prime(const BigInt& n, RandomNumberGenerator& rng)
+ { return is_prime(n, rng, 32); }
+inline bool check_prime(const BigInt& n, RandomNumberGenerator& rng)
+ { return is_prime(n, rng, 56); }
+inline bool verify_prime(const BigInt& n, RandomNumberGenerator& rng)
+ { return is_prime(n, rng, 80); }
+* Randomly generate a prime suitable for discrete logarithm parameters
+* @param rng a random number generator
+* @param bits how large the resulting prime should be in bits
+* @param coprime a positive integer that (prime - 1) should be coprime to
+* @param equiv a non-negative number that the result should be
+ equivalent to modulo equiv_mod
+* @param equiv_mod the modulus equiv should be checked against
+* @param prob use test so false positive is bounded by 1/2**prob
+* @return random prime with the specified criteria
+BigInt BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) random_prime(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
+ size_t bits,
+ const BigInt& coprime = 0,
+ size_t equiv = 1,
+ size_t equiv_mod = 2,
+ size_t prob = 128);
+* Generate a prime suitable for RSA p/q
+* @param keygen_rng a random number generator
+* @param prime_test_rng a random number generator
+* @param bits how large the resulting prime should be in bits (must be >= 512)
+* @param coprime a positive integer that (prime - 1) should be coprime to
+* @param prob use test so false positive is bounded by 1/2**prob
+* @return random prime with the specified criteria
+BigInt BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,7) generate_rsa_prime(RandomNumberGenerator& keygen_rng,
+ RandomNumberGenerator& prime_test_rng,
+ size_t bits,
+ const BigInt& coprime,
+ size_t prob = 128);
+* Return a 'safe' prime, of the form p=2*q+1 with q prime
+* @param rng a random number generator
+* @param bits is how long the resulting prime should be
+* @return prime randomly chosen from safe primes of length bits
+BigInt BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) random_safe_prime(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
+ size_t bits);
+* Generate DSA parameters using the FIPS 186 kosherizer
+* @param rng a random number generator
+* @param p_out where the prime p will be stored
+* @param q_out where the prime q will be stored
+* @param pbits how long p will be in bits
+* @param qbits how long q will be in bits
+* @return random seed used to generate this parameter set
+std::vector<uint8_t> BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0)
+generate_dsa_primes(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
+ BigInt& p_out, BigInt& q_out,
+ size_t pbits, size_t qbits);
+* Generate DSA parameters using the FIPS 186 kosherizer
+* @param rng a random number generator
+* @param p_out where the prime p will be stored
+* @param q_out where the prime q will be stored
+* @param pbits how long p will be in bits
+* @param qbits how long q will be in bits
+* @param seed the seed used to generate the parameters
+* @param offset optional offset from seed to start searching at
+* @return true if seed generated a valid DSA parameter set, otherwise
+ false. p_out and q_out are only valid if true was returned.
+generate_dsa_primes(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
+ BigInt& p_out, BigInt& q_out,
+ size_t pbits, size_t qbits,
+ const std::vector<uint8_t>& seed,
+ size_t offset = 0);
+* The size of the PRIMES[] array
+const size_t PRIME_TABLE_SIZE = 6541;
+* A const array of all primes less than 65535
+extern const uint16_t BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) PRIMES[];
diff --git a/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/numbertheory/pow_mod.cpp b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/numbertheory/pow_mod.cpp
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index 0000000000..00917a5f91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/numbertheory/pow_mod.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+* Modular Exponentiation Proxy
+* (C) 1999-2007 Jack Lloyd
+* Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt)
+#include <botan/pow_mod.h>
+#include <botan/internal/def_powm.h>
+namespace Botan {
+* Power_Mod Constructor
+Power_Mod::Power_Mod(const BigInt& n, Usage_Hints hints, bool disable_monty)
+ {
+ set_modulus(n, hints, disable_monty);
+ }
+* Power_Mod Copy Constructor
+Power_Mod::Power_Mod(const Power_Mod& other)
+ {
+ if(other.m_core.get())
+ m_core.reset(other.m_core->copy());
+ }
+* Power_Mod Assignment Operator
+Power_Mod& Power_Mod::operator=(const Power_Mod& other)
+ {
+ if(this != &other)
+ {
+ if(other.m_core)
+ m_core.reset(other.m_core->copy());
+ else
+ m_core.reset();
+ }
+ return (*this);
+ }
+* Set the modulus
+void Power_Mod::set_modulus(const BigInt& n, Usage_Hints hints, bool disable_monty) const
+ {
+ // Allow set_modulus(0) to mean "drop old state"
+ m_core.reset();
+ if(n != 0)
+ {
+ if(n.is_odd() && disable_monty == false)
+ m_core.reset(new Montgomery_Exponentiator(n, hints));
+ else
+ m_core.reset(new Fixed_Window_Exponentiator(n, hints));
+ }
+ }
+* Set the base
+void Power_Mod::set_base(const BigInt& b) const
+ {
+ if(b.is_zero() || b.is_negative())
+ throw Invalid_Argument("Power_Mod::set_base: arg must be > 0");
+ if(!m_core)
+ throw Internal_Error("Power_Mod::set_base: m_core was NULL");
+ m_core->set_base(b);
+ }
+* Set the exponent
+void Power_Mod::set_exponent(const BigInt& e) const
+ {
+ if(e.is_negative())
+ throw Invalid_Argument("Power_Mod::set_exponent: arg must be > 0");
+ if(!m_core)
+ throw Internal_Error("Power_Mod::set_exponent: m_core was NULL");
+ m_core->set_exponent(e);
+ }
+* Compute the result
+BigInt Power_Mod::execute() const
+ {
+ if(!m_core)
+ throw Internal_Error("Power_Mod::execute: m_core was NULL");
+ return m_core->execute();
+ }
+* Try to choose a good window size
+size_t Power_Mod::window_bits(size_t exp_bits, size_t,
+ Power_Mod::Usage_Hints hints)
+ {
+ static const size_t wsize[][2] = {
+ { 1434, 7 },
+ { 539, 6 },
+ { 197, 4 },
+ { 70, 3 },
+ { 17, 2 },
+ { 0, 0 }
+ };
+ size_t window_bits = 1;
+ if(exp_bits)
+ {
+ for(size_t j = 0; wsize[j][0]; ++j)
+ {
+ if(exp_bits >= wsize[j][0])
+ {
+ window_bits += wsize[j][1];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(hints & Power_Mod::BASE_IS_FIXED)
+ window_bits += 2;
+ if(hints & Power_Mod::EXP_IS_LARGE)
+ ++window_bits;
+ return window_bits;
+ }
+namespace {
+* Choose potentially useful hints
+Power_Mod::Usage_Hints choose_base_hints(const BigInt& b, const BigInt& n)
+ {
+ if(b == 2)
+ return Power_Mod::Usage_Hints(Power_Mod::BASE_IS_2 |
+ Power_Mod::BASE_IS_SMALL);
+ const size_t b_bits = b.bits();
+ const size_t n_bits = n.bits();
+ if(b_bits < n_bits / 32)
+ return Power_Mod::BASE_IS_SMALL;
+ if(b_bits > n_bits / 4)
+ return Power_Mod::BASE_IS_LARGE;
+ return Power_Mod::NO_HINTS;
+ }
+* Choose potentially useful hints
+Power_Mod::Usage_Hints choose_exp_hints(const BigInt& e, const BigInt& n)
+ {
+ const size_t e_bits = e.bits();
+ const size_t n_bits = n.bits();
+ if(e_bits < n_bits / 32)
+ return Power_Mod::BASE_IS_SMALL;
+ if(e_bits > n_bits / 4)
+ return Power_Mod::BASE_IS_LARGE;
+ return Power_Mod::NO_HINTS;
+ }
+* Fixed_Exponent_Power_Mod Constructor
+Fixed_Exponent_Power_Mod::Fixed_Exponent_Power_Mod(const BigInt& e,
+ const BigInt& n,
+ Usage_Hints hints) :
+ Power_Mod(n, Usage_Hints(hints | EXP_IS_FIXED | choose_exp_hints(e, n)))
+ {
+ set_exponent(e);
+ }
+* Fixed_Base_Power_Mod Constructor
+Fixed_Base_Power_Mod::Fixed_Base_Power_Mod(const BigInt& b, const BigInt& n,
+ Usage_Hints hints) :
+ Power_Mod(n, Usage_Hints(hints | BASE_IS_FIXED | choose_base_hints(b, n)))
+ {
+ set_base(b);
+ }
diff --git a/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/numbertheory/pow_mod.h b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/numbertheory/pow_mod.h
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+++ b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/numbertheory/pow_mod.h
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+* Modular Exponentiator
+* (C) 1999-2007 Jack Lloyd
+* Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt)
+#include <botan/bigint.h>
+namespace Botan {
+* Modular Exponentiator Interface
+class BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) Modular_Exponentiator
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual void set_base(const BigInt&) = 0;
+ virtual void set_exponent(const BigInt&) = 0;
+ virtual BigInt execute() const = 0;
+ virtual Modular_Exponentiator* copy() const = 0;
+ Modular_Exponentiator() = default;
+ Modular_Exponentiator(const Modular_Exponentiator&) = default;
+ Modular_Exponentiator & operator=(const Modular_Exponentiator&) = default;
+ virtual ~Modular_Exponentiator() = default;
+ };
+* Modular Exponentiator Proxy
+class BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) Power_Mod
+ {
+ public:
+ enum Usage_Hints {
+ NO_HINTS = 0x0000,
+ BASE_IS_FIXED = 0x0001,
+ BASE_IS_SMALL = 0x0002,
+ BASE_IS_LARGE = 0x0004,
+ BASE_IS_2 = 0x0008,
+ EXP_IS_FIXED = 0x0100,
+ EXP_IS_SMALL = 0x0200,
+ EXP_IS_LARGE = 0x0400
+ };
+ /*
+ * Try to choose a good window size
+ */
+ static size_t window_bits(size_t exp_bits, size_t base_bits,
+ Power_Mod::Usage_Hints hints);
+ /**
+ * @param modulus the modulus
+ * @param hints Passed to set_modulus if modulus > 0
+ * @param disable_montgomery_arith Disables use of Montgomery
+ * representation. Likely only useful for testing.
+ */
+ void set_modulus(const BigInt& modulus,
+ Usage_Hints hints = NO_HINTS,
+ bool disable_montgomery_arith = false) const;
+ /**
+ * Set the base
+ */
+ void set_base(const BigInt& base) const;
+ /**
+ * Set the exponent
+ */
+ void set_exponent(const BigInt& exponent) const;
+ /**
+ * All three of the above functions must have already been called.
+ * @return result of g^x%p
+ */
+ BigInt execute() const;
+ Power_Mod& operator=(const Power_Mod&);
+ /**
+ * @param modulus Optionally call set_modulus
+ * @param hints Passed to set_modulus if modulus > 0
+ * @param disable_montgomery_arith Disables use of Montgomery
+ * representation. Likely only useful for testing.
+ */
+ Power_Mod(const BigInt& modulus = 0,
+ Usage_Hints hints = NO_HINTS,
+ bool disable_montgomery_arith = false);
+ Power_Mod(const Power_Mod&);
+ virtual ~Power_Mod() = default;
+ private:
+ mutable std::unique_ptr<Modular_Exponentiator> m_core;
+ };
+* Fixed Exponent Modular Exponentiator Proxy
+class BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) Fixed_Exponent_Power_Mod final : public Power_Mod
+ {
+ public:
+ BigInt operator()(const BigInt& b) const
+ { set_base(b); return execute(); }
+ Fixed_Exponent_Power_Mod() = default;
+ Fixed_Exponent_Power_Mod(const BigInt& exponent,
+ const BigInt& modulus,
+ Usage_Hints hints = NO_HINTS);
+ };
+* Fixed Base Modular Exponentiator Proxy
+class BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) Fixed_Base_Power_Mod final : public Power_Mod
+ {
+ public:
+ BigInt operator()(const BigInt& e) const
+ { set_exponent(e); return execute(); }
+ Fixed_Base_Power_Mod() = default;
+ Fixed_Base_Power_Mod(const BigInt& base,
+ const BigInt& modulus,
+ Usage_Hints hints = NO_HINTS);
+ };
diff --git a/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/numbertheory/powm_fw.cpp b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/numbertheory/powm_fw.cpp
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/numbertheory/powm_fw.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+* Fixed Window Exponentiation
+* (C) 1999-2007 Jack Lloyd
+* Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt)
+#include <botan/internal/def_powm.h>
+#include <vector>
+namespace Botan {
+* Set the exponent
+void Fixed_Window_Exponentiator::set_exponent(const BigInt& e)
+ {
+ m_exp = e;
+ }
+* Set the base
+void Fixed_Window_Exponentiator::set_base(const BigInt& base)
+ {
+ m_window_bits = Power_Mod::window_bits(m_exp.bits(), base.bits(), m_hints);
+ m_g.resize(1U << m_window_bits);
+ m_g[0] = 1;
+ m_g[1] = base;
+ for(size_t i = 2; i != m_g.size(); ++i)
+ m_g[i] = m_reducer.multiply(m_g[i-1], m_g[1]);
+ }
+* Compute the result
+BigInt Fixed_Window_Exponentiator::execute() const
+ {
+ const size_t exp_nibbles = (m_exp.bits() + m_window_bits - 1) / m_window_bits;
+ BigInt x = 1;
+ for(size_t i = exp_nibbles; i > 0; --i)
+ {
+ for(size_t j = 0; j != m_window_bits; ++j)
+ x = m_reducer.square(x);
+ const uint32_t nibble = m_exp.get_substring(m_window_bits*(i-1), m_window_bits);
+ x = m_reducer.multiply(x, m_g[nibble]);
+ }
+ return x;
+ }
+* Fixed_Window_Exponentiator Constructor
+Fixed_Window_Exponentiator::Fixed_Window_Exponentiator(const BigInt& n,
+ Power_Mod::Usage_Hints hints)
+ : m_reducer{Modular_Reducer(n)}, m_exp{}, m_window_bits{}, m_g{}, m_hints{hints}
+ {}
diff --git a/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/numbertheory/powm_mnt.cpp b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/numbertheory/powm_mnt.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8cb3f6a08e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/numbertheory/powm_mnt.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+* Montgomery Exponentiation
+* (C) 1999-2010,2012,2018 Jack Lloyd
+* 2016 Matthias Gierlings
+* Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt)
+#include <botan/internal/def_powm.h>
+#include <botan/numthry.h>
+#include <botan/monty.h>
+#include <botan/internal/monty_exp.h>
+#include <botan/internal/rounding.h>
+namespace Botan {
+void Montgomery_Exponentiator::set_exponent(const BigInt& exp)
+ {
+ m_e = exp;
+ }
+void Montgomery_Exponentiator::set_base(const BigInt& base)
+ {
+ size_t window_bits = Power_Mod::window_bits(m_e.bits(), base.bits(), m_hints);
+ m_monty = monty_precompute(m_monty_params, base, window_bits);
+ }
+BigInt Montgomery_Exponentiator::execute() const
+ {
+ /*
+ This leaks size of e via loop iterations, not possible to fix without
+ breaking this API. Round up to avoid leaking fine details.
+ */
+ return monty_execute(*m_monty, m_e, round_up(m_e.bits(), 8));
+ }
+Montgomery_Exponentiator::Montgomery_Exponentiator(const BigInt& mod,
+ Power_Mod::Usage_Hints hints) :
+ m_p(mod),
+ m_mod_p(mod),
+ m_monty_params(std::make_shared<Montgomery_Params>(m_p, m_mod_p)),
+ m_hints(hints)
+ {
+ }
diff --git a/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/numbertheory/primes.cpp b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/numbertheory/primes.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4a3eb46f2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/numbertheory/primes.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,609 @@
+* Small Primes Table
+* (C) 1999-2007 Jack Lloyd
+* Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt)
+#include <botan/numthry.h>
+namespace Botan {
+const uint16_t PRIMES[PRIME_TABLE_SIZE+1] = {
+ 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37,
+ 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83,
+ 89, 97, 101, 103, 107, 109, 113, 127, 131, 137, 139,
+ 149, 151, 157, 163, 167, 173, 179, 181, 191, 193, 197,
+ 199, 211, 223, 227, 229, 233, 239, 241, 251, 257, 263,
+ 269, 271, 277, 281, 283, 293, 307, 311, 313, 317, 331,
+ 337, 347, 349, 353, 359, 367, 373, 379, 383, 389, 397,
+ 401, 409, 419, 421, 431, 433, 439, 443, 449, 457, 461,
+ 463, 467, 479, 487, 491, 499, 503, 509, 521, 523, 541,
+ 547, 557, 563, 569, 571, 577, 587, 593, 599, 601, 607,
+ 613, 617, 619, 631, 641, 643, 647, 653, 659, 661, 673,
+ 677, 683, 691, 701, 709, 719, 727, 733, 739, 743, 751,
+ 757, 761, 769, 773, 787, 797, 809, 811, 821, 823, 827,
+ 829, 839, 853, 857, 859, 863, 877, 881, 883, 887, 907,
+ 911, 919, 929, 937, 941, 947, 953, 967, 971, 977, 983,
+ 991, 997, 1009, 1013, 1019, 1021, 1031, 1033, 1039, 1049, 1051,
+ 1061, 1063, 1069, 1087, 1091, 1093, 1097, 1103, 1109, 1117, 1123,
+ 1129, 1151, 1153, 1163, 1171, 1181, 1187, 1193, 1201, 1213, 1217,
+ 1223, 1229, 1231, 1237, 1249, 1259, 1277, 1279, 1283, 1289, 1291,
+ 1297, 1301, 1303, 1307, 1319, 1321, 1327, 1361, 1367, 1373, 1381,
+ 1399, 1409, 1423, 1427, 1429, 1433, 1439, 1447, 1451, 1453, 1459,
+ 1471, 1481, 1483, 1487, 1489, 1493, 1499, 1511, 1523, 1531, 1543,
+ 1549, 1553, 1559, 1567, 1571, 1579, 1583, 1597, 1601, 1607, 1609,
+ 1613, 1619, 1621, 1627, 1637, 1657, 1663, 1667, 1669, 1693, 1697,
+ 1699, 1709, 1721, 1723, 1733, 1741, 1747, 1753, 1759, 1777, 1783,
+ 1787, 1789, 1801, 1811, 1823, 1831, 1847, 1861, 1867, 1871, 1873,
+ 1877, 1879, 1889, 1901, 1907, 1913, 1931, 1933, 1949, 1951, 1973,
+ 1979, 1987, 1993, 1997, 1999, 2003, 2011, 2017, 2027, 2029, 2039,
+ 2053, 2063, 2069, 2081, 2083, 2087, 2089, 2099, 2111, 2113, 2129,
+ 2131, 2137, 2141, 2143, 2153, 2161, 2179, 2203, 2207, 2213, 2221,
+ 2237, 2239, 2243, 2251, 2267, 2269, 2273, 2281, 2287, 2293, 2297,
+ 2309, 2311, 2333, 2339, 2341, 2347, 2351, 2357, 2371, 2377, 2381,
+ 2383, 2389, 2393, 2399, 2411, 2417, 2423, 2437, 2441, 2447, 2459,
+ 2467, 2473, 2477, 2503, 2521, 2531, 2539, 2543, 2549, 2551, 2557,
+ 2579, 2591, 2593, 2609, 2617, 2621, 2633, 2647, 2657, 2659, 2663,
+ 2671, 2677, 2683, 2687, 2689, 2693, 2699, 2707, 2711, 2713, 2719,
+ 2729, 2731, 2741, 2749, 2753, 2767, 2777, 2789, 2791, 2797, 2801,
+ 2803, 2819, 2833, 2837, 2843, 2851, 2857, 2861, 2879, 2887, 2897,
+ 2903, 2909, 2917, 2927, 2939, 2953, 2957, 2963, 2969, 2971, 2999,
+ 3001, 3011, 3019, 3023, 3037, 3041, 3049, 3061, 3067, 3079, 3083,
+ 3089, 3109, 3119, 3121, 3137, 3163, 3167, 3169, 3181, 3187, 3191,
+ 3203, 3209, 3217, 3221, 3229, 3251, 3253, 3257, 3259, 3271, 3299,
+ 3301, 3307, 3313, 3319, 3323, 3329, 3331, 3343, 3347, 3359, 3361,
+ 3371, 3373, 3389, 3391, 3407, 3413, 3433, 3449, 3457, 3461, 3463,
+ 3467, 3469, 3491, 3499, 3511, 3517, 3527, 3529, 3533, 3539, 3541,
+ 3547, 3557, 3559, 3571, 3581, 3583, 3593, 3607, 3613, 3617, 3623,
+ 3631, 3637, 3643, 3659, 3671, 3673, 3677, 3691, 3697, 3701, 3709,
+ 3719, 3727, 3733, 3739, 3761, 3767, 3769, 3779, 3793, 3797, 3803,
+ 3821, 3823, 3833, 3847, 3851, 3853, 3863, 3877, 3881, 3889, 3907,
+ 3911, 3917, 3919, 3923, 3929, 3931, 3943, 3947, 3967, 3989, 4001,
+ 4003, 4007, 4013, 4019, 4021, 4027, 4049, 4051, 4057, 4073, 4079,
+ 4091, 4093, 4099, 4111, 4127, 4129, 4133, 4139, 4153, 4157, 4159,
+ 4177, 4201, 4211, 4217, 4219, 4229, 4231, 4241, 4243, 4253, 4259,
+ 4261, 4271, 4273, 4283, 4289, 4297, 4327, 4337, 4339, 4349, 4357,
+ 4363, 4373, 4391, 4397, 4409, 4421, 4423, 4441, 4447, 4451, 4457,
+ 4463, 4481, 4483, 4493, 4507, 4513, 4517, 4519, 4523, 4547, 4549,
+ 4561, 4567, 4583, 4591, 4597, 4603, 4621, 4637, 4639, 4643, 4649,
+ 4651, 4657, 4663, 4673, 4679, 4691, 4703, 4721, 4723, 4729, 4733,
+ 4751, 4759, 4783, 4787, 4789, 4793, 4799, 4801, 4813, 4817, 4831,
+ 4861, 4871, 4877, 4889, 4903, 4909, 4919, 4931, 4933, 4937, 4943,
+ 4951, 4957, 4967, 4969, 4973, 4987, 4993, 4999, 5003, 5009, 5011,
+ 5021, 5023, 5039, 5051, 5059, 5077, 5081, 5087, 5099, 5101, 5107,
+ 5113, 5119, 5147, 5153, 5167, 5171, 5179, 5189, 5197, 5209, 5227,
+ 5231, 5233, 5237, 5261, 5273, 5279, 5281, 5297, 5303, 5309, 5323,
+ 5333, 5347, 5351, 5381, 5387, 5393, 5399, 5407, 5413, 5417, 5419,
+ 5431, 5437, 5441, 5443, 5449, 5471, 5477, 5479, 5483, 5501, 5503,
+ 5507, 5519, 5521, 5527, 5531, 5557, 5563, 5569, 5573, 5581, 5591,
+ 5623, 5639, 5641, 5647, 5651, 5653, 5657, 5659, 5669, 5683, 5689,
+ 5693, 5701, 5711, 5717, 5737, 5741, 5743, 5749, 5779, 5783, 5791,
+ 5801, 5807, 5813, 5821, 5827, 5839, 5843, 5849, 5851, 5857, 5861,
+ 5867, 5869, 5879, 5881, 5897, 5903, 5923, 5927, 5939, 5953, 5981,
+ 5987, 6007, 6011, 6029, 6037, 6043, 6047, 6053, 6067, 6073, 6079,
+ 6089, 6091, 6101, 6113, 6121, 6131, 6133, 6143, 6151, 6163, 6173,
+ 6197, 6199, 6203, 6211, 6217, 6221, 6229, 6247, 6257, 6263, 6269,
+ 6271, 6277, 6287, 6299, 6301, 6311, 6317, 6323, 6329, 6337, 6343,
+ 6353, 6359, 6361, 6367, 6373, 6379, 6389, 6397, 6421, 6427, 6449,
+ 6451, 6469, 6473, 6481, 6491, 6521, 6529, 6547, 6551, 6553, 6563,
+ 6569, 6571, 6577, 6581, 6599, 6607, 6619, 6637, 6653, 6659, 6661,
+ 6673, 6679, 6689, 6691, 6701, 6703, 6709, 6719, 6733, 6737, 6761,
+ 6763, 6779, 6781, 6791, 6793, 6803, 6823, 6827, 6829, 6833, 6841,
+ 6857, 6863, 6869, 6871, 6883, 6899, 6907, 6911, 6917, 6947, 6949,
+ 6959, 6961, 6967, 6971, 6977, 6983, 6991, 6997, 7001, 7013, 7019,
+ 7027, 7039, 7043, 7057, 7069, 7079, 7103, 7109, 7121, 7127, 7129,
+ 7151, 7159, 7177, 7187, 7193, 7207, 7211, 7213, 7219, 7229, 7237,
+ 7243, 7247, 7253, 7283, 7297, 7307, 7309, 7321, 7331, 7333, 7349,
+ 7351, 7369, 7393, 7411, 7417, 7433, 7451, 7457, 7459, 7477, 7481,
+ 7487, 7489, 7499, 7507, 7517, 7523, 7529, 7537, 7541, 7547, 7549,
+ 7559, 7561, 7573, 7577, 7583, 7589, 7591, 7603, 7607, 7621, 7639,
+ 7643, 7649, 7669, 7673, 7681, 7687, 7691, 7699, 7703, 7717, 7723,
+ 7727, 7741, 7753, 7757, 7759, 7789, 7793, 7817, 7823, 7829, 7841,
+ 7853, 7867, 7873, 7877, 7879, 7883, 7901, 7907, 7919, 7927, 7933,
+ 7937, 7949, 7951, 7963, 7993, 8009, 8011, 8017, 8039, 8053, 8059,
+ 8069, 8081, 8087, 8089, 8093, 8101, 8111, 8117, 8123, 8147, 8161,
+ 8167, 8171, 8179, 8191, 8209, 8219, 8221, 8231, 8233, 8237, 8243,
+ 8263, 8269, 8273, 8287, 8291, 8293, 8297, 8311, 8317, 8329, 8353,
+ 8363, 8369, 8377, 8387, 8389, 8419, 8423, 8429, 8431, 8443, 8447,
+ 8461, 8467, 8501, 8513, 8521, 8527, 8537, 8539, 8543, 8563, 8573,
+ 8581, 8597, 8599, 8609, 8623, 8627, 8629, 8641, 8647, 8663, 8669,
+ 8677, 8681, 8689, 8693, 8699, 8707, 8713, 8719, 8731, 8737, 8741,
+ 8747, 8753, 8761, 8779, 8783, 8803, 8807, 8819, 8821, 8831, 8837,
+ 8839, 8849, 8861, 8863, 8867, 8887, 8893, 8923, 8929, 8933, 8941,
+ 8951, 8963, 8969, 8971, 8999, 9001, 9007, 9011, 9013, 9029, 9041,
+ 9043, 9049, 9059, 9067, 9091, 9103, 9109, 9127, 9133, 9137, 9151,
+ 9157, 9161, 9173, 9181, 9187, 9199, 9203, 9209, 9221, 9227, 9239,
+ 9241, 9257, 9277, 9281, 9283, 9293, 9311, 9319, 9323, 9337, 9341,
+ 9343, 9349, 9371, 9377, 9391, 9397, 9403, 9413, 9419, 9421, 9431,
+ 9433, 9437, 9439, 9461, 9463, 9467, 9473, 9479, 9491, 9497, 9511,
+ 9521, 9533, 9539, 9547, 9551, 9587, 9601, 9613, 9619, 9623, 9629,
+ 9631, 9643, 9649, 9661, 9677, 9679, 9689, 9697, 9719, 9721, 9733,
+ 9739, 9743, 9749, 9767, 9769, 9781, 9787, 9791, 9803, 9811, 9817,
+ 9829, 9833, 9839, 9851, 9857, 9859, 9871, 9883, 9887, 9901, 9907,
+ 9923, 9929, 9931, 9941, 9949, 9967, 9973, 10007, 10009, 10037, 10039,
+10061, 10067, 10069, 10079, 10091, 10093, 10099, 10103, 10111, 10133, 10139,
+10141, 10151, 10159, 10163, 10169, 10177, 10181, 10193, 10211, 10223, 10243,
+10247, 10253, 10259, 10267, 10271, 10273, 10289, 10301, 10303, 10313, 10321,
+10331, 10333, 10337, 10343, 10357, 10369, 10391, 10399, 10427, 10429, 10433,
+10453, 10457, 10459, 10463, 10477, 10487, 10499, 10501, 10513, 10529, 10531,
+10559, 10567, 10589, 10597, 10601, 10607, 10613, 10627, 10631, 10639, 10651,
+10657, 10663, 10667, 10687, 10691, 10709, 10711, 10723, 10729, 10733, 10739,
+10753, 10771, 10781, 10789, 10799, 10831, 10837, 10847, 10853, 10859, 10861,
+10867, 10883, 10889, 10891, 10903, 10909, 10937, 10939, 10949, 10957, 10973,
+10979, 10987, 10993, 11003, 11027, 11047, 11057, 11059, 11069, 11071, 11083,
+11087, 11093, 11113, 11117, 11119, 11131, 11149, 11159, 11161, 11171, 11173,
+11177, 11197, 11213, 11239, 11243, 11251, 11257, 11261, 11273, 11279, 11287,
+11299, 11311, 11317, 11321, 11329, 11351, 11353, 11369, 11383, 11393, 11399,
+11411, 11423, 11437, 11443, 11447, 11467, 11471, 11483, 11489, 11491, 11497,
+11503, 11519, 11527, 11549, 11551, 11579, 11587, 11593, 11597, 11617, 11621,
+11633, 11657, 11677, 11681, 11689, 11699, 11701, 11717, 11719, 11731, 11743,
+11777, 11779, 11783, 11789, 11801, 11807, 11813, 11821, 11827, 11831, 11833,
+11839, 11863, 11867, 11887, 11897, 11903, 11909, 11923, 11927, 11933, 11939,
+11941, 11953, 11959, 11969, 11971, 11981, 11987, 12007, 12011, 12037, 12041,
+12043, 12049, 12071, 12073, 12097, 12101, 12107, 12109, 12113, 12119, 12143,
+12149, 12157, 12161, 12163, 12197, 12203, 12211, 12227, 12239, 12241, 12251,
+12253, 12263, 12269, 12277, 12281, 12289, 12301, 12323, 12329, 12343, 12347,
+12373, 12377, 12379, 12391, 12401, 12409, 12413, 12421, 12433, 12437, 12451,
+12457, 12473, 12479, 12487, 12491, 12497, 12503, 12511, 12517, 12527, 12539,
+12541, 12547, 12553, 12569, 12577, 12583, 12589, 12601, 12611, 12613, 12619,
+12637, 12641, 12647, 12653, 12659, 12671, 12689, 12697, 12703, 12713, 12721,
+12739, 12743, 12757, 12763, 12781, 12791, 12799, 12809, 12821, 12823, 12829,
+12841, 12853, 12889, 12893, 12899, 12907, 12911, 12917, 12919, 12923, 12941,
+12953, 12959, 12967, 12973, 12979, 12983, 13001, 13003, 13007, 13009, 13033,
+13037, 13043, 13049, 13063, 13093, 13099, 13103, 13109, 13121, 13127, 13147,
+13151, 13159, 13163, 13171, 13177, 13183, 13187, 13217, 13219, 13229, 13241,
+13249, 13259, 13267, 13291, 13297, 13309, 13313, 13327, 13331, 13337, 13339,
+13367, 13381, 13397, 13399, 13411, 13417, 13421, 13441, 13451, 13457, 13463,
+13469, 13477, 13487, 13499, 13513, 13523, 13537, 13553, 13567, 13577, 13591,
+13597, 13613, 13619, 13627, 13633, 13649, 13669, 13679, 13681, 13687, 13691,
+13693, 13697, 13709, 13711, 13721, 13723, 13729, 13751, 13757, 13759, 13763,
+13781, 13789, 13799, 13807, 13829, 13831, 13841, 13859, 13873, 13877, 13879,
+13883, 13901, 13903, 13907, 13913, 13921, 13931, 13933, 13963, 13967, 13997,
+13999, 14009, 14011, 14029, 14033, 14051, 14057, 14071, 14081, 14083, 14087,
+14107, 14143, 14149, 14153, 14159, 14173, 14177, 14197, 14207, 14221, 14243,
+14249, 14251, 14281, 14293, 14303, 14321, 14323, 14327, 14341, 14347, 14369,
+14387, 14389, 14401, 14407, 14411, 14419, 14423, 14431, 14437, 14447, 14449,
+14461, 14479, 14489, 14503, 14519, 14533, 14537, 14543, 14549, 14551, 14557,
+14561, 14563, 14591, 14593, 14621, 14627, 14629, 14633, 14639, 14653, 14657,
+14669, 14683, 14699, 14713, 14717, 14723, 14731, 14737, 14741, 14747, 14753,
+14759, 14767, 14771, 14779, 14783, 14797, 14813, 14821, 14827, 14831, 14843,
+14851, 14867, 14869, 14879, 14887, 14891, 14897, 14923, 14929, 14939, 14947,
+14951, 14957, 14969, 14983, 15013, 15017, 15031, 15053, 15061, 15073, 15077,
+15083, 15091, 15101, 15107, 15121, 15131, 15137, 15139, 15149, 15161, 15173,
+15187, 15193, 15199, 15217, 15227, 15233, 15241, 15259, 15263, 15269, 15271,
+15277, 15287, 15289, 15299, 15307, 15313, 15319, 15329, 15331, 15349, 15359,
+15361, 15373, 15377, 15383, 15391, 15401, 15413, 15427, 15439, 15443, 15451,
+15461, 15467, 15473, 15493, 15497, 15511, 15527, 15541, 15551, 15559, 15569,
+15581, 15583, 15601, 15607, 15619, 15629, 15641, 15643, 15647, 15649, 15661,
+15667, 15671, 15679, 15683, 15727, 15731, 15733, 15737, 15739, 15749, 15761,
+15767, 15773, 15787, 15791, 15797, 15803, 15809, 15817, 15823, 15859, 15877,
+15881, 15887, 15889, 15901, 15907, 15913, 15919, 15923, 15937, 15959, 15971,
+15973, 15991, 16001, 16007, 16033, 16057, 16061, 16063, 16067, 16069, 16073,
+16087, 16091, 16097, 16103, 16111, 16127, 16139, 16141, 16183, 16187, 16189,
+16193, 16217, 16223, 16229, 16231, 16249, 16253, 16267, 16273, 16301, 16319,
+16333, 16339, 16349, 16361, 16363, 16369, 16381, 16411, 16417, 16421, 16427,
+16433, 16447, 16451, 16453, 16477, 16481, 16487, 16493, 16519, 16529, 16547,
+16553, 16561, 16567, 16573, 16603, 16607, 16619, 16631, 16633, 16649, 16651,
+16657, 16661, 16673, 16691, 16693, 16699, 16703, 16729, 16741, 16747, 16759,
+16763, 16787, 16811, 16823, 16829, 16831, 16843, 16871, 16879, 16883, 16889,
+16901, 16903, 16921, 16927, 16931, 16937, 16943, 16963, 16979, 16981, 16987,
+16993, 17011, 17021, 17027, 17029, 17033, 17041, 17047, 17053, 17077, 17093,
+17099, 17107, 17117, 17123, 17137, 17159, 17167, 17183, 17189, 17191, 17203,
+17207, 17209, 17231, 17239, 17257, 17291, 17293, 17299, 17317, 17321, 17327,
+17333, 17341, 17351, 17359, 17377, 17383, 17387, 17389, 17393, 17401, 17417,
+17419, 17431, 17443, 17449, 17467, 17471, 17477, 17483, 17489, 17491, 17497,
+17509, 17519, 17539, 17551, 17569, 17573, 17579, 17581, 17597, 17599, 17609,
+17623, 17627, 17657, 17659, 17669, 17681, 17683, 17707, 17713, 17729, 17737,
+17747, 17749, 17761, 17783, 17789, 17791, 17807, 17827, 17837, 17839, 17851,
+17863, 17881, 17891, 17903, 17909, 17911, 17921, 17923, 17929, 17939, 17957,
+17959, 17971, 17977, 17981, 17987, 17989, 18013, 18041, 18043, 18047, 18049,
+18059, 18061, 18077, 18089, 18097, 18119, 18121, 18127, 18131, 18133, 18143,
+18149, 18169, 18181, 18191, 18199, 18211, 18217, 18223, 18229, 18233, 18251,
+18253, 18257, 18269, 18287, 18289, 18301, 18307, 18311, 18313, 18329, 18341,
+18353, 18367, 18371, 18379, 18397, 18401, 18413, 18427, 18433, 18439, 18443,
+18451, 18457, 18461, 18481, 18493, 18503, 18517, 18521, 18523, 18539, 18541,
+18553, 18583, 18587, 18593, 18617, 18637, 18661, 18671, 18679, 18691, 18701,
+18713, 18719, 18731, 18743, 18749, 18757, 18773, 18787, 18793, 18797, 18803,
+18839, 18859, 18869, 18899, 18911, 18913, 18917, 18919, 18947, 18959, 18973,
+18979, 19001, 19009, 19013, 19031, 19037, 19051, 19069, 19073, 19079, 19081,
+19087, 19121, 19139, 19141, 19157, 19163, 19181, 19183, 19207, 19211, 19213,
+19219, 19231, 19237, 19249, 19259, 19267, 19273, 19289, 19301, 19309, 19319,
+19333, 19373, 19379, 19381, 19387, 19391, 19403, 19417, 19421, 19423, 19427,
+19429, 19433, 19441, 19447, 19457, 19463, 19469, 19471, 19477, 19483, 19489,
+19501, 19507, 19531, 19541, 19543, 19553, 19559, 19571, 19577, 19583, 19597,
+19603, 19609, 19661, 19681, 19687, 19697, 19699, 19709, 19717, 19727, 19739,
+19751, 19753, 19759, 19763, 19777, 19793, 19801, 19813, 19819, 19841, 19843,
+19853, 19861, 19867, 19889, 19891, 19913, 19919, 19927, 19937, 19949, 19961,
+19963, 19973, 19979, 19991, 19993, 19997, 20011, 20021, 20023, 20029, 20047,
+20051, 20063, 20071, 20089, 20101, 20107, 20113, 20117, 20123, 20129, 20143,
+20147, 20149, 20161, 20173, 20177, 20183, 20201, 20219, 20231, 20233, 20249,
+20261, 20269, 20287, 20297, 20323, 20327, 20333, 20341, 20347, 20353, 20357,
+20359, 20369, 20389, 20393, 20399, 20407, 20411, 20431, 20441, 20443, 20477,
+20479, 20483, 20507, 20509, 20521, 20533, 20543, 20549, 20551, 20563, 20593,
+20599, 20611, 20627, 20639, 20641, 20663, 20681, 20693, 20707, 20717, 20719,
+20731, 20743, 20747, 20749, 20753, 20759, 20771, 20773, 20789, 20807, 20809,
+20849, 20857, 20873, 20879, 20887, 20897, 20899, 20903, 20921, 20929, 20939,
+20947, 20959, 20963, 20981, 20983, 21001, 21011, 21013, 21017, 21019, 21023,
+21031, 21059, 21061, 21067, 21089, 21101, 21107, 21121, 21139, 21143, 21149,
+21157, 21163, 21169, 21179, 21187, 21191, 21193, 21211, 21221, 21227, 21247,
+21269, 21277, 21283, 21313, 21317, 21319, 21323, 21341, 21347, 21377, 21379,
+21383, 21391, 21397, 21401, 21407, 21419, 21433, 21467, 21481, 21487, 21491,
+21493, 21499, 21503, 21517, 21521, 21523, 21529, 21557, 21559, 21563, 21569,
+21577, 21587, 21589, 21599, 21601, 21611, 21613, 21617, 21647, 21649, 21661,
+21673, 21683, 21701, 21713, 21727, 21737, 21739, 21751, 21757, 21767, 21773,
+21787, 21799, 21803, 21817, 21821, 21839, 21841, 21851, 21859, 21863, 21871,
+21881, 21893, 21911, 21929, 21937, 21943, 21961, 21977, 21991, 21997, 22003,
+22013, 22027, 22031, 22037, 22039, 22051, 22063, 22067, 22073, 22079, 22091,
+22093, 22109, 22111, 22123, 22129, 22133, 22147, 22153, 22157, 22159, 22171,
+22189, 22193, 22229, 22247, 22259, 22271, 22273, 22277, 22279, 22283, 22291,
+22303, 22307, 22343, 22349, 22367, 22369, 22381, 22391, 22397, 22409, 22433,
+22441, 22447, 22453, 22469, 22481, 22483, 22501, 22511, 22531, 22541, 22543,
+22549, 22567, 22571, 22573, 22613, 22619, 22621, 22637, 22639, 22643, 22651,
+22669, 22679, 22691, 22697, 22699, 22709, 22717, 22721, 22727, 22739, 22741,
+22751, 22769, 22777, 22783, 22787, 22807, 22811, 22817, 22853, 22859, 22861,
+22871, 22877, 22901, 22907, 22921, 22937, 22943, 22961, 22963, 22973, 22993,
+23003, 23011, 23017, 23021, 23027, 23029, 23039, 23041, 23053, 23057, 23059,
+23063, 23071, 23081, 23087, 23099, 23117, 23131, 23143, 23159, 23167, 23173,
+23189, 23197, 23201, 23203, 23209, 23227, 23251, 23269, 23279, 23291, 23293,
+23297, 23311, 23321, 23327, 23333, 23339, 23357, 23369, 23371, 23399, 23417,
+23431, 23447, 23459, 23473, 23497, 23509, 23531, 23537, 23539, 23549, 23557,
+23561, 23563, 23567, 23581, 23593, 23599, 23603, 23609, 23623, 23627, 23629,
+23633, 23663, 23669, 23671, 23677, 23687, 23689, 23719, 23741, 23743, 23747,
+23753, 23761, 23767, 23773, 23789, 23801, 23813, 23819, 23827, 23831, 23833,
+23857, 23869, 23873, 23879, 23887, 23893, 23899, 23909, 23911, 23917, 23929,
+23957, 23971, 23977, 23981, 23993, 24001, 24007, 24019, 24023, 24029, 24043,
+24049, 24061, 24071, 24077, 24083, 24091, 24097, 24103, 24107, 24109, 24113,
+24121, 24133, 24137, 24151, 24169, 24179, 24181, 24197, 24203, 24223, 24229,
+24239, 24247, 24251, 24281, 24317, 24329, 24337, 24359, 24371, 24373, 24379,
+24391, 24407, 24413, 24419, 24421, 24439, 24443, 24469, 24473, 24481, 24499,
+24509, 24517, 24527, 24533, 24547, 24551, 24571, 24593, 24611, 24623, 24631,
+24659, 24671, 24677, 24683, 24691, 24697, 24709, 24733, 24749, 24763, 24767,
+24781, 24793, 24799, 24809, 24821, 24841, 24847, 24851, 24859, 24877, 24889,
+24907, 24917, 24919, 24923, 24943, 24953, 24967, 24971, 24977, 24979, 24989,
+25013, 25031, 25033, 25037, 25057, 25073, 25087, 25097, 25111, 25117, 25121,
+25127, 25147, 25153, 25163, 25169, 25171, 25183, 25189, 25219, 25229, 25237,
+25243, 25247, 25253, 25261, 25301, 25303, 25307, 25309, 25321, 25339, 25343,
+25349, 25357, 25367, 25373, 25391, 25409, 25411, 25423, 25439, 25447, 25453,
+25457, 25463, 25469, 25471, 25523, 25537, 25541, 25561, 25577, 25579, 25583,
+25589, 25601, 25603, 25609, 25621, 25633, 25639, 25643, 25657, 25667, 25673,
+25679, 25693, 25703, 25717, 25733, 25741, 25747, 25759, 25763, 25771, 25793,
+25799, 25801, 25819, 25841, 25847, 25849, 25867, 25873, 25889, 25903, 25913,
+25919, 25931, 25933, 25939, 25943, 25951, 25969, 25981, 25997, 25999, 26003,
+26017, 26021, 26029, 26041, 26053, 26083, 26099, 26107, 26111, 26113, 26119,
+26141, 26153, 26161, 26171, 26177, 26183, 26189, 26203, 26209, 26227, 26237,
+26249, 26251, 26261, 26263, 26267, 26293, 26297, 26309, 26317, 26321, 26339,
+26347, 26357, 26371, 26387, 26393, 26399, 26407, 26417, 26423, 26431, 26437,
+26449, 26459, 26479, 26489, 26497, 26501, 26513, 26539, 26557, 26561, 26573,
+26591, 26597, 26627, 26633, 26641, 26647, 26669, 26681, 26683, 26687, 26693,
+26699, 26701, 26711, 26713, 26717, 26723, 26729, 26731, 26737, 26759, 26777,
+26783, 26801, 26813, 26821, 26833, 26839, 26849, 26861, 26863, 26879, 26881,
+26891, 26893, 26903, 26921, 26927, 26947, 26951, 26953, 26959, 26981, 26987,
+26993, 27011, 27017, 27031, 27043, 27059, 27061, 27067, 27073, 27077, 27091,
+27103, 27107, 27109, 27127, 27143, 27179, 27191, 27197, 27211, 27239, 27241,
+27253, 27259, 27271, 27277, 27281, 27283, 27299, 27329, 27337, 27361, 27367,
+27397, 27407, 27409, 27427, 27431, 27437, 27449, 27457, 27479, 27481, 27487,
+27509, 27527, 27529, 27539, 27541, 27551, 27581, 27583, 27611, 27617, 27631,
+27647, 27653, 27673, 27689, 27691, 27697, 27701, 27733, 27737, 27739, 27743,
+27749, 27751, 27763, 27767, 27773, 27779, 27791, 27793, 27799, 27803, 27809,
+27817, 27823, 27827, 27847, 27851, 27883, 27893, 27901, 27917, 27919, 27941,
+27943, 27947, 27953, 27961, 27967, 27983, 27997, 28001, 28019, 28027, 28031,
+28051, 28057, 28069, 28081, 28087, 28097, 28099, 28109, 28111, 28123, 28151,
+28163, 28181, 28183, 28201, 28211, 28219, 28229, 28277, 28279, 28283, 28289,
+28297, 28307, 28309, 28319, 28349, 28351, 28387, 28393, 28403, 28409, 28411,
+28429, 28433, 28439, 28447, 28463, 28477, 28493, 28499, 28513, 28517, 28537,
+28541, 28547, 28549, 28559, 28571, 28573, 28579, 28591, 28597, 28603, 28607,
+28619, 28621, 28627, 28631, 28643, 28649, 28657, 28661, 28663, 28669, 28687,
+28697, 28703, 28711, 28723, 28729, 28751, 28753, 28759, 28771, 28789, 28793,
+28807, 28813, 28817, 28837, 28843, 28859, 28867, 28871, 28879, 28901, 28909,
+28921, 28927, 28933, 28949, 28961, 28979, 29009, 29017, 29021, 29023, 29027,
+29033, 29059, 29063, 29077, 29101, 29123, 29129, 29131, 29137, 29147, 29153,
+29167, 29173, 29179, 29191, 29201, 29207, 29209, 29221, 29231, 29243, 29251,
+29269, 29287, 29297, 29303, 29311, 29327, 29333, 29339, 29347, 29363, 29383,
+29387, 29389, 29399, 29401, 29411, 29423, 29429, 29437, 29443, 29453, 29473,
+29483, 29501, 29527, 29531, 29537, 29567, 29569, 29573, 29581, 29587, 29599,
+29611, 29629, 29633, 29641, 29663, 29669, 29671, 29683, 29717, 29723, 29741,
+29753, 29759, 29761, 29789, 29803, 29819, 29833, 29837, 29851, 29863, 29867,
+29873, 29879, 29881, 29917, 29921, 29927, 29947, 29959, 29983, 29989, 30011,
+30013, 30029, 30047, 30059, 30071, 30089, 30091, 30097, 30103, 30109, 30113,
+30119, 30133, 30137, 30139, 30161, 30169, 30181, 30187, 30197, 30203, 30211,
+30223, 30241, 30253, 30259, 30269, 30271, 30293, 30307, 30313, 30319, 30323,
+30341, 30347, 30367, 30389, 30391, 30403, 30427, 30431, 30449, 30467, 30469,
+30491, 30493, 30497, 30509, 30517, 30529, 30539, 30553, 30557, 30559, 30577,
+30593, 30631, 30637, 30643, 30649, 30661, 30671, 30677, 30689, 30697, 30703,
+30707, 30713, 30727, 30757, 30763, 30773, 30781, 30803, 30809, 30817, 30829,
+30839, 30841, 30851, 30853, 30859, 30869, 30871, 30881, 30893, 30911, 30931,
+30937, 30941, 30949, 30971, 30977, 30983, 31013, 31019, 31033, 31039, 31051,
+31063, 31069, 31079, 31081, 31091, 31121, 31123, 31139, 31147, 31151, 31153,
+31159, 31177, 31181, 31183, 31189, 31193, 31219, 31223, 31231, 31237, 31247,
+31249, 31253, 31259, 31267, 31271, 31277, 31307, 31319, 31321, 31327, 31333,
+31337, 31357, 31379, 31387, 31391, 31393, 31397, 31469, 31477, 31481, 31489,
+31511, 31513, 31517, 31531, 31541, 31543, 31547, 31567, 31573, 31583, 31601,
+31607, 31627, 31643, 31649, 31657, 31663, 31667, 31687, 31699, 31721, 31723,
+31727, 31729, 31741, 31751, 31769, 31771, 31793, 31799, 31817, 31847, 31849,
+31859, 31873, 31883, 31891, 31907, 31957, 31963, 31973, 31981, 31991, 32003,
+32009, 32027, 32029, 32051, 32057, 32059, 32063, 32069, 32077, 32083, 32089,
+32099, 32117, 32119, 32141, 32143, 32159, 32173, 32183, 32189, 32191, 32203,
+32213, 32233, 32237, 32251, 32257, 32261, 32297, 32299, 32303, 32309, 32321,
+32323, 32327, 32341, 32353, 32359, 32363, 32369, 32371, 32377, 32381, 32401,
+32411, 32413, 32423, 32429, 32441, 32443, 32467, 32479, 32491, 32497, 32503,
+32507, 32531, 32533, 32537, 32561, 32563, 32569, 32573, 32579, 32587, 32603,
+32609, 32611, 32621, 32633, 32647, 32653, 32687, 32693, 32707, 32713, 32717,
+32719, 32749, 32771, 32779, 32783, 32789, 32797, 32801, 32803, 32831, 32833,
+32839, 32843, 32869, 32887, 32909, 32911, 32917, 32933, 32939, 32941, 32957,
+32969, 32971, 32983, 32987, 32993, 32999, 33013, 33023, 33029, 33037, 33049,
+33053, 33071, 33073, 33083, 33091, 33107, 33113, 33119, 33149, 33151, 33161,
+33179, 33181, 33191, 33199, 33203, 33211, 33223, 33247, 33287, 33289, 33301,
+33311, 33317, 33329, 33331, 33343, 33347, 33349, 33353, 33359, 33377, 33391,
+33403, 33409, 33413, 33427, 33457, 33461, 33469, 33479, 33487, 33493, 33503,
+33521, 33529, 33533, 33547, 33563, 33569, 33577, 33581, 33587, 33589, 33599,
+33601, 33613, 33617, 33619, 33623, 33629, 33637, 33641, 33647, 33679, 33703,
+33713, 33721, 33739, 33749, 33751, 33757, 33767, 33769, 33773, 33791, 33797,
+33809, 33811, 33827, 33829, 33851, 33857, 33863, 33871, 33889, 33893, 33911,
+33923, 33931, 33937, 33941, 33961, 33967, 33997, 34019, 34031, 34033, 34039,
+34057, 34061, 34123, 34127, 34129, 34141, 34147, 34157, 34159, 34171, 34183,
+34211, 34213, 34217, 34231, 34253, 34259, 34261, 34267, 34273, 34283, 34297,
+34301, 34303, 34313, 34319, 34327, 34337, 34351, 34361, 34367, 34369, 34381,
+34403, 34421, 34429, 34439, 34457, 34469, 34471, 34483, 34487, 34499, 34501,
+34511, 34513, 34519, 34537, 34543, 34549, 34583, 34589, 34591, 34603, 34607,
+34613, 34631, 34649, 34651, 34667, 34673, 34679, 34687, 34693, 34703, 34721,
+34729, 34739, 34747, 34757, 34759, 34763, 34781, 34807, 34819, 34841, 34843,
+34847, 34849, 34871, 34877, 34883, 34897, 34913, 34919, 34939, 34949, 34961,
+34963, 34981, 35023, 35027, 35051, 35053, 35059, 35069, 35081, 35083, 35089,
+35099, 35107, 35111, 35117, 35129, 35141, 35149, 35153, 35159, 35171, 35201,
+35221, 35227, 35251, 35257, 35267, 35279, 35281, 35291, 35311, 35317, 35323,
+35327, 35339, 35353, 35363, 35381, 35393, 35401, 35407, 35419, 35423, 35437,
+35447, 35449, 35461, 35491, 35507, 35509, 35521, 35527, 35531, 35533, 35537,
+35543, 35569, 35573, 35591, 35593, 35597, 35603, 35617, 35671, 35677, 35729,
+35731, 35747, 35753, 35759, 35771, 35797, 35801, 35803, 35809, 35831, 35837,
+35839, 35851, 35863, 35869, 35879, 35897, 35899, 35911, 35923, 35933, 35951,
+35963, 35969, 35977, 35983, 35993, 35999, 36007, 36011, 36013, 36017, 36037,
+36061, 36067, 36073, 36083, 36097, 36107, 36109, 36131, 36137, 36151, 36161,
+36187, 36191, 36209, 36217, 36229, 36241, 36251, 36263, 36269, 36277, 36293,
+36299, 36307, 36313, 36319, 36341, 36343, 36353, 36373, 36383, 36389, 36433,
+36451, 36457, 36467, 36469, 36473, 36479, 36493, 36497, 36523, 36527, 36529,
+36541, 36551, 36559, 36563, 36571, 36583, 36587, 36599, 36607, 36629, 36637,
+36643, 36653, 36671, 36677, 36683, 36691, 36697, 36709, 36713, 36721, 36739,
+36749, 36761, 36767, 36779, 36781, 36787, 36791, 36793, 36809, 36821, 36833,
+36847, 36857, 36871, 36877, 36887, 36899, 36901, 36913, 36919, 36923, 36929,
+36931, 36943, 36947, 36973, 36979, 36997, 37003, 37013, 37019, 37021, 37039,
+37049, 37057, 37061, 37087, 37097, 37117, 37123, 37139, 37159, 37171, 37181,
+37189, 37199, 37201, 37217, 37223, 37243, 37253, 37273, 37277, 37307, 37309,
+37313, 37321, 37337, 37339, 37357, 37361, 37363, 37369, 37379, 37397, 37409,
+37423, 37441, 37447, 37463, 37483, 37489, 37493, 37501, 37507, 37511, 37517,
+37529, 37537, 37547, 37549, 37561, 37567, 37571, 37573, 37579, 37589, 37591,
+37607, 37619, 37633, 37643, 37649, 37657, 37663, 37691, 37693, 37699, 37717,
+37747, 37781, 37783, 37799, 37811, 37813, 37831, 37847, 37853, 37861, 37871,
+37879, 37889, 37897, 37907, 37951, 37957, 37963, 37967, 37987, 37991, 37993,
+37997, 38011, 38039, 38047, 38053, 38069, 38083, 38113, 38119, 38149, 38153,
+38167, 38177, 38183, 38189, 38197, 38201, 38219, 38231, 38237, 38239, 38261,
+38273, 38281, 38287, 38299, 38303, 38317, 38321, 38327, 38329, 38333, 38351,
+38371, 38377, 38393, 38431, 38447, 38449, 38453, 38459, 38461, 38501, 38543,
+38557, 38561, 38567, 38569, 38593, 38603, 38609, 38611, 38629, 38639, 38651,
+38653, 38669, 38671, 38677, 38693, 38699, 38707, 38711, 38713, 38723, 38729,
+38737, 38747, 38749, 38767, 38783, 38791, 38803, 38821, 38833, 38839, 38851,
+38861, 38867, 38873, 38891, 38903, 38917, 38921, 38923, 38933, 38953, 38959,
+38971, 38977, 38993, 39019, 39023, 39041, 39043, 39047, 39079, 39089, 39097,
+39103, 39107, 39113, 39119, 39133, 39139, 39157, 39161, 39163, 39181, 39191,
+39199, 39209, 39217, 39227, 39229, 39233, 39239, 39241, 39251, 39293, 39301,
+39313, 39317, 39323, 39341, 39343, 39359, 39367, 39371, 39373, 39383, 39397,
+39409, 39419, 39439, 39443, 39451, 39461, 39499, 39503, 39509, 39511, 39521,
+39541, 39551, 39563, 39569, 39581, 39607, 39619, 39623, 39631, 39659, 39667,
+39671, 39679, 39703, 39709, 39719, 39727, 39733, 39749, 39761, 39769, 39779,
+39791, 39799, 39821, 39827, 39829, 39839, 39841, 39847, 39857, 39863, 39869,
+39877, 39883, 39887, 39901, 39929, 39937, 39953, 39971, 39979, 39983, 39989,
+40009, 40013, 40031, 40037, 40039, 40063, 40087, 40093, 40099, 40111, 40123,
+40127, 40129, 40151, 40153, 40163, 40169, 40177, 40189, 40193, 40213, 40231,
+40237, 40241, 40253, 40277, 40283, 40289, 40343, 40351, 40357, 40361, 40387,
+40423, 40427, 40429, 40433, 40459, 40471, 40483, 40487, 40493, 40499, 40507,
+40519, 40529, 40531, 40543, 40559, 40577, 40583, 40591, 40597, 40609, 40627,
+40637, 40639, 40693, 40697, 40699, 40709, 40739, 40751, 40759, 40763, 40771,
+40787, 40801, 40813, 40819, 40823, 40829, 40841, 40847, 40849, 40853, 40867,
+40879, 40883, 40897, 40903, 40927, 40933, 40939, 40949, 40961, 40973, 40993,
+41011, 41017, 41023, 41039, 41047, 41051, 41057, 41077, 41081, 41113, 41117,
+41131, 41141, 41143, 41149, 41161, 41177, 41179, 41183, 41189, 41201, 41203,
+41213, 41221, 41227, 41231, 41233, 41243, 41257, 41263, 41269, 41281, 41299,
+41333, 41341, 41351, 41357, 41381, 41387, 41389, 41399, 41411, 41413, 41443,
+41453, 41467, 41479, 41491, 41507, 41513, 41519, 41521, 41539, 41543, 41549,
+41579, 41593, 41597, 41603, 41609, 41611, 41617, 41621, 41627, 41641, 41647,
+41651, 41659, 41669, 41681, 41687, 41719, 41729, 41737, 41759, 41761, 41771,
+41777, 41801, 41809, 41813, 41843, 41849, 41851, 41863, 41879, 41887, 41893,
+41897, 41903, 41911, 41927, 41941, 41947, 41953, 41957, 41959, 41969, 41981,
+41983, 41999, 42013, 42017, 42019, 42023, 42043, 42061, 42071, 42073, 42083,
+42089, 42101, 42131, 42139, 42157, 42169, 42179, 42181, 42187, 42193, 42197,
+42209, 42221, 42223, 42227, 42239, 42257, 42281, 42283, 42293, 42299, 42307,
+42323, 42331, 42337, 42349, 42359, 42373, 42379, 42391, 42397, 42403, 42407,
+42409, 42433, 42437, 42443, 42451, 42457, 42461, 42463, 42467, 42473, 42487,
+42491, 42499, 42509, 42533, 42557, 42569, 42571, 42577, 42589, 42611, 42641,
+42643, 42649, 42667, 42677, 42683, 42689, 42697, 42701, 42703, 42709, 42719,
+42727, 42737, 42743, 42751, 42767, 42773, 42787, 42793, 42797, 42821, 42829,
+42839, 42841, 42853, 42859, 42863, 42899, 42901, 42923, 42929, 42937, 42943,
+42953, 42961, 42967, 42979, 42989, 43003, 43013, 43019, 43037, 43049, 43051,
+43063, 43067, 43093, 43103, 43117, 43133, 43151, 43159, 43177, 43189, 43201,
+43207, 43223, 43237, 43261, 43271, 43283, 43291, 43313, 43319, 43321, 43331,
+43391, 43397, 43399, 43403, 43411, 43427, 43441, 43451, 43457, 43481, 43487,
+43499, 43517, 43541, 43543, 43573, 43577, 43579, 43591, 43597, 43607, 43609,
+43613, 43627, 43633, 43649, 43651, 43661, 43669, 43691, 43711, 43717, 43721,
+43753, 43759, 43777, 43781, 43783, 43787, 43789, 43793, 43801, 43853, 43867,
+43889, 43891, 43913, 43933, 43943, 43951, 43961, 43963, 43969, 43973, 43987,
+43991, 43997, 44017, 44021, 44027, 44029, 44041, 44053, 44059, 44071, 44087,
+44089, 44101, 44111, 44119, 44123, 44129, 44131, 44159, 44171, 44179, 44189,
+44201, 44203, 44207, 44221, 44249, 44257, 44263, 44267, 44269, 44273, 44279,
+44281, 44293, 44351, 44357, 44371, 44381, 44383, 44389, 44417, 44449, 44453,
+44483, 44491, 44497, 44501, 44507, 44519, 44531, 44533, 44537, 44543, 44549,
+44563, 44579, 44587, 44617, 44621, 44623, 44633, 44641, 44647, 44651, 44657,
+44683, 44687, 44699, 44701, 44711, 44729, 44741, 44753, 44771, 44773, 44777,
+44789, 44797, 44809, 44819, 44839, 44843, 44851, 44867, 44879, 44887, 44893,
+44909, 44917, 44927, 44939, 44953, 44959, 44963, 44971, 44983, 44987, 45007,
+45013, 45053, 45061, 45077, 45083, 45119, 45121, 45127, 45131, 45137, 45139,
+45161, 45179, 45181, 45191, 45197, 45233, 45247, 45259, 45263, 45281, 45289,
+45293, 45307, 45317, 45319, 45329, 45337, 45341, 45343, 45361, 45377, 45389,
+45403, 45413, 45427, 45433, 45439, 45481, 45491, 45497, 45503, 45523, 45533,
+45541, 45553, 45557, 45569, 45587, 45589, 45599, 45613, 45631, 45641, 45659,
+45667, 45673, 45677, 45691, 45697, 45707, 45737, 45751, 45757, 45763, 45767,
+45779, 45817, 45821, 45823, 45827, 45833, 45841, 45853, 45863, 45869, 45887,
+45893, 45943, 45949, 45953, 45959, 45971, 45979, 45989, 46021, 46027, 46049,
+46051, 46061, 46073, 46091, 46093, 46099, 46103, 46133, 46141, 46147, 46153,
+46171, 46181, 46183, 46187, 46199, 46219, 46229, 46237, 46261, 46271, 46273,
+46279, 46301, 46307, 46309, 46327, 46337, 46349, 46351, 46381, 46399, 46411,
+46439, 46441, 46447, 46451, 46457, 46471, 46477, 46489, 46499, 46507, 46511,
+46523, 46549, 46559, 46567, 46573, 46589, 46591, 46601, 46619, 46633, 46639,
+46643, 46649, 46663, 46679, 46681, 46687, 46691, 46703, 46723, 46727, 46747,
+46751, 46757, 46769, 46771, 46807, 46811, 46817, 46819, 46829, 46831, 46853,
+46861, 46867, 46877, 46889, 46901, 46919, 46933, 46957, 46993, 46997, 47017,
+47041, 47051, 47057, 47059, 47087, 47093, 47111, 47119, 47123, 47129, 47137,
+47143, 47147, 47149, 47161, 47189, 47207, 47221, 47237, 47251, 47269, 47279,
+47287, 47293, 47297, 47303, 47309, 47317, 47339, 47351, 47353, 47363, 47381,
+47387, 47389, 47407, 47417, 47419, 47431, 47441, 47459, 47491, 47497, 47501,
+47507, 47513, 47521, 47527, 47533, 47543, 47563, 47569, 47581, 47591, 47599,
+47609, 47623, 47629, 47639, 47653, 47657, 47659, 47681, 47699, 47701, 47711,
+47713, 47717, 47737, 47741, 47743, 47777, 47779, 47791, 47797, 47807, 47809,
+47819, 47837, 47843, 47857, 47869, 47881, 47903, 47911, 47917, 47933, 47939,
+47947, 47951, 47963, 47969, 47977, 47981, 48017, 48023, 48029, 48049, 48073,
+48079, 48091, 48109, 48119, 48121, 48131, 48157, 48163, 48179, 48187, 48193,
+48197, 48221, 48239, 48247, 48259, 48271, 48281, 48299, 48311, 48313, 48337,
+48341, 48353, 48371, 48383, 48397, 48407, 48409, 48413, 48437, 48449, 48463,
+48473, 48479, 48481, 48487, 48491, 48497, 48523, 48527, 48533, 48539, 48541,
+48563, 48571, 48589, 48593, 48611, 48619, 48623, 48647, 48649, 48661, 48673,
+48677, 48679, 48731, 48733, 48751, 48757, 48761, 48767, 48779, 48781, 48787,
+48799, 48809, 48817, 48821, 48823, 48847, 48857, 48859, 48869, 48871, 48883,
+48889, 48907, 48947, 48953, 48973, 48989, 48991, 49003, 49009, 49019, 49031,
+49033, 49037, 49043, 49057, 49069, 49081, 49103, 49109, 49117, 49121, 49123,
+49139, 49157, 49169, 49171, 49177, 49193, 49199, 49201, 49207, 49211, 49223,
+49253, 49261, 49277, 49279, 49297, 49307, 49331, 49333, 49339, 49363, 49367,
+49369, 49391, 49393, 49409, 49411, 49417, 49429, 49433, 49451, 49459, 49463,
+49477, 49481, 49499, 49523, 49529, 49531, 49537, 49547, 49549, 49559, 49597,
+49603, 49613, 49627, 49633, 49639, 49663, 49667, 49669, 49681, 49697, 49711,
+49727, 49739, 49741, 49747, 49757, 49783, 49787, 49789, 49801, 49807, 49811,
+49823, 49831, 49843, 49853, 49871, 49877, 49891, 49919, 49921, 49927, 49937,
+49939, 49943, 49957, 49991, 49993, 49999, 50021, 50023, 50033, 50047, 50051,
+50053, 50069, 50077, 50087, 50093, 50101, 50111, 50119, 50123, 50129, 50131,
+50147, 50153, 50159, 50177, 50207, 50221, 50227, 50231, 50261, 50263, 50273,
+50287, 50291, 50311, 50321, 50329, 50333, 50341, 50359, 50363, 50377, 50383,
+50387, 50411, 50417, 50423, 50441, 50459, 50461, 50497, 50503, 50513, 50527,
+50539, 50543, 50549, 50551, 50581, 50587, 50591, 50593, 50599, 50627, 50647,
+50651, 50671, 50683, 50707, 50723, 50741, 50753, 50767, 50773, 50777, 50789,
+50821, 50833, 50839, 50849, 50857, 50867, 50873, 50891, 50893, 50909, 50923,
+50929, 50951, 50957, 50969, 50971, 50989, 50993, 51001, 51031, 51043, 51047,
+51059, 51061, 51071, 51109, 51131, 51133, 51137, 51151, 51157, 51169, 51193,
+51197, 51199, 51203, 51217, 51229, 51239, 51241, 51257, 51263, 51283, 51287,
+51307, 51329, 51341, 51343, 51347, 51349, 51361, 51383, 51407, 51413, 51419,
+51421, 51427, 51431, 51437, 51439, 51449, 51461, 51473, 51479, 51481, 51487,
+51503, 51511, 51517, 51521, 51539, 51551, 51563, 51577, 51581, 51593, 51599,
+51607, 51613, 51631, 51637, 51647, 51659, 51673, 51679, 51683, 51691, 51713,
+51719, 51721, 51749, 51767, 51769, 51787, 51797, 51803, 51817, 51827, 51829,
+51839, 51853, 51859, 51869, 51871, 51893, 51899, 51907, 51913, 51929, 51941,
+51949, 51971, 51973, 51977, 51991, 52009, 52021, 52027, 52051, 52057, 52067,
+52069, 52081, 52103, 52121, 52127, 52147, 52153, 52163, 52177, 52181, 52183,
+52189, 52201, 52223, 52237, 52249, 52253, 52259, 52267, 52289, 52291, 52301,
+52313, 52321, 52361, 52363, 52369, 52379, 52387, 52391, 52433, 52453, 52457,
+52489, 52501, 52511, 52517, 52529, 52541, 52543, 52553, 52561, 52567, 52571,
+52579, 52583, 52609, 52627, 52631, 52639, 52667, 52673, 52691, 52697, 52709,
+52711, 52721, 52727, 52733, 52747, 52757, 52769, 52783, 52807, 52813, 52817,
+52837, 52859, 52861, 52879, 52883, 52889, 52901, 52903, 52919, 52937, 52951,
+52957, 52963, 52967, 52973, 52981, 52999, 53003, 53017, 53047, 53051, 53069,
+53077, 53087, 53089, 53093, 53101, 53113, 53117, 53129, 53147, 53149, 53161,
+53171, 53173, 53189, 53197, 53201, 53231, 53233, 53239, 53267, 53269, 53279,
+53281, 53299, 53309, 53323, 53327, 53353, 53359, 53377, 53381, 53401, 53407,
+53411, 53419, 53437, 53441, 53453, 53479, 53503, 53507, 53527, 53549, 53551,
+53569, 53591, 53593, 53597, 53609, 53611, 53617, 53623, 53629, 53633, 53639,
+53653, 53657, 53681, 53693, 53699, 53717, 53719, 53731, 53759, 53773, 53777,
+53783, 53791, 53813, 53819, 53831, 53849, 53857, 53861, 53881, 53887, 53891,
+53897, 53899, 53917, 53923, 53927, 53939, 53951, 53959, 53987, 53993, 54001,
+54011, 54013, 54037, 54049, 54059, 54083, 54091, 54101, 54121, 54133, 54139,
+54151, 54163, 54167, 54181, 54193, 54217, 54251, 54269, 54277, 54287, 54293,
+54311, 54319, 54323, 54331, 54347, 54361, 54367, 54371, 54377, 54401, 54403,
+54409, 54413, 54419, 54421, 54437, 54443, 54449, 54469, 54493, 54497, 54499,
+54503, 54517, 54521, 54539, 54541, 54547, 54559, 54563, 54577, 54581, 54583,
+54601, 54617, 54623, 54629, 54631, 54647, 54667, 54673, 54679, 54709, 54713,
+54721, 54727, 54751, 54767, 54773, 54779, 54787, 54799, 54829, 54833, 54851,
+54869, 54877, 54881, 54907, 54917, 54919, 54941, 54949, 54959, 54973, 54979,
+54983, 55001, 55009, 55021, 55049, 55051, 55057, 55061, 55073, 55079, 55103,
+55109, 55117, 55127, 55147, 55163, 55171, 55201, 55207, 55213, 55217, 55219,
+55229, 55243, 55249, 55259, 55291, 55313, 55331, 55333, 55337, 55339, 55343,
+55351, 55373, 55381, 55399, 55411, 55439, 55441, 55457, 55469, 55487, 55501,
+55511, 55529, 55541, 55547, 55579, 55589, 55603, 55609, 55619, 55621, 55631,
+55633, 55639, 55661, 55663, 55667, 55673, 55681, 55691, 55697, 55711, 55717,
+55721, 55733, 55763, 55787, 55793, 55799, 55807, 55813, 55817, 55819, 55823,
+55829, 55837, 55843, 55849, 55871, 55889, 55897, 55901, 55903, 55921, 55927,
+55931, 55933, 55949, 55967, 55987, 55997, 56003, 56009, 56039, 56041, 56053,
+56081, 56087, 56093, 56099, 56101, 56113, 56123, 56131, 56149, 56167, 56171,
+56179, 56197, 56207, 56209, 56237, 56239, 56249, 56263, 56267, 56269, 56299,
+56311, 56333, 56359, 56369, 56377, 56383, 56393, 56401, 56417, 56431, 56437,
+56443, 56453, 56467, 56473, 56477, 56479, 56489, 56501, 56503, 56509, 56519,
+56527, 56531, 56533, 56543, 56569, 56591, 56597, 56599, 56611, 56629, 56633,
+56659, 56663, 56671, 56681, 56687, 56701, 56711, 56713, 56731, 56737, 56747,
+56767, 56773, 56779, 56783, 56807, 56809, 56813, 56821, 56827, 56843, 56857,
+56873, 56891, 56893, 56897, 56909, 56911, 56921, 56923, 56929, 56941, 56951,
+56957, 56963, 56983, 56989, 56993, 56999, 57037, 57041, 57047, 57059, 57073,
+57077, 57089, 57097, 57107, 57119, 57131, 57139, 57143, 57149, 57163, 57173,
+57179, 57191, 57193, 57203, 57221, 57223, 57241, 57251, 57259, 57269, 57271,
+57283, 57287, 57301, 57329, 57331, 57347, 57349, 57367, 57373, 57383, 57389,
+57397, 57413, 57427, 57457, 57467, 57487, 57493, 57503, 57527, 57529, 57557,
+57559, 57571, 57587, 57593, 57601, 57637, 57641, 57649, 57653, 57667, 57679,
+57689, 57697, 57709, 57713, 57719, 57727, 57731, 57737, 57751, 57773, 57781,
+57787, 57791, 57793, 57803, 57809, 57829, 57839, 57847, 57853, 57859, 57881,
+57899, 57901, 57917, 57923, 57943, 57947, 57973, 57977, 57991, 58013, 58027,
+58031, 58043, 58049, 58057, 58061, 58067, 58073, 58099, 58109, 58111, 58129,
+58147, 58151, 58153, 58169, 58171, 58189, 58193, 58199, 58207, 58211, 58217,
+58229, 58231, 58237, 58243, 58271, 58309, 58313, 58321, 58337, 58363, 58367,
+58369, 58379, 58391, 58393, 58403, 58411, 58417, 58427, 58439, 58441, 58451,
+58453, 58477, 58481, 58511, 58537, 58543, 58549, 58567, 58573, 58579, 58601,
+58603, 58613, 58631, 58657, 58661, 58679, 58687, 58693, 58699, 58711, 58727,
+58733, 58741, 58757, 58763, 58771, 58787, 58789, 58831, 58889, 58897, 58901,
+58907, 58909, 58913, 58921, 58937, 58943, 58963, 58967, 58979, 58991, 58997,
+59009, 59011, 59021, 59023, 59029, 59051, 59053, 59063, 59069, 59077, 59083,
+59093, 59107, 59113, 59119, 59123, 59141, 59149, 59159, 59167, 59183, 59197,
+59207, 59209, 59219, 59221, 59233, 59239, 59243, 59263, 59273, 59281, 59333,
+59341, 59351, 59357, 59359, 59369, 59377, 59387, 59393, 59399, 59407, 59417,
+59419, 59441, 59443, 59447, 59453, 59467, 59471, 59473, 59497, 59509, 59513,
+59539, 59557, 59561, 59567, 59581, 59611, 59617, 59621, 59627, 59629, 59651,
+59659, 59663, 59669, 59671, 59693, 59699, 59707, 59723, 59729, 59743, 59747,
+59753, 59771, 59779, 59791, 59797, 59809, 59833, 59863, 59879, 59887, 59921,
+59929, 59951, 59957, 59971, 59981, 59999, 60013, 60017, 60029, 60037, 60041,
+60077, 60083, 60089, 60091, 60101, 60103, 60107, 60127, 60133, 60139, 60149,
+60161, 60167, 60169, 60209, 60217, 60223, 60251, 60257, 60259, 60271, 60289,
+60293, 60317, 60331, 60337, 60343, 60353, 60373, 60383, 60397, 60413, 60427,
+60443, 60449, 60457, 60493, 60497, 60509, 60521, 60527, 60539, 60589, 60601,
+60607, 60611, 60617, 60623, 60631, 60637, 60647, 60649, 60659, 60661, 60679,
+60689, 60703, 60719, 60727, 60733, 60737, 60757, 60761, 60763, 60773, 60779,
+60793, 60811, 60821, 60859, 60869, 60887, 60889, 60899, 60901, 60913, 60917,
+60919, 60923, 60937, 60943, 60953, 60961, 61001, 61007, 61027, 61031, 61043,
+61051, 61057, 61091, 61099, 61121, 61129, 61141, 61151, 61153, 61169, 61211,
+61223, 61231, 61253, 61261, 61283, 61291, 61297, 61331, 61333, 61339, 61343,
+61357, 61363, 61379, 61381, 61403, 61409, 61417, 61441, 61463, 61469, 61471,
+61483, 61487, 61493, 61507, 61511, 61519, 61543, 61547, 61553, 61559, 61561,
+61583, 61603, 61609, 61613, 61627, 61631, 61637, 61643, 61651, 61657, 61667,
+61673, 61681, 61687, 61703, 61717, 61723, 61729, 61751, 61757, 61781, 61813,
+61819, 61837, 61843, 61861, 61871, 61879, 61909, 61927, 61933, 61949, 61961,
+61967, 61979, 61981, 61987, 61991, 62003, 62011, 62017, 62039, 62047, 62053,
+62057, 62071, 62081, 62099, 62119, 62129, 62131, 62137, 62141, 62143, 62171,
+62189, 62191, 62201, 62207, 62213, 62219, 62233, 62273, 62297, 62299, 62303,
+62311, 62323, 62327, 62347, 62351, 62383, 62401, 62417, 62423, 62459, 62467,
+62473, 62477, 62483, 62497, 62501, 62507, 62533, 62539, 62549, 62563, 62581,
+62591, 62597, 62603, 62617, 62627, 62633, 62639, 62653, 62659, 62683, 62687,
+62701, 62723, 62731, 62743, 62753, 62761, 62773, 62791, 62801, 62819, 62827,
+62851, 62861, 62869, 62873, 62897, 62903, 62921, 62927, 62929, 62939, 62969,
+62971, 62981, 62983, 62987, 62989, 63029, 63031, 63059, 63067, 63073, 63079,
+63097, 63103, 63113, 63127, 63131, 63149, 63179, 63197, 63199, 63211, 63241,
+63247, 63277, 63281, 63299, 63311, 63313, 63317, 63331, 63337, 63347, 63353,
+63361, 63367, 63377, 63389, 63391, 63397, 63409, 63419, 63421, 63439, 63443,
+63463, 63467, 63473, 63487, 63493, 63499, 63521, 63527, 63533, 63541, 63559,
+63577, 63587, 63589, 63599, 63601, 63607, 63611, 63617, 63629, 63647, 63649,
+63659, 63667, 63671, 63689, 63691, 63697, 63703, 63709, 63719, 63727, 63737,
+63743, 63761, 63773, 63781, 63793, 63799, 63803, 63809, 63823, 63839, 63841,
+63853, 63857, 63863, 63901, 63907, 63913, 63929, 63949, 63977, 63997, 64007,
+64013, 64019, 64033, 64037, 64063, 64067, 64081, 64091, 64109, 64123, 64151,
+64153, 64157, 64171, 64187, 64189, 64217, 64223, 64231, 64237, 64271, 64279,
+64283, 64301, 64303, 64319, 64327, 64333, 64373, 64381, 64399, 64403, 64433,
+64439, 64451, 64453, 64483, 64489, 64499, 64513, 64553, 64567, 64577, 64579,
+64591, 64601, 64609, 64613, 64621, 64627, 64633, 64661, 64663, 64667, 64679,
+64693, 64709, 64717, 64747, 64763, 64781, 64783, 64793, 64811, 64817, 64849,
+64853, 64871, 64877, 64879, 64891, 64901, 64919, 64921, 64927, 64937, 64951,
+64969, 64997, 65003, 65011, 65027, 65029, 65033, 65053, 65063, 65071, 65089,
+65099, 65101, 65111, 65119, 65123, 65129, 65141, 65147, 65167, 65171, 65173,
+65179, 65183, 65203, 65213, 65239, 65257, 65267, 65269, 65287, 65293, 65309,
+65323, 65327, 65353, 65357, 65371, 65381, 65393, 65407, 65413, 65419, 65423,
+65437, 65447, 65449, 65479, 65497, 65519, 65521, 0 };
diff --git a/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/numbertheory/reducer.cpp b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/numbertheory/reducer.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..98cf698ed7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/numbertheory/reducer.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+* Modular Reducer
+* (C) 1999-2011,2018 Jack Lloyd
+* Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt)
+#include <botan/reducer.h>
+#include <botan/internal/ct_utils.h>
+namespace Botan {
+* Modular_Reducer Constructor
+Modular_Reducer::Modular_Reducer(const BigInt& mod)
+ {
+ if(mod < 0)
+ throw Invalid_Argument("Modular_Reducer: modulus must be positive");
+ // Left uninitialized if mod == 0
+ m_mod_words = 0;
+ if(mod > 0)
+ {
+ m_modulus = mod;
+ m_mod_words = m_modulus.sig_words();
+ m_modulus_2 = Botan::square(m_modulus);
+ m_mu = BigInt::power_of_2(2 * BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS * m_mod_words) / m_modulus;
+ }
+ }
+* Barrett Reduction
+BigInt Modular_Reducer::reduce(const BigInt& x) const
+ {
+ if(m_mod_words == 0)
+ throw Invalid_State("Modular_Reducer: Never initalized");
+ const size_t x_sw = x.sig_words();
+ if(x_sw >= (2*m_mod_words - 1) && x.cmp(m_modulus_2, false) >= 0)
+ {
+ // too big, fall back to normal division
+ return (x % m_modulus);
+ }
+ secure_vector<word> ws;
+ BigInt t1 = x;
+ t1.set_sign(BigInt::Positive);
+ t1 >>= (BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS * (m_mod_words - 1));
+ t1.mul(m_mu, ws);
+ t1 >>= (BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS * (m_mod_words + 1));
+ // TODO add masked mul to avoid computing high bits
+ t1.mul(m_modulus, ws);
+ t1.mask_bits(BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS * (m_mod_words + 1));
+ t1.rev_sub(x.data(), std::min(x_sw, m_mod_words + 1), ws);
+ /*
+ * If t1 < 0 then we must add b^(k+1) where b = 2^w. To avoid a
+ * side channel perform the addition unconditionally, with ws set
+ * to either b^(k+1) or else 0.
+ */
+ const word t1_neg = t1.is_negative();
+ if(ws.size() < m_mod_words + 2)
+ ws.resize(m_mod_words + 2);
+ clear_mem(ws.data(), ws.size());
+ ws[m_mod_words + 1] = t1_neg;
+ t1.add(ws.data(), m_mod_words + 2, BigInt::Positive);
+ t1.reduce_below(m_modulus, ws);
+ if(x.is_negative() && t1.is_nonzero())
+ {
+ t1.rev_sub(m_modulus.data(), m_modulus.size(), ws);
+ }
+ return t1;
+ }
diff --git a/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/numbertheory/reducer.h b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/numbertheory/reducer.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c66c220342
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/numbertheory/reducer.h
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+* Modular Reducer
+* (C) 1999-2010 Jack Lloyd
+* Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt)
+#include <botan/numthry.h>
+namespace Botan {
+* Modular Reducer (using Barrett's technique)
+class BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) Modular_Reducer
+ {
+ public:
+ const BigInt& get_modulus() const { return m_modulus; }
+ BigInt reduce(const BigInt& x) const;
+ /**
+ * Multiply mod p
+ * @param x the first operand
+ * @param y the second operand
+ * @return (x * y) % p
+ */
+ BigInt multiply(const BigInt& x, const BigInt& y) const
+ { return reduce(x * y); }
+ /**
+ * Square mod p
+ * @param x the value to square
+ * @return (x * x) % p
+ */
+ BigInt square(const BigInt& x) const
+ { return reduce(Botan::square(x)); }
+ /**
+ * Cube mod p
+ * @param x the value to cube
+ * @return (x * x * x) % p
+ */
+ BigInt cube(const BigInt& x) const
+ { return multiply(x, this->square(x)); }
+ bool initialized() const { return (m_mod_words != 0); }
+ Modular_Reducer() { m_mod_words = 0; }
+ explicit Modular_Reducer(const BigInt& mod);
+ private:
+ BigInt m_modulus, m_modulus_2, m_mu;
+ size_t m_mod_words;
+ };
diff --git a/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/numbertheory/ressol.cpp b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/numbertheory/ressol.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9d11ebbc42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/math/numbertheory/ressol.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+* Shanks-Tonnelli (RESSOL)
+* (C) 2007-2008 Falko Strenzke, FlexSecure GmbH
+* (C) 2008 Jack Lloyd
+* Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt)
+#include <botan/numthry.h>
+#include <botan/reducer.h>
+namespace Botan {
+* Shanks-Tonnelli algorithm
+BigInt ressol(const BigInt& a, const BigInt& p)
+ {
+ if(a == 0)
+ return 0;
+ else if(a < 0)
+ throw Invalid_Argument("ressol: value to solve for must be positive");
+ else if(a >= p)
+ throw Invalid_Argument("ressol: value to solve for must be less than p");
+ if(p == 2)
+ return a;
+ else if(p <= 1)
+ throw Invalid_Argument("ressol: prime must be > 1 a");
+ else if(p.is_even())
+ throw Invalid_Argument("ressol: invalid prime");
+ if(jacobi(a, p) != 1) // not a quadratic residue
+ return -BigInt(1);
+ if(p % 4 == 3)
+ return power_mod(a, ((p+1) >> 2), p);
+ size_t s = low_zero_bits(p - 1);
+ BigInt q = p >> s;
+ q -= 1;
+ q >>= 1;
+ Modular_Reducer mod_p(p);
+ BigInt r = power_mod(a, q, p);
+ BigInt n = mod_p.multiply(a, mod_p.square(r));
+ r = mod_p.multiply(r, a);
+ if(n == 1)
+ return r;
+ // find random non quadratic residue z
+ BigInt z = 2;
+ while(jacobi(z, p) == 1) // while z quadratic residue
+ ++z;
+ BigInt c = power_mod(z, (q << 1) + 1, p);
+ while(n > 1)
+ {
+ q = n;
+ size_t i = 0;
+ while(q != 1)
+ {
+ q = mod_p.square(q);
+ ++i;
+ if(i >= s)
+ {
+ return -BigInt(1);
+ }
+ }
+ c = power_mod(c, BigInt::power_of_2(s-i-1), p);
+ r = mod_p.multiply(r, c);
+ c = mod_p.square(c);
+ n = mod_p.multiply(n, c);
+ s = i;
+ }
+ return r;
+ }