path: root/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/pubkey/rsa
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/pubkey/rsa')
3 files changed, 753 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/pubkey/rsa/info.txt b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/pubkey/rsa/info.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9fc9354b834
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/pubkey/rsa/info.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+RSA -> 20160730
diff --git a/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/pubkey/rsa/rsa.cpp b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/pubkey/rsa/rsa.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..eb4c612ae0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/pubkey/rsa/rsa.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,579 @@
+* RSA
+* (C) 1999-2010,2015,2016,2018 Jack Lloyd
+* Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt)
+#include <botan/rsa.h>
+#include <botan/internal/pk_ops_impl.h>
+#include <botan/keypair.h>
+#include <botan/blinding.h>
+#include <botan/reducer.h>
+#include <botan/workfactor.h>
+#include <botan/der_enc.h>
+#include <botan/ber_dec.h>
+#include <botan/pow_mod.h>
+#include <botan/monty.h>
+#include <botan/internal/monty_exp.h>
+#if defined(BOTAN_HAS_OPENSSL)
+ #include <botan/internal/openssl.h>
+ #include <future>
+namespace Botan {
+size_t RSA_PublicKey::key_length() const
+ {
+ return m_n.bits();
+ }
+size_t RSA_PublicKey::estimated_strength() const
+ {
+ return if_work_factor(key_length());
+ }
+AlgorithmIdentifier RSA_PublicKey::algorithm_identifier() const
+ {
+ return AlgorithmIdentifier(get_oid(),
+ AlgorithmIdentifier::USE_NULL_PARAM);
+ }
+std::vector<uint8_t> RSA_PublicKey::public_key_bits() const
+ {
+ std::vector<uint8_t> output;
+ DER_Encoder der(output);
+ der.start_cons(SEQUENCE)
+ .encode(m_n)
+ .encode(m_e)
+ .end_cons();
+ return output;
+ }
+RSA_PublicKey::RSA_PublicKey(const AlgorithmIdentifier&,
+ const std::vector<uint8_t>& key_bits)
+ {
+ BER_Decoder(key_bits)
+ .start_cons(SEQUENCE)
+ .decode(m_n)
+ .decode(m_e)
+ .end_cons();
+ }
+* Check RSA Public Parameters
+bool RSA_PublicKey::check_key(RandomNumberGenerator&, bool) const
+ {
+ if(m_n < 35 || m_n.is_even() || m_e < 3 || m_e.is_even())
+ return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+secure_vector<uint8_t> RSA_PrivateKey::private_key_bits() const
+ {
+ return DER_Encoder()
+ .start_cons(SEQUENCE)
+ .encode(static_cast<size_t>(0))
+ .encode(m_n)
+ .encode(m_e)
+ .encode(m_d)
+ .encode(m_p)
+ .encode(m_q)
+ .encode(m_d1)
+ .encode(m_d2)
+ .encode(m_c)
+ .end_cons()
+ .get_contents();
+ }
+RSA_PrivateKey::RSA_PrivateKey(const AlgorithmIdentifier&,
+ const secure_vector<uint8_t>& key_bits)
+ {
+ BER_Decoder(key_bits)
+ .start_cons(SEQUENCE)
+ .decode_and_check<size_t>(0, "Unknown PKCS #1 key format version")
+ .decode(m_n)
+ .decode(m_e)
+ .decode(m_d)
+ .decode(m_p)
+ .decode(m_q)
+ .decode(m_d1)
+ .decode(m_d2)
+ .decode(m_c)
+ .end_cons();
+ }
+RSA_PrivateKey::RSA_PrivateKey(const BigInt& prime1,
+ const BigInt& prime2,
+ const BigInt& exp,
+ const BigInt& d_exp,
+ const BigInt& mod) :
+ m_d{ d_exp }, m_p{ prime1 }, m_q{ prime2 }, m_d1{}, m_d2{}, m_c{ inverse_mod( m_q, m_p ) }
+ {
+ m_n = mod.is_nonzero() ? mod : m_p * m_q;
+ m_e = exp;
+ if(m_d == 0)
+ {
+ const BigInt phi_n = lcm(m_p - 1, m_q - 1);
+ m_d = inverse_mod(m_e, phi_n);
+ }
+ m_d1 = m_d % (m_p - 1);
+ m_d2 = m_d % (m_q - 1);
+ }
+* Create a RSA private key
+RSA_PrivateKey::RSA_PrivateKey(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
+ size_t bits, size_t exp)
+ {
+ if(bits < 1024)
+ throw Invalid_Argument(algo_name() + ": Can't make a key that is only " +
+ std::to_string(bits) + " bits long");
+ if(exp < 3 || exp % 2 == 0)
+ throw Invalid_Argument(algo_name() + ": Invalid encryption exponent");
+ m_e = exp;
+ const size_t p_bits = (bits + 1) / 2;
+ const size_t q_bits = bits - p_bits;
+ do
+ {
+ m_p = generate_rsa_prime(rng, rng, p_bits, m_e);
+ m_q = generate_rsa_prime(rng, rng, q_bits, m_e);
+ m_n = m_p * m_q;
+ } while(m_n.bits() != bits);
+ // FIXME: lcm calls gcd which is not const time
+ const BigInt phi_n = lcm(m_p - 1, m_q - 1);
+ // FIXME: this uses binary ext gcd because phi_n is even
+ m_d = inverse_mod(m_e, phi_n);
+ m_d1 = m_d % (m_p - 1);
+ m_d2 = m_d % (m_q - 1);
+ m_c = inverse_mod(m_q, m_p);
+ }
+* Check Private RSA Parameters
+bool RSA_PrivateKey::check_key(RandomNumberGenerator& rng, bool strong) const
+ {
+ if(m_n < 35 || m_n.is_even() || m_e < 3 || m_e.is_even())
+ return false;
+ if(m_d < 2 || m_p < 3 || m_q < 3 || m_p*m_q != m_n)
+ return false;
+ if(m_d1 != m_d % (m_p - 1) || m_d2 != m_d % (m_q - 1) || m_c != inverse_mod(m_q, m_p))
+ return false;
+ const size_t prob = (strong) ? 128 : 12;
+ if(!is_prime(m_p, rng, prob) || !is_prime(m_q, rng, prob))
+ return false;
+ if(strong)
+ {
+ if((m_e * m_d) % lcm(m_p - 1, m_q - 1) != 1)
+ return false;
+ return KeyPair::signature_consistency_check(rng, *this, "EMSA4(SHA-256)");
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+namespace {
+* RSA private (decrypt/sign) operation
+class RSA_Private_Operation
+ {
+ protected:
+ size_t get_max_input_bits() const { return (m_mod_bits - 1); }
+ const size_t exp_blinding_bits = 64;
+ explicit RSA_Private_Operation(const RSA_PrivateKey& rsa, RandomNumberGenerator& rng) :
+ m_key(rsa),
+ m_mod_p(m_key.get_p()),
+ m_mod_q(m_key.get_q()),
+ m_monty_p(std::make_shared<Montgomery_Params>(m_key.get_p(), m_mod_p)),
+ m_monty_q(std::make_shared<Montgomery_Params>(m_key.get_q(), m_mod_q)),
+ m_powermod_e_n(m_key.get_e(), m_key.get_n()),
+ m_blinder(m_key.get_n(),
+ rng,
+ [this](const BigInt& k) { return m_powermod_e_n(k); },
+ [this](const BigInt& k) { return inverse_mod(k, m_key.get_n()); }),
+ m_blinding_bits(64),
+ m_mod_bytes(m_key.get_n().bytes()),
+ m_mod_bits(m_key.get_n().bits()),
+ m_max_d1_bits(m_key.get_p().bits() + m_blinding_bits),
+ m_max_d2_bits(m_key.get_q().bits() + m_blinding_bits)
+ {
+ }
+ BigInt blinded_private_op(const BigInt& m) const
+ {
+ if(m >= m_key.get_n())
+ throw Invalid_Argument("RSA private op - input is too large");
+ return m_blinder.unblind(private_op(m_blinder.blind(m)));
+ }
+ BigInt private_op(const BigInt& m) const
+ {
+ const size_t powm_window = 4;
+ const BigInt d1_mask(m_blinder.rng(), m_blinding_bits);
+ auto future_j1 = std::async(std::launch::async, [this, &m, &d1_mask, powm_window]() {
+ const BigInt masked_d1 = m_key.get_d1() + (d1_mask * (m_key.get_p() - 1));
+ auto powm_d1_p = monty_precompute(m_monty_p, m, powm_window);
+ return monty_execute(*powm_d1_p, masked_d1, m_max_d1_bits);
+ });
+ const BigInt masked_d1 = m_key.get_d1() + (d1_mask * (m_key.get_p() - 1));
+ auto powm_d1_p = monty_precompute(m_monty_p, m, powm_window);
+ BigInt j1 = monty_execute(*powm_d1_p, masked_d1, m_max_d1_bits);
+ const BigInt d2_mask(m_blinder.rng(), m_blinding_bits);
+ const BigInt masked_d2 = m_key.get_d2() + (d2_mask * (m_key.get_q() - 1));
+ auto powm_d2_q = monty_precompute(m_monty_q, m, powm_window);
+ const BigInt j2 = monty_execute(*powm_d2_q, masked_d2, m_max_d2_bits);
+ /*
+ * To recover the final value from the CRT representation (j1,j2)
+ * we use Garner's algorithm:
+ * c = q^-1 mod p (this is precomputed)
+ * h = c*(j1-j2) mod p
+ * m = j2 + h*q
+ */
+ BigInt j1 = future_j1.get();
+ /*
+ To prevent a side channel that allows detecting case where j1 < j2,
+ add p to j1 before reducing [computing c*(p+j1-j2) mod p]
+ */
+ j1 = m_mod_p.reduce(sub_mul(m_key.get_p() + j1, j2, m_key.get_c()));
+ return mul_add(j1, m_key.get_q(), j2);
+ }
+ const RSA_PrivateKey& m_key;
+ // TODO these could all be computed once and stored in the key object
+ Modular_Reducer m_mod_p;
+ Modular_Reducer m_mod_q;
+ std::shared_ptr<const Montgomery_Params> m_monty_p;
+ std::shared_ptr<const Montgomery_Params> m_monty_q;
+ Fixed_Exponent_Power_Mod m_powermod_e_n;
+ Blinder m_blinder;
+ const size_t m_blinding_bits;
+ const size_t m_mod_bytes;
+ const size_t m_mod_bits;
+ const size_t m_max_d1_bits;
+ const size_t m_max_d2_bits;
+ };
+class RSA_Signature_Operation final : public PK_Ops::Signature_with_EMSA,
+ private RSA_Private_Operation
+ {
+ public:
+ size_t max_input_bits() const override { return get_max_input_bits(); }
+ RSA_Signature_Operation(const RSA_PrivateKey& rsa, const std::string& emsa, RandomNumberGenerator& rng) :
+ PK_Ops::Signature_with_EMSA(emsa),
+ RSA_Private_Operation(rsa, rng)
+ {
+ }
+ secure_vector<uint8_t> raw_sign(const uint8_t msg[], size_t msg_len,
+ RandomNumberGenerator&) override
+ {
+ const BigInt m(msg, msg_len);
+ const BigInt x = blinded_private_op(m);
+ const BigInt c = m_powermod_e_n(x);
+ BOTAN_ASSERT(m == c, "RSA sign consistency check");
+ return BigInt::encode_1363(x, m_mod_bytes);
+ }
+ };
+class RSA_Decryption_Operation final : public PK_Ops::Decryption_with_EME,
+ private RSA_Private_Operation
+ {
+ public:
+ RSA_Decryption_Operation(const RSA_PrivateKey& rsa, const std::string& eme, RandomNumberGenerator& rng) :
+ PK_Ops::Decryption_with_EME(eme),
+ RSA_Private_Operation(rsa, rng)
+ {
+ }
+ secure_vector<uint8_t> raw_decrypt(const uint8_t msg[], size_t msg_len) override
+ {
+ const BigInt m(msg, msg_len);
+ const BigInt x = blinded_private_op(m);
+ const BigInt c = m_powermod_e_n(x);
+ BOTAN_ASSERT(m == c, "RSA decrypt consistency check");
+ return BigInt::encode_1363(x, m_mod_bytes);
+ }
+ };
+class RSA_KEM_Decryption_Operation final : public PK_Ops::KEM_Decryption_with_KDF,
+ private RSA_Private_Operation
+ {
+ public:
+ RSA_KEM_Decryption_Operation(const RSA_PrivateKey& key,
+ const std::string& kdf,
+ RandomNumberGenerator& rng) :
+ PK_Ops::KEM_Decryption_with_KDF(kdf),
+ RSA_Private_Operation(key, rng)
+ {}
+ secure_vector<uint8_t>
+ raw_kem_decrypt(const uint8_t encap_key[], size_t len) override
+ {
+ const BigInt m(encap_key, len);
+ const BigInt x = blinded_private_op(m);
+ const BigInt c = m_powermod_e_n(x);
+ BOTAN_ASSERT(m == c, "RSA KEM consistency check");
+ return BigInt::encode_1363(x, m_mod_bytes);
+ }
+ };
+* RSA public (encrypt/verify) operation
+class RSA_Public_Operation
+ {
+ public:
+ explicit RSA_Public_Operation(const RSA_PublicKey& rsa) :
+ m_n(rsa.get_n()),
+ m_e(rsa.get_e()),
+ m_monty_n(std::make_shared<Montgomery_Params>(m_n))
+ {}
+ size_t get_max_input_bits() const { return (m_n.bits() - 1); }
+ protected:
+ BigInt public_op(const BigInt& m) const
+ {
+ if(m >= m_n)
+ throw Invalid_Argument("RSA public op - input is too large");
+ const size_t powm_window = 1;
+ auto powm_m_n = monty_precompute(m_monty_n, m, powm_window, false);
+ return monty_execute_vartime(*powm_m_n, m_e);
+ }
+ const BigInt& get_n() const { return m_n; }
+ const BigInt& m_n;
+ const BigInt& m_e;
+ std::shared_ptr<Montgomery_Params> m_monty_n;
+ };
+class RSA_Encryption_Operation final : public PK_Ops::Encryption_with_EME,
+ private RSA_Public_Operation
+ {
+ public:
+ RSA_Encryption_Operation(const RSA_PublicKey& rsa, const std::string& eme) :
+ PK_Ops::Encryption_with_EME(eme),
+ RSA_Public_Operation(rsa)
+ {
+ }
+ size_t max_raw_input_bits() const override { return get_max_input_bits(); }
+ secure_vector<uint8_t> raw_encrypt(const uint8_t msg[], size_t msg_len,
+ RandomNumberGenerator&) override
+ {
+ BigInt m(msg, msg_len);
+ return BigInt::encode_1363(public_op(m), m_n.bytes());
+ }
+ };
+class RSA_Verify_Operation final : public PK_Ops::Verification_with_EMSA,
+ private RSA_Public_Operation
+ {
+ public:
+ size_t max_input_bits() const override { return get_max_input_bits(); }
+ RSA_Verify_Operation(const RSA_PublicKey& rsa, const std::string& emsa) :
+ PK_Ops::Verification_with_EMSA(emsa),
+ RSA_Public_Operation(rsa)
+ {
+ }
+ bool with_recovery() const override { return true; }
+ secure_vector<uint8_t> verify_mr(const uint8_t msg[], size_t msg_len) override
+ {
+ BigInt m(msg, msg_len);
+ return BigInt::encode_locked(public_op(m));
+ }
+ };
+class RSA_KEM_Encryption_Operation final : public PK_Ops::KEM_Encryption_with_KDF,
+ private RSA_Public_Operation
+ {
+ public:
+ RSA_KEM_Encryption_Operation(const RSA_PublicKey& key,
+ const std::string& kdf) :
+ PK_Ops::KEM_Encryption_with_KDF(kdf),
+ RSA_Public_Operation(key) {}
+ private:
+ void raw_kem_encrypt(secure_vector<uint8_t>& out_encapsulated_key,
+ secure_vector<uint8_t>& raw_shared_key,
+ Botan::RandomNumberGenerator& rng) override
+ {
+ const BigInt r = BigInt::random_integer(rng, 1, get_n());
+ const BigInt c = public_op(r);
+ out_encapsulated_key = BigInt::encode_locked(c);
+ raw_shared_key = BigInt::encode_locked(r);
+ }
+ };
+RSA_PublicKey::create_encryption_op(RandomNumberGenerator& /*rng*/,
+ const std::string& params,
+ const std::string& provider) const
+ {
+#if defined(BOTAN_HAS_OPENSSL)
+ if(provider == "openssl" || provider.empty())
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ return make_openssl_rsa_enc_op(*this, params);
+ }
+ catch(Exception& e)
+ {
+ /*
+ * If OpenSSL for some reason could not handle this (eg due to OAEP params),
+ * throw if openssl was specifically requested but otherwise just fall back
+ * to the normal version.
+ */
+ if(provider == "openssl")
+ throw Lookup_Error("OpenSSL RSA provider rejected key:" + std::string(e.what()));
+ }
+ }
+ if(provider == "base" || provider.empty())
+ return std::unique_ptr<PK_Ops::Encryption>(new RSA_Encryption_Operation(*this, params));
+ throw Provider_Not_Found(algo_name(), provider);
+ }
+RSA_PublicKey::create_kem_encryption_op(RandomNumberGenerator& /*rng*/,
+ const std::string& params,
+ const std::string& provider) const
+ {
+ if(provider == "base" || provider.empty())
+ return std::unique_ptr<PK_Ops::KEM_Encryption>(new RSA_KEM_Encryption_Operation(*this, params));
+ throw Provider_Not_Found(algo_name(), provider);
+ }
+RSA_PublicKey::create_verification_op(const std::string& params,
+ const std::string& provider) const
+ {
+#if defined(BOTAN_HAS_OPENSSL)
+ if(provider == "openssl" || provider.empty())
+ {
+ std::unique_ptr<PK_Ops::Verification> res = make_openssl_rsa_ver_op(*this, params);
+ if(res)
+ return res;
+ }
+ if(provider == "base" || provider.empty())
+ return std::unique_ptr<PK_Ops::Verification>(new RSA_Verify_Operation(*this, params));
+ throw Provider_Not_Found(algo_name(), provider);
+ }
+RSA_PrivateKey::create_decryption_op(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
+ const std::string& params,
+ const std::string& provider) const
+ {
+#if defined(BOTAN_HAS_OPENSSL)
+ if(provider == "openssl" || provider.empty())
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ return make_openssl_rsa_dec_op(*this, params);
+ }
+ catch(Exception& e)
+ {
+ if(provider == "openssl")
+ throw Lookup_Error("OpenSSL RSA provider rejected key:" + std::string(e.what()));
+ }
+ }
+ if(provider == "base" || provider.empty())
+ return std::unique_ptr<PK_Ops::Decryption>(new RSA_Decryption_Operation(*this, params, rng));
+ throw Provider_Not_Found(algo_name(), provider);
+ }
+RSA_PrivateKey::create_kem_decryption_op(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
+ const std::string& params,
+ const std::string& provider) const
+ {
+ if(provider == "base" || provider.empty())
+ return std::unique_ptr<PK_Ops::KEM_Decryption>(new RSA_KEM_Decryption_Operation(*this, params, rng));
+ throw Provider_Not_Found(algo_name(), provider);
+ }
+RSA_PrivateKey::create_signature_op(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
+ const std::string& params,
+ const std::string& provider) const
+ {
+#if defined(BOTAN_HAS_OPENSSL)
+ if(provider == "openssl" || provider.empty())
+ {
+ std::unique_ptr<PK_Ops::Signature> res = make_openssl_rsa_sig_op(*this, params);
+ if(res)
+ return res;
+ }
+ if(provider == "base" || provider.empty())
+ return std::unique_ptr<PK_Ops::Signature>(new RSA_Signature_Operation(*this, params, rng));
+ throw Provider_Not_Found(algo_name(), provider);
+ }
diff --git a/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/pubkey/rsa/rsa.h b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/pubkey/rsa/rsa.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ad4fceab993
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/pubkey/rsa/rsa.h
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+* RSA
+* (C) 1999-2008,2016 Jack Lloyd
+* Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt)
+#ifndef BOTAN_RSA_H_
+#define BOTAN_RSA_H_
+#include <botan/pk_keys.h>
+#include <botan/bigint.h>
+namespace Botan {
+* RSA Public Key
+class BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) RSA_PublicKey : public virtual Public_Key
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Load a public key.
+ * @param alg_id the X.509 algorithm identifier
+ * @param key_bits DER encoded public key bits
+ */
+ RSA_PublicKey(const AlgorithmIdentifier& alg_id,
+ const std::vector<uint8_t>& key_bits);
+ /**
+ * Create a public key.
+ * @arg n the modulus
+ * @arg e the exponent
+ */
+ RSA_PublicKey(const BigInt& n, const BigInt& e) :
+ m_n(n), m_e(e) {}
+ std::string algo_name() const override { return "RSA"; }
+ bool check_key(RandomNumberGenerator& rng, bool) const override;
+ AlgorithmIdentifier algorithm_identifier() const override;
+ std::vector<uint8_t> public_key_bits() const override;
+ /**
+ * @return public modulus
+ */
+ const BigInt& get_n() const { return m_n; }
+ /**
+ * @return public exponent
+ */
+ const BigInt& get_e() const { return m_e; }
+ size_t key_length() const override;
+ size_t estimated_strength() const override;
+ std::unique_ptr<PK_Ops::Encryption>
+ create_encryption_op(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
+ const std::string& params,
+ const std::string& provider) const override;
+ std::unique_ptr<PK_Ops::KEM_Encryption>
+ create_kem_encryption_op(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
+ const std::string& params,
+ const std::string& provider) const override;
+ std::unique_ptr<PK_Ops::Verification>
+ create_verification_op(const std::string& params,
+ const std::string& provider) const override;
+ protected:
+ RSA_PublicKey() = default;
+ BigInt m_n, m_e;
+ };
+* RSA Private Key
+class BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) RSA_PrivateKey final : public Private_Key, public RSA_PublicKey
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Load a private key.
+ * @param alg_id the X.509 algorithm identifier
+ * @param key_bits PKCS#1 RSAPrivateKey bits
+ */
+ RSA_PrivateKey(const AlgorithmIdentifier& alg_id,
+ const secure_vector<uint8_t>& key_bits);
+ /**
+ * Construct a private key from the specified parameters.
+ * @param p the first prime
+ * @param q the second prime
+ * @param e the exponent
+ * @param d if specified, this has to be d with
+ * exp * d = 1 mod (p - 1, q - 1). Leave it as 0 if you wish to
+ * the constructor to calculate it.
+ * @param n if specified, this must be n = p * q. Leave it as 0
+ * if you wish to the constructor to calculate it.
+ */
+ RSA_PrivateKey(const BigInt& p, const BigInt& q,
+ const BigInt& e, const BigInt& d = 0,
+ const BigInt& n = 0);
+ /**
+ * Create a new private key with the specified bit length
+ * @param rng the random number generator to use
+ * @param bits the desired bit length of the private key
+ * @param exp the public exponent to be used
+ */
+ RSA_PrivateKey(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
+ size_t bits, size_t exp = 65537);
+ bool check_key(RandomNumberGenerator& rng, bool) const override;
+ /**
+ * Get the first prime p.
+ * @return prime p
+ */
+ const BigInt& get_p() const { return m_p; }
+ /**
+ * Get the second prime q.
+ * @return prime q
+ */
+ const BigInt& get_q() const { return m_q; }
+ /**
+ * Get d with exp * d = 1 mod (p - 1, q - 1).
+ * @return d
+ */
+ const BigInt& get_d() const { return m_d; }
+ const BigInt& get_c() const { return m_c; }
+ const BigInt& get_d1() const { return m_d1; }
+ const BigInt& get_d2() const { return m_d2; }
+ secure_vector<uint8_t> private_key_bits() const override;
+ std::unique_ptr<PK_Ops::Decryption>
+ create_decryption_op(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
+ const std::string& params,
+ const std::string& provider) const override;
+ std::unique_ptr<PK_Ops::KEM_Decryption>
+ create_kem_decryption_op(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
+ const std::string& params,
+ const std::string& provider) const override;
+ std::unique_ptr<PK_Ops::Signature>
+ create_signature_op(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
+ const std::string& params,
+ const std::string& provider) const override;
+ private:
+ BigInt m_d, m_p, m_q, m_d1, m_d2, m_c;
+ };