path: root/src/plugins/cppeditor/quickfixes/cppquickfixhelpers.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/plugins/cppeditor/quickfixes/cppquickfixhelpers.cpp')
1 files changed, 199 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/plugins/cppeditor/quickfixes/cppquickfixhelpers.cpp b/src/plugins/cppeditor/quickfixes/cppquickfixhelpers.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eb67b928db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/cppeditor/quickfixes/cppquickfixhelpers.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2024 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0
+#include "cppquickfixhelpers.h"
+#include "../cppcodestylesettings.h"
+#include "../cppprojectfile.h"
+#include "../includeutils.h"
+#include "cppquickfixassistant.h"
+#include <cplusplus/CppRewriter.h>
+#include <cplusplus/Overview.h>
+#include <cplusplus/TypeOfExpression.h>
+using namespace CPlusPlus;
+using namespace Utils;
+namespace CppEditor::Internal {
+void insertNewIncludeDirective(
+ const QString &include,
+ CppRefactoringFilePtr file,
+ const Document::Ptr &cppDocument,
+ ChangeSet &changes)
+ // Find optimal position
+ unsigned newLinesToPrepend = 0;
+ unsigned newLinesToAppend = 0;
+ const int insertLine = lineForNewIncludeDirective(
+ file->filePath(),
+ file->document(),
+ cppDocument,
+ IgnoreMocIncludes,
+ AutoDetect,
+ include,
+ &newLinesToPrepend,
+ &newLinesToAppend);
+ QTC_ASSERT(insertLine >= 1, return);
+ const int insertPosition = file->position(insertLine, 1);
+ QTC_ASSERT(insertPosition >= 0, return);
+ // Construct text to insert
+ const QString includeLine = QLatin1String("#include ") + include + QLatin1Char('\n');
+ QString prependedNewLines, appendedNewLines;
+ while (newLinesToAppend--)
+ appendedNewLines += QLatin1String("\n");
+ while (newLinesToPrepend--)
+ prependedNewLines += QLatin1String("\n");
+ const QString textToInsert = prependedNewLines + includeLine + appendedNewLines;
+ // Insert
+ changes.insert(insertPosition, textToInsert);
+ClassSpecifierAST *astForClassOperations(const CppQuickFixInterface &interface)
+ const QList<AST *> &path = interface.path();
+ if (path.isEmpty())
+ return nullptr;
+ if (const auto classSpec = path.last()->asClassSpecifier()) // Cursor inside class decl?
+ return classSpec;
+ // Cursor on a class name?
+ if (path.size() < 2)
+ return nullptr;
+ const SimpleNameAST * const nameAST = path.at(path.size() - 1)->asSimpleName();
+ if (!nameAST || !interface.isCursorOn(nameAST))
+ return nullptr;
+ if (const auto classSpec = path.at(path.size() - 2)->asClassSpecifier())
+ return classSpec;
+ return nullptr;
+bool nameIncludesOperatorName(const Name *name)
+ return name->asOperatorNameId()
+ || (name->asQualifiedNameId() && name->asQualifiedNameId()->name()->asOperatorNameId());
+QString inlinePrefix(const FilePath &targetFile, const std::function<bool()> &extraCondition)
+ if (ProjectFile::isHeader(ProjectFile::classify(targetFile.path()))
+ && (!extraCondition || extraCondition())) {
+ return "inline ";
+ }
+ return {};
+Class *isMemberFunction(const CPlusPlus::LookupContext &context, CPlusPlus::Function *function)
+ QTC_ASSERT(function, return nullptr);
+ Scope *enclosingScope = function->enclosingScope();
+ while (!(enclosingScope->asNamespace() || enclosingScope->asClass()))
+ enclosingScope = enclosingScope->enclosingScope();
+ QTC_ASSERT(enclosingScope != nullptr, return nullptr);
+ const Name *functionName = function->name();
+ if (!functionName)
+ return nullptr;
+ if (!functionName->asQualifiedNameId())
+ return nullptr; // trying to add a declaration for a global function
+ const QualifiedNameId *q = functionName->asQualifiedNameId();
+ if (!q->base())
+ return nullptr;
+ if (ClassOrNamespace *binding = context.lookupType(q->base(), enclosingScope)) {
+ const QList<Symbol *> symbols = binding->symbols();
+ for (Symbol *s : symbols) {
+ if (Class *matchingClass = s->asClass())
+ return matchingClass;
+ }
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+CPlusPlus::Namespace *isNamespaceFunction(
+ const CPlusPlus::LookupContext &context, CPlusPlus::Function *function)
+ QTC_ASSERT(function, return nullptr);
+ if (isMemberFunction(context, function))
+ return nullptr;
+ Scope *enclosingScope = function->enclosingScope();
+ while (!(enclosingScope->asNamespace() || enclosingScope->asClass()))
+ enclosingScope = enclosingScope->enclosingScope();
+ QTC_ASSERT(enclosingScope != nullptr, return nullptr);
+ const Name *functionName = function->name();
+ if (!functionName)
+ return nullptr;
+ // global namespace
+ if (!functionName->asQualifiedNameId()) {
+ const QList<Symbol *> symbols = context.globalNamespace()->symbols();
+ for (Symbol *s : symbols) {
+ if (Namespace *matchingNamespace = s->asNamespace())
+ return matchingNamespace;
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ const QualifiedNameId *q = functionName->asQualifiedNameId();
+ if (!q->base())
+ return nullptr;
+ if (ClassOrNamespace *binding = context.lookupType(q->base(), enclosingScope)) {
+ const QList<Symbol *> symbols = binding->symbols();
+ for (Symbol *s : symbols) {
+ if (Namespace *matchingNamespace = s->asNamespace())
+ return matchingNamespace;
+ }
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+QString nameString(const CPlusPlus::NameAST *name)
+ return CppCodeStyleSettings::currentProjectCodeStyleOverview().prettyName(name->name);
+CPlusPlus::FullySpecifiedType typeOfExpr(
+ const ExpressionAST *expr,
+ const CppRefactoringFilePtr &file,
+ const Snapshot &snapshot,
+ const LookupContext &context)
+ TypeOfExpression typeOfExpression;
+ typeOfExpression.init(file->cppDocument(), snapshot, context.bindings());
+ Scope *scope = file->scopeAt(expr->firstToken());
+ const QList<LookupItem> result
+ = typeOfExpression(file->textOf(expr).toUtf8(), scope, TypeOfExpression::Preprocess);
+ if (result.isEmpty())
+ return {};
+ SubstitutionEnvironment env;
+ env.setContext(context);
+ env.switchScope(result.first().scope());
+ ClassOrNamespace *con = typeOfExpression.context().lookupType(scope);
+ if (!con)
+ con = typeOfExpression.context().globalNamespace();
+ UseMinimalNames q(con);
+ env.enter(&q);
+ Control *control = context.bindings()->control().get();
+ return rewriteType(result.first().type(), &env, control);
+const QStringList magicQObjectFunctions()
+ static QStringList list{"metaObject", "qt_metacast", "qt_metacall", "qt_static_metacall"};
+ return list;
+} // namespace CppEditor::Internal