path: root/src/libs/utils/process.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/libs/utils/process.cpp')
1 files changed, 2134 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/libs/utils/process.cpp b/src/libs/utils/process.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..85d3fa54ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libs/utils/process.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,2134 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0
+#include "process.h"
+#include "algorithm.h"
+#include "environment.h"
+#include "guard.h"
+#include "hostosinfo.h"
+#include "launcherinterface.h"
+#include "launchersocket.h"
+#include "processreaper.h"
+#include "processutils.h"
+#include "stringutils.h"
+#include "terminalhooks.h"
+#include "threadutils.h"
+#include "utilstr.h"
+#include <iptyprocess.h>
+#include <ptyqt.h>
+#include <QCoreApplication>
+#include <QDebug>
+#include <QDir>
+#include <QElapsedTimer>
+#include <QLoggingCategory>
+#include <QScopeGuard>
+#include <QTextCodec>
+#include <QThread>
+#include <QTimer>
+#ifdef QT_GUI_LIB
+// qmlpuppet does not use that.
+#include <QApplication>
+#include <QMessageBox>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <atomic>
+#include <chrono>
+#include <functional>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <limits>
+#include <memory>
+using namespace Utils::Internal;
+namespace Utils {
+namespace Internal {
+const char QTC_PROCESS_NUMBER[] = "__NUMBER__";
+class MeasureAndRun
+ MeasureAndRun(const char *functionName)
+ : m_functionName(functionName)
+ , m_measureProcess(qtcEnvironmentVariableIsSet("QTC_MEASURE_PROCESS"))
+ {}
+ template <typename Function, typename... Args>
+ std::invoke_result_t<Function, Args...> measureAndRun(Function &&function, Args&&... args)
+ {
+ if (!m_measureProcess)
+ return std::invoke(std::forward<Function>(function), std::forward<Args>(args)...);
+ QElapsedTimer timer;
+ timer.start();
+ auto cleanup = qScopeGuard([this, &timer] {
+ const qint64 currentNsecs = timer.nsecsElapsed();
+ const bool mainThread = isMainThread();
+ const int hitThisAll = m_hitThisAll.fetch_add(1) + 1;
+ const int hitAllAll = m_hitAllAll.fetch_add(1) + 1;
+ const int hitThisMain = mainThread
+ ? m_hitThisMain.fetch_add(1) + 1
+ : m_hitThisMain.load();
+ const int hitAllMain = mainThread
+ ? m_hitAllMain.fetch_add(1) + 1
+ : m_hitAllMain.load();
+ const qint64 totalThisAll = toMs(m_totalThisAll.fetch_add(currentNsecs) + currentNsecs);
+ const qint64 totalAllAll = toMs(m_totalAllAll.fetch_add(currentNsecs) + currentNsecs);
+ const qint64 totalThisMain = toMs(mainThread
+ ? m_totalThisMain.fetch_add(currentNsecs) + currentNsecs
+ : m_totalThisMain.load());
+ const qint64 totalAllMain = toMs(mainThread
+ ? m_totalAllMain.fetch_add(currentNsecs) + currentNsecs
+ : m_totalAllMain.load());
+ printMeasurement(QLatin1String(m_functionName), hitThisAll, toMs(currentNsecs),
+ totalThisAll, hitAllAll, totalAllAll, mainThread,
+ hitThisMain, totalThisMain, hitAllMain, totalAllMain);
+ });
+ return std::invoke(std::forward<Function>(function), std::forward<Args>(args)...);
+ }
+ static void printHeader()
+ {
+ // [function/thread]: function:(T)his|(A)ll, thread:(M)ain|(A)ll
+ qDebug() << "+----------------+-------+---------+----------+-------+----------+---------+-------+----------+-------+----------+";
+ qDebug() << "| [Function/Thread] = [(T|A)/(M|A)], where: (T)his function, (A)ll functions / threads, (M)ain thread |";
+ qDebug() << "+----------------+-------+---------+----------+-------+----------+---------+-------+----------+-------+----------+";
+ qDebug() << "| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |";
+ qDebug() << "| | [T/A] | [T/A] | [T/A] | [A/A] | [A/A] | | [T/M] | [T/M] | [A/M] | [A/M] |";
+ qDebug() << "| Function | Hit | Current | Total | Hit | Total | Current | Hit | Total | Hit | Total |";
+ qDebug() << "| Name | Count | Measu- | Measu- | Count | Measu- | is Main | Count | Measu- | Count | Measu- |";
+ qDebug() << "| | | rement | rement | | rement | Thread | | rement | | rement |";
+ qDebug() << "+----------------+-------+---------+----------+-------+----------+---------+-------+----------+-------+----------+";
+ }
+ static void printMeasurement(const QString &functionName, int hitThisAll, int currentNsecs,
+ int totalThisAll, int hitAllAll, int totalAllAll, bool isMainThread,
+ int hitThisMain, int totalThisMain, int hitAllMain, int totalAllMain)
+ {
+ static const int repeatHeaderLineCount = 25;
+ if (s_lineCounter.fetch_add(1) % repeatHeaderLineCount == 0)
+ printHeader();
+ const QString &functionNameField = QString("%1").arg(functionName, 14);
+ const QString &hitThisAllField = formatField(hitThisAll, 5);
+ const QString &currentNsecsField = formatField(currentNsecs, 7, " ms");
+ const QString &totalThisAllField = formatField(totalThisAll, 8, " ms");
+ const QString &hitAllAllField = formatField(hitAllAll, 5);
+ const QString &totalAllAllField = formatField(totalAllAll, 8, " ms");
+ const QString &mainThreadField = isMainThread ? QString("%1").arg("yes", 7)
+ : QString("%1").arg("no", 7);
+ const QString &hitThisMainField = formatField(hitThisMain, 5);
+ const QString &totalThisMainField = formatField(totalThisMain, 8, " ms");
+ const QString &hitAllMainField = formatField(hitAllMain, 5);
+ const QString &totalAllMainField = formatField(totalAllMain, 8, " ms");
+ const QString &totalString = QString("| %1 | %2 | %3 | %4 | %5 | %6 | %7 | %8 | %9 | %10 | %11 |")
+ .arg(functionNameField, hitThisAllField, currentNsecsField,
+ totalThisAllField, hitAllAllField, totalAllAllField, mainThreadField,
+ hitThisMainField, totalThisMainField, hitAllMainField, totalAllMainField);
+ qDebug("%s", qPrintable(totalString));
+ }
+ static QString formatField(int number, int fieldWidth, const QString &suffix = {})
+ {
+ return QString("%1%2").arg(number, fieldWidth - suffix.count()).arg(suffix);
+ }
+ static int toMs(quint64 nsesc) // nanoseconds to miliseconds
+ {
+ static const int halfMillion = 500000;
+ static const int million = 2 * halfMillion;
+ return int((nsesc + halfMillion) / million);
+ }
+ const char * const m_functionName;
+ const bool m_measureProcess;
+ std::atomic_int m_hitThisAll = 0;
+ std::atomic_int m_hitThisMain = 0;
+ std::atomic_int64_t m_totalThisAll = 0;
+ std::atomic_int64_t m_totalThisMain = 0;
+ static std::atomic_int m_hitAllAll;
+ static std::atomic_int m_hitAllMain;
+ static std::atomic_int64_t m_totalAllAll;
+ static std::atomic_int64_t m_totalAllMain;
+ static std::atomic_int s_lineCounter;
+std::atomic_int MeasureAndRun::m_hitAllAll = 0;
+std::atomic_int MeasureAndRun::m_hitAllMain = 0;
+std::atomic_int64_t MeasureAndRun::m_totalAllAll = 0;
+std::atomic_int64_t MeasureAndRun::m_totalAllMain = 0;
+std::atomic_int MeasureAndRun::s_lineCounter = 0;
+static MeasureAndRun s_start = MeasureAndRun("start");
+static MeasureAndRun s_waitForStarted = MeasureAndRun("waitForStarted");
+enum { debug = 0 };
+enum { syncDebug = 0 };
+enum { defaultMaxHangTimerCount = 10 };
+static Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(processLog, "qtc.utils.process", QtWarningMsg)
+static Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(processStdoutLog, "qtc.utils.process.stdout", QtWarningMsg)
+static Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(processStderrLog, "qtc.utils.process.stderr", QtWarningMsg)
+static DeviceProcessHooks s_deviceHooks;
+// Data for one channel buffer (stderr/stdout)
+class ChannelBuffer
+ void clearForRun();
+ void handleRest();
+ void append(const QByteArray &text);
+ QByteArray readAllData() { return std::exchange(rawData, {}); }
+ QByteArray rawData;
+ QString incompleteLineBuffer; // lines not yet signaled
+ QTextCodec *codec = nullptr; // Not owner
+ std::unique_ptr<QTextCodec::ConverterState> codecState;
+ std::function<void(const QString &lines)> outputCallback;
+ TextChannelMode m_textChannelMode = TextChannelMode::Off;
+ bool emitSingleLines = true;
+ bool keepRawData = true;
+class DefaultImpl : public ProcessInterface
+ virtual void start() final;
+ virtual void doDefaultStart(const QString &program, const QStringList &arguments) = 0;
+ bool dissolveCommand(QString *program, QStringList *arguments);
+ bool ensureProgramExists(const QString &program);
+void DefaultImpl::start()
+ QString program;
+ QStringList arguments;
+ if (!dissolveCommand(&program, &arguments))
+ return;
+ if (!ensureProgramExists(program))
+ return;
+ s_start.measureAndRun(&DefaultImpl::doDefaultStart, this, program, arguments);
+bool DefaultImpl::dissolveCommand(QString *program, QStringList *arguments)
+ const CommandLine &commandLine = m_setup.m_commandLine;
+ QString commandString;
+ ProcessArgs processArgs;
+ const bool success = ProcessArgs::prepareCommand(commandLine, &commandString, &processArgs,
+ &m_setup.m_environment,
+ &m_setup.m_workingDirectory);
+ if (commandLine.executable().osType() == OsTypeWindows) {
+ QString args;
+ if (m_setup.m_useCtrlCStub) {
+ if (m_setup.m_lowPriority)
+ ProcessArgs::addArg(&args, "-nice");
+ ProcessArgs::addArg(&args, QDir::toNativeSeparators(commandString));
+ commandString = QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath()
+ + QLatin1String("/qtcreator_ctrlc_stub.exe");
+ } else if (m_setup.m_lowPriority) {
+ m_setup.m_belowNormalPriority = true;
+ }
+ ProcessArgs::addArgs(&args, processArgs.toWindowsArgs());
+ m_setup.m_nativeArguments = args;
+ // Note: Arguments set with setNativeArgs will be appended to the ones
+ // passed with start() below.
+ *arguments = {};
+ } else {
+ if (!success) {
+ const ProcessResultData result = {0,
+ QProcess::NormalExit,
+ QProcess::FailedToStart,
+ Tr::tr("Error in command line.")};
+ emit done(result);
+ return false;
+ }
+ *arguments = processArgs.toUnixArgs();
+ }
+ *program = commandString;
+ return true;
+static FilePath resolve(const FilePath &workingDir, const FilePath &filePath)
+ if (filePath.isAbsolutePath())
+ return filePath;
+ const FilePath fromWorkingDir = workingDir.resolvePath(filePath);
+ if (fromWorkingDir.exists() && fromWorkingDir.isExecutableFile())
+ return fromWorkingDir;
+ return filePath.searchInPath();
+bool DefaultImpl::ensureProgramExists(const QString &program)
+ const FilePath programFilePath = resolve(m_setup.m_workingDirectory,
+ FilePath::fromString(program));
+ if (programFilePath.exists() && programFilePath.isExecutableFile())
+ return true;
+ const QString errorString
+ = Tr::tr("The program \"%1\" does not exist or is not executable.").arg(program);
+ const ProcessResultData result = { 0, QProcess::NormalExit, QProcess::FailedToStart,
+ errorString };
+ emit done(result);
+ return false;
+class QProcessBlockingImpl : public ProcessBlockingInterface
+ QProcessBlockingImpl(QProcess *process) : m_process(process) {}
+ bool waitForSignal(ProcessSignalType signalType, int msecs) final
+ {
+ switch (signalType) {
+ case ProcessSignalType::Started:
+ return m_process->waitForStarted(msecs);
+ case ProcessSignalType::ReadyRead:
+ return m_process->waitForReadyRead(msecs);
+ case ProcessSignalType::Done:
+ return m_process->waitForFinished(msecs);
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ QProcess *m_process = nullptr;
+class PtyProcessImpl final : public DefaultImpl
+ ~PtyProcessImpl() { QTC_CHECK(m_setup.m_ptyData); m_setup.m_ptyData->setResizeHandler({}); }
+ qint64 write(const QByteArray &data) final
+ {
+ if (m_ptyProcess)
+ return m_ptyProcess->write(data);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ void sendControlSignal(ControlSignal controlSignal) final
+ {
+ if (!m_ptyProcess)
+ return;
+ switch (controlSignal) {
+ case ControlSignal::Terminate:
+ m_ptyProcess.reset();
+ break;
+ case ControlSignal::Kill:
+ m_ptyProcess->kill();
+ break;
+ default:
+ QTC_CHECK(false);
+ }
+ }
+ void doDefaultStart(const QString &program, const QStringList &arguments) final
+ {
+ QTC_CHECK(m_setup.m_ptyData);
+ m_setup.m_ptyData->setResizeHandler([this](const QSize &size) {
+ if (m_ptyProcess)
+ m_ptyProcess->resize(size.width(), size.height());
+ });
+ m_ptyProcess.reset(PtyQt::createPtyProcess(IPtyProcess::AutoPty));
+ if (!m_ptyProcess) {
+ const ProcessResultData result = {-1,
+ QProcess::CrashExit,
+ QProcess::FailedToStart,
+ "Failed to create pty process"};
+ emit done(result);
+ return;
+ }
+ QProcessEnvironment penv = m_setup.m_environment.toProcessEnvironment();
+ if (penv.isEmpty())
+ penv = Environment::systemEnvironment().toProcessEnvironment();
+ const QStringList senv = penv.toStringList();
+ bool startResult
+ = m_ptyProcess->startProcess(program,
+ HostOsInfo::isWindowsHost()
+ ? QStringList{m_setup.m_nativeArguments} << arguments
+ : arguments,
+ m_setup.m_workingDirectory.nativePath(),
+ senv,
+ m_setup.m_ptyData->size().width(),
+ m_setup.m_ptyData->size().height());
+ if (!startResult) {
+ const ProcessResultData result = {-1,
+ QProcess::CrashExit,
+ QProcess::FailedToStart,
+ "Failed to start pty process: "
+ + m_ptyProcess->lastError()};
+ emit done(result);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!m_ptyProcess->lastError().isEmpty()) {
+ const ProcessResultData result
+ = {-1, QProcess::CrashExit, QProcess::FailedToStart, m_ptyProcess->lastError()};
+ emit done(result);
+ return;
+ }
+ connect(m_ptyProcess->notifier(), &QIODevice::readyRead, this, [this] {
+ emit readyRead(m_ptyProcess->readAll(), {});
+ });
+ connect(m_ptyProcess->notifier(), &QIODevice::aboutToClose, this, [this] {
+ if (m_ptyProcess) {
+ const ProcessResultData result
+ = {m_ptyProcess->exitCode(), QProcess::NormalExit, QProcess::UnknownError, {}};
+ emit done(result);
+ return;
+ }
+ const ProcessResultData result = {0, QProcess::NormalExit, QProcess::UnknownError, {}};
+ emit done(result);
+ });
+ emit started(m_ptyProcess->pid());
+ }
+ std::unique_ptr<IPtyProcess> m_ptyProcess;
+class QProcessImpl final : public DefaultImpl
+ QProcessImpl()
+ : m_process(new ProcessHelper(this))
+ , m_blockingImpl(new QProcessBlockingImpl(m_process))
+ {
+ connect(m_process, &QProcess::started, this, &QProcessImpl::handleStarted);
+ connect(m_process, &QProcess::finished, this, &QProcessImpl::handleFinished);
+ connect(m_process, &QProcess::errorOccurred, this, &QProcessImpl::handleError);
+ connect(m_process, &QProcess::readyReadStandardOutput, this, [this] {
+ emit readyRead(m_process->readAllStandardOutput(), {});
+ });
+ connect(m_process, &QProcess::readyReadStandardError, this, [this] {
+ emit readyRead({}, m_process->readAllStandardError());
+ });
+ }
+ ~QProcessImpl() final { ProcessReaper::reap(m_process, m_setup.m_reaperTimeout); }
+ qint64 write(const QByteArray &data) final { return m_process->write(data); }
+ void sendControlSignal(ControlSignal controlSignal) final {
+ switch (controlSignal) {
+ case ControlSignal::Terminate:
+ ProcessHelper::terminateProcess(m_process);
+ break;
+ case ControlSignal::Kill:
+ m_process->kill();
+ break;
+ case ControlSignal::Interrupt:
+ ProcessHelper::interruptProcess(m_process);
+ break;
+ case ControlSignal::KickOff:
+ QTC_CHECK(false);
+ break;
+ case ControlSignal::CloseWriteChannel:
+ m_process->closeWriteChannel();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ virtual ProcessBlockingInterface *processBlockingInterface() const { return m_blockingImpl; }
+ void doDefaultStart(const QString &program, const QStringList &arguments) final
+ {
+ QTC_ASSERT(QThread::currentThread()->eventDispatcher(),
+ qWarning("Process::start(): Starting a process in a non QThread thread "
+ "may cause infinite hang when destroying the running process."));
+ ProcessStartHandler *handler = m_process->processStartHandler();
+ handler->setProcessMode(m_setup.m_processMode);
+ handler->setWriteData(m_setup.m_writeData);
+ handler->setNativeArguments(m_setup.m_nativeArguments);
+ handler->setWindowsSpecificStartupFlags(m_setup.m_belowNormalPriority,
+ m_setup.m_createConsoleOnWindows);
+ const QProcessEnvironment penv = m_setup.m_environment.toProcessEnvironment();
+ if (!penv.isEmpty())
+ m_process->setProcessEnvironment(penv);
+ m_process->setWorkingDirectory(m_setup.m_workingDirectory.path());
+ m_process->setStandardInputFile(m_setup.m_standardInputFile);
+ m_process->setProcessChannelMode(m_setup.m_processChannelMode);
+ if (m_setup.m_lowPriority)
+ m_process->setLowPriority();
+ if (m_setup.m_unixTerminalDisabled)
+ m_process->setUnixTerminalDisabled();
+ m_process->setUseCtrlCStub(m_setup.m_useCtrlCStub);
+ m_process->start(program, arguments, handler->openMode());
+ handler->handleProcessStart();
+ }
+ void handleStarted()
+ {
+ m_process->processStartHandler()->handleProcessStarted();
+ emit started(m_process->processId());
+ }
+ void handleError(QProcess::ProcessError error)
+ {
+ if (error != QProcess::FailedToStart)
+ return;
+ const ProcessResultData result = { m_process->exitCode(), m_process->exitStatus(),
+ error, m_process->errorString() };
+ emit done(result);
+ }
+ void handleFinished(int exitCode, QProcess::ExitStatus exitStatus)
+ {
+ const ProcessResultData result = { exitCode, exitStatus,
+ m_process->error(), m_process->errorString() };
+ emit done(result);
+ }
+ ProcessHelper *m_process = nullptr;
+ QProcessBlockingImpl *m_blockingImpl = nullptr;
+static uint uniqueToken()
+ static std::atomic_uint globalUniqueToken = 0;
+ return ++globalUniqueToken;
+class ProcessLauncherBlockingImpl : public ProcessBlockingInterface
+ ProcessLauncherBlockingImpl(CallerHandle *caller) : m_caller(caller) {}
+ bool waitForSignal(ProcessSignalType signalType, int msecs) final
+ {
+ // TODO: Remove CallerHandle::SignalType
+ const CallerHandle::SignalType type = [signalType] {
+ switch (signalType) {
+ case ProcessSignalType::Started:
+ return CallerHandle::SignalType::Started;
+ case ProcessSignalType::ReadyRead:
+ return CallerHandle::SignalType::ReadyRead;
+ case ProcessSignalType::Done:
+ return CallerHandle::SignalType::Done;
+ }
+ QTC_CHECK(false);
+ return CallerHandle::SignalType::NoSignal;
+ }();
+ return m_caller->waitForSignal(type, msecs);
+ }
+ CallerHandle *m_caller = nullptr;
+class ProcessLauncherImpl final : public DefaultImpl
+ ProcessLauncherImpl() : m_token(uniqueToken())
+ {
+ m_handle = LauncherInterface::registerHandle(this, token());
+ m_handle->setProcessSetupData(&m_setup);
+ connect(m_handle, &CallerHandle::started,
+ this, &ProcessInterface::started);
+ connect(m_handle, &CallerHandle::readyRead,
+ this, &ProcessInterface::readyRead);
+ connect(m_handle, &CallerHandle::done,
+ this, &ProcessInterface::done);
+ m_blockingImpl = new ProcessLauncherBlockingImpl(m_handle);
+ }
+ ~ProcessLauncherImpl() final
+ {
+ m_handle->close();
+ LauncherInterface::unregisterHandle(token());
+ m_handle = nullptr;
+ }
+ qint64 write(const QByteArray &data) final { return m_handle->write(data); }
+ void sendControlSignal(ControlSignal controlSignal) final {
+ switch (controlSignal) {
+ case ControlSignal::Terminate:
+ m_handle->terminate();
+ break;
+ case ControlSignal::Kill:
+ m_handle->kill();
+ break;
+ case ControlSignal::Interrupt:
+ ProcessHelper::interruptPid(m_handle->processId());
+ break;
+ case ControlSignal::KickOff:
+ QTC_CHECK(false);
+ break;
+ case ControlSignal::CloseWriteChannel:
+ m_handle->closeWriteChannel();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ virtual ProcessBlockingInterface *processBlockingInterface() const { return m_blockingImpl; }
+ void doDefaultStart(const QString &program, const QStringList &arguments) final
+ {
+ m_handle->start(program, arguments);
+ }
+ quintptr token() const { return m_token; }
+ const uint m_token = 0;
+ // Lives in caller's thread.
+ CallerHandle *m_handle = nullptr;
+ ProcessLauncherBlockingImpl *m_blockingImpl = nullptr;
+static ProcessImpl defaultProcessImpl()
+ if (qtcEnvironmentVariableIsSet("QTC_USE_QPROCESS"))
+ return ProcessImpl::QProcess;
+ return ProcessImpl::ProcessLauncher;
+class ProcessInterfaceSignal
+ ProcessSignalType signalType() const { return m_signalType; }
+ virtual ~ProcessInterfaceSignal() = default;
+ ProcessInterfaceSignal(ProcessSignalType signalType) : m_signalType(signalType) {}
+ const ProcessSignalType m_signalType;
+class StartedSignal : public ProcessInterfaceSignal
+ StartedSignal(qint64 processId, qint64 applicationMainThreadId)
+ : ProcessInterfaceSignal(ProcessSignalType::Started)
+ , m_processId(processId)
+ , m_applicationMainThreadId(applicationMainThreadId) {}
+ qint64 processId() const { return m_processId; }
+ qint64 applicationMainThreadId() const { return m_applicationMainThreadId; }
+ const qint64 m_processId;
+ const qint64 m_applicationMainThreadId;
+class ReadyReadSignal : public ProcessInterfaceSignal
+ ReadyReadSignal(const QByteArray &stdOut, const QByteArray &stdErr)
+ : ProcessInterfaceSignal(ProcessSignalType::ReadyRead)
+ , m_stdOut(stdOut)
+ , m_stdErr(stdErr) {}
+ QByteArray stdOut() const { return m_stdOut; }
+ QByteArray stdErr() const { return m_stdErr; }
+ const QByteArray m_stdOut;
+ const QByteArray m_stdErr;
+class DoneSignal : public ProcessInterfaceSignal
+ DoneSignal(const ProcessResultData &resultData)
+ : ProcessInterfaceSignal(ProcessSignalType::Done)
+ , m_resultData(resultData) {}
+ ProcessResultData resultData() const { return m_resultData; }
+ const ProcessResultData m_resultData;
+class GeneralProcessBlockingImpl;
+class ProcessInterfaceHandler : public QObject
+ ProcessInterfaceHandler(GeneralProcessBlockingImpl *caller, ProcessInterface *process);
+ // Called from caller's thread exclusively.
+ bool waitForSignal(ProcessSignalType newSignal, int msecs);
+ void moveToCallerThread();
+ // Called from caller's thread exclusively.
+ bool doWaitForSignal(QDeadlineTimer deadline);
+ // Called from caller's thread when not waiting for signal,
+ // otherwise called from temporary thread.
+ void handleStarted(qint64 processId, qint64 applicationMainThreadId);
+ void handleReadyRead(const QByteArray &outputData, const QByteArray &errorData);
+ void handleDone(const ProcessResultData &data);
+ void appendSignal(ProcessInterfaceSignal *newSignal);
+ GeneralProcessBlockingImpl *m_caller = nullptr;
+ QMutex m_mutex;
+ QWaitCondition m_waitCondition;
+class GeneralProcessBlockingImpl : public ProcessBlockingInterface
+ GeneralProcessBlockingImpl(ProcessPrivate *parent);
+ void flush() { flushSignals(takeAllSignals()); }
+ bool flushFor(ProcessSignalType signalType) {
+ return flushSignals(takeSignalsFor(signalType), &signalType);
+ }
+ bool shouldFlush() const { QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); return !m_signals.isEmpty(); }
+ // Called from ProcessInterfaceHandler thread exclusively.
+ void appendSignal(ProcessInterfaceSignal *launcherSignal);
+ // Called from caller's thread exclusively
+ bool waitForSignal(ProcessSignalType newSignal, int msecs) final;
+ QList<ProcessInterfaceSignal *> takeAllSignals();
+ QList<ProcessInterfaceSignal *> takeSignalsFor(ProcessSignalType signalType);
+ bool flushSignals(const QList<ProcessInterfaceSignal *> &signalList,
+ ProcessSignalType *signalType = nullptr);
+ void handleStartedSignal(const StartedSignal *launcherSignal);
+ void handleReadyReadSignal(const ReadyReadSignal *launcherSignal);
+ void handleDoneSignal(const DoneSignal *launcherSignal);
+ ProcessPrivate *m_caller = nullptr;
+ std::unique_ptr<ProcessInterfaceHandler> m_processHandler;
+ mutable QMutex m_mutex;
+ QList<ProcessInterfaceSignal *> m_signals;
+class ProcessPrivate : public QObject
+ explicit ProcessPrivate(Process *parent)
+ : QObject(parent)
+ , q(parent)
+ , m_killTimer(this)
+ {
+ m_killTimer.setSingleShot(true);
+ connect(&m_killTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, [this] {
+ m_killTimer.stop();
+ sendControlSignal(ControlSignal::Kill);
+ });
+ setupDebugLog();
+ }
+ void setupDebugLog();
+ void storeEventLoopDebugInfo(const QVariant &value);
+ ProcessInterface *createProcessInterface()
+ {
+ if (m_setup.m_ptyData)
+ return new PtyProcessImpl;
+ if (m_setup.m_terminalMode != TerminalMode::Off)
+ return Terminal::Hooks::instance().createTerminalProcessInterface();
+ const ProcessImpl impl = m_setup.m_processImpl == ProcessImpl::Default
+ ? defaultProcessImpl() : m_setup.m_processImpl;
+ if (impl == ProcessImpl::QProcess)
+ return new QProcessImpl;
+ return new ProcessLauncherImpl;
+ }
+ void setProcessInterface(ProcessInterface *process)
+ {
+ if (m_process)
+ m_process->disconnect();
+ m_process.reset(process);
+ m_process->setParent(this);
+ connect(m_process.get(), &ProcessInterface::started,
+ this, &ProcessPrivate::handleStarted);
+ connect(m_process.get(), &ProcessInterface::readyRead,
+ this, &ProcessPrivate::handleReadyRead);
+ connect(m_process.get(), &ProcessInterface::done,
+ this, &ProcessPrivate::handleDone);
+ m_blockingInterface.reset(process->processBlockingInterface());
+ if (!m_blockingInterface)
+ m_blockingInterface.reset(new GeneralProcessBlockingImpl(this));
+ m_blockingInterface->setParent(this);
+ }
+ CommandLine fullCommandLine() const
+ {
+ if (!m_setup.m_runAsRoot || HostOsInfo::isWindowsHost())
+ return m_setup.m_commandLine;
+ CommandLine rootCommand("sudo", {"-A"});
+ rootCommand.addCommandLineAsArgs(m_setup.m_commandLine);
+ return rootCommand;
+ }
+ Process *q;
+ std::unique_ptr<ProcessBlockingInterface> m_blockingInterface;
+ std::unique_ptr<ProcessInterface> m_process;
+ ProcessSetupData m_setup;
+ void slotTimeout();
+ void handleStarted(qint64 processId, qint64 applicationMainThreadId);
+ void handleReadyRead(const QByteArray &outputData, const QByteArray &errorData);
+ void handleDone(const ProcessResultData &data);
+ void clearForRun();
+ void emitGuardedSignal(void (Process::* signalName)()) {
+ GuardLocker locker(m_guard);
+ emit (q->*signalName)();
+ }
+ ProcessResult interpretExitCode(int exitCode);
+ bool waitForSignal(ProcessSignalType signalType, int msecs);
+ Qt::ConnectionType connectionType() const;
+ void sendControlSignal(ControlSignal controlSignal);
+ QTimer m_killTimer;
+ QProcess::ProcessState m_state = QProcess::NotRunning;
+ qint64 m_processId = 0;
+ qint64 m_applicationMainThreadId = 0;
+ ProcessResultData m_resultData;
+ QTextCodec *m_codec = QTextCodec::codecForLocale();
+ QEventLoop *m_eventLoop = nullptr;
+ ProcessResult m_result = ProcessResult::StartFailed;
+ ChannelBuffer m_stdOut;
+ ChannelBuffer m_stdErr;
+ ExitCodeInterpreter m_exitCodeInterpreter;
+ int m_hangTimerCount = 0;
+ int m_maxHangTimerCount = defaultMaxHangTimerCount;
+ bool m_timeOutMessageBoxEnabled = false;
+ bool m_waitingForUser = false;
+ Guard m_guard;
+ProcessInterfaceHandler::ProcessInterfaceHandler(GeneralProcessBlockingImpl *caller,
+ ProcessInterface *process)
+ : m_caller(caller)
+ process->disconnect();
+ connect(process, &ProcessInterface::started,
+ this, &ProcessInterfaceHandler::handleStarted);
+ connect(process, &ProcessInterface::readyRead,
+ this, &ProcessInterfaceHandler::handleReadyRead);
+ connect(process, &ProcessInterface::done,
+ this, &ProcessInterfaceHandler::handleDone);
+// Called from caller's thread exclusively.
+bool ProcessInterfaceHandler::waitForSignal(ProcessSignalType newSignal, int msecs)
+ QDeadlineTimer deadline(msecs);
+ while (true) {
+ if (deadline.hasExpired())
+ break;
+ if (!doWaitForSignal(deadline))
+ break;
+ // Matching (or Done) signal was flushed
+ if (m_caller->flushFor(newSignal))
+ return true;
+ // Otherwise continue awaiting (e.g. when ReadyRead came while waitForFinished())
+ }
+ return false;
+// Called from caller's thread exclusively.
+void ProcessInterfaceHandler::moveToCallerThread()
+ QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, [this] {
+ moveToThread(m_caller->thread());
+ }, Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection);
+// Called from caller's thread exclusively.
+bool ProcessInterfaceHandler::doWaitForSignal(QDeadlineTimer deadline)
+ QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex);
+ // Flush, if we have any stored signals.
+ // This must be called when holding laucher's mutex locked prior to the call to wait,
+ // so that it's done atomically.
+ if (m_caller->shouldFlush())
+ return true;
+ return m_waitCondition.wait(&m_mutex, deadline);
+// Called from ProcessInterfaceHandler thread exclusively
+void ProcessInterfaceHandler::handleStarted(qint64 processId, qint64 applicationMainThreadId)
+ appendSignal(new StartedSignal(processId, applicationMainThreadId));
+// Called from ProcessInterfaceHandler thread exclusively
+void ProcessInterfaceHandler::handleReadyRead(const QByteArray &outputData, const QByteArray &errorData)
+ appendSignal(new ReadyReadSignal(outputData, errorData));
+// Called from ProcessInterfaceHandler thread exclusively
+void ProcessInterfaceHandler::handleDone(const ProcessResultData &data)
+ appendSignal(new DoneSignal(data));
+void ProcessInterfaceHandler::appendSignal(ProcessInterfaceSignal *newSignal)
+ {
+ QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex);
+ m_caller->appendSignal(newSignal);
+ }
+ m_waitCondition.wakeOne();
+ // call in callers thread
+ QMetaObject::invokeMethod(m_caller, &GeneralProcessBlockingImpl::flush);
+GeneralProcessBlockingImpl::GeneralProcessBlockingImpl(ProcessPrivate *parent)
+ : m_caller(parent)
+ , m_processHandler(new ProcessInterfaceHandler(this, parent->m_process.get()))
+ // In order to move the process interface into another thread together with handle
+ parent->m_process.get()->setParent(m_processHandler.get());
+ m_processHandler->setParent(this);
+ // So the hierarchy looks like:
+ // ProcessPrivate
+ // |
+ // +- GeneralProcessBlockingImpl
+ // |
+ // +- ProcessInterfaceHandler
+ // |
+ // +- ProcessInterface
+bool GeneralProcessBlockingImpl::waitForSignal(ProcessSignalType newSignal, int msecs)
+ m_processHandler->setParent(nullptr);
+ QThread thread;
+ thread.start();
+ // Note: the thread may have started before and it's appending new signals before
+ // waitForSignal() is called. However, in this case they won't be flushed since
+ // the caller here is blocked, so all signals should be buffered and we are going
+ // to flush them from inside waitForSignal().
+ m_processHandler->moveToThread(&thread);
+ const bool result = m_processHandler->waitForSignal(newSignal, msecs);
+ m_processHandler->moveToCallerThread();
+ m_processHandler->setParent(this);
+ thread.quit();
+ thread.wait();
+ return result;
+// Called from caller's thread exclusively
+QList<ProcessInterfaceSignal *> GeneralProcessBlockingImpl::takeAllSignals()
+ QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex);
+ return std::exchange(m_signals, {});
+// Called from caller's thread exclusively
+QList<ProcessInterfaceSignal *> GeneralProcessBlockingImpl::takeSignalsFor(ProcessSignalType signalType)
+ // If we are flushing for ReadyRead or Done - flush all.
+ if (signalType != ProcessSignalType::Started)
+ return takeAllSignals();
+ QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex);
+ const QList<ProcessSignalType> storedSignals = transform(std::as_const(m_signals),
+ [](const ProcessInterfaceSignal *aSignal) {
+ return aSignal->signalType();
+ });
+ // If we are flushing for Started:
+ // - if Started was buffered - flush Started only (even when Done was buffered)
+ // - otherwise if Done signal was buffered - flush all.
+ if (!storedSignals.contains(ProcessSignalType::Started)
+ && storedSignals.contains(ProcessSignalType::Done)) {
+ return std::exchange(m_signals, {}); // avoid takeAllSignals() because of mutex locked
+ }
+ QList<ProcessInterfaceSignal *> oldSignals;
+ const auto matchingIndex = storedSignals.lastIndexOf(signalType);
+ if (matchingIndex >= 0) {
+ oldSignals = m_signals.mid(0, matchingIndex + 1);
+ m_signals = m_signals.mid(matchingIndex + 1);
+ }
+ return oldSignals;
+// Called from caller's thread exclusively
+bool GeneralProcessBlockingImpl::flushSignals(const QList<ProcessInterfaceSignal *> &signalList,
+ ProcessSignalType *signalType)
+ bool signalMatched = false;
+ for (const ProcessInterfaceSignal *storedSignal : std::as_const(signalList)) {
+ const ProcessSignalType storedSignalType = storedSignal->signalType();
+ if (signalType && storedSignalType == *signalType)
+ signalMatched = true;
+ switch (storedSignalType) {
+ case ProcessSignalType::Started:
+ handleStartedSignal(static_cast<const StartedSignal *>(storedSignal));
+ break;
+ case ProcessSignalType::ReadyRead:
+ handleReadyReadSignal(static_cast<const ReadyReadSignal *>(storedSignal));
+ break;
+ case ProcessSignalType::Done:
+ if (signalType)
+ signalMatched = true;
+ handleDoneSignal(static_cast<const DoneSignal *>(storedSignal));
+ break;
+ }
+ delete storedSignal;
+ }
+ return signalMatched;
+void GeneralProcessBlockingImpl::handleStartedSignal(const StartedSignal *aSignal)
+ m_caller->handleStarted(aSignal->processId(), aSignal->applicationMainThreadId());
+void GeneralProcessBlockingImpl::handleReadyReadSignal(const ReadyReadSignal *aSignal)
+ m_caller->handleReadyRead(aSignal->stdOut(), aSignal->stdErr());
+void GeneralProcessBlockingImpl::handleDoneSignal(const DoneSignal *aSignal)
+ m_caller->handleDone(aSignal->resultData());
+// Called from ProcessInterfaceHandler thread exclusively.
+void GeneralProcessBlockingImpl::appendSignal(ProcessInterfaceSignal *newSignal)
+ QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex);
+ m_signals.append(newSignal);
+bool ProcessPrivate::waitForSignal(ProcessSignalType newSignal, int msecs)
+ const QDeadlineTimer timeout(msecs);
+ const QDeadlineTimer currentKillTimeout(m_killTimer.remainingTime());
+ const bool needsSplit = m_killTimer.isActive() ? timeout > currentKillTimeout : false;
+ const QDeadlineTimer mainTimeout = needsSplit ? currentKillTimeout : timeout;
+ bool result = m_blockingInterface->waitForSignal(newSignal, mainTimeout.remainingTime());
+ if (!result && needsSplit) {
+ m_killTimer.stop();
+ sendControlSignal(ControlSignal::Kill);
+ result = m_blockingInterface->waitForSignal(newSignal, timeout.remainingTime());
+ }
+ return result;
+Qt::ConnectionType ProcessPrivate::connectionType() const
+ return (m_process->thread() == thread()) ? Qt::DirectConnection
+ : Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection;
+void ProcessPrivate::sendControlSignal(ControlSignal controlSignal)
+ QTC_ASSERT(QThread::currentThread() == thread(), return);
+ if (!m_process || (m_state == QProcess::NotRunning))
+ return;
+ if (controlSignal == ControlSignal::Terminate || controlSignal == ControlSignal::Kill)
+ m_resultData.m_canceledByUser = true;
+ QMetaObject::invokeMethod(m_process.get(), [this, controlSignal] {
+ m_process->sendControlSignal(controlSignal);
+ }, connectionType());
+void ProcessPrivate::clearForRun()
+ m_hangTimerCount = 0;
+ m_stdOut.clearForRun();
+ m_stdOut.codec = m_codec;
+ m_stdErr.clearForRun();
+ m_stdErr.codec = m_codec;
+ m_result = ProcessResult::StartFailed;
+ m_killTimer.stop();
+ m_state = QProcess::NotRunning;
+ m_processId = 0;
+ m_applicationMainThreadId = 0;
+ m_resultData = {};
+ProcessResult ProcessPrivate::interpretExitCode(int exitCode)
+ if (m_exitCodeInterpreter)
+ return m_exitCodeInterpreter(exitCode);
+ // default:
+ return exitCode ? ProcessResult::FinishedWithError : ProcessResult::FinishedWithSuccess;
+} // Internal
+ \class Utils::Process
+ \inmodule QtCreator
+ \brief The Process class provides functionality for with processes.
+ \sa Utils::ProcessArgs
+Process::Process(QObject *parent)
+ : QObject(parent),
+ d(new ProcessPrivate(this))
+ qRegisterMetaType<ProcessResultData>("ProcessResultData");
+ static int qProcessExitStatusMeta = qRegisterMetaType<QProcess::ExitStatus>();
+ static int qProcessProcessErrorMeta = qRegisterMetaType<QProcess::ProcessError>();
+ Q_UNUSED(qProcessExitStatusMeta)
+ Q_UNUSED(qProcessProcessErrorMeta)
+ QTC_ASSERT(!d->m_guard.isLocked(), qWarning("Deleting Process instance directly from "
+ "one of its signal handlers will lead to crash!"));
+ if (d->m_process)
+ d->m_process->disconnect();
+ delete d;
+void Process::setProcessImpl(ProcessImpl processImpl)
+ d->m_setup.m_processImpl = processImpl;
+void Process::setPtyData(const std::optional<Pty::Data> &data)
+ d->m_setup.m_ptyData = data;
+std::optional<Pty::Data> Process::ptyData() const
+ return d->m_setup.m_ptyData;
+ProcessMode Process::processMode() const
+ return d->m_setup.m_processMode;
+void Process::setTerminalMode(TerminalMode mode)
+ d->m_setup.m_terminalMode = mode;
+TerminalMode Process::terminalMode() const
+ return d->m_setup.m_terminalMode;
+void Process::setProcessMode(ProcessMode processMode)
+ d->m_setup.m_processMode = processMode;
+void Process::setEnvironment(const Environment &env)
+ d->m_setup.m_environment = env;
+const Environment &Process::environment() const
+ return d->m_setup.m_environment;
+void Process::setControlEnvironment(const Environment &environment)
+ d->m_setup.m_controlEnvironment = environment;
+const Environment &Process::controlEnvironment() const
+ return d->m_setup.m_controlEnvironment;
+void Process::setCommand(const CommandLine &cmdLine)
+ if (d->m_setup.m_workingDirectory.needsDevice() && cmdLine.executable().needsDevice()) {
+ QTC_CHECK(d->m_setup.m_workingDirectory.host() == cmdLine.executable().host());
+ }
+ d->m_setup.m_commandLine = cmdLine;
+const CommandLine &Process::commandLine() const
+ return d->m_setup.m_commandLine;
+FilePath Process::workingDirectory() const
+ return d->m_setup.m_workingDirectory;
+void Process::setWorkingDirectory(const FilePath &dir)
+ if (dir.needsDevice() && d->m_setup.m_commandLine.executable().needsDevice()) {
+ QTC_CHECK(dir.host() == d->m_setup.m_commandLine.executable().host());
+ }
+ d->m_setup.m_workingDirectory = dir;
+void Process::setUseCtrlCStub(bool enabled)
+ d->m_setup.m_useCtrlCStub = enabled;
+void Process::start()
+ QTC_ASSERT(state() == QProcess::NotRunning, return);
+ QTC_ASSERT(!(d->m_process && d->m_guard.isLocked()),
+ qWarning("Restarting the Process directly from one of its signal handlers will "
+ "lead to crash! Consider calling close() prior to direct restart."));
+ d->clearForRun();
+ ProcessInterface *processImpl = nullptr;
+ if (d->m_setup.m_commandLine.executable().needsDevice()) {
+ QTC_ASSERT(s_deviceHooks.processImplHook, return);
+ processImpl = s_deviceHooks.processImplHook(commandLine().executable());
+ } else {
+ processImpl = d->createProcessInterface();
+ }
+ QTC_ASSERT(processImpl, return);
+ d->setProcessInterface(processImpl);
+ d->m_state = QProcess::Starting;
+ d->m_process->m_setup = d->m_setup;
+ d->m_process->m_setup.m_commandLine = d->fullCommandLine();
+ d->emitGuardedSignal(&Process::starting);
+ d->m_process->start();
+void Process::terminate()
+ d->sendControlSignal(ControlSignal::Terminate);
+void Process::kill()
+ d->sendControlSignal(ControlSignal::Kill);
+void Process::interrupt()
+ d->sendControlSignal(ControlSignal::Interrupt);
+void Process::kickoffProcess()
+ d->sendControlSignal(ControlSignal::KickOff);
+void Process::closeWriteChannel()
+ d->sendControlSignal(ControlSignal::CloseWriteChannel);
+bool Process::startDetached(const CommandLine &cmd, const FilePath &workingDirectory, qint64 *pid)
+ return QProcess::startDetached(cmd.executable().toUserOutput(),
+ cmd.splitArguments(),
+ workingDirectory.toUserOutput(),
+ pid);
+void Process::setLowPriority()
+ d->m_setup.m_lowPriority = true;
+void Process::setDisableUnixTerminal()
+ d->m_setup.m_unixTerminalDisabled = true;
+void Process::setAbortOnMetaChars(bool abort)
+ d->m_setup.m_abortOnMetaChars = abort;
+void Process::setRunAsRoot(bool on)
+ d->m_setup.m_runAsRoot = on;
+bool Process::isRunAsRoot() const
+ return d->m_setup.m_runAsRoot;
+void Process::setStandardInputFile(const QString &inputFile)
+ d->m_setup.m_standardInputFile = inputFile;
+QString Process::toStandaloneCommandLine() const
+ QStringList parts;
+ parts.append("/usr/bin/env");
+ if (!d->m_setup.m_workingDirectory.isEmpty()) {
+ parts.append("-C");
+ d->m_setup.m_workingDirectory.path();
+ }
+ parts.append("-i");
+ if (d->m_setup.m_environment.hasChanges()) {
+ const QStringList envVars = d->m_setup.m_environment.toStringList();
+ std::transform(envVars.cbegin(), envVars.cend(),
+ std::back_inserter(parts), ProcessArgs::quoteArgUnix);
+ }
+ parts.append(d->m_setup.m_commandLine.executable().path());
+ parts.append(d->m_setup.m_commandLine.splitArguments());
+ return parts.join(" ");
+void Process::setCreateConsoleOnWindows(bool create)
+ d->m_setup.m_createConsoleOnWindows = create;
+bool Process::createConsoleOnWindows() const
+ return d->m_setup.m_createConsoleOnWindows;
+void Process::setExtraData(const QString &key, const QVariant &value)
+ d->m_setup.m_extraData.insert(key, value);
+QVariant Process::extraData(const QString &key) const
+ return d->m_setup.m_extraData.value(key);
+void Process::setExtraData(const QVariantHash &extraData)
+ d->m_setup.m_extraData = extraData;
+QVariantHash Process::extraData() const
+ return d->m_setup.m_extraData;
+void Process::setReaperTimeout(int msecs)
+ d->m_setup.m_reaperTimeout = msecs;
+int Process::reaperTimeout() const
+ return d->m_setup.m_reaperTimeout;
+void Process::setRemoteProcessHooks(const DeviceProcessHooks &hooks)
+ s_deviceHooks = hooks;
+static bool askToKill(const CommandLine &command)
+#ifdef QT_GUI_LIB
+ if (!isMainThread())
+ return true;
+ const QString title = Tr::tr("Process Not Responding");
+ QString msg = command.isEmpty() ? Tr::tr("The process is not responding.")
+ : Tr::tr("The process \"%1\" is not responding.")
+ .arg(command.executable().toUserOutput());
+ msg += ' ';
+ msg += Tr::tr("Terminate the process?");
+ // Restore the cursor that is set to wait while running.
+ const bool hasOverrideCursor = QApplication::overrideCursor() != nullptr;
+ if (hasOverrideCursor)
+ QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor();
+ QMessageBox::StandardButton answer = QMessageBox::question(nullptr, title, msg, QMessageBox::Yes|QMessageBox::No);
+ if (hasOverrideCursor)
+ QApplication::setOverrideCursor(Qt::WaitCursor);
+ return answer == QMessageBox::Yes;
+ Q_UNUSED(command)
+ return true;
+// Helper for running a process synchronously in the foreground with timeout
+// detection (taking effect after no more output
+// occurs on stderr/stdout as opposed to waitForFinished()). Returns false if a timeout
+// occurs. Checking of the process' exit state/code still has to be done.
+bool Process::readDataFromProcess(QByteArray *stdOut, QByteArray *stdErr, int timeoutS)
+ enum { syncDebug = 0 };
+ if (syncDebug)
+ qDebug() << ">readDataFromProcess" << timeoutS;
+ if (state() != QProcess::Running) {
+ qWarning("readDataFromProcess: Process in non-running state passed in.");
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Keep the process running until it has no longer has data
+ bool finished = false;
+ bool hasData = false;
+ do {
+ finished = waitForFinished(timeoutS > 0 ? timeoutS * 1000 : -1)
+ || state() == QProcess::NotRunning;
+ // First check 'stdout'
+ const QByteArray newStdOut = readAllRawStandardOutput();
+ if (!newStdOut.isEmpty()) {
+ hasData = true;
+ if (stdOut)
+ stdOut->append(newStdOut);
+ }
+ // Check 'stderr' separately. This is a special handling
+ // for 'git pull' and the like which prints its progress on stderr.
+ const QByteArray newStdErr = readAllRawStandardError();
+ if (!newStdErr.isEmpty()) {
+ hasData = true;
+ if (stdErr)
+ stdErr->append(newStdErr);
+ }
+ // Prompt user, pretend we have data if says 'No'.
+ const bool hang = !hasData && !finished;
+ hasData = hang && !askToKill(d->m_setup.m_commandLine);
+ } while (hasData && !finished);
+ if (syncDebug)
+ qDebug() << "<readDataFromProcess" << finished;
+ return finished;
+ProcessResult Process::result() const
+ return d->m_result;
+ProcessResultData Process::resultData() const
+ return d->m_resultData;
+int Process::exitCode() const
+ return resultData().m_exitCode;
+QProcess::ExitStatus Process::exitStatus() const
+ return resultData().m_exitStatus;
+QProcess::ProcessError Process::error() const
+ return resultData().m_error;
+QString Process::errorString() const
+ return resultData().m_errorString;
+// Path utilities
+Environment Process::systemEnvironmentForBinary(const FilePath &filePath)
+ if (filePath.needsDevice()) {
+ QTC_ASSERT(s_deviceHooks.systemEnvironmentForBinary, return {});
+ return s_deviceHooks.systemEnvironmentForBinary(filePath);
+ }
+ return Environment::systemEnvironment();
+qint64 Process::applicationMainThreadId() const
+ return d->m_applicationMainThreadId;
+QProcess::ProcessChannelMode Process::processChannelMode() const
+ return d->m_setup.m_processChannelMode;
+void Process::setProcessChannelMode(QProcess::ProcessChannelMode mode)
+ d->m_setup.m_processChannelMode = mode;
+QProcess::ProcessState Process::state() const
+ return d->m_state;
+bool Process::isRunning() const
+ return state() == QProcess::Running;
+qint64 Process::processId() const
+ return d->m_processId;
+bool Process::waitForStarted(int msecs)
+ QTC_ASSERT(d->m_process, return false);
+ if (d->m_state == QProcess::Running)
+ return true;
+ if (d->m_state == QProcess::NotRunning)
+ return false;
+ return s_waitForStarted.measureAndRun(&ProcessPrivate::waitForSignal, d,
+ ProcessSignalType::Started, msecs);
+bool Process::waitForReadyRead(int msecs)
+ QTC_ASSERT(d->m_process, return false);
+ if (d->m_state == QProcess::NotRunning)
+ return false;
+ return d->waitForSignal(ProcessSignalType::ReadyRead, msecs);
+bool Process::waitForFinished(int msecs)
+ QTC_ASSERT(d->m_process, return false);
+ if (d->m_state == QProcess::NotRunning)
+ return false;
+ return d->waitForSignal(ProcessSignalType::Done, msecs);
+QByteArray Process::readAllRawStandardOutput()
+ return d->m_stdOut.readAllData();
+QByteArray Process::readAllRawStandardError()
+ return d->m_stdErr.readAllData();
+qint64 Process::write(const QString &input)
+ // Non-windows is assumed to be UTF-8
+ if (commandLine().executable().osType() != OsTypeWindows)
+ return writeRaw(input.toUtf8());
+ if (HostOsInfo::hostOs() == OsTypeWindows)
+ return writeRaw(input.toLocal8Bit());
+ // "remote" Windows target on non-Windows host is unlikely,
+ // but the true encoding is not accessible. Use UTF8 as best guess.
+ QTC_CHECK(false);
+ return writeRaw(input.toUtf8());
+qint64 Process::writeRaw(const QByteArray &input)
+ QTC_ASSERT(processMode() == ProcessMode::Writer, return -1);
+ QTC_ASSERT(d->m_process, return -1);
+ QTC_ASSERT(state() == QProcess::Running, return -1);
+ QTC_ASSERT(QThread::currentThread() == thread(), return -1);
+ qint64 result = -1;
+ QMetaObject::invokeMethod(d->m_process.get(), [this, input] {
+ d->m_process->write(input);
+ }, d->connectionType(), &result);
+ return result;
+void Process::close()
+ QTC_ASSERT(QThread::currentThread() == thread(), return);
+ if (d->m_process) {
+ // Note: the m_process may be inside ProcessInterfaceHandler's thread.
+ QTC_ASSERT(d->m_process->thread() == thread(), return);
+ d->m_process->disconnect();
+ d->m_process.release()->deleteLater();
+ }
+ if (d->m_blockingInterface) {
+ d->m_blockingInterface->disconnect();
+ d->m_blockingInterface.release()->deleteLater();
+ }
+ d->clearForRun();
+ Calls terminate() directly and after a delay of reaperTimeout() it calls kill()
+ if the process is still running.
+void Process::stop()
+ if (state() == QProcess::NotRunning)
+ return;
+ d->sendControlSignal(ControlSignal::Terminate);
+ d->m_killTimer.start(d->m_process->m_setup.m_reaperTimeout);
+QString Process::readAllStandardOutput()
+ return QString::fromUtf8(readAllRawStandardOutput());
+QString Process::readAllStandardError()
+ return QString::fromUtf8(readAllRawStandardError());
+QString Process::exitMessage() const
+ const QString fullCmd = commandLine().toUserOutput();
+ switch (result()) {
+ case ProcessResult::FinishedWithSuccess:
+ return Tr::tr("The command \"%1\" finished successfully.").arg(fullCmd);
+ case ProcessResult::FinishedWithError:
+ return Tr::tr("The command \"%1\" terminated with exit code %2.")
+ .arg(fullCmd).arg(exitCode());
+ case ProcessResult::TerminatedAbnormally:
+ return Tr::tr("The command \"%1\" terminated abnormally.").arg(fullCmd);
+ case ProcessResult::StartFailed:
+ return Tr::tr("The command \"%1\" could not be started.").arg(fullCmd);
+ case ProcessResult::Hang:
+ return Tr::tr("The command \"%1\" did not respond within the timeout limit (%2 s).")
+ .arg(fullCmd).arg(d->m_maxHangTimerCount);
+ }
+ return {};
+QByteArray Process::allRawOutput() const
+ QTC_CHECK(d->m_stdOut.keepRawData);
+ QTC_CHECK(d->m_stdErr.keepRawData);
+ if (!d->m_stdOut.rawData.isEmpty() && !d->m_stdErr.rawData.isEmpty()) {
+ QByteArray result = d->m_stdOut.rawData;
+ if (!result.endsWith('\n'))
+ result += '\n';
+ result += d->m_stdErr.rawData;
+ return result;
+ }
+ return !d->m_stdOut.rawData.isEmpty() ? d->m_stdOut.rawData : d->m_stdErr.rawData;
+QString Process::allOutput() const
+ QTC_CHECK(d->m_stdOut.keepRawData);
+ QTC_CHECK(d->m_stdErr.keepRawData);
+ const QString out = cleanedStdOut();
+ const QString err = cleanedStdErr();
+ if (!out.isEmpty() && !err.isEmpty()) {
+ QString result = out;
+ if (!result.endsWith('\n'))
+ result += '\n';
+ result += err;
+ return result;
+ }
+ return !out.isEmpty() ? out : err;
+QByteArray Process::rawStdOut() const
+ QTC_CHECK(d->m_stdOut.keepRawData);
+ return d->m_stdOut.rawData;
+QString Process::stdOut() const
+ QTC_CHECK(d->m_stdOut.keepRawData);
+ return d->m_codec->toUnicode(d->m_stdOut.rawData);
+QString Process::stdErr() const
+ QTC_CHECK(d->m_stdErr.keepRawData);
+ return d->m_codec->toUnicode(d->m_stdErr.rawData);
+QString Process::cleanedStdOut() const
+ return Utils::normalizeNewlines(stdOut());
+QString Process::cleanedStdErr() const
+ return Utils::normalizeNewlines(stdErr());
+static QStringList splitLines(const QString &text)
+ QStringList result = text.split('\n');
+ for (QString &line : result) {
+ if (line.endsWith('\r'))
+ line.chop(1);
+ }
+ return result;
+const QStringList Process::stdOutLines() const
+ return splitLines(cleanedStdOut());
+const QStringList Process::stdErrLines() const
+ return splitLines(cleanedStdErr());
+QTCREATOR_UTILS_EXPORT QDebug operator<<(QDebug str, const Process &r)
+ QDebug nsp = str.nospace();
+ nsp << "Process: result="
+ << int(r.d->m_result) << " ex=" << r.exitCode() << '\n'
+ << r.d->m_stdOut.rawData.size() << " bytes stdout, stderr=" << r.d->m_stdErr.rawData << '\n';
+ return str;
+void ChannelBuffer::clearForRun()
+ rawData.clear();
+ codecState.reset(new QTextCodec::ConverterState);
+ incompleteLineBuffer.clear();
+/* Check for complete lines read from the device and return them, moving the
+ * buffer position. */
+void ChannelBuffer::append(const QByteArray &text)
+ if (text.isEmpty())
+ return;
+ if (keepRawData)
+ rawData += text;
+ // Line-wise operation below:
+ if (!outputCallback)
+ return;
+ // Convert and append the new input to the buffer of incomplete lines
+ incompleteLineBuffer.append(codec->toUnicode(text.constData(), text.size(), codecState.get()));
+ do {
+ // Any completed lines in the incompleteLineBuffer?
+ int pos = -1;
+ if (emitSingleLines) {
+ const int posn = incompleteLineBuffer.indexOf('\n');
+ const int posr = incompleteLineBuffer.indexOf('\r');
+ if (posn != -1) {
+ if (posr != -1) {
+ if (posn == posr + 1)
+ pos = posn; // \r followed by \n -> line end, use the \n.
+ else
+ pos = qMin(posr, posn); // free floating \r and \n: Use the first one.
+ } else {
+ pos = posn;
+ }
+ } else {
+ pos = posr; // Make sure internal '\r' triggers a line output
+ }
+ } else {
+ pos = qMax(incompleteLineBuffer.lastIndexOf('\n'),
+ incompleteLineBuffer.lastIndexOf('\r'));
+ }
+ if (pos == -1)
+ break;
+ // Get completed lines and remove them from the incompleteLinesBuffer:
+ const QString line = Utils::normalizeNewlines(incompleteLineBuffer.left(pos + 1));
+ incompleteLineBuffer = incompleteLineBuffer.mid(pos + 1);
+ QTC_ASSERT(outputCallback, return);
+ outputCallback(line);
+ if (!emitSingleLines)
+ break;
+ } while (true);
+void ChannelBuffer::handleRest()
+ if (outputCallback && !incompleteLineBuffer.isEmpty()) {
+ outputCallback(incompleteLineBuffer);
+ incompleteLineBuffer.clear();
+ }
+void Process::setTimeoutS(int timeoutS)
+ if (timeoutS > 0)
+ d->m_maxHangTimerCount = qMax(2, timeoutS);
+ else
+ d->m_maxHangTimerCount = INT_MAX / 1000;
+int Process::timeoutS() const
+ return d->m_maxHangTimerCount;
+void Process::setCodec(QTextCodec *c)
+ QTC_ASSERT(c, return);
+ d->m_codec = c;
+void Process::setTimeOutMessageBoxEnabled(bool v)
+ d->m_timeOutMessageBoxEnabled = v;
+void Process::setExitCodeInterpreter(const ExitCodeInterpreter &interpreter)
+ d->m_exitCodeInterpreter = interpreter;
+void Process::setWriteData(const QByteArray &writeData)
+ d->m_setup.m_writeData = writeData;
+void Process::runBlocking(EventLoopMode eventLoopMode)
+ // Attach a dynamic property with info about blocking type
+ d->storeEventLoopDebugInfo(int(eventLoopMode));
+ QDateTime startTime;
+ static const int blockingThresholdMs = qtcEnvironmentVariableIntValue("QTC_PROCESS_THRESHOLD");
+ if (blockingThresholdMs > 0 && isMainThread())
+ startTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
+ Process::start();
+ // Remove the dynamic property so that it's not reused in subseqent start()
+ d->storeEventLoopDebugInfo({});
+ if (eventLoopMode == EventLoopMode::On) {
+ // Start failure is triggered immediately if the executable cannot be found in the path.
+ // In this case the process is left in NotRunning state.
+ // Do not start the event loop in that case.
+ if (state() == QProcess::Starting) {
+ QTimer timer(this);
+ connect(&timer, &QTimer::timeout, d, &ProcessPrivate::slotTimeout);
+ timer.setInterval(1000);
+ timer.start();
+#ifdef QT_GUI_LIB
+ if (isMainThread())
+ QApplication::setOverrideCursor(Qt::WaitCursor);
+ QEventLoop eventLoop(this);
+ QTC_ASSERT(!d->m_eventLoop, return);
+ d->m_eventLoop = &eventLoop;
+ eventLoop.exec(QEventLoop::ExcludeUserInputEvents);
+ d->m_eventLoop = nullptr;
+ timer.stop();
+#ifdef QT_GUI_LIB
+ if (isMainThread())
+ QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor();
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!waitForStarted(d->m_maxHangTimerCount * 1000)) {
+ d->m_result = ProcessResult::StartFailed;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!waitForFinished(d->m_maxHangTimerCount * 1000)) {
+ d->m_result = ProcessResult::Hang;
+ terminate();
+ if (!waitForFinished(1000)) {
+ kill();
+ waitForFinished(1000);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (blockingThresholdMs > 0) {
+ const int timeDiff = startTime.msecsTo(QDateTime::currentDateTime());
+ if (timeDiff > blockingThresholdMs && isMainThread()) {
+ qWarning() << "Blocking process " << d->m_setup.m_commandLine << "took" << timeDiff
+ << "ms, longer than threshold" << blockingThresholdMs;
+ }
+ }
+void Process::setStdOutCallback(const TextChannelCallback &callback)
+ d->m_stdOut.outputCallback = callback;
+ d->m_stdOut.emitSingleLines = false;
+void Process::setStdOutLineCallback(const TextChannelCallback &callback)
+ d->m_stdOut.outputCallback = callback;
+ d->m_stdOut.emitSingleLines = true;
+ d->m_stdOut.keepRawData = false;
+void Process::setStdErrCallback(const TextChannelCallback &callback)
+ d->m_stdErr.outputCallback = callback;
+ d->m_stdErr.emitSingleLines = false;
+void Process::setStdErrLineCallback(const TextChannelCallback &callback)
+ d->m_stdErr.outputCallback = callback;
+ d->m_stdErr.emitSingleLines = true;
+ d->m_stdErr.keepRawData = false;
+void Process::setTextChannelMode(Channel channel, TextChannelMode mode)
+ const TextChannelCallback outputCb = [this](const QString &text) {
+ GuardLocker locker(d->m_guard);
+ emit textOnStandardOutput(text);
+ };
+ const TextChannelCallback errorCb = [this](const QString &text) {
+ GuardLocker locker(d->m_guard);
+ emit textOnStandardError(text);
+ };
+ const TextChannelCallback callback = (channel == Channel::Output) ? outputCb : errorCb;
+ ChannelBuffer *buffer = channel == Channel::Output ? &d->m_stdOut : &d->m_stdErr;
+ QTC_ASSERT(buffer->m_textChannelMode == TextChannelMode::Off, qWarning()
+ << "Process::setTextChannelMode(): Changing text channel mode for"
+ << (channel == Channel::Output ? "Output": "Error")
+ << "channel while it was previously set for this channel.");
+ buffer->m_textChannelMode = mode;
+ switch (mode) {
+ case TextChannelMode::Off:
+ buffer->outputCallback = {};
+ buffer->emitSingleLines = true;
+ buffer->keepRawData = true;
+ break;
+ case TextChannelMode::SingleLine:
+ buffer->outputCallback = callback;
+ buffer->emitSingleLines = true;
+ buffer->keepRawData = false;
+ break;
+ case TextChannelMode::MultiLine:
+ buffer->outputCallback = callback;
+ buffer->emitSingleLines = false;
+ buffer->keepRawData = true;
+ break;
+ }
+TextChannelMode Process::textChannelMode(Channel channel) const
+ ChannelBuffer *buffer = channel == Channel::Output ? &d->m_stdOut : &d->m_stdErr;
+ return buffer->m_textChannelMode;
+void ProcessPrivate::slotTimeout()
+ if (!m_waitingForUser && (++m_hangTimerCount > m_maxHangTimerCount)) {
+ if (debug)
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "HANG detected, killing";
+ m_waitingForUser = true;
+ const bool terminate = !m_timeOutMessageBoxEnabled || askToKill(m_setup.m_commandLine);
+ m_waitingForUser = false;
+ if (terminate) {
+ q->stop();
+ q->waitForFinished();
+ m_result = ProcessResult::Hang;
+ } else {
+ m_hangTimerCount = 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (debug)
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << m_hangTimerCount;
+ }
+void ProcessPrivate::handleStarted(qint64 processId, qint64 applicationMainThreadId)
+ QTC_CHECK(m_state == QProcess::Starting);
+ m_state = QProcess::Running;
+ m_processId = processId;
+ m_applicationMainThreadId = applicationMainThreadId;
+ emitGuardedSignal(&Process::started);
+void ProcessPrivate::handleReadyRead(const QByteArray &outputData, const QByteArray &errorData)
+ QTC_CHECK(m_state == QProcess::Running);
+ // TODO: check why we need this timer?
+ m_hangTimerCount = 0;
+ // TODO: store a copy of m_processChannelMode on start()? Currently we assert that state
+ // is NotRunning when setting the process channel mode.
+ if (!outputData.isEmpty()) {
+ if (m_process->m_setup.m_processChannelMode == QProcess::ForwardedOutputChannel
+ || m_process->m_setup.m_processChannelMode == QProcess::ForwardedChannels) {
+ std::cout << outputData.constData() << std::flush;
+ } else {
+ m_stdOut.append(outputData);
+ emitGuardedSignal(&Process::readyReadStandardOutput);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!errorData.isEmpty()) {
+ if (m_process->m_setup.m_processChannelMode == QProcess::ForwardedErrorChannel
+ || m_process->m_setup.m_processChannelMode == QProcess::ForwardedChannels) {
+ std::cerr << errorData.constData() << std::flush;
+ } else {
+ m_stdErr.append(errorData);
+ emitGuardedSignal(&Process::readyReadStandardError);
+ }
+ }
+void ProcessPrivate::handleDone(const ProcessResultData &data)
+ m_killTimer.stop();
+ const bool wasCanceled = m_resultData.m_canceledByUser;
+ m_resultData = data;
+ m_resultData.m_canceledByUser = wasCanceled;
+ switch (m_state) {
+ case QProcess::NotRunning:
+ QTC_CHECK(false); // Can't happen
+ break;
+ case QProcess::Starting:
+ QTC_CHECK(m_resultData.m_error == QProcess::FailedToStart);
+ break;
+ case QProcess::Running:
+ QTC_CHECK(m_resultData.m_error != QProcess::FailedToStart);
+ break;
+ }
+ m_state = QProcess::NotRunning;
+ // This code (255) is being returned by QProcess when FailedToStart error occurred
+ if (m_resultData.m_error == QProcess::FailedToStart)
+ m_resultData.m_exitCode = 0xFF;
+ // HACK: See QIODevice::errorString() implementation.
+ if (m_resultData.m_error == QProcess::UnknownError)
+ m_resultData.m_errorString.clear();
+ else if (m_result != ProcessResult::Hang)
+ m_result = ProcessResult::StartFailed;
+ if (debug)
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << m_resultData.m_exitCode << m_resultData.m_exitStatus;
+ m_hangTimerCount = 0;
+ if (m_resultData.m_error != QProcess::FailedToStart) {
+ switch (m_resultData.m_exitStatus) {
+ case QProcess::NormalExit:
+ m_result = interpretExitCode(m_resultData.m_exitCode);
+ break;
+ case QProcess::CrashExit:
+ // Was hang detected before and killed?
+ if (m_result != ProcessResult::Hang)
+ m_result = ProcessResult::TerminatedAbnormally;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (m_eventLoop)
+ m_eventLoop->quit();
+ m_stdOut.handleRest();
+ m_stdErr.handleRest();
+ emitGuardedSignal(&Process::done);
+ m_processId = 0;
+ m_applicationMainThreadId = 0;
+static QString blockingMessage(const QVariant &variant)
+ if (!variant.isValid())
+ return "non blocking";
+ if (variant.toInt() == int(EventLoopMode::On))
+ return "blocking with event loop";
+ return "blocking without event loop";
+void ProcessPrivate::setupDebugLog()
+ if (!processLog().isDebugEnabled())
+ return;
+ auto now = [] {
+ using namespace std::chrono;
+ return duration_cast<milliseconds>(system_clock::now().time_since_epoch()).count();
+ };
+ connect(q, &Process::starting, this, [=] {
+ const quint64 msNow = now();
+ setProperty(QTC_PROCESS_STARTTIME, msNow);
+ static std::atomic_int startCounter = 0;
+ const int currentNumber = startCounter.fetch_add(1);
+ qCDebug(processLog).nospace().noquote()
+ << "Process " << currentNumber << " starting ("
+ << qPrintable(blockingMessage(property(QTC_PROCESS_BLOCKING_TYPE)))
+ << "): " << m_setup.m_commandLine.toUserOutput();
+ setProperty(QTC_PROCESS_NUMBER, currentNumber);
+ });
+ connect(q, &Process::done, this, [=] {
+ if (!m_process.get())
+ return;
+ const QVariant n = property(QTC_PROCESS_NUMBER);
+ if (!n.isValid())
+ return;
+ const quint64 msNow = now();
+ const quint64 msStarted = property(QTC_PROCESS_STARTTIME).toULongLong();
+ const quint64 msElapsed = msNow - msStarted;
+ const int number = n.toInt();
+ const QString stdOut = q->cleanedStdOut();
+ const QString stdErr = q->cleanedStdErr();
+ qCDebug(processLog).nospace()
+ << "Process " << number << " finished: result=" << int(m_result)
+ << ", ex=" << m_resultData.m_exitCode
+ << ", " << stdOut.size() << " bytes stdout: " << stdOut.left(20)
+ << ", " << stdErr.size() << " bytes stderr: " << stdErr.left(1000)
+ << ", " << msElapsed << " ms elapsed";
+ if (processStdoutLog().isDebugEnabled() && !stdOut.isEmpty())
+ qCDebug(processStdoutLog).nospace() << "Process " << number << " sdout: " << stdOut;
+ if (processStderrLog().isDebugEnabled() && !stdErr.isEmpty())
+ qCDebug(processStderrLog).nospace() << "Process " << number << " stderr: " << stdErr;
+ });
+void ProcessPrivate::storeEventLoopDebugInfo(const QVariant &value)
+ if (processLog().isDebugEnabled())
+ setProperty(QTC_PROCESS_BLOCKING_TYPE, value);
+ connect(task(), &Process::done, this, [this] {
+ emit done(task()->result() == ProcessResult::FinishedWithSuccess);
+ });
+void ProcessTaskAdapter::start()
+ task()->start();
+} // namespace Utils
+#include "process.moc"