path: root/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/x509/x509_ext.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/x509/x509_ext.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 795 deletions
diff --git a/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/x509/x509_ext.h b/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/src/lib/x509/x509_ext.h
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index 687c58b0cd..0000000000
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-* X.509 Certificate Extensions
-* (C) 1999-2007,2012 Jack Lloyd
-* Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt)
-#include <botan/asn1_obj.h>
-#include <botan/asn1_oid.h>
-#include <botan/asn1_alt_name.h>
-#include <botan/cert_status.h>
-#include <botan/name_constraint.h>
-#include <botan/key_constraint.h>
-#include <botan/crl_ent.h>
-#include <set>
-namespace Botan {
-class Data_Store;
-class X509_Certificate;
-* X.509 Certificate Extension
-class BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) Certificate_Extension
- {
- public:
- /**
- * @return OID representing this extension
- */
- virtual OID oid_of() const = 0;
- /*
- * @return specific OID name
- * If possible OIDS table should match oid_name to OIDS, ie
- * OIDS::lookup(ext->oid_name()) == ext->oid_of()
- * Should return empty string if OID is not known
- */
- virtual std::string oid_name() const = 0;
- /**
- * Make a copy of this extension
- * @return copy of this
- */
- virtual Certificate_Extension* copy() const = 0;
- /*
- * Add the contents of this extension into the information
- * for the subject and/or issuer, as necessary.
- * @param subject the subject info
- * @param issuer the issuer info
- */
- virtual void contents_to(Data_Store& subject,
- Data_Store& issuer) const = 0;
- /*
- * Callback visited during path validation.
- *
- * An extension can implement this callback to inspect
- * the path during path validation.
- *
- * If an error occurs during validation of this extension,
- * an appropriate status code shall be added to cert_status.
- *
- * @param subject Subject certificate that contains this extension
- * @param issuer Issuer certificate
- * @param status Certificate validation status codes for subject certificate
- * @param cert_path Certificate path which is currently validated
- * @param pos Position of subject certificate in cert_path
- */
- virtual void validate(const X509_Certificate& subject, const X509_Certificate& issuer,
- const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const X509_Certificate>>& cert_path,
- std::vector<std::set<Certificate_Status_Code>>& cert_status,
- size_t pos);
- virtual ~Certificate_Extension() = default;
- protected:
- friend class Extensions;
- virtual bool should_encode() const { return true; }
- virtual std::vector<uint8_t> encode_inner() const = 0;
- virtual void decode_inner(const std::vector<uint8_t>&) = 0;
- };
-* X.509 Certificate Extension List
-class BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) Extensions final : public ASN1_Object
- {
- public:
- /**
- * Look up an object in the extensions, based on OID Returns
- * nullptr if not set, if the extension was either absent or not
- * handled. The pointer returned is owned by the Extensions
- * object.
- * This would be better with an optional<T> return value
- */
- const Certificate_Extension* get_extension_object(const OID& oid) const;
- template<typename T>
- const T* get_extension_object_as(const OID& oid = T::static_oid()) const
- {
- if(const Certificate_Extension* extn = get_extension_object(oid))
- {
- // Unknown_Extension oid_name is empty
- if(extn->oid_name().empty())
- {
- return nullptr;
- }
- else if(const T* extn_as_T = dynamic_cast<const T*>(extn))
- {
- return extn_as_T;
- }
- else
- {
- throw Exception("Exception::get_extension_object_as dynamic_cast failed");
- }
- }
- return nullptr;
- }
- /**
- * Return the set of extensions in the order they appeared in the certificate
- * (or as they were added, if constructed)
- */
- const std::vector<OID>& get_extension_oids() const
- {
- return m_extension_oids;
- }
- /**
- * Return true if an extension was set
- */
- bool extension_set(const OID& oid) const;
- /**
- * Return true if an extesion was set and marked critical
- */
- bool critical_extension_set(const OID& oid) const;
- /**
- * Return the raw bytes of the extension
- * Will throw if OID was not set as an extension.
- */
- std::vector<uint8_t> get_extension_bits(const OID& oid) const;
- void encode_into(class DER_Encoder&) const override;
- void decode_from(class BER_Decoder&) override;
- void contents_to(Data_Store&, Data_Store&) const;
- /**
- * Adds a new extension to the list.
- * @param extn pointer to the certificate extension (Extensions takes ownership)
- * @param critical whether this extension should be marked as critical
- * @throw Invalid_Argument if the extension is already present in the list
- */
- void add(Certificate_Extension* extn, bool critical = false);
- /**
- * Adds a new extension to the list unless it already exists. If the extension
- * already exists within the Extensions object, the extn pointer will be deleted.
- *
- * @param extn pointer to the certificate extension (Extensions takes ownership)
- * @param critical whether this extension should be marked as critical
- * @return true if the object was added false if the extension was already used
- */
- bool add_new(Certificate_Extension* extn, bool critical = false);
- /**
- * Adds an extension to the list or replaces it.
- * @param extn the certificate extension
- * @param critical whether this extension should be marked as critical
- */
- void replace(Certificate_Extension* extn, bool critical = false);
- /**
- * Searches for an extension by OID and returns the result.
- * Only the known extensions types declared in this header
- * are searched for by this function.
- * @return Copy of extension with oid, nullptr if not found.
- * Can avoid creating a copy by using get_extension_object function
- */
- std::unique_ptr<Certificate_Extension> get(const OID& oid) const;
- /**
- * Searches for an extension by OID and returns the result decoding
- * it to some arbitrary extension type chosen by the application.
- *
- * Only the unknown extensions, that is, extensions types that
- * are not declared in this header, are searched for by this
- * function.
- *
- * @return Pointer to new extension with oid, nullptr if not found.
- */
- template<typename T>
- std::unique_ptr<T> get_raw(const OID& oid) const
- {
- auto extn_info = m_extension_info.find(oid);
- if(extn_info != m_extension_info.end())
- {
- // Unknown_Extension oid_name is empty
- if(extn_info->second.obj().oid_name() == "")
- {
- std::unique_ptr<T> ext(new T);
- ext->decode_inner(extn_info->second.bits());
- return std::move(ext);
- }
- }
- return nullptr;
- }
- /**
- * Returns a copy of the list of extensions together with the corresponding
- * criticality flag. All extensions are encoded as some object, falling back
- * to Unknown_Extension class which simply allows reading the bytes as well
- * as the criticality flag.
- */
- std::vector<std::pair<std::unique_ptr<Certificate_Extension>, bool>> extensions() const;
- /**
- * Returns the list of extensions as raw, encoded bytes
- * together with the corresponding criticality flag.
- * Contains all extensions, including any extensions encoded as Unknown_Extension
- */
- std::map<OID, std::pair<std::vector<uint8_t>, bool>> extensions_raw() const;
- Extensions() {}
- Extensions(const Extensions&) = default;
- Extensions& operator=(const Extensions&) = default;
-#if !defined(BOTAN_BUILD_COMPILER_IS_MSVC_2013)
- Extensions(Extensions&&) = default;
- Extensions& operator=(Extensions&&) = default;
- private:
- static std::unique_ptr<Certificate_Extension>
- create_extn_obj(const OID& oid,
- bool critical,
- const std::vector<uint8_t>& body);
- class Extensions_Info
- {
- public:
- Extensions_Info(bool critical,
- Certificate_Extension* ext) :
- m_obj(ext),
- m_bits(m_obj->encode_inner()),
- m_critical(critical)
- {
- }
- Extensions_Info(bool critical,
- const std::vector<uint8_t>& encoding,
- Certificate_Extension* ext) :
- m_obj(ext),
- m_bits(encoding),
- m_critical(critical)
- {
- }
- bool is_critical() const { return m_critical; }
- const std::vector<uint8_t>& bits() const { return m_bits; }
- const Certificate_Extension& obj() const
- {
- BOTAN_ASSERT_NONNULL(m_obj.get());
- return *m_obj.get();
- }
- private:
- std::shared_ptr<Certificate_Extension> m_obj;
- std::vector<uint8_t> m_bits;
- bool m_critical = false;
- };
- std::vector<OID> m_extension_oids;
- std::map<OID, Extensions_Info> m_extension_info;
- };
-namespace Cert_Extension {
-static const size_t NO_CERT_PATH_LIMIT = 0xFFFFFFF0;
-* Basic Constraints Extension
-class BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) Basic_Constraints final : public Certificate_Extension
- {
- public:
- Basic_Constraints* copy() const override
- { return new Basic_Constraints(m_is_ca, m_path_limit); }
- Basic_Constraints(bool ca = false, size_t limit = 0) :
- m_is_ca(ca), m_path_limit(limit) {}
- bool get_is_ca() const { return m_is_ca; }
- size_t get_path_limit() const;
- static OID static_oid() { return OID(""); }
- OID oid_of() const override { return static_oid(); }
- private:
- std::string oid_name() const override
- { return "X509v3.BasicConstraints"; }
- std::vector<uint8_t> encode_inner() const override;
- void decode_inner(const std::vector<uint8_t>&) override;
- void contents_to(Data_Store&, Data_Store&) const override;
- bool m_is_ca;
- size_t m_path_limit;
- };
-* Key Usage Constraints Extension
-class BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) Key_Usage final : public Certificate_Extension
- {
- public:
- Key_Usage* copy() const override { return new Key_Usage(m_constraints); }
- explicit Key_Usage(Key_Constraints c = NO_CONSTRAINTS) : m_constraints(c) {}
- Key_Constraints get_constraints() const { return m_constraints; }
- static OID static_oid() { return OID(""); }
- OID oid_of() const override { return static_oid(); }
- private:
- std::string oid_name() const override { return "X509v3.KeyUsage"; }
- bool should_encode() const override
- { return (m_constraints != NO_CONSTRAINTS); }
- std::vector<uint8_t> encode_inner() const override;
- void decode_inner(const std::vector<uint8_t>&) override;
- void contents_to(Data_Store&, Data_Store&) const override;
- Key_Constraints m_constraints;
- };
-* Subject Key Identifier Extension
-class BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) Subject_Key_ID final : public Certificate_Extension
- {
- public:
- Subject_Key_ID() = default;
- explicit Subject_Key_ID(const std::vector<uint8_t>& k) : m_key_id(k) {}
- Subject_Key_ID(const std::vector<uint8_t>& public_key,
- const std::string& hash_fn);
- Subject_Key_ID* copy() const override
- { return new Subject_Key_ID(m_key_id); }
- const std::vector<uint8_t>& get_key_id() const { return m_key_id; }
- static OID static_oid() { return OID(""); }
- OID oid_of() const override { return static_oid(); }
- private:
- std::string oid_name() const override
- { return "X509v3.SubjectKeyIdentifier"; }
- bool should_encode() const override { return (m_key_id.size() > 0); }
- std::vector<uint8_t> encode_inner() const override;
- void decode_inner(const std::vector<uint8_t>&) override;
- void contents_to(Data_Store&, Data_Store&) const override;
- std::vector<uint8_t> m_key_id;
- };
-* Authority Key Identifier Extension
-class BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) Authority_Key_ID final : public Certificate_Extension
- {
- public:
- Authority_Key_ID* copy() const override
- { return new Authority_Key_ID(m_key_id); }
- Authority_Key_ID() = default;
- explicit Authority_Key_ID(const std::vector<uint8_t>& k) : m_key_id(k) {}
- const std::vector<uint8_t>& get_key_id() const { return m_key_id; }
- static OID static_oid() { return OID(""); }
- OID oid_of() const override { return static_oid(); }
- private:
- std::string oid_name() const override
- { return "X509v3.AuthorityKeyIdentifier"; }
- bool should_encode() const override { return (m_key_id.size() > 0); }
- std::vector<uint8_t> encode_inner() const override;
- void decode_inner(const std::vector<uint8_t>&) override;
- void contents_to(Data_Store&, Data_Store&) const override;
- std::vector<uint8_t> m_key_id;
- };
-* Subject Alternative Name Extension
-class BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,4) Subject_Alternative_Name final : public Certificate_Extension
- {
- public:
- const AlternativeName& get_alt_name() const { return m_alt_name; }
- static OID static_oid() { return OID(""); }
- OID oid_of() const override { return static_oid(); }
- Subject_Alternative_Name* copy() const override
- { return new Subject_Alternative_Name(get_alt_name()); }
- explicit Subject_Alternative_Name(const AlternativeName& name = AlternativeName()) :
- m_alt_name(name) {}
- private:
- std::string oid_name() const override { return "X509v3.SubjectAlternativeName"; }
- bool should_encode() const override { return m_alt_name.has_items(); }
- std::vector<uint8_t> encode_inner() const override;
- void decode_inner(const std::vector<uint8_t>&) override;
- void contents_to(Data_Store&, Data_Store&) const override;
- AlternativeName m_alt_name;
- };
-* Issuer Alternative Name Extension
-class BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) Issuer_Alternative_Name final : public Certificate_Extension
- {
- public:
- const AlternativeName& get_alt_name() const { return m_alt_name; }
- static OID static_oid() { return OID(""); }
- OID oid_of() const override { return static_oid(); }
- Issuer_Alternative_Name* copy() const override
- { return new Issuer_Alternative_Name(get_alt_name()); }
- explicit Issuer_Alternative_Name(const AlternativeName& name = AlternativeName()) :
- m_alt_name(name) {}
- private:
- std::string oid_name() const override { return "X509v3.IssuerAlternativeName"; }
- bool should_encode() const override { return m_alt_name.has_items(); }
- std::vector<uint8_t> encode_inner() const override;
- void decode_inner(const std::vector<uint8_t>&) override;
- void contents_to(Data_Store&, Data_Store&) const override;
- AlternativeName m_alt_name;
- };
-* Extended Key Usage Extension
-class BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) Extended_Key_Usage final : public Certificate_Extension
- {
- public:
- Extended_Key_Usage* copy() const override
- { return new Extended_Key_Usage(m_oids); }
- Extended_Key_Usage() = default;
- explicit Extended_Key_Usage(const std::vector<OID>& o) : m_oids(o) {}
- const std::vector<OID>& get_oids() const { return m_oids; }
- static OID static_oid() { return OID(""); }
- OID oid_of() const override { return static_oid(); }
- private:
- std::string oid_name() const override { return "X509v3.ExtendedKeyUsage"; }
- bool should_encode() const override { return (m_oids.size() > 0); }
- std::vector<uint8_t> encode_inner() const override;
- void decode_inner(const std::vector<uint8_t>&) override;
- void contents_to(Data_Store&, Data_Store&) const override;
- std::vector<OID> m_oids;
- };
-* Name Constraints
-class BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) Name_Constraints final : public Certificate_Extension
- {
- public:
- Name_Constraints* copy() const override
- { return new Name_Constraints(m_name_constraints); }
- Name_Constraints() = default;
- Name_Constraints(const NameConstraints &nc) : m_name_constraints(nc) {}
- void validate(const X509_Certificate& subject, const X509_Certificate& issuer,
- const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const X509_Certificate>>& cert_path,
- std::vector<std::set<Certificate_Status_Code>>& cert_status,
- size_t pos) override;
- const NameConstraints& get_name_constraints() const { return m_name_constraints; }
- static OID static_oid() { return OID(""); }
- OID oid_of() const override { return static_oid(); }
- private:
- std::string oid_name() const override
- { return "X509v3.NameConstraints"; }
- bool should_encode() const override { return true; }
- std::vector<uint8_t> encode_inner() const override;
- void decode_inner(const std::vector<uint8_t>&) override;
- void contents_to(Data_Store&, Data_Store&) const override;
- NameConstraints m_name_constraints;
- };
-* Certificate Policies Extension
-class BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) Certificate_Policies final : public Certificate_Extension
- {
- public:
- Certificate_Policies* copy() const override
- { return new Certificate_Policies(m_oids); }
- Certificate_Policies() = default;
- explicit Certificate_Policies(const std::vector<OID>& o) : m_oids(o) {}
- BOTAN_DEPRECATED("Use get_policy_oids")
- std::vector<OID> get_oids() const { return m_oids; }
- const std::vector<OID>& get_policy_oids() const { return m_oids; }
- static OID static_oid() { return OID(""); }
- OID oid_of() const override { return static_oid(); }
- void validate(const X509_Certificate& subject, const X509_Certificate& issuer,
- const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const X509_Certificate>>& cert_path,
- std::vector<std::set<Certificate_Status_Code>>& cert_status,
- size_t pos) override;
- private:
- std::string oid_name() const override
- { return "X509v3.CertificatePolicies"; }
- bool should_encode() const override { return (m_oids.size() > 0); }
- std::vector<uint8_t> encode_inner() const override;
- void decode_inner(const std::vector<uint8_t>&) override;
- void contents_to(Data_Store&, Data_Store&) const override;
- std::vector<OID> m_oids;
- };
-* Authority Information Access Extension
-class BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) Authority_Information_Access final : public Certificate_Extension
- {
- public:
- Authority_Information_Access* copy() const override
- { return new Authority_Information_Access(m_ocsp_responder, m_ca_issuers); }
- Authority_Information_Access() = default;
- explicit Authority_Information_Access(const std::string& ocsp, const std::vector<std::string>& ca_issuers = std::vector<std::string>()) :
- m_ocsp_responder(ocsp), m_ca_issuers(ca_issuers) {}
- std::string ocsp_responder() const { return m_ocsp_responder; }
- static OID static_oid() { return OID(""); }
- OID oid_of() const override { return static_oid(); }
- const std::vector<std::string> ca_issuers() const { return m_ca_issuers; }
- private:
- std::string oid_name() const override
- { return "PKIX.AuthorityInformationAccess"; }
- bool should_encode() const override { return (!m_ocsp_responder.empty()); }
- std::vector<uint8_t> encode_inner() const override;
- void decode_inner(const std::vector<uint8_t>&) override;
- void contents_to(Data_Store&, Data_Store&) const override;
- std::string m_ocsp_responder;
- std::vector<std::string> m_ca_issuers;
- };
-* CRL Number Extension
-class BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) CRL_Number final : public Certificate_Extension
- {
- public:
- CRL_Number* copy() const override;
- CRL_Number() : m_has_value(false), m_crl_number(0) {}
- CRL_Number(size_t n) : m_has_value(true), m_crl_number(n) {}
- size_t get_crl_number() const;
- static OID static_oid() { return OID(""); }
- OID oid_of() const override { return static_oid(); }
- private:
- std::string oid_name() const override { return "X509v3.CRLNumber"; }
- bool should_encode() const override { return m_has_value; }
- std::vector<uint8_t> encode_inner() const override;
- void decode_inner(const std::vector<uint8_t>&) override;
- void contents_to(Data_Store&, Data_Store&) const override;
- bool m_has_value;
- size_t m_crl_number;
- };
-* CRL Entry Reason Code Extension
-class BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) CRL_ReasonCode final : public Certificate_Extension
- {
- public:
- CRL_ReasonCode* copy() const override
- { return new CRL_ReasonCode(m_reason); }
- explicit CRL_ReasonCode(CRL_Code r = UNSPECIFIED) : m_reason(r) {}
- CRL_Code get_reason() const { return m_reason; }
- static OID static_oid() { return OID(""); }
- OID oid_of() const override { return static_oid(); }
- private:
- std::string oid_name() const override { return "X509v3.ReasonCode"; }
- bool should_encode() const override { return (m_reason != UNSPECIFIED); }
- std::vector<uint8_t> encode_inner() const override;
- void decode_inner(const std::vector<uint8_t>&) override;
- void contents_to(Data_Store&, Data_Store&) const override;
- CRL_Code m_reason;
- };
-* CRL Distribution Points Extension
-* todo enforce restrictions from RFC 5280
-class BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) CRL_Distribution_Points final : public Certificate_Extension
- {
- public:
- class BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) Distribution_Point final : public ASN1_Object
- {
- public:
- void encode_into(class DER_Encoder&) const override;
- void decode_from(class BER_Decoder&) override;
- const AlternativeName& point() const { return m_point; }
- private:
- AlternativeName m_point;
- };
- CRL_Distribution_Points* copy() const override
- { return new CRL_Distribution_Points(m_distribution_points); }
- CRL_Distribution_Points() = default;
- explicit CRL_Distribution_Points(const std::vector<Distribution_Point>& points) :
- m_distribution_points(points) {}
- const std::vector<Distribution_Point>& distribution_points() const
- { return m_distribution_points; }
- const std::vector<std::string>& crl_distribution_urls() const
- { return m_crl_distribution_urls; }
- static OID static_oid() { return OID(""); }
- OID oid_of() const override { return static_oid(); }
- private:
- std::string oid_name() const override
- { return "X509v3.CRLDistributionPoints"; }
- bool should_encode() const override
- { return !m_distribution_points.empty(); }
- std::vector<uint8_t> encode_inner() const override;
- void decode_inner(const std::vector<uint8_t>&) override;
- void contents_to(Data_Store&, Data_Store&) const override;
- std::vector<Distribution_Point> m_distribution_points;
- std::vector<std::string> m_crl_distribution_urls;
- };
-* CRL Issuing Distribution Point Extension
-* todo enforce restrictions from RFC 5280 5.2.5
-class CRL_Issuing_Distribution_Point final : public Certificate_Extension
- {
- public:
- CRL_Issuing_Distribution_Point() = default;
- explicit CRL_Issuing_Distribution_Point(const CRL_Distribution_Points::Distribution_Point& distribution_point) :
- m_distribution_point(distribution_point) {}
- CRL_Issuing_Distribution_Point* copy() const override
- { return new CRL_Issuing_Distribution_Point(m_distribution_point); }
- const AlternativeName& get_point() const
- { return m_distribution_point.point(); }
- static OID static_oid() { return OID(""); }
- OID oid_of() const override { return static_oid(); }
- private:
- std::string oid_name() const override
- { return "X509v3.CRLIssuingDistributionPoint"; }
- bool should_encode() const override { return true; }
- std::vector<uint8_t> encode_inner() const override;
- void decode_inner(const std::vector<uint8_t>&) override;
- void contents_to(Data_Store&, Data_Store&) const override;
- CRL_Distribution_Points::Distribution_Point m_distribution_point;
- };
-* An unknown X.509 extension
-* Will add a failure to the path validation result, if critical
-class BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,4) Unknown_Extension final : public Certificate_Extension
- {
- public:
- Unknown_Extension(const OID& oid, bool critical) :
- m_oid(oid), m_critical(critical) {}
- Unknown_Extension* copy() const override
- { return new Unknown_Extension(m_oid, m_critical); }
- /**
- * Return the OID of this unknown extension
- */
- OID oid_of() const override
- { return m_oid; }
- //static_oid not defined for Unknown_Extension
- /**
- * Return the extension contents
- */
- const std::vector<uint8_t>& extension_contents() const { return m_bytes; }
- /**
- * Return if this extension was marked critical
- */
- bool is_critical_extension() const { return m_critical; }
- void validate(const X509_Certificate&, const X509_Certificate&,
- const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const X509_Certificate>>&,
- std::vector<std::set<Certificate_Status_Code>>& cert_status,
- size_t pos) override
- {
- if(m_critical)
- {
- cert_status.at(pos).insert(Certificate_Status_Code::UNKNOWN_CRITICAL_EXTENSION);
- }
- }
- private:
- std::string oid_name() const override { return ""; }
- bool should_encode() const override { return true; }
- std::vector<uint8_t> encode_inner() const override;
- void decode_inner(const std::vector<uint8_t>&) override;
- void contents_to(Data_Store&, Data_Store&) const override;
- OID m_oid;
- bool m_critical;
- std::vector<uint8_t> m_bytes;
- };
- }