path: root/src/libs/utils/tasktree.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/libs/utils/tasktree.cpp')
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-// Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0
-#include "tasktree.h"
-#include "guard.h"
-#include "qtcassert.h"
-#include <QSet>
-namespace Utils {
-namespace Tasking {
-static TaskAction toTaskAction(bool success)
- return success ? TaskAction::StopWithDone : TaskAction::StopWithError;
-bool TreeStorageBase::isValid() const
- return m_storageData && m_storageData->m_constructor && m_storageData->m_destructor;
-TreeStorageBase::TreeStorageBase(StorageConstructor ctor, StorageDestructor dtor)
- : m_storageData(new StorageData{ctor, dtor}) { }
- QTC_CHECK(m_storageHash.isEmpty());
- for (void *ptr : std::as_const(m_storageHash))
- m_destructor(ptr);
-void *TreeStorageBase::activeStorageVoid() const
- QTC_ASSERT(m_storageData->m_activeStorage, return nullptr);
- const auto it = m_storageData->m_storageHash.constFind(m_storageData->m_activeStorage);
- QTC_ASSERT(it != m_storageData->m_storageHash.constEnd(), return nullptr);
- return it.value();
-int TreeStorageBase::createStorage() const
- QTC_ASSERT(m_storageData->m_constructor, return 0); // TODO: add isValid()?
- QTC_ASSERT(m_storageData->m_destructor, return 0);
- QTC_ASSERT(m_storageData->m_activeStorage == 0, return 0); // TODO: should be allowed?
- const int newId = ++m_storageData->m_storageCounter;
- m_storageData->m_storageHash.insert(newId, m_storageData->m_constructor());
- return newId;
-void TreeStorageBase::deleteStorage(int id) const
- QTC_ASSERT(m_storageData->m_constructor, return); // TODO: add isValid()?
- QTC_ASSERT(m_storageData->m_destructor, return);
- QTC_ASSERT(m_storageData->m_activeStorage == 0, return); // TODO: should be allowed?
- const auto it = m_storageData->m_storageHash.constFind(id);
- QTC_ASSERT(it != m_storageData->m_storageHash.constEnd(), return);
- m_storageData->m_destructor(it.value());
- m_storageData->m_storageHash.erase(it);
-// passing 0 deactivates currently active storage
-void TreeStorageBase::activateStorage(int id) const
- if (id == 0) {
- QTC_ASSERT(m_storageData->m_activeStorage, return);
- m_storageData->m_activeStorage = 0;
- return;
- }
- QTC_ASSERT(m_storageData->m_activeStorage == 0, return);
- const auto it = m_storageData->m_storageHash.find(id);
- QTC_ASSERT(it != m_storageData->m_storageHash.end(), return);
- m_storageData->m_activeStorage = id;
-ParallelLimit sequential(1);
-ParallelLimit parallel(0);
-Workflow stopOnError(WorkflowPolicy::StopOnError);
-Workflow continueOnError(WorkflowPolicy::ContinueOnError);
-Workflow stopOnDone(WorkflowPolicy::StopOnDone);
-Workflow continueOnDone(WorkflowPolicy::ContinueOnDone);
-Workflow optional(WorkflowPolicy::Optional);
-void TaskItem::addChildren(const QList<TaskItem> &children)
- QTC_ASSERT(m_type == Type::Group, qWarning("Only Task may have children, skipping..."); return);
- for (const TaskItem &child : children) {
- switch (child.m_type) {
- case Type::Group:
- m_children.append(child);
- break;
- case Type::Limit:
- QTC_ASSERT(m_type == Type::Group,
- qWarning("Mode may only be a child of Group, skipping..."); return);
- m_parallelLimit = child.m_parallelLimit; // TODO: Assert on redefinition?
- break;
- case Type::Policy:
- QTC_ASSERT(m_type == Type::Group,
- qWarning("Workflow Policy may only be a child of Group, skipping..."); return);
- m_workflowPolicy = child.m_workflowPolicy; // TODO: Assert on redefinition?
- break;
- case Type::TaskHandler:
- QTC_ASSERT(child.m_taskHandler.m_createHandler,
- qWarning("Task Create Handler can't be null, skipping..."); return);
- QTC_ASSERT(child.m_taskHandler.m_setupHandler,
- qWarning("Task Setup Handler can't be null, skipping..."); return);
- m_children.append(child);
- break;
- case Type::GroupHandler:
- QTC_ASSERT(m_type == Type::Group, qWarning("Group Handler may only be a "
- "child of Group, skipping..."); break);
- QTC_ASSERT(!child.m_groupHandler.m_setupHandler
- || !m_groupHandler.m_setupHandler,
- qWarning("Group Setup Handler redefinition, overriding..."));
- QTC_ASSERT(!child.m_groupHandler.m_doneHandler
- || !m_groupHandler.m_doneHandler,
- qWarning("Group Done Handler redefinition, overriding..."));
- QTC_ASSERT(!child.m_groupHandler.m_errorHandler
- || !m_groupHandler.m_errorHandler,
- qWarning("Group Error Handler redefinition, overriding..."));
- if (child.m_groupHandler.m_setupHandler)
- m_groupHandler.m_setupHandler = child.m_groupHandler.m_setupHandler;
- if (child.m_groupHandler.m_doneHandler)
- m_groupHandler.m_doneHandler = child.m_groupHandler.m_doneHandler;
- if (child.m_groupHandler.m_errorHandler)
- m_groupHandler.m_errorHandler = child.m_groupHandler.m_errorHandler;
- break;
- case Type::Storage:
- m_storageList.append(child.m_storageList);
- break;
- }
- }
-} // namespace Tasking
-using namespace Tasking;
-class TaskTreePrivate;
-class TaskNode;
-class TaskContainer
- TaskContainer(TaskTreePrivate *taskTreePrivate, const TaskItem &task,
- TaskContainer *parentContainer)
- : m_constData(taskTreePrivate, task, parentContainer, this) {}
- TaskAction start();
- TaskAction continueStart(TaskAction startAction, int nextChild);
- TaskAction startChildren(int nextChild);
- TaskAction childDone(bool success);
- void stop();
- void invokeEndHandler();
- bool isRunning() const { return m_runtimeData.has_value(); }
- bool isStarting() const { return isRunning() && m_runtimeData->m_startGuard.isLocked(); }
- struct ConstData {
- ConstData(TaskTreePrivate *taskTreePrivate, const TaskItem &task,
- TaskContainer *parentContainer, TaskContainer *thisContainer);
- ~ConstData() { qDeleteAll(m_children); }
- TaskTreePrivate * const m_taskTreePrivate = nullptr;
- TaskContainer * const m_parentContainer = nullptr;
- const int m_parallelLimit = 1;
- const WorkflowPolicy m_workflowPolicy = WorkflowPolicy::StopOnError;
- const TaskItem::GroupHandler m_groupHandler;
- const QList<TreeStorageBase> m_storageList;
- const QList<TaskNode *> m_children;
- const int m_taskCount = 0;
- };
- struct RuntimeData {
- RuntimeData(const ConstData &constData);
- ~RuntimeData();
- static QList<int> createStorages(const TaskContainer::ConstData &constData);
- void callStorageDoneHandlers();
- bool updateSuccessBit(bool success);
- int currentLimit() const;
- const ConstData &m_constData;
- const QList<int> m_storageIdList;
- int m_doneCount = 0;
- bool m_successBit = true;
- Guard m_startGuard;
- };
- const ConstData m_constData;
- std::optional<RuntimeData> m_runtimeData;
-class TaskNode : public QObject
- TaskNode(TaskTreePrivate *taskTreePrivate, const TaskItem &task,
- TaskContainer *parentContainer)
- : m_taskHandler(task.taskHandler())
- , m_container(taskTreePrivate, task, parentContainer)
- {}
- // If returned value != Continue, childDone() needs to be called in parent container (in caller)
- // in order to unwind properly.
- TaskAction start();
- void stop();
- void invokeEndHandler(bool success);
- bool isRunning() const { return m_task || m_container.isRunning(); }
- bool isTask() const { return m_taskHandler.m_createHandler && m_taskHandler.m_setupHandler; }
- int taskCount() const { return isTask() ? 1 : m_container.m_constData.m_taskCount; }
- TaskContainer *parentContainer() const { return m_container.m_constData.m_parentContainer; }
- const TaskItem::TaskHandler m_taskHandler;
- TaskContainer m_container;
- std::unique_ptr<TaskInterface> m_task;
-class TaskTreePrivate
- TaskTreePrivate(TaskTree *taskTree)
- : q(taskTree) {}
- void start() {
- QTC_ASSERT(m_root, return);
- m_progressValue = 0;
- emitStartedAndProgress();
- // TODO: check storage handlers for not existing storages in tree
- for (auto it = m_storageHandlers.cbegin(); it != m_storageHandlers.cend(); ++it) {
- QTC_ASSERT(m_storages.contains(it.key()), qWarning("The registered storage doesn't "
- "exist in task tree. Its handlers will never be called."));
- }
- m_root->start();
- }
- void stop() {
- QTC_ASSERT(m_root, return);
- if (!m_root->isRunning())
- return;
- // TODO: should we have canceled flag (passed to handler)?
- // Just one done handler with result flag:
- // FinishedWithSuccess, FinishedWithError, Canceled, TimedOut.
- // Canceled either directly by user, or by workflow policy - doesn't matter, in both
- // cases canceled from outside.
- m_root->stop();
- emitError();
- }
- void advanceProgress(int byValue) {
- if (byValue == 0)
- return;
- QTC_CHECK(byValue > 0);
- QTC_CHECK(m_progressValue + byValue <= m_root->taskCount());
- m_progressValue += byValue;
- emitProgress();
- }
- void emitStartedAndProgress() {
- GuardLocker locker(m_guard);
- emit q->started();
- emit q->progressValueChanged(m_progressValue);
- }
- void emitProgress() {
- GuardLocker locker(m_guard);
- emit q->progressValueChanged(m_progressValue);
- }
- void emitDone() {
- QTC_CHECK(m_progressValue == m_root->taskCount());
- GuardLocker locker(m_guard);
- emit q->done();
- }
- void emitError() {
- QTC_CHECK(m_progressValue == m_root->taskCount());
- GuardLocker locker(m_guard);
- emit q->errorOccurred();
- }
- QList<TreeStorageBase> addStorages(const QList<TreeStorageBase> &storages) {
- QList<TreeStorageBase> addedStorages;
- for (const TreeStorageBase &storage : storages) {
- QTC_ASSERT(!m_storages.contains(storage), qWarning("Can't add the same storage into "
- "one TaskTree twice, skipping..."); continue);
- addedStorages << storage;
- m_storages << storage;
- }
- return addedStorages;
- }
- void callSetupHandler(TreeStorageBase storage, int storageId) {
- callStorageHandler(storage, storageId, &StorageHandler::m_setupHandler);
- }
- void callDoneHandler(TreeStorageBase storage, int storageId) {
- callStorageHandler(storage, storageId, &StorageHandler::m_doneHandler);
- }
- struct StorageHandler {
- TaskTree::StorageVoidHandler m_setupHandler = {};
- TaskTree::StorageVoidHandler m_doneHandler = {};
- };
- typedef TaskTree::StorageVoidHandler StorageHandler::*HandlerPtr; // ptr to class member
- void callStorageHandler(TreeStorageBase storage, int storageId, HandlerPtr ptr)
- {
- const auto it = m_storageHandlers.constFind(storage);
- if (it == m_storageHandlers.constEnd())
- return;
- GuardLocker locker(m_guard);
- const StorageHandler storageHandler = *it;
- storage.activateStorage(storageId);
- if (storageHandler.*ptr)
- (storageHandler.*ptr)(storage.activeStorageVoid());
- storage.activateStorage(0);
- }
- TaskTree *q = nullptr;
- Guard m_guard;
- int m_progressValue = 0;
- QSet<TreeStorageBase> m_storages;
- QHash<TreeStorageBase, StorageHandler> m_storageHandlers;
- std::unique_ptr<TaskNode> m_root = nullptr; // Keep me last in order to destruct first
-class StorageActivator
- StorageActivator(TaskContainer *container)
- : m_container(container) { activateStorages(m_container); }
- ~StorageActivator() { deactivateStorages(m_container); }
- static void activateStorages(TaskContainer *container)
- {
- QTC_ASSERT(container && container->isRunning(), return);
- const TaskContainer::ConstData &constData = container->m_constData;
- if (constData.m_parentContainer)
- activateStorages(constData.m_parentContainer);
- for (int i = 0; i < constData.m_storageList.size(); ++i)
- constData.m_storageList[i].activateStorage(container->m_runtimeData->m_storageIdList.value(i));
- }
- static void deactivateStorages(TaskContainer *container)
- {
- QTC_ASSERT(container && container->isRunning(), return);
- const TaskContainer::ConstData &constData = container->m_constData;
- for (int i = constData.m_storageList.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) // iterate in reverse order
- constData.m_storageList[i].activateStorage(0);
- if (constData.m_parentContainer)
- deactivateStorages(constData.m_parentContainer);
- }
- TaskContainer *m_container = nullptr;
-template <typename Handler, typename ...Args,
- typename ReturnType = typename std::invoke_result_t<Handler, Args...>>
-ReturnType invokeHandler(TaskContainer *container, Handler &&handler, Args &&...args)
- StorageActivator activator(container);
- GuardLocker locker(container->m_constData.m_taskTreePrivate->m_guard);
- return std::invoke(std::forward<Handler>(handler), std::forward<Args>(args)...);
-static QList<TaskNode *> createChildren(TaskTreePrivate *taskTreePrivate, TaskContainer *container,
- const TaskItem &task)
- QList<TaskNode *> result;
- const QList<TaskItem> &children = task.children();
- for (const TaskItem &child : children)
- result.append(new TaskNode(taskTreePrivate, child, container));
- return result;
-TaskContainer::ConstData::ConstData(TaskTreePrivate *taskTreePrivate, const TaskItem &task,
- TaskContainer *parentContainer, TaskContainer *thisContainer)
- : m_taskTreePrivate(taskTreePrivate)
- , m_parentContainer(parentContainer)
- , m_parallelLimit(task.parallelLimit())
- , m_workflowPolicy(task.workflowPolicy())
- , m_groupHandler(task.groupHandler())
- , m_storageList(taskTreePrivate->addStorages(task.storageList()))
- , m_children(createChildren(taskTreePrivate, thisContainer, task))
- , m_taskCount(std::accumulate(m_children.cbegin(), m_children.cend(), 0,
- [](int r, TaskNode *n) { return r + n->taskCount(); }))
-QList<int> TaskContainer::RuntimeData::createStorages(const TaskContainer::ConstData &constData)
- QList<int> storageIdList;
- for (const TreeStorageBase &storage : constData.m_storageList) {
- const int storageId = storage.createStorage();
- storageIdList.append(storageId);
- constData.m_taskTreePrivate->callSetupHandler(storage, storageId);
- }
- return storageIdList;
-void TaskContainer::RuntimeData::callStorageDoneHandlers()
- for (int i = m_constData.m_storageList.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { // iterate in reverse order
- const TreeStorageBase storage = m_constData.m_storageList[i];
- const int storageId = m_storageIdList.value(i);
- m_constData.m_taskTreePrivate->callDoneHandler(storage, storageId);
- }
-TaskContainer::RuntimeData::RuntimeData(const ConstData &constData)
- : m_constData(constData)
- , m_storageIdList(createStorages(constData))
- m_successBit = m_constData.m_workflowPolicy != WorkflowPolicy::StopOnDone
- && m_constData.m_workflowPolicy != WorkflowPolicy::ContinueOnDone;
- for (int i = m_constData.m_storageList.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { // iterate in reverse order
- const TreeStorageBase storage = m_constData.m_storageList[i];
- const int storageId = m_storageIdList.value(i);
- storage.deleteStorage(storageId);
- }
-bool TaskContainer::RuntimeData::updateSuccessBit(bool success)
- if (m_constData.m_workflowPolicy == WorkflowPolicy::Optional)
- return m_successBit;
- const bool donePolicy = m_constData.m_workflowPolicy == WorkflowPolicy::StopOnDone
- || m_constData.m_workflowPolicy == WorkflowPolicy::ContinueOnDone;
- m_successBit = donePolicy ? (m_successBit || success) : (m_successBit && success);
- return m_successBit;
-int TaskContainer::RuntimeData::currentLimit() const
- const int childCount = m_constData.m_children.size();
- return m_constData.m_parallelLimit
- ? qMin(m_doneCount + m_constData.m_parallelLimit, childCount) : childCount;
-TaskAction TaskContainer::start()
- QTC_CHECK(!isRunning());
- m_runtimeData.emplace(m_constData);
- TaskAction startAction = TaskAction::Continue;
- if (m_constData.m_groupHandler.m_setupHandler) {
- startAction = invokeHandler(this, m_constData.m_groupHandler.m_setupHandler);
- if (startAction != TaskAction::Continue)
- m_constData.m_taskTreePrivate->advanceProgress(m_constData.m_taskCount);
- }
- if (m_constData.m_children.isEmpty() && startAction == TaskAction::Continue)
- startAction = TaskAction::StopWithDone;
- return continueStart(startAction, 0);
-TaskAction TaskContainer::continueStart(TaskAction startAction, int nextChild)
- const TaskAction groupAction = startAction == TaskAction::Continue ? startChildren(nextChild)
- : startAction;
- QTC_CHECK(isRunning()); // TODO: superfluous
- if (groupAction != TaskAction::Continue) {
- const bool success = m_runtimeData->updateSuccessBit(groupAction == TaskAction::StopWithDone);
- invokeEndHandler();
- if (TaskContainer *parentContainer = m_constData.m_parentContainer) {
- QTC_CHECK(parentContainer->isRunning());
- if (!parentContainer->isStarting())
- parentContainer->childDone(success);
- } else if (success) {
- m_constData.m_taskTreePrivate->emitDone();
- } else {
- m_constData.m_taskTreePrivate->emitError();
- }
- }
- return groupAction;
-TaskAction TaskContainer::startChildren(int nextChild)
- QTC_CHECK(isRunning());
- GuardLocker locker(m_runtimeData->m_startGuard);
- for (int i = nextChild; i < m_constData.m_children.size(); ++i) {
- const int limit = m_runtimeData->currentLimit();
- if (i >= limit)
- break;
- const TaskAction startAction = m_constData.m_children.at(i)->start();
- if (startAction == TaskAction::Continue)
- continue;
- const TaskAction finalizeAction = childDone(startAction == TaskAction::StopWithDone);
- if (finalizeAction == TaskAction::Continue)
- continue;
- int skippedTaskCount = 0;
- // Skip scheduled but not run yet. The current (i) was already notified.
- for (int j = i + 1; j < limit; ++j)
- skippedTaskCount += m_constData.m_children.at(j)->taskCount();
- m_constData.m_taskTreePrivate->advanceProgress(skippedTaskCount);
- return finalizeAction;
- }
- return TaskAction::Continue;
-TaskAction TaskContainer::childDone(bool success)
- QTC_CHECK(isRunning());
- const int limit = m_runtimeData->currentLimit(); // Read before bumping m_doneCount and stop()
- const bool shouldStop = (m_constData.m_workflowPolicy == WorkflowPolicy::StopOnDone && success)
- || (m_constData.m_workflowPolicy == WorkflowPolicy::StopOnError && !success);
- if (shouldStop)
- stop();
- ++m_runtimeData->m_doneCount;
- const bool updatedSuccess = m_runtimeData->updateSuccessBit(success);
- const TaskAction startAction
- = (shouldStop || m_runtimeData->m_doneCount == m_constData.m_children.size())
- ? toTaskAction(updatedSuccess) : TaskAction::Continue;
- if (isStarting())
- return startAction;
- return continueStart(startAction, limit);
-void TaskContainer::stop()
- if (!isRunning())
- return;
- const int limit = m_runtimeData->currentLimit();
- for (int i = 0; i < limit; ++i)
- m_constData.m_children.at(i)->stop();
- int skippedTaskCount = 0;
- for (int i = limit; i < m_constData.m_children.size(); ++i)
- skippedTaskCount += m_constData.m_children.at(i)->taskCount();
- m_constData.m_taskTreePrivate->advanceProgress(skippedTaskCount);
-void TaskContainer::invokeEndHandler()
- const TaskItem::GroupHandler &groupHandler = m_constData.m_groupHandler;
- if (m_runtimeData->m_successBit && groupHandler.m_doneHandler)
- invokeHandler(this, groupHandler.m_doneHandler);
- else if (!m_runtimeData->m_successBit && groupHandler.m_errorHandler)
- invokeHandler(this, groupHandler.m_errorHandler);
- m_runtimeData->callStorageDoneHandlers();
- m_runtimeData.reset();
-TaskAction TaskNode::start()
- QTC_CHECK(!isRunning());
- if (!isTask())
- return m_container.start();
- m_task.reset(m_taskHandler.m_createHandler());
- const TaskAction startAction = invokeHandler(parentContainer(), m_taskHandler.m_setupHandler,
- *m_task.get());
- if (startAction != TaskAction::Continue) {
- m_container.m_constData.m_taskTreePrivate->advanceProgress(1);
- m_task.reset();
- return startAction;
- }
- const std::shared_ptr<TaskAction> unwindAction
- = std::make_shared<TaskAction>(TaskAction::Continue);
- connect(m_task.get(), &TaskInterface::done, this, [=](bool success) {
- invokeEndHandler(success);
- disconnect(m_task.get(), &TaskInterface::done, this, nullptr);
- m_task.release()->deleteLater();
- QTC_ASSERT(parentContainer() && parentContainer()->isRunning(), return);
- if (parentContainer()->isStarting())
- *unwindAction = toTaskAction(success);
- else
- parentContainer()->childDone(success);
- });
- m_task->start();
- return *unwindAction;
-void TaskNode::stop()
- if (!isRunning())
- return;
- if (!m_task) {
- m_container.stop();
- m_container.invokeEndHandler();
- return;
- }
- // TODO: cancelHandler?
- // TODO: call TaskInterface::stop() ?
- invokeEndHandler(false);
- m_task.reset();
-void TaskNode::invokeEndHandler(bool success)
- if (success && m_taskHandler.m_doneHandler)
- invokeHandler(parentContainer(), m_taskHandler.m_doneHandler, *m_task.get());
- else if (!success && m_taskHandler.m_errorHandler)
- invokeHandler(parentContainer(), m_taskHandler.m_errorHandler, *m_task.get());
- m_container.m_constData.m_taskTreePrivate->advanceProgress(1);
- \class Utils::TaskTree
- \inheaderfile utils/tasktree.h
- \inmodule QtCreator
- \ingroup mainclasses
- \brief The TaskTree class runs an async task tree structure defined in a
- declarative way.
- Use the Tasking namespace to build extensible, declarative task tree
- structures that contain possibly asynchronous tasks, such as QtcProcess,
- FileTransfer, or AsyncTask<ReturnType>. TaskTree structures enable you
- to create a sophisticated mixture of a parallel or sequential flow of tasks
- in the form of a tree and to run it any time later.
- \section1 Root Element and Tasks
- The TaskTree has a mandatory Group root element, which may contain
- any number of tasks of various types, such as Process, FileTransfer,
- or AsyncTask<ReturnType>:
- \code
- using namespace Utils;
- using namespace Tasking;
- const Group root {
- Process(...),
- Async<int>(...),
- Transfer(...)
- };
- TaskTree *taskTree = new TaskTree(root);
- connect(taskTree, &TaskTree::done, ...); // a successfully finished handler
- connect(taskTree, &TaskTree::errorOccurred, ...); // an erroneously finished handler
- taskTree->start();
- \endcode
- The task tree above has a top level element of the Group type that contains
- tasks of the type QtcProcess, FileTransfer, and AsyncTask<int>.
- After taskTree->start() is called, the tasks are run in a chain, starting
- with Process. When Process finishes successfully, the Async<int> task is
- started. Finally, when the asynchronous task finishes successfully, the
- FileTransfer task is started.
- When the last running task finishes with success, the task tree is considered
- to have run successfully and the TaskTree::done() signal is emitted.
- When a task finishes with an error, the execution of the task tree is stopped
- and the remaining tasks are skipped. The task tree finishes with an error and
- sends the TaskTree::errorOccurred() signal.
- \section1 Groups
- The parent of the Group sees it as a single task. Like other tasks,
- the group can be started and it can finish with success or an error.
- The Group elements can be nested to create a tree structure:
- \code
- const Group root {
- Group {
- parallel,
- Process(...),
- Async<int>(...)
- },
- Transfer(...)
- };
- \endcode
- The example above differs from the first example in that the root element has
- a subgroup that contains the Process and Async<int> tasks. The subgroup is a
- sibling element of the Transfer task in the root. The subgroup contains an
- additional \e parallel element that instructs its Group to execute its tasks
- in parallel.
- So, when the tree above is started, the Process and Async<int> tasks start
- immediately and run in parallel. Since the root group doesn't contain a
- \e parallel element, its direct child tasks are run in sequence. Thus, the
- Transfer task starts when the whole subgroup finishes. The group is
- considered as finished when all its tasks have finished. The order in which
- the tasks finish is not relevant.
- So, depending on which task lasts longer (Process or Async<int>), the
- following scenarios can take place:
- \table
- \header
- \li Scenario 1
- \li Scenario 2
- \row
- \li Root Group starts
- \li Root Group starts
- \row
- \li Sub Group starts
- \li Sub Group starts
- \row
- \li Process starts
- \li Process starts
- \row
- \li Async<int> starts
- \li Async<int> starts
- \row
- \li ...
- \li ...
- \row
- \li \b {Process finishes}
- \li \b {Async<int> finishes}
- \row
- \li ...
- \li ...
- \row
- \li \b {Async<int> finishes}
- \li \b {Process finishes}
- \row
- \li Sub Group finishes
- \li Sub Group finishes
- \row
- \li Transfer starts
- \li Transfer starts
- \row
- \li ...
- \li ...
- \row
- \li Transfer finishes
- \li Transfer finishes
- \row
- \li Root Group finishes
- \li Root Group finishes
- \endtable
- The differences between the scenarios are marked with bold. Three dots mean
- that an unspecified amount of time passes between previous and next events
- (a task or tasks continue to run). No dots between events
- means that they occur synchronously.
- The presented scenarios assume that all tasks run successfully. If a task
- fails during execution, the task tree finishes with an error. In particular,
- when Process finishes with an error while Async<int> is still being executed,
- Async<int> is automatically stopped, the subgroup finishes with an error,
- Transfer is skipped, and the tree finishes with an error.
- \section1 Task Types
- Each task type is associated with its corresponding task class that executes
- the task. For example, a Process task inside a task tree is associated with
- the QtcProcess class that executes the process. The associated objects are
- automatically created, started, and destructed exclusively by the task tree
- at the appropriate time.
- If a root group consists of five sequential Process tasks, and the task tree
- executes the group, it creates an instance of QtcProcess for the first
- Process task and starts it. If the QtcProcess instance finishes successfully,
- the task tree destructs it and creates a new QtcProcess instance for the
- second Process, and so on. If the first task finishes with an error, the task
- tree stops creating QtcProcess instances, and the root group finishes with an
- error.
- The following table shows examples of task types and their corresponding task
- classes:
- \table
- \header
- \li Task Type (Tasking Namespace)
- \li Associated Task Class
- \li Brief Description
- \row
- \li Process
- \li Utils::QtcProcess
- \li Starts processes.
- \row
- \li Async<ReturnType>
- \li Utils::AsyncTask<ReturnType>
- \li Starts asynchronous tasks; run in separate thread.
- \row
- \li Tree
- \li Utils::TaskTree
- \li Starts a nested task tree.
- \row
- \li Transfer
- \li ProjectExplorer::FileTransfer
- \li Starts file transfer between different devices.
- \endtable
- \section1 Task Handlers
- Use Task handlers to set up a task for execution and to enable reading
- the output data from the task when it finishes with success or an error.
- \section2 Task Start Handler
- When a corresponding task class object is created and before it's started,
- the task tree invokes a mandatory user-provided setup handler. The setup
- handler should always take a \e reference to the associated task class object:
- \code
- const auto onSetup = [](QtcProcess &process) {
- process.setCommand({"sleep", {"3"}});
- };
- const Group root {
- Process(onSetup)
- };
- \endcode
- You can modify the passed QtcProcess in the setup handler, so that the task
- tree can start the process according to your configuration.
- You do not need to call \e {process.start();} in the setup handler,
- as the task tree calls it when needed. The setup handler is mandatory
- and must be the first argument of the task's constructor.
- Optionally, the setup handler may return a TaskAction. The returned
- TaskAction influences the further start behavior of a given task. The
- possible values are:
- \table
- \header
- \li TaskAction Value
- \li Brief Description
- \row
- \li Continue
- \li The task is started normally. This is the default behavior when the
- setup handler doesn't return TaskAction (that is, its return type is
- void).
- \row
- \li StopWithDone
- \li The task won't be started and it will report success to its parent.
- \row
- \li StopWithError
- \li The task won't be started and it will report an error to its parent.
- \endtable
- This is useful for running a task only when a condition is met and the data
- needed to evaluate this condition is not known until previously started tasks
- finish. This way, the setup handler dynamically decides whether to start the
- corresponding task normally or skip it and report success or an error.
- For more information about inter-task data exchange, see \l Storage.
- \section2 Task's Done and Error Handlers
- When a running task finishes, the task tree invokes an optionally provided
- done or error handler. Both handlers should always take a \e {const reference}
- to the associated task class object:
- \code
- const auto onSetup = [](QtcProcess &process) {
- process.setCommand({"sleep", {"3"}});
- };
- const auto onDone = [](const QtcProcess &process) {
- qDebug() << "Success" << process.cleanedStdOut();
- };
- const auto onError = [](const QtcProcess &process) {
- qDebug() << "Failure" << process.cleanedStdErr();
- };
- const Group root {
- Process(onSetup, onDone, onError)
- };
- \endcode
- The done and error handlers may collect output data from QtcProcess, and store it
- for further processing or perform additional actions. The done handler is optional.
- When used, it must be the second argument of the task constructor.
- The error handler must always be the third argument.
- You can omit the handlers or substitute the ones that you do not need with curly braces ({}).
- \note If the task setup handler returns StopWithDone or StopWithError,
- neither the done nor error handler is invoked.
- \section1 Group Handlers
- Similarly to task handlers, group handlers enable you to set up a group to
- execute and to apply more actions when the whole group finishes with
- success or an error.
- \section2 Group's Start Handler
- The task tree invokes the group start handler before it starts the child
- tasks. The group handler doesn't take any arguments:
- \code
- const auto onGroupSetup = [] {
- qDebug() << "Entering the group";
- };
- const Group root {
- OnGroupSetup(onGroupSetup),
- Process(...)
- };
- \endcode
- The group setup handler is optional. To define a group setup handler, add an
- OnGroupSetup element to a group. The argument of OnGroupSetup is a user
- handler. If you add more than one OnGroupSetup element to a group, an assert
- is triggered at runtime that includes an error message.
- Like the task start handler, the group start handler may return TaskAction.
- The returned TaskAction value affects the start behavior of the
- whole group. If you do not specify a group start handler or its return type
- is void, the default group's action is TaskAction::Continue, so that all
- tasks are started normally. Otherwise, when the start handler returns
- TaskAction::StopWithDone or TaskAction::StopWithError, the tasks are not
- started (they are skipped) and the group itself reports success or failure,
- depending on the returned value, respectively.
- \code
- const Group root {
- OnGroupSetup([] { qDebug() << "Root setup"; }),
- Group {
- OnGroupSetup([] { qDebug() << "Group 1 setup"; return TaskAction::Continue; }),
- Process(...) // Process 1
- },
- Group {
- OnGroupSetup([] { qDebug() << "Group 2 setup"; return TaskAction::StopWithDone; }),
- Process(...) // Process 2
- },
- Group {
- OnGroupSetup([] { qDebug() << "Group 3 setup"; return TaskAction::StopWithError; }),
- Process(...) // Process 3
- },
- Process(...) // Process 4
- };
- \endcode
- In the above example, all subgroups of a root group define their setup handlers.
- The following scenario assumes that all started processes finish with success:
- \table
- \header
- \li Scenario
- \li Comment
- \row
- \li Root Group starts
- \li Doesn't return TaskAction, so its tasks are executed.
- \row
- \li Group 1 starts
- \li Returns Continue, so its tasks are executed.
- \row
- \li Process 1 starts
- \li
- \row
- \li ...
- \li ...
- \row
- \li Process 1 finishes (success)
- \li
- \row
- \li Group 1 finishes (success)
- \li
- \row
- \li Group 2 starts
- \li Returns StopWithDone, so Process 2 is skipped and Group 2 reports
- success.
- \row
- \li Group 2 finishes (success)
- \li
- \row
- \li Group 3 starts
- \li Returns StopWithError, so Process 3 is skipped and Group 3 reports
- an error.
- \row
- \li Group 3 finishes (error)
- \li
- \row
- \li Root Group finishes (error)
- \li Group 3, which is a direct child of the root group, finished with an
- error, so the root group stops executing, skips Process 4, which has
- not started yet, and reports an error.
- \endtable
- \section2 Groups's Done and Error Handlers
- A Group's done or error handler is executed after the successful or failed
- execution of its tasks, respectively. The final value reported by the
- group depends on its \l {Workflow Policy}. The handlers can apply other
- necessary actions. The done and error handlers are defined inside the
- OnGroupDone and OnGroupError elements of a group, respectively. They do not
- take arguments:
- \code
- const Group root {
- OnGroupSetup([] { qDebug() << "Root setup"; }),
- Process(...),
- OnGroupDone([] { qDebug() << "Root finished with success"; }),
- OnGroupError([] { qDebug() << "Root finished with error"; })
- };
- \endcode
- The group done and error handlers are optional. If you add more than one
- OnGroupDone or OnGroupError each to a group, an assert is triggered at
- runtime that includes an error message.
- \note Even if the group setup handler returns StopWithDone or StopWithError,
- one of the task's done or error handlers is invoked. This behavior differs
- from that of task handlers and might change in the future.
- \section1 Other Group Elements
- A group can contain other elements that describe the processing flow, such as
- the execution mode or workflow policy. It can also contain storage elements
- that are responsible for collecting and sharing custom common data gathered
- during group execution.
- \section2 Execution Mode
- The execution mode element in a Group specifies how the direct child tasks of
- the Group are started.
- \table
- \header
- \li Execution Mode
- \li Description
- \row
- \li sequential
- \li Default. When a Group has no execution mode, it runs in the
- sequential mode. All the direct child tasks of a group are started
- in a chain, so that when one task finishes, the next one starts.
- This enables you to pass the results from the previous task
- as input to the next task before it starts. This mode guarantees
- that the next task is started only after the previous task finishes.
- \row
- \li parallel
- \li All the direct child tasks of a group are started after the group is
- started, without waiting for the previous tasks to finish. In this
- mode, all tasks run simultaneously.
- \row
- \li ParallelLimit(int limit)
- \li In this mode, a limited number of direct child tasks run simultaneously.
- The \e limit defines the maximum number of tasks running in parallel
- in a group. When the group is started, the first batch tasks is
- started (the number of tasks in batch equals to passed limit, at most),
- while the others are kept waiting. When a running task finishes,
- the group starts the next remaining one, so that the \e limit
- of simultaneously running tasks inside a group isn't exceeded.
- This repeats on every child task's finish until all child tasks are started.
- This enables you to limit the maximum number of tasks that
- run simultaneously, for example if running too many processes might
- block the machine for a long time. The value 1 means \e sequential
- execution. The value 0 means unlimited and equals \e parallel.
- \endtable
- In all execution modes, a group starts tasks in the oder in which they appear.
- If a child of a group is also a group (in a nested tree), the child group
- runs its tasks according to its own execution mode.
- \section2 Workflow Policy
- The workflow policy element in a Group specifies how the group should behave
- when its direct child tasks finish:
- \table
- \header
- \li Workflow Policy
- \li Description
- \row
- \li stopOnError
- \li Default. If a task finishes with an error, the group:
- \list 1
- \li Stops the running tasks (if any - for example, in parallel
- mode).
- \li Skips executing tasks it has not started (for example, in the
- sequential mode).
- \li Immediately finishes with an error.
- \endlist
- If all child tasks finish successfully or the group is empty, the group
- finishes with success.
- \row
- \li continueOnError
- \li Similar to stopOnError, but in case any child finishes with
- an error, the execution continues until all tasks finish,
- and the group reports an error afterwards, even when some other
- tasks in group finished with success.
- If a task finishes with an error, the group:
- \list 1
- \li Continues executing the tasks that are running or have not
- started yet.
- \li Finishes with an error when all tasks finish.
- \endlist
- If all tasks finish successfully or the group is empty, the group
- finishes with success.
- \row
- \li stopOnDone
- \li If a task finishes with success, the group:
- \list 1
- \li Stops running tasks and skips those that it has not started.
- \li Immediately finishes with success.
- \endlist
- If all tasks finish with an error or the group is empty, the group
- finishes with an error.
- \row
- \li continueOnDone
- \li Similar to stopOnDone, but in case any child finishes
- successfully, the execution continues until all tasks finish,
- and the group reports success afterwards, even when some other
- tasks in group finished with an error.
- If a task finishes with success, the group:
- \list 1
- \li Continues executing the tasks that are running or have not
- started yet.
- \li Finishes with success when all tasks finish.
- \endlist
- If all tasks finish with an error or the group is empty, the group
- finishes with an error.
- \row
- \li optional
- \li The group executes all tasks and ignores their return state. If all
- tasks finish or the group is empty, the group finishes with success.
- \endtable
- If a child of a group is also a group (in a nested tree), the child group
- runs its tasks according to its own workflow policy.
- \section2 Storage
- Use the Storage element to exchange information between tasks. Especially,
- in the sequential execution mode, when a task needs data from another task
- before it can start. For example, a task tree that copies data by reading
- it from a source and writing it to a destination might look as follows:
- \code
- static QByteArray load(const FilePath &fileName) { ... }
- static void save(const FilePath &fileName, const QByteArray &array) { ... }
- static TaskItem diffRecipe(const FilePath &source, const FilePath &destination)
- {
- struct CopyStorage { // [1] custom inter-task struct
- QByteArray content; // [2] custom inter-task data
- };
- // [3] instance of custom inter-task struct manageable by task tree
- const TreeStorage<CopyStorage> storage;
- const auto onLoaderSetup = [source](Async<QByteArray> &async) {
- async.setAsyncCallData(&load, source);
- };
- // [4] runtime: task tree activates the instance from [5] before invoking handler
- const auto onLoaderDone = [storage](const Async<QByteArray> &async) {
- storage->content = async.result();
- };
- // [4] runtime: task tree activates the instance from [5] before invoking handler
- const auto onSaverSetup = [storage, destination](Async<void> &async) {
- async.setAsyncCallData(&save, destination, storage->content);
- };
- const auto onSaverDone = [](const Async<void> &async) {
- qDebug() << "Save done successfully";
- };
- const Group root {
- // [5] runtime: task tree creates an instance of CopyStorage when root is entered
- Storage(storage),
- Async<QByteArray>(onLoaderSetup, onLoaderDone),
- Async<void>(onSaverSetup, onSaverDone)
- };
- return root;
- }
- \endcode
- In the example above, the inter-task data consists of a QByteArray content
- variable [2] enclosed in a CopyStorage custom struct [1]. If the loader
- finishes successfully, it stores the data in a CopyStorage::content
- variable. The saver then uses the variable to configure the saving task.
- To enable a task tree to manage the CopyStorage struct, an instance of
- TreeStorage<CopyStorage> is created [3]. If a copy of this object is
- inserted as group's child task [5], an instance of CopyStorage struct is
- created dynamically when the task tree enters this group. When the task
- tree leaves this group, the existing instance of CopyStorage struct is
- destructed as it's no longer needed.
- If several task trees that hold a copy of the common TreeStorage<CopyStorage>
- instance run simultaneously, each task tree contains its own copy of the
- CopyStorage struct.
- You can access CopyStorage from any handler in the group with a storage object.
- This includes all handlers of all descendant tasks of the group with
- a storage object. To access the custom struct in a handler, pass the
- copy of the TreeStorage<CopyStorage> object to the handler (for example, in
- a lambda capture) [4].
- When the task tree invokes a handler in a subtree containing the storage [5],
- the task tree activates its own CopyStorage instance inside the
- TreeStorage<CopyStorage> object. Therefore, the CopyStorage struct may be
- accessed only from within the handler body. To access the currently active
- CopyStorage from within TreeStorage<CopyStorage>, use the TreeStorage::operator->()
- or TreeStorage::activeStorage() method.
- The following list summarizes how to employ a Storage object into the task
- tree:
- \list 1
- \li Define the custom structure MyStorage with custom data [1], [2]
- \li Create an instance of TreeStorage<MyStorage> storage [3]
- \li Pass the TreeStorage<MyStorage> instance to handlers [4]
- \li Insert the TreeStorage<MyStorage> instance into a group [5]
- \endlist
- \note The current implementation assumes that all running task trees
- containing copies of the same TreeStorage run in the same thread. Otherwise,
- the behavior is undefined.
- \section1 TaskTree
- TaskTree executes the tree structure of asynchronous tasks according to the
- recipe described by the Group root element.
- As TaskTree is also an asynchronous task, it can be a part of another TaskTree.
- To place a nested TaskTree inside another TaskTree, insert the Tasking::Tree
- element into other tree's Group element.
- TaskTree reports progress of completed tasks when running. The progress value
- is increased when a task finishes or is skipped or stopped.
- When TaskTree is finished and the TaskTree::done() or TaskTree::errorOccurred()
- signal is emitted, the current value of the progress equals the maximum
- progress value. Maximum progress equals the total number of tasks in a tree.
- A nested TaskTree is counted as a single task, and its child tasks are not
- counted in the top level tree. Groups themselves are not counted as tasks,
- but their tasks are counted.
- To set additional initial data for the running tree, modify the storage
- instances in a tree when it creates them by installing a storage setup
- handler:
- \code
- TreeStorage<CopyStorage> storage;
- Group root = ...; // storage placed inside root's group and inside handlers
- TaskTree taskTree(root);
- auto initStorage = [](CopyStorage *storage){
- storage->content = "initial content";
- };
- taskTree.onStorageSetup(storage, initStorage);
- taskTree.start();
- \endcode
- When the running task tree creates a CopyStorage instance, and before any
- handler inside a tree is called, the task tree calls the initStorage handler,
- to enable setting up initial data of the storage, unique to this particular
- run of taskTree.
- Similarly, to collect some additional result data from the running tree,
- read it from storage instances in the tree when they are about to be
- destroyed. To do this, install a storage done handler:
- \code
- TreeStorage<CopyStorage> storage;
- Group root = ...; // storage placed inside root's group and inside handlers
- TaskTree taskTree(root);
- auto collectStorage = [](CopyStorage *storage){
- qDebug() << "final content" << storage->content;
- };
- taskTree.onStorageDone(storage, collectStorage);
- taskTree.start();
- \endcode
- When the running task tree is about to destroy a CopyStorage instance, the
- task tree calls the collectStorage handler, to enable reading the final data
- from the storage, unique to this particular run of taskTree.
- \section1 Task Adapters
- To extend a TaskTree with new a task type, implement a simple adapter class
- derived from the TaskAdapter class template. The following class is an
- adapter for a single shot timer, which may be considered as a new
- asynchronous task:
- \code
- class TimeoutAdapter : public Utils::Tasking::TaskAdapter<QTimer>
- {
- public:
- TimeoutAdapter() {
- task()->setSingleShot(true);
- task()->setInterval(1000);
- connect(task(), &QTimer::timeout, this, [this] { emit done(true); });
- }
- void start() final { task()->start(); }
- };
- QTC_DECLARE_CUSTOM_TASK(Timeout, TimeoutAdapter);
- \endcode
- You must derive the custom adapter from the TaskAdapter class template
- instantiated with a template parameter of the class implementing a running
- task. The code above uses QTimer to run the task. This class appears
- later as an argument to the task's handlers. The instance of this class
- parameter automatically becomes a member of the TaskAdapter template, and is
- accessible through the TaskAdapter::task() method. The constructor
- of TimeoutAdapter initially configures the QTimer object and connects
- to the QTimer::timeout signal. When the signal is triggered, TimeoutAdapter
- emits the done(true) signal to inform the task tree that the task finished
- successfully. If it emits done(false), the task finished with an error.
- The TaskAdapter::start() method starts the timer.
- To make QTimer accessible inside TaskTree under the \e Timeout name,
- register it with QTC_DECLARE_CUSTOM_TASK(Timeout, TimeoutAdapter). Timeout
- becomes a new task type inside Utils::Tasking namespace, using TimeoutAdapter.
- The new task type is now registered, and you can use it in TaskTree:
- \code
- const auto onTimeoutSetup = [](QTimer &task) {
- task.setInterval(2000);
- };
- const auto onTimeoutDone = [](const QTimer &task) {
- qDebug() << "timeout triggered";
- };
- const Group root {
- Timeout(onTimeoutSetup, onTimeoutDone)
- };
- \endcode
- When a task tree containing the root from the above example is started, it
- prints a debug message within two seconds and then finishes successfully.
- \note The class implementing the running task should have a default constructor,
- and objects of this class should be freely destructible. It should be allowed
- to destroy a running object, preferably without waiting for the running task
- to finish (that is, safe non-blocking destructor of a running task).
- : d(new TaskTreePrivate(this))
-TaskTree::TaskTree(const Group &root) : TaskTree()
- setupRoot(root);
- QTC_ASSERT(!d->m_guard.isLocked(), qWarning("Deleting TaskTree instance directly from "
- "one of its handlers will lead to crash!"));
- delete d;
-void TaskTree::setupRoot(const Tasking::Group &root)
- QTC_ASSERT(!isRunning(), qWarning("The TaskTree is already running, ignoring..."); return);
- QTC_ASSERT(!d->m_guard.isLocked(), qWarning("The setupRoot() is called from one of the"
- "TaskTree handlers, ingoring..."); return);
- d->m_storages.clear();
- d->m_root.reset(new TaskNode(d, root, nullptr));
-void TaskTree::start()
- QTC_ASSERT(!isRunning(), qWarning("The TaskTree is already running, ignoring..."); return);
- QTC_ASSERT(!d->m_guard.isLocked(), qWarning("The start() is called from one of the"
- "TaskTree handlers, ingoring..."); return);
- d->start();
-void TaskTree::stop()
- QTC_ASSERT(!d->m_guard.isLocked(), qWarning("The stop() is called from one of the"
- "TaskTree handlers, ingoring..."); return);
- d->stop();
-bool TaskTree::isRunning() const
- return d->m_root && d->m_root->isRunning();
-int TaskTree::taskCount() const
- return d->m_root ? d->m_root->taskCount() : 0;
-int TaskTree::progressValue() const
- return d->m_progressValue;
-void TaskTree::setupStorageHandler(const Tasking::TreeStorageBase &storage,
- StorageVoidHandler setupHandler,
- StorageVoidHandler doneHandler)
- auto it = d->m_storageHandlers.find(storage);
- if (it == d->m_storageHandlers.end()) {
- d->m_storageHandlers.insert(storage, {setupHandler, doneHandler});
- return;
- }
- if (setupHandler) {
- QTC_ASSERT(!it->m_setupHandler,
- qWarning("The storage has its setup handler defined, overriding..."));
- it->m_setupHandler = setupHandler;
- }
- if (doneHandler) {
- QTC_ASSERT(!it->m_doneHandler,
- qWarning("The storage has its done handler defined, overriding..."));
- it->m_doneHandler = doneHandler;
- }
- connect(task(), &TaskTree::done, this, [this] { emit done(true); });
- connect(task(), &TaskTree::errorOccurred, this, [this] { emit done(false); });
-void TaskTreeAdapter::start()
- task()->start();
-} // namespace Utils