path: root/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/x509/pkcs10.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/x509/pkcs10.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 314 deletions
diff --git a/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/x509/pkcs10.cpp b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/x509/pkcs10.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 2da002cd16..0000000000
--- a/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/x509/pkcs10.cpp
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-* PKCS #10
-* (C) 1999-2007,2017 Jack Lloyd
-* Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt)
-#include <botan/pkcs10.h>
-#include <botan/x509_ext.h>
-#include <botan/x509cert.h>
-#include <botan/ber_dec.h>
-#include <botan/der_enc.h>
-#include <botan/pubkey.h>
-#include <botan/oids.h>
-#include <botan/pem.h>
-namespace Botan {
-struct PKCS10_Data
- {
- X509_DN m_subject_dn;
- std::vector<uint8_t> m_public_key_bits;
- AlternativeName m_alt_name;
- std::string m_challenge;
- Extensions m_extensions;
- };
-std::string PKCS10_Request::PEM_label() const
- {
- }
-std::vector<std::string> PKCS10_Request::alternate_PEM_labels() const
- {
- }
-PKCS10_Request::PKCS10_Request(DataSource& src)
- {
- load_data(src);
- }
-PKCS10_Request::PKCS10_Request(const std::vector<uint8_t>& vec)
- {
- DataSource_Memory src(vec.data(), vec.size());
- load_data(src);
- }
-PKCS10_Request::PKCS10_Request(const std::string& fsname)
- {
- DataSource_Stream src(fsname, true);
- load_data(src);
- }
-PKCS10_Request PKCS10_Request::create(const Private_Key& key,
- const X509_DN& subject_dn,
- const Extensions& extensions,
- const std::string& hash_fn,
- RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
- const std::string& padding_scheme,
- const std::string& challenge)
- {
- const std::map<std::string,std::string> sig_opts = { {"padding", padding_scheme} };
- AlgorithmIdentifier sig_algo;
- std::unique_ptr<PK_Signer> signer = choose_sig_format(sig_algo, key, rng, hash_fn, padding_scheme);
- const size_t PKCS10_VERSION = 0;
- DER_Encoder tbs_req;
- tbs_req.start_cons(SEQUENCE)
- .encode(PKCS10_VERSION)
- .encode(subject_dn)
- .raw_bytes(key.subject_public_key())
- .start_explicit(0);
- if(challenge.empty() == false)
- {
- ASN1_String challenge_str(challenge, DIRECTORY_STRING);
- tbs_req.encode(
- Attribute("PKCS9.ChallengePassword",
- DER_Encoder().encode(challenge_str).get_contents_unlocked()
- )
- );
- }
- tbs_req.encode(
- Attribute("PKCS9.ExtensionRequest",
- DER_Encoder()
- .start_cons(SEQUENCE)
- .encode(extensions)
- .end_cons()
- .get_contents_unlocked()
- )
- )
- .end_explicit()
- .end_cons();
- const std::vector<uint8_t> req =
- X509_Object::make_signed(signer.get(), rng, sig_algo,
- tbs_req.get_contents());
- return PKCS10_Request(req);
- }
-* Decode the CertificateRequestInfo
-namespace {
-std::unique_ptr<PKCS10_Data> decode_pkcs10(const std::vector<uint8_t>& body)
- {
- std::unique_ptr<PKCS10_Data> data(new PKCS10_Data);
- BER_Decoder cert_req_info(body);
- size_t version;
- cert_req_info.decode(version);
- if(version != 0)
- throw Decoding_Error("Unknown version code in PKCS #10 request: " +
- std::to_string(version));
- cert_req_info.decode(data->m_subject_dn);
- BER_Object public_key = cert_req_info.get_next_object();
- if(public_key.is_a(SEQUENCE, CONSTRUCTED) == false)
- throw BER_Bad_Tag("PKCS10_Request: Unexpected tag for public key", public_key.tagging());
- data->m_public_key_bits = ASN1::put_in_sequence(public_key.bits(), public_key.length());
- BER_Object attr_bits = cert_req_info.get_next_object();
- std::set<std::string> pkcs9_email;
- if(attr_bits.is_a(0, ASN1_Tag(CONSTRUCTED | CONTEXT_SPECIFIC)))
- {
- BER_Decoder attributes(attr_bits);
- while(attributes.more_items())
- {
- Attribute attr;
- attributes.decode(attr);
- const OID& oid = attr.get_oid();
- BER_Decoder value(attr.get_parameters());
- if(oid == OIDS::lookup("PKCS9.EmailAddress"))
- {
- ASN1_String email;
- value.decode(email);
- pkcs9_email.insert(email.value());
- }
- else if(oid == OIDS::lookup("PKCS9.ChallengePassword"))
- {
- ASN1_String challenge_password;
- value.decode(challenge_password);
- data->m_challenge = challenge_password.value();
- }
- else if(oid == OIDS::lookup("PKCS9.ExtensionRequest"))
- {
- value.decode(data->m_extensions).verify_end();
- }
- }
- attributes.verify_end();
- }
- else if(attr_bits.is_set())
- throw BER_Bad_Tag("PKCS10_Request: Unexpected tag for attributes", attr_bits.tagging());
- cert_req_info.verify_end();
- if(auto ext = data->m_extensions.get_extension_object_as<Cert_Extension::Subject_Alternative_Name>())
- {
- data->m_alt_name = ext->get_alt_name();
- }
- for(std::string email : pkcs9_email)
- {
- data->m_alt_name.add_attribute("RFC882", email);
- }
- return data;
- }
-void PKCS10_Request::force_decode()
- {
- m_data.reset();
- std::unique_ptr<PKCS10_Data> data = decode_pkcs10(signed_body());
- m_data.reset(data.release());
- if(!this->check_signature(subject_public_key()))
- throw Decoding_Error("PKCS #10 request: Bad signature detected");
- }
-const PKCS10_Data& PKCS10_Request::data() const
- {
- if(m_data == nullptr)
- throw Decoding_Error("PKCS10_Request decoding failed");
- return *m_data.get();
- }
-* Return the challenge password (if any)
-std::string PKCS10_Request::challenge_password() const
- {
- return data().m_challenge;
- }
-* Return the name of the requestor
-const X509_DN& PKCS10_Request::subject_dn() const
- {
- return data().m_subject_dn;
- }
-* Return the public key of the requestor
-const std::vector<uint8_t>& PKCS10_Request::raw_public_key() const
- {
- return data().m_public_key_bits;
- }
-* Return the public key of the requestor
-Public_Key* PKCS10_Request::subject_public_key() const
- {
- DataSource_Memory source(raw_public_key());
- return X509::load_key(source);
- }
-* Return the alternative names of the requestor
-const AlternativeName& PKCS10_Request::subject_alt_name() const
- {
- return data().m_alt_name;
- }
-* Return the X509v3 extensions
-const Extensions& PKCS10_Request::extensions() const
- {
- return data().m_extensions;
- }
-* Return the key constraints (if any)
-Key_Constraints PKCS10_Request::constraints() const
- {
- if(auto ext = extensions().get(OIDS::lookup("X509v3.KeyUsage")))
- {
- return dynamic_cast<Cert_Extension::Key_Usage&>(*ext).get_constraints();
- }
- }
-* Return the extendend key constraints (if any)
-std::vector<OID> PKCS10_Request::ex_constraints() const
- {
- if(auto ext = extensions().get(OIDS::lookup("X509v3.ExtendedKeyUsage")))
- {
- return dynamic_cast<Cert_Extension::Extended_Key_Usage&>(*ext).get_oids();
- }
- return {};
- }
-* Return is a CA certificate is requested
-bool PKCS10_Request::is_CA() const
- {
- if(auto ext = extensions().get(OIDS::lookup("X509v3.BasicConstraints")))
- {
- return dynamic_cast<Cert_Extension::Basic_Constraints&>(*ext).get_is_ca();
- }
- return false;
- }
-* Return the desired path limit (if any)
-size_t PKCS10_Request::path_limit() const
- {
- if(auto ext = extensions().get(OIDS::lookup("X509v3.BasicConstraints")))
- {
- Cert_Extension::Basic_Constraints& basic_constraints = dynamic_cast<Cert_Extension::Basic_Constraints&>(*ext);
- if(basic_constraints.get_is_ca())
- {
- return basic_constraints.get_path_limit();
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }