path: root/src/libs/3rdparty/winpty/src/winpty.gyp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/libs/3rdparty/winpty/src/winpty.gyp')
1 files changed, 206 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/libs/3rdparty/winpty/src/winpty.gyp b/src/libs/3rdparty/winpty/src/winpty.gyp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7ee68d55e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libs/3rdparty/winpty/src/winpty.gyp
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+ # The MSVC generator is the default. Select the compiler version by
+ # passing -G msvs_version=<ver> to gyp. <ver> is a string like 2013e.
+ # See gyp\pylib\gyp\MSVSVersion.py for sample version strings. You
+ # can also pass configurations.gypi to gyp for 32-bit and 64-bit builds.
+ # See that file for details.
+ #
+ # Pass --format=make to gyp to generate a Makefile instead. The Makefile
+ # can be configured by passing variables to make, e.g.:
+ # make -j4 CXX=i686-w64-mingw32-g++ LDFLAGS="-static -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++"
+ 'variables': {
+ 'WINPTY_COMMIT_HASH%': '<!(cmd /c "cd shared && GetCommitHash.bat")',
+ },
+ 'target_defaults' : {
+ 'defines' : [
+ '_WIN32_WINNT=0x0501',
+ ],
+ 'include_dirs': [
+ # Add the 'src/gen' directory to the include path and force gyp to
+ # run the script (re)generating the version header.
+ '<!(cmd /c "cd shared && UpdateGenVersion.bat <(WINPTY_COMMIT_HASH)")',
+ ],
+ },
+ 'targets' : [
+ {
+ 'target_name' : 'winpty-agent',
+ 'type' : 'executable',
+ 'include_dirs' : [
+ 'include',
+ ],
+ 'defines' : [
+ ],
+ 'libraries' : [
+ '-ladvapi32',
+ '-lshell32',
+ '-luser32',
+ ],
+ 'msvs_settings': {
+ # Specify this setting here to override a setting from somewhere
+ # else, such as node's common.gypi.
+ 'VCCLCompilerTool': {
+ 'ExceptionHandling': '1', # /EHsc
+ },
+ },
+ 'sources' : [
+ 'agent/Agent.h',
+ 'agent/Agent.cc',
+ 'agent/AgentCreateDesktop.h',
+ 'agent/AgentCreateDesktop.cc',
+ 'agent/ConsoleFont.cc',
+ 'agent/ConsoleFont.h',
+ 'agent/ConsoleInput.cc',
+ 'agent/ConsoleInput.h',
+ 'agent/ConsoleInputReencoding.cc',
+ 'agent/ConsoleInputReencoding.h',
+ 'agent/ConsoleLine.cc',
+ 'agent/ConsoleLine.h',
+ 'agent/Coord.h',
+ 'agent/DebugShowInput.h',
+ 'agent/DebugShowInput.cc',
+ 'agent/DefaultInputMap.h',
+ 'agent/DefaultInputMap.cc',
+ 'agent/DsrSender.h',
+ 'agent/EventLoop.h',
+ 'agent/EventLoop.cc',
+ 'agent/InputMap.h',
+ 'agent/InputMap.cc',
+ 'agent/LargeConsoleRead.h',
+ 'agent/LargeConsoleRead.cc',
+ 'agent/NamedPipe.h',
+ 'agent/NamedPipe.cc',
+ 'agent/Scraper.h',
+ 'agent/Scraper.cc',
+ 'agent/SimplePool.h',
+ 'agent/SmallRect.h',
+ 'agent/Terminal.h',
+ 'agent/Terminal.cc',
+ 'agent/UnicodeEncoding.h',
+ 'agent/Win32Console.cc',
+ 'agent/Win32Console.h',
+ 'agent/Win32ConsoleBuffer.cc',
+ 'agent/Win32ConsoleBuffer.h',
+ 'agent/main.cc',
+ 'shared/AgentMsg.h',
+ 'shared/BackgroundDesktop.h',
+ 'shared/BackgroundDesktop.cc',
+ 'shared/Buffer.h',
+ 'shared/Buffer.cc',
+ 'shared/DebugClient.h',
+ 'shared/DebugClient.cc',
+ 'shared/GenRandom.h',
+ 'shared/GenRandom.cc',
+ 'shared/OsModule.h',
+ 'shared/OwnedHandle.h',
+ 'shared/OwnedHandle.cc',
+ 'shared/StringBuilder.h',
+ 'shared/StringUtil.cc',
+ 'shared/StringUtil.h',
+ 'shared/UnixCtrlChars.h',
+ 'shared/WindowsSecurity.cc',
+ 'shared/WindowsSecurity.h',
+ 'shared/WindowsVersion.h',
+ 'shared/WindowsVersion.cc',
+ 'shared/WinptyAssert.h',
+ 'shared/WinptyAssert.cc',
+ 'shared/WinptyException.h',
+ 'shared/WinptyException.cc',
+ 'shared/WinptyVersion.h',
+ 'shared/WinptyVersion.cc',
+ 'shared/winpty_snprintf.h',
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ 'target_name' : 'winpty',
+ 'type' : 'shared_library',
+ 'include_dirs' : [
+ 'include',
+ ],
+ 'defines' : [
+ ],
+ 'libraries' : [
+ '-ladvapi32',
+ '-luser32',
+ ],
+ 'msvs_settings': {
+ # Specify this setting here to override a setting from somewhere
+ # else, such as node's common.gypi.
+ 'VCCLCompilerTool': {
+ 'ExceptionHandling': '1', # /EHsc
+ },
+ },
+ 'sources' : [
+ 'include/winpty.h',
+ 'libwinpty/AgentLocation.cc',
+ 'libwinpty/AgentLocation.h',
+ 'libwinpty/winpty.cc',
+ 'shared/AgentMsg.h',
+ 'shared/BackgroundDesktop.h',
+ 'shared/BackgroundDesktop.cc',
+ 'shared/Buffer.h',
+ 'shared/Buffer.cc',
+ 'shared/DebugClient.h',
+ 'shared/DebugClient.cc',
+ 'shared/GenRandom.h',
+ 'shared/GenRandom.cc',
+ 'shared/OsModule.h',
+ 'shared/OwnedHandle.h',
+ 'shared/OwnedHandle.cc',
+ 'shared/StringBuilder.h',
+ 'shared/StringUtil.cc',
+ 'shared/StringUtil.h',
+ 'shared/WindowsSecurity.cc',
+ 'shared/WindowsSecurity.h',
+ 'shared/WindowsVersion.h',
+ 'shared/WindowsVersion.cc',
+ 'shared/WinptyAssert.h',
+ 'shared/WinptyAssert.cc',
+ 'shared/WinptyException.h',
+ 'shared/WinptyException.cc',
+ 'shared/WinptyVersion.h',
+ 'shared/WinptyVersion.cc',
+ 'shared/winpty_snprintf.h',
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ 'target_name' : 'winpty-debugserver',
+ 'type' : 'executable',
+ 'msvs_settings': {
+ # Specify this setting here to override a setting from somewhere
+ # else, such as node's common.gypi.
+ 'VCCLCompilerTool': {
+ 'ExceptionHandling': '1', # /EHsc
+ },
+ },
+ 'sources' : [
+ 'debugserver/DebugServer.cc',
+ 'shared/DebugClient.h',
+ 'shared/DebugClient.cc',
+ 'shared/OwnedHandle.h',
+ 'shared/OwnedHandle.cc',
+ 'shared/OsModule.h',
+ 'shared/StringBuilder.h',
+ 'shared/StringUtil.cc',
+ 'shared/StringUtil.h',
+ 'shared/WindowsSecurity.h',
+ 'shared/WindowsSecurity.cc',
+ 'shared/WindowsVersion.h',
+ 'shared/WindowsVersion.cc',
+ 'shared/WinptyAssert.h',
+ 'shared/WinptyAssert.cc',
+ 'shared/WinptyException.h',
+ 'shared/WinptyException.cc',
+ 'shared/winpty_snprintf.h',
+ ],
+ 'libraries' : [
+ '-ladvapi32',
+ ],
+ }
+ ],