path: root/src/plugins/cppeditor/quickfixes/convertfromandtopointer.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/plugins/cppeditor/quickfixes/convertfromandtopointer.cpp')
1 files changed, 704 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/plugins/cppeditor/quickfixes/convertfromandtopointer.cpp b/src/plugins/cppeditor/quickfixes/convertfromandtopointer.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5eea005200
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/cppeditor/quickfixes/convertfromandtopointer.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,704 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2024 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0
+#include "convertfromandtopointer.h"
+#include "../cppeditortr.h"
+#include "../cpprefactoringchanges.h"
+#include "cppquickfix.h"
+#include <cplusplus/ASTPath.h>
+#include <cplusplus/Overview.h>
+#include <cplusplus/TypeOfExpression.h>
+#ifdef WITH_TESTS
+#include "cppquickfix_test.h"
+#include <QtTest>
+using namespace CPlusPlus;
+using namespace Utils;
+namespace CppEditor::Internal {
+namespace {
+class ConvertFromAndToPointerOp : public CppQuickFixOperation
+ enum Mode { FromPointer, FromVariable, FromReference };
+ ConvertFromAndToPointerOp(const CppQuickFixInterface &interface, int priority, Mode mode,
+ bool isAutoDeclaration,
+ const SimpleDeclarationAST *simpleDeclaration,
+ const DeclaratorAST *declaratorAST,
+ const SimpleNameAST *identifierAST,
+ Symbol *symbol)
+ : CppQuickFixOperation(interface, priority)
+ , m_mode(mode)
+ , m_isAutoDeclaration(isAutoDeclaration)
+ , m_simpleDeclaration(simpleDeclaration)
+ , m_declaratorAST(declaratorAST)
+ , m_identifierAST(identifierAST)
+ , m_symbol(symbol)
+ , m_refactoring(snapshot())
+ , m_file(currentFile())
+ , m_document(interface.semanticInfo().doc)
+ {
+ setDescription(
+ mode == FromPointer
+ ? Tr::tr("Convert to Stack Variable")
+ : Tr::tr("Convert to Pointer"));
+ }
+ void perform() override
+ {
+ ChangeSet changes;
+ switch (m_mode) {
+ case FromPointer:
+ removePointerOperator(changes);
+ convertToStackVariable(changes);
+ break;
+ case FromReference:
+ removeReferenceOperator(changes);
+ case FromVariable:
+ convertToPointer(changes);
+ break;
+ }
+ m_file->apply(changes);
+ }
+ void removePointerOperator(ChangeSet &changes) const
+ {
+ if (!m_declaratorAST->ptr_operator_list)
+ return;
+ PointerAST *ptrAST = m_declaratorAST->ptr_operator_list->value->asPointer();
+ QTC_ASSERT(ptrAST, return);
+ const int pos = m_file->startOf(ptrAST->star_token);
+ changes.remove(pos, pos + 1);
+ }
+ void removeReferenceOperator(ChangeSet &changes) const
+ {
+ ReferenceAST *refAST = m_declaratorAST->ptr_operator_list->value->asReference();
+ QTC_ASSERT(refAST, return);
+ const int pos = m_file->startOf(refAST->reference_token);
+ changes.remove(pos, pos + 1);
+ }
+ void removeNewExpression(ChangeSet &changes, NewExpressionAST *newExprAST) const
+ {
+ ExpressionListAST *exprlist = nullptr;
+ if (newExprAST->new_initializer) {
+ if (ExpressionListParenAST *ast = newExprAST->new_initializer->asExpressionListParen())
+ exprlist = ast->expression_list;
+ else if (BracedInitializerAST *ast = newExprAST->new_initializer->asBracedInitializer())
+ exprlist = ast->expression_list;
+ }
+ if (exprlist) {
+ // remove 'new' keyword and type before initializer
+ changes.remove(m_file->startOf(newExprAST->new_token),
+ m_file->startOf(newExprAST->new_initializer));
+ changes.remove(m_file->endOf(m_declaratorAST->equal_token - 1),
+ m_file->startOf(m_declaratorAST->equal_token + 1));
+ } else {
+ // remove the whole new expression
+ changes.remove(m_file->endOf(m_identifierAST->firstToken()),
+ m_file->startOf(newExprAST->lastToken()));
+ }
+ }
+ void removeNewKeyword(ChangeSet &changes, NewExpressionAST *newExprAST) const
+ {
+ // remove 'new' keyword before initializer
+ changes.remove(m_file->startOf(newExprAST->new_token),
+ m_file->startOf(newExprAST->new_type_id));
+ }
+ void convertToStackVariable(ChangeSet &changes) const
+ {
+ // Handle the initializer.
+ if (m_declaratorAST->initializer) {
+ if (NewExpressionAST *newExpression = m_declaratorAST->initializer->asNewExpression()) {
+ if (m_isAutoDeclaration) {
+ if (!newExpression->new_initializer)
+ changes.insert(m_file->endOf(newExpression), QStringLiteral("()"));
+ removeNewKeyword(changes, newExpression);
+ } else {
+ removeNewExpression(changes, newExpression);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Fix all occurrences of the identifier in this function.
+ ASTPath astPath(m_document);
+ const QList<SemanticInfo::Use> uses = semanticInfo().localUses.value(m_symbol);
+ for (const SemanticInfo::Use &use : uses) {
+ const QList<AST *> path = astPath(use.line, use.column);
+ AST *idAST = path.last();
+ bool declarationFound = false;
+ bool starFound = false;
+ int ampersandPos = 0;
+ bool memberAccess = false;
+ bool deleteCall = false;
+ for (int i = path.count() - 2; i >= 0; --i) {
+ if (path.at(i) == m_declaratorAST) {
+ declarationFound = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (MemberAccessAST *memberAccessAST = path.at(i)->asMemberAccess()) {
+ if (m_file->tokenAt(memberAccessAST->access_token).kind() != T_ARROW)
+ continue;
+ int pos = m_file->startOf(memberAccessAST->access_token);
+ changes.replace(pos, pos + 2, QLatin1String("."));
+ memberAccess = true;
+ break;
+ } else if (DeleteExpressionAST *deleteAST = path.at(i)->asDeleteExpression()) {
+ const int pos = m_file->startOf(deleteAST->delete_token);
+ changes.insert(pos, QLatin1String("// "));
+ deleteCall = true;
+ break;
+ } else if (UnaryExpressionAST *unaryExprAST = path.at(i)->asUnaryExpression()) {
+ const Token tk = m_file->tokenAt(unaryExprAST->unary_op_token);
+ if (tk.kind() == T_STAR) {
+ if (!starFound) {
+ int pos = m_file->startOf(unaryExprAST->unary_op_token);
+ changes.remove(pos, pos + 1);
+ }
+ starFound = true;
+ } else if (tk.kind() == T_AMPER) {
+ ampersandPos = m_file->startOf(unaryExprAST->unary_op_token);
+ }
+ } else if (PointerAST *ptrAST = path.at(i)->asPointer()) {
+ if (!starFound) {
+ const int pos = m_file->startOf(ptrAST->star_token);
+ changes.remove(pos, pos);
+ }
+ starFound = true;
+ } else if (path.at(i)->asFunctionDefinition()) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!declarationFound && !starFound && !memberAccess && !deleteCall) {
+ if (ampersandPos) {
+ changes.insert(ampersandPos, QLatin1String("&("));
+ changes.insert(m_file->endOf(idAST->firstToken()), QLatin1String(")"));
+ } else {
+ changes.insert(m_file->startOf(idAST), QLatin1String("&"));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ QString typeNameOfDeclaration() const
+ {
+ if (!m_simpleDeclaration
+ || !m_simpleDeclaration->decl_specifier_list
+ || !m_simpleDeclaration->decl_specifier_list->value) {
+ return QString();
+ }
+ NamedTypeSpecifierAST *namedType
+ = m_simpleDeclaration->decl_specifier_list->value->asNamedTypeSpecifier();
+ if (!namedType)
+ return QString();
+ Overview overview;
+ return overview.prettyName(namedType->name->name);
+ }
+ void insertNewExpression(ChangeSet &changes, ExpressionAST *ast) const
+ {
+ const QString typeName = typeNameOfDeclaration();
+ if (CallAST *callAST = ast->asCall()) {
+ if (typeName.isEmpty()) {
+ changes.insert(m_file->startOf(callAST), QLatin1String("new "));
+ } else {
+ changes.insert(m_file->startOf(callAST),
+ QLatin1String("new ") + typeName + QLatin1Char('('));
+ changes.insert(m_file->startOf(callAST->lastToken()), QLatin1String(")"));
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (typeName.isEmpty())
+ return;
+ changes.insert(m_file->startOf(ast), QLatin1String(" = new ") + typeName);
+ }
+ }
+ void insertNewExpression(ChangeSet &changes) const
+ {
+ const QString typeName = typeNameOfDeclaration();
+ if (typeName.isEmpty())
+ return;
+ changes.insert(m_file->endOf(m_identifierAST->firstToken()),
+ QLatin1String(" = new ") + typeName);
+ }
+ void convertToPointer(ChangeSet &changes) const
+ {
+ // Handle initializer.
+ if (m_declaratorAST->initializer) {
+ if (IdExpressionAST *idExprAST = m_declaratorAST->initializer->asIdExpression()) {
+ changes.insert(m_file->startOf(idExprAST), QLatin1String("&"));
+ } else if (CallAST *callAST = m_declaratorAST->initializer->asCall()) {
+ insertNewExpression(changes, callAST);
+ } else if (ExpressionListParenAST *exprListAST = m_declaratorAST->initializer
+ ->asExpressionListParen()) {
+ insertNewExpression(changes, exprListAST);
+ } else if (BracedInitializerAST *bracedInitializerAST = m_declaratorAST->initializer
+ ->asBracedInitializer()) {
+ insertNewExpression(changes, bracedInitializerAST);
+ }
+ } else {
+ insertNewExpression(changes);
+ }
+ // Fix all occurrences of the identifier in this function.
+ ASTPath astPath(m_document);
+ const QList<SemanticInfo::Use> uses = semanticInfo().localUses.value(m_symbol);
+ for (const SemanticInfo::Use &use : uses) {
+ const QList<AST *> path = astPath(use.line, use.column);
+ AST *idAST = path.last();
+ bool insertStar = true;
+ for (int i = path.count() - 2; i >= 0; --i) {
+ if (m_isAutoDeclaration && path.at(i) == m_declaratorAST) {
+ insertStar = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (MemberAccessAST *memberAccessAST = path.at(i)->asMemberAccess()) {
+ const int pos = m_file->startOf(memberAccessAST->access_token);
+ changes.replace(pos, pos + 1, QLatin1String("->"));
+ insertStar = false;
+ break;
+ } else if (UnaryExpressionAST *unaryExprAST = path.at(i)->asUnaryExpression()) {
+ if (m_file->tokenAt(unaryExprAST->unary_op_token).kind() == T_AMPER) {
+ const int pos = m_file->startOf(unaryExprAST->unary_op_token);
+ changes.remove(pos, pos + 1);
+ insertStar = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ } else if (path.at(i)->asFunctionDefinition()) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (insertStar)
+ changes.insert(m_file->startOf(idAST), QLatin1String("*"));
+ }
+ }
+ const Mode m_mode;
+ const bool m_isAutoDeclaration;
+ const SimpleDeclarationAST * const m_simpleDeclaration;
+ const DeclaratorAST * const m_declaratorAST;
+ const SimpleNameAST * const m_identifierAST;
+ Symbol * const m_symbol;
+ const CppRefactoringChanges m_refactoring;
+ const CppRefactoringFilePtr m_file;
+ const Document::Ptr m_document;
+ Converts the selected variable to a pointer if it is a stack variable or reference, or vice versa.
+ Activates on variable declarations.
+ */
+class ConvertFromAndToPointer : public CppQuickFixFactory
+#ifdef WITH_TESTS
+ static QObject *createTest();
+ void doMatch(const CppQuickFixInterface &interface, QuickFixOperations &result) override
+ {
+ const QList<AST *> &path = interface.path();
+ if (path.count() < 2)
+ return;
+ SimpleNameAST *identifier = path.last()->asSimpleName();
+ if (!identifier)
+ return;
+ SimpleDeclarationAST *simpleDeclaration = nullptr;
+ DeclaratorAST *declarator = nullptr;
+ bool isFunctionLocal = false;
+ bool isClassLocal = false;
+ ConvertFromAndToPointerOp::Mode mode = ConvertFromAndToPointerOp::FromVariable;
+ for (int i = path.count() - 2; i >= 0; --i) {
+ AST *ast = path.at(i);
+ if (!declarator && (declarator = ast->asDeclarator()))
+ continue;
+ if (!simpleDeclaration && (simpleDeclaration = ast->asSimpleDeclaration()))
+ continue;
+ if (declarator && simpleDeclaration) {
+ if (ast->asClassSpecifier()) {
+ isClassLocal = true;
+ } else if (ast->asFunctionDefinition() && !isClassLocal) {
+ isFunctionLocal = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!isFunctionLocal || !simpleDeclaration || !declarator)
+ return;
+ Symbol *symbol = nullptr;
+ for (List<Symbol *> *lst = simpleDeclaration->symbols; lst; lst = lst->next) {
+ if (lst->value->name() == identifier->name) {
+ symbol = lst->value;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!symbol)
+ return;
+ bool isAutoDeclaration = false;
+ if (symbol->storage() == Symbol::Auto) {
+ // For auto variables we must deduce the type from the initializer.
+ if (!declarator->initializer)
+ return;
+ isAutoDeclaration = true;
+ TypeOfExpression typeOfExpression;
+ typeOfExpression.init(interface.semanticInfo().doc, interface.snapshot());
+ typeOfExpression.setExpandTemplates(true);
+ CppRefactoringFilePtr file = interface.currentFile();
+ Scope *scope = file->scopeAt(declarator->firstToken());
+ QList<LookupItem> result = typeOfExpression(file->textOf(declarator->initializer).toUtf8(),
+ scope, TypeOfExpression::Preprocess);
+ if (!result.isEmpty() && result.first().type()->asPointerType())
+ mode = ConvertFromAndToPointerOp::FromPointer;
+ } else if (declarator->ptr_operator_list) {
+ for (PtrOperatorListAST *ops = declarator->ptr_operator_list; ops; ops = ops->next) {
+ if (ops != declarator->ptr_operator_list) {
+ // Bail out on more complex pointer types (e.g. pointer of pointer,
+ // or reference of pointer).
+ return;
+ }
+ if (ops->value->asPointer())
+ mode = ConvertFromAndToPointerOp::FromPointer;
+ else if (ops->value->asReference())
+ mode = ConvertFromAndToPointerOp::FromReference;
+ }
+ }
+ const int priority = path.size() - 1;
+ result << new ConvertFromAndToPointerOp(interface, priority, mode, isAutoDeclaration,
+ simpleDeclaration, declarator, identifier, symbol);
+ }
+#ifdef WITH_TESTS
+using namespace Tests;
+class ConvertFromAndToPointerTest : public QObject
+private slots:
+ void test_data()
+ {
+ QTest::addColumn<QByteArray>("original");
+ QTest::addColumn<QByteArray>("expected");
+ QTest::newRow("ConvertFromPointer")
+ << QByteArray("void foo() {\n"
+ " QString *@str;\n"
+ " if (!str->isEmpty())\n"
+ " str->clear();\n"
+ " f1(*str);\n"
+ " f2(str);\n"
+ "}\n")
+ << QByteArray("void foo() {\n"
+ " QString str;\n"
+ " if (!str.isEmpty())\n"
+ " str.clear();\n"
+ " f1(str);\n"
+ " f2(&str);\n"
+ "}\n");
+ QTest::newRow("ConvertToPointer")
+ << QByteArray("void foo() {\n"
+ " QString @str;\n"
+ " if (!str.isEmpty())\n"
+ " str.clear();\n"
+ " f1(str);\n"
+ " f2(&str);\n"
+ "}\n")
+ << QByteArray("void foo() {\n"
+ " QString *str = new QString;\n"
+ " if (!str->isEmpty())\n"
+ " str->clear();\n"
+ " f1(*str);\n"
+ " f2(str);\n"
+ "}\n");
+ QTest::newRow("ConvertReferenceToPointer")
+ << QByteArray("void foo() {\n"
+ " QString narf;"
+ " QString &@str = narf;\n"
+ " if (!str.isEmpty())\n"
+ " str.clear();\n"
+ " f1(str);\n"
+ " f2(&str);\n"
+ "}\n")
+ << QByteArray("void foo() {\n"
+ " QString narf;"
+ " QString *str = &narf;\n"
+ " if (!str->isEmpty())\n"
+ " str->clear();\n"
+ " f1(*str);\n"
+ " f2(str);\n"
+ "}\n");
+ QTest::newRow("ConvertFromPointer_withInitializer")
+ << QByteArray("void foo() {\n"
+ " QString *@str = new QString(QLatin1String(\"schnurz\"));\n"
+ " if (!str->isEmpty())\n"
+ " str->clear();\n"
+ "}\n")
+ << QByteArray("void foo() {\n"
+ " QString str(QLatin1String(\"schnurz\"));\n"
+ " if (!str.isEmpty())\n"
+ " str.clear();\n"
+ "}\n");
+ QTest::newRow("ConvertFromPointer_withBareInitializer")
+ << QByteArray("void foo() {\n"
+ " QString *@str = new QString;\n"
+ " if (!str->isEmpty())\n"
+ " str->clear();\n"
+ "}\n")
+ << QByteArray("void foo() {\n"
+ " QString str;\n"
+ " if (!str.isEmpty())\n"
+ " str.clear();\n"
+ "}\n");
+ QTest::newRow("ConvertFromPointer_withEmptyInitializer")
+ << QByteArray("void foo() {\n"
+ " QString *@str = new QString();\n"
+ " if (!str->isEmpty())\n"
+ " str->clear();\n"
+ "}\n")
+ << QByteArray("void foo() {\n"
+ " QString str;\n"
+ " if (!str.isEmpty())\n"
+ " str.clear();\n"
+ "}\n");
+ QTest::newRow("ConvertFromPointer_structWithPointer")
+ << QByteArray("struct Bar{ QString *str; };\n"
+ "void foo() {\n"
+ " Bar *@bar = new Bar;\n"
+ " bar->str = new QString;\n"
+ " delete bar->str;\n"
+ " delete bar;\n"
+ "}\n")
+ << QByteArray("struct Bar{ QString *str; };\n"
+ "void foo() {\n"
+ " Bar bar;\n"
+ " bar.str = new QString;\n"
+ " delete bar.str;\n"
+ " // delete bar;\n"
+ "}\n");
+ QTest::newRow("ConvertToPointer_withInitializer")
+ << QByteArray("void foo() {\n"
+ " QString @str = QLatin1String(\"narf\");\n"
+ " if (!str.isEmpty())\n"
+ " str.clear();\n"
+ "}\n")
+ << QByteArray("void foo() {\n"
+ " QString *str = new QString(QLatin1String(\"narf\"));\n"
+ " if (!str->isEmpty())\n"
+ " str->clear();\n"
+ "}\n");
+ QTest::newRow("ConvertToPointer_withParenInitializer")
+ << QByteArray("void foo() {\n"
+ " QString @str(QLatin1String(\"narf\"));\n"
+ " if (!str.isEmpty())\n"
+ " str.clear();\n"
+ "}\n")
+ << QByteArray("void foo() {\n"
+ " QString *str = new QString(QLatin1String(\"narf\"));\n"
+ " if (!str->isEmpty())\n"
+ " str->clear();\n"
+ "}\n");
+ QTest::newRow("ConvertToPointer_noTriggerRValueRefs")
+ << QByteArray("void foo(Narf &&@narf) {}\n")
+ << QByteArray();
+ QTest::newRow("ConvertToPointer_noTriggerGlobal")
+ << QByteArray("int @global;\n")
+ << QByteArray();
+ QTest::newRow("ConvertToPointer_noTriggerClassMember")
+ << QByteArray("struct C { int @member; };\n")
+ << QByteArray();
+ QTest::newRow("ConvertToPointer_noTriggerClassMember2")
+ << QByteArray("void f() { struct C { int @member; }; }\n")
+ << QByteArray();
+ QTest::newRow("ConvertToPointer_functionOfFunctionLocalClass")
+ << QByteArray("void f() {\n"
+ " struct C {\n"
+ " void g() { int @member; }\n"
+ " };\n"
+ "}\n")
+ << QByteArray("void f() {\n"
+ " struct C {\n"
+ " void g() { int *member; }\n"
+ " };\n"
+ "}\n");
+ QTest::newRow("ConvertToPointer_redeclaredVariable_block")
+ << QByteArray("void foo() {\n"
+ " QString @str;\n"
+ " str.clear();\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " QString str;\n"
+ " str.clear();\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " f1(str);\n"
+ "}\n")
+ << QByteArray("void foo() {\n"
+ " QString *str = new QString;\n"
+ " str->clear();\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " QString str;\n"
+ " str.clear();\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " f1(*str);\n"
+ "}\n");
+ QTest::newRow("ConvertAutoFromPointer")
+ << QByteArray("void foo() {\n"
+ " auto @str = new QString(QLatin1String(\"foo\"));\n"
+ " if (!str->isEmpty())\n"
+ " str->clear();\n"
+ " f1(*str);\n"
+ " f2(str);\n"
+ "}\n")
+ << QByteArray("void foo() {\n"
+ " auto str = QString(QLatin1String(\"foo\"));\n"
+ " if (!str.isEmpty())\n"
+ " str.clear();\n"
+ " f1(str);\n"
+ " f2(&str);\n"
+ "}\n");
+ QTest::newRow("ConvertAutoFromPointer2")
+ << QByteArray("void foo() {\n"
+ " auto *@str = new QString;\n"
+ " if (!str->isEmpty())\n"
+ " str->clear();\n"
+ " f1(*str);\n"
+ " f2(str);\n"
+ "}\n")
+ << QByteArray("void foo() {\n"
+ " auto str = QString();\n"
+ " if (!str.isEmpty())\n"
+ " str.clear();\n"
+ " f1(str);\n"
+ " f2(&str);\n"
+ "}\n");
+ QTest::newRow("ConvertAutoToPointer")
+ << QByteArray("void foo() {\n"
+ " auto @str = QString(QLatin1String(\"foo\"));\n"
+ " if (!str.isEmpty())\n"
+ " str.clear();\n"
+ " f1(str);\n"
+ " f2(&str);\n"
+ "}\n")
+ << QByteArray("void foo() {\n"
+ " auto @str = new QString(QLatin1String(\"foo\"));\n"
+ " if (!str->isEmpty())\n"
+ " str->clear();\n"
+ " f1(*str);\n"
+ " f2(str);\n"
+ "}\n");
+ QTest::newRow("ConvertToPointerWithMacro")
+ << QByteArray("#define BAR bar\n"
+ "void func()\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " int @foo = 42;\n"
+ " int bar;\n"
+ " BAR = foo;\n"
+ "}\n")
+ << QByteArray("#define BAR bar\n"
+ "void func()\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " int *foo = 42;\n"
+ " int bar;\n"
+ " BAR = *foo;\n"
+ "}\n");
+ QString testObjAndFunc = "struct Object\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " Object(%1){}\n"
+ "};\n"
+ "void func()\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " %2\n"
+ "}\n";
+ QTest::newRow("ConvertToStack1_QTCREATORBUG23181")
+ << QByteArray(testObjAndFunc.arg("int").arg("Object *@obj = new Object(0);").toUtf8())
+ << QByteArray(testObjAndFunc.arg("int").arg("Object obj(0);").toUtf8());
+ QTest::newRow("ConvertToStack2_QTCREATORBUG23181")
+ << QByteArray(testObjAndFunc.arg("int").arg("Object *@obj = new Object{0};").toUtf8())
+ << QByteArray(testObjAndFunc.arg("int").arg("Object obj{0};").toUtf8());
+ QTest::newRow("ConvertToPointer1_QTCREATORBUG23181")
+ << QByteArray(testObjAndFunc.arg("").arg("Object @obj;").toUtf8())
+ << QByteArray(testObjAndFunc.arg("").arg("Object *obj = new Object;").toUtf8());
+ QTest::newRow("ConvertToPointer2_QTCREATORBUG23181")
+ << QByteArray(testObjAndFunc.arg("").arg("Object @obj();").toUtf8())
+ << QByteArray(testObjAndFunc.arg("").arg("Object *obj = new Object();").toUtf8());
+ QTest::newRow("ConvertToPointer3_QTCREATORBUG23181")
+ << QByteArray(testObjAndFunc.arg("").arg("Object @obj{};").toUtf8())
+ << QByteArray(testObjAndFunc.arg("").arg("Object *obj = new Object{};").toUtf8());
+ QTest::newRow("ConvertToPointer4_QTCREATORBUG23181")
+ << QByteArray(testObjAndFunc.arg("int").arg("Object @obj(0);").toUtf8())
+ << QByteArray(testObjAndFunc.arg("int").arg("Object *obj = new Object(0);").toUtf8());
+ }
+ void test()
+ {
+ QFETCH(QByteArray, original);
+ QFETCH(QByteArray, expected);
+ ConvertFromAndToPointer factory;
+ QuickFixOperationTest(singleDocument(original, expected), &factory);
+ }
+QObject *ConvertFromAndToPointer::createTest() { return new ConvertFromAndToPointerTest; }
+#endif // WITH_TESTS
+} // namespace
+void registerConvertFromAndToPointerQuickfix()
+ CppQuickFixFactory::registerFactory<ConvertFromAndToPointer>();
+} // namespace CppEditor::Internal
+#ifdef WITH_TESTS
+#include <convertfromandtopointer.moc>